HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1896-08-26, Page 2—.---
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AU art =, -,,of Of 010 C.
b., -.10so
I I ,., V4 �fr Z"y Ittattlan.
\TbD Promoters of the Hamilton bax
tournament have a deficit of $200,
Therere twenty. typhoid fever p
tients i"th. Hamilton city Cot,
Winnipeg's rate of taxation for ti
I year will be two cents a"
ollar, t year
Mr. W.. H. Nelson, grocer of King
V111s. shot himself through the lung
th a revolver.
Coal was struck by the Manitob
Government well -boring machine nea
Cartwright at a depth of 62 feet.
Mr. Stewart, of theoptgineer'a brant
of the Marine Department, in Ottawi
Is at present engaged in making a h)
drocraplio-survey of Lake Brie.
Mrs. Charles Hurton of Hamiltox
Us, with Several. other Canadians, fall
aheir to an Irish estate valued a
stout a million dollars.
Vandals pried up the oorner-stone c
new Southern Congregationa
tall'urch at London and extractedthere
fraip the coins which had been deposit
ad in It.
Th Winnipeg Board of Trade I
the advisability of holdini
business men's convention for- Man
tobe and the Northwest Territorial
this tail.
AmIloations for farm laborers art
received by this C. P. R. auth
FRI. at Winnipeg. It is estimate(
rn>l between 2,000 and 3,000 men wiL
be required.
Mr. Franciti Robinson, who had beer
.gla ed on the G. T. R. as a team,
f.r the past Sixteen years, fell
hJ wagon at London and broke'.11'r- .
break Is reported In the Governmeni
a 10 extending between Anticosti ark
. he Porth share of the St. Lawrence
there is an alternate cable the acoi.
Ent will not caund any break in com.
One million rounds of-Lee-Metford
munition reached Kingston from
England and was placed in the Gov-
ernment tores. Five buriolzed stand
of LwMc ord rifles also came with the
Mr. ' J. A. Ruddick Dominion Dairy
Instructor will shorily never his con-
nection ;'vtth the Ottawa Gdvernraent
Cad assume charge of the Dairyy. School
.1luch of the ITchool of Mining and
Algrioulture at Kingston.
It as been decided that in the Marl.-
Ume Provinces and Quebec one-half of
the Infantr
,T battalions will go into camp
after Parliament has voted the neces-
sary appropriations. The artillery
camps will not be -held until next June.
The difference between the dead meat
schemes of Mr. Bonder and Prof. Rob-
ertson to that the former advocates one
4nonster abattoir at Quebec, whereas the
professor favours the establishment of
abattoirs at Winnipeg, Toronto, London,
Montreal, and other places.
The chemists of the Department of
the Interior have been employed , for
some time back on the analysis of maple
owar samples, which were collected
this spring in different parts of the
country, There was found to be much
adulteration, glucose syrup bang -mix-
ed with the maple very argely.
- The drjr goods section of the Toronto
Vard of Trade, at a meeting on Fri-
y, placed on record Its strong disap-
proval at the action of the Dominion
Coloured Cotton Mills Company and the
William Parks and Sons' Mrapa%, of
St. John, N.D., in recklessly on ting
prfeas on flannelettes In some cases be -
ow their cost of- production.
Two men working In a trench in Men-
tr6al were overcome the other day by
sower gas. The crowd that 'gathered
did not realize the seriousness of the
situation and stood stupidly gazing at
the men for a quarter of an hour. At
lenIttli, when the fire brigade was called
q.nd the men were taken out, one was
dead, and the other was restored to con-
sciousness with great difficulty,
The Earl of Limerick Is dead.
Sir John Millais, President of the
Royal Academy, is dead.
The Imperial Parliament hats been
formally prorogued fill October $1.
Spain has ordered two new first clam
cruisers from the Thompson of Glas-
The weather in England during the
Vest week was ver unsettled, but there
*U no great heat.
The Spanish government is Inviting
tenders England for the construction
of a floating dock at Havana.
N Two valuable piotuxes In the British
Jktional portrait Lary hand been do-
Rberately da�magallllllby vandals.
The UarQuis of Salisbury was install-
Jbd Wardan of tl0s Cinque Parts on Sat-
urday, with quaint and ancient cere-
The buke of Wellington Is dangerous-
ly ill with dropsy. He60 years of
No and has no children, his heir being
hie brother.
The Daily News says that a mmml&-
sion which has been sitting for seven ,
years will r" against compulsory
vaccination In, V.gland-
Baroness Tennyson, widow of the late ;
Cet laureate, is dead. She was a daugh-
r of Inry Bellwood, and was Married
to Lord Tennyson in 195o. :
Uhs said that the Irish conference
Wh Is to meet in Dublin next month
will the a failure, as neither the Parnell-
ites or the Heajyftea will attend. !
The debt of London on March 81 was 11
627,866,502, nearly R20.000,000 of which (
has been incurred by the County Coua-
ill during the seven years of its exist-
3nee e
It is learned that the visit Of Sir e
Julian Pauncelote to London is 'due
to the direct summons of Lord Salle- 6
bury, who wishes to discuss with him
some points of the Venezuelan ques-
tion. F
The water famine In the east end of t
bendon has developed into a great OR` In
It . Water IS being supplied to I.- 0
260,000 of the city's population d
two to five hours dally, ulation from t
The appointment of the special Par-
namentary committee t enquire into t
the administration of A9. Cecil Rhodes 1]
and. Into the Jameson raid has been
d until the - next session of
M(RMEDM"Arit. I v
it is noted in Landon that great t
thilkrige hob taken place in the mannero ri
of Lord Chief Justice Russell. instead
of the suavity for which he was noted t �
at the, ble of liar, he has adopted a sty
bur airfth
gan6o, u
The. Anglo -Canadian trade'still E
%anada n
ftiofeip�md six per rant,, in July, as Corn-
Wod With the tviiesponding monthof 11
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, a nwoz* , GMT ,60NOTRINQ �ADOVT TIM JDA170YI- the poor. A*aq Tbot ApAcy. Report or 9*0 Ositaidg., Xvireast op�*,�,--',:,.'
4 L 0 Chino Statesman, I On -'a* a, c,,blitl ham reacthed .
a * t t I wawa w , Re who in re. T91" Of MAT CQVNT4 , , qe martlig"'blo J , igd 'the parents set A daOPAWL from Cleveland says; --One dustrITS, .. .
,, , X
arks 1-1 I- ,, , -
t . 4'8 g r, t some paoketa I _911�00 I I , 440,xt theiv duty 9VW"XIutsa,,Prrtncr of the Moat dastardly attempts at mar- , ]From the table of stf.L'Alps J, 'i
0 pr 90, " 8� one The 'WhICH OfiStOZ I ij Coo1Xk,i,,.
. ,
Japs Are 04 Raw rVq,JP1m_Tl�§ 4ary Ii, do,proes, must rusto der over laid at the door' of Pani inj the report of the I.. y. L
organized �Sll
,�11 I
p -ok middlexiiiia, usually a ., married Ontario Dpo, - ,
.. � , "
14b." took _� ', I'll ,
Mr. .Chamberlain -will invite Mr. Cle- "01101,feU'O luko"A X04, VQP04rO WAM �rlorid, who, after the 1i2&XT,j%go has .,place liere on Frrida night, f re ,
�' 011'Uhodw to tea , Ufy before the Parll*- our "P94MAX-TAvy move *ro--V�reftaow taken � y WhIGIi 't ZU'USt r "..." I` �
. , .
,d mouta . I .Place, Ida the Position, during It 'baing the Outcome of t:�O gteat be remember , ,
4 ry M016519a ointed to' - Than the 'Putueso Welpent. . I Its qxistoumho a kind Of Mather ed are estiMates 4 pro, ,
- .
aire into the. admirilT t I I
. (a I I a , um , going on at harvest tiras', , .11
� 'ation of Brown Strike, that has been bable yields
Oriental travelers to the Young aou Piro for 444 ,.,,- �,,,�,
British South Afr1T =fa, ,Fle, or an u axe not based on thxesbi4g results (ax.- L,., .1
14Y and in- ;, are- fratie",to wAX the adjustment o dispute . s. After the in this city fair the past three months. ]�,-,
to the origin and c Too anced of the �0,oral-,Qr 100 eathuaiastio 1�hork they V .I "
qrIcQwuA ;,pottliar ceremon As EL result tour men are wounded,two poPt in the Y, which Is ., "��L
incursion Into the Transvaal by an come to deal with things Xapa , an4 1 1 los of betroths( case of ha �t ,,��,.
' the I ,
d armed form their crithusi nw, -tbara U very little, any. of what at whom are Ll-bf- to dio. On June 25 "n't catim-to Of actual y1old), the fol. ,�:f"�_ L
In the House of Commons on Thum- asm generally seems to m,ay, be palled ,�Oourtafip,,- on(* the ' .
parties have beet, ohQsen . the great Brown Hoisting & Convey- 'owing duMmOlit, may be wads:
day Sir Matthew White -Ridley, the' reach its height when the fair. daug- -and marria� Fair wheat, shows a large inareaso in ,'�, ' 1
, f her
h- he wife lives with the family of r ,'I
. ing Machine Company discharged its 800 .; �,
I . 110'rue secretary, announced that upon tars of that -flowory land aro under die - husband, and Is not only supposed to em
beca,use of a t . acrea4e, as Stated, In the two previona -.14",
medical representation it had been de- suasion. It is true that some do threatened bulletins although, ,',O�d
I L",��
.11, :.
OWY him, but actually does ng has been � Ploughe"T up in'T, spring the ,
0 aided to release on license Daly, Do- e3- so, until strike. Since that time rioting h, 85.000 acres were
the are pasted by death or divorce. told lis : ,Tt:
0 vaney Gallagher, and Whitelf6ad, the cape the Influence of the glamour which the p"time of the Strikers and thelr,OuIY 16.6 bushels r acre, m'to `�'
L, Re remarkable instances of the long thousands of .4'*' this •17�.'
four "h dYntmIters. in Most cases, hides the Shortcomings existence of Japanese sympathizers. About a total ,yield a little per
than . '��`01
i- In referring. families are great- week ago the seven companies of mil_ x last year , ,,11, I
Venezuelan ues- of the land and the people, and do their ly owing to 't Spring wheat, with a slight increase 11 , "e�
OZ the Ve %al. _ he custom of adoption, itia were withdrawn from the Brbwn in acreage, owing to the partia .^,"w
V tion of Commons, Mr beet to dispel the iijusions which which is exceedingly common. In many works and the POLICO Protection taken . '' I fail_
four said that the Government was have families there may be half a dozen per- a are of fail wheat, gives. with doorea&. 't__
Friday tight a party of ten ed yield ,�,
regarded as part the general reading PlAblio look strikers Per -To, about the sane I " " � . i
r Secretary Olney, which are o mo- I t;rs rwl= to the corner of Wade tel yield as in 1895. gl
I still considering the latest proposals of deep root among un; but for the most Sons naming each other Lather, awl to. ,�
Openin,; the way that, brother, sister, uncle, an Park and East Madison street and Lay
at, who .1'.1111
Y for an equitable set- Barley has it smaller acreage, but .., 1�,,J
. v
tlement and he bad rea,son to expec upon th40" as but ill -conditioned and are, in fact, no blood rolattiona to each in wait for a party 'of workmen who lar 1# 4Z' �.
I t dis other at all. Celebrated artists have came by on their way botme train the thereby gives about theinam"' 4" ;,f,o�,j
1 that the venoil ae,gatiations will lead contented grumblers, who have fail-
. nearly always a son distinguished in the Birown works. There we)re nine Men in yield. a total � .�,,',,�.
- to an ear�y senolilment of the dispute. to zuopitmb to the all-pervading charm ane line, aim.�IY because the actor, the Little group of workmen with their Oats, with An Increased area and �,.,�,��j
UNITED STATES. from some defect in their own natures, ter, or whatever he may be, adopts dinner pails. Without a moment's alightl lower - _
and do not take them at their own vel- anter,
yield per acre, 1 �,:4'�.4
. The Security -Bank of Duluth and the - beat pupils, and thus the family warning the strikers rushed from be- a .t�,%
. does not die out. SMa6 increase over 1895. give but �-�Tj
Murray Hill Bank of New York have nation as exceptionally clear-sighted ob- Hind a saloon where they were in bid- Rye has an increased d a - ..J."%,
L pinned. tug, and with yield tAT00 ,
Servers. who see defects where others a cry Of "Scab," began Per acre exactly .,ta;k ail - " , 53
Swarraw-of grasshoppers are doing shooting Onto the crowd. A few of the 1895. as ilk U
"O beauties, and are too hard-headed A SCOTCH HOME, workmen were armed and returned the Peas, with an increased - .
f great damage to vegetation in parts to lot Poetic, ideas interfere with the . area of 80,_
their vision. - ,nence of the Mother on a Faintly utas, in which about 30 shots were fir- yield of near- `5
I of Michigan. . fire. The battle lasted about three min- 000 acres, and an increased _�.
. The Italian Government is a ki Sharpness of erha,P, I'll
P .9, in van fly of Ly three bushels acre, �..A
. I the
a mreality, the - ed, when the strikers fled. Four men of 8,000,00 8f5lVe scrap L ;4
'kara shot, two fatally. George Plumb, Beans are somewhat less in yield than ." _
for detailed information ul 6 recenttruth lies between the two, �1 I Boys. % 0 over per
of I . ,
lynching of three Italians in Lowlsiana. and the enthusiasm of the one Bet of - A poor peasant on flie, 86oteb coast One of the workmen, was shot in the In 1895. 1 ,
I Employes of the Adams Express Corn- ViOW& may be no worse for a little M,I- had an unusually large brood of child head and is expected to die, while T. HaY andlelover promise a crop of I
� - - Caldwell, another workman, was shot rtea,rly one ton per acre, giving 400,000 �
. easy in New York and Jersey City to inn by a douche of the unromantio Ten, Seven of them boys, and little in "I
I a number of six hundred are on Prose of the other. deed could - in the right log and in the shoulder. tons more thtoLn in 1895, but still 1,000,_ - S
strikel� he do for them. He labored Two of the strikers were shot, and one 000 tons be Low the average. I
. f,
Henry Barfield, formerly a postoffice The Japanese are one at the few early and late in the fields, and oon- will die. The one fatally injured is The area Of Corn Shows an increase
. George
I employee at Liverpool, 'England, was KOally ba,PPY POPPle on earth. Even the trived to keep the wult from the door, U, Laxsen. He was shot through of nearly ten Per pent. over that of I
arrested at Boston on the charge Of lowest and poorest seem to be ,t,,n,,;- but that was all. There was never ' the le uligs. The other, whose name is 1800, and is now more than double the .
. embezzlement. a Hix Y, Is not fatally injured. Several aver of the previous fourteen years. i
Frank Jacobs, of Cincinnati, a bal- ens to melancholy, acid their severest shilling to spare, and the farmer's life People were hit in the riot, but their BuTwheat ,stows an increase in area
made several arrests among the strik- roots a drop from 199.191 acres, to 1 6- I
'a made his 1,006 ascension at toll in brightened by their 'constant was a hopeless, exhausting Struggle names could not be learned. The police potatoes a slight decrease, and field
Q ill. and the balloon burst. He smiles and laughter. Jnyousness is in agab t -poverty and adv era. *.
" led 6 19 adversity. 1 668 acres. 9 , I
I y the fall. the Air, and if some are sad it Is but The Mother, too, worked early and ..�0,
A runaway car dashed down a Seldom that any vestige of it is seen - I
troll late with all the cooking, wash
steep hill in Lancaster Pa., Sunday washing and ,
evening, and seven of the passengers on their countenances. This ligbthoaxt- household drudgery of the humble BLED TO DEATIL "
-_ i 11,
w6re killed and fifty seriously injured. ed happiness Is a part of the nature of home. There were many to clothe as B11% Highness Begue.; by the London Tailors — % .
In view of the probable election of the race as Much as their complexion well as to feed, and so scanty were the to $nPloort the'llorning and Frock Coats A Boy'* Sudden Death From Internal 1.
McKinley and the adoption of a or the shape of their eyes. Partly ow- schooling facilities on that a Beniorribace-DIcs wit1itu a Few min .1
English .
utes of 1118 seizure.
"Ur tariff, a number of En ng to their delightful climate and their stretch of coast, that she herself taught scandalized at the Prince of Wales, wh , 11
hig or lonely The London West end tailors are
manufacturers are projecting the as -
he "T
c ,a in the United ed c A despatch from Toronto aaya:�
tablishineut of bran Pleasant surroundings, it Possibly re- the boys one by one to read and write. allowed himself to be photographed I Thomas Henry McCord, a boy fifteen I
state". I Sults In greater degree from the Small- If there had been girls among the one of the recent wedding groups at- .1�
The Njitional officerts of the Irish Na- news of their wants, and the ease with Older children she would have had Years Of age, living at 11 St. Paul I
tional Alli,tpco of New York have i � fired In alight check tweed "lounge 41
the pro- which these are supplied, so that the help in the housework, Her daughters and knickers." It is well known that stances on Tuesday night. About' 9 �
sued a manifesto regarding To- ,treet;'died under peculiar cirvum-
=convention in Dublin next month, cares of Life do not weigh them down Were the Youngest of the flock, and the Prince greatly favors the lounge 11 I
must Ireland look for bar redemption, P!
says that to revolution alone with a heavy burden. Only added to her cares when she was O'clock he entered Mx. J. IE Leets drug
-rden. least able to endure them. suit.; but the tailors of the West end store. King street east, bleeding from _111
It must be admitted that the women , Weary and overworked as this Scotch say that "if the male representative of the mouth and nose' 11
Baron-Fava, the Italian Minister at of jq,pan do not wine up to our standard mother was, she was always the light the Crown shows such a decided pre -
Washington, in an interview on Satu.r- of beauty. I - Mr. Lee asked
day with United States Acting Secretary n our eyes the squat, an e o household. It was ferenoe for garments of the three'seam him if Some had struck him, and he I
speedy steps be shapeless little figure, the olive com- ed by her cheerfulness and content- class, there will be many who will fol- replied., "No; I am vomiting blood." I
Rockhill, urged that . and
home because it was brighten-
taken to seen" the punishmen t of the PloxiOn, high cheek -bones, and almond- ment. low him, entailing startling violence to Mr. Lee immediately saw that the boy ':
New Orleans lynchers, and that redress aha ed oblique eyes of the Japanese When there Was a boy old enough the laws of dress. 11 Another tailor, was In a Serious state and telephoned ... ..-
e Italians belfe contrast unfavorably 11
be made to the families of the who has cut for the Prince, adds to the for Dr. Hastings, who arrived quickly ,.,
who were killo& with the to read a book aloud, there was enter- horror of the situation ))y saying:- but in five minutes after his arrivai
beauties of our own land, whether fair taintnelio; for the family while she was "We dread to thi.ok of what may hap- the boy died, having apparently rap
Aocording to the reports of the New or dark. Yet their charm is undoubted, Sewing, and she taught her children to pen if once the . I
morning tured a blood vessel. The oir'oum- 1.
Ly keen argument, coat are neglected, and we have no stances of his seizure are not known. f
York commercial agencies, the business and looked on in their own natural sur- Sharpen their wits frock and
situation throughout the United States roundings, where their gracefulness has and above an, to think for themselves. better scope for our workmen's skill 045 he wa,19 not able to tell any ping
- I
4 unprecedentedly dull. The intense full justice, their picturesqueness ap-- Then, too, this Scotch Mother, while than a three reamer. Tbeu we shall .
heat had had a considerable effect, but peals irresistibly to the finest artistic , trained musician, had a deep, have to say good-bye to high Amilka ti) I
'political and financial unrest has had i not a about it himself and no one
sense. The Merry little dame in he rich voice, and a stirring way of sing- . -class tail- have been will him at the t-' I
r , lug- oring.- iM� .
more, while Present and impending la- lovely national dress, girt with her big ng old-fashioned hymns. Young McCord was an unusually tall �
hour troubles have intensified the gen- �g On Sunday During his brief stay in London, the boy for his age. He has grown very I
bright ank each, her glossy black hair evenings the Bible would be read aloud, Prince's favorite vehicle is a private rapidly during the last abalf,
era] depression. and
Wheat, after a sub- stuck full of quedr ornaments, Patter- a on she would sing one hymn after bansom of dark green , ,
stantial advance, closed only a fraction Lug daintily along in pattern but was very thin, although he always .
d,r a large dark bay, and . ,
- ahoem, admirably fits the frame of the BRAWNY SCOTCH LADS guided by d appeared quite bealtlay until this
higher than last week, because the Gov her little wooden another; while her
ernment report as to crop damage 15 not low, quaint houses, the gorgeous tom- I _ Y a river in irreproachable Spring. He was working in the fact
declined on Pit n of the Toronto Biscuit Company, factory
the week. The - treat so keenly that they often Bond street, the Prince was attired
generally credited. Corn hasdecl lea and pagodas, the wonderful gar listened with eagerness and enjoyed the I drab livery. See driving recently in
boot and shoe indus- ens, , 'i COLU- in his work had fr"uently to put bin -
9 flower illed, and laid out in mar- Plained because Sunday came only in regulation frock coat and silk hat. hand
try is becoming more dull. There is veloum array of miniature lake and is Once into a bin. Doing this bent one -
no change in leather; many tanneries land, and river and mountain. The in- a week, His arms rested negligently upon the of his ribs, which pressed upon ' his i
have closed, and hides have further de- antmate background is set off by the The brood of children left the home, door of his cab, and a cigar of largo heart, causing an occasional itting
change lively crowds, ion was between his fingers. it
dined. There is little or no nest one by one, and the ni 'ffnorblret to raise his hat, be returned should discontinue work in the biscuit
In wool, but several mills 'Lave closed, the happy children, the other died of blood. Dr. Noble advised t'9.'t be
curious music heard everywhere and prematurely because of overwork and the frequent salutes accorded him with factory and the bleeding stopped. The
and the demand is not equal to eXpec al , and a gaiety which is always anxiety. But she lived anew in the a wave
tations. Rates for money a nigher, twa?s and delightful, never rude or boys as they became successful men )tro of bile hand.
higher, gentle deceased since then had dont) nothing
i .
and time loans are more difficult to oppressive. The throng is never noisy. various professions and callings; for pt few a. few dayls' work in a brush
obtnn. These good-tempered people never fight although at the outset they were PO`X- - NEW REVOLUTIONARY SOCI =y, where the work proved too
GF4NERAL. quarrel or swear. and the women, d and had little education, they had her ETY. haxd for him and he had to atop it. z
France Is making elaborate f.hp,r,g,r&- they have attacks of "nerves ' which buoyant,hopeful nature, and her fine OPTI'ating Rik Australia, nonolula and the
z I : qulities of mind. States_
„Hants POY the coming visit of 8 RX. is doubtful, make no "scenes" United States -Overthrow of the Chinese
The Japanese are truly devotees of One of them was a Soldier, and THE OBOE.
arms pre- Mortally wounded in a foreign am -
Terrific beat and severe at was —
- the Poorest citizen bathes usually twice , It The chaplain in the hospital According to a San Francisco paper A Medical Authority Says Death Larks In
vailed last week in Germany and sus- cleanliness. Public baths abound, and c Dynasty.
tria, and many lives were lost. ;flday. In Tokio there are more than "t., Im that he tad only a few bOUT's a Revolutionary Society bas been form- the Instrument.
The Island of Madagascar Is in a very 0 public baths, which are said to be a life in reserve, and aaked'him if he
bad state. Outside the French lines the patronized by over 300,000 people daily, had any religious faith. ad in China for the overthrow of the It has been discovered that the oboe
country is seething with anarchy. at a oast which is merelynominal. Ev- have never had anything else," he present dynasty, and agents are now is the moot dangerous instrucat that
Advices received from Abyssinia in- Pry house has Its own I rri
bath room, and replied. "I can hear my good mother in that city seeking financial assistance, is played on -dangerous to - the player.
fflucato that there is a prospect of a To- in villagm where there are no public now singing her Sunday night hymn They are said to have met with much A profound German medical authority
opening of the Italian war in the or private bathing conveniences, the on the 99tch con,gtl"
autumn. I I take their "tub" out of doors Another son became a prosperous bar- encouragement, and in a Short time aaYE that it is doubtful if a healthy
-.Lord Salisbury is being roundly be- Mopirse their houses, prudery being at rist,r, with a grea� ropnLaUon for time, they will proceed to action. The man playing dity instrument in a cor-
a discount in comparison with cleanli- 1'%n,�g and wit. He would have had society, which is known as the Hing rect method ever suffers through play -
ness. It is indeed said that at a date a' , income if it had not been for .
to join the powers inablockade, Ofthe striking peculiarity. .ffe inv riably f. I
Island of Orate. which is not very distant, Japanese a Chung Wally, has already genes a 109 upon any reed or brass instrument
C,DDVlnc tral. footing among the Chinese of )of those who have any weakness of
ladies used to receive callers while in threw up a case when he was . - Honolulu tralia, and i
Mollah Reza, who on the afternoon their bath. The same bath serves all Sol that there was no justice in it. and Australia, fS anis- the heart or circulation may be injured
of May 1, assassinated Nazr-Ed Deon, the Members of a family, the men first "I like to think of my dear old Scotch caries are now at work in Mexico. Pam- by playing any wind instrument.
for his phlets issued by the Society have ro As it is quite easy for a musician to I
Shah of Persia, was hanged usLn,� it, In the -order of their go and mother," he would my, "when I plead been I .1
crime a. distributed among the Chinese in San i between the phrases Of the Mus-
dignitT, then the ladies and the Going- a case, in court." Francisco, in which it is charged that i impossible ifor him to expire
Sixteen members of a boating party er children, without changiag t�c war Another was an earnest preacher. One inspire
ent, it I
unless wAaa doctor with a Metropolitan prac- trol of the empire to Mandarins who follows that the instruments that re- .
on the Spree, near Berlin, were drawn- ter, and finally the servants, the Emperor is lazy, and leaves the coli- without overblowing his instrument,
ad by an eitetirsion steamer running theare Bent to a
tics. Three were successful merchants gr treading on the working cla_&ses, quire the least expenditure of breath 5
into their boat, en in Japan do not b I I allow bath . their and one was a high-minded ,publisher. I Hung Chang is charged with traitor- are the. more injurious for the reason 11
Dr. Nansen, in his Search for the board, to grow. It is possible to allege All were richly endowed with their ous conduct in connection with the that the player must hold his breath . I
Nort)A Pole, reached 86 degrees 17 min- as a reason that the women object to mother's courage and mental reactir- late war with Japan, and facts which for long intervals. �
utes, but had to turn back, not having bearded men, but it is MOTO likely that ces, and all shared her deep, To ligious 1�
EL sufficient number of doge. the real reason is that they can not nature. - are now part of the history of China's This is the case with both the oboe 1,
During his Norwegian tour, which grow decent beards, and bence the WO_ In many a temptation and crisis they I defeat are cited to show that Li Hung and the flute. The charge is probably
nlzn prefer the artificially oothed recalled her face abining in the winter Chang's relations traded their bonor true that the curious tickling of the lips I
was rather a failure on account of bad am for -Japanese gold durip double reed mouth- ,
kin to a mere scr&�Tgy imitation beard. firelight of their old home, and then g the war be- that is caused by the do
weather, Emperoor William conducted' S tween the two countries. It is well piece of the instrument frequently
0 ;
=e thin
Divine service every Sunday. kissing
at least is certaln-the ques- hymns she had sung, In which she had known that the members of the local causes cancer. ,
Of Las ng has nothing to do with expressed the rel' ious devotion that Chinese colonytt bitter The, eminent scienti9t who has discov- I
, .
Malmaiactri pant with manor- the matter of bea,rds; for kissing, had governed her life, and the tender, hatred far Li hung Chang, ,and there ered these things about the compara- I
. .-
as of N. ."."OSre5..phi,,,, has been whether in courtship or in domestic unfailing love of a mother's heart. are but few who doubt that he would tively barmlea3 of -, should now a&.0r- I
)urchaseT bya well-known French fi- life ly unknown in Japan, and I be taking a great risk with bis life tain whether accordeon and collewitoww ...
ltancier, who will restore It and present is in fact inion with something of if he visited this city, and this ac- playing does not superinduce usculaf- I �
t to the nation. abhorrence, ats being at once unpleasant OUR MANUFACTURERS ABROAD. counts for his announced intention to aralysis in an aggravated andmincura- . 11 �
It is feared that 'serious troubles are In itself and unhealthy. But if the — return home by way of Vancouver. fle form. -
mpending In Ashanti. It is reported that 14dies do not kiss, they chews a kind of
lite InkoTanza,s and other tribes have reddish seaweed, a few small pieces of Uncle SHITI Is Be"Ining Alarmed at Our . 1/
I . Vigorous Efforts to Secure Trade. - , _
ioined Chief SamorK with the object oY which are always being munched, with STREET -CAR COLLISION. OLD AGE SCHEME. _ I
expelling the Bfitis from Kumami. a quietly elegant sort of ruminating A despatch from Washington says:- — I
Dr. Nansen the Arctic e xplorer has prpeeas, far removed from the energetic Consul James B. Taney writes the Deo- A r e D 4 e — ?
Lrrived at Vardo Island, Norway, on gum -chewing business. And they T oil y a h,s Into a Fire -Truck -One A reoxion for Everyone wh* rases Sixty- 11
)card the steamer Windward, which To- awoke, using a Small dainty metal pipe, partment of State from Belfast, Ire. Fireman Killed and 9everai injured. five Years of Atte. .... 11�
*nt went to Franz Josef Land in or- which holds tobacco sufficient for only land, that the Canadians are making A despatch from Landon says: -r. ,
,or to
bring back the Jackson-Harns- one puff. They are small eaters; .but great efforts to introduce household and A despatch from Buffalo, N.Y., says: Jmeph Cliamberlain brves to got the 11
north expedition. con9u-me many cakes and candies along office furniture in all -At daylight on Sunday morning fire .
with their tea, of which, they of couxee, parts of the king- Old Age Ponsion.9 Oinrimismion to To -
drink g truck, Na 6, with a crew Consisting of .
Cholera in Egypt again Shows an dom. One agent Ontario firm port in favor of his or sonic kindred
ncream, and anxiety is felt on account great quantities.
rf the absence of reports from the (30 The women of Japan though they are within a week took orders for about Be ven firemen while responding to an scheme before the owning of the
amp Of the Eg,yptian forces on the nsidered by the male sex to Occupy $5,000 worth of fLLrniture in Belfast, and alarm, collided with a trolley car at the House in 1897. The commission will -
Me. It is feared an entirely inferior position, are not carper of Weitz avenue and Sycamore
that a serious can- k, Chinese. In Dublin for about $10,000 woyth., -If hold its first sitting during the recess
,tion prevails there. Et in Rich abjectness as the Chin tre,A. Tile truck was stretched across :
When g they are fairly well edu- American manufacturers," says Mr. street.
'street car tracks when the trope in September. Lord fb)thsohild, who �,:i7
Official cholera statistics show that cated, young
to ht to read. write and Taney, "desire either to retain or in- which was running at full speed, struck presides favors ihe proposal of giving , .1
tiring the past week there were 1,091 count, but especially are they trained it. Every fireman on the truck w in- every person past 65�f�ars of !LgP five 11"
eatbg from the disease throughout In domestic accompl crease their trade they should under- j ,r, (I. , .,
ishments, and very 1 '113 - shillings per week.
4ypt. The total number of John F. Clarke was pinned und k , it Franc�s Mow-
. deaths many of them axe accomplished ,must- stand that it will be necessary to -give er t ho track ,and crushed to death. His aft, Permanent Sevretary to the Tress- ;
trice Un outbreak of the scourge is clans -that is to may, as music Is it the most careful attention in direr- lungs were perforated by the round of chairman .
i,7554 - in peculiar prat -
0 cry, who will cxxvch the cha r an and
fired in Japan, be' 111, affair I
_r tions that are Comparatively new to a Ladder. Fred Jacky went, under the the committee generally, has .ea leanings
In an article inq&Lred by the German which possesses neither Pecarmony nor tboom. Their representatives must be trurk and received a cuncussion of the 9 as I 1,
oreign Office it in the Same direction. A. r Chain-
intimated that the melody. The girls, until they become prepared to meet representative mann- vine. He cannot recover. 'rho other berlain means to gel. an old a a I �,
agotiatious between Germany and -Dan- pretty old, are childish in their ways tacturers of other countries who are tak- in itiries are.: -Lieut. Hefiden, hip breis- pension out of the House next year to ,�
lark for the purchase of t and .rid . games, especially of a kind ing f-
. he Antilles _great pains to extend their trade." ed, Nlichael Ros,-nberger, left legaprain- is likely to kee,l) his c-orrimitteo up to I ��,
-111 lit soon resumed, and that Germany of game played with ban and racket, Mr. Taney says in this connection that ed and concussions; John W. Breclitol, the mark in reporting on it. . 1.
Des not care a fig for the, Monroe doc- Extensive use is made of cosaietleg, It Is not too much to say that the Can- kneerained; Nicholas N. Oeller, hip .1 I
Ino. and the Jap ladies' toilet apparatus con- dians are not only making vigorous ef- bruiser,; Anthony Manhard, bruised. . A P,kLPAr3f,E PLOT. A�,�
A body of Christian insure is at- tabtls, a whole seeles of powders, routgeq forts to divert export tra i�"T ,V
de from other The motor &ar was smasbed to pieces, -�,',Ll.
irked a number of marauding Mussul- and other substances, over which much countries to their own, but are quite but, the motorman escapedwith but M ;
-rfr. Du Ille-John, my dressmaker
ians at Katovathia, near Candia. It time is SPOrif', with reault.q wbich may successful, not only in many branches slight injuries. Both bmotorman arrived to -day, and I must thave the -11�'
stated that the Musgulmans were Or may not .Justify the expenditure of of manufactured goods but also in pro. an(i ox)nductor of the car have l"nar- 1,'�
early annihilated. A body of troops labor, according to the point of view ducts of the farm. In fact, evidence rested. Jam
Cowan. the motorman, materials to -morrow. .. .�,�.
-as Bent to attack the Christians, but of the critic, is not wanting that the vast resources is blamnlile for the accident, as he says Mr. Du Ille-Eh ? What? You Said1, ..
iey were defeated. in Japan marriage 1.9 more of a of CKnada are being utilized more gee- he beard the fire gong, but did not you had written to her not to mine un. ,.` 11
,The, news from Kannu, the most fa -11Y than a personal matter. - In Jap- orally and Successfully in their Indus- slaw up, as he thought be could til next month.I'll, , .
corth-western province of Chins„ -is to anese literature the fiction deals with trial arts, trade and commerce with cross the street ahead of the truck. Mrs. Du Ille-Yds, I did, but She .,.",
ie effect that the famous Tu _Fun-
nn- love, but never with martial love, al- the United Kingdom that at any per- — _ - ... never got the letter. �0.,�,
ang, in obedience to an Impern,11-com- ways filial. The famlies of the -young lad of her history. Each Successive Mr. Du file (clasping his hand to his
and, has beogus a masaOre of all Mo- people take entire control of the whole year finds her people elbowing their NOTHING TO FEAR, breast -pocket) -Woman ! This is a plot . 1`,
immedans that he comes across. At matter of marriage, and as a natural way more extensivoly into the fo n Lady -Little bol, isn't that our mo- -a vile plot I 11 you had really wanted -, �111,
consequence of this practically imper- trade and successfully competing TOW her calling you her to stay away you would have hand-
ningfu he slew three thousand bulli- with 1: ,
>ss men and sold their wives and fe- sonal view of the mattor bAchalors and the exporters of other coug1ries, and in Little Boy-Yes'rn. ed -that letter to the paqtman 0113r. " .,
ale children, old maids are almost unkn6wn, and men lines, too, which were entire Strangers - Why don't you answer her, then I golf: you wouldn't have Given J , i�,,
and women marry young; while to t4
,very -them. � _11
- . . '0,o's away. me to Mail. ,
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