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The Huron News-Record, 1896-09-02, Page 6
; •..;. . t: . ... A , SY .77 " ., . , , vasa., 1 ' ..k. as _ r�.: {... a ; • I - • V ,�,� I .. .•.� • .:.F' .,. ,.. ., •� :,�. .. ,.,r.,c ,. :: , .::. ,.. ..., !, ... ,.. _„ .. .: .,.' f... .. n ,r, .. ., .,... -..n ..: ,,, ,' ,., ..,. ..:.. t ,. ,.. :. •:,d :.. s' r:a ". , •-+, - „, 1. vara...,.. .• " - •. .11,11".-;. , �., ,. 7 ` _ ,. I 111WV �, 11 . I, I .. I . I—— I I.. .Z1a -0 *` I . " 11 pt �Eh(s ed r�►Ilw"r lllrfll A' ` ,o. ;, :' r .•A• . •`0. 1 �oO "I . `�+' wn d� and Ill, Qtleflel?t or th�tbe r ,�1 N �11 � •!*�� N T 1. � N� I netct •Xn I.-' i ' jX ! I!SCR gmuisitom were rlvilee��ed to baba �� • • � �' f y a rube born to trt'um h on a 1[eeG4O INeW O NndaY Of cry �. _.._w . Brent et eP And o Neaera Witt "binpe plltldl t).d jl adorned herself to meet Gefto a Heston P dor ,- NOR IAN. block1 qaU end !lata Moray .. QHAI'TEIi $Yh.w�Continut3d). "I haps," said Mr. Blodwell, •that ;with subtle .simplicity• eiiyn ill-�a kytj been bmio� .w IQmta brethren always } atllleted wits! 3�CrOfUlOU, belle nand n7 little sally 1" said Mr. Pock- you have done well in forcing matterd ' chastened taste, fed upon popular ea. .s !y l° , I 80tes, Which caused Ina terrlbl i0� an extremity." � graving&, hankered after bF, velvet. w j A400 ltotateq by Aatpt Perllameut 1806. DR. J,fl, FRBIm6x, W. M. I , lington: Then, he sat and pondered. "Couldn't hes it said Vane, brief! ", ,'a P, OANTELON, JR. Sco, J. P. sBEPPARD. D. M Suffering. I hiaiolaus wer#� Ullable �• P y. Plainly made in of In folds' but she It is an abstacle," he said at last. • And the council broke u g gai"Iar,, �--o- °-�"-'1 LO help tae, and L t)ul p. I fancied that the wive would be too X2,000,000 Y grew worse "Ah I" said his wife. Mrs. Ilnrne's telegram made George's obvious for an eye so ruse as George s, g� under their care, 7' !tion complete. It 'was iluossible ' and reluctant) surrendered her EBT, $1,876,000�IY�iOq#�. He must put himself right." Neaera to struggle against each !tore of a second Queen of Soots. White ' CLISTON Lodge, NO. 84, A. F. b A. M, meets At lOngtlir I bean "Do you mean, prove what he says?" P" evidence, - MOhiTRIWAL, ll ov°ry Frldaav, on or atter Yho moon. Vlalt t0 ta$e #. y a4t1 his triumph was assured' would be better; white could olinngg an ri' citBad �'�O@• Ing brethren oor dell!' 1.01 a Well, at any rate, show he had from the moment when he produced i well as black, and would Iao mingle 4 ;+ P• R. R 1AOL80I9 Praeldent, A. J. HOLLOWAY, W. M. THOS. RIIMBALL, Bao. 4 ! good excuse for saying It." the original document and contrasted suggeations of remorse and innocence k WOL�IESTAN liHOMAS,gonerahMano at. Clinton, Dec.6, 1896. AYER S "I think it's a little hard. But it's it with Neaera's doctored copy. Be- 'that surely he could not be hard -heart.. , sides, Mss. Bort was in the background, ' ed enough to draw the distinction. A r' rt, ' -• for you to decide." if necessary; and although an im- knot of flowers, destined to be lucked + IOUs CocoulaUd Collections made, Drafts Sarsaparilla and p t1Lse of it had led him to shield to pieces b , f 7 g. Q. T, M. Mr. Pocklington nodded. p F p y agitated hand& -so much tw - issued, Sterling and American ex- very soon grew bet- Neaera at Liverpool, he was in no conventional emotion lila could not 1 , ;• , bongo bought and sold at "Then, that's Bottled," said Mrs. way debarred by khat from summon -Iden S g Hnarna Tent No, 60, Hnt Knights of the Maccabees of ter. After usin y hers;,lf,-a dress out low, and open e 1ty1`{i; lowest current rates. the World: $1,000,$2,000 and $9,000,Peucie•. mum• C Pocklington. "It's a great comfort, ing Mrs. Bart to his assistance it he sleeves made to fall back -,when- tt !last a dozen bottles Robert, to have a man who knows his Las ,•� harsh!$ over 100,000. AeaoeemunQ prinolpplo-has wanted her. The Nilston honor was white arms were up -stretched for Lt 3t' a' f,jp .. IAIs•aaaT ALrowepotr Aarealri never exceeded 12 aannaementn to a year. Cheapre) I Wa8 Completely safe, ani Y. imposter exposed and the cause -all this should make a combined ae. t -- cured so that I clave of had a boil mind rm t remises." I of morality, respectability, truth, and sault on Geonge's higher nature and on tun, a first and thirdFridaMoftev row nth. Cl/n til "Be P decency powerful! forwarded. Above' his lower. Neaera thought that, n r B'E►RM331�f�_ y y gentle with her," said he, and y ie N Honey advanced to farmers on'their owe notes __ _ l or pimple on any part of Iny body returned to the Strike. all, George himself was enabled to rout only she had beenif w 1?;,' pith oa• or mor• endorser•, No mprtgage ro- , for the last twelve years, I can The other parties to the encounter his enemies, to bring a blush to the ' mono to dress ropy, lyaranted li�e m and 1.yafr•d a• security. C00g FLO QR. y i . ^ ,. H. p_ -BREWER, cordially recommend Ayer's Sarsa- over George's merits had by a natural Inblushing rhenk of the Bull's syn, 'never have seen the inside of Peck on v� DSanaggera and to meet his friends without feel- gaol, at all; for even law a are his_ ''" December 1896. Ol iamit. FEED I�TOR,E Parilla as the very best blood -purifier impulse taken themselves to Neaera ing that $orbsthat y ,d ! in existence." - Ci, T. RBINTIART, W itt's, with the hope of being thanker) to be seen talkingtohimre ashamed n tneuperhuman.be dispu lot tits gay f t The deli hts of the last-mentioned Geer a came in with all the awkward- t�l r- 13 I x t Dela aL �j OYf u Co><1t. MyereVille, Teas. for their holy zeal. They were diene- g g , • • pointed, for, on arriving at Albert Prospect were so reat, that George � ness °f an Lngliyhman who hates a could t make u p his mind to BRAN and SHORTS in Lar 0 OT ' not Post- scene and feels himself a fool for his rQ. IE3AlIVlI'CIER g Mansions, they were informed that pone them, and, in the afternoon, he awkwardness. Neaera motioned him }, " Small Quantities, Neaera, although returned from Liver- set out to call on the Poeklingtons. to a chair, and they amt silent for a dLBERT STREET OLMON. pool, was not visible. "Mr. Neaton has there could be no harm in giving them moment. (« t ,'` f OIL CAGE. ZINSIJED MEALS ER 3 been waiting over an hour to sec her, his least hint as the tavvaea in state ealik f I "you sent for me, «Nli�s. Witte" Yb , a" ��"lf ATHE ONLY WORLD'S FAIE miB-9." said Neaera's highly respectable to Mrs. Pockling ton's kindness in y` yam' said Neaera, L°oking at the :kills% a ! (l?BNBIt1L BANI{INO $USINBSS 10 lbs. Choice Oatlnegl for One Bushel L pre I fire. 'Then, with a Budden turn of her e sentin him to ofd Ma ledurham. It eyes upon him, she added, "It was v r' Oats maid, "but she won't 1 ve her roorn." g P T,RANSACIWD. S a t s a a ri' l R would certainly be very pleasant to on to thank you.,, 3� Gerald heard their voices, and came prove to the Pocklin' tons, especially to 11yy i," L 1 "I'm afraid you have little enc b 1. ' o t, aura Pockli t h P y ' %r 4v, , T Ayers Cherry Pectoral curet► Coughs and Colds R d rig on, t at they had been to thank me or. *rrt, � dote• Discounted. Drafts Isataad, D. COOK, CLINTOl�. "I can't think what's the matter," justified in standing b him, and that "y„s; your kindness at Liverpool." 1.,,, 768-tt -_ _ he said, he was entitled, not to the good -nattered "Ob, it seemed the beat way out. I Interest Allowed °n Dcpoaita, tolerance accorded to honesty, but to hope you pardon the Liberty fytookP" '"In,d,-,, _______. HILLS FRED STORE • "OH, I suppose the journey has the admiration due to success, i And for an earlier ' kindness of s,rtt p11nWo,Juua86h,1891 068y r TO THE FARMERS knocked her u In matters of love, at least, George' et^ - P," Suggested Isabel. year's." Heston cannot be r ' 1 Study your own interest and go where "Are you going to wait, Gerald?" ask- presented as an ideal , 1 really-" t weds 1. 1 you can sot ed Maud. hero. Heroes unite the discordant at- I ,lye9 yea. When they gave me , , �- HURON STREET, OLINTON, tributes of violence and constancy, that mune "Well, no. The fact is, she sent me George had displayed neither. Isabel not cry inY You cont, I cried, I could r ISR• W. GUNN, ehable ffarness- a Well, to Igo awe Bourne had satisfied his ud Y Prison, but I crjtld then. It L y." gment ' was the filet time any one had ever `y et -'o. P. and L. R. C. S., iEdtnbtirgh. O®oe- y "Then came home with me," said without stirring his blood. When she 'been kind to me." The Best Earl Seed Poiatoea, and all I manufacture Wane but the Baer or ereoa. presumed to be so ill-advised as to I g Geor e was embarrassed. He had J Ontario street Clinton. Night call" at front door of kinds of first -close Clover TLmoth Field B•taare oJshoM" that sell cheap, cs the Aare Isabel, "and we will try to console you," atdeaagain.t him, be resigned, without an uneasy feeling that the sentiment h ►an church. B.tteubnry street, opposite Presbyter- y, pot to lire. ,ter Call and get pricer. they Gerald would enjoy their tale quite as pang, prospect that ,had become was trite; but, then, many of the sad - and Garden Seeds, Flour and Feed of all by mall promplyattandod to Y fl almost a habit. Easily slid insensibly deet thing's „'; much as Neaera. DR. TURNBUL�.. kinds. Closest living prices for cash. SALT JOHN the gretty ima a of Latera Pocklin are the tritest. __ in stock and for sale, TEAS of the choicest E��o Low spirits are excusable in persons I ton had filled t e assent space, As be bei it is " HARNESS EMPORIUM, BLYTII, ONT ping on an active volcano, ng in his words, to remember it lin who are cam waded his way to Mrs. Pocklin face of all 1 have done against you." l �' J. L. Turnbull, M. B. Tomato snivr i H. D. • varieties and blends. Excellent value. y Pocklington's, rt � J. M., Victoria Univ. M. O. P. Sr B. Onb, 1 flow and Neaera felt that this was very much he smiled to think that a month or two OTICE. "You pitied me then." � t of the obal,'ricat eocleEy of Edinhargh. `Gare rf J• W. HILL, Huron St., Clinton ' N her position. At any moment she might ° He had lacked forward to a life I "With all my heart." } London, E.' and Edinburgh ho -pita!- O®ce:- spent witH Isabel Bourne with ac "How did I do it? How did I? I be blown into space, her pleasant l cence, though not, it is true, with ras- 4 Dr. Dowelay a stand, Batten! ury St. Night calla Cental Butcher t�hop.' g dreams shattered, her champions put to tore. Had he rapt�ro eaiSted before wish 1 had starved; and Been my fa- " "I I.. :4,k. : rnawered aE OHce. There being some mieunder-tandyn w.th ras shame, and herself driven forever from I it is sad to think that perhaps the smile Cher starve first!•- Bard to wreckage, let it ba distinetl understood would have been broader now ; for love, George wondered whether It was food i h DR. SHAW. OOUCH & WILSON' I that If any person taken possession of any kind the only Place in Life she cased to Oc- that the late Mr. Gate so urgently need- ot wreckage and !alis to report to mo I shall at I when born in tre idation and nursed oda once take proceedings. Rec,omber this is the cuPY• Her abasement was pitiful, and in joy, is often buried without lamenta- Offise in Ho to "But I did it. I was a thief; and ire Int. Night cans at nameplrace. nbtlry siva Clinton,Gltnthave bought o t the°but her ug bust public lately con. seat warning I "he'll give- CAPT. WM. BARB, her penitence, being born merely of � tion and remembered with amusement, once a thief always notify p y Receiver of racks rvir , ", -:.,r &acted by Mr, Jan. A. Ford, and will continue the I Goderich, Sept. 7th 1891. defeat, offers no basis of edification. She -kindle, even tender amusement, but a thief." And + �* `r. _ sem° under their personal supervision. Orders will bad serious thoughts of running awe still amusement. An easy-going fancy Neaera must a sad smile. s y Lt Jt�k{. S. Freeborn, �•D r have prompt and careful attention. Fresh moats of g g Y; like George's for Isabel cannot claim yell must not suppose,' he said, as ° e. " all kind" will be kept In season, sold at reasonable for she did not think she could face even the tribute of a tear behind the he had once before, that I de not L. K. s�. e' P„ L. M.0 P, s s, 0„ dw-, ka. FOR SALE. make allowances. y Grad�}ate of S1rl,r's rt Qneen'e college of Physicians, rates and delivered anywhere 1n town. Gerald's wrath, or, worse still, his smile --a tear which, by its presence, Allowances?" she cried, starting u , 4 ' '., Dab%t Troland. Licentiate of the General Medical ARTHUR COUCH, CHAS N. WILSON. grief. He would cast her off, and causes Yet another smile. George was g P> ;. :'., ,:, Council, Great Britain. Member of Colla of The property occupied by the nn- not even fateful to Isabel for "Allowances -always allowancesl never• ll College CLINTON.oLixTOdersi ned a- a rosideneo on the Huron Road, society would cast her off, and those g pleas- it I never marc 1 never for ret '-sail' hq�l5" rhydoiaas at U surgeons, Ontario. Formerly reel• 8 P y y 6 ' ("'`' "' - [n the Town of Qoderiah, oonaistin of one halfof dreadful ant dream and a gentle awakenin ymi (lid not ask for mercy,id 1.nT.,.:. dente the Rmtuada Hospital (Lytng•tn and Gyrate. CENTRAL BUTCHER SHOP Papers would tarn their thun- h g. She =::;. solosieat) Dnb)'n. Special attention to dla•aeea of an sora of land, good frame house etc and n dere against her. She might have con- w gone and; what is more, she ought George. , ,q Ai"' worsen dahitliren. 0)goewdresidence, Rettenbury •_ half -seven rooms, including kitchen, hard and soled Herself for banishment from so- end oftithave come; and there was an I - No, I didn't. I know what you mean ,,v '.: ^ Bt., nerd door to Ontario Bt. Methodist parsonage. i -oft water, good stone cellar, stable, wood and ciety with Gerald's love, or, perhaps, I lied." 628-1y FORD & MURPHY. for lays of his love with the triumphs Georga having buried Isabel, rang j Yes you choose that • carriage houses, There aro also some goad frau P g' you lied, if I 4 g trees. This property to beautifully situated and of society; but she would lose both, the bel!'with a cumgasod mind. He. word. You garbled documents, and, • igg (Successors to J. W. Langford,) very suitable for any person within to live retired and have not a soul in the whole world might ask Laura Pocklington to marry when the truth was told, you called it " �(utiotry. Having bought out the above business, we intend a to speak to except that hateful Mrs. him to -day, or he might not. He would _ to conduct it on the cath principle, and will supply For further particulars apply to guided g' Slander." our customers with the beat menta at the lowest pI N, CAMPION, Bort. So she sat �an•d dolefully mused, berg ded by circumstances in that mat- � Neaera had sunk back in her seat pay. 643-tf with the tailless cat, that gift of a I but at an rate he would ask her, again. "Yes," she moaned. "I couldn't ' ` Dr. Bruce Surg_eaa Dentist nRprte-,Barrister, y friendly soler at Peckton prison, sir- and that soon; for she was the ons • FORD & MURPHY. P y est it all use couldn't!" ;�,i� • `- y ring on t e rug before her, unconscious- girl he could ever be happy with, and, j "you yourself have made pity impos- J- C, y personifying an irrevocable past and If he dawdled, his chance might be gone. aible." § OFFICE -Over Taylors Shoe Store, STEVENSON,4 future emptied of delight. , Of course there was a crowd of suit- I "Oh no, not impossiblel I loved him ,, . Clinton, Ont. Special attention to pre. , orm at her feet, and, although George sof and he -he was so trustful." ' : -~ servation of natural, teeth. LIVE HOGS WANT,DD- Furniture Dealer, &C. hal no undue modest view of his own ..The more reason for not deceiving W, I • N. B. -Will visit Blyth ovary Monday, and C'HAPTBA XIII. , claims, he felt it behaved him to be him," said George, grimly. yy THE LEADING UNDERTAKER AND It was fortunate that Mr, Blodwell up and doing, It is true that the crowd ; "What is it, after all?" she ex - y+ Bayfleld every Thursday afternoon during the f -rammer. Highest Market :'rice Paid. FUNERAL DIRECTOR vvas not ver bus on Saturday morn-' ° suitors was not very mucH in evi- `' _ Y Y e claimed, changing Her tone. "What is ing, or he might have resented the dente, but who could doubt its axis- it, I say?" r ' tents without 'j .Agnew L. D S D Be D. CANTELCIN,.Clinton. Opposite Town Hall choice of his chambers for a council, I queationin the sanity Clinton, Oat and e y "Well, if you ask me, Mrs. Witt, it's t.,: ) D. •y D. • • sad not been mollified by being asked eyesight of mankind an awkward record." ,)kl ,.{:' es-tf. - GO '1'0 THE to take part in the deliberations. At I A. it so chanced, However, George did not see Laura. He saw Mrs. Pocg "An awkward record! Ycs, but for a DENTIST. -�•� eleven o'clock in the morning, Gerald klieg- mau in love?" Graduate of Royal Celle a oP Dental Sur I Union Shaving Parlor He ton arrived, accom ❑cod b Sid -'too, and that lady at once led the con - g B: THOMLINvONfr.onel Y itzderhamversation to the insistent to "That's Gerald's look -out, He can do "; (;eons of Ontario. Honor Graduate of Trinity mouth otwas In the stLtlace,.Mrs Pock rea Witt. George could note helpNlPet- as he pleases." University; Toronto. Bret Local Anaesthetic VETERINERY SURGEON, I For firsi•claae Hair•Cuttin lington's brother, and, in the Second ting fall a hint of his approaching vie- What, after you Have put me to nor sinless extraction. Office opposite Town Honorary Graduate sit the Ontario Veterioury mol• g tory open shame? And for what? Because p place, chairman of the committee of the ! I loved my father moot, and loved , .3all, over Swallow's Stora. age, Toronto. and Shaving. 'Themis Club. i "I'Q°r woman !" said Mrs. Pocklin Treat all diseases of Domeetio Animals on the ton "But, foryour- ILsake, I'm very my -the man who loved me -most!" YNight Bell answered. most modern and Scientific Principle.. Smith's block, opposite Post Office, Clinton k y have tomo, sir," said Gerald, "to glad ,. y George shook his head. " Will visit Hensall sv ,r hfonda and Day and Night Cali" Promptly Answered. J. EMERTON, Proprietor. ask you to use your influence with yrs it It you were in love -in love, I say George. His conduct is past endur- gets me out of an awkward with a y ycrll were i❑ Love rLLL1. :urich the 2nd Thursday cf each mon �h ktenidenoe-Rattanbnry Street, west, C11eEon, Ont. TAT ^ mrd t� ,nee." ga9t hon, girl -yes, if tr - -- -- - �/�/ WATTS 1 ( c " Just what my husband said. go with e 1 his bin stopyou?" C, . Anything new?" asked Mr, Blod- m wand t t •y well. thought that you were absolutely bound And she stood before him proudy and ill"- N, ¢sa t J E, I3LACKA �L, "No, that's just it. This is Satur- to prove what you said, or at least to BOU ally. a __' CNEMiSTS &DRUGGISTS day• I'm to lJe married on Monday glue n good excuise for it." George looked at her. "I don't think Veterinary Surgeon AI>_volutel it would," he said. I?H ,r., N'T G. CAMERON, BARRISTER, BOLIOITOR, Great Northwestern Telegraph office week' and George does nothing." i Y bound?" I "Then," she asked, advancing a step, `' L Conveyancer, Office-ootnerHamilton and and Veterinary Inspector.' "What do you want him to do?' "Well, I mean if you Frere to keep 4,,.. +t. Andrews -ate., opposite Colborne Hotel Goderich. Albert Street, Clinton. "Why, to acknowledge a himself wren ' your place in society," n8 ped hands, and stretching out her clue }i' - see'tf (':ijce ou Isaac,treet, next Now Era office. as he can't ga "And' in your hotLse?" why ask more for another than for '# 1teAldence, Albert �t.. Clinton. ���n�' prove Himself right," I "pH, be did not go so far Il4 that. I yourself?" `_V ;,, r Mr. Blodwell looked at FiLzderham. "Gerald will txj the Head of the fam- ' -;, (� O. HAYS, BarrlsEpr, A.:•oltor, ire. Office, turner -i-- - _ -- - - - _ _ __ "� j� Q Everybody comes t0 my he a''` ` / R. North street and Bgaer., -near R.ogistry 0®ce. + U1riPA7 • "Yes," said the latter. "It can't stay i)y, to begin with-" t Goderich, int, as it is. The lady must be cleared, if I ya9 ; but, Mrs, Pocklington, I don't e7, Gea- Trowhill, It you want a ilret o]aee, well -made pump, one that she can't be proved guilty. arriv- I want to come in the ca cit THe family P" "u R� Money to lend ab lowest rates of Internet, will Ivo pa y of I don'- ' " R You satisfaction, send b«f I "Certain! y," •,'=xx - your order to the y. y; the Nestan famil nnder•igned. He will dig and clean well" and do it at ed clearly at that conclusion." I "Tben, I think he did mean that you "Who are they? Are they famous? I ''",; I J. SCJTT, the closest prices. He also hen les a erat•olas. We ?" I must du what I say, before never heard of them till the other do 3orseshoer and General Black- FORCE Puup, g "The committee of the Themis." y, you went Y•" V,,I, g on coming in any other capacity.- "I daresay not; we moved in rather Barriaier, cf e., Smith, "Oh, ah, yes, And you, Vane?"* George P Y• • different circles." ",1 r , JADlIE$ FERGUBON "I concur," said Vane, briefly. "I've i g looked at Mrs. Pocklington. "Lo you Lake le ( �LLIOTT B BLOOIi - Vlbert Street, North 0 o.lt Mrs. Y(x klin ton smiled diplomatically. Y pleasure in being brut- . Clinton. pp Qaeen'snotel backed George up to now; but I agree g ocklington out P" asked : y ' Hlgh Street Ullntes. g Is Miss P p y' ales 3r' Martell loLocrt. JUB1iL he mast do one thin or the other." t JOBBING A SPECIALTY. Bog -et g George, "I take pleasure in nothing connect- ' ,1 _ I - "Well, gentlemen, I suppose you're I "yrs " slid Mrs. Pocklington,ed witb thi9 confounded affair," said r<y T�* Woodwork irongd and first cl,as matertaI and - right. Only, if he won't?" is out." I"she Geort¢'e, imFpatiently. ie E. OAlrJP101V work guaranteed; farm Implement" and machines Tben w'e .hall take action," said, '"Glen wily not drop it?" (� F. W. F A A N C D nI B Fitzderham. "Not hack soon?" asked George, 'i*, i �' "' rebuilt and repaired, i F W. smiling in his turn. George shook his head. BARRISTER, - - - SOLICITOR, -" I (MEMBER OF ASS'N OF P. L. s.) "So shall I," said Gerald, I Not yet." "Too late," he. said. �.,.. (���.� �� �1-���5 Vane shrugged his shoulders. "Not until -P" "It's mere selfishness. Yon are only NOTARY, e1c,, ©,/ h a Provinoial Land Surveyor Mr, Blodwell rang the bell. "Well. Mr. Neston, I dare say g people will say of fa Mr. George in. Timms 4" be I y yew thinking of what Goderieh, - Ont. and Civil Engineer, asks i. know what I mean," you." 1 f0 MY MANY PATROLS: I think scl. h'ort,lnatPly, there is f have a right to consider that." 'fi''•.. otn.e-O,erDavie' EragBcnre. Money! lava. LONDON OI�TT� "Vis, air; just arrived." I no diffirulf.y. Shall we say Tuesday?" "It's mean-ruean and heartleml" "Jl.Jl _ _ "welt him to.iPp in to me, if he will. I "Whin TuPgday acmes, we will vee George rose. Real) it's no use go- Ornrox-At G. J. Stewart's Orooer Store, Can I don't save," he ormtinued "wh you if,,we gay Tur_ada �`°5 M• 0 tiCFN�'lON y y i' t ri I desire to feeder m singers thanks too, y y y•'• ing on with this," .9Lir he. And, mak- `' ',,", ►' y p g ( shoulrin't. Aet.tle if. with him. I've no- "And, otherwise. I am-?" ing a slight bow, he turned towards �, i for th0 ver libel al patronage accord• thing to do with it, f.Hank God." I I .1BARRISTER "Otherwise, my dear George, you the door. SO:,ICI1'011, ed me in the hast a°d t0 iu(orm the George enterold. Ile, was surprised to have no °nil to mrsuade Pxrept-" I didn't mean it -I didn't mean it," CJrIMIS��h�VL'K, I;TC, pahlio that Liam still in the Carpet Don't Build IPl�thout A Play err the depulation, but. addreq"ed him -I Arlf exr]IL91V('ly to Blodwrll, "Ah, that is the most difficult tarok. cried Neaera. "ilut I am out of my \Veaving Euaineae on I?#et Street, "ITerP I am, sir. What is it. P' of all' mind. Ah, have pity on mel" And oho ,`fz GodertCn, Ont. (:odolich, next the 13icycls Factory, I "i don't know Anything about that. flung herself on the floor, right in his +'jk c`,i " i'be,w• gentlemen," Raid Mr. Blod- Only f hr# y I tl h, .1, 1L r 0e'ioe-Cor. Hamilton and S•. An+rrw'a Bts. we.l1, "1 bink I hat f he time ha4 comp y P" you iwit''ve what you ya Pr _ YPrsoDal end mail ciders will ae nasal rJ. ADES FOWLER & r nn I i withdraw Ynun mon are. Rn cnnrvitPd nowarin 4.' 1!11.4 is tcagPdy, i snpprh9e," he ' ':'"' receive rum t attention, All claeses CO.,- Y your allegations or I "W on Alia" Pocklington comr9 in, I thought. "llow the devil am I to get Y, IiRY1)UVE, P p r t° ove than." of work a specialty, at the lowest oe• Architects and Civil Engineers „ you will till her bow sorry I was net, away?" z. BARfIIolF,R • - SO :ICITOR, r p penin s To" APP. GrnrgP," Aaid Cane, "it's to Are hor?" "1 have nrver had a chance," Neaera Bible prices, and satie,action uaron• Ar"o R Ply p,.nt „min In ctinton and are not. fair to .nave Mrs. Wilt. undrr thiol )`) fir en rdf s,lrply Plena, Seertnratfnne and detail! indefinite ALlgma." "('PrAllnly." wins. on, "never. Ah, it is hard! And ,Y;, NOTARY PUBLIC ,eed, y elaae of work at. mn.t rFRannshle rates. "Anil 1 hat I look forward to Tueg- w hrn at. last-" ilei voice choked, ' ' "bar from it," AA id Fifzrlrrham. Ida ,?', OFFiGO BEAVER BI'o0H - - Patenthrawingaprriared nndpnrnt obtained. Grurgo. stood with his book n YP aur, George, f,o his horror, heard her CLINTON. W A. Ross, East !Street v the mantel- ivep. "I nits gninst No; f shall Aa,y nothing almut that, -1,. `:11d.e`di4 7• y al"AtionaandInnprrticnnrarerollynode. P 9 a rro," 10 Yon ;tri not. (lilt of the wood yrL." "i cannot. hear it.l" aha cried. "They ��sg 81. tf GQ/iiDil7Ri('al. �� AairL "fast's oor-fo-flay'. Laturday. "Oh V. r nm," . will all wri(e about, me. ;roll ref at. fool -----. - __ __ _ -- '_. .- _ - _ a.> K101 -,S �Srl'periP?J/•ein Oill(l?-io. \'hen iv the wrddinpr, if ihrre--P" , 11 lit �1r9. i'nr•k lin{,rtnn Rtnnrl firm; And I and GP rilrl will oast, me of fl. 1�'hrre Monday wrek," maul E3lrnlwrIJ, husti- GerYrge doparled, feeling th•it. fhP Inst shall I hide? -where shall I hide! > `f`sLL iauag toailci. The McKi//on Mutua/ Fire Mall addrrsr--P, 0. Rnr 2to,ctint on IY; fearing n.n rxplra"inn from Gerald. pow it ills l of marry for Nrarra \t'ilt what was it to you?" '- -- _- -- _ _ - V fry wilt On 'fun,4riay-- hail v niahn 1 rl, There i." a limit. to un- (To Ir oontinue.d.) .1 .5iIO::EY to seat In large nr small arfine or good Insurance Compary, A trlrgrarn far you, Air," said Tiroms, Aelfi"hn"v: nav, what. plan+. is f horn for °i jj mortilaper or Personal"rnnrltynt the lowest entering. pi(y w'hrn public r1ufV and private in- rtTrranE raise. H. IIAL9, H„roast, clfnton. 'Iticrlisr, rne," .mid (;er)rgr, ' tere Af. unity in (Jeri, adding Just. severi- ,------- - _ i~- s11. , -` - t , k Ile o w ned and rear) his tvlr r -;,m. it. t P ldonf�?, Farm and Isolated town Proper ran, "Yols my hnnd%Nr;1ing. Fill rP y For %Veal. Iiacl<S, Lame • ty 071y ..Surad. �] w[ turn i i' oast prlsf reglAlnrod- IInrno, 1i;1('1<s, I';llll�lll i�;l('1<°. Or Ally lirnoev to Inndo� ,andarrnrlly at bf and 0 al CAVEATS ���Df Q,pq I mrnrm"nlh." CfTAPTr•;R XTV. 11 at. Anp)Ttoo. R.r•.,fl'r,Al6crt9E.,Cliutc.., p --- n V NARKS On M1lnn,hv," continnod (;forgo, "af Npnera \\'ift hid one 1:1 9f yard (o play. Ellsd of Rad Ij;ick,ti, Manley's �'`r'r OFF], MRS. COPYRIGHTS. five Wrinrk in the afternoon, 1 will Ahs, h m grr:rt fho Ainko, and - _ (l forge P'ntt. Two"I'0. Harh rk P G nn ee f,"w' - CAN i 011TAIN A PATENT? Fnr a prove all i Aa.i,l, fir 'cifhrlra'v it." Alight I l,e (Isom•! dill sh,, wnnld play ('( lIcr.v Nerve ( oilip, tlil(l is -- Rrnad4,nf ,ire Prna , 1 af,rth P u; IV, J t;nrn' pprompt ansnrr and an hnnnat n ulon,wrilcto (wrald Innked mwagy, but he trier! it. If it flilod. yh^ w'nnld oniv rlrilik . �(� �����Y� Bros, � n•.n, !rrv. '1 en. , Nin L:rib 1'. 0 : Mirharl Mutd,e, hl I .T; I" ill(, ( ... C� i�l rl(rl., wh,6nan hsd nosily arra .r,nrv' fn think, or al Ira yt in 1 ,favi to think,. Trf';lt ii;lCl: �tr('n,rthPncr. Tnaperfr•r,d!"sere, Arafnnhr o. eTPrrirnrnln•hr :1 ll'tlr dee ler of humihitl„n, :111.1 IKl infant bus!r res. r'nmmnr„rn- ° T>7 1 DIRK'TnRn, fin,:a .irlrllr rnnr I,Yr:al• Allnndt)oor<sir in- Ilial (;Pr, l.v my to make rA.mplyd a Ilton Illrrr„ rnntr 11. l . ��rr Tr.. i fuss rte 1 'cnA o t nlpt lm A- Wm. Rnzers, A Ottawa Street, V'GNERAI, ORO( 't iIjH T }„�•nnnnn r:,nr,., ,.. I'ntrnln and haw t" "h. Itis 9urrrrnlr•r IPA,A nl>ru lt. I ly un:ler font. \\'hal dill ihat. rnaft.r'r? Tnr�•ttn, Unt., writ •a; "P I' a & I kUVIS- •Ismra itrnnrlfnot, u,a fart h, M1, b and Mnrdl r, Ar+. tn,n them srar iiia Al.,_"ref n,ngue o[merbnn. T forth; (7 nn.,ra Lain. Hra l• rth, flrnr Ira! 'rl a.•Irnl uh• hr,nka „int hon `V,• ry 'S ell I Sllnil 've mrrf herr ?" "'1•nli 't ill nal M iderrin a war mil 9 et'9 T t 1CP rrrn ¢e Nat,, Harinrk r nur7'I•r of r 11ANTH. !arca,. '. , Nn, ."ni I (;eralrl, ",YTr.". \\' ,nhearrl." she wroft,, wish n tnn,'h of tire;!! f wlfh aisn^ hark , me rYy,. ON i�1 F; 111' Thmm�. Y, 'Is, •,N^nf rt 1,, A�rr N. arra Ln.dbury F n,•,nln"I,,nl nn hrh�+„ah Mann k f'o. rrreivq it might or ,h• ir,ct•rt Tr'a°nl d rte isle p rirntl.rAlnrr1,nn•and to ho IrrsPnf," /f Thome. URrlh,tt, ('llnfnn, .1, hn MrLrnn, P,,,,rn. tl na nrn hr„n,;ht W,ln1y her, rn shr r•." 1I, n,I h- r nlrinrlra lea. "i PXprrf yrrll IU�Yn WIT l.q',,P, ni he's. P14 rr•, i„*rear, 1, �iYOf/,'P7-)I {iJ(l..S,Stp �r ."KVTR. "„t r"sr t" nae!mins"r. 'rn,K.nlnml,l nor, -1.9 fhnl dv.,irahle?" nPked George, Sundov r•'enin at nine 1 r^r^I .,l rn brrrt+I irrr.l 'hili F f; hlil(7�/�t7)'/; l•.111,I nkl r!,wn,.f, g g V'nu rinnof ,A ' itis n10''. r,' haat r., lb" "Of fall rAP it iA,• Iw "11 1'1 rmnP Valla Ca, Ila rinrlr, Rn'- rl AT, ,illlan, Ar►- In r¢rst r,rrulnI n1 env rr"rrtlnr wnr�t In thrT h.l id nn not t.n mune ' tr : ' u : : 11. .a I..Ih 1, • I w•.a Ali.ift�R'1' la)<., ('(,� /; (t l fnrrhand .rams rn-man,• ,Igmnni,llr. avr"''t. 3:1 nroar Nan j Avg fou pira.w. i .should An riot. But (till F'k,,A likeA to be trio, I k 1,r4v r,l rn tr.r iRYnl'c'a T. 11"11,11 r t.^,; m, ', n �,re srnt frer Y 1 inn h 1 '5;1 1•nrt:na d•d."n. Ian n4ert Lenrnnrn lrly:�``An• nr, wr, 1p A,"k hrr. and lug guirlrrl by her tcinhr,"' fon,. an I flava C ! nln,n,T1,:, .s.,^r I�f.ghest Cata Prl^.e for flutter an, or t,nn•• entir+.•1.}, t,rnr,umbornontn,nn hna._ "\\ EIKIr tailyd Sal Atnnntha hrr f, aY n I t a. '�r IL I1 EKga n,t nrhrr I,:,,,,na. w,ll Ian "'." tl nftnnd• fir„I ill. Ih"n, at, r,nrd "hnlllrbttry',"?" Inrtglerl I,x•ks I.,fnrr she Pnler9 Ili,, r!n, k { rltl r' •n 1 p y hn unnpin, nfa1 I''r, ::r,. a, anal (•hn: n¢,n hs "f noq sn ;r„ tial area. \1 r:' ra T i l P ., .n #-. 11,:-, ,,n 1" a"r of ,,,^ nh„ve nal cera ad- w i nnl'n¢4 rl,r, o,.':%the il" falls r{()1114, thr,ll.tt')1 It lie nt,l Ir•_ 1 ' 1.0 r, 1. :'n rf It int" R .i':E dree9ed to lh,iiia{„ r 1 Ye.r,et4'•r^.r'e. la;4"1"11"'a,,,a^r•1r.,,nlrnrll, Adrirr•••_n ' Iiy- n11 mr•;in,"," wlid Gw(wgP. And, rm,lwl, til if fhl` Illlrgqhn('A Of (�.I MIS, r, W." .UNH6ccu. naw""i.361BROADWAY. wilh Aslight. nod, he lift, the room, rruelly restricted totihr.ir skirt A, dunn- Sold in ("onion, by J, If c°mhb,,- -