HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1896-09-16, Page 6ii 1<I r. "Nearly forty years ago, after Some weeks of sickness, my hair turned gray. 1 began using Ayer's Noir Vigor, and was so well satis- fied with .the results that 1 have never tried any other kind of dress. ing. It requ ices only aII occasional appli- cation of AYER'S Hair Vigor to keep my hair of good color, to remove dandruff, to Beal itching' rumors, and prevent the bair from falling out. I never hesi- tate to recommend Ayer's medicines to my friends.'—Mrs.11. M. HA.IGHT, .Avec$, Nebr. Prepared by Dr. J. O. Ayer & Co., Lowen, Maw. Take Ayer's Sarsaparilla for the Complexloa. The H"ren News -Record 81.26 a Yost-81.00in Advance WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18th, 1890. Ayston Doherty. Did'st thou but live in olden time, When chivalry was in its prime, Of thy fair locks poets would rhyme Ayston Doherty. The artist too, a tale would tell, With the palette, he loves so well, Of Auburn hair and fairy dell, Ayston Doherty. Hope and Faith, twin friends of thine, Around thy heart their tendrils twine ; And Cupid too, with charms divine, Ayston Doherty. All me ! how well you know my heart, The flow'rs are of my life a part, Carnations woo me, with love's dart, A yston Doherty. And Astors too—September's flow'rs, With Azaleas from some lov'd bow'rs ; I'll think of thee in sunny hours. Ayston Doherty. Now let me wish thee maiden fair, A happy home, 'mid flowers rare,' A life of sunshine, void of care, Ayston Doherty. Goderich, Ont., Canada, 5th Sept. 1890. • DR.' SUNSHINE. WITH HEALTH THE WORLD IS A WORLD OF SUNSHINE—WITH DISEASE, A DARK, GLOOMY, PRISON -LIKE ABODE —THE GREAT SOUTH AMERICAN REM- EDIES HAVE BROUGHT BACK SUN- SHINE TO MANY A LIFE. Rheumatism—What joyful news to the sufferer from chronic rheumatism or neuralgia! That instant relief and an absolute cure can be had in from one to three days by using the Great South American Rheumatic Cure seems incredible, but thousands say it's a fact, and here is a testimony of one :"For three years I suffered untold misery in my legs, for six months I was confined to wy bed. I used all the ordinary remedies 1 could lay my hands on. South American Rheumatic Cure being brought to my notice, I procured a bottle and it gave me instant relief. A few bottles com- pletely cured me."—George Denham, druggist, Petrolia. Kidneys—Spontaneous, unsolicited testimony is the highest recommend that can be given the Great South American Kidney Cure. What it has done it can do again. It is a kidney specific—gives quick relief in all kid- ney disorders, heals and strengthens. Michael McMullen, Chesley, Ont., writes : "I had been troubled with gravel and kidney disease for eight ' years. 'Remedies' and doctors could give me no relief—pain was so severe that 1 could not lie down or remain in one position any time. I procured a bottle of South American Kidney Cure, took it according to the directions. I got instant relief, the soreness all left me, and to -day I am cured of the dan- gerous trouble and recommend this wonderful remedy to all similarly af- fected." The Nerves—We live in a hurry and nine -tenths of our ailments are due to nervous exhaustion, impoverished blood or bad digestion. South Ameri- can Nervine is a blood builder; it tones the nerves and stimulates diges- tion. Thousands whose lives were a burden to them are to -day in excellent health because they have tested its marvellous power. W.H. Sherman, of Morrisburg writes : "I was completely run down—a great sufferer from sto- mach and nervous troubles. Tried every medicine' in the market with little or no relief. 1 obtained a bottle of South American Nervine. Before half of it was taken I had derived great benefit. Six bottles made me my old selt again. I recommend it to everybody so afflicted, and cheerfully give it my testimony."—Sold by Watts .& Co. At a special meeting of the City Council of Guelph, Ont., it was decided to take proceedings against Edmund Harvey the late City Treasurer, to re- cover the indebtedness due from him to the city. The criminal proceedings will be referred to the Crown. Taken in timeHood's Sarsaparilla prevents serious illness by keeping the blood 2tttre and all the organs n a healthSttp edition. iClada(latr=i SOWS arra soniethinj•In tht line of athlotegi, his ea they have br ught. 'Many ;laurels far' the brow or the fair 'oung Dominion. Glencaitnwon the half -rater trophy at New York. A.rchi.bald, of 'Toronto, won the In- termttianal canoe taiie at Clayton„ The Canada won the International cup at Toledo. The Winnipeg oarsmen won the American four -oar championship at Saratoga. The Bisley reale won the Kolapore cup. artillery team, at Shoeburyness, won the Queens prize. R. H. Dickson won the International golf trophy at Niagara. Gaudaur won the championship of the world. Canadians won in International cricket. And Clinton's victory over the Ber- lin -Waterloo cricketers. Kinds Words Come From Public Institutions As Well as From Private Individuals. All Classes and Creeds Praise Paine's Celery Compound. Public institutions throughout Can- ada are as ready to acknowledge the marvellous virtues of Paine's Celery Compound as are private individuals. For many years, a large nuinberof our public, benevolent and religious cor- porations have used Paine's Celery Compound for the benefit of old and young, and if it were possible to pub- lish all the statements made by the inmates, scores of the letters would prove interesting and entertaining. In institutions like those referred to, where hundreds are cared for every year, all the common ills and diseases of every day life ale found, and many hundreds have been made well and strong by Paine's Celery Compound that the physicians of these institu- tions were unable to cure by the ordin- ary means. To -day, this gland curing work is still going on in many of the largest and most prominent of our public places, and no other medicine will be tolerated but Paine's Celery Com- pound, which shows the esteem and confidence in which the medicine is held. One of these noted institutions that has given testimony for Paine's Celery Compound is the immense conventual educational house on the St. Lawrence, near Montreal, and known as the "Convent of the Holy Names." The ladies of this house write as follows : "We feel it a duty to add our testi- mony in favor of your 'wonder work- ing' Paine's Celery Compound, many Sisters suffering from debility, dyspep- sia sleeplessness and indigestion, have been completely relieved after tak- ing it. "We shall strongly recommend its OSA in all our houses as the best med- icine to restore health, and give tone and vigor to the nervous system " A. Blessed Coolness. When in the brassy skies above No hope or help I see, I gladly seek the girl I love— She's always cool to me. One advantage of taking Ayer's Sar- saparilla to purify the blood is that you need not infringe upon your hours of labor nor deny yourself any food that agrees with you. In a word, you are are not compelled to starve or loaf, while taking it. These are recom- mendations worth considering. _ A MEMBER OF THE ONTARIO BOARD OF HEALTH SAYS : "I have prescribed Scott's Emulsion in Consumption and even when the digestive powers were weak it has been followed by good results." H. P. YoE- MANS, A. B., M. D. Goldwin Smith says a man on a bicy- cle looks like a monkey on a goat, and a woman on a bicycle looks like a witch on a broomstick. It is unfor- tunate that Professor Smith's opin- ion of bicyclists in general is based on his observation of Toronto bicy- clists.—Hamilton Spectator. 40 HecI-Ooals Put to Route an Army of Formid- able Trespassers. CONSTIPATION, DIZZINESS, PAIN UNDER THE SHOULDER BLADES) SICK HEAD- ACHE, DEPRESSED FEELING, BLOAT- ING AFTER EATING, DEBILITY AND INSOMNIA, RESULT FROM AN INACTIVE LIVER. Dr. Agnew's Liver Pills, 401ittle Red - Coats at a cost of 10 cents will set you right in short order. Piles of testimony to prove it. 11. Livermore, Hullettt has corn over 13 feet tall. #t!l> OUT Sir 01Ivo'Mow t prernioi4cof QAl t.14r'io,.• Ile ltl UO:RW 1t Dominion lionatO Rind b1olda the.�po folto`of 1pitiiiater ol: Dial onI Dyes the the Richest' JUS";" v la4 r n t •e otrt . ane It i ill n i,ere _ od that Ceiers. Hon Wilfred Laurier `end Sir Oliver Mowat entered into. Ilegetiations with the view of securing the Influence of Sire liver duringthe election campaign, The manufacturers of the justly Pop- ular Diamond Dyes constantly avail themselves of every improvement in the manufacture of dye-stutte,thus giving to hove -dyers all over .the world each and every advantage pos- sessed by the largest manufacturers on earth. Have you tried the Diamond Dye Fast Dark Green, Diamond Dye Fast Olive Green, and Diamond Dyes Fast Bottle Green? For the dyeing of Wool and Silk goods, these Greens are certainly triumphs of science. For the coming autumn, the above Greens with their varied shades— Hunter's Green, Myrtle Green, Bronze Green, Russian Green, and Old Green —will all be the rage for ladies' suits and dresses. Use only the "Diamond," and you will surely get the best results and colors. An interesting case engaged the at- tention of Judge Findlo and a jury at the Woodstock Division Court the other day. It was down on the list as Welford vs. Huntsberger. Some years ago Dr. Wreford performed a surgicial operation ou Louis Huntsberger, a oodstock mechanic, who was then under age. The operation consisted of the straitening of defendant's foot. The action was brought to recover a hill of $100, which the doctor had char- ged against Huntsberger for .profess- ional services. The doctor presented a plaster of paris cast of the foot as it ad - peered before the operation and stat- ed that this was only the second oper- ation of the kind which had ever been performed to his knowledge. The de- fendant endeavored to %how that an agreement was made whereby the doc- tor should perform the operation free of charge, another contention of the defence being that Huntsberger was an infant under the age of twenty one years and therefore not liable. The judge directed the jury to find that the oper- ation came under the category of ne- cessaries in the eyes of the law. The jury brought in a verdict for the plain- tiff for $50. ARE YOU TIRED All the time ? This condition is a sure indication that your blood is not rich and nous ishing as it ought to be and as it may be if you will take a few bottles of the great blood purifier, Hood's Sarsaparilla. Thousands write that Hood's Sarsap- apilbt has cured them of that tired feel- ing by giving them rich, red blood. HOOD'S PILLS act easily and promptly on the liver and bowels. Cure sick headache. A correspondent from Nipissing, Ont., tells a story that would indicate a laxity of law and morals more charac- teristic of the wild and wooly West than of staid Ontario. A clergyman not being available a young couple went to the township clerk who agreed to marry them for six months, repeat- ed the Lord's prayer, then ordered them to salute one another, pronounc- ed them man and wife, and closed the ceremony with "And may the Lord have mercy on your souls."—Northern Presbyterian. Before going on a sea voyage or into the country, be sure and put a box of Ayer's Pills in your valise. You may have occasion to thank us for this hint. To relieve constipation, biliousness, and nausea, Ayer's Pills are the best in the world. They are also easy to take. Rachel. Could the Rachel of old look on thee, sweet maid, Gladness would illumine her eyes; For the bloom upon thy cheek Sheweth thee, patient and meek Truly a dower, she would prize. The flame color'd flow'rs, that you gave me, sweet maid ; Were bright like the joy in thy heart; While the stately maiden fern Made me for Sylvan nooks yearn, Till August's hot sun would depart. ELOISE A. SKIMMINGS. Goderich, Ont., 6th Sept., 1896. Largest Shipment on Record. The S. S. Ryckwan Medicine Com- pany yesterday made a shipment of Kootenay Cure which beats all records. It consisted of just as many boxes as a Hendrie lorry would hold, piled six tiers high, and was for the Canadian Drug Company, of St. John, N. B. It is said to have been the largest shipment ever made in filling a spot cash order. The load was photograph- ed as it left the warehouse on Jackson street.—Hamilton Times, August 12. News Notes. It is said that a part of Li Hung Chang, the great Chinese potentate who will soon be the guest of the Dominion government, is his coffin. The casket is so constructed that it will convey bis distinguished remains without offence, to the sacred soil of his illustrious ancestors for interment. Mr. W. Chittick, of London, is in posession of an old coin whicn was un- earthed on the McLean farm in Dor- chester last week. It is about the size of a Canadian cent, and has on one side the inscription, "Sir Isaac Brock, the hero of Upper Canada," On the other side the date of 1816 is stamped across the centre, while around the side are the words : "Success to com- merce, and peace to the world." The coin is highly prized by the owner. and it was detiirngioed to strengthen that influence in the eyes of those who looked upon 'Sir Oliver Mowat as an honest and upright man, by a promise that in the success of the Liberal party at the polls Sir Oliver would be taken into the senate and would be given an important and lucrative office as min- ister of justice.�It is known that Sir Oliver slid what be could during the campaign for the advantage of the Grit party ; that he appeared on the platform with Mr. Laurier•,and beamed upon the audience through his shiny spectacles, and spluttered speeches at the electorate,which speeches were cal- culated to influence voters in favor of Mr. Laurier and his party ; it is known that Sir Oliver turned loose upon•the Ontario community, in the interest of Mr. Laurier and the Grit party, the entire force of the Ontario government from the chief wicked partner down to the last appointed $500 a year bar- nacle, and that all these did what they could to help on the election of Mr. Laurier's candidates. Why did Sir Oliver do this? Is it not clear that a bargain existed between himself and Mr. Laurier—an arrangement whereby Sir Oliver was to do certair. work fir Mr. Laurier for a certain reward : a de- livery of certain goods for a certain price? In his letter published in the Toronto Globe, March 4, 1896, Sir Oliver states that application had been made to him "some weeks ago," to give up the Ontario premiership, and become a candidate for a seat in the commons, with a view of accepting a position in the Laurier government. That was the beginning of the nego• tiations, the first step toward the bar- gain. But the offer did not suit Sir Oliver, for reasons important to him- self and his family, and a change was made in the program, and it was pro- posed that Sir Oliver should take a seat in the senate and become minis- ter of justice. In his letter Sir Oliver states that he had had correspondence with Mr. Laurier on the subject and had also bad a personal interview with him. It is quits clear then that a bar- gain was made ; Sir Oliver to do all he could to secure the success of the Grit Tarty in the election and to take, as his reward, a senatorship and the port- folio of justice. The Grits were suc- cessful, and Sir Oliver has his seat in the senate and is mmieter of justice. The goods have been delivered and the price paid. But the law has something to say about that sort of transaction. The criminal code of 1892, clause 137, states that,— Everyone is guilty of an .indictable offense who, directly or indirectly— (a) sells or agrees to sell any appoint- ment to or resignation of any office, or any consent to such appointment or resignation, or receives or agrees to receive, any reward or profit from the sale thereof ; or (b)purchases or gives any reward or proft for the purchase of any such ap- pointment, resignation or consent, or agrees or promises to do so. Every one who commits any such of- fence as aforesaid, in addition to any other penalty thereby incurred, for- feits any right which he may have in the office and is disabled for life from holding the same. 2. Every one is guilty of an indict- able offense who, directly or indirect- ly(a) receives or agrees to receive any reward or profit for any interest. re- quest or negotiation about any office, or under pretence of using any such interest, making any such request or being concerned in any such negotia- tion.; egotia- tion; or (b) gives or procures to be given any profit or reward, or inakes or procures to be made any agreement for the giving of any profit or reward, for any such interest, request or negotiation as aforesaid ; ou (c) solicits, recommends or negoti- ates in any manner as to any appoint- ment to or resignation of any office in expectation of any reward or profit ; or (d) keeps any office or place for trans- acting or negotiating any business relating to vacancies in, or the sale or purchase of, or the appointment to, or resignation of office. The word "office" in this section in- cludes every office in the gift of the crown or of any officer appointed by the crown, and all commissions, civil, naval and military. and all places and employments in any public depart- ment or office whatever, and all depu- tations to any such office and every participation in the profits of any office or deputation. That seems to cover the case of Sir Oliver Mowat and Premier Laurier. It is well understood that Sir Oliver did purchase appointments and gave reward and profit for them, and prom- ised to give reward or proflt in con- sideration for the appointments to of- fice. It is well understood that both Sir Oliver and the premier have both broken the law as set forth above. The matter should he at once in- vestigated in parliament. It is a grave thing when any public man deliber- ately and flagrantly violates the crim- inal law of the country ; but if the minister of justice is the culprit the gravity of the situation is very much increased. Fortunately, in this case the accused, if guilty, cannot be white- washed by his party in parliament; he must be tried before the criminal court of the country. Woodstock Times:—City Clerk Lust- ed of Windsor, an old apprentice of The Times, has been requested to se- cure the names of alt the volunteers who took part in the Fenian troubles of 1860. A movement le on foot to se- cure the names of all those Who served with the troops at that time, and the Dominion Parliament will then be pe- titioned to make some suitable aekonw- ledgment for the Wren who went to the front in defene'eof the country. There are a number of volunteers still living 1, around here. For Blood Celery - Dyspepsia and Bad Humors Manley's Nerve Compound is unexcelled. Mr. Geo. Reid G.T.E. Oparater, New Eamlarg, oat., under dated Marek 3rd,1896, writeaaa follows t "1 was troubled far tWo years With heels sad Dyfed/MA 61 the worst kind. Tried auroral Well - clues. bat sone -rave mach relief. Until I tried I+Iantey'a Celery -Nerve Compound my blood Was is a dread- ful state, bat I am happy to say your medidae Cured inc." ! olialit 0000* ee Years rasnes in the trea�rpent. of the Threat end L �rortkle>r, Cstunb, Ailkhdia, Ilrond4t xlevvelp i C Kon1c and 6peeiai. Oise fusee of Min and 'mitten. LuuI Manhood mrestored—Kidney truenl curedrGlect, Gonorrhoea, Varieocel.xu stricture cured without pain. No cutthig. Syphilis and alt Blood Disuses cured without mercury. Young fen $`renes from the efo t of youthf foiliea or indjscre ons, or any troubled with Weakness, Nervous Debility, Loss of Memory, Despondcney, Aversion to Society, Kidney Troubles, or any disease of the Genital -Urinary Or- Cans, can here find safe and speedy cure. harges reasonable especially to the poor. CURES GUARANTEED. fiddle-Agedsten- a too freq e t ov e - dons of the bladder, often accompanied by a slight smarting or burning sensation, and weakening of the system in* manner the patient cannot account for. There are malty men who die of this difficulty, ignorant of the cause. The doctor will guarantee* per. , feet euro in all such cases, and healthy restoration of the genito-urinary organs. Con* imitation free. Those unable to call, can write full particulars of their case and have medicine sent by express, with full instructions for use. Mention this paper when writing. Office hours: From 9 a. m. to 8 p. m. Sundays, 9 to 11 a. m. DR. SPINNEY ,& (S,MaoeN�AVENUE. N. CO. dt Eabeth St.) DETROIT, MIOM. f Bargains ! Bargains ! At the Cheap Cash Store. t$L500 WORTH OF GROCERIES and CROCKERY mast be Bold to melte room for Stook to arrive. Don't mise this chance to buy Goods cheat. CASH PAID FOR GOOD BUTTER AND EGGS. . G, J. STEWART. Agent for Monsoon and Karma Tea. Touches the spot -I' MacLeod's System Renovator •���ra�rintets�tetettt000teo•41041600aeoraoo.nooriteoetate.....• FOR 4., Weak and Impure Blood, Liver and Kidney Diseases, Female Complaints, etc. Ask Druggist or write direct to .1. 31. MacLeod, GoDI.RICH, Ont. 922-v There's many a slip between cup and lip and there's many ajar of spoiled Pickles all on account of not using The best VINEGAR and SPICES.. We are headquarters for Pure Spices of all kinds, both wll gknd ground. Our Vinegar is the best on the market. ���'�"� Telephone 23. THE CASH GROCERY — OGLE COOPER & CO. rtilKeeps the largest assortment, the new - II . est Goods, quality fine and prices low in Groceries Crockery and NI ■ Glassware �, TEAS.—Black, Green and Japans are unequalled in quality and prices; you will save 5c. and 10c. pound if you buy from me instead of Tea Peddlers; compare quality and prices. SUGARS.—We are headquarters, we buy direct from Montreal Refineries, keep best quality and sell at close prices. NEW FRUITS and PEELS.—We have already disposed during Holiday season of over four tons and still have large stock on hand, different brands selling cheap as to quality. CROCKERY, CHINA, GLASSWARE AND LAMPS.—Wo have got to make room for `ont Imported Goods and we have reduced our prices on Dinner Sets, Tea Sets, Toilet Sets, Berry Sete, Water Sets, Bread and Butter Plates, Cups and Saucers and Lamps, all kinds Call and see Goods and Prices; no trouble to show goods. Terms Cash or Trade. wrt>•riirAIIIIIIIII.ia King of all Bicycles. Light Weight and - i:igidity. Every Ma- chinefully warranted Absolutely the Best. SIoperlor flaterial and Scientific Work - tranship. . . 5 Styles Highest Honors at the World's Columbian Exposition. &nl twacens stamp for our ae-page Catalogue—A work of Art. Monarch Cycle Company, Retail Salesroom, aSo Wabash Ave. lake and Halsted Sts., CHICAGO, ILL. +„ ++++i+_+44f:+ss++++++++++ +++ ++ r+++++t+++tom+4+ s+4++_+111 WANTED Several Bright young mon to do work for ere in this vicinity. If they have Bicycles all the better. Addrerls "ADVERTISER," Brantford, Ontario, Property For Sale. A CHANCE FOR GARDENERS. In consequence of my age and lack of help, I have decided to offer for gale my splendid gardening pro- perty consisting of fire and a half aoree In Clinton, some of the beat land In the county of Huron, Includ. ing hot bade and other neceseary requirements, There le on the premises a frame house with cellars soft and hard water, barn and other outbuildings The Bayfield river adjoins the property. Will sell at a reasonable price for half cash and balance seemed by mortgage. AS I desire to sell this Is a chance seldom met with. Apply personally or by letter to the proprietor, JOSEPH ALLANSON, 834-1 f. Minton WORK FOR MEN AND WOIIIIN. We iia " i0 to $10 per week for essy home work. nd San do 1t. No Scheme, Hooke or Pethili g This le bona fide. Send stamp for work and particu- lars at once. THE SEYMOUR SUPPLY CO., Mown. le Temple, Camden, N..r. 911-yly. WEAK MEN • If suffering from Lost Manhood "i Nervous Debility, Lack of Vigor y Emleaions. 10 days treatment sent free to any`ont l sending as 12cts. In Postage stamps. STANDARD MEDICAL CO., 246 8t. James Street,Montree LADIES FRENCH PILLS. Safe': Sore. Aot in 80 to 48honr.. T$: only to male regulator in the whole ange of medicines. By Mall Price $8 00. STANDARD MEDICAL CO., 246 St. James Street, Montrait Man Wanted, • Wanted, young married man, without famfl, or with small family, to work on farm by tlyd'; year. Must be good with team and board hint, self. House convenient. Apply at THE Nawit- RECORD Office for particulars. Wanted—An Idea 0001 .oMO =p thing toWent .4 pgptsototic Mews they may brine roe womb. Write JOHN WHDDEPBUBE k CO. Preterit Attow 4 aur WYbineten, D. C., for their COMO print Olt* at t of two hundred Inventions wan , �(I