HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1896-08-26, Page 445,4, 5.10145'1'—.111.40,477,0,=540.--41.1,11115144:545511,0,..C., 15.r.50 15410i,"5.1035Z1310.55 ,1451.”.15.05.1047.- -,•104,500-5 - •
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Rural Savors opened Monday, Aug.17.
Town Schools will open September lat.
You can depend on getting the best values and latest editions from our
immense stuck. A partial list of the books we sell
Text Books Used in Public Schools
Public School Geography
Public School Grammar
Public School Arithmetic
Publ.,, School History
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13 0 75
0 25
O 25
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Public School Physiology and Temperance 0 '25
Public School Copy Books, Nos, 1-5, 7o; No 6 0 10
Public School Drawing Books, No. 1.6 0 05
Public School Agriculture 0 40
Public, School Euclid and Algebra 0 26
Public Sohool Ontario Readers, part 1, 10e; part 2, 15o; second
25c; third, 35e; fourth 0 45
Leading Facts of Canadian History—Botertson's 0 25
Stories from Canadian History—Marquis 0 25
Gage's Map Geography 0 40
Public School Leaving Bookkeeping Blank 0 26
Public, School Otspiee, Vertical System, 1-6 0 07
Companion to Fourth Reader 0 50
- Helps for Teachers and Pupils_
Prize Problems in Atithmetio—Ballard & Robertson 0 20
While'S'Problems in Arithmetic, 2nd and 3rd classes—White0 25
Armstrong'e Problems in Arithmetio, eenior elapses 0 25
Grove's Problem's M Arithmetic, 2nd and 3rd chms, scholar's
edition, 25c; teacher's edition 0 50
McGinnis Perspective and Geometrical Geometry 0 40
Strong'e Exercises, Composition 0 25
Lit by'a Exercises in English Grammar .." 0 35
ROW'S Practical Language Training 0 25
Huston's 100 Lessons in English Composition 0 25
Clarkson's Problems in Arithmetic, scholars addition, 30c;
teaoher'a edition 0 60.
Cutlibert's Problems in Arithmetic, part 1, 25c; part 2, 35c;
answers to both 0 25
McLean's Hints on teaching Arithmetio 0 60
Text Books used in Collegiate Institutes and High Schools.
High School History—Robertson t 0 65
High School Algebra —Birobard 0 75
High &shoot Algebra—Birohard, part '2, 1°60
High SchoolEuclid—MoKay, 1-3, 500; 1.6 0 15
High School Physical Science, part 1, 500; part 2 0 75
High School Botany, complete 1 00
High School Botany, part 2 0 60
High Sohool Botanical Note Book, part 1, 50e; part 2 0 60
Higtr8ohool Drawing Books, 1 3 0 10
High School Chemistry 0 50
High School Arithmetic 0 60
High School French Grammar 0 75
High School French Beach r 0 60
High School First Latin Book—Henderson & Fletcher 1 00
high School Composition—Williams 0 50
k igh School Grammar—Seath 0 75
High School Geography 1 00
High School History of Greece and Rome—Schmitz 0 75
'High School Book -Keeping 0 65
High School Book -Keeping Blanks, 25c and 0 35
High School Reader 0 60
High School Zoology 0 75
High School German Grammar 0 75
High School German Reader - 0 50
Concise Imperial Dictionary, cloth 52; leather 3 25
Pass Literature for Junior Leaving and Matriculation 1897
Notes by Alexander 1 00
Lessons in Literature 1897—Sykes 0 40
Advanoed Chemistry 0 50
Note Book to New H. S. Chemistry 0 50
Composition from Models—Alexander & Libby 0 75
Beginners' Greek Book—White 1 50
Model School Books, • •
Baldwin's Art of Sohool Management—revised
0 75
Manual of Hygiene 0 50
Houghton's Phyeioal Culture 0 50
First Year at School—Sinclair 0 50
McLellan's Applied Psychology 1 00
Public School Music Reader 0 40
Musical Catechism 0 25
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Military Drill Book
Orders solicited from pupils and scholars ata distance from Clin tonjpostage
prepaid by us, and MI books guaranteed to be the latest, and best. Book Covers
supplied free with all school books.
Cooper's Book Store, Clinton.
Cheer up . . . .
Better times are coming when
everybody will ride bicycles.
In the meantime you need not
wail ; we are .eelling wheels so
cheap you cannot afford to walk.
Everything in the line of
Bicycle Supplies and Repairs.
See us before placing your
Emerson's Bicycle and
Music House,
Clinton and Bay -field.
Would the New Era he kind enough
to announce ths Grit policy? We do
not ask the quegtion in our own inter-
estbut rather in the interest of the
The "anti -coercion" electors of West
- Huron cannot expect much consolation
in the speech from the Throne. They
• may, however, live in fond hope.
This week, in accordance with the
"Dominion Elections Act, 1800," we
publish the election expenses in con-
nection with the recent, West Huron
general election. The only candidates
or financial agents who have complied
with the law governing such cases are
Major Joseph Beck and \V. L. Horton,
representing the Conservative and Re-
form candidates. While the law is
very plain, it would appear that the
McCarthy candidate and his agent
have not read the statute or complied
with its pt•ovisions. The latest date
for oinking the statutory return to the
Returning Officer was last Satarday.
After that date there is a penalty of
day for which the statute has not been
complied with. The law is plain and
must he carried out. Esery day of
course will mean a heavy flne on the
party or parties who are responsible.
The McCarthy people may be well able
to contribute to public finances, but
the sooner they observe the law the
less they will have to pay.
11 the law is carried out the expenses
of the third party candidate in the re-
cent. West Huron election will run up
to quite an item.
• Wartted.44tra,
11300.0*-t:W+ BRIMICT VOI
Front (fvfir StWo0Qagotle Bros,
&toot bOOks,,,COOPees,book stord.
rinttiViftl fitaten?Ptit—JotagjAa
rinttlIclak Statement--W.I. Horton.
W hile you think of it—W. D. Fair.
Eastern Excursions—Wm. Jackson.
Boar dere Wanted- -Tuft DTEws.RE-
Blacksmith Shop for sale or rent--:
Wm. Grainger.
Your pickling receipts • Alien &
crk F A 1
A null season and business good—A.
J. Holloway.
Hon. Win. Paterson, late M. P. for
Brant, who wandered to North Grey
for a seat, has been picturediby the
Orit press as an English Protestant
and a gentleman of broad and tolerant
yiews on all questions. Such argu-
ment, no matter what the result of the
election yesterday, is not well founded,
for Mr. Paterson is neither liberal or
tolerant. The Toronto Sentinel gives
a little bit of history of interest to
Orangetnen. Here it. is:—
"There is another matter in which
Orangemen are interested, in addition
to the school-- question. They still
have an interest in the long fight that.
was made to secure incorporation.
Where was the Hon. Win. Patereon,
the gentleman in whose behalf the
Globe is appealing to the brethren of
North Grey, when that fight was in
progress? He voted for the six
months' hoist when our hill was before
Parliament in 1883; he is on record as
havieg opposed the second reading of
the bill in 1884; he voted against the
second reading again in 1800; he voted
in favor of the six Months' hoist moved
by a French Roman Catholic in the
same year,.and he continued his bitter
and unreasoning opposition to a meas-
ure of simple justice by even voting
against the third reading of the Incor-
poration bill. The man who took such
a position in order to deprave a body
of loyal men of rights enjoyed by all
other classes in the community shows
no little assurance in asking the elec-
tors of North Grey to support him as
the champion of equal rights."
Laurier's policy of "conciliation'
has yet failed to conciliate the factions.
Is it not about time Laurier would
announce his policy?
Some of the McCarthyites have de-
clared a boycott on THE NEWB•RECORD
and are carrying the war to the grave.
So far Mr. Laurier's smiles and sunny
ways have failed to settle the Manitoba
school qiiestiou.
What is Laurier's policy? Parrot-
like the echo answers "What is Laur-
ier's policy ?"
Bothwell determined to send Mills to
Ottawa after all. Ex -warden Mills, of
Chatham township, was a delegate to
the Grand Lodge I. 0. F., which met at
the capital last week.
It hardly seems fair that his Excel-
lency should have addressed his brief
remarks to the honorable gentlemen of
the House of Commons, when, accord-
ing to the official statement, there are
only nineteen "gentlemen" there.
Mr, Andrew Pattullo, dr the Wood-
stock Sentinel -Review, ex -President of
the Canadian PressAssoc iat ion ,received
the Liberal nomination for North Ox-
ford to succeed Sir Oliver Mowat in the
Ontario Legislative Assembly on Tues-
While the Grit leaders are endeavor-
ing to purloin the Conservative policy
for a fast line of steamers, a section of
the Grit press opposes the party. They
should also oppose, as t hey have in the
past, the N. P. and the whole policy of
the Conservative party. But they will
not do so.
Many fruit and shade trees have un-
sightly cobwebs with troublesome con-
tents clinging to their boughs. These
should be burned off hy applying a
torch of rags saturated with coal oil.—
London Free Press. A few years ago
a young nian near Clinton was burned
to death while following the above ad-
Even the Globe refuses to come from
under cover and take honest electors
into it's confidence and announce the
Grit policy. This course of procedure
may be statesmanship, but such a
proceeding is not in accordance with
the past record of the Conservative
part y.
Hovel doea the Globe reconcile it8
declaration that Mr. Laurier's is not a
coercion overnment and that the
Premier is opposed to coercion, with
his declaration in Quebec Eaaf, that if
Manitoba will not settle the school
question of its own accord, he will, if
necessary, "use the power given bun
by the constitution in its entirety?"
The Philadelphia Record has taken a
survey of the situation in the United
States, and is constrained to exclaim :
"When the Canadian banks only take
our silver certificates at a discount;
when the California banks are discour-
aging deposits of silver dollars ; when
cities and counties are no longer able to
borrow money at, fair rates without a
pledge of gold payment, there are
clouds in the financial skies that should
set even unobserving and easy-going
men to thinking and inquiring. If the
bare threat o free silver lead to such
premonitory taking in of sails in bank-
ing and business circles, what may we
not expect from the thing Itself?"
riresident Iliac Lewis of Sabina, Ohio,
is mow respected all through that
section, lie has lived in Clinton Co.
yearzi, and has been president of
the Sabina -Bank 20 years. He gladly
testifies to the merit of Hood's Sam-
a..nd what he says is worthy
attention. All brain workers find
Hood's Sarsaparilla peculiarly adapted
to their needs. It makes pure, ricb,
red blood; and from this comes nerve,
mental, bodily and digestive strength.
"I am glad to say that flood% Sarsapa-
rilla le a very good medicine, especially
as a blood purifier. It has done me good
many times. For several years I suffered
greatly witla pains.of
In' one eye and about my temples, es-
pecially at night when I had been having
a hard day of physical and mental labor.
I took many remedies, but found trip only
in Hood's Sarsaparilla whioh cured meet
rheumatism, neuralgia and headache.
Hood's Sarsaparilla has proved itself atrue
friend. I also take Hood's Pills to keep
my bowels regular, and like the pills
very meek." Isco Urine, Sabina, Ohio.
Is the One True Blood Purifier. All druggist,. U.
Prepared only by C, I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.
are prompt, efficient and
Hood's Pills easy in effect. 25 cents.
The action of the Canadian banks in
discounting United States currency has
occasioned 1. good deal of comment
across the border, and some of the jingo
newspapers have been disposed to re-
gard the circumstance as an intolerably
insult. In some cases, however, a sen-
sible view of the mattei• is taken. For
instance, the Springfield Republic says
that the people of this country "could
not fairly be expected to accept this
silver at its; nominal gold value while
facing the possibility of action by our
people throwing the coins down to
their actual value. _
The Brockville Times takes Mr.
Laurier to task in the following fash-
ion :—"Mr. Laurier has not yet per-
formed his first duty as Premier. He
has not' yet formed his Government.
Not since Alexander Mackenzie was
Premier has there been a full Liberal
Cabinet, Mr. Laurier has allowed the
session of Parliament to begin; and
there is not yet either a Minister of
Customs or a Minister of the Interior."
Moreover, it niust be remembered that
the delay is for the purpose of corrup-
ting and coercing Manitoba.
The Laurier party are evidently de-
termined to "clean out the stables."
The latest from an Ottawa correspon-
dent, under date Friday, says:—The
great game of "statesmanship" is
developing slowly. The coup by
which the barber of the House Of
Commons was deposed and the office
given to a rival of Grit proclivities,
was regarded as a master -stroke of
policy on the part of the Government,
but its far-reaching effects had not
been fully appreciated before it was
capped to -day by the dismissal of the
man who has charge of the wash -room.
This bold and vigorous policy cannot
fail to make a deep and lasting !impres-
sion on the country.
This week we begin to clear out the hala,nce vi summer goods, remnants.'
&c., at prices less than cost for many lines, they must go before the Fail
goods arrive, come and see what we have, we can save you motley.
See our noon's coats at $1 25
It 46 ti pants at 85
suits at . . 50
.4 00
The last volume of the statistical
year hook gives s rine interesting infor-
mation relatives to divorces in Canada.
In Canada, under the Union Act, 1867,
divorce is one of the subjects assigned
to the Federal Parliament. As, how-
ever, some of the provinces had estab-
lished divorce courts before Confedera-
tion, they have been permitted to
continue the jurisdiction which was
conferred upon their courts. These
provinces are : Nova Scotia, New
Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, and
British Columbia. In Ontario, Quebec,
Manitoba and the NOT thwest Territories
divorce can only be obtained by legis-
lation—an act of the Parliament of
Canada being necessary. The statistics
show that since Contederation 211
divorces have been granted, of which 54
were of the Dominion Parliament and
151 by the several provincial courts.
Prince Edward island has not granted
a single divorce in the 27 years. The
general figures give an average of eight
divorces a year for the whole of
The W. C. T. U. column in the
Ridgetown Dominion, edited by the
Society there, gives this patent para-
graph: "To lend umbrellas and look to
have them sent home, to do a man a
gond turn and expect another from him
when you want it, to dream of stopping
some wornen's tongues, to try to please
everybody, to hope tcr-hear gossips
speak well of you, or to reckon upon
getting the truth of a elm y from com-
mon report, are all evidences of great
ignorance. Those who know the world
best trust it least; those who trust it at
all are not wise ; as well trust a horIte's
heel or a dog's tootht Trusting to
others ruins many. He, who leaves his
business to bailiffs; and servants, and
believes that it will be well done, must
e Ignorant, very ignorant. The mouse
knows when the cat is out of the hause,
and servants know when the master is
away. No sooner is the eye of the
master gone than the band of the
workman slackens ; at leaqt, it is so
bine times out of ten. 'I'll go myself,'
and see to it,' are two good ser-
vants on a farm. Those who lie in bed,
and bolster themselves up with the
notion that their trade" will cat ry. on
itself, are ignorant, very ignorant.
M any farmers are feeding the surplu
apples to their hogs and calves.
6 1 4
ti if It
1 00 44
f 44
Full lines in boy'e suits equally low.
Full stock of Tweed Suiting, and
Worsteds by the yea d or imide to
order, work guaranteed. -
Wqbave a lot of odd sizes and ends
of different lines in boots and shoeathat
we will sell at from (54) to 75c un the
d °liar, t hey neewort h look i iig after.
Dress Goods at 10e. worth 200
" " ]5c, " 25c,
20c, •` 30c.
" 30c, "
5-7.0-7 -8-0-10c.
Print at
Ludies hats front 10c up, all must go.
Parosols, Gloves, Hosiery, Underwear
at 75c on the dollar.
From 10c up, Several pieces Brussels
carpets worth $1.25 for 75e per yard.
PLUITISTEEL & BEINGS, - Rthert St„ Clinton.
Clinton, July 15, 1896,
Touches the spotie'
MacLeod's System; Renovator
000011••••••••••••••• IMO* • • lbe 0000 11•1111111110411001100111/00
Weak and Impure Blood,
Liver and Kidney Diseases,
Female Complaints, etc.
Druggist or write direct to J. NV MacLeod, Gobisuroto Ont.
If You want .
• 0
to save money cal see
our selection of 11 s and
Shoes which we believe
cannot he equalled outside
the cities, Our American
shefes have had a great run
and our customers have
been immensely pleased
with the style and finish.
Our increasing business is
good evidence that we are
getting the trade.
W. Jackson.-- Fred T. Jackson
Laurier has yet failed to settle the
school question. ' THE Ns:ws-ItEcoon
has always contended and repeats that
he cannot do so to the satisfaction of
French Quebec and Protestant Ontario.
The roasters of the Geit Government of
this Dominion to -day is a Frew h
Roman Catholic majority, and a great
many strong Protestants outside Que-
bec assisted in giving Laurier his
Roman Catholic majority. The Grit
press of this Ontario who howled "no
coercion" so long and loud, have ceased
since Laurier has been put to the test.
He and his followers aro about to he
weighed in the balance and will be
found wanting. Let, them prove worthy
and grapple with all the great public
questions like statesmen.
Hamilton Spectator :—The Toronto
Globe's cartoon on Thursday represents
Blacksmiths Laurier and Uncle Sam
with no less than six hot irons on the
anvil at the same time. Any black-
smith could have told the Globe that
one hot iron e.t, a time is all a black-
smith cares to undertake, and that
Blacksmith Laurier and his Yankee
assistant have undertaken entirely too
much. Moreover the blacksmiths are
not arnied with sledges nor black-
smith's hammers, hut, with croquet
mallets, which can produce no effect
whatever upon the irons on the anvil.
The Globe's picture man is much like
Laurier himself, sadly out when it
comes down to the details of menu -
facto ring.
People will to the end of time dis-
agree in politics and religion. It may
be better in the end that they do. But
just why one person should persecute
another because they disagree on any
political or religious question is beyond
our comprehension, There is, as a
rule, two sides to every question, even
though one or the other may on the
whole he wrong. The one has no right
to persecute the other. Both are con-
scientious. If such a proceeding were
proper, hall fights should he legal in
Canada, and the strongestlunte should
he allowed to kill the weaker and go
on to a death victory. Fortunately for
the independent mind of this great
young country such it not the case.
Law and intelligence will always in the
end overcome persecuthm and misre-
presentation, even though a wrong
may be perpetrated for a time by
educated people. Right in the end will
ever tr i amph
"The price of oats was never so low
in Ontario as at the presenttime. Good
white oats are selling along the lines•of
railway at 18c per bushel, and there is
apparently little inducement even at
this price to buy or speculate. The
supplanting of horses by electricity is
a factor in the decreased demand for
this cereal." The above is the way the
matter is put by the Liberal press now.
From 1878 to 1800 this same obsequious
•press told the world that the Conserva-
tive Government which was in power
during that tirne, was to blame for the
low prices. It's all changed now,
The portfolio of the Interior which
IS yet vacant is causing the premier no
end of trouble. It most go to a Mani-
toba representative but those who
want it are not acceptable to Mr,
Laurier, while those whom Mr. Too***
wants will not take it except on terms
that the premier cannot grant. These
will not accept the position blindly
without knowing what the govern-
ment will do with the school question,
nor will they stultify themselves by
going hack on their position as declared
by the local legislatuee. The position
for the government is t very awkward
one and there is no precedent in the
past for a new government in office for
a month facing the House in an incom-
plete form so far as selecting the man
is concerned. Mr. Laurier is finding
reit that it is easier 10 (50)1 fault with the
school question in opposition than to
deal with it in office. It would be a
veritable Nemesis if it. proved the rock
on which the new government was
Disease attacks the weak and debili-'
toted. Keep yourself healthy and
strong by aking Hood's Sarsaparilla.
Sir David Macpherson died on hoard
the steamship Labrador last Sunday
week while on his return to
Canada from England The steam-
ship arrived in Quebec last Friday
night, and the remains left the same
evening for Toronto.
Not one complaint has ever been
made by those osing Ayer's Sarsap-
arillaaccording So directions. Further-
more, we have yet to learn of a case in
which it has failed to afford benefit.
So say hundreds of druggists all over
the country. Has cored others,swill
cure you.
• •S„`....Fsssoss,:...