HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1896-08-12, Page 6t ' p M1yl t 'A 1 t �'' A .. 1�11 F S CF ' rG ,,;t A - .5 ? f� .a ' J 1 - v a F ?,'' N •'nY 1 r �'. � r `�; ' v n i 7 `n -" y' . , � - ..", - V I - .� . � . a- - w u t the subject Ith . u A.:', . .. R .- , r � � �u '� ub gat w 1. flC7�!!/t DIRECTO3004G,-irwll?t t "4.tt the moot rlagaY Oh do it FT > IT I-,tNT Atter r 1801116.yea +ifs ..:'111►i tRu(lfkitt X4 a4tlK4lArhe>�►. f F a. ` ...�.—�r- C7"WwO'l It. . • Q( a Meets esoelt� -RoAd olSeteel 7• wi.1.0'111 {�7twl Ge0rl tt �F»s pout• a lgo uestionp 6He had' timidly tried the - qq thw MO ����. mouth. Iia! tinct 1r 1$ t1o, more yeti,, as it torl1 line of ooh- oOl itis a whole matter, blook. Visiting brethren eltKay� I M413Nlfit4i:0, 444 !rl_1.i be 2*0ov, og. and Gerald had clearly shown har that, ##�� made wet reme. Ann: fI Pit go A a trap, qr tit d+ake had. not 00110 Many isteW before he In his opinion, it adinitted of n such iaggrpo[Ptad by tat of Parliament 1866. DR. J• S. Fall BORN, W.1f.. AA f ilk � VO��? a, ��zl1*s" *4•0 saw, life bolo Gerald making his bow treatment. She had not dared to ask P.OANTttLON,JR.Sea. J. P.6 EPPARD.D.it= bFtntltlpfotefSlytSadSd o tO M7s.oaklingt0n. Mr. I:splon saw him seriously if he would marry her, t7QUIN _".l1.tT•/Z.I bim too, and was on the alert. Gerald suppt>erng the accusation were true. A OAPITAL, - - �2,0o0,t100 - - — ' was closely .11 aide asiQlnl f this bad ad nen REST, - $1,876,000 kIi90111C. iA,RNES6 EMPOUVU, SLTIVIiI, OIAR y followed by Tommy Myles. p `yLINTON Lodge, No. $4, ,&, F. b A. U. meets "Ab, tho enemyl" exclaimed George at any rate, ill-timed. Consequently she D[Rad Offioea - MONTREAL, C every FrTky, on or atter She moon. Viel1-�y'pTICE. under his breath, pursuing his way to- was uneasy, and ready to be very inis- ing brethren cordially invited 1�1 wards Laura Pookl' ton. orable on the slightest provocation. But R, R. MQ1,80N Pres fd4ent. A. J. HOLLOWAY, w. M. TH06. BUIEBALL, 610• to -day Gerald carie in a different moat. �, WOLP'1r,R8T♦N flfl0idA8.0enenl Mana re. Cl. HO O 0, 1896. There beingsome misunderstanding with ro• The throng was thick, and his pro- He was triumphant, a greAssive, and tl fearless; and -before head been In the Bard to wreckage, lob ib be distinctly understood grecs slow. He had time to observe Motes diacounted Collections made, Drafts �t� bleat it any person takes possession oI sny kind Gerald, who was now talking to Tom- room ten minutes, he broached his new K. O. T. M. of wreckage and falls to report to me I shall ab design -a design that was to show can - Issued, Sterling and American ex, once take proceedings. Remember this is the my and to Sidmouth Vane, who had elusively the esteem in which he held change bought and sold at 1'• lowest currant rates. Hoorn■ Teat No, 68, Knights of the Maccabees of last warning a shall glue. CAPT. Wit[. B♦BH. joined hem. Gerald was speaking the "Bee married and their utterer. ehsworld. $1,000,$2,000 and $8,000Poliol- Idem- Receiver of R'reakr, C10 evieh, low, but his gestures betrayed strongmarried dirt�t tier Oh, Gerald!" larsaseT ALbhw1D ON D00ANs bership over 100,000. Assessment vrmciple—has Qoderlch, sept. 7th 1891. g "Why not, darling?" It will be the paver exceeded 13 aesaeamenbe !n a year. Chisyeat excitement. Suddenly he began to best answer to them." �,� ���� and safest in existence. Meets in Ors to Hall, Cl}n- FOR SALE■ walk rapidly towards George, the peo- "What would your father say?'• ton, first Lad third Friday of every mouth, ple seeming to fall aside from his path. "1 know he will approve. Why envy advanced to farmers on their own aotsa shouldn't he?" tl? •a• or more endorsers. No mortgage to- -�-+I Tommy Myles Jollowed him, while aired as security. (/00H'S FLOUR The property at pmeant occupied by the aa- "But -but everybody is talking about H., 0. BREWER, deie}gned as a reefdence on the Huron Road, Vane all but ran to George and whir me." Mauager, to the Town of Goderioh, consisting of one half of pared eagerly, "What do I care?" December, 199x. fnvox. & FEED STORrE, an &ore of land, good frame house -story and a ")nor God's sake, clear out, ley -dear It suits some men to be in love, and half -seven rooms includingkitoben hard and Gerald looked von well as he threw Clinton. fellow! He's madl Th$re'll boa shindy, Y Ge De NoTaggart car water, good ether sellar, stable, wood and Out his defiance anti et esti. Neaen•a carriage houses, Thorn are aleusoma goad trait as sura as you're born!" was charmed and touched. BANKER BRAN and SHORTS in Large Or trees. This propaxty is beautifully situated and George fila not rills shindies, especial- "Gerald doer, you are too good -you veryeuitablefforany,personw}shingtolive retired- ly in drawing-rooma;+but he liked run are, indeed, too good to. me and to, f�iinall Quantities. For further particulars a p!y to good for me." LLBERT STREET, CLINTON. E. QAMPION, ning away less. "Oh, let's wait and Gerald said, in language too eloquent OIL CAKE. LINSEED MEALS 643-tf Barrister,Goderloh. me,' he replied. to be reproduced, that nobody could Gerald !was looking dangerous. 'rho help being "good" to her, and nobody A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS 10 lbs.. Choice Oatmeal for one Bushel J. C. STEVENSON, healthy ruddiness of his cheek had dark- in the world was good enough for her. TRANSACTED. pats ened to a deep flush, his eyes looked And are you content to take me en- tirely on trust?" Furniture Dealer, &C. vicious, and his mouth was set. As "Absolutely." PloW Disootinted. - - Drafts Issued. D. COOK. CLINTON. he walked quickly up to his cousin, ev- "while I un ender this shadow?" THE LEADING UNDERTAKER AND but out of "You are under no shadow. 1 take Interest Allowed on Deposits. 762 -ti anybody tried to look away; your word impiicity, as I would take altntos, JaneAth, 1891 edgy , FUNERAL DIRECTOR. the corners of two hundred eyes eager tt against gods and men." — ---�-- HILLS FEED STORE, - glances centred on the pair. "Ah, I don't dose ,e it.- - Town Hall, CjL¢ton, out „May I have a word with you?" "Who could look in your eyes"- � ���• Gerald was doing so -"and think of de - HURON STREET, CLINTON. GO TO THIA Gerald began, calmly enough. ceit? Why do you look away. sweet- p- J Union Sha�in Parlor "An many y like; but I don't heart?" DR. We GUNNY know that this place—" "I daren't-I daren'tl" ••What ?„ U11.f0. P. and L. R. p S.,,Edinbur h. offtee- The Beat Early Seed Potatoes, and all - "It will do for what I liave to say," "Be -be -trusted like that!" Qntario stress 0110 0, Right calls at tgronb door of For first-class Hair -Cutting Gerald interrupted. Gerald smiled. "Very well-, then you fianea on Nattenbary street, - opposite Presbyter kinds of first-class Clover, Timothy, Field and Shaving." shan't be. I will treat yuu as if -as if MI and Garden Seeds, Flour ,and Feed of all "All right.; What is it? "I want two things of you, First, pied doubted you. Then will you be satis- DR. TU.RNBULL.• kinds. Closest living prices for cash. SALT smith's block, opposite Poet Office, Clinton in stock f5nd for sale. TEAK of the choicest J. EMERTON�,.Proprietor. you will promise never to dare to ad- Neaera tried to smile at this pleasan- dress my -Mrs. Witt again." try. She was kneeling by Gerald's J. L. Turnbull, If. B. Toronto tuiv. ; IS, D.'; varieties and blends. Excellent value. �% (� "And the second?" asked George. chair as she often did, looking up at ���,,OL:it-..--,,.-: Uafr- IQ. 0. P. et 6. Out, ; F"low V Y ATTS & CO.him' rlcal society of Edi°bargh,Late,tJ. W. HILL, Huron St., Clinton S "You will write and say you've told "Doubted ine?" she said. , sad Edinburgh hoep[tals Otiice:— CHEMISTS & DRUGGISTS lies, and are sorry for it." "Yes, since you won't let your eyes ■toad, Rattenhury lit. Nightcalla s eak for ou I will ymcc. 1 "I address wham I please and write p put You to the Central Butcher Shope Great Northwestern Telegraph office, question. Will that lie enough?" DR SHAW Albert Street, what I please." Poor Neaera 1 she thought it would •__ • COUCH & WILSON Clinton. Vane interposed. be quite enough. Office If Hodgen's Block, Ratteabary at., Clinton, - y PUMPS! PUMPS "Really, Heston -you, Gerald, I mean And 1 -will e ask you, what I have lint, Night calla at same place. Subscribers bought desire to chert the public that Ehe r jPJ, u �j -don't make a row here. Can't you never condescended to ask yet, dearest, baveboaghEoatthe butchering business lately con- ■ if there's a word of truth in' it all'?" ducted by Mr. JAS. A. Ford, and will continue the get him away, Tommy?" Gerald, still playfully, took one o[ her _jras. -Freeborn, M• D.., same ander their personal supervision. Orders will If you want a first-class, well. made pump, one that Gerald ave Tommy a warning look, !lands and raised it aloft. "N owlook have prompt and careful attention. Fresh, meats of will, give you satisfaction, send your order to'ths g y at me. and say—what shall he your L. E, &Q, 0, P.. I., X-C P, b S, 0., Jso., d o, all kind■ wilt be kept in eeaeon, sold at reasonable anderaigned. He will dig and clean wells and do it at and poor Tommy shook his head mourn- oath?" d Graduate of Sing'• b Queen's COUege of Phydolaos, rates and del}rered anywhere In town. the closest prices. He also handles a first-class fully. bite Ireland, Licentiate of the General Medical FORCE PUMP. George felt the necessity of avoiding Neaera was silent. This passed words; V11eoaii, Great Rrltal . Member of College of ARTHUR COUCH, CHAR N. WILSON. g CLINTON. scene. He began to move quietly every time she spoke she made it kir lai'la•and surgeohs, Ontario. Formers rest- JAMES FERGUSON worse. yy�� y awn Gerald stop full in his path. 0, o tqa Rotunda Hospital (Lying-in and Gynts- Oppoelt Queen's Hotal , High Street Clinton. "Von don't go till you've answered. "I know," pursued Gerald, who was ,00gloal,IDnblfu. Special attention to diseases of CENTRAL BUTCHER SHOP 809-tt Wiu yon do what I tell you?" much pleaseu with Ilia little comedy. It d doorhil4r offiria t.ldreddenop personage. "Really, Gerald," Georgy began, Say this, 'On my honour a.nd love, I et., raft door to Ontario t. Methodist paraonega. -- am not the girl. ­ FORD e29-ty FORD & MURPHY. Ft. Wa L� fi A %T f1 ri n'[ B still olingmg to peace. g !I i !1 11► U U to "Yes or no?" �VhY hadn't she let him alone with (Successors to J. W. Langford.) "No," said George, with a smile and his nonsense about her eyes? That was LpItatistrp. -•-- (MEMBER OF ASS'NOFF.L. S.) a shrug,not, to Neaera's thinking, as bad as a Having it on out the above business, v l intend „lie direct. "On her honuur and love!" C-) conduct it on the cash rmea s a, end will sappy- Provinoial Land Surveyor Then, another cur, take--" Dr Bruce Surgeon Dentist oar on' with the beet meats at the lowest pay In anGeorg moment he would have She could not help hesitating for just ng prices. and eiiVll En neer struck George fait in the face, but the a moment. U1. , ■ FORD& MURPHY. f vigilant Vane caught his arm as he ' I am not the girl, on my horiour LgN'IDQMT, QN'I', raised it. and love." Her wards canoe almost OFFICE -Over Taylor's Shoe Store, Orsiol-At G. J. Stewart's Grocery Store, Olin. "You damned fool! Are you drunk?" with a sob, a stifled sub, that made Clinton, OnL Special re LIVE BOGS ��I�TED ton, be hissed into his ear. 'Everybody's Gerald fill of remorse and penitence, �e p P and loud in imprecations on his awn rvation of national teeth. a LO°'kLA$•'� stn lilt It was true. Everybody was. Y• a B.ldevil visit Blyth every Monday, and Don't Build Without A Plant , Bayfteifl every Thursday afternoon during the "All the better," Gerald blurted out. t was all a oke, sweetest"' be summer. "I'll thrash him--" pleaded; 'but it was a stupid joke, sad awed anti it has distressed you. Did you �p T n n n Highest Markey Price Paid, Tammy Myles ranged r P drearn I doubted Be Agnew, L. D. Se? L• D. Se D. CANTELON, Clinton: his hand thrrnrgh the angry man's ane.oth- you?" tr arm. No' v93 -if. J. ADE FOWLER & CO., y. g g a "Well, then, sa DENTIST -- _ .•Can't you o, Geor a?' asked Vane. y you knew it was Architects and Civil Engineers No' said George' calmly' "not till Yes (fear„ I know it was, -of course Graduate of Royal College of Dental Sur B. THDM LI NS10N, y g he's quiet." it was; but it -it rather frightened eons of Ontario. Honor Graduate of Trinity The flush that had fallen on the room ' g aped Are opening a permanent colica in Clinton and are roe." ` YETERINERY SURGEON prepared to supply plans, SpeotOcations end details attracted Mrs. Pocklington's attention. „Icor chiral Never mind; you'll be University, Toronto. Best Local Anaesthetic for any erase of work .t moat reaeonabla raise. Ina moment, as it seemed, though her Y for painless extraction. Office opposite Town Honorary Graduate of the Ontario veterinary Col- movements were as a rule slow and a'Ydusect when you think of it presently. ll y Patent and obtained. And, my darling, it really, seriously, iia , over Swallows Store. lege, Toronto. stately. she was beside them, just in dues make ins happier. t never doubted, Night Bell arswered. Treats all diseases of Domestic Animals on the ValaetlonsandioepectloneanretnUymade. time to see Gerald make a violent ef- p[ most modern andScientiao Principles. fort to throw off Vane's detaining hand. but it u pleasant to hear the truth Will visit Hensall ev ,ry Monday, and Day and Night Calls Promptly Answered. �G.S Years Experieneein Ontario. "I cannot get auybody to go rote the from your awn sweet lips. Now 1 am Enrich the 2nd Thursday of each month Residence-Rattenbury Street, west, Citation. Ont, • music -room," she said; "and the signora ready for all the world. And what I/at1 addre■s�P. O. Box 210 Clint on at"T the day ?" ____ --------- - �.—. is waiting to begin. Mr. Newton, give "The (lay?" J E. BLACKALL me your arm, and we will show the "Of course you don't know whet dayl . w(dal, T way.' Then her eyes seemed to fall Shall it to directlyt" �ounrorooU, D bil d for the. first time On George. Oh, you "What does 'directly' mean?" asked - Veterinary Surgeon (nom Nervous DebAity Y' 'Tj�/�� G. CAMERON, BARRISTER, sOLICITO IF Sexual Weakness and here too, Mr. George? Laura is look- Nv aera, mustering a rather watery B A Conveysooer,&a. Odloa-coiner Hamilton and and Veterinary Inspector. the results of Self- ing for you everywhere. Do find her. •y,nilo. t. Andrews-ste., opposite Colborne Hotel, Goderioh- Abuse, etc., will write Come, Mr. Neston. Mr. Vane, go and "fn a week." a3S•tf Office on Isaac street, next New Era office, us confidentially n plain ire Our aim to a lad Etesidence, Albert St., Clinton. Statement of their case, and promise to use our g Y lady." "Gerald I" O. HAYS, Barrister, Solicitor,eo.o®ce,corner, The group scattered, obedient to her But, after the usual ne otiations, Remed accordleg to directions, we will send B R• North Strut and Square, Imost Registry Office, ��—�—'— —, P�P�4 >� mall or express, a carefully nammanda, and' everybody breathed a yp11era was brought to consent to that Goo. � T o�7__�i frepued eoune of Two Months' treatment, little sigh, half of relief, half of disap- day three weeks provided Lord Tottle- Oederlch, Ont. 87. l •rQo f ff11111111 or which we will make no charge if it fails ointment, and told one another that 11� Honey to lend at lowest nEee of lntereet' u u 4 i to care. Avoid Yankee frauds sad Canadian tare's approval was 't quay ■ rs. Pocklington was a great woman. And, please, don't quarrel with geaeke- Write us at once for a Remedy which is "In another aecond," said Tommy our cousin any more i" J. SCOTT, ffas,nteed to cure or cost nothEn6 Myles, as he restored himself with a Y l Horseshoer and General Blaok- ddraea N. B- Iii. COIIIPANT, Lock Box 329 "I can't affort to let him alone now." BatYtietef /fry. Smith JPfeton, Ontario. Canada. '- graas Of champagne, "it would have "And— Are you going, Gerald'?" r r t been a case o Row Street!'• "No time to lose. I'm off to see the &LIOTT's BLOC[, - - CLINTON. Albert Street, North, . Clinton. D "I think it fairly amounts to a fra- governor, and I shall come hack and Money to Loan, JOBBING A SPECIALTY. FOR TWENTY -SII YEARS cas," said Mr. Espu)n to himself; and fetch you to dine in Portman Square. DUNNYS as s fracas, accordingly, it figured. (Jt"Geral for IX hour, darling I" /,•�,, woodwork Ironed and Bret class material and "Gerald suppose--" E. CAMPION, Q • 0 , work guaranteed ; farm Implements and machines CHAPTER, IX. "We! 11' rebuilt and repaired. On the following morning, Lord Tot- "If --1f.-- No, nothing. Good-bye., BARRISTER, - SOLICITOR., a BAKINU tlehuryrat sat as arbitrator, gave an io- deer; and--"gppartial consideration to Loth aides of "What is it, sweet's" NOTARY, tfc., Card of Thanksthe question, and awarded that George "Nothing" -well, and don't he Ion should apologise for his charges, Ger- Herald departed in raptures. As sdx,n Gloderieh, . Ont, ald for his violence. Lord Tottlebury as he was out of the room, t be t ai I legs Office—Over Davis' Drugstore. Moneyto low. TO MY MANY PATP.ONS : POW, DE argued the case with ability, and his cat ernerged from under the .sofa. fie final judgment was able and conclusive. hated violent motions of all kinds, and M• O. JOHNSTON, I desire to tender m sincere thanks + Unfortunate! hnwever, misled b the lovem are restless hoin g. Now, thank for the very liberal patronage accord. THE COOKSBEST FRIEND habit beforementionedof writing to heaven I there was a chance of lying on BARRISTER SOLICITOR ed me i¢ the set and to i¢Iosco the LARGEST IN CANADA. the papers about matters other than the hearth -rug without being trod - BARRISTER, , P those which immediately concerned him, den itpon 1 COMMISSIONER, ETC,, public that I am still in the Carpet Lord Tottlehury forgot that neither "Dill you hear tha.t, Roh?" asked WeavingBusiness on East Street party had asked him to adjudicate, and, Ne'aera,. "[-I went the whole. hog, G oderieh, - - - Ont. ' a,t.hotigh Maud Heaton wa quite con- didn't. i?" Goderioh, next the Bicycle Factory."CAVEATURADE vinced by his reagonirig, his award re- Lord Tottlebury, who was much less Omoe-Cor. Hamilton and St. Andrrw'■ $te. Personal and mail orders will as usual mained an Opinion in vacuo; and thn inflexible than he scernntt, olid not. hold W. BIZYDONE., receive prompt attentio¢. All classes two clear and full letters which he out long against. Gerald's vehemence, `p wrote expressing his views were. con- and the. newsy gfx,n s rend (hat defiance BARRI,9TER SOLICITOR, of work a specialty, at the loweat pegMAft' $ signed by their respective recipients to —A to iw hurled in Geor e a ea. -e. 'rhe 0 sible prices, end eatiefnatlon guaran•RI®HT6'. the waste -paper basket.. Each of the Bull'A e,ye was t.riumpiant. Isabel NOTARY PUBLIC cfc. teed. CAN i OBTAIN 4 FATENT9 For a young men thanked Lord Tottlebury Bourne and Maud Neston made a hero PUBLIC, t pprou�trptt answer and an onest opinion write to for Its kind efforts, but feared that the orf Gerald and a heruinp. of Neaera. IYIIINNdaCO.,who have had nearl filtyyears' enreasonahle temper di9 !a ed h the Tommy Miles hastene'l to secure the OFFIoID BBAVEB BLooir - - CLINTON. W. A. ROSS, East 3treety experience Inthepatent bneta.ee. ommuntoa. p displayed p y dxsiLion of "best. moan," and Sidmouth tions strictly annsdentfaL A Ilandbsok of in- other would render any ahem t at an 817 -if formation concern! Patent. and bow to obs arra ement futile. Lord Tottlebury Vann discovered and acknowledgred a GODERICH. tainthem sent free..Atsoacatalogueofineeban. lug ripe world! wisdom i❑ Gerald's ro¢- taol and eofentiffe books sent free. sl ed, and sadly returned to his article p Y Patent$ takeu through Munn k op, reelefq on�'What the Kaiser should do next." duct' e ecialnotieefntbeSciond$aAmorfez,21a "Of course," saint he to Nfr. 11!odwoll, V'Sonev to c �. The McKillop Mutual Fire thus are brought widely before the public with- He was in a burry to finish it, because out coat to the Inventor. This sa endid paper, ho also had on hand a reply to Protes-• on the terrain, "if it Came out, before Issuedwoekl elesan iyf}Instrated �asb iartite Bar Dresain ham's aper on "The Crns- the marriage, he'd stand pledged to MONEY to lend large or smell mm• or good Ins'uranee Company. largest airtmylitton ol# any sorentldo war �C in the >g throw her over, with the r h. But mortgage• or personal security at the lowest world. $3 a 1ear. S=&.'r mpp a aophpples sent trapp, pel Narrative an the Evolution � .drrenisabes. a. MALE, Huron at. Clinton. Bu}IdlinnigA2tlem iaoatkty,g2.e0ay6ar• ?Magi•- of Crustacea in the. Southern Seas." afterwardAl Well, it won'L affect. (he 0opfee,!IttStrente. lJverynam er cony 1ne bean settlempnt., at all events." a I plot..• fn colon, 4nd photOn yhs of sew After his outburst, Gerald Neston had Mr. I1loriwpll said he thou ht Crer- iarm and Isolated Town Proper hoagies with enablingbmlderstoehowtbe allowed himself to be taken home g Money. 1& a oaf ■ and�sew aonu.ae ♦sasses n l d had not been actuated by this mo- ty only Insured.iNcO.: D11w't�ona. 861 8a0eaw♦r. 4uietly, and the neat morning he had Yone7 to }end on good security at d and 9 per l so far` recovered his senses as td promlme (ire• lent • AT) to C. RIDOOT, Albert St., Clinton. I — Sidmouth Vane that ]le would not ' "Depend upon it, be has," persisted 862 tt. °rr'a•a'• i wain have recourse to personal violenep. Vane.' George Watt, President, Harloek P. O.; James Before marriage, the deuce l Atter Broadfoot, Viee•Pros.,. Seaforth P. 0.; w. J. Shen- JOHNNIE HAD LEARNED TO SPELL. "said be had acted on a momentary marriage, a little wee and, three Cantel0n Bros, Seo Tress., Soaforth P. O.; Michael )curdle, impulse -which Vane olid not believe- p Tvepeotor of losses, 9oafotth P. O, W hen speaking in his presence John- and at any rate, nothinign of 'the kind months on the Riviera I ' oraaaroae, nie's parents would often spell any neepd be apprehended again, but as for "011, 1 etppose, if it came out atter GENERAL GROCERS & PROMS• James Broadfoot, Seafort Michael Marala, sea. ap Otn ilio he should as soon think Of marriage, George would bold his ton - t4 word they did not wish him to hear. rig, e forth; Goor, , Dole, Sesforlb; George Webb Harlook hlaoking (ieo}'ge S boots. • In fact, be g'", ", gg This worked very well for a while, but Do you? by Jove? Then he'd I he ION MERCEtANTS. Tboma■ E• Nsyt,Aeaforth; Afer Gardfver,Leedbuq was, a¢ the white, well pleased with Y t finally Jobnnie himself learned tospell, mexst forgiving man in Europe. y, nrbvEb Clintons John McLean BI en. i Thomas a tip himself and n the coarse of the day, ands ng his accomplishment on his he's been hunted down over the bushiness Atl.wrs. � sprung went o f to 1Veaera to receive her thanks Groekery, Glass & Cliinamare parents ,pne day at dinner. Their g.ncl a proval. -simply hunted down l" Thomas Nattwod Harlockt Robert Mofdtllao, Sea. pastor Was dining with them, and "That's true. No, I suppose he'd be ALBERT $T,, CLINTON, ONT. forth and James Onmmings, EgmondrUle' Johnnie, noticing the minister take He ound her iii very low spirits. She bound to have Its revenge.' Parties desirous to offset insurance c trnns- his third helping of ahort-cake, com- had been dittappointt+d at the failure of "Reven I He'd have to justify Highest Cash Prise for Butter and Eggs act other business will be promptly attend• P g her arrangement with George, and half y p tacently observed: Mamma, don't you himself." rig -is 1 d to o td6liol(r resnentiv.poeb ointr.s,ove officers ad• lh�k the minister is a h-tr-•g I inclined to rebel at GAraid's peremptory Mr glodwell had the curiosity to R veto on any attempt at hushing up the f' . 1:�: : :a;..., ..., r _ ' know. I should riles to were off tlft,. F a; lot of them." "Naturally," said Mr. Modest il, "At any rate, if 1 find ant anythingi gators 1 shall let thein heave !t, They., haven't spared me." "Anything new?" "Yea. They've got the committee at n Il,le ']'her lid to write and tell rue that its awkward to have Gerald and me '"•, ,? in the same club." "That's strop .' ` "I have to tfank Master Tommy, for that. Of worse it mes.us that P.. to go; but i wun't. If they like to ' 1 �:, kick MO out, they can.M a "What's 'Tummy Myles so hot!vlrw,. agailwt yuu for?" 'x 'Oh triose girls have of hold o! ..,, Y �„ hirci-1Naull, and tsabel Bourne." v� "Isabel Buur¢e?" f "Y`es " said George, meeting Mr. :--� '," l;<,Itiw'ell's questioning eye. "Tommy r " has a mind to try hie luck there, I ,' think." �a,,,•- rF# icr you retired." �.tp-t,. "Well, retired or turned out. It's ,�,i��d like. the al. y, you know ; the two come ' .:.. ". to q1,,relty n,ueh the same thingg ,,, " OU must console '.ur•se1f,� my ,;yid buy,' said Mr. Blodwel� slyly. FIe It heard of must things, and he had heardll ,;.'l Of Mrs. Pocklington's last dinner- A party, `` � a "Oh , I'm an Outcast now. No one `Q would took at me." " I' "Don't be a humbug, George. Go 4� and see Mrs. Pocklington, and, for hea.- ' ven's sake let ale get to my work." m,, It was Mr. Bludwell's practice ' 11 to inveigle people into long gos- :11`'; sips, andtht;u abuse them for ,s.. wasting leis time ; so George was i not disquieted by the reproach, • '`,; But he took the advice, and called in Grosvenor Srtu;tre, He found Mrs. ?e PocklinKcon in, but she, was not alone. Her vt,Lor was a very famous person, hitherto known to George only by re- ivu pute,-the Marquis of Mapledurham.s fbe, Marquis was well known on the turf and alsoas patron of art, butitl$ is mwessary to add t h'at more was o+u known of him than was known to his % advantage. In fact, he gave many, •hl people the Opportunity i ty of saying they �' would not count him among their ac- I quaintanees; and he gave very few ofI ,+ thein the chance of breaking their word. He and Mrs, Po. klington am- ' used one another, and, whatever he did, he never said anything that was ,"i 1� open to complaint. ,�d1, For some (ime George talked to Laura. Laura, having once come over 11 Ali to his side, was full of a convert's zeal. ,1p1 and poured abundant oil and wine in- y�• to his wounds, " How could I ever have looked at I.tiabel Bourne when she was there?" z he, 1)F,gan to think. "Mr. Neston," said Mrs. Po:klington. 1. I "Lord Mapledurham wants to know, whetheryou are the Mr. Neston" "Mrs Pocklington has betrayed me, Mr. Neston," said the Marquis. "I am one of the two Mr. Nasions, I suppose," said Geoege, smiling " ', Ir Mr. George Neston ?" ked th'a Marquis. Yes." ; "And you let him come here, Mrs, 11 ;�; Pocklington ?" 11 Ah, you know my house is a cara- vanserai. I heard you remark it your- 3 self the other day," ,»; I shall go," said the Marquis, ris- t iv " And, Mrs. Pocklington, I shall 1 -content if you say nothing worse _41 t of my house. Good-bye, Miss Laura. Mr. Neston, 1 shall have a small party; y of b:tchelors to -morrow, It wi l be very, ., .; kind if you will join us. Dinner at r eight,".11 See what it is to be an abused man," , said Mrs. Pocklington, laughing.11 "In these days the wicked must 't stand shoulder to shoulder," said the Marquis. - George accepted; in truth, he was rather flattered. And Mrs. Pockling- ton went away for quite a quarter of ra an hour. So that, altogether, he re- turned to t h opinion that life is worth living, before he left the house. (To be Continued.) I I .. 't NEVER SEES PARLIAMENT. It is a curious circumstance that the .I Queen has never seen her "faithful Com- `1' ,+. mons" in session. She is denied a fi spectacle that may be witnessed by the ; humblest of her subjects. It can handll •� be said with truth in these times that ' the presence of the sovereign in the Ta house of Commoas would influence de - irate. Neither does the 011ier old con- stitutioual theory that the presence of the sovereign would lie a violation of 4,' the freedom and the secrecy of the de- ;;