HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1896-08-26, Page 3r
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You want con's E)wl'llllld There is a farmer who is YY t
Enough to take his EE,
y ",: 1C1t. Zf you as ou drug And study mature with his II
,y� its. And think of what he Co. I
f 1s .�'fClr It and get Zt. - yQu Ile hears the chatter of the JJ t
ISS - R I As they each other TT, s
.SI? t,'ust that malt. But if And saes that when a tree DKK
" °c It makes a home for 13B.
he offers you something A oke of axon he will UU,
Just as good," he will do the With many haws and GG, i
`° g I And their mistakes Ike will XQQ i
s. (same When your doctor When plow -Ing for his P I
a•trlte8 a ' prescription tion for He little buys, but much sella,
P P And therefore little 00
w - which he wants t0 get a And when he boes his soil by spells I
r,, special effect =- play the He also soils 'bis hose.
4,. Fame of life and death for MILKING COWS IN SUMMER. 1
the sake of a ens Or two Unless a dairyman has a perfect sta-
a p y
;E �, more .profit. You Can't bid it never pays 'to milk occas during
rj,;ta.77,, „ the surirmer season in the winter stable.
I� liiZGSt that man. 'Pet Whi'lt It is essential to gilt-edged lacteal
,2w golf, ask for, and pay for, quality that cows be milked in a sweet, I
rl,;� n A. wheth('. t is Scott's Emul- Pm'e atmosphere. As soon as the milk
q1#, ..,, ElOn or a�ything else. leaves the udder atnd the air strikes it,
< it is subject tg just the degree of con-
,, r boort & Aowna, Belleville, Ont Svc. Sad I'-oa tamination w}th which the air may be
impregnated. In a medium of pure air ,
tyou will have pure milk for a reason-
, ° able length of time, or until natural
', I �IdDr.Goraon'$Relo�dyforMeo changes cause it to become acid.
In other words, it you select aclean-
t,� 1?' �� Ift
X41 ly place in which to milk your cows, ,
`, ro Ibs , V' f the after care of the fluid will be great-
",:,, ,' • ly simplified. This is a paint well
t worth observing, and .we would enjoin
. t dairymen not to, ignore it.
' Basement stables under hay barns
ln. - h IA 11M01s1'N St} �NTtt that have boon in constant use for
. CURES 5 twenty or thirty years, as thousands of
thy+ them have, are . dangerous places in
t1 POSITIVELY Nyhic:h to milk cows during hot weather.
lostPower,NervousDebility, Milking cows in a clean, open enclos-
e Failing Manhood, Secret Dl- ure, or confined' by stancblons in an
, " ceases, caused by the errors open shed, is to be preferred above oth-
�'�"°' and excesses of youth. I er methods at this season. The brush-
Young, n+iddir egad or old rtttAD aiary ins of the cow's udder and flanks should
�, tnen,sui3'eringfromtjteetlects not be negtested now any mono than in
e> of fomes and excesses, restored to health, malt winter. Dust and mud will accumulate
s hood and vigor,
" s Price $1.00, 6 boxes for $5.00. Sent by mai5, there and fall into the milk pail if not
"PA' securely sealed. write for our book, ".4tartlin removed. Milk full of this debris is
iMN'_ . , 1.,jct$," for Men only, tally you how to get we. not clean even after being strained. The
and stay well.. dirt dissolves is the fluid and impairs
f 1 §' its quality.
"` Address, QUEEN MEDICINE CO., BOX94-The best plan is to aerate milk assoon
"v' MONTREAL. .as possible after it hta's been drawn
re `' from the cow. This prevents the de-
, - velopment of injurious bacteria, and at
i(i(" 1' a temperature of 00 d
, ' P egress, insures
i,A• . the preservation of good quality for at
least twelve hours to come.
��Regularity in milking always brings
efr-: SMALLPDX KILLS d its reward by preventing a shrinkage to
- the ield. It takes a g
' .":, DOF,S Tog1�,CC0 Y great deal sat
atamma and determination of purpose
)., -.. to adhere rigidly to the rule of mtlk-
Rohd the strong endordemenb given ins regularly at a stated hour, but no
dairy observance pays better.
It sr SIM, Don't compel your men to milk the
v?� cows on an empty stomach. A milker
should have a firm steady grasp on the
� ' . teats, not a weak tired one, or the cow
'l ,, r; . / will dry off under his hands. It may
seem an unimportant item, and yet to
� . have the morning milking hour after
zlw;. breakfast, and the evening one after
4 :,
>.` . supper, will always yield better results.
% , Don't ignore any point about. dairying
x_ T I that conduces to a cow's comfort, and
' the result will make your pocketbook
H& Cof 0 heavier every time.
' ,*`' --
ur , ;-. In the Interest of the masses, for whom the90 re. FRAUDS AT FAIRS.
�e ill ports are compiled, the UNITED STATES HEALTR Rx .
t ''.. PORTS baro examined and investigated many prepare NOW that the fair BeaSOD 19 90 near
, g -tions having for their object the cure of the tobacuc at hand it behooves those who are in-
i °c habit, but among them all we have no besitaecy la terested in them and the welfare of
t .t'
giving the editorial and official endorsement of those who attend that pains are tak-
��;. REPORTS to the remedy known as "UNOLE en to prevent the presence of objection-
),-' TOBACCO CURE," mannfacturee able shows; and pastimes and see that
by the Keystone Remedy Company, ��v tRdComanat 218 La gallsuch are removed from the -fair grounds
�i street, Chicago. We have demonstrated by persona
I ' tests that this antidote positively destroy# the bast if they obtain an entrance, for, as an
lx-`. and desire for tobacco in ton days, leavingthe system eastern contemporary says, our a.gricul•
- a °4, in a perfectly healthy condition, and the person us tura! fairs are liable to prove educat•
4�, ., ; the acme forever flee from the habit,
"' In the ifBght of our eaarolnetiome and teats of Ing forces in a wrong direction, unless
"UNCLEBAlIE'STOBA4OOCURE,"wear greater care is exercised to prevent the
r 1 blit performing a duty we owe the public when we en
4+ r ' doree the mama, wed stamp it as the crowning achieve operations of gambling sharps and oth•
�'�; ment of the nineteeth„oentury, in the way o! destroy er fa,klra of the objectionable sort.
ry In a habit as diFgrtsting as it is common (FOP The faire are rest harvest -fields fol
'rj.y,'. ONLY $1.00); hence we earnestly advise you tc B
4'%'Ii, . wrltethem for full particulars. the whole fraternity of bunco men,whilt
Sold only b; the crowds and the extent of the
ALLEN & WILSON, gi'ounde make it difficult altogether tc
..P. ---.-----,. v — _ prevent their dishonest trade from be
uy-r! ing carried on in a mare or less oper
Cures Guaranteed or No Pav
may have boon the victim of Self Abuse
when young. Later Exceetsee or erposurc
to blood diseases may have completed the
work, You, feel the Symptoms stealing
overyon. You dread the future results.
You Imow you are not a maq mentally and
sexnetliy. Why not be cured in time and
cid the sad expo . ttmo of gqortrker .rteolre
ALL L rhoseseS-FAILLTUt3L Y01 MBi$iEB
Emissions, Varl000ele and
Syphll. Cured
1W.21. Mtf w, N. UMLttn
R ' a
Before Treatment After Treatment
"At the 80 of 16I oommonced to ruin
may healtb- Later on as "ONE OF THE
BOYS" I contracted a serious blood dieense
--SYPHILIS. I was weak and nervous,
despondent, pimples, sunken eyes, bone
pains, ulcore, hair Ions% sore tongue and
month drains in urine, varicoaclet-1 was
a wreck. I was In the last a es when g
triand recoTmended Drs. nnedy k
Kergaml. A dozep other doctors had fatted
to oprIng-mo. Die. Kennedy &Berggesnn
oared me fa a few weoke by their New
Method Trost fnit. I would warn eimitar
disensed men�q Goware of Medical Frands.
They are buable honest and skillful
physicians. W. M. MILL13H.
We treat avid Outltro Vsarloo-
4301e, 0XVU1118. 1E1in11801ond,
baila�et.p ttfekure• 1Kervouis 11e.
bi:ity,Unon Ural msellatrg's 0
a Nney and Ulatiider p i ta-
200,060 OURED
No thwart•, Ma► J'A'Jr. Write for
tr><astlbtdiSlAitilk for goers
tet e,ar tt. 130 fats FrMe.
Nb. 148 dlielby At.
DIMROfT, • ' " MIOH.
manner. Vlatlms are always to N
found who are willing to be fleeced bi
the same old methods, the shell game
the wheal of fortune, the roulette to
bles, the ball and pin game, and the
Many people are well aware thateacl
and all of these contrivances are fa:
from be}n an " honest " device fo;
Fambl'ing, but are so arranged that b•
means of clever sleight of hand or b,
hidden mechanism the operator can re
tain entire oontrol of the results. 111,
assistants, dressed as young farmers
are dispersed among the crowd, ant
these tappers or heelers are allowed t
win frequently in order to advertise th
game, but out9iders are, fleeced with
out mercy. Large sums are lost 1),
farmers and others wbo have earner
their money by hard work; but a fa
more serious result is the fever of ganlb
ling which the games arouse, some
times, it is feared, to the -permanent in
,jury of the young men who take part.
The swindlers usually obtain spao
and a license by pretending to ente
some harmless exhibit, and trust t.
their own hired watchmen to after'war,
evade the vigilance of the police of th
fair. It is ppca�asible in some, cases t.ba
the under a ficjals are themselves some
what lax in enforcing the law, and visi
tors who notice, any of these fakes a
their dishonest trade should insist up
on their immediate suppression.
Sheep are fond of a great man
things and will cat almost any kind c
vegetation, provided it be clean and fro
from filth. They will eat any kind c
grain, all of the grasses and most c
the woods. Wbat they particularly dE
sire is plenty of what they have. If i
be grass they will eat more of it i
proportion to -heir weight than wi
either- the ox or horse. The sheep usr
ally has a good appetite and will fin
something to fit it if it is within rear
and with a sharp appetite will get awn
tkith about four per cent, of its 115
weight daily, although the larger eheei
such as, the Lincolns and Costwolds, wi
hardly reach thin percentage.
The Merino behaves *ith its food ver
much as the Jersey cow does, wbi
th6 mutton breeds fall into the pla
of the Shorthorn. In feeding grain I
sheep it is safe to give them about or
per cent. of their live weight per dA'
and this may be intrg and WhPAn a fa
teslas ration is wante8. lzheep wtll n
eat flesh or slops although one will o
nasionally drink milk. They are for
tI I -
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sf I I
t r Ae
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Imsell III -111-1
•rc ,, xm.w '•Li,..0 . »:.- ,,..5 ...,-..rw..^4:.^n ,..M.r•v.�i,•r �,.» w', .:n^s.,^-++:x!qe..-tt.-.rv:: -... �.» x.•...:.-:..,M,•...rim:mm�n.�'—,-+: n.r - .. . !C's+.r �^T^eM1.19rA 'n.'%�r•^min"'.'„ '.
I Qaler wild' smile' '!ilia' deli and I . SPA19 TIM ATS �+WR VIAT,. ,.
p , ,. 1. ,
04144 Ayre neat faxorlt�s With tktem, 1. w
A""dray, ane muatArd , are �lso eaters l SvAiA Ia waking nlI to the necessity � * Pi N. � *,"'C', � � t ,�.
boo'iJI�,>��Y Oato'a#e a ptwple god far t4a of ,xe%f,forestin ilei ulouutalns. kte
pe and Aotikle burs tiled` sand burs i Title 'it1R relxlntly tVBnt tt? a village The. hid Ri11mbIQ $pllS.11alljs#Ala r
leittn whon thele"in nathiiW else. % tom,, miles east of Madrid, and plant-
#ey do not like the tope. of ye11 dgok, �3 3 ,'7�lar�► ��p�r iwnoe N '
'!1 -or -or di, fennel, blit dtj:nddeiltorlri ed a pixie sapUng. after which' 2,000 ahil- . V the treatment of the Throat end Lung
re eaten freely. as well as (oxtail, , drew, selected from the Madrid Schools, * '1'ratibiee, Cetarriu,!+atbmat 8roncllitia,
hlalig3x grass, bnrllyyfyrd grass and ytii= �- Nuvqus, Chroprc end 6peciai Q 4°".
ow, and other similar enemies to fields swell, plaxlted a tFee. Medals were dill erica of mica and women, 5,;
ttibuted am them, with the iitsortp,- 1It 1, restored—Kidne and Blad. *,
There area good man flQ�kB of tion-, " FirsttArbor Drs.y, instituted in Lost lea hood ' der troubles �rmRP a ,�
g t the gig, n of Alfonso X111, 1896-" Simi- curets•--Crleet, Gonorrhoep, V.ricpcefe rand e'er
beep tila.G-would ant more ban hey do lar fesivals are to be held early in etrictute cured without pelan No cutting
I! they had a chance. Dry air is a Prne yy B qbliss and aL 131ood D}seasos curer',
different places, and the children are Y I ,
h' for a ee ,and while they cannot wutltont mercury. .lr
ll p to be taken out to Bee how their trees t+
,ubslst on it alone for any length of ow, in the lwpe that the ill fes r V q sutEarine #tom the .fleet. of �
ime, when it i6 given in aonneatlon Y .K how lien youthful tollied or iendiscfetioos, 7k.
vith suitable rations, it performs an er tree -planting In their dlBtriots. or an troubled with w*akne#s, )!iervotu �� �'',
mportant part in the mana ment of , Debility, Loss of Memory, Despondency, ro y,+; 4,-,
g'0 Aversion to Society, Iiidnay Treub]n or a1 -
heep• YACHTS OF THE WORLD. . any disease of the Genital•Urine" br• -,
ens can here find Safe sad speedy cure. t d i
Accord to Lloyd's Yacht Register, g `
1 lag y Char as reasonable •ppppeclallyy to the r"',
�O�E LATE CABLE NE�P'S1 there are 7,068 yachts in the world dis- soon CURES GU TURD. �t Y� :
tribated as follows: United Kingdom, , There are many troubled ' 4
-.---- 8,554 • United States, 1,294; all other Yiddle-Aged Yell with too frequent evacu• ,,"
'HE RUMORS of FRICTION WITH- countries, 2,220. Of the yaeb°t6 in the tions of the bladder, often accompanied by a slight Smarting or burning sensation, and tiCi'
United Kingdom, 846 are steam yachts weakenin�q of the system in a ms er the patient cannot account for. There are many if i�'
OUT FOUNDATION, and 2,708 sar.liny, yachts. men who die of this difficulty, i drantof the cause. The doctor will guarantee aper- cl
C Y":.
fact care in all such cases, and healthy restoration of the genito•urinRry organs, on- N,y�•�Z�
—'— .ultadon free. Those unable to call, cin write full particulars of their cava and have a '
tz-EtaspreeN Eugenle'a Wtii—Secretary of WEALTH OF NATIONS. madidno sent b� press, with full instructions for use. Mention this paper when
the United Slates ,Navy in England— writing. Ofhco hours: From 9 a m, to 8 p. to Sundays, 9 to 11 4• to .
Y y The total wealth of Great Britain with1.
Von ZedtwltE's Funeral, ate., etc. 990 WOODWARD AVFAMZ. L - ..
all her possessions is estimated by an DR. SPINNEY & CO. (Side Butr nce No. IS ]D; Etltzab•th IM) M ,.,"
A dwopatah from London says:—The American authority to be $40,000,000,- a
Itatement conveyed in a New York DETROIT, MICH. u ,.
Y 000. Prance comes next with $37,500; .w:
table despatch published here that frio- 1000,000. The wealth of the six largest i ,,,
.ion has arisen between the Canadian I nations in the world aggregate $186; i
end Imperial Governments in regard to 000'000'000' CLINTON SASH, DOOR AND BL/ND FACTORY '
,he establishment of a new fast At- o
antic mail service between Canada. and R °''r'rs
'creat Britian Is denied upon the high- ! t:•:
The undersigned having been restored to health --rry:;S•�
t authority. The fact is that the by simple moans, attar suffering for eeverai years Creneral Builder and Contractor. -,,°
natter had been entirely stlepended with a severe lung affection, and that dread disease yf
Coverers ti n, is ns of c re.to To hose wnown o ds felire it, 'Irhis factor has been under the ersonal supervision and one owner for ei h --,P,',;
�ending the decision Of the new C1a.nA- Sufferers the means of core. To those who desire it, y p p
Ilan Mjnist � he will cheerfully send (tree of chorus) a copy of the years. We carry an extensive and reliable stock and prepare plans, and give. � 1'
' presoription need, which they will 0nds.� re cure for :
Mr. F. A. H. Green, M.A., professor Consumption, Asthma, Catarrh Bro..%,tta an estimates for and build all classes of buildings on short notice and on the olosetstI'lli, "
all throat and Lan Maladies. He hopes , q P•.
A geology of the University of Oxford, g rices. All work is supervised in a mechanical way and satisfaction fl
g Y all Sufferers will try hie remedy, as It is Inrala- P p y 1,1c
A dead, able. Those desiring the prescription, whichwill test guaranteed. We sell all kinds of interior and exterior material, + 1.:
them nothing, and may prove q blessing, will please ,,,.
A detspatoh to T1ie Daily Mail from address, --- 7nt .
balw*, ways that it is stated that the ev. EDWAELD A. WILSON, Birooklyn, New Lumber, bath, Shingles, Lime, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Etc ;'°r
will of ex-Empael9a Eugenio, drawn re- York. Agent for the CELEBRATED GRAYBILL SCHOOL DESK, manufactured_;4'.4
-ntly, favors her nalneea.ke, Eugenie, WHERE SHE HAD HIM. at Waterloo. Call and get prices and estimates before placing your orders
the daughter of the late Prince Henry11
Of Battenberg and Prine,etss Beatrice. He—Wifie, there are 1,400 600,000 stars 1
In the sky, Vit,
Hall. ate Presseo ha of the United As She it yo there must be ore than Leslie's Carriage Factory.^"soaiated Presses had an interview with that, if you Staid out last n ht till ou Hilary Herbert, Fiearetary of had counted them., x'
the Navy of the United States. Mr. . ONE HONEST MAN. ",
Herbert, alter saying that he hada BUGGIES, PHAETONS, CARTS AND WAGONS—all of the best workv
pleaeta.nt voyage across the ocean on Deas Editor:—Please inform your manship and material. SWA11 the latest stylps and most modern improve- —
the steamer sit. Louis, said that his visit readers, that if written to confldenti- menta. A l l work warranted. Repairing and repainting promptly attended
to Eur ally I will mail in a sealed letter, par- to. Prices to suit the times.
titulars of a genuine, honest home
Europe wus purely for the purpose of �:�
taking a holiday. He expected to Cure, by which I was permanently re- ,FACTORY—oorner Huron and Orange Streets, Clinton. -
make a tour of England, after which stored to health and manly vigor, _
he would take a trip to the continent. after years of suffering from nervous - r- =r �= -�^� '� -
Although he was not here on official +++------++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
business, Mr. Herbert added, he intend- debility, sexual weakness, nigbt losses +�- +
ed to call at the Admiralty Office and and weak shrunken parts. I was robbed + + Ili
would probably pay a visit to the dock.- and swindled by the quackauntil I near- + �j��''� , + 'gym
ards. He expected, he said, to return ly lost faith in mankind,- but thank + King of all�1 .Absolutely + :: i
y l
home in about six. weeks. heaven, I am now well, vi orous and + + <}
the Best.
Funeral service were hold at Ryde strong, and wish to make t is certain / Bicycles. + .,
over the body of Baron Von Zedtwitz, rneans of cure known to all sufferers. I + 1 + •
the German achtsman who was kill-ko .l
y have nothing to sell, and want no +,ppa�, +
ed in the collision between his yacht, money, but being a firm believer in i + .'1;Z -1,4(>'Q'0
the Isolde, and the German Emperor's +11 ,�
the universal brotherhood .of man, I ` + fi
yacht Meteor off. South Sea on Tues- Ism desirious of helping the unfortun- ' + (night Weight and SAlpertor Material ;
day. There was a large attendance of r+ -- r:
yachtsmen and others in the church. oto to regain their health and happi- *+ + a;
The coffin was covered with wreaths tress, I promise you perfect secrecy and + Rigidity. Every Ma" andScienfificWork- + q �,i
and' yachting flags. After theserviees as I do not wish to expose myself t;+ - �I� - + V4,1 11
the body was taken in charge by either, address, simply : P. O. Box , Chinefullywarranted r �' manship. - + '*;
friends who started with it for Dres- 388, London, Ont.- + x 1,
den, where it will be interred. 11 I'Av + � x•
John Daly, the Irish dynamiter who -- * 6 +
has been serving a life sentence in HAD SUFFERED ENOUGH. o- _ + ir1.
Portland Prison, was released on Thur:s- Mr. Houlihan —Oi tihrompt last i ., + �r?
day. Daly was met at the prison by ,
his brother James, who accompanied notg ht that Oi died. �, + .• ly
him on his journey, Ile was also ac- Mrs. Houlihan—An' how long did yez :;I # +11 'I^
companied by a mernher of the Am- lay in Purgatory T it + . ,
ne�9ty Association. After leavi rig the r. Houlihan a Divil a minute. St. ptr 5 Styles \ + Fri
prison the arty were driven to �tie.y- Peter said to me, Yer kin go roight in- A+ + %
to heaven ter wunst, Houlihan; Oi , �j
mouth Station to catch a train for Wa- �+
terloo Station, London. Daly looked know yer woife. . + , + a "}
worn and ill. Before leaving Wey- _ - ___--_---_- + Highest Honors at the World's Colum4lan F.><positlon. + .., ,I
mouth Dal and his companions r- + + X11
took of several glasses of champagne. J The Only One +a t1f0�csat stamp for our 24 -page, Catalo>ttto—A work et Ai t. + r
+ •�
AN HOUR'S STROLL. + Monarch Cycle company, �,-
To Stand the Test. + CHICAGO ILL. y -E °f
Would You Believe That You Can Walg O Retail Salesroom, ago Wabash Ave. [,eke and Halsted Sts., ',, f"°T
tir5,Y53 y111es an Hour? Rev. William Copp, whose father ; "'"
Have you ever thought of the dis- was a physician for over fifty years, _ f;
tante you travel while you are out on In NOW Jersey, and w}l0 himself k,
an hour's stroll? Possibly you wCk spent many years preparing for the A,, 1, i'
three miles within the hour, but that practice of medicine, but aubse- r ;.,"l
thea not b an means represent the p Wood'S PhoSphodln6.—The Great English Rerrudy. ,',,,t,
Y Y p - quently entered the ministry of the , itr
distance you travel. The earth turns , is the r*sWtof over 85 years treating thousands of cases with all known n�g
on its axis every `14 hours. For the M. B. t harsh, writes: "I am glad
to testify that I have � dru6'e, until at lest we have discovered the true remedy and treatment --s :yrs f*
sake of round figures we will call the combination that Will effects prompt and permanent cure In all stages of i; 211
had analyzed all the S<xual Dsbilrty, Ab"or Excesses, Nervoru W<al'ness, Emissions, Mental E�j,'�,l
earth's circumference 14,000 miles, and
so yotl must have traveled during the
sarsaparilla prepara& Worry, Excsrsiv< Use of Opium, Tobacco, or dlcohotic Stimulants, all of Yt },
hour's stroll 1,000 miles in the axial tions linOWII In the whish boon lead tq Insanity, Consumption and an early grave. Wood's '�+.�;�
turn of the earth. trade, but Before Taking. phosphodins has been used mucceesfully by hundreds of cases that seemed 1
But this is not all. The earth makes almost hopeless—csadstlrat had been tteatedbythemoattalentedphysl-
a journey around the suu every year, y ciens—c-asenthat were on the verge of despair and insanity�asesthat were �
AY E R S continued and Persevering use of 'try: ;
and a long but rapid trip it is. The die- tottering over the grave—but with the c Pe . 1.1
lance of our planet from the sun we is the onlyOne of
will put at 9-L,000,UUU miles. This is the wood's Phospholine, these casae that had been given up to die, were �,
radius t t92 earth's orbit—hal[ the�� that I could restored tornanlyvigorand health—Reader ouneednotdeapair--nomat- r+'
diameter of the circle, as we call t. k"recornmend a6 s ter who has given you up as incurable—the remedy is now within your ^1' -.~ ;1
�: , reach, b its use you can be restored to o life of usefulness and happiness. 1
I The whole diameter is therefore 184,- blood.- rifier.Ihave y
000,000 miles, and the circumference be- Price, one paclrnao,$I;six packages, S5;bymail free Ofp°stage
I in•g the diameter multiplied by 3.1410, liven away hundreds of b•t*les of Onewitlptease,rixgarante.¢tocvre, Pamphletfreetoany address. `':`'%'
t, The Wood Com an Windsor Ont- Canada. ASterTaklIN .
is a}x,ut 57t3,000,Ow. i as I couxiiler it ills safest tt6 well ' 'i
This amazing dist.tnco the earth tra- Do the beat to lie had."—•WIL COPP, p yr r ' -0"�i
ve Is in its yearly journey, and druid- Wood's Phoephodlne is sold by rosponeibin wholesale and retail druggists in the Dominion.
ing it by 305 we find the daily speed Pastor M. E. Church, Jackson, Minn. 3.j.
_� :
I ubout 1,586,000. Then, to get the die- 9
tance yuu rtxle around the sun during --- .---`---- x
. your bour's walk, divide alzain by 24, v
ears the re<3ult is alwut OG,000 miles. .11
GOVh:RNMENT'S CAMELS, ,� 1i3(:r'iF�C:T TEA y
Rut this is not the end of your hour's The. British Government is the owner•i
trip. The sun, with its entire brood ,
ER 6 Of atwut 25,000 camels, the greater `111
of planets, is moving in space at the T]38 OlifLY WOliLII'8 PAIR
rate of 160,000,000 miles in a ye'sr. This number being in India, where they
i is at the rate of a little more than 438, S a rs a pa r i 1 I a are kept in reserve at the commissar- 1.
1 000 miles a day, or 18,250 miles an - ---- jet depots to meet various requirements, •I N ,,'C,
s hour- When In doubt, ask forAyer'sPill! sucb ae the carriage of stores to out ,2,
5o, adding your three miles of leg TEAy.'.
co the hour's axial movernont - stations and camp equipages of tmopa Ne ;a
- of the earth, this to the earth's orbital UNDER d ,1 changing quarte.ra by line of march. 'NEST ria ;j.: 1
journe , and that, again, to the earth's NTN[ WORLD
9 I❑ the war of 1878 in Afghanistan "9,,,,;
- excursion with the sun, and you find FROM THE TEA PLANT TO THE TEA CUP ' d
you have traveled, in the hour, 85,2530 camels were used by the British. Same
miles. 50,000 died during the campaign from IN ITS NATIVE PURITY. -"
% • cold, neglect and starvation. Included
b , f!
NV" Monsoon" Tea is put up by the Indian Tea+
ALBERT'S WILE NOT GOUTY, in thea eve 26,000 are the ca�ela em- „leis as a ,ample of the best quaGtiea of Indian :i.
ployed in Egypt With the British army i eas. Therefore they use the grmtcat care in the i
The Prince and Princess of Wales of occupation, In 1884-85 a camel corps lection of the Tea and its blend, that is why they tX
f of 1,000 was formed, which did extollent ,at jt up themselves and sell it only in the original s;
have both had their hands photograph- PAli"VIIil CUR>eD—dWORP WrATEMEIfT, service during the war against the ,ickagea• thereby securing its purity and eacellenca
3 ed b the Ront en Rays—the Prin- x1-
Y g Y MM at RZ tin, 27 Radsnhurst fit, Town Ma,hdi. At present 6000 and 7 000 t up °n 56 Ib., r Ib. and g Ib. packages, and Hover -, I,
f cess' privately, and the Prince at the Art, swears than R akman'a' Kootens Ours" tm old in bull[
f Imperial Institute. All admirers of her of Paralysis which rendehd one el�a of her body camels belonging to the British (sov- *€
the Prinet�a will be glad to hoar that, entirelyuseess. Phyysiciansmidtherewasmechance ernment are engag ed in the advance ALL GOOD GR
of her ever recovering the use of her limbs. Hope on Do oIn. In the Soudan, and the Gov- If our grccer does not keep it, tell him to write to 4;
so far as can be told at present, there deserted bar, but to-do She G walking -around around tellin y
t y g. g ernmen la still buying ltsrgely, so that
Is no fear that her later years will her friends how R okman's "Kootsna Cure" Irav robably before the autumn campaign ' STEEL HAYTER et. 00. G t�'ti;
3 be rendered uncomfnrtable by gout, her lite and happiness, Sworn to, July 10, 18flA p ' ry'''"
1 I Over those numbers will I e at loot+t It and 13 Front t3tre4t East. Toronto:
for there was no true of this malady, before J. W. Seymour Corley, Notary Public. � `'
which, indeed h; not usually trouble- •WARN ST•tEIILNT tIH • 61¢ATEIPUL doubled. As the camels are obtained t. •.
- some in her family. they are organizes] into companies of .T�'
I 110T1g. r. E
Loulsa Wi K nine years old, who suffered with �
b For Over Firty Yens Roum� @her birth has been entirel- mired and 40� �h FOR TWENTY -SIS, YEARS j��„�F
y her gene system butft up by Ryokman • --Kootenay ti' s-.;
Mas. W instowfe So.Twixe evavr has been used by Cttre." The above facts are given in a sworn stats i,;',
e millions of mothers for their chlldton white tby& stoic
Om r vous o baser DUNN'S
i[ iaSat mttbe by her mother, M Oadrga Whlie, Lp (rs o Nervous Debility
, If distorted at night and broken of your rest bye SSt SNttson BL )samilton, On/. dated July A. leq, y 1.
I °hllfl suffering and crying wish pain of Cuttint Teeth h.e J. 1.iionck, Notary Pnitlla� Sexual Weslmeaa and1.
send at ons* and ger a bottle of "Mrs. Wlnslow'a We retnlu of Self- t
Is lost 91
Boothia 8 rti"torohildren Taethin , Itwill relieve A 00�1111A ION ■IIIITURB — /WORN IF Abase, eta *111 write r �;