HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1896-08-19, Page 3a , :_r
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11 ,' : of a cb reo lots 0Ia 4'tine 16' wq4 � of u !W tF' µ'Al xa s+ au RIR ... � ,� , Y v
' '' lfAZL WDll+O' O r T1XOT` T- ly what it teas' whop, 'tskea l In plra X49 '!y! INfzttt( WORK !{!i�
�' •, of the fileoalit><>z.tl! 4.Id loll;q�l�tl:t1PQCI>BIIlDtDe
<+��vel^ ol<l slaKg'ests .. No (natter what time of year the T'im- previq[lrl �e0r. 'So -me vat ai$ou tom-.
nth 1 But'red in the meantime, a few Of tits The rosults would Ira've been very' $$ years �erivnoo
+ S xt prion, which IS al- y e sown one cannot count with good
Changt� being hard to anaeuut for but irnportstnt, in feat, wlorid--wide In their i m the treatment o� the hraLt dna I.up$
solute certainty of having a good the varlatton was net great at amlr�lMo. ' TrN"vblea, Catarr ,nand S Brpnchttis, ,
l�r,,llxkfOT't1iXl r� 1 E. I Good Tbo late-slipp eci wool, however, osv- application. ' The' direction of the air- NwvoMa, Chronic and special Dia-
oatoh every time, writers p• I' ed a loss ofpabout 6 per cent. of the currents would haus been reversed. seas' of mm and women.
d,.!�T 19 ?est use,iS before p'OU rich. If St is dawn in the early aprlx,g restored; iSidnayaad$1Rd
cod, origSn(tl weight Burin -g the year, and, Granted such a change, the trade -winds 'lost 1111hood dor troubles permaAaatl
4' , consumption ; when. it will be quite sgre to coma up g as the first weight was not taken un- would blow eastward, In America the cured--Gieet,Gonorrhoea Varicocafea3
t. ! begin t0 get thin, weak, but a the hot, dry weather oomeb be- til a week after abearing, there rtaay regions went of tt,� Ands would be stricture cured without pa n. leo cutting
fore it has root enough to withstand have been an additional floss that was syphilis and all Hloo la4:4444 tarso
not determined, The Indications from dreAolted with rain, while the coun- without mercury.
t*j ,,ri-down ; then is the. pru- I it, the ontall, feeble Timothy dies' this investigation are that: First, ear- tries fb the east of that chain would be ionng lien sufhrinq hens the etf+ec-j d
;;;, enit time to begin to take This I have found to be the 0-" on ly-clippped medium wool, from a well comparatively dry, and the great rivers youwfAl follies or indisclq lops,
kept flock, free from dirt and stored such as the Atlaazon and the Oronoco, or aAy troubled with W.aknno �ieau�!
arE, and the best Way t0 SII average of one year out of three. Debillry, Loas of Memory �esboad.pl,: ,
and a real good stand way not recur- in good quarters, will not shrink in would be incomparably smallerl Nnr- Aversion to Society, Kidney Troubles er
"'", fake care IS t0 supply the ed �} about one year out of two. weight' to any upppreciable extent with- thorn Africa, being visited by the trade any disease of the G nital'thinary Or -
'::±r' pp y y the fa11 in a year from dato of shearing, Sect Winds. from the Atlantic, would be a `aa., can here end .tt�e and sally cure.
, ",isystem with needed fat and when the- seed is sown in and; late clipped wool, of substantial) fertile r ion„ The ocean currents, be Charges reasonable especially . the
r atwut the first of September is the best the same kind, will, under the same in$ mainly dependent upon the pre- poor. CURESGvARANTBYD.
etz-erigth. Scott s Emulsion ( ng winds, would also be reversed. Citerearemaoytroubied
time) on land properly proper and the treatment, ehr(nk about 8 per cent of velli fiddle -aged IdeIl with too frequent ekscu-
Its ori ictal we ht within a ear. It A warm current, -corresponding to theseasatia
j.' xis cod-liver oil, WIt h p0- seed well covered, the oases of failure g
y is robable that beauy gree y wool Gulf stream, would probe blp wash the dons en the bladder, often n a manner t by a slight smarting or burning hero are m
''�`p htasphites, will bring back are rare. Of ooL111aLi we have had falls will shrink oonaiderably more than shores of Nova t3eotia and Labrador, and weaicenlAR of the system lA a masher the patient eaaaotaceotxnt for. T
„} men who die of this difficulty, igaorantof the cause. 'rhe doctor will guarantee a x,:
•'� It rxl rieSS t0 those W110 when there was just rain enough at- this. Wool dealers state that they would materially raise the temperature feet cure In all such cases, and healthy restoration of the e.Alto•nrin nampa. Cor-
pe ti r caro and ve
p ter sawing to make the deed sprout and can never handle this kind of wool, in of Northeastern America., Western suttatton tree. Those unable to calls tae write full par eulars of th yh��
up, laid than the weather turned the early part of the season without Europe including the British Isles meaici . ot,by expres., with tau IAstructton. for use. Mention this paper when
`i>', 1 {rt' lOSt It, and make atone ,sustaininngg a heavy, loss Sn weight. Be- would, Cosa the other hand, be drier anc� writing. office houvrs: From 9 e. m. to B P. m. Sunday., 9 to 11 a. m.
I'll;,l,.w 'r' acength where raW Cad- eo dry as to kill it. 1 have had good fore deoidin'g to hold wool it is wail to considerably colder, so thatitsprodnw DR. SPINN�1 CU 090 WOODwABD Av�xv7m.
:&.1,'di.. ' success in sowing Timothy with "YO take into consideration the kind and- livens would be enormousl decreased. . (t3tda >Itntrsnoe No, im iia >6ifsttboth 6tt )
�''1.ver oil wo Id be a burden. when the rye was sown early in Sok- condition of the clip, and calculate the Northwestern America would be sim- DETRQIT, MICH.
I it • b ill- I. f h" ' k Si I affected but Russia's possessions
"' temlrer, but wham sown in Octu er pro a oas rom a rw - . ar ,
,.4 wb,lilatg ii faitalo the original. __
,10J rrr•& BOWNS.Believl e, Ont Svc. md01•ao was a failure. The 'timothy name up, I on t Pacific Ocean would be visited -
,A , but ,vas so very fine and small that THE GOOD USES OF SALT. by a warm currant, which would keep
,, the winter freez' killed it. A few M her ports open all the year round, an
I,4.1a° p oars ago I sowed rya on a piece of greatly improve her commercial and CLINTON b'ASH, DOOR AND BLIND FACTORY
marsh it to the Itendteat salt Cheapest oX Rewe- strategic position, In other parts of the
°t1 M�ra�o10l13 Remedy f or Men Black, mucky land which was a m o '
reclaimed by rile drainage- 1 sowed dice Cue Many Things. world also climate would be dissimilar. S.S. ®P E�' pROPR1 ETOR
on it, after the rya was drilled In, ivur Galt cleanses the palate and furred Then, since the currents of the ocean an as
�+, l3 94I quarts of Timothy coed and two quarte wear away land in one pisco and create
i 3r �� of Alalke clover seed to the acre and tongue, apd a gargle of salt and water it in another, the distribution of land general Builder and Contractor.
�y r '. {p IDS u' harrowed it over vary lightly. 'this was is often efficacious, and water would not be the came. as at
It I thick seeding. It came up nu:ely, but A inch of salt on the tongue, fal- ppresent- Less important results would 'this factory has been under thn ersonal supervision and one owner for sigh
c*1,�," was rather small when winter sot in. p be a changed position of the maglietip p
{^ lowed ten minutes afterward by a poles and a alteration in comparative years. We carry an extensive and reliable -stock and prepare plana and give
':;(,> p , Early in the spring 1 examined and drink of cold water, often cures sick
"-""..•• I found the clover dead. 1 sowed on an- time, places west of Greenwich having estimates for and build all classes of buildings on short notice and on theclosest
S 3,\ BiiBINN1N6 fi88iiloRYN StCO MONTH other two quarte to the acre of ALsike headache, faster time than tufts, while Eastern rices. All work is supervised in a mechanical way and satiafaetion
11 April. 1
clover seed about the first of Salt hardens grime, makes teeth white clocks would be slower. guaranteed. We sell all 'kinds of interior and exterior material.
165 had a splendid stand and for three
at ,: CU'��6�t and sweetens the breath.
. - years a very fine meadow. Wheu I Cut flowers may be kept fresh' by
;,®�ITI�FE�•8 seed with clover I seed in the spring• y p TO CONSUMPTIVES. Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Lime, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Etc
7;"',', with The andrreigned having been restored to health
' LostPower,NervousDtbiuty, If I 'wish to have Timothy grow adding salt to the water.
't*�i�`?". it 1 usually wait until the fall. after, Weak ankles should be rubbed with by simple means, after euttertnK fur several years Agent for the CELEBRATED QRAY$ILL SCHOOL DESK, manufactured
"rd trailing Manhood, secret moi- then sow, on from two to, four Huai la with a severe lung affection, and that dread disease
ilk•: teases, caused by the errors solution of salt, Water and alcohol. CorrBuIllption, Is anxious to make known to hie fellow at Waterloo. Mall and get prices and estimates befcre placing your orders
{;,;;' i of seed to the sore and gu over It w''tlh eufferera the means of cure. To those who desire it,
,s, and excessesoCyouch. Rase colds, hay fever and kindred af-
p:,`-� young' middle -abed or old THIAltrsoNrN a harrow, a0 as to have it slightly ,uv- he wlll cheerfully send (tree of charge) a copy of the
P g's ateR,eufferiagfrom theeffects Brod Three different times I have factions shay be much relieved by rising reeortptlon used, which they will find a surecure for e
IL .cf follies and czcesses, restored to health, man, pp
w,. sown clover is the fall with wetter Consumption, Asthma, Catarrh, llrotonchitia an Leslie's CarriageFactory*- , hood ies au or, tie, fine dry salt, like snuff. all throat sod bang Maladies. lie hopes�,q,;n rain• Twice it wua a failure'1fRn.Prlee'a1.00, 6 boxes fer$9.00. Sentbymall, I g y pepsia, heart burn and indi estion all sufferers will try hie remedy, ae it ie lavaln•
1 ,J7' recurdy healed. write for our book, "Startling i aatl8e the clover Was d0 small W heti D S g able. Those desiring the prescription, whichwill coat
'' ,e c rc for Mev only, tells you how to get walk ,hard freezing came that }t was killed. are relieved by a sup of clot water in them nothing, and may Provo a blessing, will please
`'rS iudsWywell. Once it was a success and 1 had a which a small s uonful of salt hila been address, BUGGIES, PHAETONS, CARTE AND WAGONS -all of the beat rvorky
•.d fine stand. As a result of this exper- P ev. EDWARD A. WIL90N,Brooklyn, New mansbip and material. SWAll the latest styles and mostmodernimprnve-
° .,c,„ iddreu, QUEEN MEDICINE CO., Box p;7. fence i have tiocided to always sow clo- melted. York, rom til attended
MONTREAL. ver in the spring. Wheu 1 sow Ti-- Salt and water will sometimes revive menta. All work warranted. Repairing and repainting p p y
,�` othy with grain i use a �tass seed an unconscious person when hurt, if to. Prices to suit the times.
:1+�'�''' attachment with my grain drill for the A portable bicycle, one wheel of which
�,, , ` brand folds upon the other, has been invent- )-FACTORY-corner Huron and Orange Streets, Minton.
purpose, sowing about four quarts Co Y or other remedies are not at ed by a mechanic in Gratz, Austria. _
.'v the acro and then harrowing it over hand. _-, __
lightly. Hemorrhage from tooth -Pulling ' ++t++++++++++++ - :t_ - - +#++++++++++++++++#++++++++tri+
1�` &I�LLPDX KILLS ! on Timothy Ls sown UY itself a stopped by filling the mouth with salt ONE HONEST MAN. +
y)�Y":' wheul-barrow grass -seed -sower is used
`'N"' whish sows sixteen feat wide and does and water. Dear 1'ditor:-Please inform your
°, . B�l�s 'T'OBACCO readers, that if written to confidenti-
iP• .
.,: it very evenly. If ons has a field that Weak and tired eyes are retreshe
11'has been in small grain this year and
aby bathing with warm water and ally I will mail in a sealed letter, par-
, Kinn of 81
k ' was not seeded, and which he Wlaht;a Galt tiCUltLla of a genuine, honest home
1#s°.` Bead the etrongendo. rjyntgtrea - to get into 'Timothy as suon as puss'- y Bicycles.
r• ° I Cure b which I was permanently re- , � Y
'. ble, this is the way he should proceed: + Public speakers and many noted sing- stored to health and manly vigor, .+
I '11 I. Prepare the ground nicety the last of ere u e a wash of salt and water before .after years of Suffering from nervous ';++ ,OQ,a,
"''':' August by plowing and harrowing, or and after using as it y,
the voice, debilit sexual weakness, night losses +
F V .` 4• disc it up and then barrow. Sow on and weak shrunken parts. I was robbed 4i
the Timothyseed. harrow lightly and strengthens the organs of alp orrdat.
,,p 'I r roll so as tpack the gruuiid and mulct' I Salt rubbed into the scalp or occas- and swindled by the quacks until I ne'Lr- Light Weight and
t,; ::�,RNIM 1 lost faith In mankind, but thank
:!' it smooth. if the season is favorable , ionally added to the water in Washing p Ma -
a pretty fair crop -say two-thirds of =events the hair falling out. heaven, I am now well, vigorous find `+ Rigidity. every
." a full crop -of hay may to aspected P strong, and wish to make this certain ',{
" ; , y P ineans of cure known to all sufferers. I
next year; and the year after that. it i heathers uncurled b dam weather chbsefullywarranted
over fire +
tY will be at its best, producing a full crop. Ire quickly dried by shaking have nothing to sell, and want no .
It is not profitable on most lands to let ! in which salt has been thrown. money, but being a firm believer in ,t
jQ>". E a 'timothy meadow run more than) Salt alwa s should ire eaten with the universal brotherhood of roan, I
It . - three years without pLuwis,g up, 1'lle nuts, and a dessert fruit salt used ,Lin delirious of helping the unfortunO' '41pow
'' -"" second or third year a top dressing of , Should be specially made. ate to regain their health and happi- ;r
t>x° la manure will help it wonderfully. 1'he If twenty pounds of salt and ten • +
?, In the interest of the masses, for who those ra nese, I romise ou erfect secrecy and
.1 Porte are compiled, the1JnlmatD aTATRa BadLTH RS manure should ire hauled out right tcom 1 pound's of muriate of ammonia be die p Y, p ff
t • rad s read } d even allons of water and as I do not wish to exposeOtnyBselg i't \.
,/j'F'► ,Absolutely 1,
the Best.
911perior 1'taterfal
and 5clentific Work-
Z •' g y the stable during the win era p so ve in se g
'; ; ;-i•ORTS brave examined and Investigated mon prepare tug
, , y bottled, many fires may the burn- 388, Landon, Ont. u '+ 5 Styles r 4
Wane having for their object the cure of the tobacco evenly over the surface. Earl in the I be prevented. either, address, simply : +
i,. ;, r o over it with a harrow. This By splashing and spraying fished } `
1^ Labtt, bot among them a8 we hove no hesitancy in ap, 'ing g t „- +
, e-;'', glyingtheedltonal and otgcialanaoraement of these �hiel gmrotiudaketae Little arounanure d the roots, An aneonnirnatibleeroat ng tinmmeds . `r +
l' of the grass and mix in manure to some ately formed. + Highest Honors at the World's Columbian Exposition. +
,f�,;yh_. , 1[sras# T the remedy known as "IINCLTI A sof f stet Cured �� +
L. rF 19 #a TOBACCO CURE," manufactured extent Timothy is an exhaustive crop Add salt to the water in which black r + +
r', 'J .by the Keystone Remedy Company, at 218 Ls Sall on the soil and good crops cannot be and white cotton goods are washed.
o. We have demonstrated by persona ears 4 rN� Rtlrq.Gimt sump tier our aq-page Catalogue -A work of +
street, cage. , raised on the same ground ma,ny Y h'lat irons may be made smooth if "Every season, from the time I +
f''l'n"t" ' in succession without applying some rubbed over •stilt.
e141'0 testa tlinb this antidote positively destroys the twat Copper and lass may be quickly pony,
a;, .. anddeeirelortobaoaotnten days, leaving thesyetem fertilizer. PP e, was two years old, 1 suffered dread- 4° Monarch Cycle aai
-ley'"}traperfeotlyhcalthyeonditfon,andthepersonas i cleanst•rt by dipping half a lemon in CHICAGO, ILL. +
the acme forever free from the habit. + Retell Salesroom, z8o Wabash Ave Lakts and IitiiSted Sts.t , +
In the light of our examinations dna testa of SUMMER FEEDING OF SWINE. fi of �1 ts,then Tubbing them Over stain- meowing worse until from amy haride were +
}0., UNOLF, SAlll'A TOBACCO CURE,» we ata
: "A aeries of green foods can be had Lemons and salt also remove stains almost useless. The bones softened +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++
, but performing a duty we owe the public when ween
5 � 11 sous the came, and stamp itas the crowning achieve, in succession on most farms throughout from t he. fingers. Ib not use soap Bo that, they would bend, and several -
r ' $ meat of the nineteeth eontury, in the way of dePtroy the summer with very little prepare- afterwards.
� ' -_ aSS__n habit as dlF6•ustfng as it is CoLmmon (FO If a small teaspoonful of fine salt be of my fingers are now crooked from
a UNLY $L00);heooe we earnestly navieeycntc tion. The clover field supplier the first added to a quart of milk it will be pre- this cause. Un my ANOTHER RUSSIAN RAILWAY.
'1`.: write them for fall particulars. pasture, and will last in good older un served sweat and pure for several days. — . �vd+�
M bold only by til the green peas are ready to feed. Eggs packed in salt can tri kept for }land 1 carry.largo
"tg That Government Wtlt lintld. a Mery I[all
ALLEN & WiLSON' several montba. scars, "kty,, It is not wet! to make sudden changes, war to the CnucasaN.
e A pinch of salt added to mustard AYER'S Ccok'eCottoaRoottompoaad
. CLINTON. as even a pig will get sick if unwisely prevents it souring. From Tiflis it is announced that the
.a,. fed. The new food may be introduced A smouldering or dull fire may be Russian Government has finally re Manufactured b y 'T h e
Ta. by throwing in a few forksful< daily cleared for broiling by a handful of I Cook Co., Windsor, Ont.,
''fi�t;, Sarsaparilla, would solved to build a railway twroas the
„'tv' - for a week before the ppermanent change salt p a+ and Detroit, Mich., is the
; '", is to he made," says N. X. Farmer. ' if Sak thrown on any burning sub- be sores, provided I main chain of the Caucasus, from Via-
, i otrlyknown safe, reliable
' a.` there is then a small field of peas to stance will sta ill smoke and blaze, was alive and able dikavkaz to Kutais, on the 'I'ranscau- I monthly medicine on which ladies
'.x,. ire fed, the r q ma ire turned in at
`�;� DOCTORS lig lie may
to hurdle a Ilread insuC iciently soiled becomes casian line. if this report be true, it r.
�.,.,; once, or it may acid, dry and crumbles. " to carry al,ything, can depend in "the hour and time
, �I ed ufL' thor- N. r means that the engineers Wbo last au- o need." Eve lady who reads'
NEDY & EIIV�I■ plot which can tri 'hogs IlrPad made wish silt water said „ , Eight bottles of f TY
y� oughiy without any waste. Along with to be good in some cases of consume Ayex's Sarsaparilla Cured me, s0 tumn carefully surveyed all possible this is requested toindosetwopost-I
;; ? KEN this, if sweet whey or skim milk form tion. routes for the contemplated railway I age stamps, with her address, for I
." f Specialists In the Treatment of the drink, which should not Ire fed in Wilen cabbage, onions or strong that I have had no return of the
2.. a larger quantit than ei ht uunds disease for more than twenty years. have dPcidnrl in favor of carrying it ( f Qam�L� ,
Nervous, Blood, Sexual and g y g P smelling veprevent have been lu=g to over the bfamisson Pass, which attains I (jj
lilhper day to a full grown hog, steady parts. to prevent tit. on clinging to The first bottle seemed to reach the
a' and profitable growth may be expect- them, place some salt on the stove and an allnude of nearly 9rop feet, and I
?, Private Diseases ed. After the Pea season has Passed, turn the }tans bottom up peer the spot and a persistent use of it has re et'ted the alternative proposal of tun , and fu 1 particulars, which we will l
" h ins will +• ne�i❑ t h mountain at the head of
"I second -growth clover ur corn will ire salt. In a low minutes too P< perfected the cure." -O. C. DAVIS, B send by return mail in plain. sealed
�' 17 Yearn JBD11"111.200,009Carld an hand to form the• bulk of the diet. L _W11 swPet. the famous 'the Gorge, envelope.
As finishing tiros approaches, a grain All silad should tree soaked i❑ salt Wautoma, tiVls, To tunnel the Craw Mountain on the An old physician, 35 years con -I
1}N Xon ere nervone and ration composed of corn, Peas, barley and wales to destroy animalculae or mo=o Eastern route would entail an I tinued ractice treating diseasesoft
`{' d deepnndnnt; weak and or shorty will Ix protit.ahly fed to con- sm;l l l worms.I IL enormous present ex enditure ; on the womenhas charge of the office, and
't'`�t U tireddddmorninge;noembition; unction with the green fo<}dPr. Fed flake 't strong brine tnd water gar- other hnn,l, to keep the Mammon route g
_ • sea' memory poor; snarly fetigaod; den walks to kill weeds. A moderate free of snow for lis months of the year can be consulted by letter or in
azoitable;eyee eankep, red and blurred; in this way, the land open which )cork
'`- impleeontace;dreamsandnightIfases; is produced will have gained fertititY qu,intity of salt stimulates their will lx' a utost difficult and costly un- person. Addresaourmaino office
p flogs and bug p growth.LT R to dertaking. It. is not probable that. any THE COOK COMPANY,
ts4r drains at stool; oozinq on e1eltement; rodurts have been hold- THE oNLy WORLD'S FAIR work on a large scale in connection $nom 3—No, 253 Woodward Ave.,
V` haggar¢looking-,weaknack;bonepains; ing their own remarkably well this ;;ill and camphor "t cold water is
!ip nloere;haaalrl000e;eorothroat; varlcocele; season As in days gone, by, he is an excellent disinfectant in bed- ■ wish this ri tip will be undertnken Detroit, Mich.
i wantotconfldenee;lmpo ��99 py still the "gintle.man that pays the tonne• Sarsaparilla until the principal diffi^ttltiP of the
buoy; laokof energy andYolvelilelp Tint ., Iful>sPnlaids should pour salt water, _ Siberian late h the been surmounted, as 11 Cook's Cotton Root Compound
,,,, I strep th. _—_
Thin important step In after using it, down the. drain PiPa.9' AYER'S PILLS Promote Good Digestion. most, of t he treat Russian railway eugin- is sold b all responsible wholesale
teracted by a ears are engaged in Siberia, taldru istsintheDominion
WL RiaGE life should never be
yon are positiveiy oured IP
-It desirable to know the
brwer aq is coun
hnrrutll o salt. pieced in toilet room
W en nntil
ion have Deen weakened or diseased.
ttamen,bet•`LLkeJather,«keaoe,n LTmies-
is of tan
loss occasioned by shrinkage is' hand'
l\';iter far laying dwvt is mora'af-
• t
ions, Yarioocele, rpermatorrhcen and
happiness in married
ling and storing of wool under vat in
fectivc when hall. is added. Sea water
in England coast
' '
The I:n'pnror of Russia ha.a our. =state
life. Onr New Msthor] cures them per-
ityouare Marri d consult ns
conditions, and 1 think an account of
is gyne r;il lx tLsed
tawnn fur lhts purpose,
which eovers over 100,000,000 of acres,
, and, whirh is, in fuer., morn than three
atance,aewncanroetore your strength,
attalenergyand desires. 11 you wish to
an expenrnent Undertaken with
� end in view may not be without inter-
fl,a.ttan, Ixtml,00 and bmket work
furniture may b• Ihorougbly cleaned by j
tours a9 IRTgg,•. as Frt{Cla.nrl ; Rud he has
est.af.a whG h is rnore t ban twine
: a
Marry, our advice may be worth fortune
est,” says a writer in Farm and Home.
sc rtil,hing w'I h brii9h and salt. water. s
straw matting
the size of Hcutland. Hut nm nnrn in
"Twenty-four f1PPCea, divided into four
to Innrsn anti plain
shriill b• Washed bed with salt and water
iondnn is trotter than 100,0(1('za Reres
in the Russinn steppes. Tho ('tar's Tr -
lots, were stored, try i bree different
and rul,bed dry. 'I'll is keeps them raft
''stern brings him in only �980,0�0
Tbie Sys-
methods, and weighed periodically (gen-
and prevents hritt}n cracking where IdRALYSIS CUIMD-RWOiiN BTATEMNT.
a year. hand in London has treQn solrl
�4 it 4 6 tem and
I N0� �04b�� �a+
It builds up and strengthens
orally monthly) for a year. Three lots
of the, wool were from Shropshire sheep
traffic Lsshwtvi in bol salt water wear I Un•MIggieMcMartin,27RadenhurstSt.,Toronto
I Ont.,swearsthatRy, rendeeKootenayCure" body
d0 not break. her Paralynle which rendered one silo of her body
in recent, years for as much ns 85,000
I a s uare t^trd. An acre at that price
ears ago,
the nervous eystem; restores to t vitalit
clipped between the 14th and 18th of
bei I tit and of
He,imrnn floors may he kepi. coo and � entirely useless. physiomnssaidtherewaenochanes
iR w'orlh $'L•i,000,(1ly an the on
only `L 1-2 per, rent, is
tomer znalorgana. stops all
e;exTial mteeandreetordlnatman-
hood. It never fails in curing the resultsto-day
Blood Dia-
April One lot oonaisting of five
fleeces was weighed, each separately,
very fro h to summer if wiped daily of her ever recovering the use of her limbs. Hope
with a sloth wrtl;g out ofB. a
anlgPests her ef�r{enda bowtRy kman'el�'t{ootenayrCure�oKave
ihat sutra, at
4 of Sett Abuse, Later Excesses, Ler tUo rod Trapp na+e. Sworn bo, my 10, 1898
eases, or theeffentn of a Misspent Lite. and packed in a clean, dry box, just water. Ali micro les, mo before J. W. Seymour Corley, Notary public
CIJIIEg ALJATiAN7'EED large enough to hold the wool con arP thus destroyed. PALE ����$
ve.niently, and a close -tit ting cover Hlack spot cm di hes and disc
OR NO PAY nailed on. Another lot, containing liens on teacups are removed by damp lROHN sTATit>XOTRE� A a1esTlaFUA
.,,lt eight fleeces, was weighed in the same salt. r _ Louisa white, nine years old, who suffered with Weak, languid and listless, suffar-
'';s... manner, tt'icked and suspended from t he For over FtRy Years iLoremaaince her birth, has beep entirell cured and ing from beart' palpitation, ner-
^,.c' What we Treat and Cure! ceiling. Another of five fleeces was hergenenls}•stembulltupbyltyokmans"ltoobaay
vonaneae, stomach troubles or
''•.'fir placed on a shelf and closely covered, x7Le WIN l.ow'a SOOTHING 8rRup has been need by cure," The above facts are riven in a sworn stet= constipation, ahoald Ilse Indian
C:ii? • so as to exclude all dust and prevent millions of mot hors for their c4dren while teethingg men' made by Ler mother, Mrs. Qaorge White 189 p
HMle9lttu'+q,Varloo Ce le, Syn hl- diat.utlrance. On June 'l4, another lot if distntbod at night and broken of your rest byssick Stinson St, Hamilton, Ont„ dated July 8, �0. Wornan'a Balm.' I-tenrea.
to 11s.NerVaueOebiilty St tures
ki'k Qinet, tMpOtencyYYY �ln;jl ora of six fleeces was secured from vt Yarm- chid t once sndand
with po OtMOenttWninslowe betoreJ•1•Monolt,NotaryPtiblia ���� �����
;,,iJ[t Discharsres.Lostpn�anhoodd<ld- er in the neighborhood, weighed, sack- aoothingSyrnp"forohildren Testbing- Tt rolleTe pIt, S,t10AIDANST T N THADI D — llAORltf
-f;:z rteyyandBladderDDlseases.uon- ed and placed under the same condi- the or Depenaapopie, 6TbT1>I[ERTAIAD6.
sultatlon.Free• Booke(�Instray) tions Rs the other lot of sacked Wool.,nothsrs,thereIshemistakeabovtIt. ItoureaDtar O,uI�KNowman,ititaribpro t Toronto Itnn down, easily tired, psin in
Free. Writs orauestlon tank Tor This wool was clippdd about June 15tb, rhos., re tea the Stomach andBowele,onreeWind o„t,0 bad R eompp�itaat(on of blood bias, Rhea• bank or limbs, troabled with
iy Home Ireatment.>rverythingCon. ,f dtattsm, severs Ktiniy freebie �oonstlpabion dizzines8� raah.o{ blood to the
fldential. Plain envelovvea. Nothin Bank and the object in securing this lot was Coil no
and onrusymstorthe owhole asystem. Mrs. W&4 frequently disturbed at nig t lost his appetitr
'ix',L C. 0. D. tPlainee e uvelo ale next wee . to Compare rho shrinkage of wool clip- VCinetow'a soothing Syrup ter children teething is and wits awe dohman. lite �ttina asrb now in a heord, faI t feelilig, arinaea, try
r ped later to the sea8on with the earl- pteosent to the taste and le the presarlption of oaeoP basi��hi7y oond�tion, his appettts eteeir andia Indies Woman'd Balm
11 ,, DRS, KE!�NEDY & KERGAN clipped wool. All of the wool was tbeoldest and boot (einale phyeiofaaeand narnattfn furbsdendoonaeipabtonouted; al his wan donsby nature's remedy for women.
stored In the same pieties a well -vents- the fluffed Staten, Price 'went Ave cense a bottle. Byoklned'r tloobnlq OnrB " Ile maker • rtrorr
l �E ghe(t y g},. Detroit, Mich, sated barn, and same
lad to a free cir- Sold b7 all druggists througlidutt the world, fie enre �gfr,ani to the above !lints before J. W. Ee�lit
'",, culation of air. t• was found that and ask for "MRS. Wllrerow' _000TanrOSTRUV. O Yr July 10, 1890.
:.. - .,a
• - ( a -
g{r %k • + 1 tit
s "�, F ° �• .i3"•' ply�i� '� » �; iw:dp• t' i . 11d ;ail �° r' rl r ,,... ".4 l •t „tit a ;i:' S ,Y,r..
a ,1t .. f ,.t�0 Ye t,a •� ;. t -,:i i:.' rt ,,. .� , r.5r1.,,.alttLllt�', 'fir 1(ikG,lt:.. 'i" kT - fr,' ri d '. r ,� n fix.° ,� .
e _
,��y V ',t f
.f ..i-. `. '.-+.'....:.< w'.r 11. „_:.,e..•.•.e+..,.a_a .'"`^..wLa alYi.i .^. --. •a....•1�.6�.i�1:r0irr.:'
and re i gg
of Canada and United States for One
I Dollar per box. _ _ _
, d 0 N S ["31h 0 N
Nkm A
Monsoon" Tea is put up by the Indian Toa
o OWery A• n anmpie of the hest qualities
u lith enre Indian
14. Therefore they use the f+*
i-ction of the Tea end itv blend, dint is why they
:t it up themselves nod4011 it only in tht onginai
, kagev, thereby neruring ;ta purity and crre-lience.
t up in % Ib., r lb, and s lb packages, and never
.A in bulk.
i y„ur g„err does not kcnp it, tell h;m to write to
Ten thousand dollars was lately Ptiid'-
hy R. van MendoISSolln, of Merlin, for
a Stradivarius' 'cello.
. ,,•".,,,,. ,, �.Iti ,