HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1896-08-12, Page 11J-. I , 7,Trr I., ., - ,; . ", , - " , .� , � .1 . , ,, , .- , �, , . _� � , I �, �;, .1 0 I I I :� ', �� , , , � , , I ., ,, -�� � , , . "' , - I . � k.11 � .., . , : �, . 1, 1� , I'�, �i .17 _� ,� �� , , , ,,,, ,,,. I - � :�:�,: : I . , � - 4 , -, - � � � I � , � ,, - ,'��, ,-1 , ", , �` -, . '. , I :, , , "' , I - ., , ' , - I I j. 11 I 11 I I r - � I . I , % I -, ; 11 - - " ". I ,, I I 1, I . I I I � 2 . , :1 , 1� � I , d , . , ,;,,, , , .,�. 11 � I lr,� — , * . 11: � �.��, I I .­i­,�? '';�_ , , I J_ 777, *' ­:­?!" , 1, . ­1� _ � 1* ,, . ;.w, � ., . -, I . 4. .. 111 I . �� '' - . V 1�i!"- .­�. . . , 1�, .,..,. . . - . 1114�­­ ..' . . . I 1. I 11 � I . . � _­­ I. � - V-- _=_,,. I... 1 .. I. ....", I I... .- I 11 ! . - , 'i . i.� I , 011111 I " Rom -�- I .__ E .1 �', � . � -_ , '­ - �' F_ -- �� -M-Mi 0NOW! A I � -41, aw I I � 11, . ., WOOT Wxuwous I RATS FOR SPORT. -Z== I � ­ � " " '�- 1ENETLz ffff 068. IRROVED that h"AT 111- .q1_,_11­­i%­ -_—_r'. ovipr boon constructed — mawwwxwl ly�rI 11 *in' A Diversion in ' L�% ft MCo1AMERICAN IDEAS PENETRATE THE t - DRAW'piE do tors."WUXI r r , , V C this .1, but are o%wl to the beat Favor AMOna the Loa efforts of t, 0 =t American oar Pao- luentry. 4!r1e& Up ro.at Westelgi Railway a . of -Scott's BRITISH MIND AT LAST. COMPM13Y hia been the last to givoL w 940 Of the queer flights of certain I., approve a The Old Reliable Specialists. to till Portions of London is the rat 4*tcher U-15 on. For Whom? No _. they demands; it was not t I ­ imy"tbat a breakfitat and lunch- with his cage of - live rata. M lustur . 83 Yeetre oxperionce I'll I 4r , I : , . wo en who , V06tibVie Trouss ObAkne and "Verrider eon car Was added to the now long-dis- hawks his W4res, and finds little in the tteatulcut of the Throat and Lung "I 1: , I are We* C*Z% flogle Trucks, Heavier nails, and tante South Wales express, 10"loV trouble in disposing of them to the TmubltO, Catarrh, Asthma, Bronchitis, I I I Cardiff at 9.5s a.m., and returning from . N*YvOua, Chroniv and via. ,. �,� la d be strong; a -ti-, P-rawastent ways 'st consequence. - I �� young bloods who love & rat chase. A4 11��:.,. I ' Paddington &t 6.10 V�m. The order for Quite. ..�. , ' kbabies and children who 'ill suite r�qently, English rail this car was only give wabco or men ane w " %,,, #,-� a on March 5 American gentleman was recently ao. realored-Kidney and 13lud.. Way travel. Vit could claim to be the -L LoSt Manhood -, - Kay 15 saw it emerge from the SW'ln­ . . er trouble's 11 Ahiu when they should be ). Now that the coated near Hampstead Heath by one cured pc�rrnancatlx, I 11� ,,, den carriage works - -Gleet, Gonorrhoeg, Varicottip and . I fastest In the world, was by the nature of them vendors, but had no use for stricture cured withoutpa No cut I'll ... 1. thin and at ,he w ting , . Of its rolling stock not the beat adapt- I Sy I.Jjta and all Blood Discases curoi I 1111'k.,;,�� t - for all who get no nourish- edge has Won insert- 5., � " ,� . vie I 'v,. P � 0d, we ishiall doubtless see the same, the rodents, and did not invest. I 0 mercury. �h��2­,,,�$b*Ajt from their food. Poor 0d for comfort in long-distance travel- facilities given to the West of England The man left him, and, with a tug % , I I -1 JoUng Men S - 0 traffic. 11 lollies or indiscretions ' " But bin the an mouths 51 I Y�'Ilerf'n f— Ili* effects of !�t`i-­;1,1'66d is starved blood. Con. ling. t " th t ' at his cap, made for' three or four youthful ,I',_, The increased weight of has �� troubled with Weakness, Ntrvoul d 1, , - . Wonderful strides have been made in or ,.�;, i, 1111,�',,,­vumption and Scrofula never this Wily nce,wait1l,ted the construction of larger stylishly dressed young gentlemen, who, , ' Debility, Luau of Memory, I)ospordepey, . .,� � respect, says the London I A�crai %�: and more powerful locomotives, an5i accompanied by double the at4mber of ':P I oil to Society, Milne Troublt:3, or . '.,z,�,.,' - _ � any Of the G*nitarUrlaary or. .1. . ; ` �,�­:�-`,Oqme without this Starvation. News. - . 1 'low the question has arisen, prompted terriers, 4t that moment hove insight. A% I_ . I , , ane, can here find safe and speedy cure. , al"21,; I her C ,�! " . disaster at Little BY- Business quickly resulted, for the , - "�, �". �4't' , �`� is ( I .1 ­��"-A: I� is now Just thirty yeaxs ago since I by the recent dL ges reasonable, esKcialk, to the - -�! nd nothin better for M .I.hl . . r. Pullman formed his. Amodo.. Car I Ili—, a. to. whether or not the ED party moved toward the middle of the I poor. URESGUARA TR D. ,�, - 0�i ,I',4." *�Iarveid blooT than cod-liver company, ht& Permanent way is Proper Adag: waste, the dogs yelping in anticipatio.0 Ifen-Mere are many troubled �.,_!V,, 0 "' . _ and devoted it toward or- I 8d (Or these new conditions. ?omparl- of fuu. Middle -Aged with too frequent evacu, 1,�,:.',�, tions of the 1,1111 ddor. often accompanied by a slight smarting or burning sensation, and . 10 .1 ;. ,�,, -, ICO. Scott's Emulsion is ganizing a system by which pahsen- �sons have been drawn between the This proceedings were conducted much waakeninof the system ina manner the Patient cannot account for. There 1�21.' . 13. .; I 1 :: 4-', -Obd-liver oil With ilh—efish-fat gens could be carried in luxurious vehi- ! farmer and the American system, which on the same lines as rabbit cours menwho die of this difficulty, Ignorant of the cause. The doctorwin Kuaranttea�pere ,y .. �0 , . � � cls, adequate to the wants of bothi , has to bear far heavier loads, and, on Two of the undorgrads held a colult, fet cure In all 'such cases, and healthy restoration of the " I to , organs. Con. , ' the mita tracks, about the same rate of the dogs by their co ,ultation free. nose unable to call, can write full patf`aI'-'=r`nar,Y, case .ad hsi�. " ". � � - 14sie taken ut night Hara, and the a of their ��4';.�. I., medicine cent by express, with full instructions for use. Mention this paper when .1 4 " i ,;;�, , and day travel, and in which !of 8pood. The standard American per- rat catcher, wane way ahead, thrust writing. Office hours: From 9 a. m, to 8 p. in. Sundays, 0 to it a. m, ­7�'�-, zl.- . ,, Two sizes, Ae*nts aad $ 1.00 meals could be served en route. The 1 Inanent way consists of flanged rails. his gloved hand into the cage and drew :, ' t4.' , * - first hotel oar was put into service on . MixtY feet in length, and weighing 90 forth a rat, which he immediately lib. 090 WOODWARD AVENIM. .1 , " . ­ �-,- - SCOTT a BONVNB. pounds to 100 pounds per yard, which erated. The animal, with a pretimin- DR. SPINNEY & CO. (Side Mutrance No. is iL Elizabeth St.) '1�1 4.. i .1 �o­, - Belle"1110, Oeita the Great Western Railway of Canada I axei spiked to transverse sleepers laid asniff, made off in the direction of DETROIT, MICH. , pl,;�` . ��, � p . in 1867, and in a very abort time became , - close together as to be q,lmost con- a distant d.raiu, and the dogs were slip- the li - l,,,% � the standard type of vehicle on all the ; tipuoua. ft is Said that this system pod. Neck and neck they raced, reach- ___ Z. . - 11, - - ­-----�� ____ ''I American roads. Impressed with their gives fax more elasticity, and hence Lug the object,of their Puxsu4t looked -1. ", "P',,td0r.Gordoo's Homed for Men suitability for long journeys, Sir James i easier running, tb�tn does our rigid com- e together. One of them at once made Il . , , , ... : ,,, �V�, I I - I binatioff of bolts, chains, and wedges, 11 r , only to leave go ' ; AllPort, the manager of the Midland I It is also noticed that trains make . - " 7 134 47 quickly on feeling the creature's teeth. Wood's 11 27 Creat Eng Ush Remedy. ..".1 . Rail-ayi Company, in the year 1874 im- less noose in America, A short time 4ha second got in, but set up a pro- Aft, I ago the New Is the result of over 85 years treating thousands of cases with all known , lbs �� York Central had sent d howl on ,receiving a similar drugs, until at last we have discovered the true reined y and treatment -s, 1-'L - - Ported from across the Atlantic a large over a lengt 11 of standard North West- I= of the rodent's prowess. The first ounabluation that will effect a prompt and permanent cure in all atagesot ... � * P f stock of Pullman cars, some of which ern steel rails and all their apparten- again attacked, and subjected the rat ­­, , were converted into travelling restau- anoes- This was laid down by the side to a decisive shaking ore forced to de- Sexual DeWity, Aba� or Excessei, Nervoiao Weahnesi, Xonis.tions, Ar,*M1 _... . I . 1�1 . I of their ordinary track and subjected silt. Tho second scored the next point, I Worry, Excessive I,'-- of opium, Tobacco, or Alcoholic Stimulants, all of , I i , � rants ,and attached to the principal ex- to the Same teats I ory ,short but it was not a good one, and the_oth- 'which Boon lead W Insanity, Consumption and an early grave. Wood's zl:", . 040ta Flasiri4o"T" N Press trains from . ,_1 � � SECO omo­ 'to Leeds and time the English i�&.t.�',.,' �. Oved um- or, after three or four vigorous thrusts, . Before Taking. I Phwhodine has been used successfully by hundreds of cases that seemed .."..• I . 165 Manchester. Leta, as the chairs were bro on by the succeeded in killing, and won. &IMOst hopeless-cmes that had been. treated by the most talented physi. - , CURES concussion of their heavy trains, both - I �, 1. � This spirited enterprise in the shape dans-cases that were on the verge of despair and lus"Ity-_(maes thi,t were .... i ,, , . of breakfast, go?ds and passenger. It is proposed to ".. luncheon, and dining cars tottering over the grave. -but with the continued "d `persevcring use of .. - I ;, 11, , ]POWMELY I imitate the American experiment, and TO OONSUMPTIVES. Wood's Phosphodine, these cases that had b ... R'At,Veweii� Nervous Debilit irm--iiat,ely caught on, and so attrac- to lay down a length of line of their given up toile, were IV . I -,., - " The andersIgned having been restated to health restored to manly vigor and health -Reader youeeun d not despair-no,mat- . ..'� , iII3* Maubwod, Secret 1: - , tine did they prove that it was 'not materials and ballast it in by simple means, after suffering for several years I , I accordance I �z a.', ;ises, caused by t errors with their arrangements' as this is .16 rw se ... I'll Z1­',Zd0Xct8scS*fyQuth. - ­ , long before the Great Northern and the h a severe lung affection, and that dread disease to Who b" given you up se incurable -the remedy is now within your .1 i I , e only way in whish t6 truth can Non, in anxious to make known to his fellow r—h, by Its Use You can be reaWr.d to a life of usefulness and be 1:2 I . . , ,�: 1, Tom rrilildle-avd! or old lau M Manobleater. Sheffield, and Lincolnshire be arrived at, Probably each party has 02111:2ithe means of cure. To those who desire it, Pp am .",,- liacn,st! cring froin the effects I'licep one package, $I; Six packages, $5; by mail free of postage. .:f !' railway companies had in self-defence something to learn from the other. It he will ohe%lully send (free Of charge) a eopy of the .,Nif6ilies anTexecasea, restored to hcalthv man, 0*fWfflJWW-1# sixgWranle4rdia care. ParaphigtfreetogMyaddress. , I . ireecriptia!i used, which they will find a Hurecure for 5 I 1k,19 4 4z 4 V I ; 0 r. to follow suit and to build some is is obvious, since both the ht and lij, ,�, Speed Well "lark- all throat and Lung Maladies. He hopes 1_ " , - is Cortswinjition, Asthma, Catarrh, Brournahitis an The Wood Company, Windsor, Ont., Canada. raking. k ', 1, Price $1.00, 6 boxes for $5.00. Sent by malt, saloons at their own works for the showing alle . I ,11. . I telyy ctal,d. Write for our book, 11.59ards'n, ed sign of futuxe increase, that no pro- all sufferers will try his remedy, as it Is invalu. . �, : 'A 1, 11 , , WOW's PhOsPhOdInD is sold bYMSPOOSIble Wholestate add retail druggists In the Dominion. V;V,, a only, tells you how to get Weil Competitive traffic between the same cautions should be neglected, and it is able. Those desiring the prescription, whichwill cost ' sifid. a well. � . . Pointe. But the Pullman car as & only reasonable to demand that im- them nothing, apa. may prove a, blessing, will please ­ . 11 Address. QUEEN M501CiNE CO substitute for the ordinary English proveraente in the permanent way out- address, - --- - I !N . .. I -# BOX 947, Side should keep pace with the ad- ev. EDWARD A. WILSON, Brooklyn, Now composite carriage never pro York. SA ou 6 -.! MONT�EAL. proved a sus- juncts for'luxurious travel within. CLINTON ' on, DOOR AND BLIND FACTORY ' I ;. Com; what the Americana term our . ",Orlemoulia stuffy compartments" still . do - JUST AS BAD. —0— N -,Id their own in popular favor, 'but Does your girl ever give you the in . I �"' the public that rejected the day car -�- 8-8- COOPERy - - PROPRIETOR !F F i", A story from across the water tells ble, heart? 4 9 greeted with acclamation the advent us that the German Emperor fell in No-, but she often turns the cold about- General Build®r and Contractor. .. - S,IVIALLPDX KILLS 1 or der. ., ., . U ' love with his wife because of her beau- This factory has been under the personal supervision and one owner for eigh . � THE, CORRIDOR TRAIN. ? DOES TOBACCO Two Or three years -later, acting on the. tifal hands. This sounds well, and, ONE HONEST MAN, years. We carry an extensive and reliable stock and prepare plans and give `1.` " whether it is true or not, will no Dear Zditor:-Please inform your estimates for and build all classes of buildings on abort notice and on the closest ., Road the strong endorsement given Midland's example, the London, Bright- doubt be an inspiration to lots of am- readers, that if written 1.11 ,, , � � � it to confidenti- prices. All work is suprivised in a w ' V,. I on and South Coast Company determin- bitl,,�,, mechanical way and satisfaction I "1. I'd uPon trying the sa. innovation. women to make the most of Filly I will mail in a sealed letter, par- guaranteed. We sell all kinds of interior and exterior material. , , F., shapely, hands. � tictilars of a genuine, honest home I , a train of Pulinia,na being broughtover Very few women know what ,really Cure, by which I was permanent) ! 11.1 at a fixed royalty and installed as a pretty hands they stored to health and manly vigor, Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Lime, Sasb, Doors, Blinds, Etc � �',,. , y possess, Firta, be- .� , ,,,,� o IrS3m' kind Of service " luxa. A breakfast cause they know not how to care for after years of suffering from nervous Agent for the CELEBRATED GRAYBILL SCHOOL DESK, manufactured ,, � � car (in which smoking is them; second, for the reason that they (Jehility, sexual weakness, night lossis I . �tl permitted at q. 1. think they have not hands of 46nd weak shrunken parts. I was robbed Waterloo. Call and get Prices and estimates belcre placing your orders P---- very — .", throughout) became the promiae=a­ much consequence, and third, from care- andswindledtiv he quacks until F Bear- 1: �:4 � t _ tib. "' traction to the 8.45 a.m. season ticket Lowness in the use of hand coverings. ly lost faith in mankind, but thank I"! exras from Brighton. I 1k , A critic says: "Women become more heaven, I am now well, vigorous and ..... I , lull then ensued, the novelty of 11 . , , . sensible every day in regard to their strong, and wish to make this certain , the care gradually wore off, but never- hands. Maung _ �1115. I I . � g women used to squeeze means of cure known to all sufferers. I Lesl ie's Carriage F�lltorv_ �_. T ' i Cora theless. the trial was proving of very and C/ 0 great value in another way. - The aix,eepinch their hands into gloves two have notbing to sell, and want no A. I . - too small, but now there is a rev- money, biA being a firm believer in BUGGIES, PHAE,rONS, CARTS AND WAGONS-itil of the beat wo. . in, the interest of the masses, for whom these re smooth and easy action of the Ameri- olation. They wear gauntlet gloves the univ�trs,l brotherhood of man, I manship and material. 40 -All the latest styles &nd most modern improve- .1, can cars carried an their bogie trucks at and actually put on gloves that I ports are compiled, the UiqiTzD ST.&Tas EEmALTu nit attracted genera attention. the ,solid am desirious of helping the unfortim- �0� "RT2 have examined &W linvestiestea many prepi rigidity of our .wrinkle." menta. All work warranted. Repairing and repainting promptly attended . own four -wheeled and There are many good argument, to ate to regain their health and happi- Co, Prices to suit the times. . L�­ .tions havilialt for theli oi the cars of the tobacau WE -wheeled coaches was slow be brought forward anent the retire- nese, I promise you perfect secrecy and - , �4' L.1 ment of the tight glove. Women who as I do not wish to expose myself W -FACTORY -corner Huron and Orange Streets, Clinton. ' habiti bid among them all we have no besitancy to ted to be a mistake, and in a 11 , . ­ 1,1� giving the editorial and official endorsement of these the Wolverton and Swindon carriage play tennis, row boats, drive road wag- either, address, simply : P. O. Box . .,:; turn ing out longer ­ - I ..., ... � . , , REFOATS to the remidY known &a "UNCLE !�oh,i.Bleswemounted ,gyupon bogies, gons, swim or wheel. can never return 388, London, Ont. . . - - __ . ... 11 .0 - - - - � -- - -------- .. ..., URB," manufacituree eight wheels, fitted with I toll, system of packing the hand and F�_,+_ �++ �++ ��+++ 4 1i : 5 - -1 , It radial axles. wrist into& small space. The old-fash- 1_- ----= - — ,4 11 I , i'-, - ty the Keystone Refactly Compimyo at 218 " Sall The architecture of the stage coach, ioned glove was an abomination. it 4 I �,,,-•,- 'street, Ghteago. We have demonstrated by persons the original model on which all rail- made the hand red, shiny, greasy and , -teats that this antidote positively defftroys the fast Way travel was founded, was * King of I .. k beginning Well Satisfied with # au , ,," r_1, Absolutely : 44'. riddestre for toba,deoin ti;a days, lea,ringt,he system awkward in movement. It seriously 1,11,� ". ying with it the ob- affected the nerves It took away all • 4 t: edition, and the personas soletia rules and fashions of the ocoach- . r, ly healthy op. to give way, Carr 1=0 Bicycles. .. I'll ' it forever free from the habit. ' from the fingers and wrist, � 4 — the Best. 11 1. l4�_ in! days that eve c'n1rT1w'_ minimized the usefulness of I I, 211, " la the light of our examin.ti and tests of n still remain in the ; 4 t W �.. 111VNCLS 'DI'S T013ACCO CURB,- we ar, by laws and regulations of our rail- one of the most delicate members of I Ayees Hair Vigor, r' . ,�., � Udb performing a duty -c owe the public when we on way companies. the human body. i? lq__.OK.�10 * — AZi,,� � T.5 T - � _* I I l I � � I ON y llb������ IF 1MR14 11 , , I , I Ill " 9V " !r/A AhtH p" force the same, arid stcrap it as I he crowning ►achieve. The directors of the London and "Nearly forty years ago, after I . � vent of the alneteeth contury, But the tight glove has gone and its � 14 In the way of destroy North, Western hesitated long before funeral caused few tears, to flow. Now some weeks of sickness, my hair 6 I'll V` habit so disgusting as it in common (poi Ught Weight and I � Superior rlaterW '.I F -t they committed themselves to these new, that we have a large, generous, ahapoly e I � 3ML4 $1.09); hence we earnestly advice you is experiments, By the end of 1889 five for Y turned gray. I began using Ayees I I - �.," writs them for full parucalara. �d, decreed b, fashion, we can afford . . I . 11 . I Pairs of twin saloons had been complat- lo - more Hair Vigor, and was so well satin. Rigidity. Everyrda- and I —Sold only by d c time training the hand I 1; � - ed at Wolverton, and commenced to En d; wrist. I is trainin sed with the results that I have , ,j .- I. . g should begin . . 6 - work from London to Manchester and . I 4 ALLEN & WILSONs Liverpool, In the spring of 1890 the with the infant. A child should never never tried any other kind of dress- 4 chippfull,ywarcaRte I mansillip. . . . be allowed to sit with its fingers in its 1+ - . 1, CLINTON. South Western Railway Company add- ing. 1trequiresonly 1+ . - . .. _ - ed the attraction of "Pullmans- to its mouth. Such a bad habit ruins the I I '. 1. � t shape of both the fin era and the an occasional applL . � Bournemouth service; and in the fol- 0 +1 . I I � lowing year the Great mouth. Children should not be allowed cation of 4 I . I Eastern con- t(; stretch. pound or move their fingers . � strutted some eta -wheeled restaurant + I . . ,1� saloons for the cariveni6noo or joints out of shape. The habit of R'S -'4 "I of Passau- 11 AYE 1+ I I . �.", gars travelling in the boat trains be- craebiag the joints" is very Witt, and . 11 I .. ween Harwich and the no disfigt�rea a hand for life. I . .. ) .1 r Having brought the little daughter Hair Vig6r to keep 11 . I I I . , land. The year 1892 saw 1"U.'u'3& y hair of good .. I . , !I, Eazte,m Railway Company attempt to up .to keep the hands neat, soft and in . ,5 Styles - bring carriages on white, she should W kept from scrap- color, to remove_011111- . . I 2. . 11 4 - W .1 ing the nail with a pocket knife or a dandruff, to heal I THE AMERICAN PATTERN Pair of scissors, from using acids on the . I into greater Popularity, nails and from biting them. All these Itching umora, and prevent the Highest Honors at the .World's Columbian EXPOS1041, Four draw- things tend to detract from the natural hair from falling out. I never heli. - __ - - I L ing room cars, a buffet car, and ' smoking car, all built. by the Gilbert beauty of the hands, tote to recommend Ayer's me 4 6=6 two -on* sump for our 24 -pato 11log..-A work of Art - t Castile soap is about the beat in the medicines 4 Manufacturing Company at Troy, were market for washing the hands and to my friends." -Mrs. H. M. KuGnT, + ship d over to this ountry piecemeal # Monarch Cycle Company, I in 600 packages, and then put together wrists, and but very I itt le of this is need- Avoca, Nebr. and mounted upon bogies at the com- ,d in warm water. Do not rub the ItOft" Salesroom, 26* Wabash Ave. [.eke and Halsted Sts., CHICAGO, ILL. I panY'a works at. Ashford. These cars r++1 - #' hands vigorously. It irritates the skin I exe, run on the Continental trains and and accomplishes very little good. The ;t�4�7��ff,Vt, - �� � � � I I r The Great which are very good for bringing the ±___+__M++ �—EE _+ -_ _ "I on the Hastings service, Delstirtists have some pretty exercises -_ -_ -_ - L_ - —_ -_ ____ — - -_ _==� Western Railway Company celebrated blood Lot* the hands and wrists. &as- . the month of June, 1693, by exhibiting . ER'S the first complete "corridor train- age is also excellent for strengthening . * T11 1111'1 VISIT. Big ads. are needed to boom I . corridor carruiges, by themselves bad the ligaments and tissues. , Hair Vigor The London Chronicle says; it learns1 for some two years previous been run - bad medicines. Manli�y's � n On the At Coast route to Scot- on excellent authority that the Mikado 1=d east this was the first, example of STEEL CARS. 1'reparodbyDr.J.0. Ayer&Co.,1..owejj,M&c& contemplates a tour through Europe at , a train connected from end to end by — Celery -Nerve Compound has . flexible covered 9&n9ways, that had A - nether Mark or Progregs In Railroad TAkefter's Sumpadlia for the Complelticii, some future time. If he is able to car- appeared in this country. . .. ,­-, �, s,,, F,quipnitrut. � �4­ - , -, - . __, '. . ,ry out this plan he will be, the first merit alone to commend it. _W0 now C(Ane to a v6ry important At last steel cars have been made. . Japarif',sA E'mperor who has ever been .1. al)owed to leave his dominions. It seems, . era in the evolution Of the-Pnglish rail- or n regarded as I a I 4 . way carriagp, 11P Dear Stra: I camiat prafse Man- _?, till 18M th�re had however, that there are great diffintil . .1 been an earnest desire toward the im- the arming car, but owing to the high I ' I *a Celery -10"6 Cwhilound too I Provement of rolling stook generally, price of steel they were not thought to ties in the way, the old or fazatipal Jap- Zhly, and 1 tk" its tpte ami and lhe butter design and appointment. ansa party objecting strongly to so re, restorative tinAllti4a caiwotbamr- :", I . PP be et-oncimically possible until the Lwan- I , of carrialoa, but. I lit, arrangements of markable an innovation. The Turkish VA804- I was f6ding woozV for IL travelling hotel h tietb century. A great. steel company, • fanativi did the same thing when Ah- some time Wough avdit-Work and I 7 , , had only been I , . f. thought requL%ite for the Peculiar con- in order to show under the pre.genteon- dud Aziz announced hie intention of before I had tAken one bottle of ;t' venience of mP,rchnials and business Peo- ditions the possibilities of steel in this paying a visit to Paris and London, h your mediclize, I fett contilbtely 11 - th,.y - but b6tter. yol" bmlyl 1 ­ ole i(yurn,yin to, amd from commorcial but it was nota good one, and t -he orb- 247 YovCe St.. Toronto. K. KcNabk I Third-class were unable to prevent it. and I 'r that luckle....4 sovereign was the first . ! CAn tres. di-clasa refreshmentears this material which are the first of IPARAzygis CURED-RWORN STATEMENT. Turkish sovereign ver nrossed the . "I had long been talked about. The Mid- their kind. They are to be exhibited = Mrs. Maggie McMartin, 27 Radenhuret St, Toronto ft4dutieS Of his except as a. con- .1 I I LA I land Company first put the idea into around the country to railroad men, Ont., swears that, irman's "Hootens, C�'ra" Qua ". (T . quero , The is a highly edu- - , � practioe when it, announced that,, cm- and it the idea takes thay will be con- her of Parnlyals w 'Zo rendered one sf( e of her body r M!T-1111 _. ' .. mencing from July, 1893, first and third structed on a large Scale in the fall, stictirelyuselems. Physietann ,idd there w,, nooharioe mtAd man, who speaks Furopean lan� �, L, 'i ,vl, . run on While the cost of a tees car will na- at her -lover recovering the use of her limba. Hope guages, and his visit, abould it ever ., ,,,, class dining carriages would bin .. I �. 11 xpress. desarted how to-day she Is we %,,-, I their afternoon Scotch e The turally livi'more than? that of a wooden bar friends how 11yoknuLn's I- lking.around telling take, place' will be an event of great ,.),�: Kootenay Cure" save inter�ent. ,,., i , other two Nortlj,-.rn companies replied one, sufficient experience has already her life d happiness, Sworn to, July 10, 18K �,., " with a similar notice; and thus the been ai-quired to warrant the statement before J. aNn. Seymour Corley, M N ��, j�,'11 Vi �; . that on a mminercial basis these cars 11WOUX STATEMENT OW A GitATEFUZ IIIIIIIIIII �M , excellent corridor trains to the north Notary Public. �' 14-.1 � were inaugurated. Last summer the can be construoted'at a cost not toex- NON IL 7HE � :� Midland still furthiar extended this teed that per ton of carrying capacity TAulas Whilsi, nine y ars old, who raffmid with "tPICST TEA sptem to th � morning "SteotFulan i" and of wooden oars and with a eafety tax- . 'the North Western wa@ at. last ftwama since her birth, Vas been #n6freir cured and Ztl"' � I , - nduo- for in Paver o¢ steel, They have been bar asiral system built up by Ityckman a 111[ootmay For Over Vtirty Years pi T"t WORLD TtA - /,'�� - ""i I ed to add lunche-on and breakfast cara a , , urfo to the limited Irish mail trains, which, tested with a load of wet sand and pig ,, The shove facet are given in IL nm state. M W1111SLOV8. SOOTHING Bran? has been used by EAOM THE TEA P1 CA CUP 11,1. .. _ ,� k, - I ,AY�T�Jq THE. Tr 4 iron weighing one hundred and twenty- merit made by her mother, Mrs. George Ito, lap , for ilitir children while too . .1 ;`�� Onvenlei�,ce, might truth- Stinson fit. Hamilton, 0 dated July , a' - -,;,.I 0 prior to this c 1,O�A"....'(i %�, :n. F,t ap d broken It* n a f y o u r ro s 6 _b y . . I fu y 4hve be five tholisand pounds., The use of steel "I., Me , . , IN ITVk.N,A-rIHr� �'?',•; I I been dmoribed as the most bitfars J. V. Maack, Notary public. a suffering Rq orytria with pain of Cutfing Teeth ,. _PUPM, f will not be confined to, freight oars, It . _ , µ;,,, -� .� 6 v and most inadequately fit so dat Once ARd g1t a battle of "Mrs. Winslow's 1, Monsoon" Tew�. 6:��i Aufh�ai , - Is intended - A 4TION DifiTIrRarili, - SWORg h . .. 0 L up long-dh 08 . VORRIN, V . lfftn . 7" 1. .. Oc Ji.i.l.n P,uRV,f0hVdr6nT9ethb1g. ftwfflrellavo ;row a =9 0� i % 4..."". k4ut Kingdom. rl pamenger op 0 an � . . STATtRENT "X. I c eArltaitio4latelT. Depend upon it, L ,-)g��i 1, - Z n T h �OB All companies � , era ,� Un �- ra x's'e,of- t =t- -Ai,M111 t cao. Irs or%! t , " . �f'L, I 9 1raiptilke &bout It. It nares War- . , , - .. .!t Chuhs it gowma, 11 M�rlk;rs -1 Rk Terosto Z 2 IV 00" _0011'Plete,(l tilts connect on thus to do away w#h the danger of .. ,!,?p I 1 1-i f , t 01 OM.t had a coin Marton - , e, h r. n" 0 _ing first and by yroduc- splintering In railroadoellialona, - F n-,j,t.I:,.;toi(5 AMnsob and Bowels, onreo Wind el1,A.e , aecond clam breakraAtcars 41011", Ithim. gi, V i . ; I f��"r5forM,,W AI4ft, serm I(I forstiliftilon. 6 lo, ob Wit i 0 Gnm4,reduces Inflammatiollsod api I �I I-ito meet this , my VA ly� Appothe on W a RA a." to �h h I . ttm, Mrs. "'evii1ft M picftta .15 pier. w 8 19, 0 OI -N?b,. X lb, iuo�i . 11 WALL boats on Kingston i I T."fro,"ently dt*AurbW at al 1441; bta , ,gy= ."11. , rAm M 6ATi&. a&4 wusirsirfal9k case. IfleMall ow fn a �%, 1111"'Zoar6ratectuing is 'I d . _ d in buW z This year's InIproir(t.ments, the m I I appetite to t a the preedripflon of one of ­ I ���, "O - 1- d I Latae nifieAnt dining cars and vestibule trains Ddes MJw Gulthlust*n's fatblor fook .red �ZIAI 'WaXon ,unto A01cians and nurtita;n AM MOD GKI0190 XMIS CT. 0 1 colustruciteAt for the Great, Northern and with favor on your suit! Rytirm"Is "X19 tangy Oursi go swops'ot d%a I" twehiji file (10"ta IL h6ttle. I think go; he aLwa," IOU 140 pAy. 1W I outsmart V41 fasts haz 4. all drags , ii, thro hout t a world. fie Nuro .fyour graph- clo�ttu,AE&ito�.*fro g&."Wptww North Eastern traffic, fire not only tho '114-mllp- ft"ir ON& �I,0 3I A_ le ­Mws. WodAc, ' SOOTIrENG STRU'P." — MAW-ky 1rV . I . - I . I . G's.4 17A,#9, %W1 %IAV . � t == I `�" � ''�, , I , it and is F�xAt km tenmf4 , , �, , __ , �,� !F , - . . , i - ", .. I I . - I ; , "'�',�111,1. 11,11�­'i+iilA".tr'.i,�, - I '� �­,? ­-" . �_ .� � I :_� . , -'.,,f e -, , " -�,- ,. ". � ,� - - -`� -"­" -, ., -,��,�.',:� , � � "S� V,..",l .L -,,�, ", �, � " , ,i ,_� %bOlcf,�,.,",;, ," !" :,�, : :'; _ - i , ., .. ,,.,�. ._i...,: - , , 1 '. - ­�,`,, , , � i� � I "'11 '11, . I :- - V �". , I.. , , 1�, , 1. , I I I I - , �­- _,. ;,, I i �,L