HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1896-09-09, Page 3I ? WAS HE A a ENTLEMAN • If 5,ou want to preserve apples, don't cause a break i n the skin. The germs of _decay thrive rapidly there. So the germs of consump- tion And good soil for work when the lining of the throat and lungs is bruised made flew, or injured by colds and coughs. Scott's Emulsion, with hypophosp Ates, ,wI heat inflamed mucus mem- - ,laranea: , The time to take •is 'before serious damage has been done. A 5o -cent bottle, *enough for an or- dirkary cold. - s0 coats and $1.00 1 Scam & Uowxs, Chemists. Belleville. Out P LNSIS CURED—SWORN $TLTEfENt M�[r1,., }4Rggie McMartin, 27 Itadenburet fit, Tomi110 61tewllweare that R okman's "Montana), Cure" cured he*pt Paralysis which rendered one aide of her body 'entirely tfselesa. Physicians said there was no chance of her ever reooverini the nee of her limbs. slope deserted her, but to -day she is walking around telling her friends how Ryokman's " Kootenay pure" gave her life and happiness. Sworn to, July 10, 1896, before J. W. Seymour Corley, Notary Public. SWORN STATEMENT •OF A GRATEFUL $OTHEM. Louisa White, nine years old, who suffered with Eczema since her birth, has been entirely cured and her general system built up by Ryokman a "Kootenay Cure." The above tura areiven in & sworn state- ment made by her mother, Mrs. George White, 139 Stinson 8t., Hamilton, Ont„ dated July 8, 1806. before J. F. Monck, Notary Public. �A COMBINATION DISTURBED — SWORN STATEMENT MADE. Charles E. Newman, 18 Marlborough St., Toronto Ont., had a complication of blood troubles, Rheu- matism, severe Kidney trouble and constipation. Was frequently disturbed at night, lost his appetite and was a very sick man. His Kidneys are now in a healthy condition, his appetite good, Bleep undis- turbed and constipation cured ; all this was done by Ryokman's `Kootenay Cure." He mote • sworn statement to the above facto before J. W. Seymour Corley, July 10, 1890. rl ft PERFECT,TEA ONSOON TEA THE rovEsT TEA IN THE WORLD FROM THE TEA PLANT TO THE TEA CUP IN ITS NATIVE PItRITY. " Monsoon" Tea is put up by the Indian Tea -rowers as a sample of the best qualities of Indian 1 e ,s. Therefore they use the greatest care in the ,i ction of the Tea and its blend, that is why they : t it up themselves and sell it only in the origins i.-kages, thereby securing its purity and excellence l'e'er up in j<, lb., x lb. and S 1b. packages, and never t,. ld in bulk. ALLGOOD GROCERS KEEP IT. your t•...cer does not keep it, tell him to write t. STEEL, HAYTER dt CO. u 11 and 13 Front Street East. Toront' -40011 NERVOUS, DESPONDENT, WEAK, DISEASED MEN, Cures Guaranteed or No Pay YOUNG or MIDDLE-AGED MEN—Yoe may have been the victim of Self Abase when young. Later Excesses or exposure to blood dle•aree may have completed the work. " You feel the symptoms stealing over yon. You dread the tuU re results. You know yon are not a man mentally and sexually. Why not be cured In time end avoid the and experience of other wrecks of theee diseases. Our NEW MEIHOD PitEATMENT WI LL CURE YOU AFTER ALL ELSE SAILS. Emissions, Varicocele and Syphilis Cured W.M. MILLER W. ll[. MILLER C U R D Before Treatment After Treatment "At the+ age of 111 I oomm"need to rola my hen th. Later on en "UN i'; OE? Till. I tUYD" 1 contracted a serious blood disease ---SYPHILIS. 1 was weak end nervone despondent, pimplee, sunken eyes, b no pains. Moen, hair loose, sore tongue nod mouth drains in urine, varicocrlel—I was a wreck. I was in the last etat?oa when a friend recommended Dre. Itenno''y & g• Kerman. A dozen other doctors had ',filed in oaring mo. Drs. Kennedy d; Kerran cared me in a few weeks by their New Method Treatment. I would warn similar dieeased men to btrware of Medical Fronds. They are reliable honest and ekillful physicians." W. M. MILLER. CONSULTATION FREE. We treat rend cure Varico- c e 1 e. Eiyphiila, Errata/alone. (Heel. Mtrlcture. Nervous ue-. bIlity, Vrtnntural Dlavlearget., Kidney and Bladder D t fi. cameo. 17 YEARS IN MICHIGAN 200,000 CURED No cure, No Ray. Write for (latest i0ti Blank for Home Treatment. Hooka 1•'ree • ougultatlon Free. DRs.KENNEDY & KERGAR No. 148 Shelby M. DETROIT, - - MICH. Desirable Farm to Rent. The undersigned offeti to rent the splendid farm on the 9th con., Hallett township, being the north half of lot 86, containing 85 acres. Frarhe hone*, barn, stable and shed, young ornhard hearing Chia year, a (reek running through the farm all the year round, A &tellable term lot stock or grain, being only six mile'. from ti:( town of Clft ton, Apply to Mag' JANE DODBWORTH, Or JOHN F"RD, Hotmesvlll e. 927- If WHAT A "GENTLEMAN" 18 AND HAS BEEN IN LAW. The First Napoleon Was Proud of Being a Gnetl•man, but There la Strong -Doubt if lie Was One Legally—nit Gentleman 1st France. Bouvier, in his law dictionary, says that the word "gentle nan" is unknown to the law of the United States; and this, upon so adequate an authority, we must take to be the fact, though in our social code we have more gentle- men and more varieties of genUernen than any other nationality in the whole world. In what other `country than ours can be found the gentleman hangman, the gentleman prize fighter, the gentleman burglar? And ours 1s the only one of the great nations in which the word gentleman or its equiv- alent hits not some legal significance. The matter was very different in France under the old monarchy. In those fine old days there was no un. certainty whatever on this suhjectr al- t1ou>ph it 1s conceivable that serious mistakes might be made in the appli- cation of the word "gentleman" even in so august an instance as that of Na- poleon. Gen. Foy says in his "Memoirs" that no man exceeded Napoleon in pride, and that—assuredly—he was excusable for having more of it than other men, but with this pride, which Gen. Foy says was Napoleon's consciousness or genius, he hada slug -Mar sensitiveness as to his social place. "Will posterity believe tt;'t says Gen. Foy, "that this warrior of thC pyramids, this man -of glory, this king among kings, was in the habit of boasting that he had been born a gentleman." Certainly this was an extraordinary vaunt --to be made by the Emperor, who was undoubtedly the most imper- ial figure In the history of the race since Caesar; a vaunt that excites a very curious interest. What the par- ticular qualities of the:Corstcan gentle- man were in 1796 we are not informed; but we know without any deduction exactly what they were that made the French gentleman of that pertod. If Napoleon was a gentleman by' birth he must have been such under the French system, for he was born a Frenchman although conceived a Corslcan. Was he really a French gefttteman? So far as appears, there is no known fact in the history oe the Bonaparte family that would justify Napoleon in the boast attributed to him by Gen. Foy—that la to say, if Napoleon used the word gentleman in its French sig- nificance --although it goes distlnetlY against this view that up to 1789, under the ancient regime, none but gentlemen could hold commission's in the French army, and that Mapoleon actually did hold a commission from 1785, that of sub -lieutenant in the artillery regi- llgent de la Fere. He must then have been born a gentleman, or there had been a relaxation in his insolence through the interference of the French Governor Of Corsica, the Count de Marboeuf, who was Influential with the King, who procured the young Nalfol- eon's admission 'to the military school at Brienne, and whose 'son some of the English writers declare Napoleon to hay been. The French "gentleman" at the time of Napoleon's birth, was a perfectly definite and easily ascertained person. "Gentleman" was the proud dthtlnc- tion under the old monarchy, of the highly -born noble, as discriminated from the man who, by virtue of filling some great orrice of State, was enno- bled by that fact, or had letters of no- t/kitty issued to hltn personally by the King. None but French nobles, or their descendants, could be gentlemen of France, although it was possible to be & French nobleman without being a French gentleman. There were such nobles. Frenchmen who became nobles by appointment to certain Offices of State—very few in number, or by let- ters, Issued to them personally by the King—did not thereby necessarily be- come gentlemen, although their chil- dren, by another paradox, became, DY virtue of their parents' nobility, "gen- t,ilshommes" and "genttlsfeatmes," al also chid their descendants; that is to say, so long as they intermarried only with the "whole" blood. When a gen- tllbomme or gentilfemme intermarried with plebian wife or husband their de- scendants fell into the rank of the "higher" or "lower passage"—a station attended with serious social loss; and such marriages were extremely rare In consequence. No Frenchman could be a gentleman then without being of the nobility, a fact that would indicate that Napoleon must have been of the nobility, or that in Lis instance there must harve been a relaxation for some particular reason, the rule being inflexible so far al known. At the time of the meeting of the States -General In 1759 the class of "gentlemen" of France was extremely restricted. The whole nobility and gentry numbered about 360,000 persons of all ranks and ages and of both sex- es, of whom 4000 families Were of the ancient lineage, that is, known lineage exceeding 400 years. These people had been throughout their entire history a haughty and insolent race, invested with extraordinary privileges and lm- munities, which they had exercised with habitual brutal and despotic se- verity, sure to result in immense ex- cesses of revenge when the reaction, came, as happened in the revolutionary period, when practically the entlre or- der of gentlemen was destroyed, un- doubtedly so as a political Institution. —W. L., in New York Sun. sickly Women! Out of aorta—easily tired, hag- `erd, pale and listless, try Indian Woman's Balm. It makes rich new blood, banishes backecbea, headaches, heart palpitation, con- stipation and all othermenta to which women are so snbee•0. It to suffering womanhood's greatest boon Has, cured thonsands — Why not you? 1/`'Nr11, ASuff °Every season, from the time 1 was two years old, 1 suffered dread fully from erysipelas, which kept growing worse until Any bands were almost useless. The bones softened so that they would bend, and several of my fingers are now crooked from this cause. On my hand 1 carry large scars, which, but for AYER'S Sarsaparilla, would be sores, provided I was alive and able to carry anything. Eight bottles of Ayer's Sarsaparilla cured me, so that 1 have had no return of the disease for more than tv'enty years. The first bottle seemed to reach the spot and a persistent use of it has . perfected the cure." -O. C. DAvis, Wautoma, Wis. THE ONLY WOBLD'8 FAIR Sarsaparilla AYSB'S PILLS Promote good Dige tlas. London Claims tele Prize. AND BASES THEIR CLAIM ON THE FOLLOWING GROUNDS. The Directorate of the Western Fair, London, feel that they are justly en- titled to first place in the list of Cana- dian Fairs, being the oldest in the Dominion, and having been established in 1808, and an increasing success year by year ever since, and now they claim to have the best Live Stock Buildings in America. They have expended fully $35,000 on improvements and new buildings this year, and the improve- ments are something wonderful. The Secretary informs us that he is corn- pelled to refuse entries in some depart- ments, the space in the buildings being fully takenup, and everything tends to be the "Success of Success." The At- traction Committee have been alive to the requirements of the people, and have secured the best attractions in the history of the Fair, and are sure that the yisitors will be highly educated and entertained. The Historic Wild West of Pawnee Bill with 80 people, and 60 head of stock ; Sia Hessen Ben Ali's Moorish Acrobats, 12 in number, and the Phaptiscope, with its living, -mov- ing pictures, true to natures Prof. Bell - Smith's grand collection of Paintings; Prof. Webb, with his Educated Seals and Sea Lion ; the Burlesque Comedy Company ; the Speeding Events, the Fireworks Displays ; the visit Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, of the Gov- ernor-General and Lady Aberdeen ; the Knight Templars of Detroit, the best fancy drill corps in America, and minor events, should make a visit to the Fair the best of holidays. Single fare for double journey, and special excursion rates two days from each point on all the railways, of which London is the chief centre in Canada, makes it cheap and easy of access. You don't require to go any place else for a year. The Western Fair em- braces all the advantages of the latest inventions, best of live stock, all the new varieties of Agricultural and Hor- ticultural Products. and amusement for the crowd. Sept. 10th to 10th, and four evenings. Ali Special Excursion Trains leave London after 10 p. m., to allow visitors to see the evening performances. - • "GIVE ME PROFIT!" The Motto of Those Who Retail Common Package Dyes. There are still a few business men in Canada, who care more for money pro- fits than they do about satisfying their customers. -- a These are the business men who sell inferior and imitation package dyes for home dyeing. They buy these com- mon dyes from the makers two to three dollars per gross less than the Diamond Dyes cost, and then retail them at full price -I0 cents -ask for the reliable and genuine Diamond Dyes. This is deception pure and simple. The women of the country can soon put a stop to this kind of swindling business if they continently insist upon having the Diamond Dyes. Poor dyes mean dinsy and smutty colors, ruined goods and lost, time and money. I)ia- mond Dyes are easy to RSA, and you rrlways get, a grand return for the small amount of money you expend. Sir William Van Horne, of the C. P. R„ writes that the story which is now going the rounds of the pt ase that the road from Woodstock to Brantford would soon he built Is not_ at all well founded. A MiLLION t'IOLD DOLLAR34 Would not bring happiness to the per- son suffering with dyspepsia, but Hood's Sarsaparilla has cured man thousands of cases of this disease. It tones the stomach, regulates the bowels and puts all the machinery of the sys- tem in good working order. It creates a good appetite and gives health, strength and happiness. HOOD'S PILLS act harmoniously with Hood's Sarsaparilla. Cure all liver ills. 25 cents. Past, Preseit, Future. Editor New* -Record Stn.,— What consternation your issue of the 26th inst. aroused in the camp of the McCarthyites here over the state- ment that candidates who Dad not handed in their accounts and vouchers to the R. O. of West Huron were liable, to a penalty of $20 per day until the law was complied with. Fortunately the late representative of the defunct inde- pendent movement has a horse fleet of toot. Although he does not read TuE NEWS -RECORD any more, It many times contains interesting news for us all. Fortunately a ministering friend conveyed the sad state of affairs to the defeated candidate,and he hied himself off to Colborne to interview his agent and towards the ,wee oma' hours the R, O. of West Huron was hurriedly summoned front Ids peaceful slumbers by the parties ip default, only to find probably that another $20 would be rolled up by night. What a great big lump of good nature is that R. 0. for West Huron, who, when his enemies had slandered and boycotted THE NEws-RECORD and despitefully used him, came to his domicile at midnight, he heaped coals of fire upon their heads by going to his office and showing the delinquents their duty and heartily sympathizing with them at the retri- butign which had overtaken them for their wayward ways. No doubt, sir, bought experience is the best of exper- ience -if we do not pay too dear for it -and by the tiine another election comes around I fancy there will be a dearth of Independent candidates as well as admirers. $200 deposit gone! Time and expenses gone! Post office and mail carrying gone 1 And probab- ly $20 per day still going nil for neglect of a ' plain Statutory enactment 1 All gone -for what-? Notority. Who is in the deluge now ? Were these the men who were aspiring for parlia- mentary honors ? Men who did not even know how to conduct their own election. Young and old men- who will ignore the advice of their friends on all occasions must suffer for their folly. No doubt a review of past editions of THE NEws-RECORD will re- fresh the mindsof some peopleand chow they are just where itwae predicted they would he, "In the hole." The defeated McCarthy candidate finds fault with Orangemen not supporting bins. Has that principle actuated him in his patronage ? Did the Orange Associa- tion bring him out or endorse his can- didature? No! Did the Orange Associa- tion ever bring out a candidate ? The sooner gentlemen of his calibre learn that the Orange Association has no political mission the better for himself and the Society. An old saying and a true one "Strong wishes have a strange influence over our opinions; they'biap the judgment, in a manner almost in- credible." So it is not surprising, sir, to witness men making great sacrifices, financially and otherwise, in their en- deavor to have M. P. placed after their names. Where are the Independent members at Ottawa to -day who do not recognize either Wilfred Laurier or Sir Charles Tupper, Bart., as their leader?- They can be counted on the fingers of one hand. In the English Hcuse of Commons, with about 700 members, although many factions,only two great parties exist, and the two great political parties of this country will continue to guide the destinies of our country for either weal or woe. OLD TIME TORY. Summerhill, Aug. 29, 1896. Its Ravages Are Stayed. THE MORTALITY FROM HEART DISEASE DECREASES WHEREVER DR. AGNEW'S CURE FOR THE HEART IS KNOWN -- MRS. MARGARET SMPrH's MIRACULOUS RECOVERY BY TSE USE OF THIS REMEDY—LEADING PHYSICIANS RE- COMMEND DR. AGNEW'S CATARRHAL POWDER—GROWING POPULARITY FOR DR. AGNEW'S OINTMENT FOR PILES AND LIVER PILLS FOR LIVER ILLS. Just as vaccination has proven the means of reducing mortality from that dreaded disease, small -pox, and recent, scientific discoveries are having a like effect on diphtheria, so the discovery of Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart is giving new life to thousands who have suffered from heart disease and have feared that death would come to them any day. . The case of Mrs. Margaret Smith, of Brussels, Ont., is only one of hundreds in Canada. She stye : "I was troubled with an affection of the heart for over two years, and at times the distress was such as to confine me to my bed for days, during which time my suffer- ing was very severe, and I would have welcomed death with joy. No physi- cian's help did me any good, and not until I procured a bottle of Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart had 1 hope of recov- ery. I have now taken four bottles and I must confess I have never felt better in my life and am my old self again." Not only has Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder received the warm personal recommendation of the leading clergy- men of all denominations, prominent members 'of Parliament, and well- known citizens in all parts of the Do- minion, hut the medical profession. have been quick to speak of its excel- lentqualitiea. Dr. God bout, of Beauce, Que., is one of the many physicians who is found recommending this rem- edy. Taken in the incipient stages of the disease it quickly banishes catarrh, but it has proven just as efficacious w here the disease has assumed rich ro n i c state, and given rise to loss. of hearing and other troubles. It is an exceeding- ly pleasant medicine to use, as well as being a sure cure. There is no doubt whatever of the immediate relief that Dr. Agnew's Ointment gives in cases of piles. One application brings comfort, and this disease is cured in from three to six nights. It is an excellent remedy for all akin diseases. For a disordered stomach, sick head- ache, and biliousness there is no remedy so simple, easy to take and certain in its cure as Dr. Agnew's Liver Pills. They have been placed at 10 cents a vial -40 doses. Sold by Watts & Co. Col.-Segt. Skedden is the winner of two matches 1n succession at the D. R. A. meeting. After taking the Mac- dougall match cup. he also captured the Patterson cup in the Dominion of Canada match. You don't mind raw weather seal Hhen you have lour clothii' or wraps interlined with Fibre Chamois. It is the silnl:l,-st and surest protection from cc,1,1 and wind that you can have, costs next to nothing, is so light you don't notice its presence, • adds durable stillness and body to a garment and never fails to preserve the natural healthful warmth of the body in all wea- ther. You can't afford to do without the comfort it gives. Only 25 cents a yard. Look for the Fibre Chamois label on all ready-to-wear, garments, —and take no•othqs! ' ei t) 1. e) t• • • • • • • • • • • • •, a • • • • A REGULAR CRIPPLE. THE STORY 01? AN OLD SETTLER D DUFFERIN COUNTY. SUFFERED TERRIBLY WITH RHRUMA-_ TISM, AND HAD TO USE MECHANICAL APPLIANCES TO TURN IN BED -- FRIENDS THOUGHT HE COULD NOT RECOVER. From the Economist, Shelburne, Ont. Almost everybody in the township of Melanethon, Duflerin Co., knows Mr, Wm. August, J. P., postmaster of Auguston. Mr. August,nowin his77tlr year, calve to Canada from England forty years ago, and for thirty-eight years has been a resident of Malancth- on. During some thirty years of that - time he has been at postmaster, and for eleven or twelve years was a mem- ber of the township council, for some years holding the position of deputy reeve. He has also been a justice of the peace since the formation of the county. It will thus be seen that Mr. August stands high in the estimation of his neighbors. In the winter of 1804-05 Mr. August was laid up with an unusually severe attack of rheumatism, being confined to the house and to his bed for about three months. To a reporter of the Economist, Mr. August said : "I was in fact a regular cripple. Suspended from the ceiling over my bed was a rope which I would seize with my hands, and thus change my position in bed or rise to a sitting posturer I Buffer- ed as only those racked with rheu- matic pains could suffer, and owing to my advanced age, my neighbors did not think it possible for me -to recover. I had read much concerning Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills, and at last de- termined to give them a trial. I com- menced taking the pills about the lst of Feb„ 1895, taking at the outset one after each meal and increasing to three at a time. Within a couple of weeks I could notice an improvement, and by the first of April I was able to be about as usual, free from the pains, and with but very little of the stiffness left. I continued the treatment a short time longer and found myself fully restored. It is now nearly a year since I discon- tinued taking the Pink Pills, and I have not had any return of the trouble in that time. I have no hesitation in saying that I owe my recovery to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills." These pills are a perfect blood build- er and nerve restorer, curing such dis- eases as rheumatism, neuralgia, part- ial parrtlysis, locomotor ataxia, St, Vitus' Dance, nervous headache, all nervous troubles, palpitation of the heart, the after effects of la grippe, diseases depending on humers of the blood, such as scrofula, chronic erysi- pelas, etc, Pink Pills give a healthy glow to pale and sallow complexions and are a specific for troubles peculiar to the female system, and in the case of men they effect a radical cure in all cases arising from mental worry, over- work or excesses. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills may be had of all druggists or direct by mail from Dr, Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont., or Schenectady, N. Y., at 50c. a box, or six for $2.50. See that the company's registered trade mark is on the wrap- per of every box offered you, and posi- tively refuse all imitations or substitu- tes alleged to he "just as good." Re- member no other remedy has been dis- covered that can successfully do the work of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Mr. Wm. Parkhouse has taken pro- ceedings against the London West Council for the repayment of $1,001, which was levied in 1895 for the sink- ing fund, and afterwards used for cur- rent expenses. There is nothing to prevent anyone concocting a mixture and calling it "sarsaparlll'l," and there is nothing to prevent anyone spending good money testing the stuff ; hut prudent people, who wish to be sure of their remedy, take only Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and so get cured. Hon. Mr. Hardy opened the indus- trial Fair. Ayer's Hair Vigor tones up the weak hairroots, stimulates the vessels and tissues which supply the hair with nutrition, strengthens the hair itself, and aide the oil which keeps the shafts soft, lustrous and silky. The most popular and valuable toilet preparation in the world. While attending a steam threshing machine at Inverary, Ont., Mr. Adam Blair, a farmer, aged 56, fell into the feeder, and had one of hie legs cut off at the hip. He died iq terrible agony an hour afterwards. County Currency. James Howatt, of Ashfleld, was ploughing. he had a very sparrow escape from being seriously injured. Ile undertook to brush some bot flies off one of the horses, when the horse, being frightened, struck him with both hind feet and made a had cut in his head and injured his shoulder blade. Make the Most of Yourself. It is the duty of.every man to make the most of himself. Whatever his capacities may be, he is sure to find some place where he can be useful to himself and to others. But he cannot reach his highest usefulness without good health and he cannot have good health without pure blood. The blood circulates to every organ and tissue and when it is pure, rich and healthy it carries health tet' the entire system, but if it is impure it scatters disease wherever it flows. Hood's Sarsaparilla is the one true blood purifier. It cures salt rheum, scorfula, catarrh, dyspep- sia and rheurnatisrn because these diseases have their origin in the blood. LADIES k" BENCH PILLS. Safe k Sure. Act In 86 to 48honrs. Th ouly female regulator In the whol wage of medicines. Sy Mail, Price es 00. STANDARD MEDICAL CO., 240 St. James Street, Montrea Boarders Wanted, Students attending Clinton Schools, or young busi- ness men, will fad comfortable room and good no- commodation by applying at this oteoe. 927-8 t Man Wanted. Wanted, young married man, without family or with small family, to work on faun by the year. Must be good with team and board him- self. House convenient. Apply at THE NEws- RscoRD Office for particulars. Wanted—An idea Who can think of some simple thing to patent? Write JOHN WEDD1$ERBUheyRN h CO. Pateng nt Atter. neys, Washington, D. C., for their $1,800 prise offer and list of two hundred lnrenttons wanted. BLt,nksmith Shop for gale saT' iY44 v. At Summerhill. That desirable property, the Blacksmith Shop at Summerhill, about four miles from Clinton or any other blacksmith shop, along with comfortable frame dwelling, with stone cellar, good well. water, &c. ; also driving house and other outbuildings : quarter acre garden, good land with a number of fruit trees, grapes, Bee. Will be sold or leased on favor- able terms to right party. Possession in Octo- ber. Good opening. Apply by letter or in per- son to WM. GILAINGER, Aug. 22nd, 1896. Londesboro F. 0., Ont. 927—if Voters' List, 1896. MUNICIPALITY OF THE TOWNSHIP QF GODERICH, HURON CO. Notice is hereby given that I have transmit- ted or delivered to the persons mentioned In sections 5 and 6 of the Voters' Lists Acts, the copies required by said sections to be so trans- mitted or delivered of the list made pursuant to said Act of all parsons appearing by the last revised Assessment Roll br the said Municipal- ity, to be entitled to vote in the said Municip- ality at elections for members of the Legisla- tive Assembly, and at Municipal Elections, and that said list was first posted up in my office, at Goderich Township on the 19th day of August, 1806, and remains there for inspection. Electors are called upon to examine the said List and if -tiny omissions or any other errors are found therein, to take immediate proceed- ings to have said errors corrected according to law. NIXON STURDY, Clerk of Goderich Township. August 191h, 1896. WANTED Several Bright young men to do work for us in this vicinity. If they have Bicycles all the bettor. Address "ADVERTISER," Brantford, Ontario, Property For Sale. A CHANCE FOR GARDENERS. In consequence of my age and lack of help, I have decided to offer for sale my splendid gardening pro- perty consisting of five and a half acres in Clinton, some 01 the hest land in the county of Huron, includ. Ing hot bode and other necessary requirements,( There le on the promisee a frame house with cellars, soft and hard water, barn and other outbnildings The Bayfield river adjoins the property. Will sell at a reasonable price for half cash and balance secured by mortgage. Ae I desire to sell, this is a chance seldom met with. Apply personally or by letter to the proprietor, JOSEPH ALLANSON, 864-11. C:Anton 01d 0r. Gordon's Remedy for Men 127 134 141 166 4 BEGINNING FIR$T MONTH CURES POSITIV ELY Lost Power, Nervous Debility, Failing Manhood, Secret Di- seases, caused by the crrore and excesses of youth. Voting, middle -raged or old mro,euffcring from the effects of follies and excesses, restored to health, man- hood and vigor. Price 21.00, 6 boxes for 58.00. Sent by mail, securely res lerl. Write f -n- our book, ".Sia rill ng Fades," for Men only, tells you how to 6. t well and stay well. St60N0 110888 Address, t?OEEN MEDICINE CO., Cox 94 T, 180NTr .a t. r