The Huron News-Record, 1896-08-12, Page 12`kS rY° -The Hi4ren News-Recora X1.86 a Yeat-41.001n Advance WEDIVEBDAY, AUGUST 12th, 1898. "A union of hearts and a union of hands A union none can sever; A union of homes and a union of Lauds And the flag, Burma UNION, forever." "THE LORD HATES A LIAR." The Seafot Sun, a paper that has professed to be Conservative for some years, turned traitor to its party and Judas -like sold its birth -right for a$600 customs office, was on July 2'20(1 taken to task by this respectable family journal in that it had in cold blood deliberately betrayed and slandered the Conserv;ttive, party and its honored leaders. As usual the Sun perforans the " double -hack -action " to recover himself and finds that the editor of that paper has not a leg to stand upon. His utterances and his course in regtLrd to the honored Conservative party is without parralel in the history of re- spectable journalisur in this county. To impress upon our readers what the Sun said—whose editor has been trans- ferred to the mercy of the b'rench Roman Catholic Laurier party, and who howled for his benefactors pre- viously — THE NEWS -RECORD repro duces a few paragraphs :— "There is no use of any further concealment of the fact that the Conservatives of Canada have become heartily sick of the Tupper dy- nasty." The Tappers have lined their pockets well at the expense of Canada." "Politics made Tupper a millionaire years ago, and if he had served Canada as faithfully as he bas served himself, there might be a dif- ferent story to tell today." "Tho old gent (Tupper) knows that if a party convention was called to -day he and his pets would be deposed, and a new order of things would be the result, with a splendid set of lead- ers, which the Conservative party is well able to supply." "Tho trope of the Conservative party is In having for its leaders men of pure lives and spotless character, men who will not make their chief study how much they can lay aside for 'the boy.' "There 11 no use howling about French - Catholic influence for Sir Charles Tupper went through Ontario" to the great damage of the party -just before the late election, predicting that Quebec would give him twenty majority. Because the goods were delivered to the other man 18 no reason why he should set up a sq uoal." There is not ode paragraph out of the six true and the Sun is not manly or honourable enough to discuss its own utterances. What THE NEWS -RE- CORD said in chastising our er ring Con- frere is true and we repent every state- ment we made, The Sun, however, follows its old -tittle line in abusing those who do not agree with him and resorts to blackguai dime and gutter- snipe journalism rather than argu- ment. The Sun's reply, which THE N Ews-RECORD is not ashamed to reproduce in full and thereby give a decent circulation, is subjoined ; no further explanation will be necessary, as the man who beelike the midnight assassin deliberately stabbed his own friends in the dark :— THE LORD ELATES A LIAR. Ind he to be coming and slandering me, the base little liar Hut the tongue is a fire, as you know, my dear, the tongue is a tire. Kilty and the Ron N. Clarke Wallace. Conservatives love British fair play and have no place in their heart. of hearts for political hypocrisy. A God- erich township farmer expressed him- self in Bayfield the other day, that the Smut -Mill was a curse to the Conser- vative party in West Huror, and sized up the practical liar thus;—"His ears are the regulation length, and are set back far enough, but his bead is too small to make even 'a good jackass." The statement that Seaforth did not require a Port of Entry is as untruth- fulsothers. rn7000duty wcoleed t yeari Seaforth, while Clinton collected about $3000 --being at feast doable the amount to the credit of the Secforth office. Our readers will judgehich town required a Port of Entry,also take stock of the Smut -Mill's lying propen- sities. Note the difference—if you see it in the Sun "it's so," if syou see it in the Smut Mill "it's a lie.' To us the skinning of a hagnio offspring is very repulsive indeed, but as Shakespeare SENS, Islo boasting like a tool, This deed ill do before the purpose cools. ALIEN LABOR AND THE (IRITS, Among gentlemen who raise such noise when it will injure Conserva- tives, concerning the United States "Alien Labor Law", one would natur- ally expect to find a due observance of constitency. Sir Richard Cartwright has sent all the way to Baltimore, Maryland, for a private secretary. 'In vain does one search the colurnns of the Toronto Globe. and Grit press of Huron to find tirades over Sir Richard's importation. Itdoes seem rather rough on the great number of capable and qualified young grits in Ontario, to find Sir Ric- hard passing them hy, and importing a foreigner. Straws show which way the wind blows. —TENNYSON. The piilitical cyclopean liar who turns the Clinton Smut -Mill makes ratber.a puny attempt to read the Sun out of the Conservative party. Our editoral articles are full of life giving substance to our party aed we have the pleasure of enjoying the confidence of our leaders, hence the tirade of abuse from the Smut -Mill falls wide of the mark for which it was intended. The article referred to tends to show that the leaders of the Conservative party repose no confidence in this un- mitigated political liar. His low, sneaking, back-biting, treacherous po- litical lying has so trailed the bright escutcheon:of the Conservative party of West Huron through the dirt, that instead of this Conservative riding giving a Conservative majority it has become hopelessly Grit. of so in the Sun's riding. What was a few years ago a hopeless Grit riding for both governments is now within easy vic- tory to the Conservative party. Had the Literal candidate been any other man than John McMillan, M.P., the Conservatives would have redeemed the riding at the recent election. Bo- gus teleggranss,lying lettetsand general unfatthfnlhess to party principles in the by-election for West Huron de- feated Mr. Weisnilller, one of the ablest men in Canadian politics today. In the Srnut-Mill's own town there was over a hundred majority against him, which wns attributable to the dirty political transactions of the Mill. Fol- lowing this was the general election and through the continuation of this stream of filthy, abominable lying and misrepresentation of facts a McCarthy- ite candidate entered the contest, re- sulting in the Conservative candidate being detected by an overwhelming majority. The Sintit-Mill's pure lying fiuggeaueR5 against Mr. Kitty drove Many Conservatives to vote for him and it still bontinues to malign Mr. A Woman's Napries WOULD ME FEW WERE IT NOT NOR HER ACHES ANI) PAINS—FEWER STILL TO MEN AND WOMEN ALIKE, WERE THE GREAT SOUTH AMERICAN REMEDIES IN EVERY HOUSE. No case of rheumatism or neuralgia of so long standing that it will not suc- cumb uscumb to the wonderful South Anieri- can Rheumatic Cure. Mrs. John Beaumont, Elora, Ont., says: "For 15 years I have been an intense suffer- er from rheumatism. At times con- fined to my bed. I doctored with all the local physicians, but with little or no relief. My ret:over was al- most despaired of. 1 was induced by a friend to try South American Rheu- matic Cure. After taking a few doses I was able to sit up, and when four hottles had been taken I was as well as ever. When it is remembered that the pain was so intense at times that I could not he moved in my hed, 1 can but say that my cure has been a wonderful one." The most insidious of all diseases are perhaps those of the kidneys, and it is only within a few years that advanced medical science has stepped in, and has successfully coped with the ravages of these dread disorders. The thous- ands of cases which have been helped and absolutely cured in the use of the great South American Kidney Cure is proof that the proprietor of the formula which gives to the world this valuable healer has made a thorough study of such diseases, and the cure speaks the great truths he discovered. A. Will- iamson, Customs Officer, Kincardine, Ont., a prominent citizen of that town, lends his testimony to the great benefit derived from its use. "I can highly recommend this .specific as the great- est of boons to suffering humanity for all affections of the bladder and kid- neys. It cured me when all else fail- ed." The dyspeptic—who does not pity him P Emaciated, weary,glonmy, suff- ering agonies in mind and body. And how many persons there are who have all of these sym ptoms, and neglect to give them the medical aid needed, and in an almost incredible time are drawn into a maelstrom of physical ailnoents. South American Nervine never fails in such cases. It gives quick relief and per- sistency in its use is always rewarded by a cure. "I suffered agonies from aggravated indigestion and dyspepsia," says W. F. Bolger, of Renfrew, Ont. "I was induced to use South Ameri- can Nervine as a hest resort, and two bottles cured me of sufferings which had baffled every treatment before it." Sold by Watts & Co. rwm 1•. Keeps the largest assortment, the new - est .Goods, quality fipe -and prices low in Groceries, Crockery and Glassware. TEAS,—Black, Green and Japans are unequalled in quality and prices; you will save 5c. and 10c. pound if you buy from me insteai of Tea Peddlers; compare quality and prices. SUGARS.—We are headquarters, we buy direot from Montreal Refineries, keep best qualitl and sell at close prices. NEW FRUITS and PEELS.—We have already disposed during Holiday season of over four tons and still have large stock on hand, diiferent;brands selling cheap as to quality. CROCKERY, CHINA, GLASSWARE AND LAMPS. --We have got to make room for out Imported Goods and we have reduced our prices on Dinner Sets, Tea Sets, Toilet Sets, Berry Sets, Water Sets, Bread and Butter Plates, Cups and Saucers and Lamps, all kind Call and see Goods and Prices; no trouble to show goods. -15,...-.Terms Cash or Trade. Merit Rewarded and Pat- ronage Appreciated ! Tuckersmith. OUR, 'IROURLES.—The army worm has not reached this vicinity tis yet.— The farriers have the trouble of doctor- ing the cattle's eyes. The disease has become general the past week and re- ports reach us of cattle going blind if not attended to. NOTES.—The late rains will be hard on the small potatoes.—The hum of the threshing machine can again he heard. —Mr. Fred- Tomlinson. of the London road, threshed for Mr. Townsend on the 22nd, this was the flrst for these parts —Mrs. and Miss Stanley, of I-Iolniesville, were the guests of Mrs. Elcoat last, week.—Miss McLaughlin, a former teacher of S. S. No. 6, renewed old acquaintances here last week. While here she was the guest of Miss Hi. MCVety.—Miss Moffatt, of Clinton, spent part of the past week with Miss N. Crich.—Mr. Chas. Mason returned borne on Monday night week from England.- Mr. Roht. White and wife were visiting the old home recently.— Rev. Mr. Sawyer addressed the League on a recent Sunday evening.—Tramps gained an entrance 10 the cellar of Mr John Cric•h's house last Thursday night week and relieved him of several jars of fruit, hums, bread and left his milk without any cream. The Inmates of the house heard the noise but did not take any notice of it, or the in- truders might have been given a warmer reception, which they rightly deserved. 4 41 The Directors of the \Vestern Fair, London, are the proudest set of men in this country, and feel that their ef- forts have been appreciated by the people of Ontario and adjoining States. There appears to be greater things still in store for them. The new Live Stock Buildings they claim to be the hest on the continent for ex- hibition purposes, being built frons plans carefully prepared after visiting the principal fans of America. They are so arranged that visitors can start at the Main Building and go the entire rounds, we might say, under cover, and it will snake little or no difference whether it rains or not after you once get there. This expenditure of money will no doubt be a big draw- ing card, and increase both the exhihts and patrons this year. Notwithstanding this great outlay the Prize List has beeu increased some with the understanding that next year will tind considerable advance .in this direction. Pawnee Bill's Wild West and Mexican Hippodrome has been en- gaged and will make a first-class spec- ial feature, being one of, if not the best, fair attraction in America at pre- sent. Sie Hessen Ben Ali's Moorish Acrobats are also going to be there, and others are being arranged for. Together they will make a rousing day's sport, and till the new doulbe- decked Grand Stand to its utmost cap- acity. There is no place one can get as much value for his money as at the fair ; let there be a large delegation from this neighborhood. 925-2t THE PROVINCIAL BUREAU OF FORESTRY The question of forest preservation is one which is at present receiv- ing attention in all civilized coun- tries. The disasters resulting from excessive destruction of forest vegetation in the shape of floods, droughts and injurious changes of climate, have forced the subject upon public consideration. Our own Pro- vince of Ontario has not been behind - band in this regard, and for some years special efforts have been made to educate the public as to evils caused by recklessly destroying the wood- lands. The report of Mr. Thomas South- worth, Clerk of Forestry for Ontario, for the year 1896, just issued, will be read with interest by the increasing number of people who desire to obtain the latest and most accurate infor- mation as to forestry matters. It com- prises a general review of the progress and pesent position of the science of forestry, and after giving an account of some of its more important developments abroad deals at length with the problem in Ontario. Mr. Southworth strongly favors the policy of establishing forest reserves as has been already done in the case of Al- gonquin Park, urging that if this were followed up by setting aside other ex- tensive areas of the Crown domain unfit for agriculture, and due care were taken to pevent the ravages of fire, the supply of timber would be main- tained in perpetuity. A considerable portion of the report is devoted to forest restoration and tree -planting in tbe older portion of Ontario much information being afforded as to the best varieties of trees for the purpose, and the kinds of timber most in de- mand for manufacturing purposes. Special articles on the cultivation and economic value of some of our native forest trees are contributed by Mr. A Kirkwood, of the Crown Lands De- partment, a recognized authority on the subject. There is also an interest- ing description of Algonquin Pat k with an excellent map, furnished by Mr. T. M. Gibson, Secretary for Parks. The report contains much that will be found of practical value to the farm- ing community, and ought to he wide- ly distributed. Any applicant can ob- tain a free copy by forwarding his name and address to Mr. Thos. South- worth, Clerk of Forestry, Parliament Buildings, Toronto, All Prize Goods COLORED r3Y THE DiAMOND DYES. It is a fat worthy of r.ote that all the heat ry g carpets, rugs and mats shown at untry fairs and exhibitions last year were dyed with the fast and brilliant Diamond Dyes. This season we hear that even more extensive work is going on for tbe corning autumn fairs. The ladies who are -experts in 'the art of carpet, rug and mat making are now buying Diamond Dyes in large quantities to color their material for the manufac- ture of exhibition goods. At all fairs, nine out of every ten ex- hibitors of homemade carpets, rugs and mate Ilse the Diamond Dyes, knowing full well that the imitation dyes can never give satisfactory results. If you are about coloring materials for exhibitionoods, do not allow your dealer to sell you the imitation, crude dyes. He makes a large profit, but you suffer loss of your money, timeand materials if you are unfortun- ' ate enough to use them. P asture to Let, Horses and Cattle taken into pasture. Good tonnes, plenty of shade water and salt. No Barbed wire. Applyto b. MASON at seism - ton or to M. Glow, 0! Orange Hall, Iiullelt. WANTED _Three General Agouts fora block of Counties; also five canvassers for each. A big thing, and those who get territor- ial rights will be in luck. Can also employ several bright ladies at their own homes. THE BRADLEY-1gAaRETSON Co., LTD., 49 Richmond St. West, Toronto, Out. FALL TER'lI, SEPT. 1st. le --STRATFORD, ONT.,-- Only one kind of business education given to our students and that "the best." Young peo- ple must get a business education if they wish to succeed. Business men are constantly in need of well trained office assistants. Write for new catalogue. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. WORK FOIt MEN AND WOMEN. We pay $8 to $10 per week for eau home work. Child can Jo 1t. No Scheme, Books or Paddling This la bona ride. Send stamp for work and portion fare at once, THE SEYSIOUR SUPPLY CO., Mason- ic Temple, Camden, N.J. 911-yly. Property For Sale. A CHANCE FOR GARDENERS. in consequence of my age and lack of help, I have decided to offer for sale my splendid gardening pro- perty consisting of five and a half aeras in Clinton, some of the best land in the county of Huron, iuclud. Ing hot beds and other necessary requirements, There is on the premises a frame house with cellars soft and hard water, barn and other outbuildings The Ilsyfleld river adjoins the property. Will sell at a reasonable price for half cash and balance scoured by mortgage. As I desire to sell, this is a chance seldom mot with. Apply personally or by letter to the proprietor, JOSEPH ALLANSON, 8844.1. Clinton Voters' List, 1896. MUNICIPALITY OF THE VILLAGE OF BAYFIELD, HURON CO. Notice is hereby given that I have transmit- ted or delivered to the persons mentioned in sections 5 and 6, of the Voters' Lists Acts, the copies required by said sections to be so trans- mitted or delivered of the list made pursuant to said Act of all persons appearing by the last revised Assessment Roll of the said Munici- pality, to bo entitled to vote in the said Muni- cipality at elections for members of the Legis- lative Assembly and at Municipal Elections, and that said List was first posted up in my office at Bayfleld, on the 30th day of July, 1898, and remains there for inspection. Electors aro called upon to examine the said List and if any omissions or any other errors are found therein, to take immediate proceed. ings to have said errors corrected according to law. HENRY IRWIN, July 30th, 1896. Clerk of Bayfield. WANTED --Old Established wholesale House wants one or two honest and industrious representatives for this section. Can pay a hustler about $12.00 a week to start with. DRAWER '29, Brantford, Ont. Man Wanted. Wanted, young married man, without family or with small family, to work on farm by the year. Must be good with team and board him- self. House convenient. Apply at THE NEWS - RECORD Office for particulars, Ladies ! To work around lame, salary 824, monthly. Applicants desiring n:',nt.fon must send refer- ences and three cent stamp to Household Publishing Co. McKinnon Bldg. Toronto. 2t-9'24, Voters' List 1896. MUNICIPALITY OF THE TOWNSHIP OF STANLEY, HURON CO. Notice is hereby given that I have transmit- ted or delivered to the persons mentioned in sec- tions 5 and 8, of the Voters' Lists Acts, the cop- ies required by said sections to be so trans- mitted or delivered of the list made pursuant to said Act of all persons appearing by the last revised Assessment Roll of the said Municipality, to be entitled to vote in the said Muniotpalty, at elections for members of the Legislative Assembly and at Municipal Elec- tions, and that said list was first posted up in myaline at Varna, on the 25th day of July, 1698, and remains there for inspection. Electors aro called' upon to examine the said List and if any omissions or any other errors are found therein, to take immediate proceed- ings to have said errors corrected according to law. J. T. CAIRNS, Clerk of Stanley Tp July29th, 1896. "CANADA'S PRIDE" - THE GREAT - INDVSTRIAL FAIR AND AGRICULTURAL EXHIBITION TORONTO Aug. 31 to Sept. 12 1896 ENTRIES CLOSE AUG. 8th NEW DEPARTMENTS BVPSRIOR ATTRA1TrtON8 LATEST INVENTIONS. EVERYTHING UP TO DATE. frit PEOPLE'S GREAT HOLIDAY 1 OUTING OF TRE YEAR WAIT FOR IT. Cheap Excursions from Everywhere For Pdze llatt and Entry Forme, etc., address J. J. WITHROW H. J. HILL President. Manager, Toronto. THEEY Ar OFTHEWOR e Fixed Upon South Ameri- can Nervine. Beyohd Doubt the Greatest Medical Discove of the Age. WHEN EVERY OTHER HELPER fits FAILED IT CMS A Discovery, Based on Scientific - Principles. that Renders Failure impossible. in ttae natter at good health tempor- izin measures, while possibly success- ful for the moment, can never be left - bag. Those In poor health soon know whether the remedy they are using is simply a passing inotdeat In their ex- perience, bracingthem up for the day, or sommething tt Is getting at the seat ei the disease and 1s surely and permanently resttising. The eyes of the world are literally axed on South American Nervine. They Ore not viewing it !ss to nine -days' won- der, but critical and Usperienoed men have been studying this medicine for rears, with the one result—they have found that its claim of perfeot opta- tive qualtttes cannot be gainsaid The great discoverer of this medicine Was poeeeeserl of the knowledge that the seat of all disease Is the nerve centres, situated at the base of the brain. In this belief he had the best 'potentiate and medical men of the world eooupying exactly the same pre- mises. Indeed, the ordinary lay- man recognised this prinotple long ago. Everyone knows that let disease or Injury affect this part of the human system and death Is almost crtain. Injure the spinal coni. which le the medium of these nerve cen- tres, and paralysis is sure to follow. Here is the time principle. The trou- ble with medical treatment ttrl4.1 ally, and with nearly all medicines, is that they aim Simply to treat the organ that pay be diseased, South American Nervine passes by the organs, and im- mediately applies Re ourative powers to the nerve centres. from which the organs of the body receive their supply;: of nerve fluid. The nerve centres healed, and of necessity the organ which has shown the outward evidence only of derangement le healed. Indi- gestion, nervousness, impoverishes blood, liver complaint, all owe their origin to a derangement of the nerve centres. Thousands bear testtmong that they have been cured of these troubles, even when they have becomes so desperate as to bailie the skill 021 the most eminent pliyleolans, because, South American N.rvine has gone Ur headquarters and cured there. The eyes of the world hay* net bees disappointed in the inquiry into the 6U0- . et u - et as of South American Nervine. Peo- ple marvel, it Is true. at its wonderful medical qualities, but they know be- ' gond all question that it does every- thing that 1s claimed for It It stands• alone as the one great oertatn curing remedy of the nineteenth century. Whg ehould anyone suffer distress and stoke nese while this remedy is practical** . at their hands'? ���COMPETITION �� The tonic of business life supremacy and success. if petitors take advantage of Rion. We are in the race poll if High Class Goods at anything. keeps us till hustling for we lag in tlfe race corn - our hestitancy and indeci- and are bound to head the the right price count for FOR CAMPERS AND PICNICERS WE HAIM (Chicken, Duck, Turkey, Beef, Lunch Tongue, Deviled Tongne, Deviled Canned Hem, Chipped Beef, Noble's Lobsters, kippered Herring, Herring in tToinato Sauce. All of which are new and seasonable goods. THE CASH GROCERY. Telephone 23. OGLE COOPER & CO. BINDER TWINE ... Amber brand, Blue Star and Composts. Church's Potato Finish and Fertilizer. 0 Pure English Paris Green. HARLAND BROS., Hardware Merchants, Clinton. Touches the spot -0°' MacLeod's System Renovator /` •••••••••••••••••••• ••••••eel•••••••••••••••••••. Weak and Impure Blood, Liver and Kidney Diseases, Female Complaints, etc. Ask Druggist or write direct to J. 11. MacLeod, GODERiCA, Ont. 022-y n. ,r