HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1896-08-12, Page 3µ �, �t T �1 } t , v j �• , I: -^t a 1 ,, n„ .,.. .4 .o,: , .I .... i `R 1. ,. --.T _ :: ,1r.,: .•. i ,,� -� .,:. -:. .k,. :a. xn. 1 _ ':r ,, I ,f :. �N� '1 f ,.}r , a , OUliliENT 1VU7'B'.S �"' L.a bbeen laegleoted Lor ye rs, thb ossa is outpr:t ti! all the mtlaltesr the tptirltciA . s, r . WO are torr for' the • g�then ditferaut. din �yoh a ossa, j, rn lhemyelwee. Ar POV11$$$11i, Tpt�Ta. y poor animals mild treatment will not•-lave any ap» � BIGO '��• DIAI R e Selves. ,the pa ice�y jtlat what FU t11lbt are vlv3seated, and we are sorry HOW TO MAKE CHEDDAR CHEESE. Preclable offset. Whether the branch- ,,�,., r these two cQi�paniee choose to W* for !Rona darraw Blas Beep for the a le who defend the practice. are lar a or small, it bhare is Lao , sup a pa . " oP "The followin reci for making much woo D.ISG��E$ED IN SODii AFRICA those they otter !ok sale and they o!!ex p'up' �* i g ps some oi` ;it midst be re gvel + I Meaty in Fram*. ,_,:" t' 1 R air question whether anything Cheddar chases can ire stxon ly reroom- it the trees-are Lo be made Iseult- It IGtIiT YElIR AaO. !ew ar ale lutany as they q�Dose. . ! t010 A%A1 value b even learned g have been better to have dame a, Hav1� Chia power to kee the rice Par'- naw recuperates on µ o, i by quoh imegded, as I have }mown it followed t�ld up, it is "4 W,ed thart they paliso terve row. After the failure of Dr. Brawp. � r rte 1 (fns. Bir Chao les Bell, Lor exam- with success For ma Prux►ing before sa mutsb wood woo yro� fh otgxo.AlNF.gW1 to �R6,poo,oap au+¢ Lha power tv break ii down, it Ct were peg to Tsjuvenate the world, the 1 ,. deolar+ea tlsat .vivisection "taa done ny Years." says a formed, bu Hutt dons not help the i r% writer in an En lush' paper. "The case now. The thin to do now is to 4srned Ay itx41 Bialy �onQoq At[ana- oauceivable that they -should e"r iia- „' r #io to. per-petuate error than to en- g put the t B #Itaw tI49 �►taututad DlarJfoi B Oonttro4 sire to da so. FPr fire African xf}ines carob t eAFipg of perpetual youtt ,r , cheese is made prom two meals of milk atxi of "fixe trees aQ nearlq are su t lIe oa a ie of rodtaa- as been taken u a t9r06 ,the juat view§ taken from ana- as hie into a ro er' condition. fid• pparo�dd q P gain with undimin- , t . t mixed tggsth'sr. the evening's milk, ., p Ing enough :altamands to xpake the as .' ,w tolm-7 and natural science." The satis- is wonderful how much outting TWO ),y P obadbly only one Iran in ohea �m �ed a� The agent with which the w ,`:i1 whirl brought into the dairy, is placed a fairly vigorous agrple true will stand, p as the,' are naw costly. What faded beaut tww erasion to b L,ging-the curiosity of a medival stn- partly iu.the cheese-tub and the re- net only withoat Injury, but with ap 'mer wito seen and handied the aotttal output could be secured if they y beck * ertt who may Lor some poor animal Ja +• should ire worked to their fall it t e ;, , ,. h maunder in tar a tins the milk being parent benefit. I haus spmetImea out gerafantalua dLamond BxReLsior,' title oapao y lF rPse9 to ter steaks and the round p til t be turning a laboratory into a a g out the toffs and removed tta lower iarge.�sh first water gem in the world, may �rhaps never ba known. Haas tq h'ar foam us bane rwarrow, `wl' ` Melt is trot necessarily Lha same thing bbilt three incheos in de th. Next t it certainly is not known. now, when P branches un ll it eeemnd as the h I morning the cream iS taken off in the Mulst, have ust about ruined the He IS T' B' 'M ore. While 'in London every interest of the diamond syndi- Bane marrow is the soft, Fatty ae ;9 � ae 'promoting the progress of science 80410 time a he was accorded the rare nate dictates the limitin of that outer faring matter found Inside the hollow t�'. usual wa tress. but iii a shprt time it was ev - g > ! Y, put iu a tpi(k-warinex with' i ivi put. The syndicate knows,,.,but cannot bones of aninpals. It has been diseov_ l oIi developing .the theory of life. And a few llaxts of milk from which db dent that my work had bean a g{eat Pr lege of examining the great gem. exlueated-to tell. All thht is known k,' the hardouin effects u oa the o benefit. I xtsuallydo this work rather $e also secured s model of 1t w lot Bred thb(t if bane marrow is not the ; .r r3 p Pm- was skimmed, and then lug ed into a early to .the + h by the outside world its that the output v3" store o! ouch toxturina oP helpless ani- P g spring, but I believe it is its exact counterrt. which fs allowed to resat the market strait od youth, at leaatt it is a power- to t , r furnace of warm water for some min- can be safely performed in June, qr to mals, may have not merely a demoral- even early in the tali. tis none olif- "Tire Excelsior diamond." said Mr. amouAtid to • about £4,000,000 a year. ful tonic. Wane marrow is now serval rr< f u , .h utas, the object of this being bo raise p How w h ma kaa taken Iron the in Parisian restaurants, S read raw a 1 ;I ,., hzing,influence morally, but also art in- the to lealt doing the work w en the trees Morse, "is of aperfect blue-white color, y p ug r,}r mperature of the evening's and sire #Ill leaf than it is tuaxlier in the ground and stored up can only be con- jurlqua result professionally. A btu- and is a magniptceutt gena in quality, jeotuned, can thin slices of bread in a dainty man. ' .i?, "r c ✓ ", morni e milk to attar to BO de rasa season, but the workman can forma , , u,Y:� ° - talized practitioner is not apt to study Fa g g better There ase two flaw,g in it. One is near a ner, and it is said to be a v lalt- +. t kir < M ler, As the morning's milk is be rem as to which branches corner and will be easily removed in the aisle morsel. Ever ar9 }rt his pateinta mpathetically and with bro t should. be removed. A tree top may y one eats it who 1, { , ugh in it is poured into the cheese- look TELEGRAPHY OF THE CHINESE. ,i �» care. physician remarks, re- tub, quite thin in March, and yet show cutting. The other is nearer the center can afford to bfuy i't, and buttcher)q are „ f c J r a the traitrung op medical students and, as soon as milking is over, that it is too thick wheat the leavers and will g g furnished with a new branch of indus- 1� i aN g' rdmg everything should be in readiness for are formed prevent securtn a lar a Namegats Flus4ed Over a wire and Frans.., •s tilt at the present day : "It is too mater- "This article is not a ea in favor round stone. However, thle diamoridoan lutea r►y a code. try. The long bouues of the ex are split y�q t ,,r F ti' the cheese mulling process to begin. A � - th.1 4J. Vivisection hardens. And these of neglected orchards. a writer be- cult in thro form of a pear and a Open, the marrow extracted. and it is ". , little of the previous day's sour whey lieves that iP fruit tress are worth ma According to the "Statesman's Year if, ", ` things we Baty In spite of the fact that gnifuent gem of perhaps 450 or 600 Book,,, all rho rincipal cities of Cllina then eaten wilthout further preparation. � 1,d the Outlook recently Oared an illus- sometimes added to assist in staling buying and patting out they are carats can, P Dr. Renault of Paris, presarilied bone the curd, and some markers use annotto worth caring for. But he also be- are now connected with one another ti� tration from Prot. William James, far the lieves that the care of a ns lectee)1 ' In its pa+�sent form thg diamond and with Peki p marrow to ext anaemic tient t,s a ton- ' _ i't r put orae of culorin the cheese. Q pg, the ca riot, by tele- X, 4 whish it called "pertinent" and "etrik- P g orchard is far from hopele�, and >e con- weighs 871 coasts,-almaYt half a pound. graph. Recent visitors to China sa eo, with immediate and moist gratify- s :_�� } trig," the gist oP which is that if a The rennet is then thoroughly stirred fident that it will pay the owner to At the time I saw it the stone had Y' ing Iesulte. The Wawa of its wonderful T�6 ti in, and the whole left for forty min- give it a thiorough porunin however, that telegraphing here is a ,, ' fSri ro undergoing vivisection, who lies g Perhaps been.seen by not more than a effects spread rapidly and at the present l-t �, utas or an hour to set, the cheese- dozen ns. I do not suppose laborious and expensive process, and ci;r,,�s strapped on a board and ehrteking at that more t a dozen men Lave seen that the lines are a charge u on the tune marrow eating has became a fast Er tub bein' covered in the mean-time. b P �� �1 his executioners, could only be made g VOLUNTARY PRISONER. the gem since I handled it." State Treasury instead of a scums of ionable fad. - ".1 to.oatoh a glimpse of the human dnten- The milk sopa begins to thicken, and _,_ - The Excelsior diamond is the moat `Prof. Goldscherders, of Berlin, was ., revenue � in forty or fifty minutes from the time Ai lliun `'Yho Has 6pent the treat Purl of valuable article is the world of its size. ��,;1 ,t, , flans at work in the process "all that- the rennet is added theaoheese should tells tires !tn dull. Its natural value has not been aster- The despatches are, of course, sent in the firast to use the extract of bone ' is heroic in him would religiously as - tamed, as it has never been sold, but Chinese, for not one in many thousands °farrow, with unfavorable rasulta, haw-y, �,'� be fit to "break," the whole mass being A man with no apparent symptoms of v ai quiesee." Of course it is very easy for ineanit remains in the possesaian of the men op the °otiose know any landeaga ex- ever. Nathin'g daunted, German and v 1� TN .,.. a well fed professor or an editor con- then of the consistency of jelly. Break- y has elected to spend the last who found it. t is so immeasurably t English physicians followed suit, and al?,, .. fortabl ensconced to his office to the- g aOCOm'Plished by ffieans of a years of his lits in jail, He is George grsoious that it is literally priceless. P his own. But the Chinese have many of them reported brilliant succea- a•,,, Y curd-breaker, which is made to move There is an. interesting story told no alphabet. 'their literary characters, see. American physiciaua are reporting 0:1 arize as to the potential religious cepa- slowly up and down until the curd-in �i'eldon, 77 gears old. Although he has about the findin of the Excelsior. cures of nervous rostration and eneral ' ?i-., cities ap a iauino, but we think that small flakes-begins to settle, and the not broken the law in amy way, he tae E' hk g partly ideographic, partly phonetic, P g L, ,, ig years ago, about the time the wads. whey xisep to the to With many never a number many thousands. !t is inipoa- until the dog acquires a religious sen- P• sp nt 24 hours outside of York- Diamond Trust was formed, eight men The latest and most carefully conduct- ti' t;,' makers it is cl tstomary to cut the ally villa rison durin the last 10 had Leased a diamond mine near Kim- Bible to invent telegraphic signals that ed ex pecial refer- sibility of Suoh an exalted nature it into 2-inch P B years• porimenta made with a _ squares before the hies ing He has remained there constantly, will barley. On the day the lease terminat- would cover the written language. ease to the bone marrow treatment in •would be as well for the surgeons to commences, as it hastens the process ed cn English nobleman visited the Here was an obstacle in the way of us- anaemia have just been made in Eng- " i,I pears the poor beast the horrlhle tor- considerably. AS soon as possible a Probably die there, and eventually he mine. In order to show him how blasts land kry llr. Geange Bertram Hunt, at n�Xi, few gallonts of the whey are baled out buried at the expense of the city, says were made, the workmen were ordered Ing the telegraph at all. the University C'.1lekge H ital. He t}r tum• The difficult wits obviated b in- o�p r,�l _•c h,, and pdaoed in the warmer to be heated; the New York World. For 15 years, to prepare to blow a corner off the y Y -says: " In these: cases the blood was •;i h• -_„ the curd is then again stirred gently bee tak' n gigantic body of rock' in which the dia- venting a telegraphic signal for each regularly examined in order to compare „I X11 ' for some minutes, and once more al- in P his permanent re�si- monde are found imbedded. of the cardinal numbers, and so num- the results Obtained by treating with ..' fit Every healthy man ought to live to lowed to settle. Some more whey is dente there, Weldon has been forming Work had prautic:ally been stopped and hers or figures might be telegraphed tact bane marrow with those obtained 5 + to a°y extent. 1'hun a code dictionary I k De a hundred years old. So says Dr. then taken out, the curd is once more the "prison habit" as the kee ers term the syndicate was ready to turn the by treatment with arsenics, Tho can- ''�t. " Vacher of the International Institute b ken up, and a portion of the heated p mine over to its successors, when the was prepared, in which Bach number it, He began 25 years ago with a '10 from 1 up to several thousauda stood Iruscles were measured by means o8 , w ey is brought back, so as to raise the da final blast was prepared as an exhibi- Thoma-Geiss's haemo cyclometer, the I' t'' ,.: of Statistics. Unfortunately, the ma- temperature to 90 tees. Ths stir- Y4' sentence for intoxication. At the tion to please the English visitor. for a particular Chinese letter or ileo- ercenta a be' calculated h cam ax- 1 " 1 t Y g d ex Iration of his term he-was released, graph. It is, in fact, a cipher system. p g y P jorit do not live eo tan but, we are ring is continued for twenty minutes, After the blast was fired the men ing the number, of corpuscles in a cub- ` " told, that is their awn fault. However, at the a bu was soon back again on the same clambered over the shattered eces of The sender of the message need not is millimetre with a uoxmal of 5,000,000 ' $ xpiration of which the remaend- charge, when he got another 10 days bother himself about its meanin He it is at Least consoling to find that, ac- er of the heated whey, or as much ass Then stone to see the effect of the explosion. g in the two male cases and of 4,500,000 in r, a is required to raise the contents of the began a aeries of atresia, dm- Then may tetef�raph all day without the the case of the woman. The haemo - " , ;. - cording to carefully prepared statistics,, cheese t.ub to 100 reel, is returned; pprisonments and releases. His Sen- slightest idea of the information he is alrin was estimated b Gmwer'shaemo °. fes! tit$ live chaps of to day are six dem tencea grew apace until at last he was THE LARGEST BRILLIANT sendtn Por be transmits Duly nuns- g y s":r years the whole is then allowed to settle for g+ giobirlometer. ,�;, the last time, and twe t minutes later finding nine months out of the 12 in Ln rte world was discovered. e>9• b, batter than thein fathers and grand- t} Y some one or another of New York cit s ft is ve different with his friend "'l he extract of the red krone marrow * he whey is drained off. The curd district risons or on Blackwell'e iS- aionhof the mine, d it has been worked Y which was given was prepared by split- s"" fathers who lived at the close of t en lies at the bottom of the cheese- p the receiver. He, has the code dictionar ting ox title along the muicLle anti Ax. if ,.. last oe tury. In other words t b, and is cut into s nares about 0 land, Twice within a year he was steadily aver since, but it has reduced at bis elbow, and after each message a��p 1 ;.. #' ,s q sentenced to six months artd served hie P ing_out the soft canceloue bane in the :k avers \ ,f human life is six years tont notes square, in order to facilitate the tie• Weldon is no mors eaGceptionally large stones. The i9 received center, the Inserts of which wntained ci; z ea than it used to be in the good o$ escape of the whey. In a short time it diamond was named the Excelsior and HE MUST TRANSLATE IT, the red marrow. 'Phis ii as freed from ,Il ,� is stacked in a square heap in the cen- NOTA VICIOUS removed to Cafe Town, being guarded writin each IiLerary character in place bone y pounrlirig in a mortar days M. Vacher gives 73 as the aver- ire of the tub, each rates Lavin been man ora da Brous drunkard. Liquor on the way by a squadron of the Six- g spuulea b age #figure for those who have round- turned u P g teenth Lancers. b'ram Ca Town it oP the numeral that stands for it. Only with a little water and passing the _'A pride down. In about three- makes trim tap Leavy and he lies down about an eighth of the words in the watery extract Lhrough tine muslin, The ,�,.,, 'ed-the rough and dangerous points of quarters of an hour it will have settled to sleep on the curbstone as ina feath- was taken to London by the gunboat written language appear in the code, extract obtained from Lwo ounces of c ; : 'xaortain periods in life. After passing in a large lump, and is then cut into er bed. In spite of his hard life, he Antelope. Since then it has remained but there are enough of them for all the bone marrow wars given in the 24 " . small pieces and spread over the bot- does not look his age by 20 years. Die- to rte lrossessian of ane .member of practical purpl res. hours." w' these points men have eampasatiaely tom of the tub, and turned once in sipation has undermined a naturally the syndicate that owns it. But the Chinese system has its great in this instance the result was ad- s -&WY- sailing in the Indian summer of every fifteen minutes' for au hour, It str The diamond has not yet been cut and i >i'- is then canatitution, and now he is hys- it may bo yes before the work is done. disadvantages. 11eu of ordinary eclu- versa. it remains now to be aster- Vii, their existence. At the end of the put into a shallow tin, and al- ically unable to do hard work. Weldon cation have not sufficient acquaintance tamed whether the Pariaiana are right , lowed to cool. During• the even it is tall and There have been various rumors as to x�. „, , . last century the savant, Duvillard, and spare, with a straggling the final dis ition oP the atone. At with the written language to be com- or wrong. -- ck i passe8 through the curd mill, and growth of beard. He is an unusually Pce petent telegraph receivers, and the lit- s ,'• others, who figured in a faction some- salt ng added at the rate of 21-2 lbs,of Intelligent man. He was born in Col- one time it was said that it had been erati aro not seeking employment in r. presented to the Pope. whet similes to that oP Dr. Vacher, fix- salt to 100 lbs. of curd. It is then well the ter, Essex County, England, in telegraph offices any more than our RESTAURANT BUILT OF PAPER. :, , �:. stirred, and afterward t into the vat 1819, but he has fon• otten the exact Then it was rumored that the Prince colla a rofessors are. So the Govern- o irr„ ed li e's average limit at 87. pu g of Wales was n otiat for it. Later g p Au eat' house made of er has "1';. to be pressed, a wet cloth wrung out date. 13e received a good euucation, 1°g went recruiLa its employees with much > POA r_,, "-- being placed around the Inside of the and after leaving school became a shoe- it was said that the Emperor of Ger- difficult : Besides, the patrons of the been erected in the part of Hamburg, But vole must Hat inisinte ret hese vat• Nest morning the cheese is maker. _ He many longed to possess the bauble. All y rp prospered and finally set these remora were untrue. The s ndi- telegraph are comparatively few in Its walls are composed of a double lay- ,a figures; they cannot be taken as the turned out, a new damp cloth is put up in business for himself. After his y number. There aro almost no Chinese round it, and it is a ,lin ressed for wife and two children died he bate have Hat sold it and no offer has erg paper stretched on frames and oof r,� g' P began to who have business relations alt over % ` general average, which is extremely twenty-four -hours. The process is drink and rapidly dissipated his for- been made for it, the country, as is the case with many Fn'$nated with a fire and water proof ' 4 _, low, on account of the high death rate retreated the next morning, a dry clotb tune. In order to'see the value ofa,diamond thousands of our business men. The solution. A thin, wooden F that will weigh perhaps 500 carats after partition af- ,:L among children and young persons ap- being sukastituted for the wet one, and Then be came to New York, where public is not invited to buy stock in porde further a tete of calico bein laced on t'he he readil secured em to ment at his being cut, the prices paid for other dia- the Chinese tel protection against the in- •,c x proaching the odangerous period of p y P Y egraph lines, and if it side which goes at the bottom of the trade and led a fairly decent life far mcrndsy be considered. The ViG was, nobody would buy with a view to celmency of the weather. The roofsand twenty. But, all things considered, it vat. The next day the remainder of 10 years. Then be began to drink toric Jubilee, one of the larggest dia- dividends, The receipts do not equal walls are fastened together by means of r' "1, " to fair to umle that the ma.n who the cheese is bound or covered with again, and finall woun u a volim- moods tnthe world, weighs 180earato. the ex noes, and the Government .V;'i pies Y d It was bo ht h the Nizam of H Io.tB and hires, ac twat i.he ent.ilro p; .' at the Present time has reached the calico, and th'e cheese is put in the tary, life inmate in Yorkville rison. � y y- makes up the deficit. structure may ,e ra idl taken to ieces 'S `' - press for the last time, When it leaves "Am I satisfied here9" be said in re- derabad for $1,500,000 some years ago, There rs another reat disadvanta e � Y P .tx g g and put up again. 1'he dining-roam it- age of S0, without contracting any the press it is bound with a piece of sponse to a reporter's question. "Well, More it was cut it was much larger, of the Chinese+ telegraph system. All self measures thirty by six meters,and + ya :. serious malady, has a chance to reach strong wrapper, called a bandage, and yes. It may seem stra a to the out- In cutting it an irree�ggular shaped over the world the movement of rail- the a e of 73 is then take° to the cheese-room to d Piece 3vas chipped off. This was sold is capable of accommodating 150 pper g years; that is to say, he ry, side world that a man would volun- to the as of Porto al for 200,0()0. road trains are regulated by telegraph. cons, there are twenty-two winotowe �4' being turned every day for the first tarily live In ail, but this lace is home g g $ The orders received b the station t frost added to his possible score six years J p bit. Morse sa a that the existence op y and four skylights, and the heating is . t •_° month ar so. It will t,e toady for urs to me. Y a ent are filed in Iain view of the ere- affected Ir a cou ple of isolated stoves. ? i .;. more than his grandfathers had; said in three months, but . eves with the diamonds known as the Orloff and P Y 1 Irr I LOVE THE DELLS, p oyes, and if need be the switchman Aside emotion evntains the maga Br's 11, `� • all this in spite of trolleys, cable cars, age• The cheese-room Should be kept the Great Mogul is problematical, may take temporary charge and carry . ± .� at a tem erature of 65 or 70 d rees. the keepers are my friends and I pity Neither hats been seen foracentury or out f.he instructions from the rentral offices, kitchen, larder anit dwe ling '. and scorchers I The reason for this A the unfortunate whom tate sends here." more and the evidence re rdin them r05ms. The total cwt of the construe- + New milk, that is the milk of cows gn, g office. Railroads have bean introduc Cion is sairi to have amounted to 1,500 ' r to simple enough. It is to he found in which have newly calved, must not be "I ob the light work of the prison," is not conclusive. According to the ed into China to a very small extent, marks :;'' ''. the. wonderful advance of medical sci- used for cheese-making for the first he ex-plainted. I carry the prisoners' values placed on other historical dia- and there is talk of .greatly extending ,,', �, once, which is rollin back then ids week, or the cheese will be food to them, My food is the same monds, the Excelsior should be, worth -- �' yeN g p furca spoiled, Stir- as theirs. I else in a cell ust like from 15,600,000 to 15,000,03o. the service. But how about running ,c,�.' ting the cheese must be carried on P to $ $ the trainer WHERE MEERSVIId�UM IS FROM, lli,{. that ravaged the world one hundred with extreme caution, for if the curd- 8°y prisoner. I don't ask or any- THE DIAMOND TRUST. A writer in Le Mouvement Colonial r i There is a very general impresaian in 5,, , vears ago, breakers be used too quickly the fatty thing. I am satisfied." mentioned above is a verit and it of Paris sa s that if railroads are in- }%4 r'e,.. portions will be beaten out." there was pathos in Weldoa'8 voice, y Y the minds of smokers that the neer- ,... t ' • He has no living relatives, but every controls the value of every diamond troduced to any extent in China the +f this covntr sold in the world, To show how purely personnel must be exclusive) Euro- sahaum part of the pipe, which they 4+. '�' y just now, according ane connected with the icon has r 1, ..., to the testimony of hose who remem- PRUNING-A NEGLECTED ORCHARD. artificial the market price ofadiamond peau or American, or recrui ed from treasure so carefully and take so much i;. graven to like him, The to re See it ie onl the Ikterar class. He sa »the Chinese ,"g. "It hes bean misfortune to have that he is, clothed decently, and he more y -necessary to quote the Y y pride and satisfaction in " coloring," is ., her, mbn of fifty and silty are far my price per carat eighteen years ego, Government will not to a foreigners r-�,, .r thin makes ug foe his meals and lodg- into it» service, and that the educated compressed sea foam. Such, however, is »• more vigorous and better preserved considerable to do with neglected orob- which was twent shillings sterlin in ,'< ,a, , ing bq the wank he does around the ram r•kson with the price now, w�ich men of China who alone among the peo- not the case. The German word Meer- s than their pxedecessnrs of the same Ards. The experience has not bean ppr�uson. He is an amniveroua reader. le have sutificient knf,wled of the achaum meatus in E li»h foam of Lhe ufr"` es who lived fort or lift entixel satiafact gh the ter Hs ie y-two shillings. This advance P de ng ". ,r_. °� y y years ago. Y cry, thou perliapa the most lonely man in is simply and entirely owing to the written language to be intrusted with sea, but its formation has nothing to ;' <x'' iind our girls, bless them and their sults might have been a good deal the world. Weldon has lost all track control of the world's Supply, which is the actual running oP trains, would re- cLo with the seas Lt is a kind of clay, r^, r4 `' of time. It does not matter to him � neauty, are far taller and fatter than worse than they proved," says a writ- what the season of the year is, nor even held by-London dealers, fuse, most emphatically to he either comes out of mitres like coal, and is '+' l r The demand has not more than doub- train hands orr station agents. found only in Turkey. The artist who roM 't tl time belles. OIs athletes, too, er in Journal of Agriculture. what year It is "I am here toatay un- led in twenty years, and even if it had This is one of the many small »tum- oarves meerschaum is required to pass ,++,y ba've smashed the old records all to "It is Wok to be a orad that an til I die," he sa s with resignation and blin hlncks i❑ the wa of Chida's m thmu has severe a scrhaai of a y the finds in South Africa. have been g Y P g ppren- 1 , so he doers not bother to kee track of J,, Pieces• We cart run faster, box harder, orchard that has been left to itself for P sufficient to supply the increase. The grass, but it is quite effective in its ticeship, fasting from thtree to ten years, names of days or dates. His last sen- theory ora which the ice of diamonds way• as though. the work were in marble. march l ager. and row better than many years can ever be made as good tense Por intoxication (the only crime pr be has ever been wilt of was three ° l>e explained was tort thele _ _ _ - — +' m oar grandfathers ever could ; and we ae it would have been it it had been pro- g Y ) was a demand for them, and that onl � WJUTING ON TILE TRAIN. `' -r are still, improving. Perhaps the perly and constantly cared for. It months. He wac sick, and when be got a very limited number of them were COSTLY BADGE OF AUTHORITY. a,> well he would not go away. He was to be pound. The fact which now ex- Travelers on railroads have long hop- fir. t most eutprtising fact of all is that the maY• however, be greatly improved and, too old to con ete with younger men The: most costly insignia of office in •- ;.'u• plains the price ie that the same de- ed for the inventitpn of an appliance ;. average height and 'weight of the if it Ls not too far gone, it may be made at his trade of shoemaki , and then wbioh would enable them to write z '.. Soldiers in the colossal armies of Cont'- productive fora cod man nand exists, and a few London dealers the world is iter of the Lord Mayor of + > g y years. If a had lost hope and amkrition. It mat- own all that are found, anti will only London, the pendant to whose gold 'i. `der, cental to-do are the varieties of fruit are tered little to him what he did so Iang without difficulty on board a train in 1 % Eu.rope y equal if not good, and the he hada Place to sleep and enough cell as many as they see fit to sell. chain of office is Bet with diamonds c `' superior to the Standard that was re trees are reaeanably Soand, it will pay to eat. So be Stayed le at the risen, There are very few of these dealers motion. A German railroad has just t t.o often where be ex P -less than a dozen firms hold thAcon- w"ro"th more than $600,000. Each holden• been e. u ed with an a liance which � : A 11 quired in the smaller armies of the pt to renovate the orchard. pacts to and his days. trot of the noarket. Amon them are fid the office is Iliad to luso pond g 1PP Pp But it should be remembered that the g req g pi Said to work well. it is a board Sus , s } } Last century, for which the recruits .� Werner, Beit & Co., Abrahams Broth- per its safe custody dwing his year of pencied [tint the ceiling ley strong, but F 1" ;: ware carefully puked from among the trees thus treated cannot last for an ext+ and Barney Barnato. But even Office, and before be is aw,ur•n in. After elastic cords, which not only prevent a' most able bodied in the population oP unlimited length of time. It will lee THE LETTER THIEF. among th'e few it has been realized that. vibration, but the swinging motion of The most effective of ail "letter a close co operation was neoaseary, and the Lard Mayos• reosiveis the chain of the car is nolt, crommunicatied. A small ?, ATM .,41, each countr Sure we are a wise precaution tro set an orchard of aocordin 1 two wys feUownI Y• ly great young trees at once in order that they lifting" machines, was that deli ned gY campcinies were form- offic4, and is duly swotru, thn attiler in- charge is made 4w the nae of this ,, ma Pt to the, basila ata a by the g b9 ed a few ears ago, wiLb, the modest si nia of office, sce er, seal, arse, sw ing cloak. " r y g g g a letter thief in England. He had con- pu rpose of buying all the important g �5' l time the old ones have ceased to be Strutted a"1' ht wire frame, with hooks diamond mines an earth. And this put- swords and mace, are formally present- 'T'— i + 'ik' ONE WAY TO DO IT. useful. ed t.o him by their custodians, to whom H()V I H%SSIbIISTS ARE BRhD. r, i. " "One of the, most im rtant means running the length of it, desi ned tO Pose tae been actually accoyaplished. you i t. as if ou rho ht over tht .,. Rev. Mr. Coldwater vehementl g The fact was that the discovery of be returns them. There are four y ug y nig ( Y)- for improving thio can ition of a ne- fit within a certain wall box. Two tie; South African mines did actuall swot de belavgiaug to the City of On- was wrt,nt, said Bilzyer's wife. ' No, air; this country will never befit gist tc�d err hard is by ning. Other small books, one at c�ch sad of the cause a y don, name) the Pearl Sword, present- -r r° s s,� to live in until it has more churches pni great fluctuation inprices. The Y. 1 Meb:b Ido, wa the re ty. I try not s' ``�s than dram-shops[ things will be needed, but none of them frame, were to grasp the rim of the natural su ly was found to be ap- ed 1-1 Queen Elizabeth in 1571, and rirbr- to show it. But when I noticed ,how °,' will be of much benefit if prunin l9 agerture, these (the only rtions vial- to 1 studied with arls, carrier) before ' t,ay Alderman O'Donergal.-Well, who's � h Po proachin a demand BO alOsei aS � 1�• villin' the mr�.squitoes is to bite an' r.q, �, ne looted. Left to itself an ore and bl g y h k ,' hinderin' yen from buildiu' more e) isoaPiag notice in t �e dark. With, make thinga exceedingly uncomfortable . R Lord Mayol ari all act, burs of re- bow bar kwarrl t e fish i» about dais' , I '- •"' oburobes9 wi became much like a grove of other drawal of the frame brought with It fox the Igen who had so many millions ,�r�irinR; the Swrxrl of State, horn hPfore Lha soma, I declare, I can't, helpp think- A r:4 hardq trees. The trees vviti make al- many lettere, ceugtit iu the hooka so of pounds invested in the business. his Lordship as the emblem of his au- In' things goes a good deal by con- ;, r,`;,• together tap large tops, and the p etitifully provided, and but for the in- II somethingg had not been done to tlixrrit y the Black Sworrl used ar t hn trarise. , , MOST NUTRITIOUS FOOD. bronchi=a will cross each other like satiable appetite of the originator-who check the decline, diamonds would un- death ati any member of the Noyal 1 am- WANTED A CHANGE. 31 fi. thtrse of trees in a forest. Evia ff rsistent stuck to one wall box, and qu0stianahly have txien Bald at penia ily, and the Sword of Justis.+, placed � I t' >' Taking all the ordinary food stuffs, Pe Y other things were favorable, such a eo his ca wire-tha9 amq 11t' ht r shave the [omd NIa ar's chair at the Waiter (at club restaurant)--Ready! the one which would beat fulfill the condition would event the forma- Cyt g ig p ices long before this. bondon was the y with pour order, sah4 i Pn have been considerably prole ed. Quite only place where an thin of the kind Central Criminal Court. y requirements of life and strength would tion of large quantities of fruit, and an u um affair was y g City Soortsman (bark from a weeks' : would cause what was Poroued io be of a frame etnild be dans, for tt is, and hits been - __ --�••--- - fiahing)r<,ivs me some fish; I'm tired r be substantial slices orf whole meal destined for a purpoea ao disreputable. far many yeses,_ . ", wheaten bread, eaten with the crust and inferior quality. So, thte first thing The books were well tarred up, so that to death of other things. to be dans with such an orchard is to It was hard) i THE CENTRAL MARKET EVEN NON-C.YCLFFig CAN DO THiS. l 1•; sppread with good butter. PraoLioally reduce the nantit of wood. Y P� ble lottery once ledgg of the world for diamonds, as it is for Avoid all sweetened drinks when rid- liE TOOK THF SINT. lr,,, all the congtitaents necessar Por the q Y ed within thie wines would alip.through " mrpport of Life and the buil "There is an Lmpprre,saiom in Some quay- in withdra the frame. as many other thingis. ing up of o ax di6r ta9pa ue ro wing ing, as they only serve to inoreace pour gci-i,et's kiss snit mak© up. ,4a:,'.:_ t, tissue are contained in this food It Ra 3 sxio� '�rnO Accordingly thwse mildionalres gotto- , ers that in is a somewhat dell- gether and incorpora.ied under the Eng- thirst. If you warnt a stimulating and Shea--Are you Pure that you mean It? r :+ tae the Inrther advantage oP being ex- pru�i 1 �- , t>femely Satisf to If fresh milk or sate operation, Phare die people who LA(7S OE 17gPERdENGE EVIDENT, lish law, the Kimbarle Diamond Min- at the same time beneficial drink, take IIP Never in such dead y earnest in Y g• appear to thrulk that thorou h work {n Com and the Central Diamond a bottle of in er ale, the Imported if my life-confound it, hero's ypur mo S buttermilk were drunk with it air al- $ $ • pony g g ' r s„'' mast Cam refs diet�vauld be obtained, this direotitn iq equivalent to bid Physio4aft-W,llatd Yrnr eglded fn Mwing Compeasy which work under olrtaiaxihle, empty the cantPnts into a Cher. P mutilation W Iters tell us tat it Dr. Blank during' m absence l Wh an a reement w{tb each other that lair a lass, have a f eshf P broken In She-But you know mother's awfully � �o far ac the meta sustaining of Phys- liege. neither erre odarce io break. !t a.nd the whale well shaken until thor- shortsighted. r ,8 La a waste of grorwt.h, and that I 8ap� bs's liust out oP co y y' g 8 g F Bg coal itearith and strength was concerned. the life of a tree a to temove bs Patlent IndsedV He cgrtailily to not The newly found African minos.were onighly mixed. Thr_ result will be en- }lt - of any size. , Some am#vt, t at a knife a y maxi. (§cud are) the tli11y irillrortant ones in the tirely satiafaotary. SLOW TIME ASSURED. � c :+, ? r Rr John R. Stevens, consulting engineer and a small saw ,ke ajl i e Imple- told” fiY0141an Trio, hd'b bt ml$dle e; rid fox,th'e old mineA axe all praati- Mrs. JinkA.-Yes, I've sent Sims, the in succession to John Ha ea Hammbud ments needed for nn,gg� � Y pr'operlq pruning a bat it a plata tb See hs'g Hary to thi;4 Cally worked out, said fiery Pots Stones Ont+ bitisr droapp spoils rapture's Dnp ; colored man, for the doctor. f _ Lor the eon ran el3 desisting in Johan- ruit tree. Thjs.in very well ween business, Wh.yy I Saw him tele vptry df Llsiy value wt found I-A them. The Whdu ice sells by the splinter Mrs. Blinks,-Sent Sims? Mercy mol nesburg, i8 m ossland, B.O., examin- reel only a few years � old., are eondid= huirnin 14oltikig SadISr tip x' ., ed i ltust . a exits of these corn niH9 thefefore, We chill St can the hot waves ti He. won't �' ay. + ing. the-.piineipal reg pa P get there Ior two hours Ha C cried. But with! ant orchart� that has because 'he ha'd IMt a pal:'tetntt.. ' v ettt i%Itly tlie't�riatket tO liu�, nbtthe To nee them in the winter. used to be a hotel waiter. . - y ;f,. a✓.., • ^ I.r ' 1: .. a 9 ., �� I'+r ,.."` S r `.. tt qr� 4. " Wim) !' f , x. �r Y r . r.. 4 .•,,; -,l• ?.r''"4 t- ,.:7 M .a; •' 'i r.5 a.ti ✓ 1. a- 1, .:.... , . i „ 1.V . Li-1, �'.d. „ ...... :> ;i ..., -r ?A.:. -:. ., N ( r1�rd,.' . ,, ,W {r ri' 1 r , w, , .t: k ! Y L'1;} .,rr , ^ • .; t 1 .'{. i ,, • t fir:?: r A C r , , ,;, b a , 'iG7•.N r' r 4 r A C7 . • 4qk .1'. i ., f-•.; t I L .t: '' I t i E �` , q„ „'I� t " P .7?Cl:;-SM6 d, ,.;i *+,,...:k .,.... ,.,.c . a, ,.. u .JL..b:y