HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1896-09-02, Page 8- , ,,,-,lw.,T*m,-,��,�,�l,, " ^ 1 �7- .. 7777117" - -�-�77 _,7- .�,�. ;" � �,,_ .11, I , .1 .11;1.1.11. ,� 7; , _-:1 I'., . �_ --, 4W .4 11 , 1't" 1,,,,,,�,z�:,��,,;'.�,�.",.I,�,, .. I ,, ":J" .,�: - ­ - ____ I- �"__ 4 , , - __ . � . ��d, . ,;.,�. . Union b egraph Cum- -`,., I 111, Wes, r DISTRIBUTION OF SEZD FOR TEST. CONTAGIOUS DISEASES. _.: ". . P. -Y It. =-LuIrtuyi 'U eo"Lltruliiu� illLur KIND OF WHEAT TO BOW. __ , . I : I Te ephu"u �� �,� �, - ;', . t ill the Anier"ll Boll , ING PURPOSES. , , I C'umpa'ay. -; 1, . I I NUT �fiiLL... - THE FIELD OF UO , ,!�', ", Ia Philadelphia boy, LEADING — — 14 tile fOlklOwing table'will be found Deport of the Prowfuclul nourd or wealth ".11, 1 George Ellwoell, VARIETIES OF'_VVIMIER three sefs of Winter — � I ,�i I % smoked twenty Lzavtt,es ill half wheat varietie -'rho Death,$ Duriug July Nuitablir Jibs . . _ WHEAT THROUGHOUT ONTARIO. ' whfc�_Till be sent free, by mail, in ha -Detatili Given. — , 1; I � ..'' .. butir Pur a wager. - lie died a few lJOULL Oft of e#Qh variety, to farmers . H VtIRY LATEST FROM ALL THE( �, -, some Items Of Interest t.9 thq I I ' - WORLD OVER. hou.rh afterwardel. — - I ,�, . The Provincial Board oX Health lim Busluess Man. At lluiltiligtun, Iteaults I aPplyiffig for tholli *41&"l carefully - ,�z ,. — Ind., Wallace's show of co-opera"ve ExPo"I'Lue"it" Lost the three kinds . 09WW11119 Items About Our Own country, outs were wrecked by the storm. The 11ork 1111 the AuriculLural College, they chuose, and will '" the set which Issued its report, sh�Wiag the deaths Seats 1 n the Montreal 8to4- "- .�T,- -Pructicul ts from Contagious d"bee in Ontario dur- change are sell " � ,,� .,, direst Britain, the U.1t.d Stat., llul',Is and Luelliagerie stanilieded and 44"ell"I", by 4'- A. ZUVitA after harvest next yolopurt the results Lag at ,V2,600 twi,oh. .,.,, _,,� year. The seed wLII - , and much property was ruined, The olu- *191tie to Far-Mern. be sent ot u t in the order Lu which the lag the month of July. W 31-2 per cent. debentures . A a panic. appliQati,ons are received as long as the LULI ;��,�")i,: - AV PATU Of the Globe, Condensed and ' ph.-Lutb valise Th'Zi retuxas Turon 0wortol for Stint& Roadies. Within the Va,3 L seyon -.years, do by the Registrars are 'lot count- tillue, firm in Loudon ;,il,. . - A Walthala, MIss., man, who one i�upply la . They are qu m,;�;, �,. W lasts. late, 453 muaic,ip,aijtie,s out i t 104. 1 V�,, CANADA. initiated illt,o all Orange Ludge, t ca'tlk hundred and thirty-three varieties I SET NO, 1 � iug anent in repurt.s. Ill all 10 cities, The earnings of the Canadian - , 1, legal action agaList thu uffioem fur ,­- W'"Wr wheat have Wen very carefully Dawson's Golden Chaff - Pat LL !,. ,� 1; Sir David Xitopherson died on board Sault during the (.ereMony. Six of Lebted or 70 per mat. of the total; 152 towns for i4;, !,t rile steamer Labrador in miclocean, in the Experilituntal Depart- Early Genesee Giant . the wyound week of August s �I-r, J the offioers were fined 635 each.at the Early Red Clawson, and villages, or 6i per mut., and 291 In increase of $62,000. re Agricultural College, I!, , .� Bancroft, Oat,, Is negotiating for the Mrs. Fannie Pollock, after a 18- Guelph. i3esides oel-L'itining the tour- Da w so SET NO, 2. townships, or 59 per Cent., have sent Rk'Wrt" are btting received of in 1, I OwAtruction of iron smelting works. months' search, found her runaway as It's Golden I den Chaff, The present assessment returns will husband, Alex. Pollock, Lu Chicago, and varative Yields of grain and straw of 'a re"t-rne, the uitio-s which failed to damage by frost to the grain crops ��):::: I . PRIDE OF GENESEE, report in time wore Manitoba and the 11'el-riLories. rl��,�-,­ , W-8 HaInilton a population of over 50, ,had him jailed for 1. iTamy and deser- the different boudon, St. Cath- , I - e his wife and have been wheats Pools- SET NO. 3. arises and Windsor. In all there roars if "'be stocks Of wheat at Toronto a ��,4,,� �- 0. ti-. Pollock desert' varieties. the Forty, two children while they were chary closely examined each Year Dawson's Golden Chaff, 156 deaths freer 0011taWious diseases In 20j bus 141 employees of the Grand Trunk for 127,565 buisb,l, as ,oulparod j� � cars - oar works at Brantford have been in Ottawa. their quality of grain, time of Stewart's Champion, lIs last week and 7,743 busl . ,W, � �� with . V,.; ", discharged. There is no change for 'the better i maturity, strength of straw, freedom Siberian. a Population Of 1,3W,667, divided at, fol- els a year ago. . e�',," n . . .. 1 ,,;., . Our commercial advices from the Uni ed from rust, etc., in order to determine ln,g one of these sets, 11 11 ;�­ The electric. light and waterworks by- t Each person wish LOW'% On a Per aurum basis; '"O T -Onto Stock market has be(. � ., � States and trade its almost entirely con- •-which kinds will give the should write to the Experimentalist, Total deaths. Rate per 1.000 very dull the PIst few days. 11%0 pub - � I law Was carried in -Listowel by a most satisi- Agricultural College, GuelphL, mention- Typ,hoid ... ... ... ... 122 lie refrair, from b - I ", small fined ,to staple lines. Reported injury factory results, when grown ani- . 0.2 ' vog, kind prices are ; 1 �,�', YlI majority, li�f Ito growing crops has caused a slight Ing which set he desires, and the Diphtheria ... ... ... Z�) qt�t) uncertain fur. YI u l'.An effort Is now being made to aural- increase (luring the week in grain and in' opeculawros, .... "I for- Condit ed grain, blank Wi 1 11 ;­,�, gamate, it Toronto Public and High ' ions, After the various with instructions for testing, a'. la Scarlatitia, ... ... ... 2 Cotton, and rather more favors, forms o which 'he 'ral-rts Of Wheat into Europe for \ 11 T fur- 049 62 Weeks ending JuJy 31 at n7,784,000 4", , School BO varieties have been carefully tested at msv� _ favorable con- Tuberculosis _100 I lK fn f to report, will be ,1.,� _1 ditions are said to exist here and there, the College for & few ye r , t nislied to his address, until 'Plie returns fur Lho 10 cities making ,,�,!, : , AV.,4ol Mr. George E. Buffett of St. Thomas but there is no alteration of co years, hose the supply of grain for distributing be, returns, Calculated ou a per anxILLIQ hu -shots of which 186,184,000 bushels ,, nsequenCe "t" went to the t'�Uf " ' , ' left an estate of 4100,000 divided be- in the general which have given the best satisfaction Comes exhausted. basis, is as follows: United Kingdom. " .. condition of bdsiness� A lk"'r" tween relatives. . in making Collections is begin- are selected for distribution through- Total deathi. Rate per 1.000. The total number of vessels _ 1.* , diffiouitt which Chicago co -opera- ABOVE A THUNDERCLOUD. Typhold ... ... ... .... 10 9: Bush fires are raging in British ning to e felt in several directions. At Out Ontario. This system of ra- 0,0 Passed Columbia. New Westminster is sur- a better feeling exists in dry — Diphtheria ... ... d5 through the Canadian Soo .� (rounded and threatened on every side. goods, boots and shoes, A f t'VO experimental work enables the A Sellsallonal- balloon Experleace Scarlati-na- ... o '0'5 canal from daW of opening, on May 7, 1 '1�4 I ­. air amount farmers to determine for themselves . In 0-0 to July 31, i's 1,190, ref),m,ft d � t",-., The Bank of Montreal now refuses Pf employment continues in the boot and Austria. Tuberculosis...... ... 5() n lnl,a toA- '111�� '. , to ea ilhoe industry, though the summer do- which 1-6 nage of 2,721,049 tons, and 7,981 pa&- ,, e �accept United States bills as well I ce in The total t(ywflm Making returns on sengers. , � ,� �,,* mand is falling Off, and the advan Of the lealillng varieties will give The Viehna, "Neu Freie Presse" re- the same basis show: I I as silver at its head office in Montreal the best result UPOU their own arta- ports a recent experimental 1.000. of wheat in the ". � � rice attempted gar; Fa'rewejl, late of * t-eathisr ,,a cannot be maintained. culax ascension . Total deaths. Rate per The visible supply 1, 11 R Oshawa, was f,rais. ' As e). . ' t 1;� burned weaker on a lighter de- *&Otical *'result with an entirely now spherical balloon,Typlibid. ... ... ... ... 6 MVL. to death in afire which tie- mand.. The state of the wool industry from Obtaining information in this way, Diphtheria ... ... ... a a.3 United States and Canada Is 45,876,00f) ,J�,4L• stroptl his house, near InnLgfail, N. is disappointing Which enabled the aseen Oil I 1. � � � ding officers to ye&raEo report a number of s 0.05 and 63,920,00o two ye� Ins ago. T a ­ W. . ' hundreds a farmers are now growing bushels as against M,892 floo a 1. :. Niagara Fruit-Gror; scientific observa- Tub0"OulOsis ...... 17 to Europe Is now oration decided to stop were entirely unknown to them a short I "alsea . I varieties in their farm practice, which tions. Altogether the balloon remained The total townships making returns: ori 0,'OJO bliftels as compared with; vers' Also- I GENERAL,, Ot9 amount 0 , - doing busi- -- UOULn rate has doubled In south- Only 17,20 ,, Des with commission men who refuse ern Russia as a result of the intense time ago. at a height Of from 7,000 feet for four T Total deaLba, Rate per 1.000. 28,020,000 bushels a year ago. I to mit wee heat. For instance, the Dawson's hours, during which time no _Yphoid ... ... ... ... 6 0.09 ballast Diphtheria ... ... ... 14 0. V, Wholesale trade at Toronto is in . , Golden Chaff variety of winter wheat, had to be thrown out. The balloon rei- . By the explosion of a charge of The Russian Government has of - Which has recently given, such high mained . Searlatina, . ... ... ... I 0.01 pretty much the same condition as pre- ,, 7 dynamite at Parry Island two men, SPatched engineers to e- I. steady 'Tuberculosis ... ... 33 O'.6 James 1. Smith and Arthur Hill, 1 _y and in the moat " L make Vladivo , both perfect M16 - During this Lyme a Only two deaths from scarlatina. are ViOusly reported, �, % were 'took a commercial port. Nearly all breLticheis . , blown to pieces. I i The new roller steamer, the i at the College and throughout 0 bander storm broke beneath the bal- recorded for the whole Province. of business am quiet and featureless. . The invention n- loon. and Capt. Trieb noLiced how short- The outlook is not particularly bright, . owners of the steamship Van- Of M. Bajinawa, has tariO. was scarcely known except in one ly before the lightning comme urcouver are taking action against the St. Denis, France. need, por- but at the same time is not unfavorable. r`:, neighborhood near Guelph, until it was tions of CIO;)& would rise consider- SOUDAN SITUATION. I Lake Ontario for damages arising out Merchants in St. John's, Nfld,, will sown in our Everimental ably over the rest of the utouds, only — . 11 it' A of the recent collision. not accept American Grounds in to fall lf�ck Bankers are very oonsodrvative in giv- . coin and are cis- 1891, . Upon this apparition the An Immediate Advalkee Decided Upon- Ing credits, and the disposition is to .1, Senator Ferguson who for the past counting American bills. and afteiwards distributed for Captain has based his theory of aerial Gunboats for the, Nile-Dougolu reduce di-_�ounts- There is some de- . 1. �� , . few months has been confined to his The Belgian forces under Baron (30 --operative experimental -work. This waves, Which, he claims, are in most Will be maid for mon or - home in 'Rosedale Toronto, sufferiny Dhanis are expected to is now one of the most intimate relation with electrical Attacked -The Co-Operattio f the Purchase of * , , . '4 ­ from Bright's disease, iq in a very cry- the British troops in t co-operato with - popular -9'&rie- The two aeronauts saffa Arical storms, glum Forces. a of the Bel- grain, and this mons will steadily in- , tical soi,toilition. . he Soudan. ties of winter wheats in this Prov' red considerably crease for some weeks- to foome, Tho ,­ 'nee. from the burning -sun, being posed I Major-General Cameron, commandant An American missionary named Sri - In the fall of 1895, nine leading var- tG the scorchin Reports from Cairo indicate that tare volume OIC trade so far this month in is- e distribut- anded 220 ve id to be smaller than during the 11' ­ ( der has reported at Liverpool the d'y ietiOG of winter wheat ware The balloon I n hours. preparations for the general advance sa if the Royal Militurg" College, Kings- cover miles from game Period Of last Year� This is pro- � �ou. has been notifie b Y of a large lake in the Congo ed in this way. They were divided in- that h' y the Govbri�,�, Vienna, the landing being effected ac- on Dongola are rapidly completing. A -, is Serviow would L " " . . " Free $tate. !,ably due to the fact that the outlook . 1. e . Ot ,;. to two sets with fivevarietiesin each. cording to the new method recently in,- heavily -armed gunboat, forwarded in in Manitoba is much less promilsin inquired after the first of . ," , The latest to] I troduced in the aeronautic regiment. sections, has arrived at the advance' than a year ago, and merchants are n1of ti(c9" , ' Mr. Henry- Wentworth, M I I 1, , �, ' telegrams from Matabele- The , " land re The military balloons do not carry an- Selling goods so freely for That province, _ , Port great Improvement In the "I shore any more, the landing being ef- Post of Kosheh, and was launched on . tawa, died in that city 0 Saturday situation ,'not Promise a speedy end to There is a moderate trade in hardware night, aged 73. The deceas an the rebellion. =.b r, I . ,,, means of drag ropes and an Thursday. Two other gunboats are on and groceries with ,; I to - _ 11� Wuls used in b6th sets to form a basis arrangement, which tears their way there in sections, and with Prices. Leather * .few changes in ?rdent believer in the repatriatio` of Vittorio Emanuele, Prince of Naples, by which the results of all the varieties the balloon at the top as soon as the Is quiet, and hides are �., this Jews, and wrote much on the sub. eldest son and heir -apparent of the King Car touches the ground eu smaller gun likely to becomes trifle easier. There LLL ;_ Cis boats and three stern- good demand for choice qualities stern- ,; , Jeot Of international peach, - another. rent the gins escapes within a few ,see- wheelers, which are now navigating f butter, with a Slight advance in quo.- ,�, ." L pea Of Italy, is betrothed to Princess tial_ 1011d be compared with one anoth Through the Bev is a rv" 0 1 ,. GREAT BRITAIN. ane of Montenegro. Each person, who wanted to conduct an prids und the former dangers of land- the Semneh cataracts below Kosheh, talions., Cheese also is f- . "', . M ., 11 John Daly, the Irish dynamiter, has A despatch from Berlin says that the experiment, stated in his application Ing are absolutely avoided. and 200 sailboats to convey the expedi- in . trade firmer. The � . ,� been released from Portland Prison, have all agp�ed u" the adop- 'il�bicb set be desired, and the five orris- ---. . . - __ ___ grain . I ral 11 , is quiet, although ,.beat is ( ...,t rather better request. The tone of I , , • Th Power,, a policy which will compel Tur- ties in set selected were sent to his "sh in kets is better, but our wheat , 11 , The Sir. John Millais took U., If i tion to Dongola, the start is expected lao , key to grant an address, with full instructions for con- a, lo. P -POW - Paul's Cathedral, London. tonomy to Crete. . to take place on September 5, and it is above as ex 8 ducting the experiment. Th ,W.rt basis, Vessel room I e grain was will Is 'very scarce at Montreal, and grain " I .1 i . bus e and one-third — reach Dongola on October 12. The gun- shippers are obliged to engage space , , cast in Barcelona, urging the troops now bets per acre, upon plots exactly unite THE RUMORS boats will clear the way and on Boston and New York steamers. The �_- , " to London after the crew fighting a -nifestO has been scattered broad- 8OW-n at the rate of on , is anticipated that the troops , Th steamei! Fort Salisbury returned A ma SO -ME LATE CABLE NEWS fire on board the vessel for ten days.. under orders to reinforce the Spanish form in size and ah OF FRICTION WITH- bombard money in -­ it I ape. The yields ­ is Mrted in - Dublin that Ear, army in Cuba to refuse to embark. arket is uncha ", Cadogan, Per acre have been calculated from act- OUT FOUNDATION. Dongola. nged4 Prime - ,: . : Lord -Lieutenant of Ireland, It is reported that a bill is being ual results obtained from the plots. — Sit commercial Paper is discou-nted at 8 t I., . will resign in favor Of the Marquia'of drafted at the rhes of Emperor Ninety -reports . uitallio,01.161nY With the news of the 6 1-2 per cent and call '' . � Dufferin, imminent advance ce of the Angle-Egyp- at to 5 1-2 " loans are quoted I - of carefully conducted RI-Exapress Eugenie's per cent. There is quife I -,, .. WilliAm, to be submitted to the Reich- experiments have been received this sea- Will -Secretary of tis forces, some advices from the a d',clioriis in sterling exchange, while , �. Dr. Nansen, the Arctic traveller, has stag, asking for 820,000,000 for naval I UP to the time of writing. the United States Navy in England- Congo Free State, that the expedition NOW York drafts cont u "I . ­ As these I _: been invited to speak before the British Purposes. I came from twenty -(seven of the Colin- Von Zedewltz-g Funeral, etc., etc. under Baron Dban6r has in e It a big dis.. I n U . I � ,.� Association next month. He will prob, . reached thel-.crint-1- ween banks. Speculation on - - ably accept. Dr. Nansen will not a ties in Ontario, the results should be A despatch from London says:-Tbe Whit -e -Nile and occupied Lado. When the Stock tZ i quiet, with some . gain attempt of real practical Baron 'Dbanis started it, was officially ty in prices. 11 "" to reach the North Pole * .L k Exchange is Q_ In a ship. but of the Zu .ri ��� Th egg reason is opening early in may lead a sledge expedition Province. value to the farmers statement conveyed in a New York denied that an Anglo -Belgian move- In Montreal . '. En lari'd-this Year4 Already 2,250 cases Franz Joseph Land, the only from The following table gives the COM- -Cable despatch published here that Eric- ment' bad been concerted against the business circles the week - of 6anadlan eggs have been receivedW believes it can be reached. . otholists, although the British Gov- has been a quiet one, and Li at DO Way he' paratrve results of straw and grain per tion has arisen between the Canadian M there are 001, agamsQ15 cases at the same acre of the winter wheat varietiesGovernments ornment allowed sever;Ll hundred Hus- as yet few signs of renewed activity. , period last year. A Tangiers despatch says that a plot ed during the Past seas in regard to ears to jq�n Baron Dhanis' forces. The � In metals and hardware, some h6 - ' i:, I on on 90 On- the establishment of anew fast At- !�!�,�` has been discovered aiming at the do- ratio farms: news now at hand confirms the state - It is officially announced that Sir Ed t�rf0.,,.,e.-,,,nt . I uses 11 . mond Monson, British Ambassador - , . of the Sultan of Morocco !antic mail service between Canada went oriiinally made, that the object I report they have seldom had a duller ' . in per Acre. , Vienna, has been appointed British Am- Ma-homet. Tons. (low -6011,4 � , . at Of his older brother, Maley Straw per Acre, Gra a and of tfi� Be gian expedition was to oper- , August, and in British and domestic pig - C Great Britian is denied upon the high- ate . il - bassador at Paris in succession to the 1. Dawson's Golden haff .. 1.29 -26,p est 1A in conjunction with the Anglo- I iron and other heavy metals there g .. Marquis of Dufferin. Reports from Cairo indicate that the 2, Joile.4, Winter Fire...... 1.45 264 authority. The fact is that the Egyptian forces. There is now no doubt . , almost an absence of any noteworthy . P preparations for a general advance Of 3. Pride of Genesee ......... 1.3o 26:0 matter had that the British, Egyptian, and Bel- ! transactions. Zinc and speller are re, l. Major Henry F. Coventry, the Jame- the Anglo -Egypt 4. Eai13'Red Claw -ion . been en suspended Anglo-Egyptian troops are rapidly 1.27, 21.9 Pending the decision _ gian Governments are jointly inter- Ported a little easier. Sugars --how a It, * on July - ... .1A.27 2j.8 of the new Cana- ested in the plan to inflict a crushing' � son raider who was sentenced being completed, and it is expected Don 5. Surprise ......... :. , , " 28th to five months' imprisonment, has sola will be reached on October 6. A inerican Bronze ...... . 1.31 23.7 than Ministry. slackened demand of late with easier P n 12th, 7. Early Genesee Giant blow 1 quotations but a better, is � been released from prison on .... 1.26 211 ' upon the Maholists and recon- enquiry is q . the ground of ill -health, It is. reported in London that the & Bulgarian ............... 1.20 21.3 Mr. X. A. H. Gree M.A., professor quer the Soudan. Lado, the place shortly JZZked for. Japan less of m,&. .1 health. 9. Jones' Square Read....,1.12 *1.12 20.2 the University of Oxford, forces in the Transvaal are arming, and L;��4, of " where Baron Dhanis has arrived, is � dium grade are coming forward fret- ' I The British Government say's the Ir- that it is not improbable, that they iCONCLUSIONS. '- dead. . north of the territory proper of the � tY freely, and are in moderate request, A despatch to The Daily ' Congo Free State. It is situated on the: but there appears to be some scarcity k lab dynamiters were released f May make an attempt to overthrow 1. In average yield of winter wheat Mail from White Nile, 325 miles north of the Vic- Of common quality- Owing to the re - prison land &n Xom Port- !. the advice Of the doctor, the treaty Obligations towards Eng - I" who declared that further Conti ore, Dawson's Golden Chaff stood � I land. per a Paris say,is that it is stated lives. confinementhighest that the toric Nyanza. The Belgians. it is be- 1 cent heavy cutting in Canned vegeta- , Two members of the SPa,nisb cortes, best among eleven varieties tested will Of ex -Empress Eugenic, drawn re- lieved, willgo farther north in the di-! bleli it is reported there is a probability The Queen over Ontario in 1893, nine varieties in cently, fav rection of Khartoum, while the Anglo- � of a renewal of the combination. has had a special medal General E. Steba.nez the ex -Minister of 1894, mina varieties in 1895, and nine Ors her naxatisake, Eugenie. In . have been ar- varieties in II496, also among fifty-three from Sernneb. 'Miis the Mabdists will the first fall trip, and there is not a struck at the -roTal mint for gesenta- the daughter of the late Prince Henry Egyptian expeditioli will proceed south ' dry goods, travellers are through with . Do rested at Barcalona for co i. I'" to the people of Ushant or their complicity in a varieties grown ac generosity and kindness in connection to create disorder the Agricultural Of Batterberg and Princess Beatrice. be caught between two fires, and the great deal- doing; a few fair sale, are tion in con- College for five years it, su es, , Castle. wits the coming embarkation 2. Ili the co-operative e representative -of the United As- tinction of Mabdism. manufacturers report orders for spring With the loss of the Drummond C=St,P.i.r-,y,i tic ion. ,A ' result, it is hoped, will be the final ex- reported to viaLting buyers, Woolen :. of re -i xperimonts accreted Premses' had an interview with To hold the territory in question, goods as, only moderate, and coming in The Czar and Czarina will be received Cuba. %forcements for the army in for 1896, Dawson's Golden I , Queen at Balmoral, The most notable result of Winter Fife, and Pride of Genesee gave Hilary Herbert, Secretary of once it is conquered, will require a slowly, and dealers in raw wool are very quietly by the Chaff Jones* H6n. L but Paris, that has not received royal- the excava- the yields on heavy soils, and the Nay British force, and with British suldieng! making on ty since 1878, and then i . y of tb� united states. Mr. IY lilpited sales. have not been up to the V] The made by the University of Penn- Jono�t Writer Fife, Dawson's � empolyed in this service, the question ' fall footwear h. Orders for late Shah of Persia, is It was only the sylvania expedition to Babylon is that . Golden Her -, going wild over Chaff, and Stu3r Herbert, `4fter,sayfng that he had a er of the British evacuation of Egypt will ' mark, and among leather men there i esoo�m light 8�11A. be indefinitely postponed. An( this, 1. the coming event, the history of •the Babylonian people,as 3. Pride of Dawson's Gold- Pleasant Voyage across the ocean on . ?, it I Complai-tit of continued dulness. Hides It Is Probable that Dr recorded in cuneiform writings on tab- en Chaff, and Jones, Winter Fife made 0 ih.trgM in some quarters, was the are easier both- in Chicago and locally, . - Gallagher, the lets is carried back at least 2,250 years t h L' best Wi the steamer St. Louis, safol that his visit I � i Irish dynamiter, upon his release appearance in the spring Olt to Eurolle'wali Purely forthe purpose sole object of Lord Salisbury n em- with some accumulation of stocks on from further than reviot'sJy known, or to a ILIA. pose of barking Great Britain in a scheme that spot. . Portland prison' Will proceed at once to period of 7,00 B.C, Oils, Paimts and glass remain in - the United States and make his home 9 4. Earl Genesee Giant, Ear4y Red t4kfi2li a hotiday. 116 expected to in the end is bound to raise a protest active; steam refined $Oat oil is notably - . in Buffalo with IIIS Cousin, Mrs. George In consequence Of the frontier dis- Clawson, Dawson's Golden Chaff, and make a tour' Of England, after which from the British taxpayers. firmer. Cements have soldom been in H. Rose. pute between Bulgaria and Turkey, the American Bronze possessed the stiffest he'WOuld take 11 so little request, I straw ' 896. ___ . trip to the Continent. -----Nb— and quotations are 6. - - slightll, off. . It is gratifying to note he dynamiter, released on Thursday, Turkish o Jones' Winter that there is a very marked improve - from The London Sun says that John Daly, ',Iga.rian Government has notified the � Pride d',,' ,Althdtlgb be 7.111121 not here on official I L. , ' t kl,�inoess, Mr. Herbert added, he intend- e I pl�e Bulgarian, and American Bronze linent in the cheese market, &-ties of fine prove that the Produced the FIVE LIVES LOST. Iris dynam be able to — iteris have commission by acertain date, the Bul- greatest length of straw. ed to call at the Admiralty Office and Western tieing reported at 81-2c., and gariai I. IDBulgarian, . a --cold pay a visit to dock- In ea of creamery butter 18c. weul�Lubjected to inol!'gritilies It - a tro(nxg will be ordered bo reoc- I and .,ri,v;c;o.,,;s Golden Chaff, Bulgariai , . Fatal Fire at nant,ville-um rill, p , .- and pun ,d the least, yar P61111pa, for fancy gra ' . copy the Positions recent] _ Genesee, were Mrs. Qualte now obtainable. *b%W01" that the vilest prisoners occupied by ds- Hee he said, to return and Three Children 18 tainable. Y and the Surprise, Early Genesee Gia V e in about six weeIrs. Collections are !ipr Majesty's prisons have e ' Turkish soldiers on 11 brant, Burned to Death. slow- Call Money Is available at 41-2 scaped. territor and American Bronze were the most Funeral services were held at R to 5 per cent. Mr. Chamberlain has invited Mr. Ce- which Bulgaria claims belongs to her . affected by rust.. vote A despatch from Huntsville says: - it Rhodes to come to England next In the course of artilleryOver tbri body of Baion Von Zedtwitz t, 7. Early Red Clawson and Dawson's the German yachiLsman who was kill' On Friday night about 11 o'clock this _prac ice - Tanuary for thepurpose of testify, by the ships of the Fre,nob Mediter- Golden Chaff were the first to mature ed in the collision between his yacht village was visited by a fire which carts- BLEEPING OUTDOORS. tag ra.nean squadron near Toulon, the guns and the Pride of Genesee, Ea Genesee the Isolde, and the German Emperor I s ed the loss Of four lives and seriously An interesting character was unearth - '1 the Committee of Enquiry into of the cruiser Vantour were turned on Giant, and Bulgarian were rh'yeG1,a,st_eto Yacht Meteor off South Betil on Tues - he British South Africa Co ny Ubmit to the co r ge . day. There was a large attendance of endangered a fifth life. The promises ed by the Parisian Police the other � ,.�., r t o tower, where Admiral Gervais and his 8. Dawson's GoldeiA, Chaff, Surprise, Yachtsmen and others in t burned were owned and Occupied by day. 'I is also rpotuested Presidentro . He the battleship Bronnus. The conning mature. hich be may P committee any evidence officers were stationed. was u be church. His name is Raphael Be OA,sess relative to the badly -in- and Early Red Cla#/eon- �nbit, and d but the officers Were not hurt. Plum;>P�qt grain, and J P rod cod the Tbe roffin was covered with wreaths Mrs. Quaife, a widow, with whom re- be enjoys an independent Ones Wititer Fife and yachting flags. . income of 6, ,rigin and execution of the raids con- 11�irchelmsma-n of the Brennus was ser- and American Bronze, the most of . services aided her daughter, Mrs. Phillips, wi- 000 francs a year, but finds sleeping acted by Dr. Jame,son and his associ, after the ; t oil. iOuslY wounded. shrunk- the body was taken in charge b en grain. friends who started with it for Dres- 08 UNITED t y cow of the late Bernard Phillips, and out in the streets of Paris the most STATES. ­­ - 9. Dawson's Golden Chaff was de- den, where it will be interred her four children. at agreeable way of 'living there. Ile I r V;LFiCty with John Daly, the Irish dynamiter who the time were Mrs..' Quaife a stated that he had not slept tinder a "AS LONG AS A FLOUR BARREL." the experimenters, in Crich of I bas been carving a life mention" roof for ten years, and that he, kept _tis freight rate war has been begun cidodly the most popula Visiting her also i Chicago, he past, . nd — four years; and in J896, i 'O the latter's two children. _b is t was Chosen Portland Prison, was released on Thurg- . spare clothing in a handbag in a cloak An.o(her advance in freights on an- A Test of the Old Sayllmir Concerning the by allout, fifty per cent. of the farm- day. Daly was met at, the prison by Shortly after the occupants of the room at one of the. railway stations. Ile 11"1(itf) coal is announeed. Length or a norse,s ,lead. ors who sent in full reports, a.s being his brother James, who ,RV,Coui�a%, house, had retired for the night, an spent his days either walking about the the best among the varieLies foApd. him on bus j4urney, fie, was also � . Quakers of (be United States and I t is Probable that at first thought, 10. Six varieties of winter wheat have co of fire was given lb Eva Phillips while reading at the National Library, ' . alarm T Y mpanied by a member of the Am- M , ly ,va , nada are in biennial conference In Mrs. I hilipt�,and Mrs. Q ii-ife, with ma 'hiladplphia. moist Persons would be inclined t o tested over Ontario for 1bree n es t y Association. After leaving the tornal wAir.i ude, - at the thpater. As for sleeping, he , - been e his evenings were usually spent the following prLion the party were driven t, at, onru� ran up4tairs found a bench in a park or doubt the arriurar,y of the old saying average resul(a in 0 Wf'Y- to try and assist their children to es- under a 'rho next annual convention of A I . Years in succession with ol- bushels of grain per rnouth Station to noth-b a train for Wa- A they -f-rP not .seen oliva again, dirt not know what to make, of him, thaLahorse.'s head is anlong a.9a flour acre: Da-soln'sGolderiC V Jon"' terloo Station. London. Daly I ked however, and it is surmised that they crivan Florists will Lie held in Provi- '(f. 31.8; no cope, . midge quite gond enough. The police ,:(.nrie, R. 1. I barrel. Flour barrels vary some- Winter Fife., 29.2; Early Gen(I.4ee Gi;int worn and ill. Before leaving WOY- were ovprromp by the and as there, was nothin M rs . Funire Beecher, widow Of the what in length. Some are made stouter 28.5; Early !ted Clawson, 28 4 - Arueri-' mouth DatY arid his companions par- non.sviou,�,ness, .smoke and, Inning ng character he was relea.geT against his 1.0o If(-nry Ward Beecher, is very ill a lilt] car, Ilronz,,. 27.8; Surpripn, �27'8; and took o several glasses of champagne, () ill Brooklyn, N. Y. arld shorter, some alenflnr and r poriRhp(t, All f the, p Bulgarian, 27.2, othpr Occupants murripeded in getting out. ____ Fire destroyed the exposition build- I higher. An average flour barrel is �v, I 1 Itf-1)"I't-9 Of 81're",iful experiments - - ___ with the Plc-Ption Of Mrs. S. Quaife,,s THP MODEL ENGLISHMAN. ing "I'll ,', lot, of frame structures at b0lit twenty-nine inches in height, , til wiwvr wheat havo been received ' two children, Who I>ot,h loerishf-ol in lhi, Buffalo Driving Park, this sv;ison froul GOOD FOR BISMARCK, the filmes. J"`F19i0 Phillips, (Iflurhiter The Anglo-Saxon it) Paris is singular. A roan to whom tile oId saying wn.q l%%en(y-sPven coun- It, big not be-pri an uncommon thing of Mr9 T'hillips, was burned so )adly The Whitten Cyr,lo, co., Of Providen(�P, I 'f'amiliar made up j)iL9 ruind the other ti,,,9 in Ontario, sixteen of iNhivh, are, I ly con.qpiruous, if only for the extreme . I that her life is in danger. I nentne.i.9 rt. I., has a.R,41g,nF,d,%vith iahilities and I fIFLY to set) for himAelf j,Lgt bow silu,liod P:lsI ; and eleven west (, the t 0 hoar Priner. Bismarck accused of be- The Imil Of his Sunday 9-to-mpeting asReI9 norminal y 50,000, right it wils and he, m.-.w;tirvd near rias Of Curl ph ing forcl of money, but it. is riertain, says ding, being of frame burned - A hig 1,1,q7.p at the Cinrinnati hPail.9 of three h(,rR, t the 12. 'rho, PrjIpal failures ill tile win- A, gossip, so raoidly I hat fLe brif.ndf, ry - ,uld not clothes, the perfectly filling, smorl.ly & Da -ton RiiiI%%av , flam� -s. ()oa a b, A - Pr w livat ex;wriniprit not . ip, that. he is also capable of g,v_ v ilton horarm Was sai(l lo kava rather a large ,his report, included in ' 4) An. ,., it, and r�onfinpd t their effort -9 to rut frock cont, the 41.11)i r cr, v t, i - ' ' , �� Abopq at i%i�r-- caused by w uter kill- in a liberal manner when a fit- sAving the nd.joinin ]wellinga Of Mr. ninoulate, w I a rn ' t a very big , linen and I,rilliantiv &;liny maize. head for it.A size; it WaAn Ing. grasshoppet*s. ling Opportunity pre. 11-c and Mr. Lon4filplld, in which lhoy Lima, Ohio, �id 860,0no da, I ink, (,'-Pat ripstrurtion and Iras of life is horse. This horse's heart bar"Ideetc, and gent.A. it-Rielf, it has flat, Arlys a Paris letter The'Engli-Ah- r(,p(-)r � t(,rq r 30 years .,4", teen's but(onholv, too, he has been Plying A ar4diprs who hi4 (;,flho no-ighlv,r, is (often I,righlened County, Mn., AA The hearts or .9 in len h not rondue-ting the le.qla in exit I., Fie- t fire lqip Phillir, oungpst daughter of unlike that of led from ,141. Louis I the Pars, measured 28 inril"', X"Iu8ivA OI ill soUlP, lTI4tflllr1,p8 Y ,tip oxperinipr lately lwf,n learned that, to Rurvopiled the ro`Rll;t Of Saturday , (i cyclone• the two o4hrr horses, oordince vvith the in.slruc Wiv lost (be ir eye.,41-it at Koniggratz 3flo t he hillilyq, eliod next. (lay " 3 17 A which Were hooraes or fa.ir average Aizo. I ions n marks it 0 'I , with a sniall laosv of Noapo,liiao vic.irts loponnotivp plant riapaNe. of 1�11 - with average hoadA, mon 13 Of thr, two hundrod p e year each. I;Iti' Mrs f I I ling 200 engines if,] and righty- y, t 3 o(�Iock roul burn received, the and I noticed fi�is .9,;I.q4)n lh,f I"g- in FL year in t.o I mea -sural, One, L17 �our exppiiniont,ern ,All,) have relwntp,a lower hitir of the I*)or child's lowly hoilig Akin hind covers were rephlreft, in lrlo),it Flora Finlaygon who wn-q at Orin fif Vict(m. I Ill- - V111P Ipt IN 14 I I I I I The t 41 re I I Rhippr,l from Philadelphia to Itus,gi,l. this inve�qligator disooverp(l that (h,, �o!113, throp spo:ik of %6011719 to diqr-)n- ,Somo, obs,�rvations rprontl riarr I)T_I�idrrpri -k , on inche.s, the other 27 1-�,' in, hr,.s, ,1�o that 'h, rpsuP4 of the ipatq for I R96, OTIR RESPIRATION. fri ,��` I fulk hurned. This milke,s till, in.qlaiwea hy qlnlpgr.i� wl,��oq I time one of the iw' Of(] Saying wa.9 substantially true. I Ilir the co-ovol'ifivp . with ld,l, on, t lip I ,,,, r k,.A. isif known aingpi-9 in , I I exillprino. I f,sl kava 1,r()Jlgt Carried —_ Wvll drv-,,.qvd well wrooinod, anri llqtl;lll.y -pork and murk " r i.,A out by, (a scien to light A REM4NDER. well hl''It, l'o, Englishm-in is q mo(I,I the f7nilp4l Strit,ps, died in San Fran- lilt 111W Well tern- j)ho i 're.9t ing fart I hat persons breAl Ito, h c1prol. I BREAKING _TFITIM IN. r."wed throuvil"Ill. ' 14 N'llri­t,p-q ,Ahirh have I I hptf Rn, said Mr' 1, ti "n to most Frenolitilen. pellfion and enf* rosulta in the Pilpprin I ler ,n Aludy or work, all(l -Ll,qo who his oont orimprided g"�mfind as I h.,, An eIf,hOT­af,e progrimm- for the re- An Irishman, Al.rugglirg to le,h:(", 'VJLrngo gi%pn � ,o­_q,1,rl- when (hey are roncentral inv t in he found ("I u" Ann --- .rtainri) .- P-) Halo boo I , ( x (, 1,1 i med "e" t ill -n I .) -,' Li Hung a ir of to � A , q I h., Collrrry for a " veArs. hnv I , 'it, (t)hp ,i,n influenza marri C},.,11)9 bam 'men : fo I ... �nre of doprea,inFr em(l- iPrI a woman of th,� fultirel It is rofmi-loll (hat Pro, ,Ion Pef,:<loy, propar I Phti,_ nevpr get 'orn on at all till I wear ,en. ,n n P offier hnnfl, we No, Anirl his wife, A.adly. I who is in hilghtill noiz,itiatin r,,,- ill, dolphia, 9, day or two. t- cin go -1 ­M-;frlc(ion tbrc '. .,,,, , :,,,, Ill -pal lie .am a wo_ :)," I 11191101" 0 11, tario. n ore when exhilarated by S of I,(,l.,,n1,1 If.11,J :oll, Imil ;"IM110 'A pleasure man or the pre.gont lFut since I mar- r:.y lrond.i, is iiii-eiing will, great . not amillRement. O. sucreas. 14