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The Huron News-Record, 1896-08-12, Page 15
IE 1 r .vq�-1�1 } .. �, .: :. ,: a r , k -Ve' s _'? ,, h .. .. .L, ,� '., . ,., . , •T 4' , , . r,. , 1..�. ,� ... r' � N TAPE ►S1 a kigd Q Q tie h IT ISA ,PAYING POSITION, sent to aastat Lo We walked out.. "� There is nothing of the pretty entloe. "r,.r iTQ j Ttl CI,ASS DISTRICTS OF men( of the Parlaiau safe in the ion- SALARY AND PERgUISITES OF TH '., OLD LONDON. don "pub." UNIT$D STATES' PRASII?ENT. --.., _ Nr "rat aR the I'nAllo acnes. Whamro the CIRCUMSTANTdAL EVIAENCE. a sued salary to Start With, Every cow '!RI>?iingaten'q Wivor Meet to Tipple— fort and vonventemice at (Land anA Pe i . stuaso@tlo Ctmwl9 '1Yhe" 1Ln.band. --•— tQ.lrltLaisel4 An Inttanou fa Which it seiat the Wrong a1!ites ars Plontlfmtl. c by some of the women o1 !'Llan to the liallowr. Peaking of t}me presidency of the United States, Mr. Frank G. Carpenter , 6Xe*'I)4t4tk 'are goad, hard drinkers, but "Speaking of circumstantial evid- Lt writes from Washiogton as follows: " 4m ong the lower middle classes eum," asid an old attorney, "I am free The aalary in round numbers for the u ! �„ don that you muni look for the to Confess that I consider it hardly the thi four years amounts to 200,000, • and ,,,01 t %sabit in its full perteotion. Last ng to hang a man og, though It has Ufour 1ti�,, .$,450 women were taken into errs been done in many easeei I can recall Years amounts to $200,000, and an instance when I was a the White House and lots of perquis- ,,;Vt°Qn the qac charge cP "drunk and youngster of iter aro thrown in in addition, And i . tr. ;ly," Magistrates' clerks, Rile. 12 or 14, in which my father, who was ,F' � : � = the manly is always aura, The oash,is s{4{le,xiW and others whose daily duties a leading criminal lawyer, defended a Man who was ha ' always ready for the president, and the opiipie them to frequent the metra hanged on merely sir- treasury bank never bursts. The aal- 11 p41itAn police courts, Bay that .the oumatantial evidence: The Pasta were Wynne as toliows: Living just on the edge cry' however, is less than two-thirds ;�,.0011ble is ince of what the President gets,, Far this increasing. Mr. W > ; :toter, the well-known coroner, has o for town was a man of wealth, who year Congress is asked to, appropriate Itlllt'beerl testifying on the subject. had a grand old house, occupied only b about $54,000 to the White House. Th Gonerally speaking," he says, "the y himself and servants, There were president pays no rent. His Peel an� „clgcetion of drunkenness enters into various stories about how rich he was, light exist him not He does not =h -if the inquests Aiold.l My usual and what large amounts o£ money he 2 ,r even pay for his awn newspapers, and gltestio, is: 'Was' deceased worse always kept near him, but be Was as for stationary he ham the Linest that �t :IQP< drink 4' and the reply given in never disturbed until one night, short- the world can �,ALAUnconcerned tone, (s: "Oh, she had lY after midnight, there was aterrific produce, and them is e k""° stenographer always at hand to save "« drop' as if it were the proper thing disturbauce in the old house~ mc- him from writing letters himselfa He ;, to . do. I believe there are countleba Paned by pistol shota, and when the y�y a half dozen watch dogs to keep `'r.,11.pinbers of hardworking men who peoPle who carne to see what the the crowd away from him. His priv- ro_VMlil have good homes if they only matter was got in they found the own- had good wives; but ,the women are er dead with a .bullet through his eye, ate secretary receives $5,000 a year,and and the butler, the man,.who sits outside his office door s never at home to meet them or have ,with his hands full of � open it and class it is a ealartq i'"anything ready for them after their jewelry and watches lying in the door- 11 day's work.' The husband goes quiet- way of the old gentleman's room, with of $1,800. to a bullet somewhere in his head, but he EVERYTHING DONE FOR HIM '. d bed, while his wire is friends. eM of wasn't, dead. He has men to read. the papers for ': tioora drinking with her friends. Klan• "His revolver lay by his side, and + him. He has a telegraph operator and . '4Y4y iia essentially a day for drinking as far as cor�ld be seen the whole story Ia telegraph instrument in the White ' with the womend Many men are un- was told right there. The butler, who goose, and Uncle Sam pays his tela ikWare that their wives take their hue had been in the house only about six I rah bills. He seldom if ever bu months, had attempted t rob his mal- graph Ys a ,bSlld's Sunday clothes on Monday P 0 ter, had been caught in the act and postage stamp, and the thousand and morning to the pawnshop,pledge them shot, but had ' glad a one little incidentals which cat out the peed the money in drink. KILLED THE OLD MAN heart of the ordinary man's salary are DURING THE WEES. in the fight. That was the only trans- paid for him. Me pays no rent for his DA Saturday, when the man brings Cation of it, and there was no other for stables, and Congress gives him some several days, because the butler had a L 'Lome his money, the clothes are taken very serious wound, and was delirious money to keep them up,� The amount r ,'it again.'• for a week! However, it was not fatal that is asked for this year is $8,000, -Z*The charge shoots at most London and as �n as he was at himself he and this includes stationery, reading t �iolice courts are always heaviest on made a statement to the effect that he matter, and the caring for the Preal- .401ftdmys, the had been awakened in the night byy proportion of women be footsteps and hadd taken his pistol,which dent's horses, harness and oaru�iages. t,'), nW 'ludicrously large. It is common ,bad only two loads in it out of the A great fuss is made about the social ti;td see thirtywomen charged at a five and gone down into the hall be- e g expenses of the White Hoose. I ven- low to leo what the noise was. ,' single court in one day. At each 'age noticed that his master's door Lure to say that Pr@sident Cleveland �Rxpetropolitan police court the Church was partly open at the far end of the does not pay more than $5,000 a year sOf England Temperance Society main- hall, and hurried towards it. As he for his state dinners and I would not ;,tains a missionary whose duties con- approached it he heard hie master be surprised to know that he saved $35, - speak to some one asking who was ,.1�7cn the reclamation of women addict- there, and with that there was a pistol 009 a year out of his salary, Think of .k,Gd„ to drink. In one of Its annual re- shot, and he jumped into the room,grab- it I His four state receptions are prac- %,-ports the London Police Court =is_ bang a burglar as he did sot and at the tic -ally free' entertainments. The Mar- ' same time tbin a shot in the bead ,paid by the Government, fur- 0911- fns the organization is called, from his master's pistol. Beyond that me Land `�►#'essnted the fallowing Statements:--. he remembered nothing more. His atory niShes the musio4 The flowers some t the North London police court is was generally disbelieved, for there was from the White House conservatory and yt'tyVelvo moot fi woman were charg- no evudenoe oP any other parson In the the public gardens, and the police aid with simple drunkenness, house with evil designs, and all (the $ ess, and 447 lmlander that he had not caught in his the servants in taking care of the AhnTe' with being drunk and disorder- hands was lying on the floor about him , crowd. There is no food of any kind T Of 2,664 women appearing at so that there was no apparent reason offered, and it is mighty hard to get a EtOlerkenwell (a much yoorer district) why a burglar should be there, All drink of anything, even water, on such S,-per cent. were the victims of drink. the doors were found locked by those an occasion., The whole entertainment N 4 of the missionaries said:—"One who oame>m response to the alarm,and consists of a handshake and if .You are 9r�ivAmant aged 99, and ,twelve over 80 p s, , _ t there was absolute) no signs of any Particularly favoured, a smile, and t,Y'ears o age were charged with drunk- A,'ilness. The youngest drunken case busAnothergatrom t outside. handshakes and smiles axe cheap. Ys that of a girl 15 ng Point was that the WHITE HOUSE LINEN ,Late have been as many as five age• bullet which was found in the butler's girls head exactly And then there are lots of things i�xni one day charged with being drunk - FITTED THE PISTOL that go with the White .Houses Among oho were. only 17 years of age. In its servants there is usually a barber)- ite day rorty seven women have pass- of his master ah concli sivel7 who shaves the President and cuts his ed. rho bar, F arged with drunkenness." that it was the master and not the bur "I beta been dealing with a laryge $' halm without charge. There is a billiard ` ''`'' lar who shot him. This was the condi- nasi in one corner of the executive slumber of drunken women in my den- tion of the affair when my, father took mansion, where Grover Cleveland can "4l ,' saps another missionary. "One Charge of it, and, although he really y go and handle the cue without it cost- p�mI , s In composed of low women, but believed the butler's story and tried to ung him a cent. The kitchens have all hare are many of what may be called Prove it, he couldn't do it, and the the latest improvements, and the Gov- ... order of working people. We man was finally hanged. ernment pays the White House stew, 2bxten have the wives of respeotablo A year later a burglar was shot by ard, who attends to the marketing, l�eahanioa and of men employed in the a policeman in the cmt� nearest to us, about $35 a week, or $1,800 a year. rGy- It le easiest to handle the and he confessed on his deathbed that ng utensils are of copper and ).iP�' � yore'- The cooking Cdr vvomeoa,'Of whom we have a num- he was the murderer of our rich man. one of the cooking stoves is so large J>+er ,from 17 to 20 years of age. I He had hidden in the house early in that you could almost roast an ox ?M.X lnk the evening, had collected all he could I whole u it. The dishes used b the °4''J DRINKING I8 INCREASING of jewelry and other -portable valuables President are of the finest chi and ; sad was about getting out when he was'of the most beautiful cut glass. D4any )bong young married women from 18 caught by the old gentleman and the ' Of them were made especially R4, some 01 them having 'very good; butler, and that the butler had got'the pecmall for the L bawds_ We have a number of young bullet intended for him;'anQ he had run White House. • _ Orate girl of 16 was mound one The President's wife pays nothing for )girls, mal the street senseless, She ne into the room just as the ol"d man fired, her linen. There are great closets fill - d bean,' drinking with organ rind- D1opPmns everything in his sudden Bur- ed with bedding and towels, and others Q rine, he had rushed down stairs and in which axe kelmt the finest of table- "Iid The mother was in court and hidden in the hallway, Rohr where he cloths and ¢a 111x8 terribly ant about "smile and wo- had slipped out as soon as the front napkins.: The napkins used IIn dealin with these door was o are all About a yard square and of the tie London trate, are pe1md the excitement he finest damask. They have the initialsP'�- was not ol�esved, and he of away U. S. on the Ilea lai wki to da They say it is no without any trouble at allj_the near- I em but this rather im- iltgi"sea them to prison or re- proves than Injures their ap earance, d nese to the city 'made atrangersso cum- and the greatest basalt i j Ries because it only hard- mo, that their preaonce exerted no Sus y o1 cot all i� PAP tlNnu One magistrate will ink- that they don't cost a cent. pnd1, ' I'll never' fom'get that incident, a fins of Offence, a crown (80 ooher, sad I'll never be in favor of the death GREAT PLACE FOR PRESENTS the first effenoe. while another, penalty on circuimstantial evidence I Few' people have say idea how many }� oxm the genus bench, will let the dpa't care how strong it is. hven , presents come to the White House. ;� , with a casutieai Circum¢. lynch late i1i less unjust." and the writ- I Cievela.nd was overloaded with them t Mkitncw alter eases, and on the second or felt that the attorney was more than while be was a oa.ndidate, and at the ofence the title may be made 5 shill- half right. time of his marriage they came in 40. ♦'Roman who has been arrested here almost by the waggan load. The dpverel Gimes mal be imprisoned for President will not receive things of act- ilreral days, and the more incorrigible BLOsSTS FROM THE RAM'S HORN. ual value, but he can take eatables and ilia t, untes, the severer is the punish- drinkables., Among other things that t 4 tea anti] tits maximum of one month Mucha doing la not so important as I remember of his receiving i reached: ng were a wtell doing. barrel of'fine old brandy from Southern - the north end of Hollaway California and oases of wine from dif- e A blind. moan's wank can be measured ro4# therr'Etively highway branch- ferent aria of the country. Every a WB to this with eight large and with a cane. Tha¢ks vusg he hes turkeys Sent him d E -.',s ort AYta}us within the a ace of If we could eta better, the world from R e Leland, those sent year be - of giYarter of a mile. We thought would be bettor• fore last being so large that the White a 0 would go in and out of them to 'see House familycould not eat them. Then ,lie, eights., It was not slumming. The Thetis is more life in one grain of l there are other kinds of fancy eatables de hborhood lit respectable, even "de- wheat than in a bushel of chaff. which come Prom admirers in different rir. le." In the language of house Put an angel a o gasp ge anywhere and he will localities, and it is sate to sap that d ►4i`ents. It eves 9 e'cor t w the even- soon f� something to remind him of the beat of everything or a sample of , when d called ad Por the first lemon it finds its way into the White House• e iqdash and got a glass of "four -ala.' heaven A GOOD INVESTMENT. d Cliey were -too busy to mix drinks, In Building on a rock is an investment The sentiment surrounding the White no Compartment i thous were otos wo- that pays dividends with every than- House increases eve pen, or fifteen u you count every year, until now der clap the office is far better than a life in - TWO BAB7 G}IB.I.9 IN APlMS It is the man who is least willing to sura.nce policy. hf a President dies in by their pm��alice who finds the meat fault with the White House, his wife and children t :b tear little misses brought the Pr's, I will probably receive a fortune from t tlammae. One was being trwated• The Give some men a drum, and the the people, and law the President's Wither. quite a decant body with a silk Y diyiitle and kid gloves called for a half won't strike a lick unless they can use widow is sure of pension of #5,000 a w owern of Irish warm and swallow- it to lead the band. year. Mrs. Grant and Mrs. Garfield three darts cl it, handed toe glees Make a roan laugh' and he will be sate now reoetving this amount, b the child with a "Hero ydu are your Friend. Make him weep and he President Cleveland, notwithstanding t 2'artha," as though It were as much will lie you brother. the expenses of his wedding, must have rater.; Three women were talk' Mame a' man who goes to ohur,ah saved about $120,000 during his first mS with a lcrag face, sells goods with a I administration, and, in addition to thru% i po>it their husbands. "That's 411 be m irxw that is too short. he made a clear $100,000 more out of fi ht mo home, as I'm 1 living wo- Oak View, which he bought as s aum- �ISGtt t Fourteen bob and dear I of us to mer home and afterward sold dui Il bail! Oh, Lor'1 oh, des.r ! Well, THEIR WORK IS PLEASANT. the Presicl xlrik uh. I'll be tourpance to your Neglected Wife—Why don't you eIIOY of Harrison.HarrkonP i once this time Kra. Walters." IT HAS ITS DRAWBACKS io The, to work f i e next house was not so busy, I Husband (a ,e'er do well)—I ain't On the other hand, there are ]ora of P Sold count but eleven women sus troubles connected with the ltesideney, m got no tools. 06rs. One of them was drinking Neglected Wife—Deacon Smith offer- Our chief executive dose not pmt its di rider peculiar oirounustapoes� I no- ed you five dollars to fix his fenoe, and salary for nothing, and though hie pil- j bed her as I entered, talking with a you have a saw, and a leas, and a lows are of the aofteat, they are often o an, lheranmablT her husband, who ammer, and nails. Whaf more do yen filled with tIIoruus. General W11114m T. 9 periled 4 be crippled. i{nd who was went f Sherman said that the White House air Invalid, chair which she had Huaband—The saw ain't no mrpongood, and was hell, and nothingg could pe rude t�ao>ia' tr = sirle door,,, I fello"yv�d him to be a oandidate las the r }f'` In arid. shg Ordered three linen 'orth I ain't {gscot no file e e his al U. Ole dency. George Washington was oharesid warm Smith kin rix hie fence ht,selt. _g to ruin for lkhfip timid (while it game Humband (teal years later] with being a thiel while he was Presi- Q sparing rihb hod ila(f.. a gflrir n Hint I Say, wife, I've beaapod Prom tt>sa dent -1 An article was published in a ph ut for herself and drank it. 1 • o penitezutiar Gimme home otXler olathes New York newspaper accusing him of last htftibb'wal�:aa axes tinngl�,yy qv' I kin I�ght oub fsgeL )raving overdrawn bis salary $5,000 e t)1%0e,._ employing eetem aitmawn Wife -.My 1 my 1 $err d1d you gall D Ing one of his Presidential oam- w' throe Ulan. I counted Ip etreµ eut+f . „ ns Washingtonz� was cha gad with R%4mt �Among themthere HudiAnd--I dug forty feei under- i mit`► and at a dinner at J: elttan � women one a p oud ground with a-two-tin6d fork, and thanJohd Ra�rdolph, 01 Roanoke, pro,with twin babies Inlong out my way through two feet of stun, th 1 toatt.ty^iogg' sae in sasharm, wall and ten Inches of toiler tron with' Geomyfo Washington, may he lee e refund tt diPPicult to a saws mads ouZ of a tin dinner plate. III,=" I in q'. `, a ar aa. r A , 4 .IMmleai/.�o . _ - . . z.. s OF THORNS WORE THE DIAMOND IN HIS LEL}. 0/^+��r ,� }}� Np as tilt e4 Adam had *soft ,--. �VL,.1 E"Dido smut as Pralde t, and Jolie balmy A Story of tho" Way the orleR stone was -+�...�,r.•..,,• � „ _ r damns' Preabargel was said h be the Taken Froin Perrla to Russia, E result. of a barge,ln' between him and A HANDFUL OIs' G�.A.NINGr$. ' Henry Clay, by which he went to. the It was originally the eye of an idol A loaf of stals breed will be almltosb White House and 01A'y- became Secre- to Trichinopoll. It was stolen accord tmry of State. Andre Jeclrson was as goo$ as who, newly baked, itwrap... amused of all kinds of MIZ while he � to the accepted a000unt, by a od closely in a towel and steamed was President. His wife was Ill duxin_ g Freniohmen, who escaped with it to through thoroughly. b!s Presidential camjraign and she died Perela, where he sold it for the equir- An earthen a efore his inauguration and was buried alent in our money of $8,000 to a Jew- jar that Is, tainted ever irl the g n which the Tenueseeans ieh merchant. so badly can be sweetened by filling it bad bovg� t for nher to use in the White with dry earth and leaving it buried in used to say that the The Jewish merchant sold it to an t,)m ground a few days slanders uttered against him killed Armenian named Shafras, who had her, and he at times hated the White A Perfect substitute for sorap book House on this aecount4 His Presiden- travelled is Russia, and conceived the paste is a cold boiled potato: Do not tial career was not a smooth one, and idea of taking the diamond to that cook the potato until It is mealy, on smong other Insults whioh'.he received country and selling it to the Empress breaks easily. Reject a aline from one was the having his nose pulled by a flatheriae for a great au -4 Shafras di/a�pppainted office holder• and, then rub over the surface o1 the William H�nmy Harrison was hound- paid him $60,000 for it. paper and apply• ed to death by office seekera, and he Having secured the atone, the next It sloth is loose in texture or revels died dreaming of theme Buchanan question with Shatras was how to get east) aged greatly during his Presidential It to Russia, or rather how to con- y' before cutting buttonholes soften career and Abraham Lincoln's heart the edge of a conveniently -sized piece was harrowed by sorrow dui nearly Deal it when he was searohed by rob- o1 glue and rub over the surface. every moment that he was in the bore, as he was eure to be on the road. New tin will not inlet easily White House. Johnson's Presidency The journey was along and perilous y It It is was 'one of trouble and fear o1 un first rubbed thoroughly over every part •Peacbment and he left the White one, and thieves abounded everywhere. with fresh lard. then heated very hot House a &appointod and^ a disgusted Shafras thought of swallowing the in an oven. Always brighten it there - man. stone when he should be taken by the after with a cloth moistened with ker. Grant's great reputation was ruined robbers, but was obliged, to give that by the Belknap scandal and the whis. p osene. key frauds of St. Louis' into which he ion u as the diamond was too large was drawn by too $rest confidence in t0 sew allow. A alight film of pure glycerine tends his friends, and during the latter days began to feel he bad a white to prevent window glass from sweating he was denounced b the newspapers.,,' elephant on his hands, when a thought also the formation of frost in sold was, y wraLmaPene� occurred to him. He pica red a sharp � Lance, made a out in the fl�oshy part of then. Alcohol serves alike purpose but his left leg, and threat the diamond is more expensive. A GREAT GAIN TO PHySrb ANS. into the wound. He sewed up the out One of the simplest and beat deodor- �- with a needle and a silver wire. It izerS for a sick roam is coffee, It fills dledicmal Re.ult* or hate Improvements In healed, leaving the diamond embedded the room with a the Roentgen X Rays, fast in the leg, quite out of sight. pleasant odor which Than he started for Russia. On the the patient enjoys. Sprinkle freshly An important improvement has been w mY he was seized by robbers aga,in and burned and ground coffee over hot coals effected by the General Electrical Coati- again, and was thoroughly marched. Bo- placed on a shovel, pans o1 Berlin in the Roetttgen appara- Ing an Armenian, and suspected of go- A pair of straw cuffs such as butch- ing to Russia to trade, the thieves mar- ers wear, will protect dress alcoves; but tus. and especially in the vacuum tube, veiled greatly at finding nothing of a pair of old stocking tops hummed at m so that it is possible. to observe peculi- ' vaIue upon his person, the bottom are butter, i Draw them arities in the interior of the head and I He arrived in Russia at last, and over the alcove and hold is cissa with throat, and es after extracting his diamond, viaitee� safety pins. especially the action of the, Empress. He was willing to sell Salt sprinkled on the stave when the lungs and heart, by direst Inspection it for about $150,000, but the Empress contents of a pot or pan boil over will with the fluorescent .screen. The results had not so large an amount in cash for Prevent a disagreeable odor. Use coarse were demonstrated •ilefore medical men the purchase, and Shafras preferred to sandpaper to remove spots, and cover represents the chief Eur go on to Amsterdam, the Beat of the Your hand with a paper bag when oPean cap- , diamond -cutting industry, where he had blackiinngg a stove- itals at the recent twenty-fifth surgi-'the stone polished. Chamber utensils should always be cal congress at Berlin. The screen em- Here Count Orloff, an extremely Cleansed with cold water. not water, Ployed measured about ten inches b wealthy Russian saw the diamond, and drives the odor into the utensil, and it Y was filled with a determination to se- can rarely afterward be removed, Pa, eighteen inches, and consisted of small cure it for the Russian crown He did Per is an excellent silencer to use in a crystals of platinocyanide of barium t secure it, but Sha-fras exacted from the sick room. It does not absorb odors. dusted on to an adherent surface. Al- (Russian Government $400,000, an an- and can easily be burned and its place though the results obtained are nuity of $20,000, and a title of nobility. supplied. prob- He died a millionaire. Boras will remove stains and grieve ably capable of further improvement, i The Orloff diamond we* lis 195 oar- from the hands, heal chafes and still they were sufficiently good to in- ats, and is about the size D a pigeon's scratches, and cleanse the scalp Add dicate the probable value in the vex It is smaller than the Koh -i -Noor, borax to water till it will absorb no egg. It )aossession of the English Queen, more; use a little of this in the water near future of the " % " rays in diag- which us supposed to be worth $3,750,- in which the hands and hair are bathed. nosing certain conditions. They were, 000• It is an excellent preparation to add at any rate far in advance of anything � __ to the water in which blankets or. red that has yet been achieved. It was WOMEN DOCTORB. drapery is cleansed. Last ear's re Essence of coffee is a new and fine thought en the discovery of the " X " Y port of the National Ass- flavoring for ices, custards froating2 rays that a0 new epoch in diagnosis , soeiation for Supplying Female Medic- etc. Take two heaping tablespoorlB oI had been reached. Experience, however, at Aid to the Women of India states freshly browned and ground coffee; pour has since shown that theapplication of that in eleven years since its organizes- over It a coffee ouliful of cold water and reduce it by boding to four table - the discovery was restricted to the ex -'tion, under the name of the Lady Duf- spoon.fulB. Uses one ta,,e oto sour for table- - of the extremities in the ex- ferin Fund, the number of women and custard, or icing for a cake, amination of girls annually relieved r and cured has BONY STRUCTURE risen in 1895 to above 1,000,000 (1,054,- INEXPENSIVE PILLOWS. and in the search of foreign bodies. The 387), and in the last three years the There are pillows and pillows galore Photography of the chest anal abdom- number has doubled. —for piazza chairs, for hammocks, for conal cavity by means of the " X. " rays The movement has a pathetic his- sofas, and all in comfort. No one makes has been 'attended with but small sac- I tory. After suffering for years from a pillow now that is too good to use, ices, at least to be of any value in med- I native quacks, the maharanee of Pun- and for that reason so many washable dosis• By means, however, of na was cured by an English lady—a fabrics are employed. The latest thing this new tube, which appears d afford medical missionary. Her highness is Russian crash which has always been Cho maximum energy in regard to the production of " X " rays, the labor and wrote to Queen Victoria, inclosed the used for dish toweling: The goods is trouble of photography may be dispens- 1 letter in a gold locket, put the jewel very narrow, necessitating two widths ed with, and a direct vision of certain around the doctor's neck, and charged far an ordinary pillow cover. Some abnormalities of the heart and in the'her not to take it off untilf she ave large, bold design is outlined in blue cheat may, as was shown in this demon- g or red cotton thread and the edge of stration, be gained, it into the Queen's hands. the pillow is finished with common ma- The following were among the re_ I Her Majesty sent a kind answer, nilly rope or a beavy cord. Feathers Sults shown: When the head was laced i and laid on the next new viceroy, when or down make the best Pillows, although dismissing him, the "special i0 tin hair is cool and ligh between s the tube and the screen the'tion" to launch a scheme for the tin - thickness of the scalp was easily visible, Blue denim with a design outlined the hair not appearing. The light pone- provement of the medical treatment of in white and having a white cotton ttates the cartilages of the, nose which her Indian women Subjects. cord around the edge makes a ve With Irish impetuosity and Scotch � are only visible In alight shadows. The With combined, Lady Dufferin coot -looking washable pillow. Denim is frontal cavity and the antrum of Hi•g h- used extensively for pillow covers and more are to be seen as distinctly1• hter organized the fund all over India, and is durable and washes beautifully, Fig- areaS- In the neck are to be eep the in London also, for training native wo- ured sateen and cretonne pillows with shadows of the cessphagus, of the hyoid men doctors as well as healing the suf- wide ruffles around them make very bane, and the cartil faring. The invested funds amount to y pillows. For ages of the larynx £129,000 at par, and the income from serviceable and craft (the last not as distinctly as the hyoid all sources last calendar year was £l5,- bettor ones China silk makes a dainty bone), which both in rest and in move Y and light covering. went are easily detected. If the light 645. With this a million of suffering A very pretty bamnmock illow Is be thrown through the thorax, from women were cared for, in addition to made of black sateen with a threo-inch behind, the screen gives the following the many who comb under the min- ruffle of yellow sateen around it. Three picture: In the middle occur' a dark'rstration of the medical missionaries, fans of sateen in other colors are graoe. I stripe, the sternum; on both aides j American as well as British. fully appliqued an one side and stitched are to be seen horizontal shadows cross- i were progress more rapid, especially with black Roman floes. ng each other, which are plainly the among the high -caste ladies, wh,) must A very pretty porch pillow was made obs; the lower margin of the thorax be attended in the zenana and harem, of common burlap sacks, A great ma represented by a shadow, the left side ' there would not be women doctors aprawling design was outlined with blue od which is pale and thin, but the right enough governors' s'l in sally Elliott, and cotton thread on each side. The ed ge side is intensely dark. The picture is g g of the ppillow was finished with manilla still better if the rays be thrown from about the foundation of hostels for na- rope, On each corner were two loops he front and the screen pplaced behind, I tive women studying medicine, ob.- of the rope a,nd two ends which are only in this case the vertebrae are seen, stetrics, and nursing. Mr. Woodburn, frayed out very bushy and looked very Ad not the aiervum. an experienced civil engineer, declared much like tassels. at the annual meeting in Calcutta tale The latest THE SHADOW LINE, pillows are not altogether ly that "the rapidly growing and now square. Some have round cornere,some which is constantly moved bo inspsr•a- enormous attendance at, the Dufferin are cut in the form of circles, some are man and expiration for about three hospitals in the best possible evidence oblong and others have thew corners riches, is the diaphragm, and the dark- of the trust of the people in the treat- gathered about four inches from the r shadow on the right side is the liv-' ment they receive there." point and tied firmly, forming what is r and the lighter on the left is the called donkey ears. Some have loops of tomach' NINETEETNH CENTURY CAUTIONS. the cord at each corner, and other -Bare This picture Showa, further, that the finished with tasseled ends of the cord, laphragm and the ribs aro situated r. If You ora— which is sewed around them. Any very acute angle with one another. A lover, don't be too fond. shape, size, color, or design, and man Another big shadow is seen immediate- A father, don't be too harsh. of them, is just the thing. Y above the diaphragm and in the mid- A mother, don't be too lenient. le of the thorax. This shadow (teat "" f the heart) consists of an intensely A customer, don't delay your pay. DUMPLINGS WITH MEAT. ark central part with a light periph- A dressmaker, dori't delay your work. It seems as if mercury would Con- ry. This movement of the heart is An employer, don't be afraid of over- tinue to rise at a hint of anything so istinctly visible, principally at the paying y g apex, but an close examination the gre&ay as most. But people will eat it movement of the aorta May be notic An employe, don't be afraid of over- t' working. if it Is c boat producing food. The men ed also. The heart shadow and the folks occasionally like dumplings cook - movement are emphasized after a deep A husband, don't be miserly, nor ed with meat and potatoes, and think itsepiration has been taken. If now the flirt with liborty. even a little salt pork fixed that ube and screen be moved downward, A son or daughter, don't be ashamed way good for a chin e. Cut the meat he li bt is thrown through the stom- of your parentage. fine and cook well $ fore putting in soh. I'hu limits of this organ may be A pastor, don't be too dignified nor wits the potatoes, Make a thick bat - ell seen, but the definition is far bet- too coldly reserved. ter with sour milk, eta, and when the ter after it has been distended by the A church member, don't be too hy- potatoes are partially cooked, drop in administration of an effervescing mix- percritical of the pulpit. the batter a spoonful at a time, until are• A wife, don't be extravagant, nor too the top oft the stew is covered, then These results demonstrate pretty exacting• nor unkindly censorious. watch closely that the dumplings do ooneiusiveiy, we think, the possibility As a foe, don't be unmerciful. not become Boggy sten £tom overcooking, n the nems future of the X " rays As a friend, don't be captious. After cooking ten or fifteen minutes, oe oming a powerful aid in diagnosis If a neig8hbor, don't be too intimate. try them by breaking them open with coupled with" the employment of a As a aalesman, don't overrate your a fork, and tf dene, dish immediately; uor'escent screen. Air it has been gels• ruitful in not onlyconfirming irmin rev- Asa that is if you would have them light. us methods of g purchc3ser, don't underrate your __ _ diagnosis, but in afford- Purchases. g patient ; If a borrower, ODDITIES OF SCRIPTURE. In means of ascertaining with some As a tender be Won certain eymptoms which by be prompt. The longest verde in the Biblp is the ethodss now employed would not be in- If you axe amaxt, don't be vain; if 9th verse of the 8th chapter of F,sther; Bated, The movements of a complex dull, don't talk too incessantly. the shortest is the 85th verse of the ' int, such as the carpus, were clearly As a giver, -don't parade; as a re• 11th chapter of St. John; also the word seen, and will throw a now light upon cipient, don't be ungrateful. reverend occurs but onoe—the 9th verse urgical anatomy. If poor, don't be envious or suspl- of the 111th Psalm. Here are a few oinud ; if richt don't be heartless. more facts and figures: The word chick- - ------- ens occurs but once, in Matthew xxiiL "If-Miam (lay devoted as mush Lima TIME TO STOP. 87. There are 8,666,480 letters, 773,746 mental culture as she does is dress I shall have to roe u that case of words. 81,173 verses, 1,189 chaptera, 88 e would be a ver�r learned woman." books; the word and" occurs 48,277 • Yes, lot she watildn•t have the eat �DienO� s, an w ch I ave been en- times; the word " Lord " 1 856 times. aged ss, long, said the eminent Iawyer a�stion of making Other women gram gg The middle verse in the Bible Is the hit friend. I shall feel rather odd Ith envy." 8th votes of this 118th Psalm. Time 21 with it out of the way, for it has been gth verge of thta 118th Psalm. The 21st QTtmscmbeak--Do rot} know 11kran't taus of the standbys of the office ter v©rse of fhb 7th chapter of Ezra con- lShd a day's siokneW IlMooIaw,red into m%ay ears. tains all the letters of the alphabe! M, xiew hbumt Yon have exhausted all legal expeelt- axes j • the 19th chapter of II. bi Yeast—How d0 an aucoulbt for It / emta have you 4 aad he h7th chapter of Isaiah are all ' My wife gate 0 doing her own cook- No, but Di soubury's money is all There are no words err names of more C the day ae moved- in. gone. than six syllables. " w �.. _ y.._ . w. _ 1