HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1896-09-23, Page 8Ifs *OA
You A Cent .
. .
To take a look in our win-
dowsy you may see something
you' want there, if you do
we're sure the price should
suit y.,u. In our east win•
dow may be Been something
pertioularly nine or at least
lie reflection of something
you may judge nice. One
thing sure it reflects good
values in several styles of
hand and stand mirrore,
There are two styles we
would like to have you
examine which make a very
suitable stand mirror for the
dresser or sideboard and by a
very simple adjustment may
be converted into a hand
mirror to be used se a toilet -
glass. The price is the
smallest consideration about
them, twenty cents, we have
others at five cents, ten cents,
and triplicate mirrors at
twenty-five and tbirty•five
Toe W. D. Fair Co.
Agents Parker's Dye Works.
The Ihren Nevus-Recora
01.26 a Yeet–$1.001a Advance
an and Around the Hub,
Igen malt.
Haid.—CANTELON BROS., Clinton.
Tare NEWS -RECORD in a few days will give
you some snaps in a' Job Line of Stationory
which we would like to print. See what we
See the beautiful Wedding Stationery at
TWE NEWS -RECORD Office. It is superior and
does not cost as much as you pay in the cities.
Those in need of Writing Tablets should have
a. neat card printed on them. Twa News-Re-
coim can supply you with all you require at
little cost, tablet and all combined.
OUR FALL SHow.—Entries are com-
ing in for the Huron Central and
everything promises well for next
Tuesday and Wednesday. All that is
required to make the show a success is
Sue weather and a good turnout. Come
to Clinton.
day Mr. and Mrs. Thos. O. Cooper,
town, will celebrate their 64th anniver-
sary. It is seldom that mac and wife
are permitted to sojourn so long to-
gether, but we trust Mr. and Mrs.
Cooper may be spared to yet celebrate
a good many of such anniversaries.
Sunday morning and evening Rev. W.
Craig of Petrolia (formerly of Clinton)
will preach thanksgiving sermons in
St. Paul's Church, and in the afternoon
in the afternoon will address the child-
ren. On each occasion a special offer-
tory will be taken up to pay off the in-
terest on mortgage. No doubt there
will he very large congregations, as all
denominations here have kindly recol-
lections of the rev. gentleman.
I. O. G. T.—The debate in the I. O.
G. T. Lodge on Friday evening last.
was acknowledged by all present to he
a grand success, notwithstanding the
counter attraction in the Town Hall
and the inclemency of the weather.
The subject debated was "Resolved
that Intemperance is productive of
more misery than war: resulting in a
decision being given innthe affirmative.
Progr.tmme on Friday evening next to
be given by the single sisters. All the
members invited.
-The annual convention of lay work-
ers and Sunday school teachers of the
diocese of Huron will be held this year
on Wednesday and Thursday, the 28th
and 29th of October, at the town of
Clinton, thus securing the readiest
means of attendance to the church pop-
ulation of the northern par t of the dio-
cese. Hospitality will be extended to
the visitors by the residents of the town
and neighborhood of Clinton generally
without regard to denominational dis-
tinctions, the very hest spirit having
been manifested in this regard. The
rase of the town hall has been secured
for the meetings. The program is not
yet completed, hut among the papers
and addresses already arranged for are
several sure to awaken deep interest.
Rural Dern Sweeney, of Toronto, will
deal with some phase of the Sunday
school question. Mr. Charles Jenkins,
who hos recently returned frotn a
somewhat extended visit to Great Brit-
ain, will speak on some features of
church work in theMother Land ; Mrs.
A. K. Griffin, wife of the rector of
Brussels, will read re pap& on the rela-
tion of the clergyman's wife to the par-
ieh ; the Bishop, who will also, it is ex-
pected, be the preacher, has kindly eon -
emoted to give ant address on church
choirs, a topic on which his Lordship
May be olrpected to -enlarge with much
farce and wise council, A paper
From Mist Sndlier, of Hamilton, will he
tenon�g,the. cont •butio from outside
the d oc ' lid at1dto women,
ht the r)P t+g•e gt' tt \Ie hot on
the,*Corn ftj of ;t be
t brAlf ""+A. d. resin hail- wife of
thee,%+ � f St. Stephen's, Torqiht.o.
The I. >r. e�9■tttry is' Mr. John Ra►na-
fwrd.—Star. ,
PL. IN 114tie GANP.—Mr. James
Steep .has shown u�a a letter from J. C.
Houghton & Co. I.dverpool, dated
September 12th, which quotes
Canadian shipments of ap les as
follows :—King Pip ine, ll/-to15/6;
Colverts, 7/6 to 12)- ; Gr•a.vensteine,
11/- to 15/6 ; Oreenin , 10/3 to 12/9 ;
Cabaehaws, 20 oz., 11Ftto 13/-; Maiden
Blush, 10/- to 12/3 ; Jenettiug, 7 6 to 10/-;
SL Lawrence. 7/6 to 9/-. Tota arrivals
from commencement of the season to
date 50,760 barrels: during the same
period last year, 1,931 barrels; increase
We season 49,420 barrels. The first
returns on commission net Mr. W. J.
Biggins $1.25 per barrel; Wm. McAI1ie-
ter, Stanley,$1.52 per barrel, while
others—the earlier varieties—have
netted 60c. to 90c. per barrel.
sARY.--The ladies of the Ontario
Methodist Church haveetruck a happy
idea in arranging to celebrate the 19th
anniversary of the dedication of the
church. The dates have been set for
Sunday and Monday of neat week,
Special sermons will be preached on
Sunday, in the morning by Rev. A.
Stewart, and in the evening by Rev.
R. Millyard. On Monday evening a
birthday party will be held in the
church, Tea will be served, and after
this an excellent programme presented.
Addresses will be delivered and good
music rendered. A birthday cake, of
superior quality, will be cut in small
pieces and sold. The admission will be
one cent for each year of the church's
history -10 years.
the Venezuelan embroglio Mr. Wm.
Laing, of Chicago, wrote to hie trusted
Commander, Lord Wolesley, depre-
cating American jingoism. In 1870
Mr. Laing came from the United
States, enlisted at London and went to
the front to check the murderer of
Thomas Scott and his blood -thirsty
followers, so that he knows something
of the British flag and freedom and
reveres the old Union Jack. In answer
to Mr. Laing's letter of recent date
Lord Wolseley says among other
things that he is glad to have tidings
of his old comrade and to learn that he
continues to revere the old flag, and
adds :—"Wherever it flies it, denotes
human progress and love of justice,
pluck and fair play."
from Glasgow of '700 barrels made an
average of 85c. free on hoard cars, in-
cluding apples, barrels and packing.
Another lot of 7;! barrels sold in Liver-
pool brought an average of 95c. The
latest cable reports from Hamilton &
Pritchard quote green apples one shil-
ling lower. This applies to Colverts
and other pale -colored fruit, and
means that they will only net from 40
to 75c. hack in the West. During the
week of Sept. 18th there were about
28,000 barrels in Liverpool, and 40,000
this week. The firm again repeat that
green apples must not be shipped.
est week the exports from all parts
to Liverpool was about 75,000 barrels.
Thos. Russel cables from Glasgow that
fair prices are being paid for hard
fruit. Considering the enormous quan-
tity going forward, the outlook for
good prices is discouraging.
MUBHROOMs. —This year there seems
to be a. great crop of tawshroorns.
Alinost every morning citizens may be
seen at an early hour wending their
way to various points. Last Thurs-
day Mr. I. Rattenbury was on the
hunt down the London Road and re-
turned with a good load. James Fair,
Jr.. Chief Wheatley and Town Clerk
Coats know a good thing once it touch-
es their palates and have in consequ-
ence been rewarded with many good
fids. This year the sample is not so
easy as formerly todistinguishfrom the
toadstool, haying less pink on the
under side and being lighter in color.
A mushroom, according to Webster,
is an edible fungus (Agaricus carnpestria,)
having a white stock which bears a
convex or even flattish expanded port -
tion called the pilaus. This is whitish
and silky or somewhat scaly above,
and bears on the under side radiating
gills which are at first flesh -colored,
but gradually become brown. The
plant grows in rich pastures and
is poverbial for rapidity of growth and
shortness of duration. It has a pleas-
ant smell, and is largely used as food.
It is also cultivated from spawn. The
poisonous toadstool is very deceptive
and should bescrupuloutly avoided.
A Cr.(NTONI.AN's Su esss. —As announced
in THE Naws-Racoau a few days since, Mr
John Irwin, a native of Clinton, had been
installed Train Master on the Grand Trunk
Railway at Belleville, his onerous duties
covering the territory between Brockville oriel
Toronto. Mr. Irwin, a son of our highly
esteemed townsman (Richard Irwin, Esq.,)
was born in Clinton over the editorial chair
of nig NFws-Rio osn and this gives us even
greater pleasure if at all possible in referring
to the prosperity and progress of one of our
former citizens. He received his initial rail
way training in Clinton and has made good
use of the school, his intellect of course lead-
ing him nn to greater achievements. The
iielleville Daily Intelligencer of recent date
says of the Clintonian :---"A reporter met
Mr. Cotter this morning at the station where
he was introducing Mr. Irwin into his new
duties. He said the position of Train Master
was a new office on the grand Trunk, hut all
the American roads had similar officials.
Under the new system being adopted by Mr.
(lays Train Masters were a necessity, as it
was impossible tor a Superintendent to ho in
touch with the sten on his division. '
The reporter was introduced to Mr. Irwin,
who would immediately sti ike any one as a
man of business. Even while conversing
with the scribe he kept his eyes open as to
the manner in which prising trains were
being handled, and once he called the atten
tion of one of the yard men, in a friendly
way, to a mistake that had been made in
coupling. Mr. Irwin is a Canadian by birth,
his former home being near Clinton, Ont."
(This ahonld be at Clinton, Ont.—Ed.) "He
began railroading on the 0. T. R. about fif-
iFteen years ago and after two years he went to
the Wabash. He will, as Train Master, have
charge of transportation between Toronto and
Brockville. All the Despatchera Agents and
Operators and those connected with the
running of trains will be under his direction,
and he will be responsible for the district over
which be has jurisdiction. Mr. Irwin is a
young man of unassuming demeanor, but it
is gnite evident he thoroughly understands
his business." TAR News-Raoono wishes
Mr. Irwin, a native Clintonian, every posaible
Arturo promotion and abundant success.
"troll Street
Furniture Yarorooms,
Huron Central Fair--.�—�-
will be held on
29, and 30VPEDNESDAY,,
Points of Imortan;
•••s•••••••••o•••w••••w••t�1Y►�+ + 440•4r
The question is about roprK
Suit. is a
questiarpf ,t po>rtattee
to, ua if we can serf' `�ri ke y .0 I `
F0,11 Suit. The-styJe i ;pt changes
for this season have taken a quick,
advance in cut, make and color,
The newest things in Suitings are
very neat in weave color and de
sign. The popular colors have a
Green and Brownish shade along
with Black and Blue Serges.
Genuine Scotch Tvjosed .$20
and $22.
Fine Canadian Suitings $12,
1$14 and $15.
And we extend a special invitation to
every visitor to call at the above prem-
ises and inspect our elegant stock of
LOUNGES, &c. &c.
The prices will be much lower than
usual during Fair Week, reduced to a
price that will mean a big saving to
every purchaser. The Stock is all new
and our values the very best in the
also a specialty with us. Night and day
calls receive proper attention, while
our prices will merit your patronage.
Night calls answered at the store.
uJ ss CB 0 EDra tis
In Huron is invited to visit
MIs pinery - -
Show Rooms
Friday, Sept. 25th.
ING" will be held that
day from 8 a. m till 10 p.
m. and we want you to see
it, as we will show all the
latest Novelties in Millin-
ery. Our staff of attend-
ants will take pleasure in
showing you through and
giving you the information
you desire.
W. H. BEESLEY & Co.,
The Ladies' Favorite Establishment, Clinton.
J. Biddlecombe,
Estahlisheel 855
.Hake no Mistake
04Gt1 0�►GOQ�G�O�I O�►G�C'i
Purchase your
from a reliable firm.
See our immense display of Ladies' and
Gents' Watches. Prices to suit all buyers.
By coming to us you will save both time and
Watch Repairing a Specialty.
Don't Wait
Until the last minut€
before making your se •
lection for a Fall Hat.
You can get a better
selection, better atten-
tion and better satisfac-
tion by being forehand-
ed. A Hat like the
representative cut is the
newest style that the
manufacturers have pro-
Brown, $2, $2.50.
Black, $2, $2.50.
The Famous Clothiers, Furnishers, and Hatters,
Clinton, Ont.
Wherever this paper goes please
receive it the same as a letter or a
personal call bearing a most cordial
invitation to visit the store on
Friday and Saturday,
When we hold our annual fall
Millinery Opening, and make our
first showing of
New Fall Millinery,
Mantles and Mantle Cloths,
Dress Goods and Novelties.
Millinery will be on view on Friday afternoon, and the store open
until 10 o'clock that evening. Come and see the New Fall Styles.
c _Two Bargains --
THE FIRST is a line of Shirt Waists, brand new goods; patterns,
collars, styles and colors the very latest. They are regular $1 and
$1.25 goods, but we bought, there at a bargain and you can tak e
your choice at 35c each, See diem, at the price it'll pay to buy
them for next season. Sizes, 32 31, 36, 38.
THE SECONI) is a lot of Clildren's School Tam O'Shanters, as-
sorted colors and patterns, plain or fancy, just the thing for school
wear, while they last, 10e each.
■ ■ ■
Thd Dry -Goods Palace,