HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1896-08-19, Page 7jQ e Toothbrush is not as good as a 25c one. It is riot expected to be. At present however we are selling a 10c brush that 18 better than most 15e renes and as good as 1ot8 of 20c ones. It is a medium sized brush, good bristles in bone handle and well Suished. A 10 cent of the right kind will often give as good service as a snore expensive one. Of our different kinds at this price, the one we recommend is a heavy rubber Comb 7 inches long, it half fine and half course teeth, strong, durable and good. A 25 ceilot hairbrush is not a good hairbrush. It can't be. It is good enough though for some purposes. We have there- fore a 25c brush and a good brush for the money too,butyou will find 'our higher priced ones mush better value. For 40c we can give you a fairly good bristle one, for 50c• a ,good stiff bristle, for 75c a small solid bac k, pure bristle, or from $1 to $4 exceptionally good ones. Alien & Wllsollt OPTIGI ANS J. B. Rumball, The Leading deweler. • Our Goods are the Best in the Market and our Prices the Lowest. Central phone Exchange. Voters' List, 1896. MUNICIPGODERICH, THE RON TOWNSHIP OF Notice is hereby given that I have transmit- ted or delivered to the persons mentioned in mottoes 6 and 6 of the Voters' Lists Acts, the ceepies required by said sections to be so trans- mitted or delivered of the list made pursuant to said Act of all persons appearing by the last rgevised Assessment Roll of the said Municipal- ity, to be entitled to vote in the said Muniotp- anty at elections for members of the Legisla- tive Assembly, and at Municipal Elections, and thattsaid list was first posted up in my office, at Cloderich Township on the 1:th day of August, 1896, and remains there for inspection. Electors are called upon to'examine the said List and if any omissions or any other errors are found therein, to take immediate proceed- ings to have said errors corrected according to law. NIXON STURDY, Clerk of Godorich Township. August 19th, 1896. Voters' List, 1896. MUNICIPALITY" N OF CLINTON,CHUN CO. Notice is hereby given that I have transmit. ted or delivered to the persons mentioned in sections 5 and 6, of the Voters' Lists Acts, the • copies required by said sections to be so trans- mitted or delivered of the list made pursuant tosaid Act of all persons appearing by the last revised Assessment Roll of the. said Municipal- ityy, to be entitled to vote in the said Municip- ality, at els ytions for members of the Loggisla- and that sald.11st wasand athe firstunicipostedl upioiniomsyy, 'office at and remains here for In pectiof August, 1 on n. 89f3, Electors are called upon to examine the said A . List and if any omissions or any other errors • are found therein, to take immediate proceed - hags to have said errors corrected according to law. WM. COATS, 'Town Clerk, Clinton. August 6th, 1896. Voters' List, 1896. WORK JOR MOT AND W 5NZN. We 1451 III 10;110 per weak for easy borne work. tlht can Jo It. No Scheme, Na* fide. Snd stampooks ow P'eddttsag Tartial arstaat n Q THE8IkYiL0UR 861PLLY 00.for work andpktasoa- ic Temple, Camden, N.J. 911yly WANTED- Old Established wholesale House wants one or two honest and industrious representatives fur this section. Can pay a hustler about 012.00 a week to start with. DRAWER 29, Brautford, Out. Man Wanted. Wanted. young married man, without family or with small family, to work on faros by lho year. Must be good with team and board him - elf. House cunvvuteut. Apply at THE NEN 6 ItIO'uxu Office for particulars. Ladies ! To work around house, salary $24, month]). Applicants desiring attention roust send refer ano08 and three eeut stamp to Household Publishing Co. Mckinnon Bldg. Toronto. 2L-924.. "CANADA'S PRIDE" - THE GREAT - IIVDUSTRI FAI1Z AND AGRICULTURAL EXHIBITION TORONTO Au. 31 to Sept. 12 1896 ENTRIES CLOSE AUO. 8th NEW DEPARTMENTS SUPERIOR ATTRACTIONS LATEST INVENTIONS• EVERYTHING UP TO DATE. THE PEOPLE'S GREAT HOLIDAY 11 OUTING OF THE YEAR Aar WAIT FOR IT. Cheap Excursions from Everywhere For Prize lists and Entry Forms, etc.. address J. J. WITHROW H. J. HILL President. Manager, Toronto. x};'"MUNICIPALITY OF THE VILLAGE OF Z HAYFIELD, HURON 00. Notice is herobsgiven that I have transmit - ,ted or delivered to the persons mentioned In sections 5 and 6, of the Voters' Lists Acts. the copies req u d said sections to be so trans- mitted or of the list made pursuant ' to said Act or all persons appearing by the last revised Assessment Roll of the said Munici- a e said Muni• afppality,y atelectto be ionsdfor members to vote in hot the egia- lative Assembly and at Municipal Elections, and that said List,,was first posted up In my office at Bayfield, on the 30th day of July, 1896, and remains there for inspection. Electors are called upon to examine the said List and If any omissions or any other errors are found therein, to take Immediate proceed- ings to have said errors corrected according to law, HENRY IRWIN Clerk of Bayfi July Stith, 1896. eld. Voters' List 1896. ADIAN -PACIFIC The best equipped railway on the American Continent. —The hest route to— Montreal, Chicago, Ottawa, Detroit, Quebec, Manitoba, British Columbia and all Western Points. For low rates and full information --consult with -- A. T. COOPER C. P, R. Ticket, Telegraph and Steam- ship agent, Clinton, Ont. ' WANTED -Three General Agents for a block of Counties; also five canvassers for each. A big thing, and those who get territor- ial rights will be in luck. Can also employ several bright ladies at their own homes. THE BRADLEY-OAnitETSON CO., LTD., 49 Richmond St. West, Toronto, Ont. FALL TERI11, SEPT. 1st. —STRATI'ORD, ONT.,— Only ono kind of business education given to our students and that "the best." Young peo- ple must get a business education if they wish to succeed. Business mon are constantly in need of well trained office assistants. Write for new catalogue. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. MVNICIPALITY EY, THHE TOWNSHIPN IOF STANotice is hereby given that I have transmit- ted or delivered to the persons mentioned to sec- tions 5 and 6, of the Voters' Lists Acts, the cop- ies required by said sections to be so trans, misted or delivered of the Het made pursuant to said Act of all persons appearing by the last revised Assessment Roll of the said Municipality, to be entitled to vote in the said Mnnicipalty, at elections for membbre of the Legislative Assembly and at Muniicipostpoal Elec- m96ntuin offlced th Varna.at said on the 25 hlst was first day of July, 18, and remain there for inspection. Electors are called upon to examine the said List and if any omission or any other errors are Lound therein, to take immediate proceed- ings to have said errors corrected according to law. J. T. CAIRNS, Clerk of Stanley Tp July 29th. 1896. Property For Sale. Merit Aewarded_and Pat- ronage Appreciated A CRANCE FOR GARDENERS. In consequence of my age and lank of help, I have decided to offer for gale my splendid gardening pro- perty <lonefeting of hoe and a half soros in Clinton, Some of the best land In the county of Heron, inolud. ' ing hot bode and other necessary requirements. There is on the premises a frame house with cellars sea and bard .rater barn and other ontbnndings The Barfield dyer adjoins the property. Will sell at a reasonable price for half eash,end balance seemed by mortgage. As I desire to sellthi)t is a obance m eoldometwlth. Apply personally or by letter to Iltepeoprfetor, JQBEPl3 ALLANBON, lr,f. ("Linton A Montreal Business iVEall Won the Battle Through His Wife's Advice. A short time ago a Montreal busi- ness Ivan returned froul a New York private hospital, to which institution he had gone last February for treat- ment. The case was a serious'one--kidney disease—and had baffled the .ski11 of the local doctors. The New York specialist, after a month's close atten- tion could not hold out very strong hopes of a complete cure, but advised patience and continued treatment. The sick man, hoping for better re- sults, remained, for some weeks longer, but finally left for home sick, unhappy and despondent. Upon his arrival in Montreal, friends were alarmed when they found his condition had not im- proved, and some recommended a sea voyage, The sick man's wife having heard of the wonders accomplished by Paine's Celery Compound in cases of kidney disease, urged her husband to give it a trial. A supply of the medicine was procured and used faithfully, and the diet list—prepared specially for those afflicted with kidney troubles—was closely followed. if After three weeks' use of Paine's Celery Compound, a blessed and happy change was observed. The patient was brighter and stronger, no consti- pation, no back aches, urine was more natural in color, and appetite was healthy and established. After due care and attention, and the use of Paine's Celery Compound, this Montreal merchant is well and attending to business to -day. Poor sufferer from kidney trouble, what think you of this Montreal case? Will not the same treatment bring you the health and freedom from disease that you so much desire? Yes, we are certain it will. Paine's Celery Compound will quite renew your life, and give, you a long lease of happy days. Use the kind that cured the Montreal merchant; remember there are imitations, and very worthless ones too. 'Tis "Paine's" that makes people well. Li Hung Chang, the great Chinese Viceroy, who is shortly to visit Canada as the guest of the Dominion Goyern- ment•, eagles a cook in his retinue, and at compltmentat y banquets eschews all native cookery, but is said to be an in- ordinate champagne drinker. At a recent function he is reported to have drank over two quarts. The reason he gives for his adherence to his own special dishes is that he is forced to ab- stain from meats of all kinds by the weak state of his teeth, which are un- cal to the task of masticating such delicacies. DOCTORS GAVE HER UP. REMARKABLE EXPERIENCE OF 'MRH. HALMS, OF BT. PIE. The Directors of the Western Fair, London, are the proudest set of men in this country, and feel that their ef- forts have been appreciated by the people of Ontario and adjoining States. There appears to he greater things still in store for them. The new Live Stock Buildings they claim to be the hest op the continent for ex- hibition purposes, being built from plans carefully prepared after visiting the principal fans of America. They are so arranged that, visitors can start at the Main Building and go the entire rounds,. WA might say, under cover, and it will make little or no difference whether it rains or not after you once get there. This expenditure of money will no doubt he a big draw- ing card, and increase both the exhibits and patrons this year. Notwithstanding th is great outlay the Prize List has been increased sortie with the understanding that next year will rind considerable advance in this direction. Pawnee Bill's Wild West and Mexican Hippodrome has been en- gaged and will make a flrst-class spec- ial feature, being one of, if not the very best, fair attraction in America at present. Sie Hassin Ben A1i'.s Moorish Acrobats are al90 going to be there, and others are being arranged for. Together they will make a rous- ing day's sport, and fill the new double - decked grand Stand to its utmost capacity. There is no place one can get as much value for bra money as at the fair : let there be a large delegation from this neighborhood. tilelost hope, bmti suggested goiilog in another doctor for aousultatton, I' begged thele to give me something tp deaden the terrible pain I endured. but all thins done for me seemed un- availing. After the consultation was ended my doctor said to Me, you are a great sufferer, but it will not be for long. We have tried everything; we can do no more. I bad tperefore to prepare myself for death, and would have welcomed it as a relief to my suf- 'fer•ing, were it`not for the thought of leaving uty husband and child. When -my husband heard what the doctors said, he replied, then we will at once go hack to Canada, and weak and suf- fering as 1 was we returned to our old home. Friends here urged that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills he tried, and my husband procured them. After taking them for some weeks I rallied, and from that on I constantly improved in health. I aro now entirely tree from pain. I can eat web and sleep well, and am almost as strong as ever I was in my life, and this renewed health and strength 1 owe to •the marvellous powers of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and in gratitude 1 urge all sick people to try theist. .-Dr. Williams' Pink Pills create new Mood, build up the nerves, and thus drive disease from the system. In hun- dred of cases they have cured after all other remedies had failed, thus estab- lishing the claim that they are a mar- vel among the triumphs of modern med- ical science. The genuine Pink Pills are sold only in boxes, bearing the full trade mark, "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People." Protect yourself rem imposition by refusing any pill that does not bear the registered trade mark around the box. L.IORIPPE, FOLLOWED BY INFLAMMA- TION OF THE LUNGS, LEFT HER ON TI -IE VERGE OF THE GRAVE -HER WHOLE BODY RACKED WITH PAIN-- 14ER HUSBAND BROUGHT HER HOME To DIE, BUT SHE IS AGAIN IN GOOD HEA LTH. The eight-year•.old son of James Hy- land, who lives three miles east of Essex town,on the Michigan Central Railway, was killed by the west -hound express train Thursday last. The boy had been herding cattle beside the railway during the afternoon, He is supposed to have fallen asleep near the track and to have rolled over upon it while sleeping. He was cut to pieces. First in the Estimation ;of Canadian Women, Diamond Dyes the World's Leaders. The women of Canada many years ago selected the Diamond Dyes as the standard dyes for home dyeing. This selection basroved a wise one. The quality of the Diamond Dyes has never deteriorated; they still stand fast as the brightest, strongest, and fastest colors, and never fail to do what is promised for them. Many experienced buyers are put to great loss and inconvenience by using the crude and imitation dyes. If every buyer insisted upon having the "Diamond," profit and pleasure would always result from the dyeing operation. Beware of invitations; ask for the Diamond Dyes; take no other make. In the pretty little town of St. Pie, Begot county, is one of the happiest homes in the whole province of Quebec, and the cause of much of this happi- ness is the inestimable boon of health conferred through the use of Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills. Mrs. Eva Salois is the person thus restored, and she tells her story as follows :—Like a great many other Canadians, my husband and myself left Canada for the States, in hope that we might better our con- dition, and located in Lowell, Mass. About a year ago I gave birth to a bright little boy, but while yet on my sick bed I was attacked with la grippe, which developed into inflammation of the lungs. I had the very best of care, and the hest of medical treatment, and although the inflammation left ine I did not get better, but continually grew weaker and weaker. I could not The hair, when not properly cared for, loses its lustre, becomes crisp, harsh, and dry, and falls out freely with every combing. To prevent this, the - best dressing in the market is Ayer's Hair Vigor. It imparts that silky gloss so essential to perfect beauty. // 5R"r -ist"'r• 0 Chas. Johnson, of Toronto, one of the passengers on the Ontario, inward bound from Liverpool to Montreal, when she collided with the Vancouver, outward bound to Liverpool, near Father Point last Sunday week, arrived in the city Thursday morning. He says that the Lake Ontario's officers be- haved most disgracefully and would give no information as to the extent of the damage. The ship's surgeon, he says, danced about the deck, shouting that there was no danger, but he failed to re -assure the passengers as he had a life -preserver on. He says that the watertight compartments were in an almost useless condition. They were not closed until the next day, and then it took the engineer 26 minutes to close them satisfactory. Frank Pepper, a boy of eight ygpk rs of age, went bathing in the Yhamt!l�tt London and WEB drowned. Great sales prove the great merit of Hood's Sarsaparilla. and great merit enables it :to accomplish wonderful cur es. Mr. J. A. Ruddick, Dominion Dairy Instructor, will shortly sever his con- nection with the Ottawa Government, and assume charge of the Dairy School branch of the School of Mining and Agriculture at Kingston. sleep at night, and 1 became so ner- vous that Cite least noise would make me tremble and cry. I could not eat, and was reduced almost to h skeleton. My whole body seemed ranked With pain to such an extent that it is im- possible for me to describe it, I got.so low that the doctor who Wae attending Bicycles and Cyclists' Supplies. We make a specialty of Sundriee of every description. We handl* good wheels and know that they are zood, A dry goods clerk can $el dry goods, but it takes:a machinist to repair a Bike. All our work is done bypractical machinists. See our Eclipse, they stand can't break em. You can't wear em out. the test, yolk The Onward Bicycle Co., Clinton. • OPPOSITE MARKET SQUARE. 01. WAW • •.A; C. DUFTON, formerly of the Woollen Mills, Loi - don, has opened a Store and Office on ALBERT STREET, CLINTON (near Fair's grist mill,) and will pay the Ifi;hest,Cash Price for WOOL or will exchange for WOOLEN GOODS, Tweeds, ,Flannels, Blankets, Yarn and Ready -Made Suits; such as SPINNING AND MANUFACTURING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. We guarantee the very best value. It will be to your advantage to bring your Wool to Clinton. A. C. DUFTON, Bargains ! Bargains ! At the Cheap Cash Store. $1,500 WORTH OF GROCERIES and CROCKERY must be sold to mak* room for Stock to arrive, Don't miss this chance to buy Goods chest. CASH PAID FOR GOOD BUTTER AND EGGS. G. J. STEWART. Agent for Monsoon and Kurma Tea. BE SURE YOU ARE RIGHT And then go ahead. If your blood is impure, your appetite failing, your nerves weak, you may he sure that Hood's Sarsaparilla is what you need. Then take no substitute. Insist upon Hood's and only Hood's. This is the medicine which has the largest sales in the world. Hood's Sarsaparilla is the One True Blood Purifier. HOOD'S PILLS are prompt, effici- ent, always reliable, easy to take, easy to operate The Canadian artillerymen paid a visit to Windsor Castle, and were by special permission of the Queen shown through the. State and private apart- ments of the Castle. A POOR MAN'S COMFORT. Cold and hunger are nojrespecters of persons. The winter wind howls around the rich man just as searching- ly as it sweeps through a poor one. And Fibre Chamois is equally a boon to both with its wonderful, healthful, warmth giving qualities, its light weight and trifling cost. Those to whom money is no object prefer using it to being burdened down by the weight of many wraps and those who perform outside duties in cold weather find it invaluable as it keeps out all wind and cold—not for an hour or so, but for all day, and yet adds nothing which hampers them no matter what their exercise may be. With it through their outer garments everyone can enjoy winter's coldest snaps in perfect comfort. Mr. Natanael Mt'rtonson, a web known citizen of Ishpeming, Mich., and editor Superior Pesten, who, for a time, suffered.from the most excruciat- ing pains of rheumatism, was cured eight years ago, by taking Ayer's Sar- saparilla, having never felta twinge of it since. Miss Agnes Slack, Secretary of the World's W. C. T. U., has accepted the invitation of the Dominion W. C. T. U. to be present at its approaching meet- ing. FROM VICTORY TO VICTORY FRESH TRIUMPHS OF TIIE GREAT SOUTH AMERICAN REMEDIES -JOHN LEE MADE A NEW MAN BY SOUTH AMER- ICAN NERVINE -TWELVE YEARS A SUFFERER FROM RIHEUMATISM -- MRH. F. BRAWLEY IS ('URE,) BY HOIITII AMERICAN RHEUMATIC CURE -A QUE- BEC LADY TELLS OF RELIEF IN SIX HOURS BY THE USE OF SOUTH AMERI- CAN KiDNEY CURE. Mr. Francis Robinson, who had been employed on the G. T. R. as a team- ster for the past sixteen years, fell from his waggon at London and broke his neck. EXPERIENCE PIry F.S tT. A triumph in medicine was attained when experience proye8 that Scott's Emuleidn would not only atop the pro- gress of Pulmonary consumption, but by its continued use, health and vigor could be fully restored. LADIES tinge of FRENCH PILLS. Sale & Sere. Act in 86 to 48 honrs. The only female regulator in the who ni. dlcines. By Mall, Price $8 00. STANDARD MEDICAL HO., 246 8t. James Street, Monks& J. E. BLACKALL, Veterinary Surgeon AND Veterinary Inspector Office on Isaac street, next New Era office - Residence, Albert St., Clinton. Wanted—An Idea Who can think or some Nrpb they thing to natemtr ou wealtit Write JOHN WEDI.EURN maybring 00. Patent Attor- neys, list of two h d d for their wan prited. *MR and lfet of two hundred lnveatlona wanted. WEAK MEN If esftering from Lost Manhood Nervous Debility, Lack of Vigor Emissions. 10 days treatment sent free to anyone sending as !Ufa.. in Postage stamps. STANDARD MEDICAL CO., 246 8t. James Street,Montreal Summer Goods We have a few Summer Suite left which will be closed out at a very low figure. Straw Hats at Cost in a practical, everyday sense ,it might be said that this is still the ae of miracles. At least in many cases where people have looked upon death as imminent the disease has been removed and they have been made whole. Records like the follow- ing led to this belief: John Lee, of Pembroke, Ont., says: " I was run down in flesh, had lost appetite, suffer- ed intensely from indigestion, and feared fatal results would follow. The skill of sel thysicianand the medic nes resultedinse of manyy patent. no beneficial results. I was induced to try a bottle of South American Nervine Tonic, and continuing its use I am a new man to -day." For twelve years continuously Mrs. F. Brawley, of Tottenham, Ont., suffered from rheumatism. No rem- edies did any good until she used South American Rheumatic Cure. She says: "The first few doses entire- ly freed me from pain." She had spent almost a fortune in doctoring, when five bottles of this remedy cured her. South American Kidney Cure is un- ique in its methods. It is not like pills and powders, a remedy that only gives temporary relief. As a liquid it dissolves the hard stone—like part- iciles gathered in the system that con- stitute kidney disease. Not the least that can be said for it is the quick- ness with which it cures. Mrs. A. E. Young, of Barnston, Quebec, says: "T found relief in the use of this medic- ine within six hours after the first dose had been taken,"—Sold by Watts & Co. �A 41. g! V4! C'oloredShirtsat a Big Reduction The Ready Medea have bean going out pretty regular but there are a few left which will beeold very cheap for he next thirty days. We will not mise a sale on account of the price. "All Summer Goods at your own price. •••••r•• A. J. HOLLOWAY, CLINTON. Harvest Excursions TO ►MANITOBA. ancI North-West and Return. GOOD GOING Sept. 1st returning Oct. 31st. 15th " Nov. 1401. EtThrough coupons tickets issued and baggage checked to destination. For full particulars apply to VII, JACESON Q. T. R. TOWN • AGENT. •