The Huron News-Record, 1896-09-23, Page 5r.:
iron. Pills
are nota ours all, therefore don'
buy them uxpeoting they will cure
everything, they are however juet
what their name imply, a blood
purifier and system builder, We
do not exaggerate when we say
that of the hundreds of customers
we have had for these pills not
one has ever spoken of them to
ue in other words than those of
praise. They satisfy or you get
your money back. 25o a box or
5 boxes $'-(i*f,uly from us.
Spectacle Frames
meet be alright but the glance in
them may not be. For a very
email price we will exchange
lenses and make your vision tom•
fortable. Free test and satisfac-
tion or money back.
A Dull Season and
Business GoocL
:t While this is recognized as the dull
;season, our business is on the increase.
'Vile past week has been the most
wtanccessful in our career. The way we
46count for the increase is the fact,
hat we give superior value. We do
ot pretend to giye away Goods or
ake Clothing at a direct loss, but our
Ices have been cut so fine that the
ople have re to realize that a
Hilar saved dollar earned. This
btto 'will be continued. Just now a
• UUWher of wearable Straw Hats are
gale" at close prices -not less than
i at price, but exactly at what they
Met. et. Our Ready-Mades are great
'value and people who want anything
"K this line should call -single suits go
prices as though you wanted a car
'We are ready for Autumn, Fall
it Winter Trade and can supply
our wants to perfection.
astern Excursions
Aug. 28, 29, 30, 31.
Ingle Fare for Round
_ -Trip -
ekets good to return up to Sept. 21st.
eft For full particulars apply to
G. T. R.
B. Rumball,
The Leading Jeweler.
!itr Goods are the Best in the
.Market and our Prices
the Lowest.
Oiutrel Telephone Exchange.
'he: beat equipped railway en the
American Continent.
----The hest route to-
lntreal, Chicago,
'Ottawa, Detroit,
Quebec, Manitoba,
British Columbia
and all Western Points.
low rates and full information
--consult with-
4). R. Ticket, Telegraph and Steam-
ship agent, 011nton, Ont.
Desirable Farm to Rent.
The andorelgoed offers to rent the splendid farm
on the 9th eon., Hulett towuahlp, being the north
half of lot 88, oontalniog 65 acres. Frame bonen,
baro, stable and shed, young orchard bearing this
year, a creek running through the farm all the year
round, A climbable farm for stock or grain, being
only aiz miles from the town of Clinton. Apply to
Hslmesrrlie, 097 11
Property For Sale.
lo consequence of my age HANCE FOR (andlln k of help, I bare
decided to oiler fur nate my splendid gardening pro -
owe of the best laud is the county of Hurof nye and a milt tiered l Ir Jaciud.
Mg hot beds and other necessary requirements,
There is on the premises a frame hoose with °snare
n It and hard water, barn and other outbuildings
The 13ayaeld river adjoins the property. Will sell et
a reasonable price for belt oasb and balance secured
by mortgage. As I desire to sell, tills is a chance
seldom met with, Apply personally er by letter to
the proprietor,
Farm For Sale.
Being lot No. 6, first concussion, Aahlleld
township, comprised of 100 LLCMs 01 Clay loam,
all cleared, in first -Wass state of cultivatiou.
Good dwelling and out buildings, splendid
orchard. The property is well fenced. A
spring creek runs through the farm, This
farm has been in grass for ten years and is one
of the most desirable In the county. Only
seven miles from Goderich, tive from Dungan-
non. Churoh, school and Post Otflco couveu
lent. Terms to suit purchaser. 1, issession
October lst.
Sheppardton P. O.
Blacksmith Shop for Sale or
At Summerhill.
That desirable property, the Blacksmith
Shop at Summerhill, about four tulles from
Clinton or any other blacksmith shop,along
with comfortable frame dwelling, witstone
cellar, good well water. &c.; also driving
house and other outbuildings: quarter acre
garden, good land with a number of fruit trees,
grapes, &c. Will bo sold or loaned on favor-
able terms to right party. Possession in Octo-
ber, Good opening. Apply by letter or in per-
son to
Aug. 22nd, 1896. WM. GRAINGER,
Londesboro P. 0., Ont,
927- ti
WANTED I can employ flue
to work at and around home. and threeladiesIthd nag
with good salary for pushers,
49 Richmond St. W., Toronto, Ont,
Estray Pig,
Strayed from the premises of the undersign-
ed, Lot No. 12, Base Lino, Goderich Township, on
or about the 21st of August, a largo WHITE
hroe yfaaliwilllead to teecovo othe nimlwill be suitably
rewarded. Apply at TUE NEWS -RECORD
office or to the owner. Noble Lovett,
Sept. 4, 1896. Summerhill P. 0.
Money Wanted,
Wanted, $300 or 13400 on good security. For
particulars, apply at THE NEWS -RECORD Officq
WantHouseaasnda Losnut house
allot. con-
venientlyfpatulars at'THEr jNEW8Poe to REOORD offi-Apply
WANTED mAtonce, a few gg0.1od
812.00 a week would be an object bSendrefer.,
Brantford. Ont.
Notice le hereby given that a court will be
held,pursuant to The Ontario Voters' Lists Act,
1889, by His Honor the Judge of tho County
Court of the County of Huron at the Council
Chamber, Clinton, on the 29th day of Septem-
ber, 1896, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, to hear
and determine and omissions in the Vote e' List, of thecomplaints
f Muni-
cipality of Clinton for 1896.
All persons having business at the Courtpare
related at Clinton this 150-, dauired to attend at the said y>ofaSeptember,
Clerk of Clinton,
ARE. 1'Ol- ANXiO(:H to make a succuss of
your life l Do you know that now -a -days las
Education that makes the man. Let nothing
hinder you from getting a Businegg Educatu,n.
',trite for our new ('atalogue, it will Interest
you. New students can enter at any time.
V. J. ELLIOTT, Principal,
games Steep&CcL
Apple and Fruit com-
mission Merchant.
Clinton, - - Ontario.
Cable Report, dated Liver-
pool, Sept. 12th.
Canadian Shipments :
King Pippins
()reen i n gs
Cahashaws, 20 07
Maiden Blush
St. Lawrence.
11/- to
7/6 to
,11/- t.o
10/3 to
11/- to
10/. to
7/6 to
, 7/0 to
9/ -
Having made arrangements for cold
storage we can handle all apples en-
trusted to cin care. At present we
are shipping 1,000 barrels a day on
commission and the above prices will
indicate the returns. Watch this space
every week.
James Steep & Co.
The Sultan's agents are reported to
he still busy earrying ship loads of Ar-
menians out to sea and shooting them
down chutes to drown. The practice
Is so revolting that when Britain starts
in oqn the work of reformation the only
adehis diabolicuate al tools will be toHg1 eidhem
the same sort of Turkish hath In boil -
Huron's New County Council
!Ream Six:mire MRMBERS,
The Act to reduce the number of
County Councillors was assented to by
the Government of Ontario on the 7th
of April, 1898. In pursuance of the
mandate the Reeves of Huron County
journeyed to Goderich last Wednesday
and appeared before the L'c>luulission-
er•s, Judges Jones and Creasor, giving
evidence as to the most practical divis-
ion. Huron has a population of be-
tween 80,000 and 70,(100, and the law
lays down that in accordance there-
with there shall be not less than Ili
members and not 111010 than 18.
Warden Strachan and peeve Proud -
foot both submitted well-repared
schemes along with those of the Cont-
missioners. After full discussion and
final consideration, the following divi-
sions, allowing eight constituencies
and sixteen members were decided
on :-
1O1'r•LA. Atls668E0
Stephen 3,002 $1,799,8t39
Osborne 2,387 1,846,200
Exeter 1,792 .491,450
Hay 3,736
Stanley 2,212
Bayfield 671
McKillop 2,085
Tuckersrnith 2,590
Seaforth 2,411
Goderich Township., 2,468
Hullett 2,843
Clinton 2,461
Ashfield 3,353
Colborne 1,825
Goderich 3,766
Wawanosh E 1,874
Wawanosh W 2,136
Blyth 938
Wingharn 2,120
4,137, 519
1,846, 750
1,948, 725
7,077 3,056,150
3,541 1,727,425
2,831 1,731,471
1,183 293,945
7,555 3,752,841
4,306 2,145,349
2,339 1,047,800
460 109,700
7,105 3,302,849
According to the figures the popu-
lation of Huron is givon as 61,220, so
that the sixteen members allowed will
comply with the reading of the Act.
A gond feature of the law, as laid
down in Sectjon 31, is that municipali-
ties cannot lie split up unless compul-
sory togive equal representation ac-
-cording:e r assessment and valuation,
although the authors glaring-
ly do so in provincialolitics
throughout Ontario in order gain
political advantage and power. It
does not seem reasonable that such a
radicial change will prove satisfactory
but time will reveal how it will work.
For the benefit of our readers and pros-
pective candidates THE News -RECORD
quotes from the Act several clauses
and sub -sections applying to Huron
tvorthy of perusal. They read :--
2. Notwithstanding anything in
The Consolidated Municipal Act, 139;
or any other Act, contained, and sub-
ject to the provisions of tnis
Act, county councils shall, from
and after the expiration of the
terms :of office of the county coun-
cillors holding office at the time of the
passing hereof, be composed as fol-
lows '-
• • • •
(4) If the population is 60,000 or more,
of not less than 113 members nor more
than 18 mien hers.
3. For the purposes of this Act, each
county shall he divided into districts
or divisions, which shall he known es
"county council divisions," as follows:
• • • •
(,l) And if the population is 60,000 or
more, into not less than 8 nor more
than 9 divisions,
5. Each such division shall he desig-
nated and distinguished by ilk number
(as for example, the "First County
Council Division,") and shall be repre-
sented in the county council by two
members who shall hold office for the
term of two years and who shall he
residents of the Division for which
they are councillors,
6. The election of county councillors
shall he held in alternate years and at
the time fixed by law for the annual
municipal elections for members of
the councils of the local municipalities,
and the first election held under this
Act shltl-1 bo so held at the next annual
municipal elections which shall he held
after this Act comes into force. No
member of a council of a local municip-
ality nor any clerk, treasurer, assessor
or collector thereof shall be eligible for
nomination or election as a county
councillor. But, a member of any
municipal council for the year 1896
shall not he ineligible for nomination
or election by reason only of his being
a member of such council for the year
7.-(1) The warden of every county
shall on or before the 15th day of No-
vember, I896, and, in every succeeding
cear before an
ouncillor is to heheld, the county
council shall appoint for each county
council division a nominating officer,
who shall act as such until his succes-
sor is appointed. Such person may he
called the "nominating officer," and his
duties shall be:
(a) fn every year before an election
of county councillors is to be held, or
before a vacancy is to be filled to fix a
place within the divieion for ng
such nomination, between the hours rsoff
one and two o'clock In the afternoon,
and to give notice of such nomination
under his hand, and of the election by
advertisement in two weekly news-
papers in 'the county, to he published
for at least two successive weeks prior
to such nomination day, or by giving
sufficient public notice thereof by
printed posters;
(6) To attend at the day and place
appointed for such nomination and
subject to the provisions and for the
purposes of this Act, to perform the
duties as far as made applicable by this
Act, which, by law, the clerk of a
1 local municipality is required to per-
form as returning obiter at the nomin-
ation for an election in a local muni-
cipality. In case at the tirne appointed
for holding the nomination, the
nominating officer has died, or does
not attend to hold such nomination,
the electors present for the purpose of
holding a nomination may choose from
amongst themselves a nominating of-
ficer who shall have all the powers and
perforin all the duties of such nomin-
ating officer.
n the
ing to Make such ap(onntwithin
twenty-four hours atter the time spec-
ified, the duty of rucking such appoint-
ments shall devolve upon the clerk of
the council.
(3) Such nomination day shall be that
Monday in the week which precedes
the week before polling day.
8.--(1) If at the day and hour named
in the preceding paragraph there are
not more candidates nominated for any
county council division than any re-
dquired to he elected for such
ivision, the nominating officer
shall thereupon declare such can-
didate rt. candidates as are duly
nominated, elected,and shall thereupon
prepare and mail to the county clerk,
by registered letter with postage pre-
paid, upon the same day a certificate
under his hand of such election by ac-
clamation. But if agreater number of
candidates are nominated than are re-
quired to be elected in any county
council division the nominating officer
shall immediately after the lapse of the
time in which candidates, under 7'he
Consolidated Municipal Act, 1892, may
withdraw from nomination, certify
the facts, with the names and addresses
of those remaining 111 nomination, to
the county clerk.
(2) Any person nominated may resign
either at the nomination meeting or
during the following day, If such re-
signation is after the meeting, it shall
be signed and witnessed in the manner
prescribed for resignations under Thr,
Consolidated Municipal Act and delivered
to the nominating officer.
) Iorby r resignations the
ason of nur such
candidates remaining does not exceed
that of the offices to nom-
inating officer shall certiifyesuch candi-
dates as duly elected.
* * N M
13. -The persons qualified to vote for
county councillors shall be the persons
qualified to vote at the election of
memmunicipality the
pal ty andcall local ouncil fmunicipal
clerks, and no other; and each person
so qualified shall be entitled to as many
votes cas emembers
county council tobeelected in this
county council division, and he may,
at his option, when there are two
county councillors to be elected, give
both of his votes to one candidate, in
Which case he shall place two crosses
within the division of the ballot where-
in is the name of such candidate. But
where any person being a resident
voter is on the voters' list for two or
more municipalities within any county
council division, he shall vote for
count y councillors in that municipality
only in which he resides,and only at the
pinowhichpp!he r'esidace of hs,Pfentitled
e polling
he is subdivision
vote at such polling. place. In ease a
voter is not resident within the divi-
sion, he shall vote only once within any
division, whether his name is cn the
voters' lists of said division in more
than one polling sub -division or not.
14. Every member of a county coun-
cil shall possess the same property
qualification as the reeve of a town is
required to have, and every member of
it county council before entering on
his duties shall snake and subscribe the
declaration of office and qualification
(nlulatis nrlf/afdis) Set out 10 section 270
of The Consolidafel Municipal Art, 189e.
10. --The county clerk shall, for the
purposesof thisact,he returning officer,
and as such shall perform the duties
required of him by this Act, and on
receipt of the certificates from the
clerks ot the municipalities comprising
a county council division the said
county clerk shall cast up the number
of votes for each candidate from such
certificates find shall, at the hour of
one o'clock in the afternoon of the
second Monday in the month of „Jan-
y, in the county council chamber,
publicly declare elected the two candi-
dates having the highest number of
votes in each county council division,
and shall also post up in his office for
inspection a statement under his hand
showing the number of votes polled for
each candidate.
17, -Where an equal number of votes
has been cast for two or more candi-
dates in any county council division
and it is necessary to determine which
one or two of such candidates shall he
declared to he elected, the nominating
officer for the division shall, upon re-
quest of the county clerk, declare in
writing for which of such candidates
he votes, and in such case the candi-
date or candidates for wont he votes
shall he elected.
19 Where an even number of votes
are cast for warden and no election
can he had daring the first day of
meeting, if no choice is made after two
ballots on the second day, the senior
member representing the division hav-
ing the largest equalized assessment
shall have two votes. Where two
conncillore from such division have an
equal number of votes, or where they
have been elected by acclamation the
clerk shall in open council draw loth to
ascertain which one of such two shall
give the casting vote. The words
"senior member' shall mean that mem-
ber for such division who received at
the last preceding election the higher
number of votes in his division.
• • • •
25. --Whereat any election two coun-
ty councillor's are to be elected, there
shall he added to the directions con-
tained in Schedule B of The Consolidated
Municipal Act 1892, the following para-
graph specially applicable to the elec-
tion of county councillors:
Where county councillors are to he
elected, and the voter desires to give
two votes for one candidate he shall
place two crosses, thus X X, on the
righthand side opposite the name of
the candidate for whom he votes, or
any other place in the division which
Repairs oapo Repairs
•.tete.•...•• •••••••••.•••
We• are practical Machinists with a fullyequipped •e•.r Shop. e
repair and clean GUNS and SEWING MACHINES of alReal
l kiiiid,makes
and styles; if any of the parts are broken or worn out we can wake now.
We grind, sharpen and polish all kind of KNIVES, SCIHBO]
SKATES, &c,, and retempei if required.
Remember we repair everything in the shape of Small Machinery,
Household litensels, Umbrellas, Parasols and articles of like mature.
Our prices are the lowest that are possible and we guarantee satisfac-
Onward Bicycle Co., Clinton,
Sept. 29 and 30.
The Woolen Mill Store will have on Ex-
hibition some lines of Goods which
pay you to make an examination of. If
you don't see what you want at the
Fair, call at the Store on Albert street.
We will during show week quote very
low prices on all lines of first-class
goods, including Wool Blankets and all
lines of Woolen Goods, Flannel Sheet,
ing, Flannelettes, Tweeds, Yarns, Ready -
Made Clothing, Caps, Socks, Under -
ware, Horse Blankets, &c., &c.
ear'Inspect our display at the Show and call at the Store.
It will pay you during Show Week to conte many miles to purchase from
us if these Goods are required.
A. C. Dfto.
You need a Fall
tTand it can he made to give such
splendid healthful warmth that
you'll hardly require an overcoat
all season -just by seeing that it •
�j1iryt��;yj �� i is Interlined with Fibre Chamois. 2
1llt tll�. A No weight or bulk will be added, p
but the natural stiffness and spring .40
of this interlining will keep the
u.r ° t garments in their proper shape, and
its perfect non -conducting proper-
! ties will keep out every breath of
frosty air or damp winds, while the 4t►
I h c % waterproof Rigby process makes it se
sleet storm. Wonderful value at slight expense roof ainstda'
25c saryin or Z
Don't buy any ready-made garments which haven't the Fibre +t►
Chamois Label -you'll thoroughly enjoy the comfort it gives. •
contains the name of such candidate
but no person is allowed to give tw
votes for one candidate except two
county councillors are to he elected.
o IWhile visiting in the northern part
of the county this week, ('has. Abbott
of Exeter, met with a serious accident
1Ie was riding a bike and when mast.-
ing, the wheel ran into a Itu'ge 1to1e,
1 throwing the rider to the ground with
e such force as to peel the skin off his
1 face. Ifo was otherwise injured.
« • • •
31. -In forming the county- connci
divisions the commission shall hav
regard especially to assessed vaalUP, ant
population and extent of territory, ane
shall not in making such divisior
divide local municipalities, unless
where in the division of thecomruission
it is plainly necessary so to do in order
to arrive at it fair and reasonable divi•
sion, haat in nu case shall polling sub-
divisions be divided.
« «
40, Nothing in this Act, contained
shall affect the election of a reeve or
deputy reeve in local municipalities as
provided for by the said Municipal Art
41. This Act shall be rend with and
as part of The Cou,oli,la/e,1 .110uairipa/ Art,
News Notes.
it is rumored that the Hanford Man-
ufacturing Company ince»d removing
from Harnilton to Toronto.
A skeleton has been unearthed at
Winnipeg which is believed to he that,
of Thomas Scott, who was shot, during
the Red River Rebellion.
The call of Rev. Il. H. Beavis '.o Ht,
Paul's Presbyterian Church, Ht. ('alh-
urines, was not, sanctioned owing to
opposition in the congregation.
The 104th anniversary of the meeting
Of the first Parliament, of Toper ('etn-
ada was celebrated by the Niagnr•a
llistorical Society with tunny appro-
priate speeches.
The Buffalo Democratic ('onvention
representing New York `hate unre-
servedly endorsed the ('hieago platform
and pledged aclive support to Wan. J,
Bryan and ArthurHewall.
It is understood that al a Liberal
caucus 00 Friday Mr. Laurier informed
the members that it was impossible for
him to give them any information re-
garding the Manitoba school question
until he learns the pleasure of the
Benj. Martyr', a Michigan Central
railway employee, was found on the
railway track by sectionmen two miles
from London, Ont„ suffering from
severe injuries, prc.hahly having been
struck by a train. He died in to af-
Mayor Calgary, of Collingwood, Ont.,
was found dead in his hed Thursday
morning. The deceased, who Was one
of the wealthiest men in Coilingwond,
50 years of age, and unmarried, had
retired the previous night in his usual
Thursday morning Pte. Hatton, of
the 31st Hatt., Grey infantry, while
acting as marker at the rifle ranges at
Nlegara-on•the-Lake, was struck by a
bullet fired at a target by one of the
soldiers in the camp there. He died in
the afternoon.
The ladies are in a great state of
satisfaction because their last winter's
coats turn he made thoroughly up to
date at a trifling cost or no cost at all.
A little pinching of the sleeves up to
where tho shoulder puffs obtain, and
there you are. it is not often that
fashion is so kind to the dean' crea-
At ra meeting held in Toronto of
veteran.{ who had served in the British
army for ten years and received hon-
orable discharges, it was decided to
pctitinn the Britith Government and
also her Majesty, the Queen, through
his Excellency Lord Aberdeen, to have
the provisions of the presen t pensioners'
warrant, extended to ten-year men.
According to the commercial agen-
cies of New York, there is no actual
improvement in business tttrougbout
the United States. Trade and industry
are checked by political turmoil and
financial distrust. No change is anti-
cipated until late in November, and
then it will, of course, be contingent,
on how the presidential contest gum.
Therehas been some speculative brie,-
ing in pig iron, hides, cotton and wool -
Several cotton mills in the Fall River
distri( t have resumed work, and prices
of some cotton goods have advanced.
A better demand for dress goods has
been experienced dtrr ing the week.
The boot and shoe industry, on the
other hand, has decreased in activity.
And iron and steel manufacture is very
drill. ('ornrnoreial failures in the United
States for t he month ended Friday are
given as 317, against 213 for the corres-
ponding week last year.
County Currency.
Mr. Tho• E Hays, of Seaforth, re-
turned last, week from his trip to the
old rnllntry, where he had taken his
cattle to market. Ile reports making
good sales.
Mr. Jas. Dorranco, the noted pig
breeder, of McKillop, bought from far.
Green of Fairview, a fine two-year-old
Berkshire sow, which took seeond prize
at the Toronto lc,xhihrtion this year.
On September 23rd next, the reign
of Her Majesty the Queen will he long-
er than the reign of any other sovereign
who ever sat on the throne. The long
set previous reign was that of Gem
III, who Teigned 59 years and 110 days
--though for the last nine or ten years
of his reign, he was incepacited by
insanity and the throne was really oes
copied by his son the Prince Repggeen'L,
On September the 23rd,Queen Victoria
will have reigned 59 years and III
days. May she he spared for many at
day more.