HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1896-09-23, Page 37. .. e. v i. ■,. IF, �. , ,• Ir. _. , , : . ,.. , , TA M ,. „ .i; 11 , _ , naafi!, but he utoaat deliverance &Ad asst e4gr0010 and I ea•T, "In he"'an yoq ,,,: `(f�f }`� j!'J' �x1t�te TCJ► THE FARMERS. THE BRED CRUSADE, when be announced on that will arses# be eioliL.' Tlvac dealt noi! UL7/NEt7V !l/REV / QRY �... day' 'Ya shall not rise my fees (Mine Blue you soot comfort' ow What you study your own laeerenend go whets `^^ Wall. m friends. this eosin is Pamine want is i tress. ng t child !a, yO>txl �, Q■ �, Igoe i 109 sou eaq gee DR. TALMA(iE PREACHES UPON A rank of t�• It does not yield a single Prat distress. Lost children, kava �u fH SEASONABLE SUBJECT. crop of iloiid satisfaction. It Is dying Fr I carne to you and tell you that it l7LIIVTON,H�QCICfg .--� It u hangar bitten. The fact that t ten years perhrtps you will nee °; r Reliable lU1ff�J1IJJ does not, cannot feed a man's heart those laved ones before the throne o IiaeW neOND Monday of o.orl was well illustrated in the life oP the God. hitt there is but little pOndolenw MR mouth. Hall and flab, ttW&`7 I manutaolnra none but rho Ba■T or eTOe9. A Journey Fromm Vaaaan 1F0tyPt to igl fist. One day is a ear with theist� ���aS block. Visiting brethren alwayl 'Pemars of Mope that mall aAeap, as tosy have o IIg hi —cli than. All the world hon- y• made welcome. Osderr Corn -A FnnLLae-i;truetc wend — Tpo orad him—did everything for him that and ten years is a small eternity. ,`, DN. J. S. FRPIEBORN, w• M. pot to live. R$ Call and got prices. Point Witaeh Dleeo-1168 Many te sin- the world ccruld dor Hie wade Iaud- What you want is ism thy now— DR. Ineorporebed by Act *I P■rlismene 1a68. by mall promplyattended to nited presenit 'help. I come to those o! you P.CANT/CL0N,JR•Bea, J• P.81tEYPAxD, D' J4131V $ELU litarved soul. ed in England and in the who have lost deer friends and say. �� w Washington, Sept. 18. -No one not States. He' ruuwed up nation+ Into pAPIT�L 12,000,000u Ariit, HARNE%s EMPOBIUa, Br.YTti, oar'# laughter. He had no equal. And yyet, "Try e target them. your not keep the RBST, �1,8y6,000 born and brought up in this country although many people supposed Lim departed always in your mind." Iiav • CLINTONLodge, No. 8i, A. F. a e, m, meets could preach a sermon like this Of Dr. y happy can Ou forget them when every figure antirel lift art that this world was l3'e "' MONTREAL, v Query. Frlda , on or attar the moon. V1ret NOTICE. Talmage. It is a pastoral and full 01 ctuxlpletely ttalisfying his soul. he Sita in he carpet, and every book, ung "" Glad Office. - tog brethren ##Melly invlted 1�! scenes from country life. The text is clown and writes: "i never in my life every picture and every room call# our A.J. HOL.I.OWAY, w. )N. THUG. BUMBALL, Baa their name t Su ase I come to yet} L. H. 1R OLseN Preddent, put osis now hat that it did not rain 'Pp o � ��tS There being some wlmuodoretandlug with re• Genesis xiiii, 3: And Judah spoke unto and ruin it. I never went out in a and suy b� way o! condolence, /. WOLI ERMAN k'HOILA6, General Mana or. Clinton, Dee. 6, 1890. �.._ gard to wreckrgtl, lab 10 be dimtlnotly undnrmtood him e8ying, The auto did aolemnl TO is Wiae," Oh," au Ba that gives _ _ y P shallby coat Ixa aur it was rain►ntC me no het firti I Come to you �• O, T• M, that it any peraov takes posenmotou of any kind test unto us, saying, Ye shall not cab and thought all who had the chuioe P•" pP 'r` Nota di■eountad, Collection# made, Draft* y7 of wreckage and falls to report to mn I shall at y� would keep indoors, that the sun did and say, "Gni, fraxn all eternity, Miall issued, Sterling and American ex- once take proceedings. Remember this is the I my face, except your brathnr be with not come out in its strength and bring arranged this trouble. Ah, ' y i' you. Out with it all the butterflies oP Peep- say, ' that does we no ood." Then I change bought and cold at Kearns Teat No. 89, Knights of the MaooaDaeN o! feet warning l shall give, CAPT. WM. BARB• lowert current rat■a. the World: $1.000, 42,000 and 46,000 P,,",',N, Ilam- Receiver of rocket, Oo %rich, a direct t0 the corn crib Por 4 heav- �" berehlp over 100,000, Asmesemenb principle -has Godartuh, Sept. 7th 1881. Nothing to eat I Plenty of corn in lou whwitt I know and who knew me. saY, With the swift eat o prayer INTIaasT A1.LowgD 9■ DRO■tTS never exceeded 12 assessments in a year. Cheapnet - Egypt, but ghastly fanzine in Canaan. I never consented to accept apart I g and Natant in existence. meets in orange Halt, Clln- F�Fi SALE. The cattle moaning in the stall• Men. hated Out oP kitdueas to another that - L airhe 1p." You go. You Say tun, flratandLDlydFriday of every month• I did not gat hissed by the public and " Lord, 'help me; Lord, comfort me.' F'A.RA�J31R.Hi_ women and children awfully white But no hal et No corse yet. It 14 Y cut by the writer. i could nut take p dark. chat o the matter t I ,e Haney advavcad to laymen on their owe notes ,�-. ___-_---•--------- th one v more endorsers. No morwn n re , The property at Ilreaoot occupied by the an- with hunger. Not the failing of one a drive for a few tttittutes with Terry hhrlalve found.�Yuu ought to o to God pith as security, more COOK'S FLOUR dare! sed as a reatdence on the Huron Road, without boo overturned and having g 8 S O BxYWER, g crop for one summer, but the tailing my e111aw broken, though my Friend and say, "Hera, O Load are the e TORE In the Town of Goderich, consisting of oue half of of all or for seven ears. A nation Manager, �1,, �1 '�j!n 1• an acre of land, good frame house -#tor ands o'er y Got off uuhartnrri. !wind not make woundt9 of my soul, and bring wit December, 1896, (iLINTo11, W FEED � ! half-eevon roos, Including kltoben, hard and dying for lack a that which is BO a eovenaut with AruOld, which I me the wounded Jesus. Let His wean 1.(7linto,1• softwater, good atone cellar, stable, wood and COrnmom on your table and so little thought was to make my fortune with- pay for my wounds, Ills bereavesl}ente , V■1■ art carriage houses, There are also some good fruit out making his itLstead, that in an in- for my bereavements, Iiia loneliness Go yfe 1YNTa gi 1 appreciated; the product aP harvest y B pace of time -I think 1y for my loneliness. His heartbreak for „ �i7 BRAN and SHORTS lA Large OY trees. This property in beautifully situated and field and ristmill and even ; the price credibly shorts r verymultable oranyporeonwiahingtolivaratixad• g rnonths-1 earned for him LO.000 and my heartbreak. Q Cod, for the sake For particulars person a 1 to of sweat and anxiety and struggler for myself £1, 1 am persuaded that of the Lord Jesus Christ -the God, the B/41111KER Small Quantities, p py Man, the Benjamin, the Brother-de, 111 AL$ERT STREET CLINTON.l CAMPION, bread 1 Jacob, the father, has the Inst if I wage fu set or as a wool , every liver ru a onized soul. O Jesus of the STREET, OIL CAKE. LINSEED MEALS 641_te Barrlrter,Qoderieh. report from the flour bin, and he finds ons iTt my neighborhood would lases Y 8 off eating bread." aching head, heal my aching head 1 O �� that everything is cut, and he says t0 That was the lament OP the world's JPsuR of the Rethany sisters, r011awaT pBlNDRLL BANIfIN1? BUSINESS 10 lb%. Choice Oatmeal for one Bushel J. Cru STEVENSON, h>s eons, "Boys hook up the wagons wmedian and joker. All unhappy. The theThat is atone from the door of our grthat avel' TRdNSAi77'ED. Cate and start for Egypt and get ria some world did everyything far Lords last brin s hal the andkind yet how mranyrof youl Furniture Dealer, &C. g that it wuld du, and yoja et in his 'est 8s P. Y �y s thin to eat." The fact was there was moment he asked a friend to wmO and are gr tong re is 11 at all for the rea- soountad. - Draji■ Issttecl. D. COOK, CLINTON. a great corncrib in Egypt. The peo- sit down by hitt and read, as most ap- son that there is iu your soul perhaps fPe4es D, THE LEADING UNDERTAKER AND pie of Egypt have been largely tared ropriate to his Case, the story oP a secret trontble 1 You may never have 762.tf 1'The 131eP,cliug Heart." Tarrigiauo, mentioned it to a single human ear, Interest Allowed on Depoeite, in all ages, at the peasant time paying or you ma have mentioned it to some ' 808y HILL'S FEED STORE FUNERAL DIRECTOR. the ac:nlptur, executed, after months Y Y Olinton,Junesib,189t Opposite Town Hall, Clinton, Ont between 70 and BO per cant. of their of care and carving, "Madonna and one who is now gone away. and that RIPM __„�.....�+ f product to the Government. No won- great %arrow is still in our soul. At- tie Child." The royal Family corms in !Iz' Y q le IlC�I 00 TO THE der in that time they had a large corn and admired it. >Jvouylyody that looked ter Washington Irving was clean they' ILIL' • _ HURON STREET, CLINTON. at it was in evctasy, but Or day, found a little box that contained rr Union Spavin Parlor crib and it was full. To that Drib they after all that Luil and all that admire- braid of hair and a miniature and the Did. W. GUNNY came from the regions around about- tion, bet:attac he did not get as much name of Matilda Hoffman and a mem- Pay- compensation for his work as be had orandum of hely death, and a remarkl A,10. P. sant, R. C. B.,,EdtnburQh. OtOee- The Bast Early Seed Potatoes, and all those who were famished -some eometbin like this: "The world aftev 0 ramie etreeb Clinton -Night osllm at front deer et kinds of first-class Clover, Timothy, Field For first-class Hair-Cuttiug ins for the corn in money. When the expected, he tuck a mallet and that wa ga blank to are. I went Lnto }} and Spavin[;. money was exhausted, paying for the dashed the exquisite so mall into the cauntr but found no peace in ' TeYldeace on gatteubnry street, opposite presbyter- atoms. '1'ha world is poor COmpeD6ar y, r• laadence o and Garden Seeds, Flour and Feed of all corn Ln aheep a.nd cattle land horses tion, poor satisfactiuu, poor solace. solitude. I tried to get into society, kinds. Closest living prices for cash, SALT Smith's block, opposite Post Office, Clinton but I found no ace in society. There DR. TURNSULI.. J. EMERTON, Proprietor. and camels, and when they were ex- Famine, fanzine in all the earth; not has been a horror hanging over me in stock and for sale. TEAS of the choice6t for seven t ins, but far 0000. b night and b da and 1 am afraid ((�� baltsted, then calling their own kiodies y'1 varieties and blends. Excellent value. WATTS G' J. and their families into slavery. But, blessed be God, tiara l8a- IIs in to be alone." y y J. L. Turnbull, M. B. Toronto i•ntr.; H. D. ; corn Drib. 1'be Lord built it. It is LII How man unuttered troubles anon® r.` J.. L. Turnbictoria llo Uv. M. To0. P. ea Irnh.a. t?'•tlowhe morning for starting out on the another land. It its a large place. An real No human ear has ever heard 6f the obstetrical socleEyy of Edinburgh. Labe of J. W. HILL, Huron ,g t., ClintonCtinto� CHEMISTS &DRUGGISTS crusade for bread has arrived. Jacob angel once measured it, and as far as that sorrow. Ob, troubled soul, I `s London, Eng., and iCdlvburgh hospitals Office: I can calculate it in one phrase, thatlva iz' Da Dowsby a stead, Ratten4ury 8t. Night calla p gets his family very earl But be want to tell oil that there is one as. li answered at Uma.. Central i7ut�iber She ■ Great Northwestern Telegraph ofltoe, g yup y' corn or•ib is 1,500 miles long and 1,500 that can cure the wounds of the heart, k fore the elder eons start they say miles broad and 1,5W high, and it and that is the salve made out, 04 th DR. SHAW. COUCH & WILSON Albert Street, Olinton. something that makes him tremble full. Food for all nation%. ' Oh," .say tears of a sympathetic Jesus. And yen 11. with emotion from head to foot and the people, "we will start right away some of you will not take this solace, �,x �� that y PUMPS! PII�IiPS i tytust into teaxa. The flet was that and get this supply for our soul-" But and you tr chloral, and you trJ mor Ofaee !p Hodgen'm Block, Rattenbury 86., Clinton, ha a bought out the butchering businesslclately con- atop a mamrnt,, Fut from the lien�ler y Y Y drink, and 1pt. Night calls at same place. these elder sans had once before been of that corn crib there conned this phine, and you try strong Ducted by MI. 31.9 - A. Ford, and will continue the you try change of scene, and You try } TT Name under their personal supervision. Orders will It you want afirst-actio, , Bond pomp, one nob Egypt to get corn, and they had word, saying: "You %hall not see MY new burl❑ass assuciaLions, and an - Jas. S. Freeborn, M*D,t have prompt and careful attention. Fresh meateot will.giva you satisfaction, Bond your order to the face except your brother be with you•"' thing and everything rather than to all kind # will be kept In season, sold at reasonable undersigned. He will dig and clean welle and do it at been treated somewhat roughly, the lord In other words, there is no such thing take the divine wmpani.unship and L, JE, dQ, Q. P., •, M.O P k s. 0., her, A•a, the closest prices. He also handles a flrat•oLaa pp as getting from heaven pardon and ' belles. of Phyefolaas, rates and delltered anywhere in town. FORCE PUMP Of the corn crib supplying them with Otadn'te of zing f gaeen a sympathy all Ilgb1IY�',� 3relan9: LtaeabTete of the General medical ARTHUR COUGH, CHAS N. WILSON. JAMES FERGUSON corn, but saying at the close of the comfort and eternal life twless we m text when it ts' says, "You shall not 5.: Ogai orad! Brib4n, Member of College of CLINTON. interview, "Now, you need not come bring with us our divine Brother, the seem faoe again ullless our brother. t> i antl aurg0one, Ontario. 1lermerly reel- Oppo■it queen's Hotel - High Street Canton. haOk here for any more corn unless Lord Jesus Christ. Coming without be with you.- oh, that this audience ' d to t�o Rotunda Hospibal (Lying•In and Oyu CENTRAL BUTCHER $Ii0 0 ti09-t! Him we shall fall before we reach the to-do mht understand something o! ,9196104.11, B4ttija. special attention to dlaea■em of v G �_ you bring something better than money corn crib and our bodiea shall be a y- . g gggqmsaan a en. O�oaaadreetdonce,Rattenbury the height and depth and lend and 96., nest �oortb Ontarlo Rt. methodist parsenage• FORD & MURPHY. Fa Il ■ rt �i �i (� m -Oven your younger brother Banjo- partiob for the jackals e the wilder- breadth and immensit and infinity of 829-l7 n �` u u lu min." All, Benjamin -that very name �8. but coming with the divine Jesus God's eteYnal oonsulations 1 (successors to J. W. Langford.) was suggestive of all tenderness. The all the fore our of heaven will swing 1 go further and find in my subject �� 4li t�� (mEMBEROF AS8'NOFP.L. s.) open before our scald and llube iii a hint as to why so many people fail i' t Having bought out the above business, we into mother had diad at the birth of that shall lye given us, Wa shall be - of heaven. We are told that heaver, N conduct it on the cash principle, and will supply provincial Land Surveyor son -a a irlC coming and another spirit viten to sit in the palace of the Ding ' our customers with the beet meats et the lowcet pay P g P has ll gates, and some peOple iDfela t. 00 Prices. cin and the ver thought of rt- and at the table, and while the Lard from that fact that all the people will al. Bruce, Surgeon Deli FORD & MURPHY. and (civil Engineer, g g- Y g of le to is apportioning from his Own go in without reference to their. past LONDON ONT. ittg with Benjamin must have been table to crit%# tables, he will not forget life, but what i9 the use of having a a a heartbreak, The keeper of this corn us, and then and there it will be gate that is not sometimes to be shut! LIVE HOGS WANTED Ovnoa-At G. Jr. Btewsrt's Groeary8loro, Cita crib, nevertheless, sa s to these elder found that our Bonjamin's mess is The swinging of a gaLe implies that OFFICE -Over Taylor's Shoe Store, eon. y laxger than all the others, for so it Clinton, Ont. Special attention to pre- ■ sons, "There isno need of our coming g our entrance into na van is condition- ", Clinton, o! natural teeth. here an more far corn unless you ought to be. " Wartby is the Lamb al. It is not a monetary condition. It 1. N. A, -Will vi it Blyth every Monday, and Don't Build Without R Plat y y the was slain to receive blessing and we come to the door of an exquisite y can bring Benjamin, your father's dar- riches and honor and glory and concert, we are not surprised that we Hayfleld every Thursday afternoon during the wm•• ' bummer. Highest Market Price Pald, ling." Now Jacob and his family very Pa fine pay a fee, for we know that 1. , much needed bread, but what a strug- I want to make three points• Every fire earthly music is expensive, but h' �. � B�f CJs D. Set 1.,p ifs 8 -v. CANTELOX, Clinton. frank and common sense man will all the oratorios of heaven cost noth- 4;� gle it would be to glue up his son. acknowledge himself to 1>e a sinner. ins. Heaven pays nothing for its 'gam J. ADES FOWLER & CO.i The orisntals are very demonstrative What are you going to do with your music. It is ab free. There is nothing DENTIST. Architects and Civil Engineers sins? Have them rdoned, you say• to lxy aid at that door for entrance, g in their grief, and I hear the outwail- P' Graduate of Royal Coll o 04 Dental Sar p How 7 Tha•ough I, e mercy of God. but the condition of getting into bear g B. THOMLINStJNg Anoposing a permtnsnb once fn clinwn and are ins of the father as Lheso elder soma N,,hat do you mean by the mercy of von is our bringing our divine Benja- YETERINERY SURGEON, #%pared to supply Plane, specifications and details keepreiterating in his ears the an- God 7 Is it the letting down of a bar Deng of Ontario. Honor (r}raduate of Trinity for any olaxs of work at most reasonable rates. g re -min along with its. al you nulice how, y, E,iiversity, Toronto. Beat Local Anaesthetic Honorary Graduate the Ontario Veterinary Cel. Patent Drawings prepared and patents obtained. nouncement of the Egyptian lord. "Ye for the characterion of all. without ed, oft++n dying people call aper Josue Y It [tor painless extraotiop. Ofnoe opposite Town y shall not see my face 'unless your siert to character. Be not deceived, is the usual prayer offered -the pray - all, over Swallow's Stora. ege, Toronto. Valuations and tna eetlena oarefnll made. I see a soul coming up to the gale Of or offered more than all the other pray- `' Treats all diaea■an of Domestic Animals on the P y brother be with you. ou." "Why did you mercy and knocking at the corn crib ers put together-- "Lord Jesus, re - Ni bt Bell aaewered. moetmodern and scientific Prinosples. tel him you had a brother 3" says the of heavenl su I and a voiw from Night 26 Yea7's Experieneein Ontario, old man, complaining and chiding them. y Pp y' cele% my spirit.,, one of our congra- < Day and rwiLllin says, " Are you alone?" The sin- ,gaLiun, when asked in tite closing mo - Will visit Hensall ev cry Monday, and malt address -P. O. Box 210,Oant oa "Why, father,"thy said, "he asked F. Lunch the 2nd Thursday cf each month Residence-Rattenbary street, west, Caston, Ont+ us all about our family, and we hxd ner replies, "All alone.'" The voice , ments of his life, "Do you know us?" no idea that he would make any sorb from within says: " You shalt not see I said: "Oh, es, 1 know you. God bless --'—'�""""� J. E, BLACKAL�L, my pardoning face unless your divine demand upon U$ as he has made." you. Goad- ye, Lord Jesus, receive my Bret her, the Lord Jews, be with you•'" I spirit." And he was gone. Oh, yes, in Wtvaile "No t1Be of asking me," said the fatly P u` _ Veterinary Surgeon er, "I cannot, I will not, give up Ben- oh, that is the point at which so the closing momeDts of our life, we O. CAMERON, BARRISTER, BOLIOITOB and Veterinary Inspector 1 jamin." The fact was that the old many ase discumfite:d. There is no merit have a Christ t0 call upon, If Jar ? Conveyancer, Ao, Omea-corner Hamilton and 'jp h[' man had lost children and when therm! mercy from God except through Jesus wb's sone had gone up toward Egypt K.' at, �tdrewm•st■., opposite Colborne Hotel, GOderich. Office on Isaac street, next New Era office e{�VEATS, i11AUL $ � been bereavement in a household Christ. Coming with him, we are aG and had gone with the very finest equip- 8s•ti R.Ridence, Albert 5t., Clinton. and a child taken it makes the other cePled. Coming without Him' we axe age, acid had not, taken Benjamin along O.HAY%,Barrlmtrr,sollottor, &c. Office, '�"���� COPYRIGHT children in the household more pre- rejected. Peter put it right in his great with them, and to the question they ' NorthStreetand squacitor, rR ffice, office, ' ' cious. So the day for departure was Re""n before the high priests when abould have lw,,ll obliged to answer: [p1. e7. Gea Tro�rhlllCAN I OBTAIN PATENT% Fora adjaurned a.nd adjourned and ad- ht+ 111"n red forth: Neither is there "Sir, we didn't bring him, as fattier i. Doderieh, Out. ppmoJ0 answer and an onset opiaton wr[te to salvation i1. any other. There. is no a, /Q;' Money to lend at lowest rates of interest. m f lfI URN dic CO., who have bad nears al'ty years' journed. t could ❑o1. let him go. We didn't want erperience in The -patent, business. mmnalna,• Still the horrors of the famine in- othex name given under heaven among to to bothered with him," a voice from tionootriotlyoontidential, AHand oolroftn- creased• and louder moaned the cattle men whereby we may he saved." Oh, I within would have said: "Go away rl�J.SCOTT, Hoxseahoer and general Blaoli- formation oonoeraina Patent■ ane how w ob. arlxiotls sinner f Oh, dying sinner I Oh, from us. You shall not have any of Bmlth, Wnthemsentrroe. Aisoacatalogueofinechan. and wider open cracked the earth and teal and sofentifieb ks sent tree. more pallid became the cheeks, .until lost sinner I All you Lia ve gut Co do is I this supply. You shall not see my face I. Bil7y'tgtef, tyC., Patents taken through Mann Lc Co. receive 4'a to have this divine Benjamin along txx:alise our' brtoher is not with you." Albert Street, North, - Clinton. ■ %mal notloelathe 13c1entiAc American, and Jacob 1n despair, cried out to his sons, Y rhos are Drought escl before pub11towith. •"fake Ben aurin and be off 1" The with you. Side by side, ooming to the And if we come up toward the door BLLIOTT's BLOCK, - - CLINTON. ont cost to the inventor. Tate saendld aper, J• �.tP, all the storehouses of heaven will u[ heaven at last, though we .come JOBBING} A SPECIALTY. is■uedweekg.elegantiynluatratod,�asb 1Farths elder sone tried to cheer up their fat h- K from all luxuriance and llrilhanoy of ?; �%tie1,/ >!O Loari, largest circulation of an aetentts9 work In the eT. They said: ,to have, strong arms swing open before your anxious soul. woodwork tronediond first dxa@ material and world. $3 a ear. Samppi0 ro tee senores. and a stout heart, and no harm will Am I rigrt in calling Jesus Benia- surroundings, and knock for admit - work guaranteed; farm Implements end machine■ Baadta¢Edtt►on monthly .ODsY0ar Stogie mina Oh, ye.s. Ra lived only long Lance, and it is found that Christ is rebuilt and repaired. Onto$.,%3cents. Evcrynum oohtahrabean. Come to Ile]njami11 Nte'll see that he E. OAMPION, Q• 0,, cifs, plates, in colors, d�nna yyhotogtapLs of new gets back again." "Farew'ell I" said e`n((rtlgh to give a name to that child not with us, the pOlioe of heaven will honce with plans, eaaDliagbnlldere W show rue the yours men to the father, in a tone and with a dying kiss she cul led him boat cls back (rain the breadhouse, -*ARRISTER, - • - SOLICITOR., lateataestgnsandsecurgoontracbe. AAddrese g Ikylor,i. Afterward Jacob changed his �ry ;n -1, art.. 1 never knew you." MUNN • CO. New 10109• y01 Bno"WAT. of assumed gond cheer. "b'-a.r-e- g , . p Card of Thanks. w -I-I I" said the old man. I'or that. nnnle, and be called him Benjamin. My friends, You see it is either Christ NOTARY, tfe., word has more quavers in it when 'Phe mea.nin of the name she gave or amine. 1! re war two ban- . g f the e w ❑ Gl•oderiloh, - Ont. TO My MAjQy PATRONS 1 KAFFIR DENTISTRY. pronounced by the aged Lhan by the wsty " Son uP my pan.- 7 he meaning I guets spread, and to one of them only office—Over Davis' DragBWre. I[ostyto loan: __,.., sun of the name his father gave was "Son you might go, you might stand and ' I desire to tender m sincere thanks young. the bread party, the bread of my Right. Hand." And was not think for a good while. as to which y [low Meters Are Extracted in This Rection embassy drives up i,n front of '.he corn Christ the ' Som of Fain a" All the sor- invitation you had better, accept; but M. 0. 30HNSTON, for the very liberal patronage accord. of Africa. crib of Egypt. Those, corn cribs are rcnv of Rachel in that bour when she here it is feasting or starvation. If ed me in the peat end to Worm the The methods of axtrtct.ing teeth filled with wheat and barley and corn gave her child over into the bands of there were two mansions offered and BARRIS-TER, - - SOLICITOR, ed me ,that I am still in the Carpet in the husk, for modern travelers in stringers was as nothing compared y" might have. only one, you might COMMISSIONER ETC. among the Saffirs ase barbarous in those lands, both in Canaan and in with the strugggle of God when lie Rave think for a long while., saying. "Per- , , Weaving Business o East Street, the extreme, and remind one of the F.gypt tell us there is corn there cor- up Ilia Only bion. And wa.R not. Christ haps I had 1x�lter accept this gift,and Gioderiobt, . . - Ont. Goderleh, next the Bieyole Factory, tortures of the dark ages. reaaponding with Ove- Indian maize. a >propriitely called "Soon of the Bight pc,rhapol L had bettor acwept that gift.." Personal and mall orders will as na❑al 1'he patient is placed On the grrnlnd, I Huzzal The journey is ended. The I)land?" Did not Stephen took loin But here it i•1 a choice bOtween palaces Omoe—Cor. Hamilton and St. Andrew'esta. and four men axe employed to hold him 1 lord of the corn crib, who is also the henvein and see 11 it Rtarlding at the I of light 'rnd hovcils of despair. If it W. BRYDONE., receive prompt attention. All classes dawn two taking his arms and two' Prime Minister, oomei dawn to these right hand of God? And dnPv not we re a choice between oraturiu.•t, you of work a speoialty, et Ibe lowest poe- his Ic�gs. Then gthe operator kneels i newly arrived travelers and says: Patil speak Of flim as Rtanding nt. the might xay. "I prefer 'The Creation,'" BARRIBTER - - SOLIOITOR, Bible prices, and satiefeotion gusran• dtnvn heelde him, and taking a piece of i "Dino with me to -clay. Hone is your right hand Of (; lcl making interrwxRinn or, "I prefer 'The Messiab.' " But stlarppeened ivory, steel, or wood, be YathPr4 Is this Benjamin, the young_ for use Oh, Benjamin-JesusI Son here it. ie a choice between eternal NOTARY Pl7BLIC, cfe., reed. A. calmly proceeds to hack away at the er brother, whose presence I demand- Of Ia.ngI Sun of r soulsctory 1 The drop� harmony and everlasting discord. Oh, W. A, Ross East Street E. until the offending tooth is loose. w1l" The travelers are introduced into Pat emotions of Our ROMs ought to }x- will arcl live or dies �ti'th you sail IntoQ OFSIOD B®APER BLOCK - - CLINTON. r / i1e then extracts it with finger and dusted of the way and servants Ocyme stirred at the Rouncl OP lint nonan- (he harbor or drive on the rucked WiLI GODERICH. thumb, the patient having, suffered na- in with a basin of water in one hand dal ore. in your pravers piPad Ills you start for the Egyptian corn crib 617•tf ttrrally unapeakabie agoniev. and a towed in the other and kneel tears, Ilia sufferings, Isis Rorrows, and or will you perish amid the empty Tho time Occupied in the Operation ie down hefryre these newly arrived trty- ills death. If you refuse to do il, all � barm of the Cannanitish famine4 ptYtU p � �• The McKillop Mutual Fire often of long duration, sometimPA ex- elPra, washing off t.ht+ dust Of the way. the crnn crih.R and the palaces Of Lendin ovtr as much as 30 minutes, The butchers and polilterers a.nd ca- heaven will Lw hO1tPd antl lxtrrerl - - /nsuranee Company. but, ofecrurse, this varies according to te-r; Of the, Prima Minister prepare against, your soul and A volre from ON It to lend in large or small sums on good the strength of the tooth. Pf,r•sone in the repast. ThP guests are seated in i hr throne Rhal I 4.l un You with the 11LUCH ER'S PIPE. mortgages or personal security ab the lowest t.hle country who make a pTa,tioo of =all groups, two or three nt a table, n.nnouneement, "You Rhall not. ,,we my %#meet rates. s HALE, Huecurityron mt. Clinton.hetaking an anaesthetic when having a the food on a tray. AAI the luxuries face except your brother b- with vou." Lord Sheffield haF lately added an. Farlll and Isolated Town PxOpe!''■ tocyth extracted would probably find from the imperial gardens and orch- My text also R11RgPRts the reaRrnl Other intereRting relic to the. betero. thn ration as performed by the Saf- ards and aquariums and aviario+s are wtitY RO many pP.crp1P do not get. any Money. ty only Insured. little y brought, t.hcvre a,nd are filling chalice real comfort. Ynu meet tPn pP.Tle, genpoun collection of curiosities which fir d ea tat A lit a trOublesame, to ea Money be lend on good Security of 0} and a yes tJze least o4 it. arul platter. Now is fife time for this Nine of them [Lill in need Of some 'kind ornament the walls of his Orlcket pavil- re■t• ADDIytoC.AIDOIIT,Albert9t•,r111aton, orrro■a■. ____ �, _ prune MiDilyterl if hP ha<i a �$mudgov of crmdolPnoe• Thtire iii something in ion at Ebetfielcl Park. During his re- 802et. George watt, President, irarlook P. O.; Jamas a ainart Benjamin, to Rbow it. ILII fe their health or Ln their RtatP, or in - A afoot, VloePres„ Scafortb P. O,; W. J. %ban- HB WOULD B•E AHEAD. Cent visit a heed m e purchased the non,seay.Treu., Beafortb P. 0.1 mtebael mord!%, kill him arnv that be peas him in hi9 their domestic card'ifinn that. demands which Blucher Cantelon Bros, Inmpeotorof losses, Beatorth P. o. A 14cotch minister, missing one of pia band a4 Oh, not Tills lard of the corn RYmpnthy. And yet most of the richly ornamented pipe 1 ailt■9TOA■. (XYrIgTPgAttOII from ChnTCb, called on him orib is seated at his awn table, and world's Rympat b amounts to at1Ro- cstrrlPd with him during the Waterloo nothing.R campaign. When the gailani. Prussian GENERAL GROCERS PRQYI9• James Broadfoot, Sea Forth;mlebael Mortis.Ses- one day to �e� what was the matttvtgg. he loo,sts, over to the tables portim t his lately rteyPople go to the wrong was unhorRed and ridden over by the forth; George Dale, geaforth;George watt Narloak wWell, Mr. Batter that you wondering of tie.ma' bat fremtlsnd he du ala e# pmrtionF t(, `henotbe plague in in Rome agreat Fre.nch cavalry at Ligny, his pipe fell Thomas E. ays,amforth; Alex ciordiver,Le dbur rg ION MERCHANTS. Thomas Garbutt, Clinton; John MaLean,KiNso. at chnwoh these few Stwdaya batek8 Benjamin, orc, as the Rihte quatotly many years ego, there were NO men from his pocket, but was subsequently sea■T■. Olt I have been at Mr. Dunlop's kirk. ppins it, "BFnjsrmin's mesa was [ivP who chnnied ttlemselvea to death with d revered by a faithful follower, wh- C>xr'ockery, (lass Chinaware Thomas Neil'an■, Harlock; Robert McMillan, Ge Minister -Oh, I don't erase for mytion- time,q " much as ams of theirs." Be the litanies of Gregory the GroAt-lit- offered to restore it to its conal, O forth and James Cnmmingv,Eg'mondvllle. gregatit7n going to other churches. How quick and trend ward back with the and chanted themselves to death pleased was Blurber at lifts ctmlr'ade'U ALBERT BT., CLINTON, ONT. parttee desirous to %Base insurance or arena would you like your sweep to go into swiftest cawel to Canaan to old Jacob and yet it did not top the plague. honeisty that he made him a p� nit Highest Cash Price for Butter end Egga act other buetae■e will be prgms2fly stbend• strange aturPR a that "Benjamin fe well; all its well; And all tial music of he world cannot of the pips which hue now Pound! ed to on application to any clip% •bboot""ii oCficore ed. Mr lvali-(?h, I wadna care a he is fa�lag sumptuously; the F.gyp- Halt the plague Oi the human he rt., into Lord Sheffield's possessiiop„ 16e-17 IazessedtotheirrespectiveVosset'IIee■, , �� if they got better grass. tian lord did nut mean warder and I come to some on whose a.tlnt.+nts . I I I % :. n, - � r �, k .v.,:. ;. ,.... s, r .. ,.. M,: . y..,. . . r, n.. ,,,.., -:. ,. x. ... r ., , v M.,..... ., ,. .., r J.F 1 ,, . , !, ,.. ,. .i. _ t.�,.r. L.ur... :... ., 'e.at.:NJI'.- _,...,, ... :. al.._.2#Ale_i :yea, ,amts.. '"°-= ,.,.,_'..i.,� _:,.�J..t■tii:,@i::l..sr't - ...aA,- _,a. 1V