HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1896-08-26, Page 7News Notes. Mrs. Lockerty, of Belleville, was kill- ed by the electric cars. Mr. W. T. R. Preston was served with the papers in a cross petition in West Toronto. Mr. George E. Suffell, of St, Thomas, left an estate of $100,000, divided be- t relatives. amalgamate the Toronto ubltc and High School Boards. The Bank of Montreal now refuses to accept United States bills as well as silver at its head office in Montreal. Zhe Steamer Fort Salisbury return- ed to London after the crew fighting a fire on board the vessel for ten days. Richard Hunter, of EIimville, while drawingflax to theExeter rainiest week, was severely injured by the load up- setting and falling upon him. One of his legs were broken. Mr. Anderson, of Bright, has a 3- year old fl tree which promises quite a crop of fruit. The first yield num- bers 17, of which some are almost ripe, and of the "second" crop there are about 70 of all sizes. " exercise completely and in its en- " tirety." Speaking on bis authority, Mr Monet, hie candidate in Laprairte and Napierville, volunteered the pledge (La Petrie, April 28) "to vote for a " remedial law in case the Government " of Manitoba does not give to the " minority in Manitoba more justice, " more advantages, than are recorded ween re a lyes. " in the famous Remedial bill of last An effort is now being made to 1 " session." Such is the policy, such the position, of the Administration of the day. It is pleaded now that Mr. Laurier will not, because he dare not, implement his pledges. It is intima- ted by the Toronto Globe that in order to save himself in this province he will falsify all his utterances in Quebec, and will exact less from Manitoba than was proposed in the hill, which, because it was "weak and inefficient," excited his pity for his co -religionists not so long ago. Mr. Laurier inay he as ^rooked as his party organ declares that he is. Let us hope that he is mis- represented in the house of his friends. But, assuming that he can he untrue to his utterances in one particular, how is it possible to guarantee that he will be true to them in the other? Clear enough is the situation now. The Liberal leader has pledged himself to coerce. Re will force Manitoba to recede, either through the:nanipu- letion of the Manitoba Ministers, who have the Interior portfolio before thein, or, failing that, through legisla- tion at Ottawa. CORRUPTION OR COERCION. Sir Oliver Mowat no doubt outlin- ed the situation correctly when he an- nounced in the Senate that the Mani- toba school question is not settled. ' MARKET REPORTS. The party organs are pretending that asis of settlement has been reached, (Corrected seers Tuesday afternoon.) very r�hd are issuing hints and insintut.tions CLINTON. sd Fall Wheat Barley Oats.. Peas Potatoes, per hush Butter. Eggs per dos ................ 0 i Oto 0 Hay .... 9 00 to13 Cordwood Beef Wool as to the terms. But it is evident from Sir Oliver's statement that the organs are chiefly engaged in an attempt to swindle the electors. It is gratifying to note that Sir Oliver takes no part in the deception. He knows, of course, that the Interior portfolio is held out as a bribe to the Manitoba Local Min- isters to come down. Souse one is to get a rich prize if he swallow his opinions; otherwise "the masters of the Administration" will shoot. But at the same time be acknowledges that the reward has not yet been earn- ed, and intimates that while a settle- ment is hoped for—in other words, while it is desired that Mr. Watson, or Mr, Siftnn,.pr. Mr. Martin may qualify —tire job in,all;its baseness has not yet accowpralbed. it thelizattli ivere known the ".nas- "tarsi et tAits Administration" are driving a. hard bargain. AN a mat ter of fact, this they are pledged to do, Butter. lb. rolls What they originally desired was the do Tnhs, dairy disallowance of the school haw and the chickens destruction of the Public school ar- I Ducks Turkeys Potatoes ...... Dressed hogs 1.W Keeps tho largest assortment, the new- est Goods, quality fine and prices 1.11111 low in Groceries Crockery and ti Glassware -� TEAS.—Black, Green and Japans are unequalled in quality and prices; you will save 5c. add 10c. pound if you buy Iron; the instead of Tea Peddlers; compare quality and prices. SUGARS.—We are headquarters, we bay direct from Montreal Refineries, keep best qualit3 and sell at close prices. NEW FRUITS and PEELS.—We have already disposed during Holiday season of Ovet four tuns and still have large stock on hand, different brands selling cheap as to quality. CROOKEReHGLASSWARE LAMPS.—We r ot to make Imported Goodsanw8eredued our ''°s on Dinner Set,TaSete, To let Sets, Berry Sets, Water Sets, Bread and Butter Plates, Cups and Saucers and Lamps, all kinds Call and see Goods and Prices; no trouble to show goods. -Terms Cash or Trade.----in- 0 60 to 0 62 .,. 0 30 to 0 40 .... 0 18 to 020 0 48 tc 0 50 0 15 to 0 20 .0 9 to 0 10 8 00 3((11to350 . ...... 375to500 017 to 0 17 TORONTO FARMERS' MARKET. to$00 to 00 to (44) to 00 t o 01) to 2`24 to 1500 to 13 75 to 10 00 to 01 to 14 to 13 to 5(I to 60 to 12 to 35 to 5 25 Reef, hindquarters to 7 50 do forequarters to 4 51) Veal to 5 (44) Lamb, yearlings 50)) to 0 (44) do spring, per 10 .. 0 to 8 Wheat, white.... .....$ tffl do red (13 do goose .. 52 Peas 51 Rye 45 Oaste 20 H,ty 14 00 do thew 13 (44) Straw, bundled 8 ()(1 Eggs, new laid t+} 12 11 23 8 80 5 (44) 4 50 2 0 300 rangement8, as well as the r•e-estahiish- ruent of the old Separate schools. It was because this attack upon provin- cial autonomy was not made that Israel)Tarte entered upon his pursuit of Archbishop Tache, charging that. prelate with neglect of the rights and privileges of the race and the religion. Disallowance not having been secure], T(,Rr)NTrI LIVE STOCK MARKET. the party set up a cry for the i erre-dial law. Mr. Laurier joined in thedetuaud i Milch cows, each $20 (N) ta, 535 00 and declared that even without a judi- Export, cattle, per cwt..... 3 30 to 4 (M) cial decision as to the points at issue Bin chess' choice cattle,cwt 2 73 to 3 25 such a law should he introduced. Ini- Butchers' g""d wattle, cwt 2 23 to 250 mediately that a bill bad come clown Hulls, per cwt. 2 75 to 3 50 the agile pulitican saw new light. Shipping Sheep. per c•wt....3 (N) to 3 23 Israel Tarte helped in the opening (1f Butchers' sheep, per head .2 51) tot 00 his eyes. This Anglophohe asserted in Spring btnhs. per hea.l... 2 3') to 3 04) a letter to Ahhe Paquet, of Laval, that I (valves, per head ... 2 0') to 0 (Ili if the hill should he adopted "it would j Choice Batton hogs, per cwt4 15 to 4 25 "give the last blow to the French Store hogs, r•wt 3 40 to .35O -'.'group in Manitoba; it will cause it -re- Thi: k fat hogs, cwt. "parable injury to the Catholics of Light fat hogs, cwt __4"�this coun',ry." Mr. Geoffr•iun, the Sows per cwt. —jj ,,�b1league of Mr. Paterson in the pies- Stags, psrcwt fit Administration, also saw that the i Soares tier cwt For the Whitest, Lightest and Sweetest Cakes use Put up in G 3 211 to 3' 25 4(44)to415 2 75 to 3 (44) 175 to 200 1 (44) to 1 50 Empire Cream Baking Powder 1 lb tins. We sell it for 20 cents per Ib, an4 UARANTEE every pound We sell. THE CASH GROCERY OGLE COOPER & CO. Telephone 23. BINDER TWINE .. . `tneasur•e was not strong enough. If I M(1i4'taaaAL MARKETS. this Parliament," he cried, "is to pass Grain—Rosiness is dull and prices • "a remedial law let it he sir ingerit, let it be positive—do not leave any door ore unchanged. Wheat, No. 1 herd, "open by which the party charged nominal: wheat, No. 2 hard, ncleidal; " with its execution may evade r he peas. per 60 I0s. afloat, 51c to 55ic; law." (Hansard. 1898, page 2,99.32.) Mr. oats. No. 2 white, in store, 23jr to 26c; Laurier approved of this positron. He rye No. 2 nominal ; barley, f••ed, 3;34c to "pitied his co -religionists if they were 34c: hat ley, 44c to 40c; buckwheat. per "to et no more then they could get hash. SOr to 39jc. " by the remedial hill." Him regret. w,ie that coercion had not been applied with the vigour that he thought necessary. The election campaign produced a 11)8148 of pledges of extreme action. Mr. Imu- rier w,as for conciliation. That is to Cheese - A large amount of tines' western sold to -day Rt. 84e. Butter -There is a good demand for creamery for exports, but views as to values differ widely. it is said that 18}c had heen paid in the country, but the say,he wise willing that MxniUalaaa limit here is snout 18c. should recede. But he added this Eggs.—The demand is rather slow threat at St. Rocb's; "If conciliation and keepdemabout dtPaciy. Candledlow " results in nothing I shall have re- and iprices ep at too flc and fresh " course to the power furnished in the at stock 12isto I Ic. •' constitution—it power which I shall • Amber brand, Blue Star and Composts. Church's Potato Finish and Fertilizer. Pure English Paris Green. HARLAND BROS., Hardware Merchants, Clinton. 7 HROCGH TIME UNITED STATES. Lindsay Warder. A recent visit through a large part of the United States reveals a had state of affairs. The crops in Michigan. Ohio, In- andsa, Illinois, !isouri, Colorado, aal"swell aslother ino Kansas h- western states, are not up to the aver- age at all. In mune cases they are a failure. Added to the uneasiness over short crops is the uncertaint y of the presi- dential election. "Is it to he Bryan and tree silver or McKinley and moder- ate 1,' - ate protection" is the question agitat- ing the people. In the towns and cities manufactur- ers iog erse resultreto the elsctiOns,going slly arEvKrycwhere quiet and uncertainty pfetail. Yet hope of McKinley's triumph seems strung in the great majority of cases. Meantime times are dull and hard there and thousands seek work in vain. Major General Cameron, comman- dant of the Royal Military College, Kingston, has been notitied by the Government requi required after the services 14 the flrstof Sep- nnot heteuulwj. Sarnia Observer: --"Some tithe J1i.n- d.ay night an attempt was made to set fire to the Congregational churob. A window in the basement woe broken, and coal oil poured on e floor, after which some paper been lit. and thrown in, hut in some way failed to ignite the oil. 4' - "CANADA'S PR 1 DE" - THE GREAT - INDUSTRIAL FAIR AND AGRICULTURAL EXHIBITION TORONTO flu. 31 to Sept. 12 1896 ENTRIES ('LOSE AUG. Rth NEW DEPARTMENTS SUPERIOR ATTRACTIONS LATEST INVENTIONS. EVERYTHING UP TO i)A rE. ►�HE PEOPLE'S GREAT HOLIDAY OUTING OF THE YEAR WAIT FOR iT. Cheap Excursions from Everywhere For Prize Lists and Entry Forms. etc.. address J. J. WITHROW H. J. HILL i'reetdent. Manager. Toronto. Harry Farewell, late of Oshawa, was burned to death in a fire which de- stroyed hie house, near lnnsfatl, N. W. T,