The Huron News-Record, 1896-08-12, Page 14WWT—u „- .
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victory of Trafalgar, to bei held There weree bilt'1000 deaths 'Tram i�Ajlj �TV �� U� �O�MTI�()�j1. TSETSE FLY DISEASE. INT$RLAKE CQDiIC�11- t ' 1.
thro hout the Empi a on October 21st:. cholera throughout E ypt on Batu,- �f.11+� alt u V+ 00111U
lui7 '� - t
r day, and the number of new oases is Dr. Sguee Bays That the Insect A,ets only
NNIN A NESHRIsIt i6 understood that the Russo- decrees -- ss a Carrier of thn 4erms. Enormous TraHie Tgtrotlglt t1f4 8f, �Sc r, French proposal to blockade the Is- fig• Falls Canal—Bora than the Oltg4 A, °
land of Crete will be mat by a counter- A PotCe of imperial troops is being SQIIAA Items pt irit91r68t t0 the $ y Burgeon-General David Bruce, of the Very.few pereo¢ta haat! way eI Rlll4
+ "" proposal from Lord Salisbury to grant hurriedly pushed forward to $uilµwaYo. Business IIIeII. English Army, has recently made a re-
ME VERY LATEST FROM ALL TIH autonomy to tine island. where the situation is daily becoming conception of the enormous )�1a1►s1
!, i WORLD OVER. The British Board of Trade has da- more serious. The world's shlpmegts of wheat 1asE port on the tsetse fly disease, called
c ci led that the lues of the Drummond Forty villages around Van Hub are week were 5,800,000 bushels. "nagana" by the natives of Zululand. mores carried on between vt►riau 0.0.
Castle, which resulted in the drowning reported air Canstantinaple tc have The grain Drops in Ontario„ a000rtling The tllsease attaaka horses, tigga, mon- on the great lakes, 6uperior, $ux+�I p
Interesting Items About Our Own Country, of so many persons, was due to the been cie3tro ed and ever male over Michigan, and Erie, On the water 4
y Y to reports by the Great NorthrWeatgrn July} and cattle. It is always fatal, ex-
,P „ Q1v!tt Britain, the United &fetes, end poo t that she was not properly nevi- eight yeaia of age killed. Telegra h Com any, aro fairly satisLao• rept to cattle, and few of them recover each of xlteQa lakes there are fleet0
v,' ; ` All Batts of the (Robe, Condensed and gated The Laud in Samoa between the Ger- to
t Asaortetl Lot 13eW Reading. tory, w th qua 'ty, above the average. f;om the disease. The disease fy char- &him. the charaater of which 1s b- M
' CANADA. At the meeting last week in Carlisle man residents on the one hand audthe The omount,ot' wheat in store a t acterized by a fever, a rapid destruu- coIIstantly improved and the a
`t'�k of thea British Medical Association, it British and Americans on the other is tion of thS red blood corpttaoles, ex-
�k Port Arthur and Fort William is 2,076.- oa acit y rge
�' Ealdinal Tasahereau, ill at Quebec, is was decided that next year the boat- increasing in bitterness, insets emaciation, and a swelling of the P Y constantly cola dt The 1 •.
5 ;. °'" ZecoveriIIg. .aaaa part of the meeting will be held The German gunboat Itlia went down Q040 bushels as compared with '2,106,287 Weak, 'abdomen and extremities. report of the Chief of Engineers o! s ,_
bushels last week and 246,557 a year Dr. Bruce spent some time in Africa,
fit, Ferret laborers are wanted in por- in, Eu and, while the ewtantifio part in a typhoon off the Shang TunBprom- a o, an¢ made many axparimenls with the St. Mary's Fella Canal, which oonneC l ace
' tions of Manitoba. Will v t ]l�tuitreal, oniony. Only ten were saved nu of a g Lakes Huron and Superior at Sault ¢#
r,,' h.. The next Issue of the Nineteenth Can- crew of. 85 officers and men. The gold reserve of the United States testae fly. He f f that the disease
l,,, " A of sardines is reported at Y tion. {n Emperor William's plan to raise his Treasury is now 104,000,0001 This is did not necessarily follow the bite of Matic, shows a larger business t1oiIAI
fur will contain an article by Mr. John '''
Riv3ere Quelle, Quebec. - p y '� the Ply, and never did result from such! than any previous year since the opo. •
Miss Eva Booth Commandant of the Morley on the Venezuelan question. uncle, Frederick William Louis, Gran due to deposits of nearly $'20,000,000 in bites unless the fly had previously bit- of the canal in 1870. Figures oras tq
w c which he will urge the creation of a Duke of Baden, to the rank of King, gold, by the banks of New York to ex- tell a diseased animal. He concluded � g �
'ry' Salvation Argy, cs in Winnipeg. greenbacks. that the fly serves merely as a means the last year covered show, comps
perpaalyent tribunal of arbitration• is not received with much enthusiasm change for
' , 'Hundreds of persons are •reported to A a y people of Baden. p year, an increase., <'
Vim.. be starving to death in Labrador. known�bathtnromrla�o nbthe north b the An advance in pilose of wheat hoe w�alr�av�uTOntmcate rtoeonedthat with the previous
e., y Rich strikes of old and copper con" coast of Devo ire, ao Ounces that hal[ It Is stated that the Spanish Gov- taken place within the past few days• dl siatean per cent. in tonnage, tlurteq
$ from Roseland. ernment has given the enormous price The advance has been stimulated by un- as healthy. per Dent in the number of 111
time to be reported the business portion of that town was of seven hundred thousand pounds Microscopical examinations of the
+D B.C. barged on Tuesday monolog• The lose each for two vessels recently bought favorable reports dP United Stateecroga blood of diseased animals atiow the aarriad, and ten s cent. in the tgh 1
c`ry The water in the Et. Lawrence is fif- is estimated at one hundred thous- at Genoa. Nothing short of a panto and prospects of a wet harvest in Brit- presence of minute animalculae, which, nage of freight carried. `f, -
,+a ; ain. when injected into the blood of a heal-
teen inches higher than at this date and pounds. can explain acrch extravagance. The length of this canal is one mita.-V ,;
'IN . . last year, Lord Wolseley's remark that he Stain has decided not to send arena The visible supply of grain in the chin ed at this point caused in disease.
sIng ,Having
the navigable depth in feet is eig'hteeYt. ,
4 � Mr. Morrison Hewitt, a yardaman, would not like to put British-Indian � United States and Canada increased 399; Y There
%^ aid, troops in front of European soldiers has wit the 40;000 troops which will em- disease, it is pos9ible that scieuca will Posed through it in the ye ,;,; 4
t �, s was killed fn the Stuart street Y caused tense feeling, 1 The "remark is bark for Cuba within the next four 000 bushels last week, and the total is soon 'discover a remedy that will prove covered by file last report, a fiscal yea-�;,
,,"° Hamilton. to g' ealous weeks, fearing a mutiny among them. 47,142000 bushels as against 39,'2'29,000 efficacious. 18,000 vessels, u which 12,500 wo;fi+ n
Mr. Seth Your e, a well-known horse- attributed to Lord WulseleY's j The arms and ammuniCton will ba Por- bushels a year ago. During the corres- steamers and "he itemainder aaili11ta
B of Lord Roberts, who has the greaten warded b other vegsals. onding week of last ear there was a ships. Through this ea nal ware broug
a;` mart, was struck by a train at Loddon faith in the Indian tuition o£ the Y
{i.I, 1 decrease of 12b4,000 bushels. 4(i,000,UUU bushels of wheat, ;the ohj;
,,a and killed. army. . The United Trades and Labour Coun- ' FOUR THOUSAND DROWNED.
k,uM The gross earnings of the Canadian article of commerce from East to Wei a, r;
u Alfred Mercier shot and killed his Mr. Chamberlain, in grantinJ9 a Dom- cil of Buffalo complain that lmmi- and 8,000,000 bushels of of r gra.#13t ;(
"!r"' father at,, Quebec Saturday. He claims mittae of enquiry into the affairs of the gration Inspector O'Brien is not do Pacific Railway for the month o£ June A Tidal wave Five Miles in Length over, One important article of ihteir-Sta46
;w";,,, it was. accidental. South African Cliarteled Company. � hia-duty at Niagara Falls, as be- were $1, 67,220, being an increase of cnnimerue in the inland seas of ti i'ky,
whelms Part of Klang Su, China.
�,• . The remain of Joseph Loftus, a broadeped 'the scope of the committee tween six and seven undred Canadians $154,359 over same month of last year, country which are called "lakes" in tli
" Hamilton boy, ware found beside a to satisfy the most Radical member, cross the border every morning to the set A despatch from Shanghai says:— geographies, is inial ore, of whiioh $.r%
r,,ry k profits being $6`24,009. The
railway trao in Buffalo• and there are some cynioal enough to work on theUnited States Side, and re- gross earnings from January 1st were News of a terrible disaster, involving 000,000 torts were carried through t7;-, I
I t P9,151,652, and net profits for samo per- great loss of life, has just reached here, St. Mary's Falls Caatala Of flour the c'
',Nt: The Assiniboia Stock-growers' As- think that Mr. Chamberlain rpade base turn tq,.thair houses in Canada at night.
sociation are petitioning for more concession knowing that with such a The Abbott Hose Com an , of Sala- iod $9108,996. was carried 9,000,000 barrels, land y
'r'".'' mounted police protection• field for investigation no report will P ' a tidal wave estimated to have been coal, the chief 2,133 of transfer fr ,,
mance, N.Y., claim the world's record There is a scarcity of fish in British
Arthur Carriers, the father of four be Passible for two or three years. in a hose race of `250 yards, including about five miles in length swept in East to bVest, '2,133,000 tans of bitumc?
s.r Columbia Rivera.i The catch of Balm- from the sea on last Sunda and in- incus and 440,000 tons of anthracite. "g a
h�: children, suicided by hanging himself At the Socialist Trade Congress in coupling having covered the ground in y �4
at Chambly Canton, Quebec, London a majority voted against the thirty-five seconds. This claim is dis- on up to date has been miserably poor, undated the coast of Haia haw, in the Another important item of inteslakt"p,
',1.-' ' admis9ion of the Anarchi9tB, who were ted b the Live Oak Hose Com an some boats coming commerce is lumber of which the Mia
E liah ca italists are reported to be resent in considerable numbers. The Y P rib in with a taw fish northern province of Kfan Su, The
y some with none at a11.1 'Tha fish are P g igen forests are an almost ineahaus .'.;
'' nngg p P of Dunnville, Ont., who did 300 ar +,
k, negotlating for the erection of abattoirs decision raised an u roar, which cul- in the same time. so lar e which 1, a bad sign re damage done was very great,. Many ible supply. The lumber which paesett"��e;
on a large scale near Quebec. urinated in the n uproar,
wbich1100mOwl- reportedlarge, villages were destroyed, and it is esti- through St. Macy's Falls Canal lastly
y " GodSrich has granted the Dominion to storm the platform and a regulerr Mrn• Mary Herman, at Camden, N. early in the season. On the whole the mated that at least 4,000 Year amounted to 740,000,000 feet. Tbe:.
P fan- J., on Tuesday, tied the feet and arms outlook is not a good one for a big people were Lural lumber rudtu is of the State iii
Cold Storage Company tax exemption fist-figbt between the opposing of her two infant children and leaped run, The demand from England is drowned. In addition, an immense num- p
and Free water for ten years. tion. The only way to stop the fight with them into the Delaware River. even better than last year. ber of cattle perished, the rice fields Michigan amount in a year to 8,000,000.;"I,
'r. was b y I UUU feet and the, lumber rocduclsof tj19; `
C. P. R. agents have /received a y adjourning the congress and The mother was rescued, but the ohil- In 1850 there were 66 miles of rail- were submerged and almost totally de- )State of Wisconsin are about one-ha 2,
them not to co- clearing the ball. Mr. James Keir stroyed with the result that a famine!•,
circular instructing Hardie, ex-M. P., was conspicuous for dren were drowned. The mother at- way in operation in all Canada which is feared in that district during ilia, large. ';
rept damaged silver coins in future. bawling and making personal threats terwards suicided with carbolic acid. Y P
y Hearing of it all the father cut his increased 2065 miles iII 1860 and coming autumn. Haichau is situated' Another considerable bet of trans=gr
A Winnipeg grain dealer, late/ on against the Chairman. ' opposite Yu Chau Island, on the coast port through the cartel between LSI e4 ,
the bear aide, thinks the prospects for throat with a razor, but will live. 2,278 in 1867, when the provinces were 5uperiur and Ilur•on is salt to tt
n rise in the price of wheat are good. UNITED STATES. o£ Kiang Su, which a on the Whe is amount of 270,000 barrels last year, an
In the United States there is no im- united, In the next ten years there Kai oP the Yellow Sea: The surface is
'�, 1. John Entwistle, who was one o£ A new air motor for street cars was provement in the general trade aftua- was an increase of 8,304 in the mileage, of copper, to the amount of 107,000 tone �
mostly level, which may account for the . ,
BJohall's wards at the Woodstock Successfully tested {n New York. tion. The crops of wheat, corn, and In 1888 there were 1`2,184 miles in ok- great loss of life: Kiang Su is one of There in addition carried 1a51i+:
`�•_ y appear like/ to be quite aver- Station and in 1895 the miles of rail- year ' 3,000,000 tons of building atone'.;.
,zr jail, was killed on a railway in Michi- Officers of the Salvation Army have cotton a y r the most fertile provinces of the em- and 460,000 tuns of miscellaneous freight,;:
an been filled at Saginaw, Mich., for being rage crops. despite rumours to the con- way in operation had increased to 15977. pire and exports more silk than any .
�„. Mrs. E. Clancey died at London at "noisy-" fiery, and the piedieted low estimate Thus, since confederation (1807) there other part of China. The Yois pro- e;
F"; the age of 102 years. She was born in The French warship Duburdieu, at fs not regarded as of any account. The has been an increase of 13,099 entice of Kiang enters China through this pro- chandise.
,, Cleveland strike appears to have been railway in operation, In 1808 the paid vince the principal city of which is The enormous business /done in this;
Ireland in 1794 and came to London in present in New York, will visit Mon- PP Nanr Ing. canal can be viewed in its correct di-',,
,1 1846, treal this fall. settled, but it has already done inial- up capital amounted to $100,471,190, and -k'
mansions b comparison with the open-;:c
culalile harm, A -union labor atrug- in 1895 to $894,040,6u9. atiuns of the world-fanned Suez Canal
Mr. T. M. Daly, ex-Minister of the De- An oil vat of the Eagle Oil Works at le among the arment-workers of New
y1. : artmant of the Interior, is preparing Jersey City caught fire and five men g g g Business in wholesale circles at Tor- which is carried during the last year
p York is still m progress. The boot THE WHALES SHOWED FIGHT.
•his report on European immigration werq killed. and shoe trade, which has been so far onto continues quint and featureless. of which there is a younplete ^ieportt
agencies. The Third avenue cable road of sorting-up trade in 3,35`2 ships, with an a egate tonnage".
ag exceptionally favored for some time There is the usual Bertin Desperate Attack on the Steamer Seml• of 8,000,000, compared with 18,000 ships;
``' The Lake of the Woods Milling New York has begun to use com- past with business, shows signs of slack- dry goods; groceries and hardware, vole—Ali on Board Terribly Fright- with ti registered tannage of 16,000,000,
`--.' Company is shipping large quantities pressed air motors. ening off; leather ie reported as scarce and rices chow little change. e. Mer-
• of wheat and flour to Australia via Forest fires are sweeping over a fn some grades, with prices generally P g erred—A Few Injured. or twice as much in the St. Mary'sFaIIQ
,% Vancouver. large area in the north-western rt I stead and buying is only for immeoh- chants generally are hopeful, being A despatch from Jacksonville, Fla., Canal. In other wards, more than ail.
gg Pa Y• Yom, Y P times as many hips, steamers, and sail r
The otato patch scheme is said to of Marinotte county, Wis. ate use; hides are to large supply, and encouraged by satisfactory crop re- says:—"With rent dents in the latex
�, " y g p I in'g craft (though mostly steamers)rveat r,
- ., be working very successfully in Otta- • The row boat which started from New much weakgr. - There is only a light oris, and .the prospect of fair prices
,4,,. p on each side, and with some of the de- r through the canal as went through the''
t .._ .. wa, where forty-eight families have York with-two sailors on board on Jane demand for iron at low figures. for wheat. The United Stair wheat i Suez Canal, and the tonnage of t4q�
.11each a plot of ground. lith to cross the Atlantic has reached crupa do not promise such a good yield lictite machinery in the angina-room canal was twice as great.
The British Medical Association will the Scilly Islands in safety. as had been anticipated, and harvests -disarranged, the steamer Seminole of
",: - - meet next year in Montreal. Dr. Rod- both in Great Britain and Russia are
VOYAGE OF THE FOX, the Clyde Line arrived hero from New
�,;, Y Lady Mount-Stephen's will leaves an Y NAVAL MAN�UVRES.
•.y.,, , dick, M. P., for that city, has been Mate of over 1,'200,000. The will was likely to be below previous estimates York on Threads The dauta e to the _
owing to wet weat ep. Tne yield of y g
elected President. made in August, 1890, in New York. The Two Adventurous Spirits who Crossed wheat in Manitoba will be much leas vessel was the result of an encounter The Attacking Ferre outManaauvted ilia
"An Imperial Government transport Mrs. Agnes Chester, a Christian Sci- the Atlantic In n Rowboat Tell Their than in 1895, but the shortage will be with monster whales. Soon after leav- Line of Defence.
,: - barge turned bottom side up in Halifax entist at Kalamazoo, Mich., is using Story. made u b resent large stocks in
harbor and deposited her cargo at the the faith cora on animals and lents. P y P g ing Sandy Hook, I. E. Morton, the A despatch from London says:—The
,c., , p Full. details are ublishled in the Low- Fort William and westwards. Remit-
, bottom of the sea. The lifeless bodies of Sheriff Dougla e p tances 3tfil fall short. of anticipations, Purser, says the vessel ran into a school result oft he naval manoeuvres just con-,
" The Railway Men's Christian Associa- and his prisoner, a highway bobber don palters of the adventurous voyage but the demand for current for oro of whales. Soon six of. the monsters
`�, tion of the United States and Canada, P g y y' P eluded has given a shock to English-
were found near Nevada Cit Calf- of Harvo and Samuelson in the row poses helps to keep circulation out. and she crashed into one of them. The im-
%{ will hold iia next international conven- y' ppurun I men who imagine that Great Britain's
forma. boat Fox, which reached Scilly last Discounts are unchanged at 6 to 6 1-`2
`tion in Montreal in September. A Michigan farmer committed suI- Saturday. Harvo reports that they per cent. The demand for call loans I Pact immediately brake the whale's back naval bulwark is impregnable. Th8'
Apiece of muskeg land in the Lake tide by diving into a threshing mach- left New York at 6 m. on June 8, and on speculative account is light. The The immediately broke the whale's backI.
• of the Woods a couple of acres in ex- p• bulk of the trading on the Stock Ex- and it began to spout blood. The offi- Idea of the manoeuvres was that afor=,
tent was floated off and carried across me. His hears was ground to frog- proceeded tinder oars with variable wea passengers e il fleet was trying to reach Lough/.
the lake to Rat Portage. menta. PT change being confined to investment ao- cera and asses ere witnevsad are- ig.
g ther until June 16, when the Sighted the counts. There is a further decline in markable sight. As if in a rage, the Swilly, and that a British fleet, which
, . Mr. John A. Paterson, the Toronto Frederick Gallagher died in Morris- Y g leading speculative shares, chiefly in five other-whales drew off a,§bort dis- was much stronger and faster, had tf
town, N.J., the other day from paraly- North German Lloyd steamer Fuerst I Cable, Toronto Railway, y preveut it. 1'he foreign fleet met off
lawyer has purchased on behalf of an ain which his physician ascribed to too Bismarck, hound to New York, the Y. Canadian Pa- tancel and h hermco I Ire nble9t from Torluy, and the British fleet waef
`1.,, English syndicate the Mikado gold much riding of the bicycle. (rifle, Postal and Assurance stocks. 'The K P a read from Land's End to Cape Ma
t:r mine near Rat Portage Por $25,000cash. master of which vessel offered to take New York synriioate in foreign exchange stem to stern. The whales re entad P
Ih airy into the collision at Thames Father Martinelli, Prior-General of I has prevented old exports, but this ex- this rformnnce tour times, and at But the foreign fleet did not try .o
'' q the Au ustinrs, has been a them back again, but they declined. P P ass u the Irish sea. It went around
'�! Ville, in which Engineer Booth was g appointed pedient has so far Periled to restore con- each ollision the Seminole quivered as P P
successor to Mgr. Satolli as Pappal dele ming to strong winds they were driv- fidence, and American stocks uuntinuS if about to go to the bottom. the west coact of Ireland, and succeed:
r killed, has resulted in the temporary gate to the Roman Catholic Church in an northward to the bank$ of New- inactive and de reseed. Many of the passengers were hurled ed in reaching Lough 8willy unmolested.
rid, Sus ensfon of the crew of the freight the United SLatea. P This was a complete reversal of what
foundiand, and on Jul 1 the ke to to the deck an bruised. Several wo-
,t; train. Y Y In perhaps one or two linea of whole- men fainted. So terrible was the shock was generally expected, and is held Iia
aI.*, Prescott is taking the grain-forward- Western Pennsylvania was visited , the schooner Leader and requested the sale trade at Montreal there is a little that some of the furniture in the sa- prove that the lilnding of an invading
force in Great Britain is quite possible'
w:. ing trade away from Kingston and by a most destructive storm, whish I master to report them all well. On more doing, but business as a whole loon was broken from its fastenings. even though a greatly super. na;aI
"' the building of an elevator is being flooded several mining hamlets and Jul 7 the encountered a heavy ale The whales were badly injured by the g
,.', agitated in the Limestone City to im- caused immense loss of life and pro y y y g partaken of the usual mid-summon collision, and after the iOurth rush force would be trying to bar the wayi
y,' from the west and had great difficulty quiet character. Grocer men report
t prove matters. Pei-tY• q ydrew away, spouting blued. 'Phey tried .- ,-
'u . in keeping the boat free, the sea con- orders as a little freer in a general to come a ain, but moved slow/ be11
American silver 3s a nuisance in The new friction wheels invented by g y MARINL DISASTER.
• Montreal, and as the banks refuse to W. J. Holman, which, it is expected, i tinually breaking on board, keeping sorting way, with general values undis- cause of their i❑ cries, and the vessel
7: accept it from the Street Railway Com- will increase the speed of locomotives one of them bailing. The gale contin- turbed. Sugars are fairly steady at soon distanced tem. It was feared A despatch from Rome says:—The7f
pany the company is compelled to re- to 100 miles an hour, are being tested ued with more or less force until p.m. I last decline, and the Japan market for that the Seminole was badly damaged, alien armoured warship Rona, of about
fuse it in future. at Cape May, N. J. I of July 10, when a heavy sea struck teas is reported rather firmer; con- but examination shows ably super- 5,800 tons displacement, was struck :6y
It is probable that the Militia Depart- The strike of the employee in the !and capsized the Fox, throwing them tinned cutting is reported in quotations ficial injuries mentioned. The passes- g ng$)
$,-" merit will decide shortly whether to Brown Hoisting and Conveying Works into the water. After a few minutes for new pack of vegetables, In dry gers say the whales were nearly l0U lightning on ��'ednrsday, and ca
hold militia camps during the coming at Cleveland, who h be in Lwo months they succeeded in righting her and get goods. orders are Fairly numerous, but Leet in length. fire. The flames apreaa rapidly, t `
"3' fall or next spring. Major -General Gas- g' tin on board and bail' her out. All as-a rule they are small, and there vessel bei constructed bf wood, -a
1c, P �• J ago and has resulted to a number of g u a four and a-half inch armour belt,-ani
:., coigne favors the latter. riots, has been finally settled. their provisions, anchor, cooking uten- ; seems to be a general resolve to maks
Judgment has . been given in favor ails, signal fights, and several other wholesalers carry the stock. Boot M6GAZINE EXPLOSION. 26 inches of deck-plat o s Evento lit
J' An impression prevails that the re- and shoe orders are light much behind the flames threatened to set fire to flit
w' of the Toronto Railway Company by P P articles which were not lashed to thane of last ear at this lime, and con- iuignzine, and it was found neces8ai4
I the Privy Council in the suit with the aPonsibility for the recent arc idem near the boat were lost. After the accident I Y Great Loss of Life, and nestrndion of Pro- to sink the Roma by discharging toy;
Government over the question of Ila- Atlantic City reefs on the dead engineer, they suffered severely from the cold, tinned quietness is reported in lenthar' petty in Funflilrchen, iluagarY' edoes at her. She was built in 1865
".; bility for duty an the rails. who rushed for the crasafn'g in face of having to remain in tbeis wet clothing. I but values are well filled, and it is P • l
Five head of cattle, owned b Mr. the danger signal, to make up lost time. I Shortly afterward the weather moder- claimed any fair domand would cause A despatch from Budapest, says:— was of 3,000 hursrl- ,uw�i feet to
^�;Y Y a❑ advsncs. The moderate seasonable had a speed of al,out 1 is, and CaJ~
Bowen of the Deseronto road, near A series of tidal waves along• the I stud and the wind continuing fair they receipts of hides are bein absorbed by A Powder magazine at Funfkirchen. tied two 13 c rnl imetre BtutS and .:1
"' Napanee, were poisoned. Twenty-nine western shore of Lake Michigan on Proceeded eastward. On July i6 theq P y priceag Oils, pain L9, capital of the County of Baranya, ex- dozen rapid-tire guns of different adXL
•``" cattle have died from ion in that Monde caused the water to rise more boarded the Norwegian bark Cito, from tanners at stead luded on Thhrsday morning with fat-
Po y (/ocher for Pembroke, and were sup metals, temente, etc., are all dull. Last al results. The shock of the axplos- byes.
neighborhood within a month. than three feet. Prof. Hough thinks week's shipments of cheese and butter --
;'e lied with water and provision, and P ion was terrific. The town ball was
Mr. John MacLeod, foreman on the it was caused by an upheaval at the ' 11 were unusual/ lar e, and rices have
"r•- Ottawa & Parry bound Railway, and bottom oY the lake. again, when about 400 miles west of y p I almost completely wr ked, and other A HARD AND SOFT WATER. ;,
,,, y y' Scilly, on Jul 24, they spoke the Nor undergone come little improvement buildings in the vicinit were badly
1, two employees named Ryan and Owen The steamer Massachusetts of the y within the week, but considerable fur-
were blown to feces while engaged in wegian bark Eugene, from Halifax for damaged. So far as known Live per- Water is called "hard" and "Hofs:
11 p 6 g Providence & Stonington Line during I Swansea, and obtained from her a I then addvance would be necess'iry to y eighty according to the amount Ot lime a#!
1 the construction of the road near a fog struck and sunk Lhe two-mast- satisf producers. it is now fairly es- soon were .So
killed, and a ht
Whitney. small eu ly of bread and water. Body d serious/ wounded.
Arthur Gagnon, a Bell telephone line- ed schooner Vandalia in Long Island men are good health and look wea- tablis a that the hay crop in Lhia Y magnesium anita i ter gall IP ri§i
ag p Sound. A crew of ten men were aboard ' g district, as a whole, will be below an Later Investigations ations shows that thenlOrl
.'i} man, while work on one of the corn- therbeaten by long exposure. They average, but the quality is good. The explosion was mnYre disastrous than oth,' than six grains per gallon, o�c 19
Montreal of the schooner at the time and they pulled two pair of scuts during the q y K was at first reported. it. is now known other words, six degrees of hlardnee
pany's poles on Mill street, had barely time to escape. da and at night ke t watch of 3 1-2 money market is unchanged, call money p it is callecl soft. If it contains mea+e I
rams to contact with a live wire and y P is noted at fi r cent., and in fair soli that more than 100 arsons were in-
hours' intervals, one man pulling while q cared, and it is thou ht that a large
fell forty feet to the ground. When The Cunarder Etruria, which arrived $ l j 8 al called hard ; c,ml if the iPo ra curJhh,
picked up he was dead. at New York, on Saturday, was board- thS other man sl t P Y• re builds of them will die. Some of
.�,•11t. � P P aft• of /line iL is I:tllecl Lenrporarqq lima
'' Collector Milne, of Victoria, B. C., ed by an immense. wave on Tuesday Lhe buildings in the vicinity of the I nefis, laera.usr+ the saltA can b1 degrld"
has forwarded his report of this sea g• K AN IMPENDING WAR. inn azine collapsed under the effects
po morning. The wavy+ did a good decal g P erl by toiling; I„rt if it consists of I
fir, son's tato of the Canadian sealing of damage and frightened the sleep- TROUBLED TURKEY. of the ahrxk, and there is reason to of inagn�riium, it. is called PermaII(
Fleet in .r'apaneae waters, showing a ►n8 Passengers, but no one was hurt. believe that in of their inmates hardn+s9, because /oiling dose not "
".' total catch of 18,000 skins, averaging The silver spade used b the Mar- Troubles Ahead for Arcot Rrltaln—She were burial in the ruing. The muni-
y The Porte's Financial Dlf lcultles—Civil (`nn Place No Reliance on Germany. ripal authorities, aided by the military, nerve it, M
`?649 to each of the 28 schooners engaged. 4cls of Norvnanby, then Governor of Servants who Ask for Their Salaries are making ever effort to clear away
z At the meeting of the Butter and tlueenaland, in turning Lhe first cod The Post, London, published the other g y A SATISFACTORY F,XPLANATIOi
1```21.1• Cheese Association at Montreal, Mr. of the Brisbane and Ipswich railway in ore Arrevcd, the ipirk and rescue those who may
pe Y day a long article on England's tela is imprisoned bescue The magazine I Digtra.cted Mother (at, her daugh��r>I
George Sanfield Macdonald, re re- 1873, was bought at a Bowe pawn A despatch from Constantinople says: wrddin Oh ! Uh ! Oh I What aha
P Bowery tions with Germany, in the course of ;was located loft a short. distance from €(l—
senting the Patrons, urged that the shop in New York the other day. —The financial difficulties of the Gov- which ft says:—"The maintenance of I the square, in which the market is do? 'i'bi groom hasn't come, the gU9J
,,.. Government be asked to make an In- Yis in do
ui into the tic of the Australian Contracts have been signed to cover ernment are more acute. The officials British rights in America, Africa, and held. The day was market day, and ore heQinnin to giggle, and �y 11g,
q r9 policy all the appparatus and machinery neces- on the civil list have not received their
and Argentine Governments in regard sary for the transmission, transformar Asia may at any time involve the ne- the square was crowded with rustics teFri n t of the tF'nmily—CitIm yauiI...
to the eaport of meat and dairy pro- tion. and delivery of Dile thousand salaries for seven months post, and eessity of fighting America, France, I when the explosion took plane. Among madame, I saw 'he groom orfly,:fix
- ducts to the Brittah markets. The Pa- horse-power to the lines of the Buffalo when some of thSm complained they I and Russia. It hr hooves us therefore ,the injured are many of these country hour�r entering the Great Dry' GL.
irons, he intimated, wanted to know Railway Company from Niagara Falls were arrested. The Sultan is paying • to consider our relations with nl her people. Fmparium at, the corner. He saitt}til
,1;1.,,' how these countries were beating power Company. powers. It is a fact that in January bad forgotten to get gloves.
Canadian in the British markets. seine of the officials out of his private the question of how best to fight the HIS THREE SONS DROWNED. Distracted Mather (suddenly brnakN-
purse, and the negotiations in progress British navy was eerioual conairlrredit
i GREAT BRITAIN. . It is rumoured that the Turkish Gov- at Berlin, and the plah otya campaign A deApntrh from Pictou, N.R., sayA:— into smiles) y w then, it's all l!A
": Drought has caused a' severe water with London banners to capitalize the I He's probably waiting for his oha"I
ug ernmaot contemplates the issue of pa- against England was worked out. by a A terrible triple drowning arcident hero ,.
famine in the east end of London. Cyprus tribute have been token oft, strategist most com tent to deal-.orth
,.' per mons on Friday bad for it.s victims three LEARNING BY ROTH i, ;
Y• o to the excessive demands of the
ll The leaders of the great London dock The new Rl1HAlan loan of $200,000,000 'wing that problem. This fact has nrvrr hrnthers, the unip sono of John Brown, a
strike of 1889 ore orgvnizing another o4 floated by the Rothschilds in Pnriawas Turkish Government, whvch counted up bean publisher} before, and we are i,ittlS Sister.—i know what lbBC
greater magnitude. floatedhby about h times over. on eft from this source file cum I bound to admit that, the present tone painter. Mr. Brown and his sone—Al- by rote means• r
,,t'' getting Little Brother.—So do I. It'Yii�
L The rumour is denied in London that The volcano at Kalines, Hawaii, which of £460,000 with which to replenish its of the inspired German press ought to exander, aged 21 ; John, aged 14r and
a strong British force is occupying the renewed dis activity July 11, is report- coffers. put our statesmen on their guard." Donald, aged 11—were eroming the bar- learnin' a thing the way the f�l
rs- - unfinishe'1 toil/ from Acarabisii to Ama- ed to be rowio mora violent. Despatches received hp re from Da• hon in a antlboat, which was overturn- wrote {t. ,i'°i
g 13 GOOD TLME. ed by a squall. All got hold of thS o t
' caro, in Venezuela. masons report that there have been sev- i 1,
The loss by the great fire in Port era/ serious fights in the Hauran, Pro- boat, but sbe con inued to turn over, Ha mek Ever drink ti,djF
i am tired to death, dealared Mrs. at
The recent attacks upon a woman au Prince, accordin to to onto at and the three boys, unable to hold on these an for coffee P' b i
travelling in an F.n Ii ill railway oar- K vince of Syria, between the Turks and Matronly as she reached home from —" I haven't drank anything+ chile ;
gg y Kingston, Jamaica, reached 11,000,000. the Drusen. The Turks claim to have ( all went to the bottom. Their fathrY was
ria a has renewed the agitation for downtown the other evening rescued in an exhausted condition. `
aSs Thule carriages. Advices from the Nile expedition an- won a victory, but independent reports What's the matter? asked her basin seven years." r„ 0
11 Military mean in England regard the nounce the deaths of Cappt. Tenwick and represent that this Issue was doubtful, and, Huggins H IF; your sari t b�l`ebNo-
f( Surgeon Trask at Kosheh of cholera. with heavy losses on both sides. It is Been having baby's iature taken. STIMBON'S SAGACITY. Buggins�" He's aaomtratrtar ' .AL,
6ituation in RhodeAa as very grave, and Pa. They have a way of top " What linos" Bu" fry .1 ,
the force at the diapa�al of Sir Fred- Gen. Weyler, commander of the now fell that 44,000 Turkish troo y kung them in- Why doss Stimson always carry his gam— 43g r
Brick Catrin Eon na inadequate. Spanish forces in Cuba, has ordered all will be required to suppress the Druse I stantanoouely now, you know. umbrella closed viten it rains 9 The law is without dhitll dt
Carrington P¢reignarn to reaistsr on landing in rebellion, which broke out in Jane last now long were you at it t He is afraid the owner may recognize who, witpout heed, do �lun$Ff „;
I.' The British Navy League intend to Cn with renewed vigoux. Three hou s and a, half. lt.—8lrakoapeare. r,8
organize a national Cele rt;tfan of the ( ba .
y a a4
,.,* A,
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P !r
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