HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1896-08-19, Page 2MJ . y! e Im " -mow ., ", ._, _.N,.r, -, .i f < " .;, ,, .. ; ,r „� ,, o ',;.. J rv�, , ... ,.�, y .::... i _ „ .ice v;y,'v' 1 a' n «. ' 10 .. ` ,, 4 • OR , u „' , r. a i I I m-` . ,VVRB.N. f3TgS 4 It 0 notorious tha* men and women, Of the 04plaalklan stock at ail events, uePd:chat p of air, but about the rea- 009, Wli.y tb.0y need it there is uo agree- )xieii,t of opinion, A new theory upon the subject to -advanced by Dr. Louis Robinson In the Nlational Review, From the assumption, which in itself -is plausible enough, that the original progenitors of the Indo-Germanic ileo - pleas were nomads or wanderers, is drawn the inference that an occasional removal from place to place is carved by s deep-segted hereditary instinct. There In no doubt about the fact that a obange of air in begeficial not only when the change is from bad to good, but from bad to bad of ,another kind. A resident in Rome. for instance, will . often find his health improved by re- moval from the finest quarter of the city to the Ghetto, where, malodorous as the district to, the Roman fever seldom penbtrates, Dr. Robinson cites the ease of an English sufferer from asthma and bronchitis, whose home was in a healthy tgart of the suburban coun- ty, Surrey, but who obtained very great relief from a sojouni among the slurps of Seven Dials. Many other examples might be given to show that mere Change, irrespectively of the qualities of the atmaepharos exchanged, gives a 'fillip to the system and increases its recuperative power. Equally established by experience is the effect of frequent removal from place to place on captur- ed animals'whioh are nomadic in their wild state, It has been observed in Eng- land that the wild beasts in travelling -, menageries notwithstanding the rough and cramped accommodations to which they are Condemned, are more healthy and live longer than those which have the advantage of scientific care in the' Zoological Gardens. Especially signifi- cant is the fact that almost the first ele- phants to breed in captivity were those . in Barnum's travelling show. There could be no stronger evidence that the circumstances under which these ani- mals lived were more conducive to their general health than those amid which el- ephants are kepi in Regent's Park, or even in the Government establishments In India. It is likewise alleged that raw horses are more likely to become ..state" or to deteriorate in condition when they are kept on one track than ' when they travel about to different race meetings. • On all these data Dr. Louis Robinson bases his explanation of the hygienic re- sults of a obange of place in the case of human beings. He points out that the epooh during which our progenitors were savage hunters, with no fixed abode, was so incalculably longer than the most extended estimate of historic time that it is ifnpossible to ignore the irtfluence of such a state of things on the constitution of Caucasian man as we find it to -day. That the primitive inhabitant of Europe was a wanderer on the face of the earth, like the red men of this continent, who got a pre- carious existence by hunting, is abund- antly proved. With the change of the seasons, or as game became scarce in the neighborhood of his cave dwelling, be was compelled to migrate from place to place in search of bare subsistence. That such habits, prevalent through so long a period, would be likely to leave a lasting impress on every cell and fi- bre of the human frame is pronounced more than probable. Moreover, if these were the prevailing conditions of en- vironment during the manufacture of the human constitution, it would seem reasonable to infer a priori that some- what similar conditions would be fav- srable to the smooth working of the 7hysical machinery in modern times. It is certain that If a race of nomads, to whom vagrant habits have become a second nature, are compelled to remain permanently in one spot, evil conse- quences ensue, and these are especially . likely to show themselves when the gen- . oral vitality bas been lowered by dis- ease. - Is it not a fair deduction that a renewal of the conditions to which the constitution of man originally was adapted would contribute to the recov- ery of a normal state of health I Such is Dr. Robinson's attempt to ac- count on theoretical grounds for the in- stinctive desire, periodieaNy experiene- ed, for a change of scene and air, and for the beneficial results which are found In practice to follow a gratifica- t ion of -the instinct. In his remarkable speech before the South African Association the Marquis of Lorne, this, Queen's son-in-law, de- clares it to be thki Purpose of England t o control both the Nile and the Zam- besi Rivera, This means practically the whole of Africa. It is certainly a Magnificent purpose, and one in the way of which there are enormous dif- ficulties. Tilley are no greater, how- ever, than those England met in colon- izing North America and occupying India. The probabilities are all In fav- or of English success in the*lmastery of Africa. It may hove to make large concessions to Russia in other direa- 001115, but it seems Prepared to do this dis soon as it becomes unavoidable, The prospect Is that In another ten years Or 40 it will be possible to travel across A.Prloa in a ptdaae oar and to go by steam from the modth of the Nile to the English colonies in South Africa. Such a ohangN, with all it involves, will have no precedent In the history df any century before thb present, but It Is only one of thb many unprecedent- ed changes weigh are now occurring so Imperceptibly thht 'they almost escape the notice of the generation whose actiAty' is fosnivo thtem. where they could rep u1z� d site country. _', .9 the t9 P ftl- the : •-, ds, N,-; ep �d prplaanage- ort. The ,pound a t e tx fs � T RN ' 1w 1 wxtny an ul �� t >a , aQea q „ p T SUNDAY SC�oo�.. P � � �� w tie ttAtit/r; iXltt t,Q h txlltt their, to hSa a. ht µet ta,;baa d xadaing signal •tar revgft. like tbo Up_1. ,..,.-. via. genie. $n w esu was axe �aa,�li �� t}�e>�ap �van(� to fixe Ta a for- a standard in wo ra tim". " Aft, C REV. D13, TI tMAG}Fr TELLS WH 1V in enlptatioli; there fg &1vea'69 atopAe :eYprlr Tlie wQr1d i�a always treat0f7 TFiRNATIONAI,L SSON,t�U(iUST28. to be I►roolaimed I a► >1.1�t�X1�0, secret stair b whYeh W.e pal "bt et ofd, iris Tell, every y I feel Moss au ...,. all over the country. In THEY BEGIN AND ENA. y S diiebrgil* ,., , (;ad Wiii not 411ow ne to bt> torapted li sis iW scolding and court inin t '• hie urpose the lace was WO e e � e but, with yet would not want' t - AAaatow'q 1[ebeluea. A saw. 16, 1.1A. P P i abaQ what we Are ble, o ince toss r It is probable tlult the, txibra o#� ' Bolden Text, Lxpd. 20, 12. The Gospel of QQQ1I aCheor For IL 80T.'pTP,i- every tem 'tation wi l bring a way of my, iter 1 residence-, ,'I love to watch resented Yta absorption into the na�t.Qnl flail a.6 the close of sue'r 11a -�Youd I scaPci tLa we may be able to 1}�gtii it, tie blonde and• batW:-m soul in the GENERAL STATEMENT. at large, and the city at Hebro, -oral j The grayer, o! the teat is approprlate b ue sea of heavens. But I expect whoa Eleven or twelve eventful years lie tamed many pornop� wt}p were,",�gBrie Yletures dr ills AeugtLonWll slutdorrsr tar all .who are anticipating tiorrow. the' firmament Is. rolled away as a ed b the removal of the court "> a , q ` ; Washington, Aug. 9. -Dr. Talmage's The greatest'foll that ever between our last leeson and that of to- , y' y grew en sorall to neo a new heaven, grander rsttsi. m. „ subject to -,jay lights up the sorrowaof this plai►oC is the tendency to borrow higher and peers glorious, You ought day sears witnessed Amnon's il. 7�vo hundred men. These Weri ' this life and sounds the gospel of good trouble. But there aro tunes when to be willing to exchange your body crime and death, Absalom's exile, and men of distinction, and went as Vito , '+ cheer for all who will re we it. His approaching sorrow is po evident that that lies headaches and sideaehes and Joab's artifice to secure his recall. Dr, ed guests to a feast like 5amue s 14 t we needed to be making special prep- weaknesses Ynnirmerable, that lira. 1 Sam. 9. 22. Their high stalti -lg` t. test was Luke axis 29, "Abide with aration for its coming. . with the stone bruise, or festers with Geikie also places here the numbering would create an Impression that : 'fj ,x .t*, for it Is vioward evening." One of your children has lately be- the thorn, or P ep on the funeral of Israel, and the pestilence which fol- kin gg patronized the movement. Two villagers, having concluded their come a favorite. The cry of that child gyro of fevers, for an incorruptible lowed it. While David's own life had 1'L. Sent Por Ahithophei the"Gro ; strikes deeper into the heart than the body and an eye that blinks not before ttg. So called from his native city , 1 errand in Jerusalem, have started out Y j Pe proved that his fail' was but a passing 1 Y Cr of all the others You think more the as r ga es and the great white loh, a few miles south or southivei9t at the city gate and are on their way cis of all the others. You think more throne. But between that and this lapse from which he soon recovered of Hebron. Ise was one of D* ,I.,' x�+ n`� to Emmaus, the place of their resi- of it, You give it more attention, not there is an hour about which no man himself, the seed of his sin, under God's chief counselors and a man of grecs lr ;'. because it is any more of a treasure should be reckless or foolhardy. I great law, aoit (2 16. dence. They go with a sad heart. than the others, but because it is doubt not your courage, but I tell you h gradually yielded Its and P s yThasSaawas no .23). Offered. bit i}: Jesus, who had been their admiration baaumtng frail. There is something In that you will want something hatter harvest, A glance at the aiccumstan- a means to blind the klrtyg and pegpip. , . and their joy, had been basely massa- the cheek, in the eye and in the walk a trusty sword when you come to your cos will suffice to show how this re- and help to inaugurate sedition. Tlie Bred and entombed. As with sad face that makes you quite sure that the than a strong arm, and a good aim and bellion stood related to David's own sin. people increased. Those whom'he had heart the pass on their leaves of the flower are going to be Last battle. You will need a better As a parent he failed to punish Am- complimented and caressed not only" and broken y scattered. The utmost nursing and robe thari any you have in your ward- juiced his cause, but used their inilu- way, a stranger accosts them. They medical attendance . are ineffectual. robe to keep you warm In that lace. non for his dastardly crime, It is said eau+ to win others A general dissat- tell him their anxieties and bitterness The pulse becomes feeble, the complex- Circumstances do not make so plush "he was very wroth." But the anger isfaction must have,�ted ainst the of soul. He in turn talks to them, Lon lighter, the step weaker, thelaugh difference, It may be a bright day was only the sheet -lightning of passion, person and governnfiSnt of David. (7j, ' " fainter. No more romping for that when you push off from the planet, or and then only a solitary flash. This Success founded upon tricks and wrong'' �i mightily expounding the Scriptures. one through hall and parlor. The ours- it meq Lye a dark night and while the can never be permanent. He throws over them the fascination ery is darkened by an approaching owl is hooting fro,in the forest. It. may 'led Absalom to murder Amnon. Again of intelligent conversation. They for- callamity. The heart feels with mourn- be spring and—your soul may go out punishment is omitted. But through et the time and notice not the ob- ful anticI tion that the sten is going among the blossoms, apple Orchards fear Absalom sought refuge at the PAINTING ON GLASS. g down. Night speeds on. It is toward swinging their censers in the way. It court of his maternal grandfather, Tat- then pass and before they are even$ may be winter and the earth in a g Painting on glass in imitation of pie. aware they have come up in front of You have long rejoiced in the care of snow shroud. It may be autumn, and mal, ging of Geshur. Here he remain- tra dura or mosaic is a pretty pastime. a mother. You have done everything the forests set on fire by the retreating ed three years. It 49 r The results, too, are, as a rule, most sat - their boLse. They pause before the to make her lust da ha You Year, dead nature laid out in state. It probable that he entrance and attempt to persuade the ppy'• regarded himself as unjustl blamed ? p have run with quick Peet to watt endo may be with your wife's hand in your Y isfactory, the appearance o! inlaying , stranger to tarry with them. They her every want. Her presence has hand or you may be in a strange hotel for having done what his father should being imparted to the surface. The '' press upon him their hospitalities. been a perpetual blessing to the house with a servant faithful to the last. It have done. This exile, with its enforce painting is in (flat tints, and 'arade. hold. But the fruit gatherers are look- may be in the rail train, shot off the ed idleness, ave him y bright colors muss: be avoided. Night is coming on and he may meet ing wistfully at that tree. Her soul switch and tumbling in long rever- g opportunity to ig a prowlin r wild beast or be obliged to is ripe for heaven. The gates are beration down the embankment—crash, nurse his fancied wrongs, and plan for The materials required are ordinary, lie unsheltered from the dew. He can- ready to flash open for her entrance. crash 1 I knout not the time. I know redress. He regarded himself as right- oil colors, mirrorine medium, some art- , not go much farther now. 'Why not But your soul sinks at the thought of not the mode. But the days of our fol heir to the throne. But Bathabe- late' enamels, sable brushes and &good a separation. You cannot bear to think life are being subtracted away and we baja influence would be exerted in favor black for grounding. T stop there and continue their pleasant that soon you will be called to take the shall come down to the time when we B g• apaneso black i conversation 9 They take him by the last look at that face which from the have knit ten days, then nine days, of Solomon. Psalms 41, 55, 38, and 89, lacquer covers better than most bit first hour has looked upon o with then eight days, then seven days, then are by some referred to this period, If them, and a tube of ecailline brown arm and insist upon his coming in, P Y Fi affection unchangeable. But you sec six ' days, then five days, then four ro erl addressing hien in the words, "Abide that lite is ebbs and the da s h Y P P Y so they show that the king black for outlining. ng grave will Y , ten three days, then two da e, must have been too nick to administer The lass must be thoroughly cleaned with us, for it is toward evening." soon bide her from your sight, You then one day, Then hours—three g g y Ii The candles are lighted, the table is sit quiet. You feel heavy hearted. The hours, two hours, one hour. Then only justice. Absalom was of imperious with soap and hot water and free 1L ht. is fading from the sky. The air minutes left -five millutes, four min- mien and beautiful1. spread, pleasant socialities are en- g g Y•, presence. Rising from smears. Plane the gloss facedowat is chill. It is toward event utes, three minutes, two minutes, one kindled. They rejoice in the resents' minute. Then only seconds left -four early to meet the "ctists" needing judg- ward over the design to be copied, and ',. y J P You hada considerable estate and y went, b an appeal to the aaeuio a Put in the outlines with eaadlline brown of the stranger guest. lie asks a bleep- felt independent. in five minutes on seconds, three aeaeuds,: two seconds, Y PP pile - one second. Gone 1 Tfie chapter of life tite of the Eastern, a and mirrorine medium; a fine sable ing upon thH bread they sot, and he i�ne fair -balance sheet you could see ppearing ip splen- brush is used, and the lines must be Just how you stood in the world. Bnt ended l The book closed 1 The pulse at did a tri a he net aff his hands apiece aP it to each. Suddenly rest 1 The feet throw q nag personal solid and very equal in thickness. The there came complications, Something through with the jour- claims, B flattering the y and with 'overwhelming power the that you imagined impossible happen- nay 1 The hands closed from all work. 5 b people, and will take same must to drya perhaps y g P PP speaking evil Of his father, a mad, two days; ; the thought flushes upon the astonish,d ed. The bent friend you .had proved No word on the lips. No breath in some believe that a change was pea y Y must bH dry and hard I. traitor to our interests, A sudden the nostrils. Hair combed back to lie before the next painting is started, people -•-it is the Lordl And as they crash of your misfortunes pros- undisheveled by an human hands. easary. \V hen his plans were fully otherwise their sharpness and decision sit in breathless wonder, looking upon trated The muscles stili. The nerves still, formed, on ppretense of wishing to offer will be entirely marred, and cannot be your credit. You may to -day a sacrifice to God, he obtained permis- the resurrected body of Jesus, he van- be going on in business, but you feel The lungs ,still. The tongue still. All Sion to go to Hekrron, where, b hie motored without great trouble. anxious about where still . You m' ht ut the stethosco e Y The tone for coloring must be ehos- ished. The interview ended. EIe was you are standing, to the breast and hear no sound. You The other conspirators met en from among those that are found and fear thatthe next turn of the him and gone. might proclaimed him lisle. "Sharper in atones and marble, of which there is wheal will bring you piastre e. You ig put a speaking trumpet to the than a serpent's tooth it is to have a an infinite variety With many of us it is a bright, sun- foresee what you consider certain de- ear, but you could not wake the deaf- y gray, red, yellrnv, shiny day of prosperity. There is not falcation. You think of thea nese. No motion. No throb. No life. thankless child." To have those whom green and blue, ahound, and can be anguish of we have nursed, fed, clothed, and pray- a cloud in the sky. not a leaf rustling telling your friends youare not worth Still, still l P Y- blended in every conceivable manner. Y ed for, turn against us, is the last dreg In arran' in t m the forest, no chill m the air. But a dollar. You know not how you will So death comes to the disciple, What g g hes scheme of color to be 1 Y in life's cup of bitterness. This was carried out, it will. be found that a we cannot expect all this to last. He ever bring our children home from if the nun of life is about to net S " is not an intelligent man who ex- tog Y Jesus is the da now David's doom. combination of three or four tints well. • sg school You wonder how you will yspa•iug from on .high; peons perpetual daylight of joy. The stand the selling of your library or the the perpetual morning of every ran- PRACTICAL NOTES. arranged and balanced wove easier t sun will set after awhile near the bori- moving into a plainer house. The somed opirit. What if the darkness • Verse 1. It came to pass. As the to manage, and more aetory W zon. The shadows will lengthen. While misfortunes of life have accumulated. Comes? Jesus is the light of the world fulfillment of Nathan's prophecy (2 result, than a kaleidoscopic arrange - I speak, many of us stand in the very You wonder what makes the sky so and of heaven. What though this Sam. 12. 10, 11). After this. The re- meat of a number of colors, whicbj is hour described in the text, "for it is dark. it is toward evening. earthly house does crumble? Jesus has call of Absalom and his readmittance apt to impart a bewildering effect to toward evening." The request of the Trouble is an apothecary that mixes pprepared a house of many mansions. to favor. This was done without re- the design. Each different tint of the t- text is appropriate for scale be- a great man draft bitter and sour %sus is the anchor that always holds. pentance on his oil colors must be misled upp ready for B y s, part. Chariots and use in sufficient quantity to cover all ' fore me. or with them it is toward and nauseous, and you moat drink Jesus is the light that is never eclipn- horses. He imitated the magnificence t the evening of old age. Tbey have somp one of them.. Trouble puts up ed, Jesus is the fountain that is never of foreign monarchhe parts required; it does not answer monarchs in order to make tmix with the brush ss tie work passed the meridian of life. They are a great many packs, and you moat exhausted. Jesus is the evening star, as impression on the people. To run 1. sometimes startled to think how old carry some one of them. There is no hon$ up amid the gloom of the gather- before him. Iii oriental fashion. Dr. progresses; the color would be certain they are. They do not, however, like scandal so thick and well adjusted but uig night I Trumbull says when his little party to vary and look like paint, not stone. to have others remark upon it. If oth- some thorn will strike througli it, There You are almost through with the started from Cairofor the pyramids a Mix mirrorine with the color and cov- ers suggest their approximation toward is no sound so sweet but the under- abuse and backbiting of,enemies. They handsome young "sail" clad in blue, or solidly, taking care to keep within venerable appearance they say, "Why, taker's screwdriver grates through it. will Dell you no more by evil names. scarlet, green and gold, ran before them the outlines. The enamel can be used I'm not so old after all." They do, In this swift shuttle of the human Your good deeds will no longer be mis- at the top of his speed, calling out for instead of oil -color and thinned with t Indeed, notice that they cannot lift heart some of the threads must break. interpreted nor your honor filched. The a clear path among the camels,. don- mirrorine answers very well; if the quits so much as once. They cannot The journey from Jerusalem to Em- troubles of earth will end in the felici- keys, and foot tints are not exactly what Is required., j q passengers. Horses wing the can be modified with oil colors. walk quite so fast;, They cannot read mace will soon be ended. Our Bible, ileal Toward evening t The bereave- a novelty among the Hebrews, having y 11 quite so welt without spectacles. They our common sense our observation, ments of earth will soon be lifted. You only been recently introduced from 11 - The whole of the design being filled , ca>anot so easily reviver from a cough reiterates in tones that: we cannot mis- will not much longer stand pouring ypt- (1) True greatness is not depend- in with the various tints selected, the or any occasional ailment. They have take and ought not to disregard. It you grief in the tomb, like Rachel ent on outward show. ¢round has to be well covered with the lost their taste for merriment. They is toward evening. weeping for her children or David 2. Rase up early. To show his zeal Diack varnish. It does not matter it �1� are surprised at the quick passage of Oh, then for Jesus to abide with us. mourning for Absalom. Tears wiped and be on hand before the kin who this looks somewhat rough and lumpy. , the year. They say that it only seems ge sweetens the cups He extracts the away. Sorrows terminated. No more would probably sit in the gate during at the back. The face will appear, nes- ,' a little while ago that they were boys. thorn. He wipes the tear. He hushes sounding of the dead march. Toward part of the day. Way of the gate. On crthelesa, perfectly smooth; the only They are going a little down hill. There the tempest, He soothes the soul that evening? Death will come sweet as ane side of the street which led to the precaution to be observed is to fill ,I is something m their health, something flies to Him for shelter. Let the night slumber to the eyelids of the babe, door of the king's palace, in which very all thin places, c as the varnish dries in their vision, something in their as full ration& to a starving soldier, as door David administered justice. Here very quickly ; it can be retouched again g changing swoop and the euders on cross the g J and again without much delay. If any „ walk, something in their than in as- sea. Let the thunders roar. Soon all evening hour to the exhausted work- be intercepted such persons as came to sociations, something above, something will be well. Christ in the ship to Asan. The sky will take on its sunset Jerusalem with complaints of wrong, accidents occur, either in the painting beneath, something within, to remind soothe His friends. Christon the sea to glow, every cloud a fire psalm, every and by flattering arts sought to in- or varnishing, paraffin applied with a Ir them that it is toward evening. take a. lass mirror, the forests trans- cloth will remove everything and en - std its tumul . Christ in the grave to glassy gratiatg himself i❑ their gaud will. Had The great want of all such is to have f' orad, delicate mists climbing the air. a controvers A suit, as in verse 4. Cablelea corrections to ,be made on the scatter the darkness. Christ in the. � 8 Y• Jesus abide with them. It is a dis- heavens to lead the wa Blessed all our friends will announce it ; your Foreign wars, extensive building en- clean glass. mal thing to be getting old without the such., His arms will inclose them His pulses will beat it; your joys will ring terprises, the love of pleasure, and pro- White, dull reel, and stone color on rejuvenating influence of rel' inn. When It ; h d a black ground make a good combin- ig grace comfort them, His light cheer your lips will w isper it, "Tower bably the weakness of advancing years y against we stop on •thH down grade of life evening I" ted David to n 1 &tion ; dull buff and allow them, His sacrifice free them His egg ect his duty as the and nee that it dips to the verge of the only "court of a black; dark blue, light blue, Indian glory enchant them. If earthly estate u Y appeal" in all Lsreal. cold river, it want to behold someone Absalom called. Thus show' friendly red, yellowish green, against an ivory take wings, He will be an incorruptible mg Y near who will help us across it. When will familiarity and affecting aparticularvvhite ground are suggested as suitable treasure. if friends die, He vii 1 be y g the eight ,dean its power faith glance and ANTI -FINERY LLrAcGUE, interest in each newcomer. Such combinations of color for pietra dura. their resurrection. Standing with us gene- ether up, we need the faith that can g Glass inted in this fashion is used gg in the morning of our oy and in the Fashionable women in London are ag- raYity and civility would make him a the ear, When we feel the failure of favorite. t2). Flatter beguiles for tar,., tops, for small. wall panels, the ear, we need the clear tones of noonday of our prosperity, he will not stating a new league, which has the y g the for cache pots, and various articles of - t forsake us when the luster has faded wary in ter ruin. po that voice which in that olden time worthy motive of limiting the number this description, broken the alienia of the deaf with and it is toward evening. 3. Thy matters are good. "Thy cause is _ P Listen to Paul's battle shout with of dresses a woman shall buy ' one ust.. This the citizen already believed. cadence of mercy. When the semen misfortune. Hark to mounting Lati- year, providing, of course she becomes fie would contrast Absalom's interest of death hew down whole forests of g p °$ OPERA BY TELEPHONE. strength and beauty around us and mar's tiro song. Look at the glory that a member. So many women diens be- with David's unconcern. No man we are left in solitude, we need the has raft the dungeon and filled the yond their means to keep pace with deputed. There is no official hearer earth and heavens with the crash of their more favored associates that this aPPointed. The kin takes no inter- sirs Sung in Paris Enjoyed to London, dove of diWh mercy to sing Ln dui' the falling manacles of despotism. And "anti -dress league" is .proosed as a est in the wrongs of the people. branches. When the ,shadaiva begin to An experiment was recently made to fall and we feel that the day is far then look at those who have tried to sort of mantles of chars y o cover a 4. O that I were made judge. Many spent, we need most of all to supplicate cure themselves by human prescrip- small dress allowance with fashionable fmagine becaysc; they see Some details transmit by telephone to London Mr. the strong, beneficent Jesus in the tions,attempLLng, to heal gangrene with respect, and bring hbout an average `which they could improve, that there- Duverney's new opera, Helle, performed i� Forof the villagers, "Abide with us, a patch of court plaster and to stop rule for poorer members of the society. fore they could do the whole work bet- at the Grand Opera House in Paris, , for it is toward evening." the plague of dying empires with the The success of this enterprise in yet to ter. Absalom was tea wily to express The request of the text is an appro- quackery of earthly wisdom., Nothing be seen, but the amusing side of it is a wish to the king. (3) Prido and envy says an exchange. By means. oP the priate exclamation for all those who are can speak peace to the soul, nothing that the women who are the most en- often underlie" hostile criticism. telephone cable connecting •l�tt��., and approached in the gloomy hour of tem- can unstrap our crushing burdens, tbusiastie workers in the cause do not 5• To do him obeisance. Ili,v princely Dover, through telephone commuilica- ptation. There is nothing easier nothing can overoome spiritual foes, care to join. bearing and retinue would lea all of tion was established to the Pelican than to be good natured when every- nothing can open our eyes to see the rower rank who cam, near him to show House London, where, by means of the thing pleases, or to be humble when surrounding horses and chariots of sal- their deference. 'Took him, and kiss - there is nothing to oppose us, forgivirig vation that fill all the mountains, but FRENCH WOMEN. ed him. Instead of allowing them to electropbone, a form of loud- peaking i when we have no inducement to fraud. the voice and command of Him who The statistics of crime in r'rance are do him hom�' e as the king's son, he telephone, it was pr>ssible to listen to But you have felt the grapple of some stopped one night at Emmaus. feigned humtlit.y and conrlescxnsion. By an opera rene)*red in Paris. Y ,i temptation. Your nature at some time The words of the text are penitent several years in arrears; those relating such means polit.icuias purL power in The first triil was unsuccessful, ow- �, Ksnaked and groaned under the infernal o us all, from the fact that we are to the year 1893 were published about all lands. int. to t he state of the weather, which *11 rce. You felt that. the devil oaring the evening of death, I have a month age They are complete, and 6• Stole the hearts. I�bbbed his father seriously disturbed the line., A sew was after you. You saw your Chris- he it &.1d that we ought to live as of the people'e affection, and transfer- and attempt was m,idr, however, on an- i tian graces retreating. You feared ug special attention has linen paid to red it to himself. The multitude fail- other evening, i.hrn it is claimed that though each moment were to he our K. P that you would fall in the awful wren- test. I do not believe that theory. As the offences against the established ed to penetrate his motives, or formee the sounds, though faint, were, heard tie with sin and be thrown into the far as preparation is concerned we rules of society by French women. the tendency of his consent.. (4) All with rlelighi fol cir,nrn••1 % particularly duet. The gloom thickened. The first ought always to be ready, but we can- Criminologists may be interavted to sureess depends upon winning men's I1f. Delmaa9 and %I, Avarez, the tenor indications of the night were seen in not always be thinkin of death, for know that of 4,2fi9 accused persons in hearts. 'i'he frmale voices wore not so distinct. ';,I",? we have duties in life that demand our 1893, in France, 3,073 were males and 7. korty years. A trarvicriteer's error 'she violin nocompsnintcnt of the or, 'r' all the trembling of your soul. In ski t. the infernal suggestions of eaten, in attention. When a man is se,liing 896 were females, a proportion of nix to for tour. The Aral>ir, Hort Syriac ver- chi,vtra was faint, is hrl« the hiss and . , ELY the surging up of tumultuous pas- goods, it is his business to think of one. In ot.ber words, women were re- cions read "four years;" so (lops Tose- (,boo selections were very much in evi- .r t: dons and excitements sou felt with the bargain be is making. When a sponsible for R. per cent. of the crimes phos, These would Iw reckoned from dence. awfag�L ,,an that {t was toward man is plc in the courts, it is committed, which according to the Absalom's return to Jerusalem and ho- _ -_-_ - -+.,,, 11 evehetempted hour yyon need his duty to thio of the interests of dtatistics is a diminution sines the ginning to pplot for the thmue. Pnyto to abide with ydu, You his clients, When a clerk is adding Period of 1871-70, when the percentage my vow. Tt is uncertain whether he PICKLED TEA. - i;,* i. can beat back the monster that would up his accounts, it is his duty to keep was 17, had over made any such vow as he , ,t devour you. You igen unhorse the sin bis mind upon ills columna of figures. hire pretends. In CIeliran, I'hiv wag [nfuaing tea leavtx and drinking the ;`,, that would rides you down. You can He who fills up his lits with thoughts NO MILK IN JAPAN. his birthplace, the capital of Judea, a infusion is only on, way of "taking -„ sbarpen the battleax with which you of death Is far from being the highest famous high place, and far enough dis- tea," In Uppor Siam little tea is ',''!! t split the head of helmeted abomina- style of Christian, I knew a loan who In Japan they do not have this article taut. for his purpose. It was here that ,!rank; most, of it, It preparod for chew- %att " tion. Who helped Paul shake the 118od often to say at night, "I wish I 0Y food. The natives never use it— David had first. IwPn anointed king. (5) - anal the laborin classes there use y`""3 brazen gated heart of Felixt Who act- might die before morningl" He became Religion is too often used as a cloak 3d like good sailor when all the crew tin infidel. no lowing herd is seen with the hare- for serious evils. it largely. in 'Philo t and Western �}s', But there are times when via can foot boy driving them to the milkyard. 8• Geshur was northeast of Bashan, China Prick ten is etc+wed with fnilk howled in the Mediterranean ship- salt and fat, a.nd iv eaten tis a veget ;�'.; wreok9 Who helped ,the martyrs to and ought to give ourselves to the con- There are no pastures, and even the and midway between Damascus and the able, and in Burmah Lhe make what& `,`1 he firm when one word of recantation temptation of that solemn moment barnyard fowl. is practically unknown. Sea of Galil". Absald n was the Y ;t"' would have unfastened the withes of when to the soul time ends and eternity Most of the animals on the island are grandson- of the ging of GP9hur, If is called pickled tea, which is Haien a9 r the stake and put out the kindling fire4 begins. We must o through that one a preserve with other articles of food. "'l - p ng g ug left wild in preserves, Milk is an an- the bard. It is probable that all this ��T;., When the night of the soul came pass, There is no roundabout via , no inial product, and animal food is pro- talk was pretest and ties. Serve the THIS CAT AAD RI'ASON. `' an and all the denizens of darkness bYPath, no oireuitons router D we hibited by their religion. Curiously Lord. By offering a sacrifice. ,:i': •ame riding upon the winds of per- must, and ft will be to us a shameful egough, fish is not considered animal 9. Go in peace. David acems to have A writer In t he London Spectator iition, who gave strength to the oeaurrendb_ or a time of admirable be- food and is used considerably. no suspicion of the black conspiracy 1 I souls' Who ave calmness to the havior. Our friends may stretch out veiled under this pious proposal. H, tells of a cat which found a Pe.t. white `J1, . lieart4 Who broke the spell of Infer- their' hands to keep us yback, but,no HOPING TO FIND SOMETHING IN was probably at this time a lag myon- mouse that had escaped from the Cage t.� nal enohantmentq He who hoard the tmploratiea on their part can hinder arch. Had he not been so engrossed The eat carried the mouse into Lifer request of the villagers. "Abide with us. They might offer tae retainers T� POt^�KEif'$' in luxurious self-indu ence he would laced it. on the floor, and mareh� as, for it is toward evening." but death would not take the fee.,' The Never mind brushing me off, porter, not have been so deal to the com- house, p One of the forts of France was ab breath will fail and the eyes will close, ed nut, Cowman mice had never beets a > aokad, and the outworks were taken y said the careful pas anger on the Bleep- plaints of his subjects and blind to the treated that way by the eat, and ib and the heart will stop. ,Yon, may or, you Couldn't fins a. speak of dust treachery of him son. (6) back of self- seems that the feline knew that this before night. The besieging army lay habg the couch with gorgeous tapei3- on my Clothes. restraint is the door through which fa- Albino mouse was entitled to consI '' (}s . ,' sown, thinking there was but little to try but what docs death as" !or beats- Dat am vi boss. but if you ain't no sal Influences creep eration. y x' ie in the morning, and that the sold- tifal curtatiia► Yate may, -bAAng the nbjodtiopm I'll ffest o through the coo- 10. Sent spies, These were to ascor- ' ery in the fort could be easily made room, with the finest work of art. but tions with in -brt0b kase I must feel twin the feelings of the people, and to There are many ttmes and etreutiw ," :o surrender. But during the night, what does death as##e for is ttCet3Y t I earned dot quarter youse gain' Pan the f�aaiine of disoontentt, but were atances in life when '•Our strep th f :hyOtligh a lack stairs, they escaped in- You may fail the hdu& with the warn•- to giva me, any to sound the rallying erg In pl to sit still." -Tryon Edwards.. ' k"., , ., „�,�.. ,, — \ . , - 1., a y, 's r <2 ' .. , 7.: ,:A _) , i. . ,.....i . ,,, ; < t ... , Yt , ` y ,.. a. , ., ,. .. .: