HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1896-09-02, Page 1HURON TERNS -8.35 per Annum, 1.00 1n Advance. VOL. XVIII Fatigue and Weakness Yield to the persuasive powers —of— MALT STOUT The best Tonic and strength comes with the first few bottles. You can sleep sound- ly after taking it, and lift the sys- tem into a condition to resist the enervating heat of summer. It gives mental power to those who use it properly. r' The Clinton Liquor Store. Lack Kennedy Dominion Election, 1896 . Electoral District —of the— WE, T RIDING of HURON S atement of Election Expenses of , Robert:_ A CoANDIDA ELD` CIairODT Pettit Gender -10W,, 11 ` . 44 50 Postr i; Brit x r� i . 6 00 r Organizing4i at king25 00 Rent of Halls 46 00 Postage 5 14 Livery 85 00 Telegraph and Telephone 6 75 Personal Expenses 34 00 cLean LECTION 097 1 6. NEW 1rIC IN,DHPNNDIINT IN ALL TH&NG8-1WZUTRAL IN NOTHING A. M TODD, molter a nd Owner HURON COUNTY, ONT. WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 2, 1896 CLINTON:.h Goderlch. Dominion Election, 1896 ELECTORAL DISTRICT —of the—, WEST RIDING OF HURON. Statement of Election Expenses incurred on behalf of George McIntyre Kilty, •A CANDIDATE AT SAID ELEC- TION AND PAID BY ANDREW MILLIAN, HIS AGENT. Hall Rents Printing and Posting Express and Postage Literature Nomination Papers Travelling Expenses Telephone and Telegraph Organizing Voters' Iljsts ANDREW MIf LIAN AGENT FOR G. M. KILTY. $ 38 00 23 68 4 40 2 58 10 00 8 30 1 50 3 00 840 $ 94 92 TO MR. A. M. TODD, RETURNING OFFICER ) WEST RIDING OF HURON. Colborne, August 26th, 1896. JOSEPH BECK, AGEIIT FOR ROBERT M'LEAN , $ 258 14 TO A. M. TODD, RETURNING OFFICER, WEST RIDING OF HURON Saltford, August 18th, 1896. Dominion Election, 1896 —Electoral District of the— WEST RIDING OF HUBOINI STATEMENT --OF— ELECTION EXPENSES INCIIRR- ED ON BEHALF OF .LCOLM COLIN CAMERON A CANDIDATE AT SAID ELEC- TION, AND PAID BY WILLIAM L. HORTON, HIS AGENT. Hall Rents $ 44 75 Printing 58 19 Telegraph and Telephone 31 38 Postage .. 8 19 Livery. 214 00 Travelling Expenses 5 45 Posting Bill and Stationery 6 79 $ 368 75 WILLIAM L. HORTON, AGENT FOR M. C. CAMERON. TO A. M. TODD, ESQ., RETURNING OFFICER, WEST RIDING OF HURON. Goderich, August 10I h, 1896. WANTED Several Bright young men to do work for ns in this vicinity. If they have Bicycles all the better. Address "ADVERTISER," Brantford, Ontario, Property For Sale. A CHANCE FOR GARDENERS. in ennacgnenre of my age and lack of help, r have decided to offer for sale my splendid gardenia pro- perty eonafating of floe and a half acre. In Clinton, some of the heat land in the eounly of Huron, in crud. ing hot beds and other neceeeary regnlremente, There le on the premise'. a frame bonne with sellers soft and hard water, barn and other onthnlldinga The Rayfield river adiolne the property. WIII Bell at a reasonable price for half sash and balance secured by mortgage. As f dealrn to .ell, thin is a chane seldom met with. Apply personally or by letter to the proprietor, JOSEPH ALLANSON, Clinton R,4-t;t. Brief Town Topics. The majority of campers have re- turned. Guy Bros. are coming on Novem- ber 11th. Mr. W. Jackson is inIToronto on busi- ness this week. Mr, W.A. Leckie, of Wroxeter,wasin town Wednesday. Mr. Richard Ransford was in London Friday and Saturday. Miss Annie Ross returned from Kin- cardine Saturday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Jarnes Depew, Detroit, are visiting friends in town. Mr. W. Kerr, Wingham, is visiting Clinton relatives and friends. Mr. T. H. McLaughlin, of Gorrie, was in Clinton last Saturday. On September 7th Clinton Baseball- ers will contest with Seaforth. Dr. Martyn, of Alvinston, was the guest of Dr. Shaw over Sunday. Mr. R. Barnhardt. of the Molsons, was in Owen Sound last week. Miss Scarlett was last week on a isit to Mrs. Todd, at Goderich. Hodgens Bros. are talking of having a large plate front put in the Palace. The Brick Block will, in the near future, beono of the most attractive in town. - Yesterday D. Cantelon shipped a double deck car of live hogs is Colling- wood. Mrs. (Dr.) Freeborn was on a few days' sisit to Mr. and Mrs. Sadleir at Seaforth. The "poor man's court" was held in Clinton last Thursday, Judge Doyle presiding. Messrs. W. J. and F. M. Ceasar, of Wingham, were Clinton callers last • Wednesday. FRENCH PI4.LS. Safe k Sure. Aot In 88 to 98 hone. Th only female regulator in the whole ange of medicines. By Mall, Price $3 00. e STANDARD MEDICAL CO., 248 St. James Street, Montreal Boarders Wanted, Students ehtending Clinton Schools, or young buei- nese men, will fled comfortable rooms and good ac- commodation by applying at this office. 917-8 t Man Wanted. Wanted, young married man, without family :with small family, to work on farm by the Must be good with team and board him- $ouse convenient. Apply at THE NEWS - (trip Office for particulars. Wanted -An Idea Who can think of some simple yourthing to patent? Write JOWEDDISERSURmN it 00. I' Patent Attor- neys, Washington. D. C., for their 01,800 prise offer end slat or two hundred Inventions wanted. WEAK MEN If suffering from Lost Manhood Nervous Debility, Lack of Vigor Emissions.. 10 days treatment sent free to anyone sanding us I2cts. In Postage stamps. STANDARD MEDICAL CO., 248 8t. James Street,Montreal WORK FOR MEN AND WOMEN. We pay 68 to $10 per week for easy home work. Child can do it. No Scheme, Books or Peddling This is bona fide. Send atamp for work and partieu lore at once. THE SETMOUR SUPPLY CO., Mason- ic Temple, Camden, N. J. 911-yly, • WANTED Several first - class clerks to attend to our business in this and adjoining Bounties. Apply with references. THE BRADLEY-GAHRETSON CO., LTD., 49 Richmond St. W., Toronto, Ont. FALL TERM, SEPT. 1st. —STRATFORD. ONT.,— Only one kind of business education given to our students and that "thn best." Young peo- ple must get a business education if they wish to succeed. Business men are constantlyin office need of well trained assistants. WWri for new catalogue. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. Desirable Farm to Rent. The undersigned offers to rent the splendid farm on the 9th con., Hnllett township, being the north half of let 86, containing 85 acres. Frame house, barn, stable and shed, young orchard bearing this year, a creek running th,oagh the farm all the year round. A deshable form for stock or grain, being only sir olden from the town of Clinton. Apply t) MRS. JANE DODSWORTII, or JOHN FORD, Holmesvtlle. 027•tt J. E. BLACKALL, Veterinary Surgeon AND Veterinary Inspector. Office on Isaac street, next. New Eraofflee- Residence, Albert St., Clinton. Voters' List, 1896. Mt'NI('iPAT,TTY OF THE TOWNSHIP OF G0i)ERi('H, HlrRON CO. Notice is hereby given that i have transmit • ted Or delivered to the persons mentioned in sections 5 and 6 of the Voters' Lista Acts, the copies required by said sections to he so trans- mitted or delivered of the Ilst, made pursuant to said Art of all persons appearing by the last. revised Aaeeasment. Roll of the said Mnnicipnl- tty, to he entitled to vote in the said Municip- ality At. elections for members of the Legisla- tive Assembly, and at Municipal Elections, and that, said list was flrat posted up in my office, at Godorich Township on the I9t.h day of August., 1898, and remalnes there for inepectIon. Electors are called upon to examine the avid List And If any omissions or any other errors are found therein, to take Immwliatc pronoed- ings to have said errors corrected according to law. NIXON STURDY. Clerk of Goderieh Township. August 19th, 1896. 44 ''AS.tiY • , The great Toronto Industrial is now in swing and many from this section will take it in. The 33rd Battalion, we regret to notice, will not he permitted to go to camp this year. Walker's Uncle Tom's Cabin Co. play- ed under canvas to a fair audience last Saturday night. Mrs. N. Robson and son were last week the guests of Dr. and Mrs. bury at Bayfield. The fomes at certain hours from the main drain near the post aoffice are anything but agreeable. Mr. Ogle Cooper was out to the rocks .n Friday and returned with several black bass, one 14 inches long. Mrs. Henry'fbung. town, leaves to- morrow on a visit to relatives and friends at Oshawa and Toronto. A furious driver collided with a lady's bike on the northern gravel road and a settlement is being looked for. While piling wood the ether day Mr. Joseph _Townsend fell off a box and has been somewhat crippled since. Mr. Robt. R. Symonds, of Saltford, was in Clinton last Saturday and re- newed his sub`Oeription to this journal. On Sunday next service will be held at Summerhill in the morning and at olniesville, St. Johns, in the evening. Mr. John Ransford left on Monday or Winnipeg as a delegate from the Synod of Huron to the General Synod. Mrs. Todd and children, Miss Oliver, Miss and Mr. Thos. Shephard have re- turned troth their lake visit at Gode- rich. - Mr. Campbell, one of the former proprietors of the Hensel' Observer, now of New York, was in Clinton last week. Mr. John Torrance, of Zurich, was in town on business last Monday and while here called on THE NEWS -RE- CORD. On Monday Sept. 7th a social will be held in the S. A. Barracks. Capt. Orchard, of Seaforth, will conduct the meeting. Howe's grenolithic walk in front of the town hall is now in general nee and from present indications will give sat- isfaction. it is generally acknowledged that a stone crossing should take the place of the wooden one taken up on Albert street north. Miss Morris, of Saltford, was a Clin- ton caller last Saturday. THE NEwR- RE('oRD was pleased to have a cull from the young lady. We exceedingly regret to (earn of the death of James Boyd at Seaforth, He was a year or two ago engaged in the hakeryhusiness here. Miss Rachael Glazier, of Wiarton, daughter of Rev. Adam Glazier, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Andrews and other friends in town. Monday next being a holiday the usual monthly meeting of the Town Council will not take place until Wed- nesday evening, Sept. 9th. Messrs. Rend and Spooner figured in the Ontario Rifle matches at, Toron- to,and are this week taking part in the Dominion arat.ches at Ottawa. A very fine old Irish harp for sale, cheap. The owner has no longer any use for it. Apply Chairman Irish Contingent, Clinton Bowling Club. Mr. Barlett arrived last week and is now installed as owner of Chidley's furniture store. His family will re- move here about, the first. of October. The Mitchel! Lacrosse' Club have been suspended from the C. L. A. for playing Turnbull of the Elms of To- ronto under the name of Fitzimmons, and violating the rules of the C. L. A. This makes Seaforth winners of Huron a District. le - Brief Town Topics. There is some talk of a new mate front being put in the woolen mill store. The return match between the, married and single men, at cricket., was played yesterday. The Clinton Gun Club will send a team to compete at the tournament at Galt next week. For the fifth time J, E. Hovey yes- terday, with a score of 23 out of 25 won the Gu -i Club silver trophy an is now the owner. - Dr. and Mrs. McCallum, now of Petrolia, were visiting friends here last Friday. The Dr. bas returned and Mrs. McCallum will remain for a time. Miss' Kate Dougberty and Miss Thom of Mitchell, who have been the guests of Mrs D. A. Forrester' for the past few weeks, returned home last Saturday. Mr. John Hunt, who has been visiting his parents here, returned to Galt last Saturday, accompanied by Miss Lillie Hunt, who will spend :t couple of wi(eks thetse. Near his stables across the track, Jos. Copp went down nine feet into the earth for water. So far he has suc- ceeded in securing nothing but salt iquid-brine. On Thursday we were shown a 6 inch breech from N, plum tree on the farm of hires teeorge Sheppard, Nile Which contained males i • th 42 well matured Ornate , ; 1'1, it1 ny frieridd's.-in i ion will be , a to lea'?n, contra?'ori, the . . l --tanneryand, fidghr a of Major, Joseph -Beck are ;A! nclnded in Sunday's disastrous lire at Saltferd, The official ietratof the expenses of Mr. G. M. Kitty Ifi the recent West Huron election, according to the state- ment of the financial agent published in another column, amounts to $94.92. Several pieces of beautiful Irish green ribbon can be had for the asking. The owners are disgusted with the color and will give them away to any- body who wants them. Apply Clinton Bowling Club, Ask for Irish Contin- gent. The other day a valuable calf owned by Mr. S. J. Andrews, which had the run of the orchard, bloated so badly that expert assistance had to be secur- -ed. It was found that a small apple had lodged ie its throat and on remov- ing It the animal speedily recovered. The other day while playing cricket. Mr. Lack Kennedy met with a peculiar accident. When catching the ball it struck thetop of his thumb. As a result the base of the member, Item the second joint to the wrist, is black and blue and greatly swollen, while the thumb proper is in no way injured. A. Knox, of Wingham. was in Clin- ton yesterday. He recently returned from a visit to Ireland and was a pas- senger on one of the boats in the colli- sion on the St. Lawrence. He is emphatic in declaring that many in the old land do not know they are liv- ing and that Canada is the greatest and most prosperous country under the sun. One of the most noticeable and de- sirable improvements co the business portion of the town is the alterations being made to the stores of Harland Bros., next THE NEWS -RECORD office. With a plate front in this office, Rob - son's and Watts & Co.'s the Brick Block would he one of the most attractive and important in Clinton. Mr. Wm. Smith, a few weeks ago, waved his hand at a horse to drive the animal away. As a result the skin on the back of the hand or finger was slightly raised in coming in contact with the horse's teeth. Later on blood poisoning set in and the ailment as- sumed serious aspects. We are pleased to learn, however, the injured member is recovering. Goderich. -Punrac \VORKs.—The public works committee has appointed Engineer Brough to draw up specifications and plans for the town sewers, THE STORM. —On Wednesday lightn- ingstruck the Big Mill,hutlittledamago resulted. Trees were broken in several parts of the town, and several barns were struck in the adjoining town- ships. own- ships. AT ST. GROROE'H.-On Sunday morning, Rev. Mr. Heaton, of Eng- land,", preached in St. George's churcn to a Targe congregation. The rev. gentleman is a brother of E. Heaton, barrister. of Goderich. LABOR DAY. -Next Monday, Labor Day, will he n general holiday, and as, perhaps, many are already planning how to spend the day, we think it right thus early to remind our citizens that our base hall club will on that, holiday play one of the hest teams in Ontario. As the proposed game may he the last this season, all who possibly can should he present to cheer the boys and leave them a decent nest egg to start another season. Fon THE FALL TERM. -The Collegi- ate institute staff for the Fall term will he : Principal H. i. Strang, 13, A., A. J. Moore, I3. A , Miss Charles R. A., B. D. Grant,, Science Master, Miss Mc- Lellan and Miss Strang. For the pub- lic schools : Central --Principal H. P. Halla, M. A., assistant principal Miss Rusk, Misses Sharman, Minnie (,amp - hell, Florence E. Ball, Franks and Stewart ; St. Patrick's Ward -Princi- pal Mise Burritt, Mips E. Buchanan St. Andrew's Ward Principal Mies Watson Mise Parsons ; St. David's Ward—)Principal Mips Wiggins, Mien Mclvor. WHOLE NO. 928 The American sloop rigged yacht "Verunna," which visited ourportlate- ly with a number of gentlemen from Detroit, encountered very stormy weather on the return trip. ,The vier tors were loud in their praise of our pretty town and its invigorating breezes, and very proud of their hand- some little yacht. "AT Home."—The congregation of St. Peters' church will give an "At Home" at the West-st Rink,on Friday, Sept. 4th at 7.30 p. in. A rogramme of readings,recitations and music will he given, at, which Dr. O'Hagan, the well- kifown elocutionist, and other first class talent will take part. Refresh- ments will also be provided. WATER AND LIGHT. -The water and light comdrittee met and considered the various tenders, and when the committee adjourned 11 P,M., tenders had been accepted as follows : Goldie & McCulloch, Galt engine. 10 x 14 at $1.400. Pacaud & Co., St. Catharines, transformers at $570 ; Rogers & Co., London, inside wiring of stores and houses, cleat work $1.50 and concealed work, $2 per outlet. The standpipe and dynamo tenders have not yet been disposed 'of, because there is a bare possibility that they may be amended in some Way. PARTNERSHIP DISSOLVED. -Detroit, Mich., Aug. 21.—The law firm of Dick inson, Thurber & Stevenson, which is composed of Hon. Don M. Dickinson, Henry T. Thurber, private secretary to Mr. Cleveland, and Elliott C. Steven- son, chairman of the Democratic State Committee, has dissolved because of political differences which have arisen between Dickinson and Stevenson. Mr. Stevenson is in the interest of Bryan and Sewell. Articles of the dissolution of the firm were signed on the 72nd Aug. Mr. Thurber will remain with Mr. Dickinson. Mr. Don M. Dickinson and family are old Goderich visitors. SALT WELL AND SAW MILL BURNED.—AI)oUt 3 o'clock Sunday morning the alarm bell rang and the lurid sky told of a big blaze to the north. It was soon known that McEwans' Salt Well and Saw Mill was on fire and as soon as the fire bri- gade turned out, permission was ob- tained from Mayor Shannon to take he steam engine to Saltford,as soon as it reached the village it ran into the ;river and in a very few minutes, two streams were playing on the burning buildings and by hard work Beck's dwelling and tannery were saved. It is almost certain that had the steamer not been at hand the greater part of the village west of Mc- Ewans would have been destroyed. Lines respectfully inscribed by the Poetess of Huron to the American yacbtmen, who visited Godorich harbor in their yacht "Verunna." CANADIAN WELCOME. - The skies are blue, All earth seems fair, While thy proud yacht at anchor lies; It woos the waves Which idly -ave Its jaunty sides, which seaman prize. Right welcome is Thy gallant yacht, With its flutt'ring pennon gay; Its snowy sails Our harbor hails, And bide them "God speed" ev'ry day. Then let my pen Tho Yachtsmen give A right good Canadian cheer ; May Heav'n above Reward with love Their sailor hearts which know no fear. ELOISE A. SKIMINGR. Godorich, Ont„ 17th Aug., 1898. CIRCULAR CITY BRIEFS. -Mrs. D. B. Calbick and infant, of 'Woodstock, were visiting in town the past week.— Geo. Porter is repotted as having im- proved considerably the past week.— Miss McAua has started a private school tor children.—The booth privi- lege for the North Western show will be sold by auction at Gundry's auction room on the evening of Saturday week. —And now the modelites are getting their first lessons as pedagogues.—On Friday, the boy Geo. Hudson, charged with stealing a horse and rig belong- ing to Jonathan Miller was remanded till further notice.—And still plums are corning into town in large quanti- ties.—The harbor saw mill is cutting a largo number of logs.—The schooner Queen of the Lake' reached the Grand Trunk dock from Chicago on Wednes- day and delivered 24,OtX) bushels of corn at the elevator. -On ac%ount of the stormy weather the peat week the steamers Cambria and Carmona have been behind the advertised time of calling . The steam barge W. Andrew delivered 37,00) bushels of wheat and the schooner Maxwell 25,0)() bushels of corn at, the G. T. R. elevator last week.- -The Goderich organ factory re- opened on Tuesday, after being closed one week for stock taking. -The apple evaporating factory is now in frill operation. -Miss McMicking, a former resident, is visiting in town. -Iarge posters showing what, will he done at the Great, North Western have been posted through the country. -Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Diehl have left for their home, Ailsa (lraig.-Mrs. F. Crabb and child of St. Albans are visiting at the residence of Mrs. C. Crabb. -:Mss F.Mc- intosh has returned from a visit to the Forest (lily. -The Misses Reid, of Hamilton are visiting Mise Belle McEwan.--The autumn naeizes will open in Goderi"h on Monday week, His Lordship Judge Robertson, presiding. --The meetings of the C. E. Convention on Thursday evening and Friday were very largely attended. Mr. E. Armstrong preached in north street Methodist church on Sunday morning. Goderlch. LIGHTNING'S POWER. -During the storm on Wednesday morning light- ning struck the house of Na u). Lee, near the lighthouse. It' struck the top of the west chimney, almost splitting it iu two ; then divided, one part passing down the chimney and the other between it and the sid- ing. The latter current in its course broke about twenty boards of the sid- ing and then apparently passed into the earth. The other loosened all the bricks in its passage, and when stopp- ed at the bottom (the chimney being built on trusses that projected into the bedroom) it forced the bricks and en- tered the room apparently from two points. From one it ran along the wall to a bed etend, a side piece of which it split in two and then passed away- The other current flew straight across the room to a bureau which it damaged considerably, then coursed through the hall, cutting a rung clean out of a chair. The fiery part of the lightning made a passage right down the studs till it came to the parlor, then entered near the ceiling, scorch- ing and cracking the plaster. It then apparently spread all around the room, as pictures were scorched or damaged on each of the four walls, and the orn- aments on the piano were nn fire. Some flve mindtes before the lightning' entered. Miss Lee was sitting in the bedroom where the lightning entered, when on account of the severity of the storm she was called down by her mother ; et most timely call, for from damage done to the room, it is evident she could not have escaped severe - injury. High School and Vniycrsity. Exams. The following --ives the results of the'' .High School and University examina- tions for July, 1896 :— BAY FIELD. - First Foru) - .1. Biggart, IT. Cameron, A. Galbraith, A. NeLeed, P'. Stanbury. BRUSSELS. First Form -G Buchanan (honors), ii Cousley-) 1g Code, I Corry, A Gilpin, G Howe, E Jackson, J Kelly, 13 Lamont W Leatherdale, J McCrack- en (honors), L Mcl:auchliq, A McNab, T Swit- zer, G Watt. Second form -Part I -(without physics), A McNab. Primary -M Calder, 5 Crerar, (honors, forma I and II), M Nott, E Sith, F Smith. CLINTON. First form -D Allison, M Anderson, 11 Archer P Baird, A Bean A Brogden, R Brown, .Til Campbell, A Chid'ey, H Courtico, F King, A McAllister, K MoNab' M Moffatt, A Murdock, I Pickard W Reid, NStout, P Worthington. Second form -Part I., D Allison, H Archer, A Bean, D Blair, R Brown E H Cooper (passed in physics), L Johnstone (passed in 'physics), M Lough, F Lucas, I Mc wen, M McEwen, K McNab. Second form -Part I., W McTavish, A Mur- dock, A Smith, 0 Thompson B Stanley, M Stewart, L R Whiteley (passed in physics), L Whiteley. Second form -Part I. (without physics), M Aiken R Baird, P Campbell, A Fraser P Fras- er, W Galloway, F Hooey, L Isbister, Fa Lutz, 11 McNaughton, W McQuarrie, A Martin, T Powell, M Robb, E Switzer E Thompson, L Trevethick, N Trewartha, A )Twitchell, L Van - stone, M Wiltee. Primary -J Cook W Hamilton, M McLean, D O'Neill, S Wilson, d Sheppard. Junior leaving -F Ansley J Brintnoll, F Chrysler, M Clegg, R Hicks, M Izzard, R Jack - ell, J Kirk, C Kropp, E McCallum, L McLauch- lin, S McLauchlin, M McNaughton N Medd, J Mustard, 8 Plummer, G hose, G (Torrance, E Turner. Fourth form -Part 1. A Stout. Senior leaving -W Baird, M S;raham, E Hitch. EXETER. First form -1. Bissett, W Bawden, E Carling, R Chapman, E Eacrett S Gregory, W Geiger, E Geiger, 8 Geiger, C iIag ith, L Huston, A s, 0 Kemp, 11Walkeerr, Et Weir (honors), �teBatalow. Second form -Part 1., I. Bissett, E. Eacrett.' Second form -Part II., T Hooper, E Pickard. Primary -E Gregory, A Jeckell, (honors in forma I. and II.). OODERICH. First form -,J Armstrong, M Blake, G Col- borne, M Dunlop, 5 Draper, W Edward, L Far- row, W Garrock, E Guest, J Green, L Hamilton, 13 Jardine, W Johnstone, .1 Kennedy, W Lane G Linfield, M Mair, I Mathieson, T McEwen, 1•; Rhynes, 0 Robertson, Q Robertson, E Sheppard, G Strange (honors), M Tichborne, 13 Watson, It Wiggins. Senior form -Part I., M Buchanan, J Simp- son (passed in physics), Second form -Part 1., (without physics), N Arlin, A illake, .1 Campion, .1 Couch, P Dens- more, E Dickson, H Dunlop J Forster, w Haw- kins, A Kain I) Mahood '1, Naftel, A F Rob- ertson, A R itobertson, 10 Tilt, 13 Watson, W W h yard. Primary -A Bowles, C Bean, J Clark, J Dick- son, B DuffW Elliott, T Gordon, L Hooey, N Lockhart, 8' McKnight, J Snell M Tobin. Junior leaving -W Fisher, 1# Hamilton, W Hayden, N Malloy, .1 Martin, A Morton, L Moes L Morton. E McCaughan. H McDonald, E E 'Reid, E M Reid, L Robertson, W Treleaven, L Trudgoon. Matriculation -W Naftel, A M'Donakl (pass- ed in French romp., German auth. and Latin), M Skelton (passed in Lat,in). Henior Leaving -L Andrews, A Ball, I3 Guest. REAFOUTII. First form -F Beattie, N Campbell E C'ard- ncr, M Daly, I. Dorrance, 0 Down, 18 Mott, A Engels C (lillesple, 0 (tray, H Hartry, A Ham mett., M Horton, A Ingram, R Kemp, Maud Kidd, M McDonald, 0 McGregor, A McLean, A McLeod, E Necland 11 Punrhard M Rennie, M Scott, (' `;parling If Wnlsh D Wilson. Herond form ?'art. i -A Beattie, A Bond E Connor M Daly, 1 Davidson, F. Ford, M Dor- ton F .iackson fr Kidd 1) Leach, M McDonald,J Morrison, F Ileal, 0 Kidd, Herond form Part T. (without. phy-siep)-W Skyhart, P Baker, E Eastman, M Gillespie, T Kidd, F' L,)wrenco. (1 Meint,osh, J McKay, C McKinley, A McLaren, It Mnldrew, E Proctor, I Simpson, H Van Egmond W Watson. Primary P Clarkson, i, i)avis, M Fowler, N Huffman, J Irwin, D McKay, B McTavish, T 1-tohi neon. inulol leaving -A Carnorhan G Chesney M 'Devereux, J Esser, L Gray, .T Killoran. J Kirk- by M Lamb, M Livens Amarantha Me(lrogor, A W Ii Mroodley,Mlllan, T McQuaid, A Murray, J Hmillio, Matriculation-('. Cud more (passed in German and French) D Smith, (passed In German, Froneh and Latin). Senior leaving --J Horton. WTNOHAM. First form -L itrsdwin, N Campbell, F Clegg it Dun', F' Foster, M Higgins, 11 Mr('racken, ./ Mc..Klnley, M MrVettyy,� H Millar, W Morton, (' itoss (honors), (1 Ttnttan, (honors), A Hmlllto A Htewart, L Htraughan, H Thompson, (; WAlsh. Heeond form -Part. 1 --H Hamilton, M Hig- gins. Primary- L Black welt 7