HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1896-07-29, Page 9he t 'ramerr
So far as we know were the
Bret frarnere recorded in the
history of this country.
They did a good piece of
work, We do not achieve as
Wonderful results as they
/accomplished but we do good
work. Our stock of moldings
is a complete one and our
prices are fair p► iccts. Would
you not like a frame on that
picture you so much admire ?
'`1'utit on the wall where it
grill be a constant source of
enjoyment and adornrnent.
e Vii. D. Fair Co.
Agents for Parker's Dye Works.
The liven News-Recora
*1.26 a Yeet—•E1.00tu Advance
WEDNESDAY, JULY 22nd, 1896.
to *sd.*rO n the nub,
Xontu Nail:
gervant Wanted.
Wanted a good general Servant,
MRS. G. D. McTAGGART, Slinton.
Hump MEDICAL .Asnoara.TION. =7A
meetingg the Huron Medical As-
eociatien was held le the town hall,
Seaforth, on Taesday last, and was
fairly well attended by members of
the profession. Dr. Shaw of Clin-
ton, president of the association, oc-
intere io chair.par Dr. "Delusions in
medical trg paper ect bro-
ughttreatment.'" This stlflj
out quite a discussion on spec-
itfc medicines. Dr. IilcKenzis, of
Mopkton, also gave an instructive
paper which called forth consider-
able discussion. Dr. Wood,of Mitchell,
dealt with a case of cerebral, neop-
hasm. The next meeting of the as-
sociation will be held in Clinton on
the second Tuesday in October.
Apply to
.11., FLOATER found on Albert street; it was
easily recognized by its wearinguali ties 4 cokee
CoWe vco the bloating Bath Soap.
for Wats, at The Cash Grocery. OGLE COOP-
ER iii CO.
-WV ,N$1110:17wW
Tho battert
(0.,44,0..e,bl 4 • wor the Tree
CANADA'S PRIDE.—A little oyer a
month hence our Fall Fairs will be
commencing, and first and foremost
will be the Industral at Toronto,
which is to be held this year from the
31st of August to the 12th of Septem-
ber. Every Canadian is very properly in-
terested in and justly proud of the
success of this great Exhibition, be-
cause it brings prominently before
them, as well as the outside world, the
vast resources and products of our
country, and the progress which is be-
ing made from year to year in its Ag-
ricultural and Industrial pursuits,
coneduently the approaching In-
dustrial Fair is being looked
forward to with increased in-
terest and pleasurable anticipation,
and many are already making arrange-
ments to visit it. By thousands it is
made the occasion of their annual
holiday outing, and it is usually a very
enjoyable one. There is every indica-
tion that it will be this year fully
equal, if not excel, its predecessors.
To meet the desires of those who
usually look for this kind of thing, a
large number of special attractions are
being provided, of A new and interest-
ing character. The Live Stock and all
other exhibits, except cut flowers and
fruit, will be on the grounds from Sept.
3rd, so that the first week of the Fair
will be equally as good as the second.
All entries have to be made before the
8th of August. The Toronto Exhibi-
tion has now become one of the best
and most popular educational and en-
tertainment enterprises on this contin-
ent and those who have never visited it
would be surprised at its magnitude
and attractiveness, being almost like a
small World's Fair. Prize Lists and
Entry Forms can be procured by any-
one desiring them by dropping a post
card to Mr. H. J. Hill, Manager, 'To-
Aon yicTORlorrs.—W. Doherty &
Co. have been awarded another gold
medal their organ exhibition a
e ester, England. This is the secou
'Id medal won by the Doherty Orga
year, and adds another link to th
lain of honors won by the ti
Robertson, of Stratford, bas accepted
the challenge issued by Frank R. Rod-
way, of London, to ride a matched
,race with any wheelman of Stratford
or vicinity, from the Albion hotel in
hotel in
andreturn. to the rsh xchange
and wife for ich., W.
Foster, wife and tftamlyto s'MMontreal
per steamer from Toronto, Geo. Hartley
for Brandon, and Mr. Brydone and D.
Robb for Eastern points, were among
thepassengers ticketed by W. Jackson
during the past week.
Never was there a truer word spoken. It has been our
watobword from the start acid our growth proves the truth
of it. Nothing but the best il'arnitnre et any price, but
the price is se low as the lowest. We ere offering
Genuine Bargains
r'�►-High Grade Furniture,
and invite en inspection of our Stock.
quietly whispered around town that a
few of our most popular -young bicy-
clists, who took a little jaunt over to
one of our surnmer resorts by Huron's
sparkling waters, had such an eventful
experience as will entirely obviate the
necessity of their taking advantage
of the valuable assistance of
Schram's famous memory culture. Our
news collector, with his usual success,
has gathered the full details of this in-
teresting trip, but not without difficul-
ty, however, as the participating in-
dividuals are somewhat reluctant abut
giving one another away, each being,
in their own estimation, expert long dis-
tance riders. They started out with that
degree of exuberance of enthusiasin
and hilarity which is usually character-
istic of the boy bent on having the
largest kind of abig time. Everything
went along merrily for a while till the
tire on one of the wheels blew out, and
after three unsuccessful attempts at
repairing, the rider decided to ride on
the rim to the nearest village ; there he
bought a piece of inch and a quarter
hemp rope and made himself a rope
tire, bindng it on with stovepipe wire.
The balance of the trip, some eight
miles, was accomplished without fur-
ther mishap, and the merriment flowed
as freely as the water from the wayside
pump. At their destination they were
accorded a rousing reception ; the town
was decked out in holiday attire; flags
and streamers floating on the balmy
breezes, and the entire population
with their band out to do them honor.
The entertainment provided for thein
was partially spoiled through an unex-
pected high wind preventing the racinq
which, however, was fortunate for all
connected with the affair, because had
they taken part in any of the events
they would have been unceremoniously
suspended by the C. W. A. We know
not from what, but all the same they
would have been suspended. After a
very enjoyable evening they started for
home in relays. The first two to com-
mence the return journey started before
moonrise. The night being somewhat
dark, riding was not all that could he
wished for. When a few miles out,
one of the pair, a financial representa-
tive, lost control of his swift running
Cleveland and went over an embank-
ment some ten feet high, and bent his
handle bars into racing style, but for-
tunately got through without breakage
or bodily injury, finally arriving home
safely. The second lot to start had a
most beautiful moonlight to travel by
and everything went well with them
until they were within about seven
miles from home, when the balls on the
crank axle bearing of one of the wheels
began to split and by the time they
got to the next village the wheel was
rendered useless to him. They roused
up one of the merchants of the place
and got a light, removed the bearings,
purchased a clothes line rope, and the
unfortunate representative of commer-
cial interests was towed home by two
of his comrades. Among the three last
of the party to start was a literary
representative who was uncontrollably
sleepy and every few miles would beg
his comrades to stop fora rest and each
time they did so the literary man would
fall asleep and his companions had dif-
ficulty id getting him roused up suf'fl-
ciently for travel. Finally he bad a
collision with a large stick of timber
which wakened him up so thoroughly
that he managed to keep awake for the
rest of the journey. Some workmen
had been building a new culve.•t and
had placed this timber to divert traffic
to the side of the road. Mr. literary
Man being too sleepy to notihie it and
going at a good rate of speed came in
vlolent.collision with the timber, and
consequently there was atangled mass
of humanity and bicycle. This rider
vows he will take no more long rides.
They caught up with the second party
when about six miles from home, and
the entire crowd arrived honie at two
whathey strirtedout for—a big had
Furniture Dealer and Undertaker, Clinton.
LACROSSE ON Civic 110LIDAY.--It is
expected that one of the best games la-
crosse ever witnessedin this section will
be played here nextFriday between Clin-
ton and Mitchell. Never before have
in Canada's ppCanadas Nationale taken l g game, anda deep we
hope to see our citizens turn out on
WS occasion in large numbers.
bo Go
and see the game and g
every encouragement.
Erroll who has been connected with
The Gazette since its first issue, left for
her parent's home, in Clinton, yester-
day. Besides being an accomplished
',vocalist Miss Croll took an active in-
terest in religious and social societies,
and she bas formed a wide circle of
friends here who regret her departure.
—Tavistock Gazette. The lady, who
became a member of the Art preserva-
hIr TSphas ied a
position onTENEW-RECORD.
EARX.Y FRurr SEASON.—On Monday
D. G titelon and Cantelon Bros. ship-
ped Several cars of Duchess apples to
innipeg, the first of the season.
Infact n
t in the history of Huron we can-
not recall an earlier season. On one
occasion buyer D. Cantelon shipped
apples from Huron on the 8th of
Angust but the general record shows
shipments to have been made about
the 16th. One year Mr. Cantelon ship-
ped from Kent on the Oth of August, a
tract of territory generally a little
earlier than Huron. The 1896 fruit
crop ►s abundant and from two to three
weeks earlies than usual. The price
this year will varyTand at the gest
will not be high.
Summer Goads at
Cleariug Fritts.
The Ladies' Favorite Establishment, Clinton.
Boy's Wanted
and D. Robb left onMonday
Hamilton, where they join n
who has a
e in
Brantford. Froin Ham Hamat ilton n
the party
board the itilchelieu and Ontario Navi-
gation Co's ete4ruer which sails be-
tween }lamiltol'and Montreal. From
'Montreal they board another of the
sane Co's stea;rn►ers and sail to Quebec,
then on to the famous Saginaw River
andarp to Lake St. John and Chicou-
timi. This is one of the nicest trips on
Canadian waters and •will certainly be
then:nighly enjoyed. As a side ttip
Mr. Btydone and Mr. Robb may go
down to New York ark via Lake Cham-
plain and the Hudson river. The
gentlemen purchased therr U.P.R. agent.
odl A. T. Cooper, the
We wish to announce through our
advertisement this week that we
want Boys to buy their Suits at
this Store, and on Saturday we will
offer Special Prices to the Boys. •A
few dollars spent on a Suit of
Clothes Saturday, will mean to you
money earned. Come where the
Suits are.
The Famous Clothiers, Furnishers, and Hatters,
Clinton, Ont.
With a business record of nearly half
a century, may still be found in the same
business at the same old stand.
Having secured the services of my nephew, A. J. GRIGG
who is a practical and thoroughly competent watchmaker and
jeweler of many years experience, to manage my business,
the public may rely on receiving the same courteous treat-
ment and honest values as heretofore.
We haye a complete stock of all the standard makes of
Watches, Clocks, Jewelry
Silverware, Spectacles, &c.,
And will quote prices which must appeal to the judgment of
shrewd buyers.
Repairing, as usual, will receive our best attention,
The last of the
••*11�i®�O��ei���*Ielelel��1 el�el�e►elel�elel�el
We have bad a most successful season with them and now the 1s:+.t
Y;p, ,
few mui,t be cleared out. To do it the prices have hechitt,ed
away down and you can take yoi' choice of all the $1.75 Waists at
They are this season's goods, made from fine American Percales,
collars„and ....cry o f
absolute faa, colors, good patterns, starcl,ed
fronts and large, full sleeves. There pre not many let and Pat
comers v,1” have best choice.
Belt Buckles, Belt Pins, &c., at reduced
prices to clear them out before stocktaking.
In every Department are lines that rre worth the attention of
prudent shoppers. We are quoting pi res or, Sommer I)ry Goods
that will save dines and dollars for those who buy.
Like Hot Cakes—Sailor Hats and White Veilings are selling like hot cakes.,.
We've got the popular shapes in Bats and the newest things in Veilings
just to hand last week.
Hodgeus : : Bros