HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1896-08-26, Page 9-,..,, 1111� i t ,,, .* ., , s „4, rat ce _ , ,.., „ 11 .. , . .: cr,,.. ».. , :. ,� ^• Gan+ . <*t, `. ",,, _ ...o ,._ tt` ., i thkt ; a . ter.: '. ,, y p� T : i;. '. .Y ,..�. �•.' (y, ,: k W -tt#tr t 01 uta Azrt (' el ;: �+ ,... , . < v a qs .. ,# R1Ct ,. at p.w . rstaPt ... -, . ,. ts,: 1(� �j . ti , . '� Wo .. p# i;tTla Q>w►e lm �.,, . :.., , � , ` .,. > I�1 .h lfela+@ NO 1 a rxe. rc.. ,, ..> . of • aYr. , tq t f ii.',.:, ht d o the i*.. +R.. 7•' � M .? b,%'. t1 pVit. t.a' MI y.:..' i. y h Y 'A' i 4Qe,Wi' .,.:.- .R'+ ;'R'-!_ +YJA� x.MY :) 'j l.• 'Y �"e 'A. .04010, ltg e ohs�ic-e h1 RAX" ix�l4lta@1`"•'dit4 �' 14».,:.< . -> X'Ua a #b to #wry . attoth.'� 1'Qea „ �.:tltdrla. k . tea vtigv #� ¢fitia ttQTAXtOXJT1 ` . ilea of "jlil. brevjti .oftJ� lie. My'ttT� '.. ulp aluddAae >fiit>i tu>�-:,.��� .,,, fA ,'� t +3�i Q'M.): 99 not t 4`'+ht�+ �D+IF'IMMMR. F�SAe 41�rr8r .Ri��99 b.9 d, �� , .(to. o>t 1Pauuvy .what made hs dtla� " a,, A,' s.. its ox T#� R> M ,RKA �L P Rx T 3` Vii 1 . >K'� �`v�fYtINGt� anoe t th ut!rit„� daloite, ,,,:. ��. y(a 1rjest•xlidnot n del a neaes9iy It was ax Qt €Rt tiie hq ) � r1, ,.� ,.. ,,.:. , , u8e Y tat• 3F:1 auxratnde_a� be%9r ' #e light guea;. �r,A>. tslak>at'a 1�°e»I 4,., ltlp!* �f8,r. y Ali•$.S. ,f 't upuph f ^�trham t o v3,ctor :c:lmQt. 'Hi - B1 ,A �J$ QF "1 .Q $ ij9a ` lenges€ty 01 tbp antediluvians. They out• and with "tt am ias� Rppk tuual y) TOk9” 4, 1l'rulte and P)mllt lite Twee for were worse in the second century than of nlakip 0 r Peat° with (4qd t�0ug Roftxlk,wex -isi ut i, 4N f..) tr � �Rx uQ eopr to k00 6Ja ^^- tlte.� hl"lls sf She. sapirlt Sall Ils]csNO iia the fist, and worse when they got oxo �.Iesus (lhristi C}ts, my broth- ' ��� iS�AT�I Nva �iix� the �itver of all suca9�. lld1�Y- ,Proven TAa.t 1iorts ath the RrSlst star De ' :+ 1I1lgatollxg1 Against 11YAO pay the BOdy 8011 years old, alid worse at 400. and ort taabout ft ,t, hely ohanoa this +� , t ed u>ia the tfieAt I,it@Pally, shpt up Ranxoved,,atad That the Lpt,t Thews twits :;' , ', ' +" worse at 500, an worse at 600, and When the news of A,beal4� s cors- he than, Ips thwart€ng and flitting be Restored—poalllblilttea of the 1'u• !�, ,I r f r Aillli.VYJltpre 1Tt >Rlwt 1G1e. the sup xnai aboace? In the Came c� . t„. worse at, 800, until, the world bad to dgard II., at the battle, oP Oats )- ' �° . reached Jerusalem David im- down their •pkojaota, Lifted up that , t ” hingtbn, �A,ug, IA.-�JUr, Talmage be washed and secured and scrubbed �e baud. There. was somethiatg unseat a �1°• ``5`EltMliay d#sattxaes a oast#o_ thgt evbry- and soaked and sunk and anohbred a burg,,a rivpto Goldie sew that tie matalp sought safety iu dight. Whe- and revolting in Absalom's rebeilioi7 Rapant a r, yw 4„,.. 9 6A Faarl o tmtl bad .oat his bal6iet. fuer troth► the weakness of experiments by U. VLtzou, a 4 r B Whale month ands wetter before it was Tom' prvate sglier too$ 014 uta helmet agb or be. �g sins- ands saekin-g to destroy a kind p ysjologist-land to a $oxlnewhat t poise tidre d guasea. It td a e and w tray, will a Pav refused to yl his French h ' fit for decent peep a to live in. 1 have cause, 1ze had cairn cwnfldenoe ba God,y t is ; �r krelxpandousi import, Shall we have seen many plotuxes of old Time with �t u)r to tiie Earl ot, $uptIey sbxictBd by�Gad a}� (5) '�B � still re- sensational oonolusiuta, and may Itoasibly , „ 4?3C► ,hor chancel The text is Eoclesias- his lac llw to out, but I never saw an and put the helmet. on his head• Now, whether oast down by the memory of a �, Y y the head of the r Power, working both explain same wonderful and inexplicable �$ t¢p ii, 8, "If the tree !all toward the P,tOtttze of Time with a chest o! mad' Bred, he was soon ltiime whilearhLs cow- sirs or disltfrited because qP the in- directly and xndlreotl b` y recoveries from brain injury that have 3 wr' i+, - cmc to heekt. Seneca said that In the gratitude, of his much loved Absalom, 29. he kin said. Better for Dav- i r ' ¢O#b or toward 'the Perth, to the place lander rade im safety the ugh and out td had it been iE he had asked thf a uas beOn rBI'cxtad in the past. That son- 7 d” fust few years of his pubic life Nero of the battle., $ut ityia Ifretat to our left the crown to the usurper+ A plosion, brluE Where the tree talleth there it shall was set u as an example of clemency tion earlier; of himself rather than ly staffed, is -list a pat- o' Y ., p p Daae►. Instead of a .private afioring a wall 04 sadness Fent the air as the old ' �� i;, and kindness, but he qot worse and helmet 'to au earl, it is the Sin o4 k of another, a had Lailel� to keep hie the brain, when entycaJy destroyed or ,ttai I'Itert} is ahovaring hope in the tnlntie, worse, the path des .-A.-g, until at 68 heaven aid earth, offering a crown to king, bowed down with grief and walk- wayward aqn safe from evil aompani removed, may be replaced by thagrowtl r K„,. ears of ha Was the suioide. 14 g [axg barefoot left the city he had rebuilt, ons and from teaanpeettwua passiond; and +dR a vamp multitude of people that y age an unworthy subject, the Sing dying o4 naw brain cells. IE this ba true, that, .."1114t300 years of 11Petime obuld not cure tit j and parted with true and valued friends. his anxiety in that moment showed that _ ,; <...". N £sere will be an oppgrtun}ty In the the antediluvians o4 their iniquity, I might 1€vel Oh, tell It to the tab felt that not all the wrong had been the brain-the dominating organ of the t; y poin s of the compass, tall It to-dos With hitn went the bodyguard o4 Phil- on Absalom's aide. (6) )'here aro times animal economy-srossesses a property a �3 r, t11q>tt world for aoxreoting the mistakes undertake to say that all the ages of andniht, tell it to earth and heaven, felines, the regular soldiers, officers o! when Dare ,comes ton late,and must give FIS f: ""'tlf; thip, that however complete lete a ship- eternity would bb only •prolongation of tell it to all the centuries and all the that 1g shared b a:oale o4 the lower or-' ; s I 1,�"l p da avity, millenniums that God haft fven us the• oourt, and his faithful band of six place to remove. Is the young man Y ylre we may make of our earthly gain I wish you-further -further to not ire such a magnificent chance gin this hundred warriors, with their wives and Absalom safel Literally, Is it peace Bans over whish it presides-namely. r , r' .I:i1fe.. t will be on a beach apron which that another chance m another world 8 to the youth Abed oral' The question that of natural replacement after in- - 4J "".:11ea std walk to a Inca ; that as the means Che ruin of thio. Now, supli�ye world that we need no other chance in children. The. priests offered to bring shows the tenderness of the father ov- y pa another! jury» I! a man's finger to oat oft by a a WL*ed mdu is assured that after a the ark-their pledge of safety, This ermastering the duty Of a king; but x��� (lefeudant may lase his case in a air- tifetime.of wickedness he cam fix it all A dream. I am Iii the burnished its excuse lay in David's awn circular saw, no one expects to use a ,1 f . '4isttit court a al it and have it •judgment. hall on the last day. The David declined, as God had teaid'of Jer- guilty I .ires right up in the future. That would Rreat white throne is lifted, but the uaalem, "This is my rest." In their consciousness that his own sins had lad no wfinger grow out in its place ,if he ,psi ,�. gra up to the s eme court of chancery L the demoralization of societ that Judge has not et taken it. While we fl' ht l7avid was met by Ziba. who knew howto mdeepimes. (unsetPisIf children loses an eye we do not look for anothell would be demolition of the huruan 3' and -.4.w I11s11d all the colsts thrown over on the are waitin for His arrival I hear the to replace it, yet if X. Vita�au is Tight, race. There ora men who cru now immortale�n conversation. "What are brought bread, traits, and a akin of joss of their parents, they mogul les i, fl z1.. ,is 6t Or party, so a man may Ione his kept on the limits oP sin by their fear. you waiting for ?" says y y often n Iact it. When Joab sent. portant lobe oft A .A Ili r� , ;:; tlaoe'in this world, but in, the highest The fear that if we are bad and un S ys a soul that wrine, Ziba (probabl false}) acottsed the brain, Poon of an lm went up from Madagascar to a soul Mephiboeheth of treachery, and secured J�btthe kings probably sent me thy en the brain, for instance that whish pre-I jurisdiotion of etprnity have the de- forgiven here it will not be well with that went from America., The tat- sides over ht >' us in the next existence is the chief t>P for himself the property o! the poor servant. I saw a great tumult, but , need not be hopeless o 'fit.,, riiaion of the earthlq ossa set influence that keeps civilization from ter responds; "I was in America forty pp tang on, the king was curs- knew not. This wan false, for Ahi- the ce11s will gradually form again and IF ori le, Pass' aside, all the costs remitted and the rushing back into semi-barbarism, and Years ago, and I heard the gospel maaz knew that Absalom was dead reapond to the visual impressions res s �� 4 8 preached and I had plenty of Bibles in ed and atoned by Shimai, an old adher- r,.,. dlifendant be triumphant forever. keeps semi-barbarism from rushing P (verse 20), but preferred to let the Ethi- calved thro h the optic nerve, as be- ' ,r„,., the house, and from the time that I ant of the house of Sault News of the p v The abject of xnV sermon is to show boo into midnight aavagerq, and knelt at m mother's knee in prayer aoppiau slave bring the unwelcome news. Yore.'i t•1 , 1, kee a midnight savA ery from rushing Y defection of AbithDphel, hLs shrewdest (8) Flis regard for truth probably u” , . !, ' e►u that common sense declares with 8 g Plow, the tu+iri until my last hour I had great olrpor- weakened in the re �_ . ,,,, bac into extinction. , but I did not im rove them, counselor, now reached him,, In the P Bance of the king's This Property o! re-growth is scan- ,rl- tunitias p !. .she text that such an expectation is is kept on the limits of sin, But this and I am here today waiting for an- midst of these trials be oto i d to woe- distress. mon among the tower creatures. If a ' ;,s.A':.,phiaa>arioal. "If the tree fall toward ids coining into his soot, this idol' other chance." "Strange atrangP," IPe 90. Turn aside, and stand here. He lobster's slaw is taken cif a sew one :1 fiiII'r:"` Che south or toward the north, in the of another chance, he says, Gu, ' says the sou- just coma u,-from Mada- ship God. When Hushai offered to ac. takes his place among the courtiers will row In its la ' ' 1': ,, 1 get out of this all there !s !n a j I company the king he was advised to go suirci nding the king, standing, for 8 p cot With still low- • ,t.,, .'"i?_ate where the, tree falleth there it now. 1-11 gluttony and raven a and B scar., "Strange. �'i'hy, T never heard and none mi ht sit in the royal presence, ar oxganisma the removal 04 almost anq - • A 11 h it. Come, 8 the oapel call but once m all my life, pretend to be an adherent of Air an.i awaits a toward for his service. r . -1, -1,, is all be." There are those who say uncleanliness and all sensualities, and g amount of tissue is soar a serious ' - wait u and I accepted it, and I don't want an- salom., After Absalom's arrival In Jer- Ethiopian, who y o thtLt if the impenitent and unforgiven upon me. It may abbreviate my other chance." "1V hat are you wait- 37. Cush came. The Ethi affair, and its replacement is largely '1 °- than enters ,the next rirorld and sees earthly life by dis3oluteness, but that Ing for?" says one who on earth had usalem a council was held at which had started in advance but had been ptao }I ,, will only give me heavenly indulgence ver feeble into}lett to one who. had Ahithohhel pro osed to pursue David at otArun L•y' Ahimactz. Tidinga,_4my lord. A MATTER OF TI E. : ,a the disaster, as a result of that die- on a Lar larger scale in a shorter length y once with twepve thousand men, and The slave speaks bluntly and without Now it a 8 great brain and whose voice was ail- t appears that the higher animals °l l :t ,aster he will turn, the distress the of time. I will overtake the righteous er and w11n had scepters of ower. Pledged himself to slay the king call consideration for David's feelings. The `" a before long I will only come in heaven y' P P y abate this power, at leapt with respect er cause of his reformation, but we have a little late, and I will be a little more The latter replies: "1 had great power Hushai recommended delay till Absa . Lord hath avenged thee. "Judged thea 8 out of thu -ban+1 of thine enemies;" to one organ, and that the most im- 10 000 instances all around about us of on earth I must admit, and I master- om should be strengthened in the cap ni " o Ie who, have Bono moron and die- ed tbemsethan anothose who have and then when- g s and 1 mastered libraries give David all he mercning that God had given David portant of all. "' ed len ua u ital. This would V. ,;�o People g justice 'tn his cause. (9) The events of and collage conferred upon ma learned Wanted—time. The advice was taken and This is not altogether a now idea. It spy,' aster suddenly came _upon them. Did straight to the bosom of God, because the council separated, Hushai to cont- daily life. do not bappen by chance. I will sae more and have wider ex- titles, and my name was a synonym T $2. Is the has been advanced before, and has even °A ��E�.�the disaster heal them? No; they went cursion and I will come into heaven for eloquence, and power, but somehow municate wiMi David, and Ahithophe] Young man Absalom safe? . "I via on. I- negg'lected the matters of my soul, to commit suicide. David made his As before, the uppermost thought in been made the subject o4 somewhat via gelienna, via sheet I" hearers I and I headquarters at Mahanaim, a sturdy David's mind is for Al>salom's life and heated controversy,but M. ViCaon's ex- 7 There is a man flue of dissipations. headers l Another chance in the next must confess to you I am here Y safety. The enemies of my lord. *' g Pa to-da waitin for another chance." fortified town near the Jabbok. Three periments are so apparently decisive w°' The doctor says to him, "Now, m world means free license and the de- Y 8 months after Absalom was made king lit as that young man. Perhaps the +" , r., y Y molltion of this. Suppose you had a New the ground trembles with the slave did not knew the tenderness of that they may settle the matter, al- friend, if qou don't stag drinking and advancing chariot: The great folding the battle was fought in the wood of - ','. " case in court, and all the U(*es and 8 g L hraim. Amara commanded for Absal- David's Peelings, and spoke as Dna who though in science all questions are open It don't stop this fast life you are liv all the attorneys agreed in k1lliing you doors of the burnished' hall of judg- P looked at Absalom's rebellion in its ' Ing you will die." The tient thanks the first-Mal of it-it would be tried ment are thrown open. ' Stand back," om, while the three divisions of David's and no one may consider that he hag Pa cry the ushers "and let-the Judge of army' had for generals Joab, Abishai, true light. A crime it, was, ands in- said a 4 "ab the physician for his warning' and gets twice-the first trial would not be of quick and dead ass through." � and Ittai. Davd wished to assume was ttions in disregarding David's i o ever this may ebe, these are experi• I l'�. bolter. H3 b very much im ottanoe, but the second p gg command himself, not to struc.ions and putting Absalom to P , begins to sit up, begins to trial would decide everything. On He takes the throne. • He looks off gratify re- death, for not otherwise could the menta that seam to settle the matter I ;balk around the room, begins to go to which trial would you put the most upon the throngs of nations come to venge, but to protest his son from the The were tried not on man, it is un• the last fury of the soldiers. He was persuaded, throne be aver again secure. (10) That Y , f v '`? business, and takes the same round of expenditure? On which trial would judgment, come to the only P wrong be punished is for the best in- necessary to say—for it is not yet leg. r ro judgment, and one flash from the however, to take charge of the reserves. -areata of society. at to scoop out even part of a human r f 4" ;41a gg gshops where he got his morning Yen employ the ablest counsel? On throne reveals it to all the others. And the first shock decided the fortunes brain while its owner lives--but on some r .�, ,dram, and his evening dram, and the which trial would you be most anxious then the 'Ju 33. The king was much moved. It add- yv. drams between. Down again. Same to have the attendance of all the wit- Judge says. "Dividel" and of the day, and Absalom's army fled in ad to his agony that his son was cut of hie nearest,relatiaes among the low- r g the burnished walls echo It, "Divide 1': confusion. The cast his body into a er animals, namel I doctor. Same Physical anguish. Same nesses>F "Oh," you would say, ;'if tUere and the guides , off in the midst of Lis crimes, with no y monkeyai The op- -:•,medical warniu But now the nick- are to be two trials, and the first trial g dee angelic answer "Di_ great pit, pile stones upon it, thus o ortunit for repentance, and espe- ponents of vivisection would doubtless f g- videl" and the immortals are rushing giving him Uurial which accorded with auall that his guilt was the fruit of, raise their voices in energetic t Was is cr protracted, the liver more does not amount to much, the second this way and that, until there is an the un prescribed bylaw . protest 1 trial bei g p ( ) Y d, -,. ,� :¢hstina ~ f stotnac}a more irritable, ng everythinI ; everything de- y 21. 18 21 and ever as David's own stns. 11 See in David's at the cruel- shown to these creatures. 'd.' '( t - di esti a or ons morn rebellious, pendiag� u on that, must have the aisle between them, a great aisle, and ), y p serby hurling sorrow how surely sin brings o .1 g P a stone as Arabs do now at detested Y ings to pass that exlierimentation of this kind moat r , ". But stall, under -medical skill, he eta mosC eloquent attorney, and I must then a vacuum, widening and widen- Its bitter results, Went up. By the necessarily be cruel, few will deny, but boar, 8 in and widenin until the Jude looks graves, David sat between the ggates 1 goys forth, commits the same have all my witnesses present, and g g anxiousT awaiting for news. When stairs beside the gate to the room above to the enthusiastic pbysiologist cruelty 4 Y "F•saprijege against his physical health. I will expend my money on thatl" If to one side of that vacuum, and ad- y B it, occupying the apace between the two is quite justifiable .when Lt leads to tht a; dresses the throng and says, 'Let him the truth was learned he ave pathetic '. '' aOmetime8 he wakes up to see what these men who are impenitent and g expression to his grief, The eternal walls. This was the nearest place acquisition of scientific knowledge. 1 Sr he is dein and he realizes he is de- who are wicked felt there were two that is righteous Be righteous still, and P where he could be alone. Thus he said. !n this case, that Part of the brain ,• g' let him that is hot be hot interests over which he must have p • n �„gtroying his family, and that his life trials, and the first was of no very y y still."'And thought caused an a Eight times he repeated his wail over was removed from each of the monkeys `""1 'rt' is a perpetual pre'ur against his mar- great importance, and the second trial then turning to the throng on the Bony time might his lost son. "There is an old Jew- that ' +.. a'. ria a vows; an } y other side of the vacuum, he says: soften. but could neveF efface. presides over the sense of sight, ''..-hearted d that that broken was the one of vast and infinite im- Ash legend that with each cry one of the part without which any one of us . hearted woman is so different from portance, all the preparations for star- "Let him that is unjust be unjust still, --- the seven gates of hell rolled back, and would be quite as blind as if his eyes 4 1. <=:'.the reseals wife he married that her nity would be post mortem, post fun- and him that is filthy be filthy still," PRACTICAL NOTES, o l the eighth the lost spirit of Absa- were put out. It was quite 'evident nize her eral, post . sepulchral, and this world and then He stretches out both hands, lom was admitted to paradise."—Dean after the operation, that the animals . ' ' Y y and the street ane thatrhisgsona are would be jerked off into }m enitenoy ng Verse 24. David eat. Avvaittng the Stanley. Would God I had died for were in fact, totally blind. They were- one toward the tbro on each side j p the vacuum, and sae IE the tree fall result of the battle of M'ahanaim, a thee. Too late now the vain wish to kept going out in life under the taunt of a and godlessness. Another chance in says, ' pt and cared for, and as the months . f toward the south or toward the north, city north of the a plat, on the east die for Absalom, when once he might c' .. others drunkenness, and that his another world means the demolition of the .Tordan. The lacy is not car- rn- wash ov they seemed to a on Che way. . , daughters are going out in life under o£ this world. in the place where the tree fal}eth P haus lived for Absalom. Yet he mourn- to recovery. iFnallq in about a gears, Furthermore, my friends—for I am there it shall bel” And then I hear tainly identified, but at Jerash, which ed, until recalled to his kin ly duties time it was evident that the saw, if' t 'the scarification of a disreputable an- has the best claim, there still 9tand9 g y cesir His nerves tLre all a- an Ie. preaching to myself as well as to you; teething jar with a great sound. It by the sharp reblike of Joab. Then net as perfectly as before, at least par-• I ..- y• J g Y Y i9 the odosin of the book of judgment. an ancient gateway, which may occu- at last he took bis y; g perform- From crown of head to sole 'of foot, he we are an the game level, and though g J the spot where David was waiting. place Before the tialt that is, something was is one aching, the platform be a little higher than The Judge ascends the stairs behind pY g• pe ople, and went hack in triumph to Ing the functions of the removed brain- ' ��' •. re' rasping, crucifying, P the throne. The hall of the last assize Between the two gates. There were his throne. Absalom left one dau,)xh- tissue. So far the experiment can W damning torture. Where is he? the pew; it is only for convenience, two gates, an outer and all inner, with H9 is in hell an earth. Does it stopand that we may the better speak is cleared and shut, The high court tar, who, became the ancestress of kings hardly bend to be conclusive, for of eteruit ad'ournod forever. the thickness of the wall between them. and n. y, 1.F,,..him? Ah, not After awlile delirium tre- to the pea�ila; we are all on the same y J `Phis formed a room, shaded and secure, patron of idolatry. Hia pillar in cases have bean known where one part mens pours out upon his pillow a whole Platform, and I am talking to my soul the Ki 's Dale has long since perish- of the brain has been scilla. to perform ;',1 '. where the king sat during the day, ed, fort P monument which now hears the duty oungle of hissing reptiles. His screams while I -talk to yours-my friends, why while the battle was raging ing in the wood y of another part, It may have Horrify the neighbors as be dashes out another chance m another world when TO PREVENT HYDROPHOBIA oP • Ephraim. The watchman. "The his name is of later date, and, Ahsalom been, then, that the task of respondin of bed crying, g we have declined so man — captain of the gate." Went up to the left nn memorial sive the record of ., .. ging, "Take these things off y chances -in P wJstert to visual impressions had been learned' . 'c . ui�l" He is drinking down the comfort this? Suppose you spread a banquet `what to Do In t'ase Yoa Ara 1¢ltteII by a roof. Over the ata was a room, such opportunities and a ruined life. by some other part of the brain. The of his family, the education of his and you invite avast number of friends � (12) 1y'hen young people gut into trou- monkeys were, therefore operated upon- .. or other A,x1ma1. g r oriental 'ci ies li often aced as A his it is not the again—part of the skull was removed, ,. 11 . •children, their prospects for this life and slang others you send an invites- card-room, for y who suffer most. � and perhaps . their 8 police purposed, And p prospects for life tion to a man who disregards it or A few words on the immediate treat- above this was a roof surrounded by a and the �M to come. Pale and convalescent be sits treats it in an obnoxious way. During ment in eases of dog bite will perhaps parapet. Here stood the watchman. A BRAIN WAS EXAMINED. :, p. Pki"icians says to him: Now, my 20 years you give 20 banquets, a ban- man runnin alone, After -lis victor UNDER FEMININE CONTROL. The art that had been taken out was ., good fellow, I stn year, and Du invite your be acreptable at this season. 8 y p going to have a uet a y was assured, Joab, the commander of At I,-.% p you. If you ever have riends, and every time you invite this First of all, for the consolation of ner- present the two towns in which I of ne to 11 partly replaced m a growth ., lain talk with David's army, sent as a messenger women seen to be supreme are Decatur of ne wcells, so that it seems practio- an attack of this kind-again, you will man who disregards your invitation or vous or timid people, the bite of a d with the news Cosh!, or "the Cu.shite," ,` die. I can't save °g allq certain that it was this new brain ,t.,, you, and all the doe- sends Back some indignity. After ��n if it roved to be mad—need not that: is the Ethiopian,' and rahatrs a aid Marcellus, both in the State of! �' , tors in creation can't save you.,, awhile you move into a larger house P probably growth that had been the cause of the The tient and amid more luxuriant surroundings, necess•trily result in hydro hobie,thoti b slave. Rut when Ahiinaaz besought Michigan. In the former town, which partial restoration of sight. I gate u starts out, oPeP g g g population of 1,500, All the town I What will all this lead to? If It will t;::the privilege of also bearing t.idin s, has a the salve road of dissipation and is and you invite your friends, but you it is certainly advisable to treat every hr allowerl trim to follow the F.thio ian. he of an benefit to the human race, down again; but this time me eines do not invite that man to whom 20 I P offices except that of dog-catcher are Y poor monkeys suffered and sg bite at once and to take every care to Abima.az took another and easier route, then the 1". do not touch his case. Consultations times you sent an invitation to the prevent evil consequences. though a little longer; outran his pre- filled by women, and we expect that Idled in a good cause. If a monkey's t of physicians say there is no hope. smaller house. Are you to blame Wlien you are atta,oked by a furious deceasor, and Suss 'the one whom the If any woman had wanted to be the l brain calls an grow again, so, undoubt- . Death ends the scene.. That process of You would only make yourself air rl,,g it, is worth remembering that his porter now saw. 1; , inebriation and physical suffering and surd before God and man to send that instinct prompts him to alwaya tly at 25. The watal►man cried. (hailing official dogvatcher she would have got.,adly, can a man's; and this fact gives medical warning and dissolution is man another invitation, For 'l0 years boo from the tower t.o the round, where the office. The leading physician of ; uv reason to hul,e for recovery in cases g place within a stone's throw of he his been declining I any uncovered portion of our y ; so, "? takin g your offers and. If you have g + of serious brain injury that beforeseem- - where ou sit and in ever neighbor- sending insult for Y Presence of mind, you can David was waiting. Such a cry would then town is a woman; one of its most ed bo less• Again, if such your kindness and pe g growth is 44 IOU y 8 Ida sumerhix,g toward saving yourself cause intense excitement. P he he ulcer islets is a woman. Two gsible means of fostering and stimu hoed of Chrlatendcrm. 1?atn dor:q not courtesy, and can he blame you? Can by covering up your hands and protect- alone, there is tidings, if be ba:d been PDP P �'• 8 (r reform. Suffering does not cure. What be come up tq your house on the in t that woman conduct the principal restaur- lating it are probable, and will doubt- ts true in regard to one sin is true night of the tongue- Y booking u and d Your ace, The reason is t t the flying from a defeat, there would have eg less be fhe objects of further research. In r and to all sins, and i men are seeing it iso finer hwsP, will upliava, 1. a saliva contains the poison and if been other fugitives with him, David ant. The proprietor of the largest Some method, may even he discovered eegg Y his teeth have to piss through cloth- showed his usual quickness of appre- dry goods store is a woman, one of the b which the new growth may expecting in the next life there will oris night to say: "Let me in, I de- 3 g y be made be .opportunity for purgatorial re an- Ing, the probability is that the mii, hensian by even an slight a remark. He bet shoemakers is a woman; and more vigorous anti health than -lis old. app p g clined all those other offers, but this teriad will wipe the teeth clean before came apace. In the East, trained run- It g Y '' station. Take u the tinted report-; lea isrg er house, a brighter house, a there are women painters, harness-; In which case startlingg and rmnvationa) 4 p 1 I they enter very flesh, and thus render pars accompany every army, and often (results bias follow—though this May of the prisons o the ilnil.ed Staten and more uxuriant abode. Let me in, •the wound very much less dangerous. are able in a day's journey to outrun a makers, florists, and brokers. The Give me another rrh:ance?" God has seem to be looking a little ton far into r,; find thr�t.he vast majority of the crim!- Nevertheless, attend .at ones Co a bite lwrae• postmaster of the town is also a wok the realms of mere possibility, But ,, nals -40Mt there before, some for two sprerad a banquet of Him grans before ggiven in anger by elther dog or cat, 26. Another man running. This ten, It is almost needless to SayI whyaliould not, a weak art of the times, three times, few times, six ua• For 365 days of each year since we' for a very minute quantity of the poi- was the Cushite, or the Ethiopian, who P times; punished again and again, but knew the difference between our right son introduced into the wound is sof- d starts in advance of Ahimaaz, but Chat the women have shut up tbe' brain be cut out and replaced with a I'they go right on. Millions of incidents and our left He has invited us by His ficient to set up the disease if allowed had been distanced in the rare, Called saloons of the town, and +the only, new and healthy growth of brain cells? f and instaneea wankingqr� Che other way, providence and by His spirit. Suppose to get into the system. This it will to the porter. This porter was prohah- things to drink are ginger bmr and Why should not, the idiot' he given in and et man think -I1At in the next we decline all -beau offers and all this water. In Marcellus the ascendancy ; -bis way a new thinking machine, and kindness Nrnv the Fain do d the blood carryinll for poisonous 1Y An assistant of thA "raptain of the fur imt,eene, the paranoiac, the crank. I " wart punishment will work out for banquet is spread germs is permitted to flow back to the ate," and was so stationed that he could of women is even greater, and it is tut fitted out with para mental e , a them salvable effects. Why, you and in a larger place. in the heavenly �' I seriously proposed to change, the [ P rat.- �: heart in the ordinary Dourer, ear the watchman from e.luive, and y I cannot imagine any worse torture, palace, invitations are sent out, but The object, therefore, in these casen, transmit the word to the king, He name of the. twon to Marcella, in re, us? from another world than we have seen no invitation is sent to us. Why? Be- is to stcip the ciroulation near the. also brings the tidings. We ima.ginpt he, cognition of the fact, Out of a impala- I In the days to come the statement men in this world, and without any cause we, declined all th(nA other tan- wound by makixig it biped freely, If heating brat- aP tun old king, eager for,I lion of 1,210 two-thirds of the. church that John Smith has ,just been growing salutary consequence. quet.s. Will Grid he to blame? Will we marchers are. women. Five of the six a new cprel,ellum in the hoeolrilal may ,. possible n do so, tie a string or ligature yet dreading the news. I !)a beard, will) no more sur, t. Furthermore, tn,a prospect of rePnr- have any right. to,, rap on the. door of tightly on the side of the wound near- 27. Ahimaaz. Fln was a ycning priest srhrui! Lear'hprs�Are women. 'I'wu rnern- i rise than mation in another world is more im- heaven and say, I ought, not to he eat to the heart anti set to work at the son of Zoidnk, who had already':liers of the Public, , �k•hool Roard are is now caused by the news of an opera• probable than !vers. DD you not re- shut. out of thin place; give ms an- once to bathe the. bitten lane. Warm shown trustworthiness, skill and mowomen. 1'hu unde.rinknr of the town Linn for npprndicitis The question alize the fact that a man starts in this other cha.noe?" ,Twelve Batas of salvsrl water is best., but if there is none handy age l hringln to David newq of Ah-I L9-a woman, and a handsome lilondr, wnuld then arise: kVho is the revon- warld with the Innocence of infanry? lion standing wide for free admission use cold, If far away from water, the. salom'e plans Sam. 15. 27; 17. 17_Z1),Iat. that, the local cbrnniclr+r adds with.dtruetpd John Smith? [las his pprson- In (be other oase, starting in the other all our life, and then when the 12 gains b[te may be euDkAri, prcroided thus are Jnah had At first rlenlinnd to pPrrnit rdonable pride. The. favorite bar- silly altprpd?, Irl lip the same or an- world, he starts with the accumulated rlov, we rush on the taigses of Jehovah'al bi cracks on 1L ed mouth, This math- him to bear news of the hat.to know- "r'r of thn town is a woman, and a wo- other? But this most be left, to the bad• habits oP a lifetime. It is not to kirkler, saying, "Give me another' I man is (be. proprief.or of I he leading Psychologists and the courts of law for clha,nnel" to b inducing leading is, however, only death that the me sage v, Ahhe pr q r bee ted that you could build abet- Ito be asset when no other is prataica- death would,hring sorrow•, and he pre- ho1Pl. lint it is nP:nollPigs to go on the year 1900—or t.hereaFxiuts. ter ship out of new timber than out You ern common sense agrees with his, Should it be impcseible to obtain ferred to let the Ethiopian slavPvarry I with the. record. Almut forty women _ ___ of an old milk Cha has beAn ground my tnxt in saying that "if the tree Pall medical aaaist.ance within a reasonable the evil tiding,, Mit after Cushi ha,rl allogelher are represented in profs- NEW WOMAN T1S[IRFR. up in the lm+akera? If starting with toward the gr,uth or toward the nort.b,' time some people recommend that. the gone a distance, as Ahimnaz was glill'sinnal or }nisinPss life, and they are comparative Innocence the man does in The place wharf the irPP fa.11nth there wound be oautvrized with a red-hot e doing their work so well that. every-, Mrs. Flizabeth Darlow, of South ort, not, henome odly, is it pnaaible that it shall Iw," You see this idea lifts ager t.o ran, hr a1lowPrl him, ihinlzingI Ixxly is'onlisfied. 'fbey have orgnniz- p wire, a poker or some. such thing, But that he would arrive after Cnghi. 7,a- F,ngland. is a new Wonsan whose, ad- sin wit. sin a serarph ruin he this world from an unimportant way, if a doctor can be had, you need only dok. Ile was the chief priest in the art aTwenlielh Century Club, in wh,eh :voluted? Is there not, morn prospert station to a atform of slu)pndouq is they dLgc:uss still further advances for vaned thought. has diverted itself to r 4 T continue to bathe the spot until be ar- line of i leazar, the Pldrr ,,ton of Aaron, ' mnncy-lendinu. She is likel to achieve that a sculptor a will make a finer lies and m.aKeq All efPrnil Whirl i th• sex, and Itis InilaahilUlp_y ars that y Y rives. aA A1iia.thar was in the Ilne of Ttha.ma.r, I for sw ,.,is, for in a ronent bankri )te statim out of s bloDk of porn white arrnind this hnnr. Oh, my soul, my the ymnger son. The two warp assn v will Arxin hold all the munirilIxil fi Y Parian marble, than out of a 1)I sok soup Only min trial, and all the pparr- CONSCTENC'F ANT) 17FALTH, riatprl in the duties of the prleathood, I officers in the town, with the po,agililn snit. it was showed that, her raLrs o io- rriok that has Henn cracker} And �wi t- arat.inns for that trial to I>c madP ro� Pxreptinn of dogcnlrhe.r, which will tui threat for $40 Ipnt Lo a cimehinan were anti hath were for David in the war, , 625 r cent. r annum, eel and split and scarred with the }hits world or never maoln at. all. Oh, He, that loses his conscience. has noth- though at. his suggeAt ion they remained given to some worthy rnan. in the per tx storms of a hwlf r•entury? Could you my soul, my scull You sop this piles Ing left that is worth keeping. There- in Je,roXgL1Pm with tho ark, when the : meanwhile, however, they a.rr ihr lrrnw- REASON FOR GRATITTTDF. ant, writs a last will and tnsiament, or iip all the emphagf4 and sill the, cli fare, l,e aura you look to that. And in urian. (Hasid Aboahim ee is a. god is doriainn the town throne, fawrhich ghcyitdo Bn ynii'rn frienrll•y with ('ranker,are write a dared, or write an important maxes and nil the destinies intra thin document on a pure white chert of pa- life, Nn other chance. Oh, how that the next plane look to your health, and I not, approve. mrmherAd how hD1r11yy and faithfully he you ? �i'by. he tells mo that be won't per eaeipr than yhu could write it. upon intensifies the value and the Import if yrni habit, aide God, and value had broixght. to him t1p word from Adr ,Nave. a thing to do with you, a sheet, scribbled all over with infa.iny anco of this chanre. Alexander anrd his it next to a g(or conscience, for health salom's crninoil. Cometh with Roord tirl- MY. GRATFBAR TO PITTi,T,TP. I That's just why I feel kindly towards and blotted and torn from top to hat- army nspd to r+)me around a nity, and is the second blessings that. we mor- In". David rightly judged that one of the old crab. torn And yet there are thmge whn ars they wrnild kindles, lgrrat light, with tesla ars capable of—a blesning that such high position would not be sent "Cheerfulness, Phillip," said Mr. Bo uneommnn aenaical as f believe that the understnnding Mains 1nnRari that money cannot buy. I therefore value with news of defeat.. (1) It is worth GratAliar, "is a duty which you owe DOFSN'T T,TTiF, THE WIIRFL. though a maxi starts in this world with , light was lainning the city might ant- it., and lie thankful for it. -Izxak Wal- while to try to win for ourselves igood Infanoy and its innocence) and turns out'render and all w'nnid he well, hilt if' ton. name. (2) 'The good tidings cid the to yciurseLP and your fellow man, Al- The FmgirPi•is of Germany is violAnt.ly badly, in the next, world hn can start I they let that light, go mit. turn t,he' Gospel shmild always he borne by good ways take a cheerful view, Cheerful- op]uisad to t.hA utse of the bic,,yvIA, and with a dear] failure and turn out well. I lccttrrin�( rams would swing naafnct Miss Singer-1 wnndpr if that rich un- men; and how welcome should they be nada iA a Inmp which dispels the gloom hr,•s spi-Aad rrnrstAr•natirni in court "Rot," says some People, "we nught Ihr walls and thprp woo come disav- ,,In of mine remponhered niP. wbpn be to us for their mes. A',a oaks,"—M, of life. Keep pour lamp burning nl- cirrlpn in llnrlin dry making n, list of to hate another chance in the next ter and demolition. Ob, my friends, all midn his will? i used to sing for him, Hrnry. (3) ThA wandering child its � ways, Phillip, Anel others will iig})t. the Iadie,s who lows darsol to ditaregard world lu+meati nnr life herr is so very I yrni nnrl I neer! to do to prep:irn for Mr,l,aw—i'm afire le must have. Ila still em waned in his father's love their lamps by yours and go on more h+•r strut prohibition of the fiy•Ag brief. We wrC9Lv leave room Jo torn � eternal safety is Just to surrnnrlrr to hasn'lo left you anything. 28. All Is well. In the nriginal, the I joyfully," w'b,,elr a