The Huron News-Record, 1896-08-19, Page 9M r 1 d i1 I a zA E t ' +.p k rr�' j�� 1 -Yti M1. c.'� .b �• �.' - W 1 1� 1 1 �A.. �'/ . , a s §''iia t ♦ r. t. --, 1 _ y .R`•: 'e u 11 i•. .� , fusal -of the Emperor to accept their are taking v( orouo. uroadures to su 8111, invitation, preg" the rigt. x 111 �� The commission appointed last year M0,Jor Lothalre, 'who has been on 1191 b . the Imperial Government to con- trial in Birt sale. ,gharged with illegal- - eider practical means of benefitting Ire- Iy hanging 6tokebc the 19ug14sh trad'al land has reported. If• favors the crea- in the Congo }free State, for selling 'tl VERY I,ATHST FROM A.LI.TILS tion of a department headed by a arms and aAimauition to the natives, WORLD OVER. Minister, and responsible to Perlia- has been •aequittgd. meat for the development and Furth- The MM*ufMana have burned two stance of Trish industries, agricultural hundred Oltriatian houses in the vii - 1' fOtslrestln Itass* About Our Own Country, and otherwise, with power to grant Y lase of >iakodike, in the Province of bounties. l great Britain, the United States, and Se mo Island of Crete, and it is feared ,1 All Parts of the Globe. Co■deassp and UNITED STATES, that the Christians, as a reprisal, are Assorted for BasrReading. Forest fires are raging in the "Soo" burning the Mussulman villages. CANADA. district of Michigan. The Volksr+4ad of the Transvaal hats The American National Bank of New peuesed a law allowing children who at- '1'be new cattle buIldinga of the Went- Orleans has auapendipd. tared the Public Schools to Tears the x,,:�7flt. hair have been completed. Two women were accepted as jurors language of their parents. Dutch was The Government light house at Owen in a Chicago criminal court the other formerly the old language recognized abound has been damaged by lightning. day. in the schools, and -this constituted one A man and woman were arrested for The Brilliant Tube and Pipe Works o! the grievances of the Uitlandera: pookatVicking at Main's oirous in Ber- at Brilliant, Ohio, have failed, throw- ing 6W man out of work. GRATIN CROPS IN THE WEST .A Hamilton, Ont„ grocer named Mor- Fifteen single tax advocates haus r.,' ley Allison was arrested an Tuesday on been jailed forraelaiming their views a charge of arson, in the streets ok Dover, DeL mSIXTY PER CENT. OF LAST YEAR'S W. Lockhead; of Na,panee, has been Fifty persons were poisoned by eat- science master of the London uinngg ioe cream at Sioux City Iowa, on YIELD EXPECTED. VbUegiate Institute. Vyedneaday. A number will die. Fred, Farre London boy, was bit- Intense religious excitement border- There Will Be No Wheat for Export in the On b a spid�a few weeks ago and ing upon I naticisut, prevails among the Eust—Stubble Bowing a puUnre—t:or- aled From the poison. mining camps near elsonville, Ohio. rocs E8111 -.ate of the Field In the Terri- .. The Hamilton Street Railway Com- Dundon Bx Bergin, lumber dealers of tortes and lluultoba. -.:tj refuses to accept the city's offer Columbus, Ohio, have failed with assets Manitoba is almost o the ave oP her ,. of a new arrangement. at $'250,000 and,, liabilities at $140,000. n s' Mr. James Hayes, a brieklsyore' lab prof. C. W. Winchell, who holds thervesting season of 18964 This time a Wer, living in the east and a London, chair of Greek in Park College, Park- year ago the province presented the ap- attempted suicide by cutting his throat- ville, Mo., has mysteriously disappeared. pearance of an El Dorado, Acres upon The recent hyimost in Central11 Geo. Miles, ed 19, at Findlay, Ohio, acres of her fertile plains were teeming ;' �ahitoba was the most disastrous ex- aged ,vr. �arieneed in the history of the Prov- yesterday, shot and killed Amos Decker, with a wheat crop, the most bounteous tnaD. his rival for the hand of a town belle. in her history; her farmers were jubll- Mr. Thomas Reid, of Hamilton, has The efforts to raise money in the ant over the l`,- United States for the construction of Prospects of reaping re .r reotued a Canadian patent for an im- riches; and the e y, , proved gasoline motor for horseless car- railways in China have proved unauo- yes of Canada were riages. cewful. turned to the endless prairies of the °'" A lioness killed and partly devoured West„ To -da the situation is chs �: Toronto bands captured the first, Pa Y used. .','second and Wrd prizes at the Hamil- its tamer's child during a performance For weeks after the harvest season of W;;. ton band tournament in the competi- of a circus at Chillicothe, Ohio, the 1895 the Canadian Pacific railway was ,'. tion for first-class bands. other day. taxed beyond its limits to carry out the The traffic receipts of the O.P.R Por Nearly all the mines in Bessemer, °%� the week on J�uyiyv 91 were $60%000, Mich., have been closed,down, and about great crop. This year little, [f any, "an -increase sof 102,000 over the corres- eight thousand miners and their fami- wheat will go east for export. It is „ ponding period of last year. lies are facing starvation. useless to close one's eyes to the tree '- It is reported at Rossland, B.C., that' A kite, sent up froth the Blue Hill situation.. Were one to judge from ,Ciib Le Rol mine has declared a dividend weather observatory as a meteorologi- the weekly reports issued by the ,rall- of $25!000, making $200,000 paid by the cal experiment reached an altitude of mine in a little over a year. • 7,983 feet, the greatest height ever ways that traverse the province he Philip Abbott, the tourist who was reached. would necessarily form an erroneous es - killed while mountain-climbi near �• Julia Houston, an alleged timate of the real state of affairs. Those �L World's Fair diamond thief, has been eke Louise, B.C., was a son o Presi-• reports, in several instances, urCdergo e t Abbott of the Wisconsin Central arrested in Chicago. She is said to complete alterations before leaving the F. toaua. have stolen $4,000 worth of diamonds from Banker Mackay, of London. hands of the officials in charge, so that Theove London City Council bee ue- The strike in Cleveland is again as- when the reach the 'I- Quad the scheme for the coristrua Y public through tion of a sewag a farm system, and the �mg serious y proportions. On Tues- the prase they are anything but correct. *,.&4atepayers will vote on the question day morning a boarding-house oocu- SSee The safest and perhaps most accurate i.`Ntl ptember 2. , pied by non-union men was ilttacked, wap which form an estimate of ."',: + and the militia fired on the unionists It is re rted at Halitax that lima ti wino were atoning the, house. the actual crop of 1898 is to follow the t,.' eemon. be onging to the Government t•,L, been arrest- jury in the caof the weekly comments of the many country I1, -tsd at Ntea orth ansdownehave Sydney, for insubordination The Coroner's se victims of the railroad collision near new tiAtlantio City on the night of July 30, newspapers as to the crop in their re - at sea. They complain of poor food. ctive localities. A torr on ��. "cording to the quarter!y report, returned three verdicts. They find En- app dent of ., t Y gineer Farr of the express train, who the Mail and Empire has done this. 13e :,T , ding qP he fiscal year a the De- was killed, primarily presponsible for has also interviewed several leading pp►►rrti7aeat ado,,and Commerce, the the accident. 11 ° flevenue 1 e ea 1tj<., y r was $55,859,775, grain men and farmers who have been a04- compare with 58,119,185 for the Business in the United States, as re g. in the city it of late.' Comparing the to- ;4E',ryraceding year. ported by the two principal commercial formationythus obtained with that fur- ��•� 'herd Mountstephen and Sir Donald agencies of New York, continues Phe nished by the railway companies, the ""': nomenallY quiet, the dulness usual at ing may be u riilt$ith, founders of the Royal Victoria p y ng accentuat- follow' y put down as a correct $going this eriod of the year bei sy pital at Montreal, have recently estimate:— Py' emonted their ed by political agitation and financial Ii Vpl gifts by an adds- unrest, The great failure at Chicago A POOR YIELD. -" anal am of $800,000, to be added to e rmanent endowment fund. has also further depressed business, and The total wheat yield of the province r'� 'hhee Hamilton Street Railway Com- to a certain extent shaken confidence, last year was, in round figures, 30,000,- w:, Y although'the prompt closing of the Chi- 000 bushels—an average yield per acre zpaannyy has a claim against the Dominion tiorenment undethe recent decision caro Stock Exchange undoubtedly min- of about twenty-eight bushels. This LT' -11 ' f the Priv Council in favor decision the imrzed a state of things that might year the area sown is about seventy. - Y easily have developed into a serious five per Dant. of that of last year. The 4.oroato Railway. The Hamilton Qom- financial panic. The cotton market is reason for this is that farmers were .W" iliy's claim is for $18,000 duties paid in a critical condition, the yield has kept so busy last year taking in their '13.:'orr steel rails. n6 rls..• been reduced as much 'es twenty per harvest that they did little if any fall 3' ' Andrew Harper, an employe of H. cant. this month, and the price has ad- ploughing. Much of this diminished -'`Lawry, a Hamilton, Ont., butcher, was vaned rapidly. Labor troubles at area included land seeded on the stub- '� found dead on Friday morning in his New York and Cleveland, with probable, b without plough' at all, which is am� ployer'a stall. The doctor' who ex- "sympathetic" extensions, make the out- a ready admitted to be all but a com» am[x}ed the body came to the eonelu- look most uncertain. Rubber works, fete failure. In addition to this, the si'en'that death was caused by the burst- iron mines, and cotton and woollen lightning and hailstorm of Sunday E""'c iT of a blood vessel in the head. No mills are closing; over four million night, August '2nd, did widespread dam- ;' O�tttt ng: g „twinquest will be held. spindles are reported idle at Fall River age. The telegraphic reports of this I °'GREAT BRITAIN. alone. Curtailment of production ILP- storm, as sent east, in a faint measure '� pears to be the order of the day in most only conveyed an idea of the havoc it t."' Mrs. George Mitchell, formerly of lines of industry. created. In some portions of Southern " Woodstock, was burned to death in GENERAL. Manitoba it was thirty miles wide, and 1k Detroit while lighting a fire with coal devastated everything in its path. In :> oil. The pope is ill with rheumatism. the vicinity of lialdur alone thirty-five ;, It is *eported that the Sultan has Yellow fever and smallpox are in- farmers were completely .hailed out, ' " invoked Lord Salisbury a aid in arrang- creasing in Cuba, leaving them not a vestige of d crop. 5�, Ing for fresh concessions to the insur- The Armenian Patriarch has resign- From all of these causes it is safe to ;._Sent Cretans ed, and his resignation has been ac- say that the total area of wheat har- R '• Officers of thb United States war- cepted by the Sultan. vested in 1896 will not exceed 60 per r,^,, ship Minneapolis„ were banquetted in The black plague is still raging at cent. of that of 1895. y. Edinburgh on Tuesday, by the muni- Hong Kong and throughout South- COMPARATIVE AVERAGE. „oipal au horitiea. eastern China. Li -H -CChang inspected the dock- It is stated that the Then as to the comparative average ung 8 powers, with the yields of the two seasons. Last year, ;:- y4rd at Portsmouth Thursday morning, exception of England, are preparing to from earliest seeding till the last sheaf ';: and wad entertained at luncheon at the blockade Crete. was gathered, the conditions were a] - ",.Admiralty house. Fifteen hundred Mussulmans are re- most uniformly favorable, with ' the ?''' The Clanadian Artillery -men won the ported to have been killed by Cretans result of the phenomenally large aver- , usen's Prize and the Londonderry in Kenouri district. age Yield; and what was of even more A' ballonge Cup at the Shoeburyness The troops composing Plumer's col- favorable. consequence, an almost uni- "t,..t Eompetitiaor. umn have utterly routed the impis of versal high grade sample. It is true s.V, The fipealah Minister of Marine has two big chiefs in Matabeleland. th it some of the crops was damaged byy sent a commission of naval officers to fr"st, but not enough to materially al - ;:r• It 18 sin stated in Portugal that ter the results. This has been an "off . G1esgow tonegotiate for the purchase Great Britain has recognized the sov- season " The weather conditions have ha•,oi two ironolads ereignty of Brazil over the island Trin- been anything but favorable—fitfully FY`" The Archbishop of Canterbury will idad. wet and fitfull dry—and those of tem- ,�';vlsit Ireland next month, and preach It is learned that the Chinese Gov- y N°.'In same of the churches. No Arch- perature have bee❑ equally erratic, one ernment witholds its permission to Rus- outcome of the latter being an attack �1+. bishop• of Canterbury has preached in sia to construct railways through Man- of rust, which is something almost new ,; any irlsh oh eh Gvithin living memarp- churia. to Manitoba. Altogether it may be '.'-Y'.; On the land bill in the House of Ft`;''ioWs,Thur�����siiiiiry, the Gfovernment was Emperor William is Buffering from from said, that, with all conditions a slight catarrh of the throat, and has from now till the end of harvesting fav- .4- feated on an amendment to one of been forced to abandon his proposed orable, an average of twelve bushels K :'the clauses by a vote of 127 to 67. It is journey, to the acre is a liberal estimate. Tak- '"- probable that the bill will be abandoned. Political intrigues against the Gov- .g the figure data given as factors, a The London Central Newa ea s that simple arithmetical "rule of three" sa;e:�*t the nest of Mr. Laurier, ernment in Hayti are the order of the req Ed- day, and a revolution seems imminent. operation demonstrates that the total tA,'wVald' Blake, member of Parliament for yield of wheat in Manitoba this sea - It ie announced in Berlin that Prince '�;.-.; nth' Longford, has been added to the eon will be less than 12,000,000 bushels. '-'Judicial Committee of the Privy Coun- Hohenlohe, the Imperial Chancellor, has LOW GRADE WHEAT. ;;;,• resigned, and that be has left the capi- 11 `. 8ir William Grove, the eminent E tat for Kassel. Then, sis for the sample, for ob ng vious reasons it is 'alrea a arent Iish uriet and scientist, ie dead. He The news that a body of 10,000 Mus- 'already pp : j sulmaw forced an entrance into Her- first there moist be inuCh'wheat of a � the lay ntorthat b the powerful vol- low grade. One week ago the Red T` battery that bears his name. Sir aklion, Crete, and ejected all the Chris River valley crop looked Dor indeed, Illiam was eight five years of age. tians from their homes is confirmed. p '111g but favorable weather has increased A despatch from7Neath, Glamorgan- A war correspondent returned to Cape its chances man fold. ',C shire, Wales, states that an explagsion Town from Matabeleland reports that HIGH Y CFS EXPECTED. ,2- of ftredamp occurred in the Bryan- Mr. Cecil Rhodes displayed bravery coach colliery there. Forty miners are verging on rashness in the fights with Reports from the Territories would Imnprisawed, but whether they are the Matabeles. indicate that they, are generally faring y" alive or not is not known. A great fire swept Rueda de Medina, better than Manitoba in respect to the �i` An effort is being made to induce in Spam, a town of four thousand in- maturing wheat crop. Bfh as yet, ,`(':'thb Prince of Wales to place himself habitants, on Wednesdays Hundredsof while considerable wheat raising is '` at the head of the movement for cele- buildings were destroyed, and the In- done there, it does not bulk up much 'beating at Bristol, in June next, the habitants were panic-stricken. in comparison with Manitoba. It can rn.four hundredth anniversaryy of the dis- The tomb of M. Stambuloff, ea -Pre- be reasonably t Minnesota however, es Da- `'�bvery of North America by John and inlet of Bulgaria, who was assassinated tally seeing that Minnesota and the Der y Bebastlan Cabot, who sailed from in the streets of Sofia in July of last kotas, the only other part of the world ," roducin thepeculiar ';Y'iltiatol, year, has been seriously injured by a which isgso muchsouglit after by wheat all ;it agpacis that the mission of Li- dynamite bomb. merchant millers to temper up their ~ , Run gg Cheng to England is to obtain Patriotic Spaniards living in Arse' - flour, are also unfortunate In this [ler %,--ion to increase thle duties on tina have given a Clyde ship -building year's crop, that wheat of milling grade Ilmmppoorts. The Times intimates that this firm an order for a cruiser a1 4,500 1n Manitoba and the Territories will Would not be allowed without obtain- tons, to host 88]]. 800.000, and to hie de- command a comparatively high price. . ills a corresponding equivalent In some livered in eiglifeon months, an a gift NOT$ING.FUR EXPORT. ;;,ether direction. to Spain. It is the belief that not a bushel of ,, Lord Wolseley, i distributing the There has been considerable excite- ppTLzea to the artillery volunteers at ment at Valencia reoently, occasioned wb+eat will be exported this year; and lThdoburgnes� on Friday, expressed by ,popular demonstrations against the -farmers W b stil�ave on hand a por- ;r.;great pleasure i;rt the faot that the action of the Government in sending tion of last year's crop are almost CC additional reinforcements of troo to certain to obtain a high iee for it. 1~ dnad[an artillerymen had taken part Cuba. One effect of this years poor crop the edtpatitton and had won woolprige. The Australian .Parliament has rat- will be to boom mixed farming. Al- felle hoped that the ample colonies would ivied the mfnin con asiu res the province is developing a ow l7anirda's example. 8 �p Granted to pre P f r, Mr. Pritchard Morgan, lit ,,P,, of Eng- considerable daft trade. Thbse who , *014, rntiit;nated In the London Gov- land, extending over an area of tali have gone Into t branch' of farming ' tik�igrent agit on Frills that the induetrq hrivlr; in nearly everq in- irkitT-reagoli olrLq�. tilt thousand square ><uiltasr'ifl the northern K wipe illiam's non- ,, I araudet ' at Oowe$ this - week is the herr ourb staince, Met with i4ueeess. L`arinerb dined, t, lationa bbtweesn Berlin and Trouble o1 a tysrinlul ]liTti€te ialbotng- Will not hereafter rusk their all It one Fomented in Spalme-pArtigtrlal'i in the lir • ,. which a 1 htni and hailstortn, ow+ in Jl 6t. 'Phe Queen and: }'tints Province of Valencia. bif tygente of the ' ftl ,Mo MW duurtitfon esu Qom= u al l >txe lntxah Inoetlsea at the re- Cuban insuMaaIs, a overnmclgt pl6tely, dkotPoy. +I.. -. - ,, riors, who seems, to know no fear. The position of the 134'resford forces was t hen A MODEL CITY. 7* x -- riedly ordered his signalmen to ask Col. Plurner to lose no time in a.dvanring -.. . F i,.., . Al , h, . %. F.,. ,• k.' ., AI I.. �.. r 9. �:ru�..4 �r.t t,� n ,, r,a ,. �` ,M .., ... ,. ._ ra .r.. ,_'.-o .,., m,u.? y .0 +t {, �., rrn ..Y!3.,.�:' ..,,, n .--� .,.. 4 =: ,: , k A ITHE . SCHOOLS OF • LONDONt SYNOPSIS OF THE ANNUAJw REPORT' OF THE WORKS COMMITTEE, what it costs the Wgrid-s ritaropolls is Buildings for Education- l aaurfrles, Grolcerles, and Workshops Provided—A 4grept Record. Few people can form an idea of the magnititude, of the work of the London School Board. The annual report of the Works Committee of that board, which has just been issued contain§ a record of the progress made in the provision of accommodation which has been *sano- tioned by the board and the Education Department. During the year ended March 25th last compulsory powers were obtained over 26 sites for new schools and additional land for 42 ex- lating schools. Tho scheduling of 57 other sites, eithor for new schools or for enlarging existing ones, is being proceded with. The board agreed to purchase during the past 12 months various interests in sites at a cost of £104,243, the surveyors' fees Dawbunt- ing to £1,177. All the sites purchased or agreed tQ be purchased previous to March 25th, 1895, were valued at £2,- 085,307, and the costs in connection with them amounted to £418,453, The total coat, therefore, of the sites pur- chased up to the end of the year un- der review was £3,080,550, with costs amounting to £419,630. The total num- ber of permanent schools which had been erected and opened to Lady day last was 406, and these included three additional schools opened during the year, besides which 20 enlargements had also been completed. The three new ecliools—including sites, building", and furniture—had cost £87,848, and the ac- commodation was for 9,918 children, showing an average cost of £22 8s. 5d. per head- while the enlargements, which will give additional accomodation for 5,971 children, had cost £128,618, or £21 100, 9d. per head. In respect of the now schools and sites loans for £92,012 had been sanctioned by the Education Departmebt, and £177,530 on account of the enlargements. The AVERAGE COST PER HEAD. of the 307 school buildings and of the furniture, the accounts for which had been completed at September, 1895, was £12 14s. 2d. for buildings and 10s. 8d. for furniture. Tenders had been accepted during the past year for 11 new schools, providing accommodation for 9,884 children, at a cost of £135,626, an average of £19 15s. 10d. per head; and for 17 enlargements, giving accommodation for 5.167 children, at a cost of £119,219, an average of £24 5s. 11d. Eight of the 11 new schools would have a hall for each department, the three remaining schools being pro- vided with only one or two halls, and provision is made for cookery, laundry, or manual training centres, or rooms for the teaching of the upper stand - I ands. With regard to the, variations in cost between new schools and en- largements, these rose mainly from the fact that in enlarging the buildings the opportunity waa taken to imgrove ex- isting schools, so as to make them thor- oughly efficient ; and, in some cases, also, the tenders for enlargements in- clude the provision of cookery, laun- dry, or manual training centres, a draw- ing -room, a class -room, a technical room, a chemical laboratory, A new house for the school -keeper, or other tenders. Tenders bad also been accept- ed for carrying out the following among various other works:—Erect- tug 11 cookery centres, 18 laundry cen- tres, 18 manual training centres, 5 man- ual training rooms, 11 schools of special instruction, three housewifery centres, and the necessary rooms for the teach- ing of the upper standards at five ex- isting schools; providing covered play- grounds; carrying out drainage and sanitary works to 27 schools (the total amount of tenders for this work at 19 schools is £30,697, the work at the re- maining eight being done in connec- tion with enlargements of school build- ings) ; providing hot-water apparatus at many schools, and carrying out vari- ous STRUCTURAL ALTERATIONS. All the new schools whichwere being erected were provided with apparatus other than open fireplaces for warm- ing purposes. This was also the case with schools where enlargements were made. Duplicate boilers would be pro- vided in future new schools, the second 'boiler to be used in the event of the first breaking down, or when extreme- ly cold weather rendered more heat- ing power necessary. During the year the board had in- structed the committee to take the necessary steps for the erection of an institution for deaf children on the Anerley site, and finished plans of a residential institution, comprising five blocks to accommodate a total of 90 boys and 60 girls on the cottage system, had been approved. It had also been decided to purchase the building known as the Gordon house, Isleworth, for the purpose of a girl's industrial school. Progress had been made with . new drainage works at the schools; and 163 schools %vote painted or cleaned inside or out or both during the year. The a" - tem of carrying out repairs to school buildings by workmen employed direct- ly by the board was being continued in nine of the 18 districts of the clerks of works for repairs, and 56 workmen were thus engaged. The whole of the repairs to furniture were also being carried out by the board's own work- men, the number of men employed in this department being 3i. With refer- ence to wages paid by contractors, the, board bad inserted in each build- ing contract a schedule of wages and hours; and it was now provided that where the London scale of wages ap- plied the contractor sbould pay the workmen employed- by him THE RATE Or WAGES mutually agreed upon by the Central Association of Master Builders of Lon- don and the representatives of the unions of the various branches of the building trade, and that where the Lon- don scale did not apply, the contractor must pay.not less than the minimum standard rate of wages whleh might For the time being be usual. The board's own workmen were paid the Same wages as were romred to be paid by contractors. The work in hand at Lady Da last • consisted of 18 me*- schools for 1742 children ; and 18 inlargemonto plir;vidln? aecommoda. son Por 5,9517 children, 40 additional iftea for now schools had been or were 3eing purchased (25 of these sites would Prov de for 22,783 chi dren), ld sites Cor low schools had bee scheduled (e ht could give Accommodation, for 7,x700 ihildren) : 8t bnisreements -,hada been ly surrounded by surging waves of wn.r- riors, who seems, to know no fear. The position of the 134'resford forces was t hen A MODEL CITY. 11 4 r Y ., fi -- riedly ordered his signalmen to ask Col. Plurner to lose no time in a.dvanring To Be Called Victoria Town fir► Honour of with the main body to the rescue. While , i .� '" 1 A despatch from London says:—The . f , a . guns, and several British officers and men fell. In the distance could be sego ways Urines to the front a hot discus - A f which s to would give acoommodation hie altog, e r° :,' L�-IUNQ C N(,,'. a for 2,48.4 o'hildren. Up to March 25th � , • • brats the Queen's reign," the longest Iailt, the Playgrounds of 209 school s school* were opsued on Saturdayr for the • well Be the Guest of Eke fieverlFpiseal� Darla His 4irnaQian Yl*lt. mounted men were sent forward at a use of olm ren. +� .' 'Imp I A despate4 from London *aye t.- Ois ',i kingdom's newspapers in discussion, , Donald Smith oo Tuesday hold a loins . TWAS CRUSHING DEFEAT interview with Li -Hung -Chang, and charged up to wit.hdn fifteen yards of can agree as to what constitutes a model town, the fiercest. controvercial- formally invited hila to be the guest ' P almost. immediately afterwards fell, lit- of the Canadian Glovernment during r a DESCRIP'T`ION OF THE FIGHT OF his Canadian visit. The. British Gov- i, UNLUOULU VALLEY. ernment; whose giwat LS-Hang-pbh nr ' ; j — now Is, suggested this; and Mr. Lau. ''! Magnlncent Bravery or the Natabele- rier readily pesented. to do better execution, and a well -dl- Capt. Beresford's Detaclrurent !n Great Li -Hung -Chang infofined Sir Donald �r Parti—itut the Raldd-Fire Guru lie' that he would by mast happy to be ed the native attack into a retreat, aided the Qaertlou—Olsuatrous Uofeal the guest of the (ianadian Government. take the correspondents and help to of the Nattycs. and said be looked forward to his Can- f 11 x4 Details have been received at Cape ad[au visit with much lutervgL..: He • I ';, Town of the decisive victory won on said he had heard much of the Gana- r', Wednesday by the 700 British troops dian scenery an the mountains, and be 11 composing Col, Plumer's column over knew that many of " owu 'country-.- "- a native force estimated to have num. men had settled in British 'Columbia. •' bered from 5,000 to 7,000 mens The lat- He was offered facilities to sail from • !� ter fought most desperately and brave- San Francisco to China, but be pre- LONDON SOOT. ly, charging up within a few yards of fared the Canadian route. He re- ;' gretted that his visit would be very 1� i the British rapid fire -guns. Abput 500 short. He acid he would leave South- • ? of the Matabele warriors were slain Y ampton by the steamer St. Lduis an "I duringthe engagement which lasted August 112nd and would enter (Ianads, , from New York at "Niagara Falls and ' several hours and the loss of the Brit- fish included Major Kershaw, Lieut. spend• a day In Ottawa, proceeding thence through to Vanconvek v ' Harvey, four sergeants and aboutthree straight and sail in the Canadian Pacific steamr- . Dobs , ydu're pa dear for that men killed, and six officers, several or on September 18th or 14th. It is understood that Li -Hung -Chang 1 P non-commissioned officers, and about50 will be met at New York by a Cana- , men wounded, according to the unofficl- dian representative. He will be con- ducted , at figures. to the Canadian territory. The , ; Governments of Ontario, Manitoba, and , The Matabeles and their allies were British Columbia will be nested to ' commanded by the big chiefs Sokom- extend every honour to Canada's guest. 4 boo and Umlugulus, and were divided Li -Hung -Chang asked Sir Donald many � Into five impis, or regiments, each of questions about Canada. Sir Donald Smith pointedly informed Li that the more than 1,000 men, well supplied Queen's representative in Canada could i with arms and ammunition. on4y act on the advice of the Canadian At 6 o'clock on Wednesday morning a force about 700 men—whites, na- - Ministate. Li did not speak of the Can1. adian poll -tax on thetChinese. It is •,-1 of understood that he has earnest! re- tives, cavalry, infantry, and artillery— presented to Lord Salisbury aV Mr. Chamberlain that this tax is an indig- all under British officers, marched to nity on China, which a friendly nation the Umlugulu valley. The -white in- like England should remove. Jill'. fantry, commanded by Capt. Beres- Chamberlain explained that the colon- ford, with two screw guns and a Max- ies were self-governing in such matters. LM rapid-fire gun was detached to i The Imperial Government could only make friendly representations, Humor - make a detour behind some hills and fists ask, Will the Canadian Customs then take up a position from whin the officers exact $50 from Li and staff on 11 valley could be shelled. It had previ- entering Canada I ously been reported by the scouts that I the enemy, in strong force, was en- VERY SAD AFFAIR camped in the valley, preparing for a I forward movement, of importance upon A Husband of Only hour Hours Die* I I the British positions. The'main body Suddenly. I of the British troops was halted while A despatch from Stapleton, Staten Is- 1 Capt. Beresford's detachment, with the land, says:—There was a death from I guns referred to, was making its way the heat at the Villa Mena, in Rose- , to the position designated for the ar-, bank, S.I., early on 'Tuesday morning, I tillery to occupy, and while this move- ment was being executed, the guns be- which has some very sad features sur- 11 I ing moved over a small, isolated kopje, rounding it. The victim was a hus- , the Matabeles made a sudden and band of only four hours, and his young ' DETERMINED RUSH. bride is now prostrated and in a seri- at Capt. Bereeford's command. There ous condition. Jos. G. Plank, 39 years I was no strategy or concealment.! The of age, a bank clerk, was the victim, natives rushed forward like a living Mouday evening, at 8 o'clock, he was ' tidal wave, and, In spite of the hot fire which wasrom tl poured into P Y P married to '.Hiss Annie Bonder of Brooklyn. After the ceremony the �a their ranks, displayed the most re- yoi,ng couple received the congratula- , markable gallantry, succeeded in get- ions of their friends, and then all re- I ting within forty yards of the screw paired to the . dining -room, whey a I guns, and reached a spot only fifteen wedding dinner was prepared. While ^ yards from the Maxim rapid-fire gun the second course was being served it I before any of these pieces could be was noticed that the newly -made hus- I brought into action. In fact, anoth- band was looking faint, getting up ' er minute's delay in opening fire with from the table, he staggered, and was ' the guns might have proved fatal to taken to his room upstairs. Dr. Jos- i the Beresford detachment, as the eph Thompson, of Clifton, was summon- y white infantry wa apparently unable ed and when he arrived Plank was un- I to check the reckless wild charge of the tribesmen, who seemed to conscior.s. By- this time everything I court death in their fierce attack was excitement. The guests all got up I I upon the column. But when the screw from the table, and while the men went to assist Plank, the women took hold ,i guns begah crashing oaseshot into the of the young bride and tried to quiet enemy, tearm wide, bloody aps in g $ t her. She was screaming to a hys eri- the ranks, and the deadly Maxim rat- tled its hail of lead into the heaving cal manners, and many of the ,guests were weeping, Dr. 'Thompson did all masses of the rapidly -moving impis, the in his power to revive the man, but he natives wavered in their charge, and a was unsuccessful, and Plank died at 1 moment later the rush was stopped and o'clock Tuesday moxiiing. Many of they began to give way, leaving heaps the guests remained with Mrs. Plank, of (lead and wounded on the field, But, and when she learned that her husband and rallied by the chiefs, who bravely rush- died she was inconsolable. Many ed to the front,enrouraging their follow- thought she would lose her sense". Her ars by a display of magnificent dash, the condition is so serious that she cannot native warriors returned to the charge see anyone. It is possible that the in the face of the fierce and awful fire of guests who attended the wedding will the British guns and Capt. Beresford's ,ill W present at the funeral as mourn - force was for a few moments, complete- em, r ly surrounded by surging waves of wn.r- riors, who seems, to know no fear. The position of the 134'resford forces was t hen A MODEL CITY. most critical, awl their commander hur- -- riedly ordered his signalmen to ask Col. Plurner to lose no time in a.dvanring To Be Called Victoria Town fir► Honour of with the main body to the rescue. While Her 1L�iesty'a Loud resign. the signalling was in progress a hot A despatch from London says:—The and determined fight raged around the big gooseberry season in England al - guns, and several British officers and men fell. In the distance could be sego ways Urines to the front a hot discus - two more impis rushing forward to .join cion upon some subject that it pleases in the attack upon Boreetord'a position, the Daily Telegraph to start. This and there was no Unt;e to he lost if the year the subj:ct chosen is "How to cele - were to be saved. Consequently R.I.CPlumer ordered the main body of brats the Queen's reign," the longest the ,British troops to advance. The in English history. . mounted men were sent forward at a A wealthy soap manufacturer set the gallop to STORM THE HILLS ball roiling by proposing that E5000,000 should be raised to found a model Set- on the left of Beresford's position, from tlement, to be called Victoria town. Columns are now pouring out in the which the natives were delivering a has- ty, dropping fire upon the kopje occu- kingdom's newspapers in discussion, , prod by the guns. The cavalry was gal- wherein all the writers agree that the lantly led by Major Kershaw, who idea is excellent, but no two writers charged up to wit.hdn fifteen yards of can agree as to what constitutes a model town, the fiercest. controvercial- the enemy's position, when he was shot through the heart by a native, who ists gathering round the two items of almost. immediately afterwards fell, lit- theatres and drinking saloons. On the question of drinking, the line is sharp - arally riddled with carbine and revol- ver bullets. ly drawn. In the matter of theatres, The advanre of the main body of one division insists that a model the- Plumer's fora, was ouickly noticed by atre. should sifclude all trag"dies, prob- the natives who were pressing around lem plays, and the like, and be strictly limited to comedy, Faroe, and light the Beresford detaohment, and it caused them to take steps to retreat in opera. Nothing with an unhappy end - order to csmpe being caught between three fires. The guns were thus able ing is to be allowed in the model town, nor are street bands that cannot play to do better execution, and a well -dl- harmoniously to be admitted: Later rested fire of case-sbot, followed by a on the questions of secular and religir well-place,I fire of shrapnel, soon chins- ous education, rates, taxes, trade unit will over - ed the native attack into a retreat, nnism, socialism, and anarchy and when the full reinforcements came take the correspondents and help to Into a.et.ion the enemy broke and.. fled. Pile stones on the already dead aug- The guns and war rockets played upon the natives so long as the latter were gestion. in range ;but the main loss of the ene- my was inflicted while they were so bravely cbarginq almost up to the muz- zles oP the British and can- I cannot play on a single instru- pieces, one not help speculating upon what would went and don't know one tune from another, said the prettiest girl at the have been the result had the gallant, hotel. . but ill -armed Matabeles, been able to In kind to the fearful fire Are youopen. to an engagementl ask- . reply of -the ed a voicein her ear. I am an agent _ axim and screw guns. The natives for a museum of freaks, and we haven't tsplayed bravery to a fault, earning the anything in our show to compare with the admiration o British ; but there was no resisting the leaden stream you. . `brown into the native ranks- by the LONDON SOOT. Waxims. It would have demoralized well-trained and properly -officered pick- troops Ono �%tound tons of soot settle monthly within the 118 square miles of td European under similar cit- intimateness much less hordes of neiir�yr- London. Those grand dames in the End the find raked, badly -armed savages, fon', while Went of metropolis must — iflss and ammunition were not want- It necessary to have a broom and ng among the natives, the supply wde scrubbing cloth in hand constantly. rery far short of the demand, and the ihooting of the warriors was of the NO ALMNATIVE. worst possible description. . Dobs , ydu're pa dear for that ' The greatest lemgth Iof bno d •a d Icottand, north to south, Is 66 8 rloh wife of ours by craving to stay !Lome every night. It that to abbcot auss. was either or go work, old boy. • - . - 4 r 1.,?� h i�, - d (.. , P #i 0.h,�y#,r .4:s �' 4 ;7, t+ �' ,; :. Is