HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1896-09-23, Page 2, Z I --,-%�'�-- 1. I .. I �F­v . - --_1. � -11 . � - 1. .� , , ". � , 1 . I I I , , _, , . , ,�: , - , I , , , .... I : , �� ,�� _" 1��­: � 11. � , , � 11 ­ —, _ , , � i" , :�J� ,., ,;,. ,. �, . � _V7', ;'.,.,­ ,��' � .;,".- � 11 � ,� 11�,, � �', , � ., ., - . , " I . � ­�. , I 11 t. . � , , ". t, � '_ . . � . �- 'n ,� �., '' , - '­�, - :, I `_:; � i � .11, : .; I � �­�',�j,:- : ... �,,� , , ,1-,� . , �: " 1, `�! � .�:� �_ :!,, 1 " " , , , ,I ��� , , � � 11 . � �; I ;, . 11 !� � ��;�'% - , , . ': .,!:i� � ; I - I ­� 1, . �.. . !� ! :,�, , : , ,�' , , , , , . , , . 1 � . . . . I � . . . � , . � I � — - - rATrJQ T1DZTPTTAff'PNT(Z - - . I MUZAFFAR-RD-VIN OF MOM , I I TNOT HIM 5,�H lS AT I ___ ___ ______ ""'. _. _ , 'LINTON MY, DOOR AND BLIND FAOTORV 1_1 I I Tka, New 111tak $ISO most learned monarch —0— ! �. I .. " in the US$ and an Authority Is TRO . 111 BE - ' * _� S.S. COOPER9 PROPRIETOR ,�,,'," . ology. _',," I accounts. Mux- MMS OP INTERIM M*Ur THE General Builder and Contractor 1,_., eokless According to Persian 0 1�7,, o, .=d Ne"ra Witt, and the r I CHA6PTB.Et XVIII. 'dot of pablio opinion. and all the atfax-ed-din, the new Shah -in -Shall, be BUSY YANK13H. This factory has been under the peraimalsuperviaiou and one owner fur 0196 11 , , , week atter rest of itl And George swore at him- sides having the largest private for- One evening, about a , � 1, W-.orth- — , years. We carry an extensive and reliablestock and prepare plans and lest what Mr, Eopiou called tto ro- ' he final e&- self for a heartless, di6trastfu tune of any monarch on earth, to the a and on the clo leas ep�n,aquite undeserving crowned heads. Neighborly Interest In His Doings—Matters estimates for and build all classes of buildings on abort notice ,�, . �. �� LA - ,Lk a lady. moat learned Of all the .., ,� clamdre. Tommy Myles made his E`p` coi, �h letter from such Moment and rlirth- Gathered from tile VL� I . peaxatoce ,Llk the smoking-ro011), If tilo And when the second letter came the N—r-od-din left behind him the most of prices. All work is oupt,rvised in a mechanical way and astlaffictlea ,Il( Dally Record. ".. " Mort important matters next morning, he swore again, at him- dazzling collection of jewels in the guaranteed. We sell all kinds of interior sod exterior material. 1, � �., , , , , - Themis. f meditated desertion and by , ..'� have ousted the record of Tom -Y's self or his me at he woad be worthy world, and about 020,000,000 in coin. He Mrs. Annie L. Webb in the only wo. ; ,,� , all his a— is Idaho who its in the life lasur- Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Lime, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Eto , �, - 11, had picked out his second son as his 8110- " ,�.,,,,� ymoon, and 0 , IiR, ma(rrLage and blissful hone a negligent of such I= trulap,, be said "a cessur. because this am was the issue anoo business. 1100L DESK, manufactured `i� he came back to find that "The child's P, ' . The daily shipment of celery from Agent for the CELEBRATED GRAYBILL SC ,.I',; "� 11 ,�,,w -%I marriage with a royal Priv- The is 80 tons. an unprecedented : . �W,,, world had hardly notleed his absence- truntpl And �Ibe shan't . be of a log at Waterloo. Call and get prices and estimates before placing your ordere 4 L you V1, said he to S,Ld­ 7.9= of me hanf,,�g - L�� ... 0 1 1 How &I* about in 19. br,V1 aelghborhoo, f Miss, while the oldest son's mother was amount for this time Of tile Year. I F-0-- - I il, mouth Vane. . The happy reflections which ensued one Of the women of the harem, and The members of a hose company in d being he determined, in part fox political sea Saginaw, Mich., have equipped thein- I ,'How are you T- said Vane. raw- were appropriate, but haokno7b,- . from punch. in fa,ct f man mu.611 in love. suffer from solves with helmets of aluminum. 9 � hose of a Bonn, that his som should not s Carriage Factor •-,l Log his eyes for a moment I It is, however, worth not" that Lau- The sale of oleomargarine, when col- Leslie y ,:"L , Tommy sat down by him. " 1 say,' ra I a refusal to think evil had its revitard; the lack of education which had hem- oured to imitate natural butter, is now ­, .. he remarked, 1, this Neaton business is for if she had Suspected George, she pored him, hibited by the laws of thirty-two BUGGIES, PHAETONS, CARTS AND WAGONS—all of the beat work,4 L, roclul 11a her .'. We read about it in Swit- would never have shown h, Tile Kadj&m are of Turkish Origin, 9tates, material. SWAII the latest Styles Bred most modern improve- I rather neat. heart in those letters; and, but for Telephone Chillicothe, Mo., manship and in ,� 1 one to and on that account suspected by the ho rates in verlaad." those letters, he might have have an reduced to $18 and $24 a menta. All work warranted. Repairing and repainting promptly attended V *1 Been away I" Brighton, and—; whereas what did Iranians who form the most influential year respectively, for residences and co. Prices to suit the times. A -Of oou,ree I have—after my wed- happen was something uite different. portion If the people of Persia. Near- Dualness houses. CHAPTER I FACTORY—corner Huron and Orange Streets, Clinton. . I Vag, you know." IX. od-din himself used to talk a Turkish The coloured people of Baltimore - -A h I Seen Punch I" And Vane hand- Being a public character, although di" dialect within the precincts of his pal- have started a movement for the erect --- _____ . —_ object of ambition to many, has its dis- He was determined that the heir lion of - monument to Mrs. Harriet BLAMED THE CLIMATE. id it to him. advantages, Fame is very pleasant, ace. Beecher Stowe'n memory. ,, I had a petty shrewd idea of how but we d not want everybody in the to his throne Should be an educated The sun, if hollow, would hold 300,000 ,,— SMALLPDX KILLS I , the land lay. so had Della." hotol to point at us when we come Persian of the old sohool and able to earth globes, and an eye capable of No Wonder the Poor man Was In a Bud DOES TOBACCO ;i- x down to dLanon When Noacra went hold his own in say theological dispute. viewing 10,000 square miles, state of Health. to Brighton—for it is surely annoces- hoz I " 13011a V would r quire 56,000 years to see all He threw himself on the lounge and 11 Why, 2, sary to say that aba intended to 90 Muzaffar-ed-din's education began . aarfa%. Read the Strong endorsement Kiven I y wife." ns. I thought —she feat that the when he was twelve, and before he was Its I . exclaimed mournfully: "I guess we'd I -Oh, a thouRand pardo and did go thither There is a scarcity of "subjects" in " - Witt.,, fame which had boea thrust upon her twenty, besides spe4in national r sell out and move." 11 you rathior backed Mrs She took the Atlanta Medical College, and under better � ,,My deaf' follow. we wanted her to debarred her from hotels. and language of Persia, he the Kurdish, an old law the faculty has demanded "I don't think so," was his wife's I' lodgings of a severely respectable Turkish, and A.rabio. There is Oba- .1 there's no she wait, that the bodies of paupers be given to �cmphatio reply. "Ws have made our have fair play. I Suppose typo, facing the sea. There bly no one in the Orient to- the students for dissection. I -e now P" ed two days, spending her time walk- V who has question Of the maxriag world amore thorough knowledge I the olass- home here, and our friends are here, tD I S11, 1. I suppose not." ing and driving where adi the W ical literatures of the East. Ile then The statue of Edgar Allen Poe, which End I'm Sure there isn't a prettier city the fair Mrs. Witt going walks and drives. There were no devoted several years to the stud of is to be set up in Bronx Park, New "What's signs of George, and Neaexa felt aa- the endless problems arising out 7 the York, by the Shakespeare Society, shows anywhere-" to dot" grieved. She sent him a line, and interpretation of the Koran. He reads the post seated in a armchair in me- "I don't like the climate." Vane waisted to be lot al—b- and waited two days more. Then she felt the works of the chief commentators ditation, with a raven at his feet. The "Everybody else seems to think it's Tommy worried him. He turned on she was being treated as badly pos- of , statue is of heroic size, and will rest on as good a climate, take it the year . L Bible—unkindly, negl' ntly. faithless- a granite pedestal. ' the little gentleman with Bolas Pero- ly disrespectfully. W.'b&d .ked her THE CHIITE SECT, A coloured teachers' institute in round, as is to be found in the whole T I Cot 5 city. " MY dear Tommy," he said. "You to cams; the invitation was as plain a throne Georgia has asked the State authorities country." Backed beer through thick and thin, as could be; without a, word, she was had become an authority in matters Of to provide them experts of their own "It doesn't agree with me. My in the Interest of the masses, for whom these ro- uarded George, for attack- thrown overl In great indignation She religious doctrine. This Study of the- race to instruct them instead of white health's bad." 0 are compiled, the UNITED STATES HEALTH RW . amd bla,ckg told ljor maid to pack up, and, mean- ology he ongaged in because his father teachers. They also ob' Ojecti to ,Bill -It wasn't bad this morning. You PP0'RtT"S have examined and investigated many prepare ing her.- while, Sallied out to see if the waves considered it the beat means of resist- Arp's "School History Georgia' as ai better." the cars of the tobaciso " Yes, but—'- would perform their traditional duty of ing the Babis;ts, whose religious and abounding in untrue Statements about a d you never were tioue having for their object - Well, whoever was right, You soothinga wounded spirit, The task political opposition forms the greatest the negro race. "That's the worst part of it. It's one habit, but among them all we have no 11#816sucy to whatever Ne"ra I danger to the absolute power of the There has arrived at Yakima, Wash., 01 these mysterious thingg. I can't giving the editorial and official endorsement of the" weren't, so hadn't you better say no was & hard one; for, the hands 11UNCL19 Witt had suffered, neglect at i K�d ra,Vasty. a combination harvester and thresher llxpoirrs to the remedy knowq as more about it P" And Mr. Vane rose of m.au was a - I J� say just what's the matter with me, manufactured grief fortune had hiLb It Shah, is a thoroughly good of immense size, to be used in harvest- sAWS TOBACCO CURE," Orta spared her. M well as to and yet ,I know that I feel terribly and walked away. and I t ussu in pra.ti. as , a big crop of wheat. The machine a by the Keystone Remedy Company, at 218 T,A S&II She forsook the crowded parade, theory. 9 bad. treet, Chicago. We have demonstrated by persons ..ry�. H In fact, he was thoughtful, What Ec observes with the utmost will out a 20 -foot swath, threshing and lt�g tile gloomy uncertainty of would Mrs. Witt do nest? And what strolled down by the water's edge. Pre- be tests that this antidote positively destroys the tut sontly she, sat down under the shade tLuvolro, aless the rules laid dawn by, sacking the grain as it goes, and will it that makes it dreadful." And be gave a would George Newton dot Vane knew of a boat, and aarve,yed the waters and an. Five times a day he goes require thirty horses to pull it. a suppressed groan. ,ugh attention anddesire for tobaocoin ten days, Issuing the system lonely. through his ablutions and recites the Newton F. Hai -so, 24 years old, is a Y ou. don't pay enc to In a perfectly healthy condition, and the person us of cases where the accusation suggests the future. She felt very 1prayers obi atony on all faithful 18- grocer's clerk in Buffalo, and gets 05 your diet," abe said with the quiet em- the Same forever free from the habit, it seemed not unlikely that George had seemed inclined to be lamites. tie has never drunk wine basis which betrays the crime; I I a week wages. Some time a ,a - subject. c a thorough know- In the light of our examinations and tests of saut, but now he had deserted her ! or :I�L.rits, which is the more remark- go he in eot "UNCLE 15ARXIS TOBACCO CURE," we ago if George had to beer the contumely 9111111111 had no one to speak to. What 1 abl the Persians do not always fol- I vented a car -coupler, and last week he FZ , f one'. a woman but performing % duty we owe the public when we ft received a letter from a manufacturing , ,Vb:t Anitly shows' bow 4 an the crowninj aahievs� attaching to 9, connection with Mrs was the use of being pretty said richt 1 low the, precepts of the Prophets in .11 . , a conclusion. I didn,t, dome the same, and stamp il , d t Witt, he might think it a,S well to reap, Everything was very hard, and she had � this respect. The poets have sung the i firm offering a him $30,000 in cash and W1 jump a on till 2 o'clock, and ment of the nineteeth century, in the way of (736 ! a royalty of 11 couple= sold for his eat.any luncheon bit as disgusting as it is 0-1 t have sought done no real harms, and was a 1131 thp 01.00) ;henee we earnestly advise you the benefit, He might no. very, delights of wine as well as the perfume invention. ,bon I discovered that I felt a little 0 very miserable girl, and— Under the of roses and the bulbul's song. yed out. I knew that if I didn't write them for full particulars. to win her favor yet, but it was very shade of the boat, Neaers, cried a Lit- , A Nodaway, Mo., County boy, only .Plat anything you'd eag that was what —Sold only by Persian monarch has also studied . 11 years old, confessed himself a thief possible he might do so now. 11 he tle, choosing the moment when them the philosophy of the West. He reads made me feel badly. I put my coat — would. And Mr. were no paSsers-by. Aristotle and Plato and is. aoquainted; to the local authorities the other day, . it bite or t ALLEN & WILSON didn't—well, Some t from behind ea- . and Kant. I and took them to a hiding place Where right all and got two just Vane considered that he might find it But one who came He saw Lhe gleam with the ideas of Leibnitz I s not he had concealed numerous articles 9f to.keep you from complaining." CLINTON. worth hie While to be the Inan. His caped her vigilance. I He knows French well, and doe had stolen from reel- ' . What did you eat ?" hie wife in- VW Of golden hair, and the slim figure, and , limit his reading to scientific works, I value which he h qt�ired. suspiciously. 1 .4 great relatives would cry aloud in the litti. Shapely head bowing forward' phases of dents of Hopkins. He was let off with , sandwich and drank - horror; meet the gloved hands;• and he came but tries to follow all the I ate a caviar horror; society would be Shocked- But I life in Paris. He is fond of astronomy, I a sentence of one day in jail, a glT of o.,,nV,,o1.d.1wh0 Buff" 'N th? , y hing for a down the beach, and, standing behind , fr�� 1 Nowadays the plumbers of Larainie V11 '. . v ! and recently had sent to him else a Debility a, man will endure somet her for a moment, heard E6 little don a large telescope and other City, Wyo., are kept very busy looking " Yes. I didn't feel just right then, Sexual Weakn an pretty woman and five thousand a year- i Lon sea Sell re y gurgle of distress. scientific instruments. Besides this he I after private water pipes, which become so I t a piece of lemon -custard pie. the results of did George Nocton mean " said he. "Can 0 '10 In IF MEN Ab .. I be your pardon, i is a first-class rifle shot and a bold choked no. in nearly every instance That g us con'fidenitally a plain MI& what I I . didn't t lich good, so I bought oto., will wrier bo oft Sidmouth help?" the trouble is caused by fair-sized trout statement of their easa, and promise to use car it Will h e hunter. His tastes and the turn of some pears at he fruit stand and ate ats. hare Laura Pocklington's C011- Neaera, looked up with a staxt. The i his mind are said to be European rath-, which in some manner continue to get hem. But they didn't help. If anS- Reme;Y, according to directions, we will send tild not a tpright. figure, bravely resisting a in which in the big main and from thence are v I thought La or express, a carefully , tion that George cared nothing for t . eight of years, the iron -grey � er than Oriental. One way I thing felt worse than ever. tho prep d by ma, Two Months' treatmeeir. ,o he had not growing w t�lb' ho is, the strong influence carried' Into pipes running to private was ill imi"s, no charge if it falls Of — ,*Be, and pleasant v e, - � residences. = to lunch -room and got a dish T.r.cP,ahre,!_,,n._,0, of , frauds and Canadian Mtn Witt. hair, the hooked nose, allowed his wife to ob The the lunch -room a to cure. Avoid Yankee familiar to her. Sure- - Li ' iladelphia of ice cream and some angel cake, and i� Laura's reasons; and perhaps some dif, egaxding the per I .rty bell at Ph Write us at ones for a Remedy whlah Is between the maaouline and keen eyes seemed f ta�i,i over him, Disr, quacks. fr re ace things ly sho'had seen him in town[ mission of the Prophet and the temp- cracked while being tolled July 8, 1835, just before I started home 1. drank a d to our* or cost nothin . Rminine Ways of looking at each t . "'Why it's Mrs. Wittl" he said. "We tertian of his position, he has refused to Ca—.11:14 Box W, As it happened I to announce the death of John Marshall glass of root beer, but it was no Use. IL N. CONPANT, Luck must be allowed foT� are acquaintances, Or we ought to be." — am is wife 113 i hi 'urtica of the Supreme Court ol A don't feel right yet, ,and I've made , Ontario, , Vane was rililit—for a mo- � is 0, 7,atoo CE'na" however, And he held out his hand, addLng, with of his oausins, a Princess of the royal 1 chief J was cast up my mind that it want to keep b`eco a polygamist. H Mont. After George had been for a the U it d States. The bell time repulsed from Mrs. Pock- a smile, "I am Lord M.aple`d1b9,ra*" blood of the Kad jars, and she was all IntLe4 health the only thing more for me 1. is, in London in 1752, broken up and re, my FOR TWENTY-SIX YEARS second Ohl" said Neaera. powerful within the palace If Tear' I mat In April and in June, 1753, so it to do is to move out and out to some ton's doom, finding the support of " Now, I I d he was 82 years old when it broke, and with unsatisfying and yearning "Yes,,, said the Marquis. made her influence felt in t place where the climate agrees lig9f,riends unsatis know all about it, and it's a administration i h burning of the province of for ed approval that � had some hard usage, The crack pro- me." Mile more impassion shame. And, what's more, it's all my Azerbijan over which her husband was bably came naturally. His -wife looked at .him, but did not women give, he went the next day to fault f' .. Governor. t p UNN'S end intruded on the sorrow I she said, in surprise. first step on a&- A. B. Jones, of Newnan County, Ga.. lt�y tog.argue. She merely called the Neaera's, ng- "Your faultf' Muzaffar-ed-dLia's � is 72 years old, has a w trod girl and sent her an an errand ludo rietiremBut to which that wrong- to abolish the wife to support, lady had betaken herself. And "However, I waxned Georg es oending the throne was to the drug store. ad to 15t it alone. Bat he's a. biot-head- taxes on bread, meat, and other noes- and only has one arm with which to Nostara's grief and gratitude, her ser- BAKINC sympathy, her friendship and ed fellow," saries of life, a measure which, how- work. He owns a little home Of row and "I never thought hire that." Lp in the this r all. uplands, and TO 0ONSUMPTIVEIS. equally delight- o popular, made a big gE fury, were oil alike and gh. We , learning -seven �b."7'making a good liv- POWDER equa " He is. thou 11, I revenues of the Government. It Te- twent"th '.. fal to him. ll, and Vanei� and me— m e n yet. -'he � . es no cotton, but has an The undersigned having been raitored to health 6V 11 h He asks Blodwe mains to be seen whether suffice Ing of o.,., me Usual by simple means, after suffering for several years . I "The Mea,aneas she cried with too .bund..,c at and the 9 11( Of MI at least, he didn't ask me, but Blodwell I =by on the throne will supplies. He is independent and I )h. I would rather die p in farm with a Severe lung anection, and that dread disease flashing eyes. y here. We agree. ,!'T THE COOKS BEST FRIEND than have, a petty soul like thad" did—to make a part rostol he's off law hitherto h hose only of debt. Courumption, Im anxious to wake known to his fell Gerald was, of course, the subject of The next moment—hey, p as been the despotic will Out man, sufferers the means at cure. To those who desire 7, LARGEST SALE IN CANADA. at a tangend" of the sovereign and brute force, Leman Bishop, an old coloured he will cheerfully send (free of charge) a any of the . - ­­­11B,,SE these strictures, and George was con- Neaera, could not make up her mind _ — while out in the Woods near his house, prescription used, which they will and a Ou"uurO for _____ . tent not to contradict them. whether Lord Mapledusham was gLv- beyond Crawfordsville, Georgia. heard onjtrmption, Asthma, Catarrh, Brownhills an FALL FUN. "He evidently," continued Neaera, ing this explanation merely to account JANIZARIES. a partridge whistle and thought he all throat and Lual Maladies. He linpas —_ 1. cannot understand your gen- , looking for his all sufferers will try him remedy, as It in infalu- simply for his own presence or also for her — would kill it; but while is . —"She has ref used you I" His arosity, It's beyond hinil" 1>16. Those desiring the prescription, whichwill cost Friend ,,you mustn't rate What you call MY iuformation� Sultan's Strange Army and Its uts. bird be found the whistler to be a black them nothing, and may Prove 0 blessing, will Please Lordship. "Yea, bab Jove I She's a t "The fact is, you see," the Marquis be snake in a brush pile with his head address, ' heartless flirt. After leading me on gaperosity too high," said George. "Bu. resumed, "his alfairs are rather trou- torte Place. above the brush, whistling in perfect Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON, BrooklynoNew for six weeks she says she doesn't care wuat are you going to do Mrs. Wittil" I �a� exit with a blesome. He's out of favor with the The ia,nLz&ries are unique In the his- imitation of a rooster partridge. York. , for a title, anyway." I Neae read her ha authorities, you; know—M.rs. Po`kl'ng_ tory of the world. Nothing like them What is believed to be the ceiebrated ­_- 1 Mr. Point Breeze—"Young Homewood sesta r, air. "I ton.'' ,onstitution Swift, silver mine has been discovered is always relating aue4zdotes, and they I t &OF Pockling- , If "What .in to do? I am—desolate "Does he mind about Mrs. has ever been known in the r on Round Stone Creek, thirty -Five miles "so am I. We must console one an- ton?" of any state. We think of ,,hem some- south of Richmond, Ky., in Rock Castle Evening Caller—I have been wonder- are invariably ri(I Or one.,4. Mr. Fransk- I otb - orge "Ile minds about Miss Pocklington, how in association with the Mamelukea C,,,ty. The ore is combined with lead ing who those companion -framed por- town—"Yes; Homewood has a good I Tri�" speech Was indiscreet. Ge '" traits are, one a beautiful young girl many poor relations." w recogni2ped it. when Neaera's answer- and I suspect— of Egypt, but though there were some and smelts at $65 a ton. Down several -faced old ked u do much climbing, Harold?" � .lye the Other a wrinkled, sad "' I reached hits. �dll I met points in common between them, they feet below the top ledge were found asked gnu newly arrived guest. -Well, i ieffT lance rea boat him. I implements, o an I f,Lt Will Make them talk Worse "That She, minds a crucibles and other imple en , which w in - H " Pa ..you Pocklington at the club yesterday, and differed widely in their character a.nd leads to the belief that the mine had Pretty ogtess—Oh, that's ma, be-- in a way I do," Raid Harold. i than ever " she said, smiling. he told me Ilia P(W.le had gone abroad. aim. The Maine Jokes, though origin- been worked in past years. fore and after marriage. climbs all over the mountains, and I I oft ht never to Weak to me again, Mr- I said it was rather sudden, but Pock 4 olimb all over papa." . Nekton.f' ELI ly a race of slavm founded a sovereign The water in the Columbia River . ' beyond redemp- lington turned very gruff, and said, dynasty in Egypt, but the Jamizaries, Oregon, is so cold that it is dangerous ONE HONEST MAN. "How can he be so rich, when he I "Oh, we are damned 'Not at all.' Of course that wasn't dyn to swim in it. Frank Thorn berg was tried to borrow money of my hrothers i tion, so we may as well enjoy our true,." even at the height of their er, Dmr Editor:—Please inform your the day after we were engaged ?" "That I solves.1, hope she will he good to him," e soldiers, and swimming in about 15 feet of water readers, that if writteu to confidenti- was only a precautionary method. He .1 on mustn't shook your friends Oh, I never ceased to b suddenly seized him and read I said Neaera. "Fancy, if I were the maintained throughout all their history when 'r" P. - wanted to prevent them from"rig the I No. y I he sank. 1C.ing the bottom by a ally I will mail in 9. sealed letter, par still moro-r, I the proofs and symbols of their lowly genuine, honest hoine'same thing to him." , "I have no friends left to shook." re, cause—' - vigorous movement be kicked himself ticulars of a gen - "Dobson, Ido believe if You were I �11 "As I said at the beginning," inter- origin. They made and unmade saver- to the surface again, but, being power- Cure, by which I was permanently re I plied George, bitterlyl a.rquie, "I'm the cause." but they never aspired to the between me and Nesera implored him not to say that, rapte,d the M less to move his arm. -t, sank again. Sev- htored to health and manly vigor, ,given your choice 11 .1 - positiOns of state, and were con- � . such youl" I signs, b ' en times he sank and rose in Thig man- Rftey years of suffering frorn net vous your pipe, you would braitate." "That's runnin L, over the names of as original posts. Not �� supposed to remain faithful. Then he settled himself by her side tent to fill their ner before a boat reached him and drew debility, sexual weakness, night losses, where you make a mistake, Mrs. Job- i. might ul. bow his reminiscence had one of their number ever occupied the Bon. A �ipo soothes and comforts -% I name; and told her him in. and weak shrunken parts. I was robbed man in in old ago." were mention- I I near- 1 shoo his head at each on throne of Turkey, and the whole corps I - George ' first thing to set George its uardians. Two men in a rowboat fought for Rod t,hecluacksuriti �7heffsthe Pocklingtons sombre the track of disoovery, whence all the acted ostensibly only as i 9 ?a mankind. but thank I Wiggies—" Weil, did you make him 4, ad, his shake was big with trouble had resulted., They formed the ftrat standing army their lives amid a school of ten whales ly lost faith is and I take big . words Back as you said you J meanin th a sigh, "So you see," he ended, t., you have of which -we have an record, but recently off Newport Beach, Cal. The heaven, I am now well, vigorou. I were ng to do?" Waggles --Yes. I "Welf" Well,- she said with our woes down I my chat- they were appointed in as the defend- men were camping at Newport and had strong, and wish to make this certain , �bcm hack, but he used them i "and now what are y . to do?" to Put all Y I nal interests. but aim- a fishing trip in a row- ( S. I be tZll -:-;., you going us ter." ore of the natio means A cure known toallsufferer over ,= mare emphatically than ehe j,� "Oh, nothing. I thin some of How struaged" she said, dreamily. ply as the executors of the personal toat. Having found a good fisbin g have nothing to Bell, Find want no' did 1. Si ran to Brighton. " pulling in yellow . am going to have a , designs of the Sultan. The name .by ground they were w w r 'n I "The general run of funny men " .tj go, Just to got out Of this. T looking out to Sea. best known and which tail and barraconda , when suddenly money, but beim a firin believe ' said � I shall scan- which they were 11 od of ma ( "Is Brighton nice now? " The Marquis nodded, his eyes was Yanitzer, ' * what appeared to be an island arose the universal bro herho man, I i I the pbil(x9opber, "are irresponsible I rein her face inspired -)f ht3lping the unfort.- in their utLerance-R. ,rhey don't weig "Nicer than London fy�! , Turkish the sew army, be- from the water alongside the boat. Rm desirious i . anyhow." , in .4 11; -yes. Mir. Neston—f" %en she turned to him suddenly. ca it superseded, Whales hen appeared on all -sides, and, ate to regain their health and happi- I their words ... .. loau pose they don't `4 "Yes, MI-- Witte Whi don't You and said, "I was very young. you .oasolid. the old troops which after being in the school for some time, nese, I promikse you perfect secrecY and like to find out how pose their jokes .4 know, and—rather hungry." the leviathans swam away, leaving the as I do not wish to expose myself !are," said Explainitall. V were raise came too." "I am a. sLrmor myself," he answer- ',!�) d—you and your frightened men at peace. simply.. P. O. Box i 1"-A—"Waggins, what did you do I "At any rate, Yora' - either, address, . '.1 scattered when war 'Was Over. , �1 somebody to speak to, e,(L sm iA i ng. " 4 frie.nds—be ed: what I did afterwards, I The receipts of salmon at the variou.4 3M, London, Ont. f with my pen?" Clerk— "I t "you in idol ,, v wouldn't yout" " Nesera, resting her .. I % , I Oregon river canneries continue an- ----------N---- ; your desk, Rix." BON,-- ou d ' �,.,.-,j�'. �azlag at, George. — usually I don't do it again, please. Next time � � , , chin on her hand and E came. We sball "I oa=6 to make my oonfe,sslon, not MODERN PROVERBS. heavy, and are far !in Pxc*,sa A VALUABLE IDEA. ,�?4 , "Oh, yea, You Must . How shall I atone for More men die too late than too soon. of the capacity of the packing estab- you take it just put it, some place where to bear yours Lord Ma&ham's ific,011le Of 8600,000 f can find it when I want it ... .'.,X, - lyl� be very jolly." , - � whaps it will con- all I have brought on you? What JL,dimonta. Tons of fresh fish are bo 44 "Poor nal But pc A coward can sometimes deal stet- is very largely due to the I ­Grmious," said the summer boarder sole us to mingle our tears." shall I do now?" *ble blow. ing thrown overboard on account of per annum ' ­I_I curly want some friends, and— rt utilizing the waste of silk for "What is that tower with the great ��`6 � e'1,6 "Will you ootmoll, naked George. express- the lack of means to preserve them idea Of utiJ 'wheel on top of it V- "That there is B. �%A,, ..I shal�t tell OIL" she said With a and some one to speak to," said Nesera. The truest sympathy is never until they could be canned. As many (be manufartuer of plush. He start- . � �� 01 lau ll. It = be Purely accidental," with a forl,wn little sigh, ed in words. as possible have been .salted for winter ed this l,ndnatry on a large scale, and windmill," the farmer explained. "Ro- ' '��"�'�" The Marquis took her hand and kiss- Faith with s(wrie People means simply tine by citizens, tho fish being freely was 80= one of the biggest manufa,0- jallyl About how much wind will It. `1 Very �4,�, 1 fortuitous concurrence? Ver IV' said trusting to luck. given to 9.11 who would carr them turn out in a day T" ."�,!, ed it allantly. "If that is a (tirers Of plush in England. I �1'cl Well. We go to morrow.' a .. � ,,,,, -x don't want to know when you he, sinflin "perhaps we may man Re. 40 amount of kind words ever atones away. Fishermen amort tha never "I think," she said earnestly, "that & ,,-,j, ) g:. —_ - , I '.. Tbanks said caeca, putting her for an unkind dead, since the canning industry began has woman who truly loves a man always I 1,�'), ,.�, , 90. handkerchief into her ket. Xost men who are "made" by their such a run beett-Aecin. For Over Fifty Tears has his best intere�sts at heart." "Per- ��k ":14 "Na Tint we do. " _ 1.. ,/,�,�, 9.9a.in, and Gear 0 "That's rightl R=it and Vane - SOOTHING HYRup has Leen need by haps�­ he angwered; "but" "Wha . ') — ,01 R" re made worse. MRS. WINFLows . 11. "if 'J�J�. 1� NwAra laughed — ___4b. thAtIl , " ,4, �, , took his leave, better pleased with the A,M here too, and—" w a miluoss of mothers for their chu4ran while teething. were you going to -yy him t" ,�­, 4 arrived. A call "I don't much care about them; it 6 easier to spend all you make ltdigtorbod at nlebtsod broken of your rest bye nick the case, what makes leer marry I., , I - I world than when be than to make all you spend. COULDN'T BE HER. shill imitering and arytng with pain of Cutting Tooth �',,�,�'!,l pretty woman often -has this of- but—'! 0 ­.�. 19 nothing t ...dat once and got a bottle of 111fro. Winolow's Oil a aide." Wben a woman can find not Mim giss&m—You seem depressed to 400thingSYruP" forObildren Teething. ,� fr? -, toot; sormetlme6, let us add, to complete "Oh, they*re all on yonx I It will rellove , t. OUT commonplace. I at the opposite. "Are thei? I needn't we more ot worry about she worries about that. ' ,t, Mr. Dexter. lit4o sufferer Immedia4ely. Depend upon It, AT THE WRONG PLACE. li"O�,,- them than Like, need 11" equal, n h, ,,,', I Wb fil" be argued to All men are born free and 1%. DeXteT—Yeg, I am. I Went to a =s, there in no mistake about it. 10 cures plar, Who was that fine looking gentleNUM I �;�'111 shouldn't 1&toa the Stomach and Bowels, oureo Wind I � , I I - , " , , , I - I ,,I d.on*t know why I should The Marquis was not young, no, nor but a good many of them get mar- fortume taller to -day to find out my rhoos, inflammation, and a t t he, d cmr, .Tana I "I , � , A" himml . . =no the Guns, reduceshim that . 4;,-, t AJI the blame for nothing. if inexpenonced; but, all the same, be wan sled, fate and was told that the girl I loved 00110,t000 and energy to the whole system. "Mro. i I don't kricriv, MUM. I told "I I I think It of me, I may as woll not proof against this flattery. "Per- The man who says OM17 t he would not marry Me. n.low,N soothing . ter children teatAng Is � ,_ � 1, ' 'C I has they want stay long," red gills. Pleasant to the taste [Irfw in thp world do you. know No fhol.T g " he said. what Ill" 110., the prescription of one of - kip had tailed at the wrong bouse. '. do t." thinks will soon acquire 9. reputation A freshly caught fish has . � t when George readbod. his lod And you?" she asked. as a cynic. Those Of a fish not recently caught are tb.alAest and boot female phytio!ann and nurpo* In !did ? - sea ts a bottle d I arple. bh4 United states. Price twenty five ,­ � - In li e table, side by aide He smiled at her, and, after a mo tlive bitg usefulness; prilAr in color, or of a (lark world. Restire' li,miu.,o-, he had no bill to Oreaftk � 0 "I I Al ]Kr. Blodwell's final letter about went of innocent enriousness, her lips No man can an dealers to make stale fist sold b, all druggists throughout the �� r I wavered Into an answerin smile he may still serve as some sott of hor- Tricky 8"m sod so for 'tufts. WINR14vl 800TVING Synrlp." mum. "? � the Bflgtkton trip, Laura Pocklin ton's at beef blood on their gills. , 11 , '� ( note, And then—away went Arigb- To Be Continued.) * rible example, fresh, P .. ",