HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1896-09-02, Page 3A ".,'G"."..^'.!;+•a?^,-;•,.nnry, n. , toss-.- ees-:Tee eTet^.tenteen{t', elf=1410 p _ PRadICAt. FIRMING. are wear, ",run-down," health is frail,strength gone. ;Doctors call your case an- mia—there is a fat-farn- ?,:' ilx your blood. Scott's ivulsion of cadrlive o ], s' ophosphites, is the best food -means of getting your strength back—your doctor will tell you that. He knows also that when ' the digestion is weak it is better to break up cod-liver pilorout' of the body than to burden your tired digestion with It Scott's Emulsion `•does the Score & Bowes, Belleville, Out. goc. and $ L.oe tId Or. Cordog's Remedy for Merz CURES POSITIVELY Lost Power,Nervous Debility, Nailing Manhood, Secret Di - leases, caused by the errors and excesses of youth. Young, middle-aged or old men, suffering from the effects of follies and excesses, restored to health, man hood and vigor. Price $1.00, 6 boxes for $5.00. Sent by mail, eecarelysealed. Write for our book, "Startling /acts," for Men only, tells you how to get well tad stay well. Address, QUEEN MEDICINE CO., Bos p4y, MONTREAL SMALLPDXKILLS ! DOES TOBACCO Bead the strong endorsement given GS 3111 ohacc,o Circ. In the intikestrof the mashes, for whom these re jE,• ., ports are compiled, the Thumb) STe'raa HEALTH an Penis have examined and investigated many prepare, tions having for their object the cure of the tabseee habit, bat among them all we have no hesitancy in Rising the editorial and official endorsement of these • llsaoame to the remedy known a° "UNCLE ' SLM'8 TOBACCO CURET," manufactured by the Keystone Remedy Company, at 218 La 8a11 e street, Chicago. We have demonstrated by persona tests that this antidote positively destroys the test end desire for tobaoeo in ton days, leaving the system to a perfectly healthy condition, and the person txs the same forever tree from the habit. In the light of our examinations and teats of "UNCLE SAWS TOBACCO CURE," we are but performing a duty we owe the public when we en dome the same, and stamp it as the crowning achieve ' ment of the nineteeth cent ry, in the way of destroy ing_a habit se disgusting se it is common (POR ONLY $1.00) hence we earnestly advise you to erste them for full particulars. Bold only by ALLEN & WILSON, CLINTON. DOCTORS ENNEDY &KERGAN Specialiste In the Treatment of Nervous, Blood, Sexual and Private Diseases 17 Tiara in DEEM 200,000 Cured V A u Yon are nervone and 1 11 despondent; weak and e tested; tireddd mornings; no ambition; lifeless; memory poor; easily fndgned; excitable; eyes Banken, red and blurred; pimples on face; dreams and night losses; drains at stool; oozing on excitement; haggard looking; weak book; bone pains; nloers; hair loose; Bore throat; varicocele want of confidence; Inapo tenoy; lack of energy and ie,iNeetlaeip etre h. MARRIAGE Thie Important step'° life ehonld never be taken until you are poeitiveiy cared If you have been weakened or dimmed. Remember "Like father, like son," Braise - lone, varicocele, apermatorrhme and R hllle endanger happiness in married life. Our Now Method cores them per- manently. If you are Martl'd commit no at once, as we can restore your etrengt.h, vital energy and desiree. 1f you wish to Maury, oar advice may be worth a fortune to yon. Don't Lit Tear Life be Drained Away, The New Method reatment'`° '- ,tem at,d New Method wast iacovererl by ria several years ago. It builds np and atrengthene thepervnne system; rush -mos lo t vitality to the eexnal organa; elope all drnine and losers; invigorates end reatortw lout man- hood. It never fails in curing the reanite of Self Abuse, Later Exceeees, Blood 018 - oases, or the off tale of a Misspent Life. WcZZ CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY What we Treat and Cure! Emleelong Varlonoele,Ryphl- IIa,Nervousbeblllty Strloture Client, Impotenr.yy, Unnatural Dlerhargeee.Lost beanhood,Kid- neyy and BladderDleoas-s,Con- o ultatl0n Free. Books (illnetral.od) Frets. Write for Questlnn Stank for Home Treatment. EverythingCon- fidential. Pinin envelnpee. Not.htngaa t t;, 0. D. Hee tent imontile next. week., DRS KENNEDY & KERGAN t 4 Shelby St.. Detroit, Mich. paid for. 'edr labor and, attention 'Waite -"� bag it all in all,' I ool. tsi,der .it a Ve CHINESE DETECTIVES. good 000npatibn. 4.144.0 They Are Said to bd'the Slurewdeat is the Worlds WINTER WHEAT AFTER POTATOE . ,,-,;,,,,44 "Sigce wheat has become too low in ... LQ� 13Y STOW unarm.price to make it profitable to summer Dz- Babcock found In some expeii fallow, farmers have sought to econo- menta he tried nregarding this matter size by growing some orop which ca`that slow milking ba j a very decided e'ot off in lime to prepare the field effeot in reducing the butter fat in forfall seeding," alarge says so n Eastern n ex- milk' there being an average decline change.of over 11 per Dent. in his trials as a grains, oats and barley are most gen- result Oe slow milking, while also there erally used as fallow Drops. But they was a decided diminution iu the quan- have the disadvantage of exhausting cos thoughindryagg'ainlodd tthre differ - the soil of •precisely the kind of plant encee tended to disappear. The total re - food that the wheat plant requires. salt over a season, however, iv iene- He itis , after harvest the ground is ficial to the milk yield in the mien of hard, and when plowed the grain stub- quick of 'tmilkinme. n Weot t do speak t know the ble under the furrow makes the soil about the secretion of the milk in the light, so that it dries out too quickly udder, but we are getting on that way. and does not 'make a good aced bed. This dryness of soil makes its mineral plant food insoluble, and as the avail- able nitrogen in the soil has been used up by the grain crop, the wheat which follows can only make a weakly fait growth. ' "From all these objections the po- tato Drop as a fallow crop for wheat is wholly free. Potatoes are not ex- haustive except to some extent of pot- ash. The thorough cultivation they re-* quire develops in the soil a large amount of available nitrogen which the potato in its late growth is wholly unable to Lisa. This is seen in the im- mense crop of weeds which starts just as soon as cultivation ceases. If no win- ter grain is sown after the potatoes, weeds use this fertility, not only with- out advantage to the farmer but to his injury. It makes one of the great advantaged of sowing what on potato ground that the grain crop needs no nitrogenous manure. The bright green of the young wheat shoots shows plain- ly that the plant is supplied with plenty of nitrates. With a dressing of 150 to 200 pounds of commercial phosphate, a full wheat crop can be grown after potatoes. "The potato orop in a heavy one to handle, and the difficulty of harvesting the crop and clearing the land in a large acreage in time for sowing wheat is one. rpason why wheat is not more generally preceded by potatoes. Yet the cost of harvesting- the potato crop is not increased, but rather lessened, by doing the work early. Potato dig - era are now so im roved that a large INEXPENSIVE SHRUBBERY. It Would Add to the Beauty and Value of Every Farm. Many farmers are deterred from planting ornamental' shrubs and trees by the supposed necessary expense, writes a correspondent. They have a variety of large and small fruit,_. but these are part of the economy of the farm, and represent money well in- vested. Fruit trees and plants are longer in coming to maturity than an- nual crops, but are just as sure in the end; and the wise farmer is fully aware• that apple orchards and strawberry beds pay better interest than county banks. But with shrubbery it is dlrrerent. The farmer may realize that ornamen, tation has something to do with de- termining the value of his place, but it does not Dome home to him so forci- bly as the apple orchard and vineyard, and he puts it off from, year to year, until money is more plentiful or he has more time, and the bare surroundings of his house are left to the charity of the small annuals whish his wife and daughters raise from seed or are able to carry over from year to year by means of slips, and perhaps to the oc- casional sweetbrier or peony root, pro- cured from a flower -loving neigh- bor. It is not that the farmer p DISLIKES SHRUBBERY, field can be speedily cleared of this or is niggardly with his moneys He crop. When the potatoes are off the I is rarely caught up with his work, and and burned, little more preparation is there are always important things needed for sowing. A light cultivation I waiting his attention—things that take of the surface for three or four inches I money and time, and are of prime.im- is better ,for the wheat crop than I Portance to the prosperity of the form. plowing deeper would be. It is also! And, then, ready money is undeniably better for the clover seeding next I scarce even to the average fargiel...who spring, keeping at the surface the soil ' is getting ahead; new horses or tools which has been enriched by the sum- or buildings are needed, and the small mer's cultivation. It has always been accumulations go to provide them; and noted that the finest clover catches the shrubbery is put off and off, and with winter wheat are got where the 'finally is lost sight of. grain crop has been sown after pots I If the farmer knew how cheaply bila toes. grounds could be ornamented, I am con - "One of the advantages of succeed- vinced there would be fewer unsightly ing potatoes with wheat is that it yards in the country. Even the boys makes a shorter rotation and does and girls, with a little trouble could away with the necessity for sowing surround the house with beautiful trees spring grain, which • is now every year the cost would be only a few days' so cheap that in the eastern states it I work each year. There is scarcely a is grown at a loss. If a winter grain tree or a shrub that will not propa- crop follows that of spring grain it gate readily from cuttings, and all makes a four years' rotation, which is kinds can be increased almost indefi- not less profitable but more exhaustive ' nitely. Insert the cuttings in a moist of fertility than a rotation in which piece of ground in the spring, and give clover or grass seeding comes every them one or two hoeings. By the gee - third year, and above all, with a high- and year they will be large enough to ly cultivated crop in this rotation to transplant to permanent quarters. Her - keep the land free from weeds." baceous plants, like lilies, phloxes, peo- nies, irises, yuccas, anemones and bun- dreda of others, can have their roots di- vided and subdivided, and the planta' wvisiillon, be all the more thrifty for the di - PRUNING IS THE SECRET ABOUT POULTRY RAISING.. Wo often hear the question asked: "Is there any profit in poultry ?" of successful shrub -growing, and i.0 writes a farmer's daughter. I have al- nearly every locality can be found a ways found it to be a profitable as well fair assortment of shrubs and plants as a moat pleasurable occupation. If whose owners would be perfectly will - you will allow me the room in our ing to give away the cuttings of each y pruning; and cuttings Of such desirable poultry colum, I will give -fray short shrubs as might not be found in the experience in that' line of business, neighborhood could easily be procured When but a shall child, my greatest from a ynursery, for a hfewh cents. 1 desire was to possess a flock of chick- acres of fine ehrmubba y, nearlysall rof ens, and to gratify my wish, my father I which he raised from cuttings pro - bought me a few old hens, in the fall cured in the neighborhood. What would of '90. It is needless to say that when have cost him eeveral hundred dollars out of school I was kept very busy da e' lnurserybbdosome set him a few. caring for my biddies. Since that time I have propagated thousandsears of of waiting.. P Pag my, flock hits gradually increased until lows, poplars, hydrangeas, altheas, now I have the care of all our fowls. row' epireas' lied other trees and ehrute and loot lase than five per cent. Two years ago, thinking I would of the cuttings. Outside of the say - like to raise Leghorns, I procured six ing, there is a fascination in raising settings of eggs from thoroughbred one's own shrubbery; and, if desirable, fowls. I raised about twenty hens one can easily make it a source of no from them. Duringt inconsiderable profit. I know small be first winter farmers who add a hundred dollars or only about eight of them laid—and they more each year to their income by grow - lay in the field—dead. It took but a ing a small assortment of plants for very shoit time to decide that they local trade. were not the kind of fowls wanted. But to give them a thorough trial, we kept them until spring, when they laid THE CAUSE OF CHOLERA; exceedingly well, and would have given The explanation of the German ehol- better satisfaction bad they not eaten era epidemic of 1893,:given by Dr. Barry, two eggs for every one they deposited in the nest. Seeing it took two bens is conclusive as to the danger of water to keep one, we sold them and said contamination. The outbreak in Ham - mentally "good riddanoe." burg, notwithstanding the new filtered Having given a number of breeds a water supply there, was at first de - 'borough trial, we have decided to keep none but the Barred PI) mouth Rork, ridedly startling, but the officials soon believing there to tin the best. all -Pur- found that, owing to a settlement of Bose gfarm fowl. If you wish a fowl some masonry connected with a con - tor Ihn table, a good, int P. R. would satisfy the, most fastidious, and for egg (suit. conveying the water from the producers, none excel them. Last win- filter beds to the pumping station-, un - ter we kept a flock of 120 hens. Dur-! filtered Elbe water had got aceesas to ing the three winter months we re-' the supply. Dr. Barry arrives at four nerved $25.40 cash for our eggs, and definite conclusions. (1) That cholera considering the very tow price received diffusion invariably follows lines of per dozen, we think it paid very well. man intercourse (2) That. increased As my father is quite an extensive steam communication by bind and wa- farme w r, e raise all the, grain we feed, ter, especially I all he w and ns l.h, fowls have a large area o[' Trr' I sen Ce rapidity i Asia groun(ilover which to roam, theyran and if usio had loci to a ef° in the diffusion of cholera hitherto un- mer. n- pick the must of their living in stun- pyecedr.nled. (3) That, cholera in its mer ' progress by way of river traffic has fas- tVe use the (Id way of hatching and ' tened on more centers of population raising our chicks --the old sitting hen.' than when its diffusion has taken place Although it is a slower way than by overland, (4) That all "explosions" of Thr incubator and broader, we, think cholera. have been• found, on investiga- rhe chicks tire more twilit by when cared jyen, to have been referable to apeci- for by 1 he mot her. We are scarcely 'fleetly polluted water supplies. ever troubled with tiny kind of disease. The little red bre annoy u.•i in the sum- mer by gel ting in our lion.. -es. We shut our Chickpea out. of t he houses entirely, and as They are not disturber{ by vermin i Ihink they aro better off in the pure nut -of -door air. 1 will give a simple a.r,d infallible cure for the gapes. When you see a chick gripping catch it and drop n. few drope of lamp oil in its I lirnal and wind- pipe. 1 have had old hens Birk with what looked very much like diphtheria., and after applying a. sew- rinses of niI in Ihim way, th-y have been entirely cored. We expert to keep nbotit a hundred gond fowl,' the routing win- ter, and judging the future by the pact, we feel we shall be more than For Over Fifty Yenta Max. WiN r,ow'a Roorsun Avert, has been need by m111inne of mother, for Thr Ir rhlldren while teething. If dwtnthed at nicht and broken of poor rent bye oleic ah11d au fforing rind 'ring wl.h pain of Cutting Teeth sons. nt °nre and get a bottle of ",Mot. Winelnw'n soot hing Rtrnp" fort'hild ron Teething. it will relieve t.h• nnnr little enITnrer immo,lfatoly. Depend npon it, ninth+r a, there la no mlatnke about It. Tt emcee alar rhrea, ropnIntrs Tho Stomneh and Board., enree tVint! Cal;., x„ftono rho iron,,, rodneoa Inffammatlon, and gives Inc,and onrrey ten the whnln ayatem 'Afro. It rook w'a Renth'ng Syrup” for rhildron tee, Ing la plan-nnt to the ladle and to the preorrlpt.inn of ,nn "f the 'I,.00; and hoot f.mslo 1. hyai.• ,anti end flute., in the I' nitr•d F'ntea I`�ie. went) fix eentx a h. Wo Nn41 by all drncpdata Through, ut the w, rid. Re NMn and nett Ito 'Mee \V,NR,.r,W' Rn0TRIN( SYRUP." Your true Frenchman thinks the Par'iaian. detectives are best. English- men ewear by Scotland Yard men. In 4ei nrlca every great city regards with pride rte local "sleuth hounds." A writer, after three years' residence in China, says he does not think either of the three countries are entitled to the credit given them. The Chinese beat them all. • They are at one time the most ex -- pert thieves, and at another the moat skirled detectives in the world. A Chinaman can steal your watch while you are looking at it, and he can catch the man who stole it, If it happens to be some other man than himself, when a French detective could not. Tto tlive ability among the C.I1inces of de- eese which would startle even Lecoeq. It is im- poseible for an evil -doer to long elude the Chinese detectives. Theyscent a crime and follow it to the ast before civilized detectives would know of it. The Chinese dptetive force is a se- cret body, and the best organized in the world. They have an eye upon every man, woman and child, foreign or native, in China, and in addition watch over each other. Informers are encouraged, and col- lusion is impossible. The head of the Chinese police is not known, but there is one, and a very active on8 too. It is reported that the present head was once an Ambassador to a European country, but really no. one knows who he is. There are said to be over 60,- 000 men under him and his assistants who control the various districts. TO CONSUMPTIVES. The undersigned haying been restored to health by simple mean,, after suffering for several years with a severe lung affection, and that dread dieease Consumption, is anxious to make known to his fellow sufferers the means of cure, To those who desire It, he will cheerfully send (tree of charge) a copy of the prescription used. which they will find a sure cure for Consumption, Asthma, Catarrh, Broronchitia an all throat and Lung Maladies. He hrlpee all sufferers will try his remedy, tie it Se inealn- able. Those desiring the prescription, whiohwlll cost them nothing, aria may prove a blessing, will please addreee, ev. EDWARD A. WILSON, Brooklyn, New York, FIXING THE DAY. Now, Billy, tell us how you know when Sunday comes. Yes'm. I allus knows it is Sunday coz grandpa won't lemme sing Henriet- ter, she's a corker. 4 ONE HONEST MAN. Dear Editor:—Please inform your readers, that, if writteu to confidenti- ally I will mail in a sealed letter, par- ticulars of a genuine, honest home Cure, by which I was permanently re- stored to health and manly vigor, after years of suffering from nervous debility, sexual weakness, night losses and weak shrunken parts. 1 was robbed and swindled by the ci necks until I near- ly lost faith in mankind, but thdnk heaven, I am now well, vigorous and strong, and wish to snake this certain means of cure known to all sufferers, I have nothing to sell, and want no money, but being a firm believer in the universal brotherhood of man, I am desirious.of helping the unfortun- ate to regain their health and happi- ness, I promise you perfect secrecy and as I do not wish to expose myself either, address, simply.: P. O. Box 388, London, Ont. Sick Headache Permanently Cured "I was troubled, a long time, with sick headache. It was usually ac- companied with severe pains in the temples and sickness at the stom- ach. I tried a good many remedies recommended for this complaint ; but it was not until I be- gan taking AYER'S Pills that I received anything -10 perma- :'nent benefit. Asin- gle box of these pills did the wait ,. for me, and I am now a well man."" C. H. HUTCIIINGS, East Auburn, Me. For the rapid cure of Constipa- tion, Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Nau- sea, and all disorders of Stomach, Liver, and Bowels, take Cathartic Pills Medal and Diploma at World's Fair. Ask your druggist for Ayer's Sarsaparilla, PARALYSIS CARED—SWORN STATEMENT. Mrs Maggie McMartin, 27 Radenhnrnt St., Toronto Ont., swear, that Ryrkman'a "Kootenay Cure" cured her of Paralysis which rendered one able of her body entirely useless. Phya,rlan, Bald there wne DO chance of her ever r000verinu the use of her Iimhs. Hope deserted her, hit to day she Is walking around taping ler friend■ how Ryekman's "Kootenay Cure" I•evo her hte and happineee. Sworn to, July 10, 1896, before .1 W. Seymour Corley, Notary Public SWORN STATEMENT OF A GRATEFUL MOTRER. Louisa White, nine yenrs old, who suffered with Ecrema stnre her birth, ilea been entire)y cured and bar general ut',tam built up by Ryokman a "Kootenay Ours." The above farts are given in n aworn state- ment made by her mother, lora. George White, 139 Stinson 8t., Hamilton, Ont., dated July 8, 1896, befofo J. F, Monck, Notary Public,. A COMBINATION D!(ITPRRED — SWORN STATEMENT MADE. Charles it Newman, 18 MarTl nrm,gh St., Toronto Ont. , had a rnm ,liootlon of blood troubles, R.heu• matixm, severs Kidney trouble and oonattpntlon. Wee frequently diaturhed at night, lost him eppetlte and wets a very sink man. His Kidneys are now In a healthy ennrlitlon, his appetite gond, sloop undle• ttvbed and errata pat Ion ourod : all Ihfs was dons by Ryekmnn'e "Kootenay Cure ." He maker eworo statement to the ai,ovo foots before J. W. Seymour Corley, July 10, 18110 DRS SPINNEY 4k CO. The Old Reliable Specialillte. 83 Years Ff xperionoe ba the treatment of the Throat and Lang Troubles, Catarrh, /Wham, Bronchitis, Nervous, Chronic and Special Dia - Caeca of men and women. Lost Manhood restored—Kidney and Blad- der troubite perrinitntly cured—Groot, Gonorrhoea, VarifbceW and stricture cured' without pain. No cutting. Syphilis and all Blood Diseases cured without mercury. Young Men Suffering itfrom the eilects of or any troubled Nervous. Debss of ility, oAversion Society, Kidney Trouble.), f any disease of the Geuitai-Urinary Or- gans, can here find safe and speedy cure. Charges reasonable, especially to the poor. CURES GUARANTEED. Kiddie -Aged Ven–There are many trubled dons of the bladder, often accompanied by a slight smarting or burning trso .anoon, rand weakening of the system in a manner the patient cannot account for. There are many men who die of this difficulty, ignorantof the cause. The doctor will guarantee a per- fect cure in all such ease,, and healthy restoration of the genito-urinary organs. Cone saltation free. Those unable to call, can write full particulars of their wee and have medicine sent by express, with full instructions for use. Mention this paper whoa writing. Office hours: From 9a. m. to 8 p. m. Sundays, 9 to 11 a. M. UR. SPINNBY &CUs (Side En0 trance No. AVENUE.DWARD E. Elizabeth St.) DETROIT, MIOH. ' CLINTON 84811, DOOR AND BLIND FACTORY S.S. COC/PER, - - PROPRIETOR General Builder and Contractor. This factory bas been under the personal supervision and one owner for sigh years. We carry an extensive and reliable stock and prepare plane and give estimates for and build all classes of buildings on short notice and on the closest prices. All work is suprrvised in a mechanical way and satisfaction guaranteed. We sell all kinds of interior and exterior material. Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Lime, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Eta Agent for the CELEBRATED GRAYBILL SCHOOL DES•, manufactured at Waterloo. Call and get prices and estimates before placing your orders - - 1 Leslie's Carriage BUGGIES, PHAETONS, CARTS AND WAGONS—all of the best works magship and material. WOrAll the latest styles and most modern improve- ments. All work warranted. Repairing and repainting promptly attended to. Prices to suit the times. 1 FACTORY—corner Huron and Orange Streets, Clinton. —• ++++++++++++++4++++++4+++++++++++ King of all Bicycles. KNO'Or Light Weight and Rigidity. EveryMa- chinefullywarranted 5 Styles Absolutely the Best. 'O'O'Oa Superior Material and Scientific Work- manship. . . . Highest Honors at the World's Columbian Exposition. Beall twa.cgat stamp for our aa -page Catalogue—A work of Art. Monarch Cycle Company, Retail Salesroom, a8o Wabash Ave. Lake and Halsted Sts., CHICAQO, ILL. +++4 ++++++++++++++ 4 4 + + 4 BLOWN FROM A TRAIN. "I do not suppose that once in a hun- dred times we ever learn the real cause of a railroad accident," said a man who is always well posted on such matters, "when any one of the principals con- cerned ' is lfilled. In individual cases, !shale a man is lost from a train, and his body is found later beside the track, suicide is the first thing suggest- ed; but you can never tell.- A peculiar accident happened to a friend of mine. -He was traveling Eastward with some friends. He left them for a few mom- ents tb go to the smoking car. As he crossed from ossa r m rine car to the other—that was before the time of the vestibule trains—a strong wind that was blowing struck him and blew him to the ground. He was wearing a large circular coat, which acted as a balloon inflated with wind, and it was responsible for his being blown off the train, Ks well as for the fact that he landed on his feet unhurt. He walked some distance to the nearest station and telegraphed ahead to his friends that he was all right, and would come on by the next train. If he had been killed every one would have said 'suicide,' for the pos- sibility of a man being blown from a train would seen to be an absurd idea." A German statistician makes the as- sertion I hatt here -are iu Hulga.ria 3,- R83 centenarians, or one to every 1,000 inhabitants. 1 F EN (youngor old) a who, ,Bnr (lo m Nervous Urbtlity, Sexual Weakness and the results of Srtf- Ahnse, etc., will write us confidentially a plain etetemont of their case, and promise to use our Remedy accortitng to directions, we will send prepaid by moll or express, a carefully prepared course of Two Months' treatment, for which we will make no charge If it fails to cure. Avoid Yankee (lauds and Canadian quacks. 'Write ria at once fora Remedy wh,rh is ggt,,ar.,nteed to curet or cont no th Ing. Addrrss N. H. M. COMPANY, Lock Item 829, Ploton, Ontario, Canada. FOR TWENTY-SIX YEARS DUNNS MAKIN POWDER THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND LARGE8f BALs IN CANADA. ;Laeqaw,,,re Cook's Cotton Root Compound Manufactured by T h e Cook Co., Windsor, Ont., and Detroit, Mich., is the only known safe, reliable monthly medicine on which ladies can depend in "the hour and time of need." Every lady who reads this is requested to inclose two post- age stamps, with her address, for fJ and fullanti 1 p cu ars, which we will send by return mail in plain. sealed envelope. An old physician, 35 years con- tinued practice treating diseases of women, has charge of the office, and can be consulted by letter or in person. Address our main office THE COOK COMPANY, Room 3—No. 253 Woodward Ave,, Detroit, Mich. Cook's Cotton Root Compound is sold by all responsible wholesale and retail druggists in the Dominion of Canada and United States for One Dollar per box. A PERFECT TEA '14E •IEBT TEA '1 THE WORLD x, • FROM THE TEA PLANT TO THE TEA CUP IN ITS NATIVE PURITY. ' Monsoon" Tra is pot rrs as a sampleol the-, lhrr,I.nr they tsr tion of the Toa and it, t it rip tho.,r't, rot anti srl • kat..., therrby e., nnng t 't op to V, Ih., , IL anti 5 I ..I tet "Ik• ALL 0000 GROCERS KEEP 1r, if y.n:r gr,-rrr clore not krrp it, fell him to w: do f4 STEEL., HAVER & CO. R end 13 Front Street East, Torontes, up by 'hr Indian Tea h. I gnantira nt Indian Ila• grra trsl Carr in the hind, that is phi. they I it nil, in Thr terrine, rs pu v 0,1 '1( r•lirnrr. h p n k. gee, and never