HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1896-07-29, Page 8+
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The baby s l*issiV&4 is n 44a QV PLA ARA FA140. EV t �
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awth. To that little bun- BOUND TO QO IiIQHEIL -:,.. EISIbig A Y,I]4IaLQN.Q STUAY, ,�Arhe Old -Is01lable Speclallotse . , �"
I Tlie River Will, Eventually be Turned .,Auto ..,.. " g � Y68r� .�i�.�Q�'il+��� �'.
W_1tJ e Q 1Q�►@. half trial, half Amertean Blrat-elates Carriage Teams W p 8urlaA of Itµplps. '!wtf. $ ndeeeon of the llnlverett 1141. is the treatment of a
4reat Demand In En land—The Tolley Y o>< lP tib Throat sad 1.tlag
+dream, every added ounce - Fif*n• 'b"dred years ago the ter- cage iHas Soule ideas on McOuyjeot-The ` Troa1,11, cata,rrrrh, Asthma, Bronchitis,
'1-11 Ipurl $ieyule, Nations, 4hronlc and Speelpl le
Q,f fleshl 14neans added ha - r4atrlai movements raised the Johnson tJ4tire4- T4o:.Alolno and the School. eases of man and women.
A year ago most farmers who had barrier to the Erie basin so high that • Prof, 0. R. Henderson, of the phi- Lost lle>lllrood destaxe -!Midge' aptl 111,4.
•'• p ness and comfort I Fat 18 been making moat of their money rail- the waters of that lal,a readied not �Bo University, is in oharga of the do. cur loot, Gonorrhoea vpe ocde tl
the signal of erfect health, Ing common or "railr�pacl'•`ikoraers—wero merely the level of Lakp Michigan, but pertinent of criminology is that inti- stricturecurcd w out Piln. NocW,ting•
Spphilia ind all Blood Diseases cared
Comfort, goof natUr�, baby about the bluest ek9as.,of men m the the point of turning all the water of tution. He i,3 author of a book on "De- without mercury,
United States, says the Washington the upper lakes Into the Mississippi feetivel, Dependents, and Delinquents," iUan$ Yen Su#ering b°°' the effects at
1'• . beauty. Star• To -day .the are again in good drainage b way of Chicago. But the s y. youthful follies or indiscretions,
y g g y y and hos made crime a lifelong stud or an troupl*4 with We* a. Nervous
Scott s Emulsion, with heart. Then they were convinced that fall,, were than cuttin t roti h the His viewlg of the best preventives and DcbU�ty, Loss o! Memo b al,
i.. the industr cn which their capital was g b g Aversion to Society, Kidaiy Trutabl�� or
Y P ridge, and when this was accomplished remedies to be used by a commuilit to any dia•sad o! the Genitsi•Urioary IIr-
IY O 1105 Iles 15 t (' EaS- g p Y
;,,_ - yP P P + invested, and Prom which they Lad won before the change of drainage was nom- lessen crime are as follows:- s, can here dud safe and speedy curd,
}•, ,�leSt fat,od baby can have, their profits for years, was doomed; plated, the surface of Lake Lrrle wag Tho criminals of a community areargea rcasonabtc p.pe_ciali�y to the
'rt„ in the easiest form. It sup. that they must ahandon forver the few in numbers, but troublesome out poor. CURESGUIi.1tANTEHD.
5-, There are n,an
ah .� P suddenly lowered many feet, and thus Liddle-d�od 1[en�
one business to which h the had devoted troubled
°•�,, hes ust what he cannot l' y the falls were re established for' some of all proportion to their merits Or with too ninVqutti avacu-
, J tbeir lives and with which the wero Nona o! the bladder, often peCemp,aiad by a alight smarting or burninC sensation, and
't a Y time longer. multitude. One hornet can frighten a weakeainK oath• system Ins, manner the patient cannot account for. i'hen are many
F' get in his ordinary food, Familiar, and seek other Ways to make Slowly, year b whole cam meeting b stinging a sin- ,tan who die of this difficulty i�nciente! the caws 1h• doctor will
"A ' . y year, one sees the P g Y g 8 guarantees, pp,v-
�ind helps him over the their Parols productive. Many of them, cataract wearingbeak and Get cure In all such cases, an healthy restoration o! the R`ecite-urinary organa, Con -
suggesting gle horse or plan. The first step in re- sultallon free. 'Mote unable to ca can write full particulars of choir case and have
_,, indeed, sold their horses at big saeri- the time when the river will be turned forming criminals is -to reform the pub- asddlOna sent by express, with toll Instructions for use. Mention this paper who
'Aro^`'" :Veale laces t0 perfect writing. Office hours: From 9 a m to a P. m. Sundays, 0 w Il a da, -
b,,.,,-„� P P fine, and closed out without ceremony. iQQ
?h growth. into Earles of rapids; but another silent lie and make current opinion rational. DRe SPINNl71 CO. N80 WOOD�►A8D AVISlfUJo,
,.•lc,r' Now they are beginning to go into cause is at work, and one not easily Between the extremes of a sickly septi- (Side entrance No. It X Elizabeth SA)
�X.�' 6WTV & Bo"1*11eville, Ont. Soc.'sndgt.00 business again, their pastures and pad- Seen -namely, the effects of the Bhang- mentalism and a recrudescent brutal- D19TROIT 'MIO".
' ' docks are once more being' brought into Ing of level of the earth's crust. Frogs ity there aro a thousand confiieting a
.1as the computations already referred to it
' use, and they are satisfied that the out- Y notions. We have no stead olio
t' look is full of was found that for..the first twenty- Y P y, and
old r.Gordon'SRemedyformen promise. , four thousand years w the life of the Popular discussion reveals a shape Df CLINTON WASH, DOOR AND BLIND FACTORY~
This most desirable change Ili the river only the Erie waters flowed by ideas. Legislation pun never overtake
'' status of a great industry has Wen wrap of the Niagara River and for only
3 y sig t thousand years have all the science until Science heli corrected pub* 0
.' ':. �$ � } �4% brought about so gradually that fats waters of the upper lakes been feeding ljo opinion. Our pa}tal system was shag Awa Sa �t,/O O P RN
jbg0 1R persona not directly engaged in the the falls. If the terrestrial move- ed before there esus any iscientific �b77 �1/ PROPRIETOR
,;,.. * horse busiuess know anything about it. relents continue as at present, and there treatment of the subject, and modifi-®neral Builder and Contractor.
t°" Its cause accol.rding to Air. William F, appear no reason to doubt it, for the cations come very slowly because the
g ' Doerr, one of the best known horses continent was formerly vastly higher theme is
than now, thea in about five thousand disagreeable. The appeal must This factory has been under the personal supervision and one owner for High
,, . IN lN4• FlIR TMowtH St60N0 .1, dealers in.the United States, has been years the rim of the Ei•ie basin promises be made to good people, for an appeal years. We carry an extensive and reliable stock and prepare lane and give
t” pp y o be raised so high that all the waters to criminals themselves would ,never estimates for and build all classes of buildings on short notice and on the of Best -
~ the apprehension -somewhat tardily,
11 , 165 shown, to be sure -by the English, o$ of the upper lalres will flow out by way
1` CURES y g of the Chicago Canal. Thus the dur- react their earn or eyes. prices. All work is supr,rvieed in a mechanical way and eatisfs0ti0II
�R.' POSITIVELY it the facts with regard to the horse mar- ation of Niagara Falls will have contin- ' CRIMINALS CLASSIFIED. guaranteed. We sell all kinds of interior and exterior material.
I rw kat in the United Status. tied about thirty-seven thousand years. First of all thereshotild be a more
[[,oat Power, NervowDebility, But the lakes will endure beyond the ' Lumber Lath
itailin Manhood, secret Di- HORSES IN DEMAND. g Shingles, Lime, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Eto
• g • calculations of the boldest horologist. careful classification of criminals. TO f ,
,, ceases, caused by the errors "It was some time last year;" said Mr. a stranger all the shed of a flock ara
and excesses ofYouch. ( alike, but to the she P Agent for the CELEBRATED Gi•RAYBILL SCHOOL DESK, manufactured
Young, middle -a ed or old THfao 40 Doerr, in conversation with the writer shepherd each is an g
•'",.': man,suflbringtmthe eQ'ects y ago, "that our friends on Light Out of Darkness individual will marked characteristics. at Waterloo. Call and get prices and estimates befero placing our orders,
1 .. da da or two P g y
of follies an excesses, restored to health, man 1 To most persona jell birds' are very
.. hood and vigor. the other side began to send their buy- much alike, but to wardens, chaplains
�•„ Price $1.00, 6 boxes for $5.00. sent by mall, ers over here. They had never done so CAN ANY STRONGER PROOF BE OF and Physicians they, fall into species and Leslie
y•"„ 'securely sealed. Writs for our book, o get seg t0 an extent before. Possibl varieties distinct as the Woods in a s Carriage, Factory sec rel for Mea only, tells you how to get well y y this was •FERED TO T -fit PUBLIC TIIdN hedge. The symptoms of moral des-
,,. ; and stay well, in some degree because thay did not SWORN PZST,IMONY.' eases ore as varied as those of physi- a
' 4ddrons, QUEEN MEDICINE Co., Box pqy, favour American horses, but chiefly for cal maladies described in 'Flint's Prac- .ci
-' �'. the excellent reason that American ALL OF THE FOLLOWING RESPONSIBLE tice of Medicine.' All practical dealings BUGGIES, PHAETONS CARTS AND WAGONS all of the best works
1?'•''. MONTREAL , PERSONS WHOSE NAMES AND ADDRES- with malefactors angst be based on manshi and in horses could never before be bought these discriminations. Ivor example, the p 1�"All the latest styles and moetmodernimprove•
P , ments. All work warranted. Repairing and re aintin
nearly so cheaply as those of foreign murderer of Mayor Harrison apparently P g p g promptly attended
^.1ati; DENCE UNDER, OATH THAT THEY to. Prices to suit the times.
breeding. The first English agent went belonged to the class of insane crim-
- HAVE BEEN CURED OF RHEUMATINM mals, and had he been abut up when S& -corner Huron and Orange Streets, Clinton.
at his buying perhaps with some hesita- AND IN $old CASES PARALYSIS
SMALLPDX KILLS ! the tendency to homicide first dp that
tion. But he soon became confident, for BY RYCBMAN'S "HOOTENAY ed we might have 'been spared that
' he Pound not only that the prices at CURE." tragedy., A similar horror occurred at __
which he could buy here were much be- Elgin a few weeks since. There are
DO18S ,TOBACCO low the current prices abroad, but also Mrs. Margaret Patterson, 91 Vine eople now on our streets who should;+++++++++++++++++++++++++t++++++++++++++++++++++ +
1, 11
that the American horses were hardier, pp +
more enduring, rade for rade, Getter street, Hamilton, Ont, be confined whore they cannot destroy o
Bead the strong endorsement given g+ g g life. Then we find a class of criminals
� looking than the English animals. Thomas Emil Sterling, 96 John-stree in whom tendencies to anti -social con- + King' of all S7L- Absolutely t
�" IU0J S3M, "The first shipment of consequence north, Hamilton. duct are deep-seated as a second na- ,¢ . t
�i' 'p' was sent over rather sail last year, Mrs. Ann Cafferv, 227 Ferrie-street tura. They are not insane, and ,yet the f Bicycles. - �e ��� t
'•` and a9 soon as the horses were seen east. ordinary fnotives of men are not dis }
and tested there a rush of English buy- James A. Campbell, 109 gin s coverable to them. An appeal to con- > +
c'' era to the States began. Ever since P King -street science meets with mocker Theft is o t�v�
then the shipments have bleu constantly east, Hamilton. a profession in which the only dishon- �� Azl. ' +
,, lv4_ increasing. 1 do not believe the traffic Jacob Fisher, Niagara Falls, N. Y. arable thing is to i caught. The police '
:I1: Las ever yet reached its bei ht, since know persons of this class, and have Light Weight and Superior tlaterial
I 111.r Jelin Langley, 175 Hunter -street P +
' p.. of buyers re are at least a hundred EngliaL west, Hamilton. hundreds of their pictures. Detectives a "-• +
'M .', rets now in the land, picking up Iare familiar with their haunts and ways Rigidity. Everyfi'la- andScientificWork-
rl,;' horses wherever they. may. Seven or Madame Dery, 227 Church -street, Ot and can find them almost any day. +
",, eight hundred horses are now being tawa. Social protection domands that theyy be +
"C I sent over every week, and I should say kept apart from others and held ,where chinefullywarranted r manship.
r4') the total shi ments of railroad horses Emerson Hannon, Gy, Ont.
Town -they can do. no harm. They do not .
�' ship, Wentworth'County; Ont. ; +
'f' ;n the interest of the maeeee, for whom these re to England 1. is year are likely to reach much dread l prison, and are ready to +
poike are compiled, the UNITED STATES EEILTn lin 25,1100 or more. James Dilworth, 374 Bay -street take a gambler's chance at any mo- }
"" t WHAT THEY ARE FOR. north. meat. - +
MI.closers have examined and Investigated merry prepare Thomas Moffat, 1713 Murray -street, REMEDIES FOR CRIME..} +
tions having for their object the cure of the tobacec "How do they use those horses over - + -
,1,k. habit, bat among them all we have no hesitancy in there? To haul tram cars with. The Ottawa. "There are other offenders of a dif- + . +
�'i' "- giving the editorial and official endorsoment of these English have not yet adopted cleetri- George C. Armstrong, 1&4 Besserer- ferent class, young fellows who are ,� +
weak, vicious, and do +
;k> REPORTS to the comedy known as "UNCLE city on their tram lines to guy extent. street, Ottawa. I depraved or who are y +
S •. Their adoption of street cars in the first swept off their feet by sudden tempta- '+
fro, t3AM'8 TOBACCO OURE,' manataeturat Martin Watson, 112 Cathcart -street tion. The are called in the books on ;+ t5 Styles +
place was slow, and, althou h the are Y
kh by the Keystone Remedy Company, at 81gLsSal1 now using them more free, they are Ottawa. (criminology 'cr-iminals 13'y passion' and + t
i^cHl.. •' slider, Chicago. We have demonstrated by persona still behind as to the in (,d of haul- Thos. Warren, 135 Strachan -street, ('criminals by occasion.' They are cap- �+ f +
d,'TP teats that this antidote posdively destroys the last in them. Sonia American horses are Hamilton. able of real remorse and by careful ¢ Highest Honors at the Worlds Columbian Ezpos(tlon. +
$-i,?,. sad desire for tobaocoin ten days, leaving the system i,eing used for otter purposes, I suppose, Charles Sayer,eatment may be restored to decent '+ +
A'A. 10 p perteotly healthy condition, and the person n9 yer, 119 Hannah -street, life. '+ Seed We -coat stain for our
she acme forever free from the habit, but not many. The grade of horses D �d-paYe catalogue -A work of Ar6
R, the which we formerly called "railroaders' West Hamilton. "In regard to remedies they lie at �+ +
V,;, are In the lignt of our ozaminstiona dna taste of are so much better oda ted to tram '- Mrs. Elizabeth Cumrnin s 28 Gore- our door. Tho church Las the grandest >+ +
"IINCLEI SADI'8 TOBACCO CURE," we ar P g Monarch Cycle Company,
;a'� but performing a duty we owe the public when we en work than any other sort that they street Hamilton. opportunity and the highest responsi- i o ! +
`,g dorsa the same, and stamp it an the crowning achieve are all snapped u for that purpose. Stilly. The church can reduce crime if ! ♦ Retail Safesroo aso Wabash Ave. hake and Halsted Sts., CHICAGO +
P P 1 Mrs. Nelly Guy, Brant avenue, it will. It would be ti to pa' ' ILh. +
,", pent of the nineteeth century, in the way of destroy"Prices it Well, the American rail- pian to hope + y.
g g ( road horses cost delivered over there, Hamilton.
"t, n ehabit ae ata Heti❑ ne it to common FOP that such evils can be at once eater- +
Y y Geo Ball Sanford -avenue, near minated, but they can be diminished. t++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++ +
1 O LY IB1.00);hosoe we earneatl advise nate from ,$125 to $1�5. This of course, in'-' chem for toll particulars. eludes the commissions of the English Huron -street, Hamilton. . And to do this we have only to extend
---- - ---
Sold only by agencies Invention
and. methods already in use.
,•, buyers, and the American agents, the ref,Michael H. Dwyer, 62 Leeming- Invention and improvement will fol- JAPAN'S AWFUI. CALAMITY.
ALLEN & WILSON, �hansportaCion cost to the seat,oard, and street, Hamilton, 1 b t h P
a OCean freight. No; prices of rail-
readers have not got up on thio side,
for the reason" that there is now not
much demand for them here.
John McCauley,eemsville Ont. P ' u w at we.need now is to make
Y+ u our mind to do something in earnest.
E. Rice, Beemsville, Ont. The churches 'on the avenues' and in
the suburbs have simply run away
J. D. Parsonage, 360 John -Street from the battle. The have taken
The steamer Empress of India, which
arrived at Vancouver the other day
from Japan, brings an official list of
a evening, on un e ay, dur,ng the sum-
Hier, all the year. Clay modeling, fnan-
ual training tool praDtice, drawing
physical drill, music, pictures, rues bo
fads' for the children of nice neigLfiuur-
means of cure known toallsufferers. I
buss nothing to sell, and want no
mono g
y• but nein a firm believer in
the univPrenl brotherhood of man, I
"Although the breeders of horses
north, Hamilton. their children and furniture to plean
the casualties in the late disastrous
been thought carriage horses ten years
am delirious of helping thcc unfortnn-
have begun again in earnest,” contin-
particle Curran, 41 Wood -street, places and left the centre of the
Hamilton, town to go to the devils -Mammon
tidal wave, which swept over the north -
Good roach horses range from
--__-.-_ i-�
tied Mr. Doerr in his talk, "it will be
four IeasC
the rest. They drop a few pennies for
As the belief hats
ern part of the Island of Yezzo, as fol-
lows: Deaths, 90,300; wounded, Fi,112;
years at befero the effectwidespread,houses
will be much felt
been the Salvation Iasses and hire a few mis-
that Rheumatism
destroyed, lO,Od`l. Besides the
on the market here.
In the meantime prices will gu up -they
was incurable we sionaries at miserable salaries to fight
publish the above facts as evidences the demons of drink, lust, and
above a large number ofpersons
Adorer (nervously)—Isn't that your
S peclallsts In the Treatment o}
as I do not wish to expose myself
address, simply • P. O. Box
will be higher, in my opinion, than Choy
that a sure cure has at last been found. down in the First Ward. They let the
missing. Five hundred aninety-
Nervous Blood Sexual' and
step on the stairs 7
Sweet Girl—Yes, but don't mind that;
even .have been. l do not mean that
'railroad' horsi'e will bring much high-
Thousands testify' the merits young criminals breed and learn their
seven vessels of various sorts were
swept away or damaged by the wave.
, t
Private Diseases
Prices for reasons which you already
j;,yckrnan's Kootnay Cure. Write trade and run near the aky-
for scrapers and clanks,
In fact, in a few years there will
particulars, Ryckman Medicine and when these
Co., Hamilton, Ont. criminals get themselves elected to the
17 Ylarl in DETROIT, 200,000 Cared
be no 'railroad' horses to speak of for
Council some of the same high rla9s
- - bribe them for sundry reasons and go
The minister -looked so feeble this
sale here, since the new horse -breed-
NOT AN IMPROVEMENT. partners in evil.
morning when be began to preach that
'°n° .
G MA�VYou are nervone and
ing is to be conducted along other
lines. American breeders are at last
Eastern Housekeeper -Do you have
j afraid he would break down.
do ted;lir mornings;noamllition;
e memory poor; easily fatigued;
exon bie;eyeseunksn,red and blurred;
findin out what fine horses are. 'They
have en learning from the horse
difficulty in keeping good girls "Of course the saloons is a cause of
g s in the crime but it is also an effect of crimin-
After he began his sermon 1 was
afraid he wouldn't.
show's,[ hose influence hast' been ex-
lal dispositions. The people who are left
Western Housekeeper tfrom a natural s. people
Braine at stool; oozing on excitement;
hicerg;Regarlir loos;
ceedin I far-renchin The have toren
learning, too, from bitter experience.
to grow up our downtown regions
gas town) -Great difficr lty. Every would have liquor, dice and brothels in
'I .l
soak ethroa•bonepatne;
nloera;hairlooae;eorethroatj varicocele;
want ofconIldence; impo-
Y aatiolM
once and awhile the girl Isle the gee's Ste of an army of a million policemen.
run too Ion before li htiu it, and
g g Lt is very cheap and easy to tell the
we have to look about for
Dear Editor: -Please inform your
readers, that if written to confldenti-
tency;lacko! energy and I'
the trolley came, and with
a new girl• police to clean out the vile haunts de-
etre th.
This important step in
f1�ARIAGE lite should never be
it the bicycle, and with them both the
slump in price., of the cheaper rases
No use looking for the old one. iscribed in the Hull [louse maps. But
that, is not the tunction
all I will mail in a sealed letter, ar-
Y p
ticulars of it genuine, honest home
to until you aro positively cared If
of horses, the prices of first-class seises
primary of the
People dirty
Cure, h which I was permanently re-
7on have been weakened or disposed.
never wavered. In fact hand9ome,
TO CONSUMPTIVES police. with Hearts will
• sleep in filthy places. We cannot ex -
stored to health and manly vigor,
ii•member"Likefalher,like ion,^
sound carriage and coach horses were
The undersilrned flavtng been reAtored to health case the churches try harrying the police
after years of suffering from nervous
varicocele, rpermatorrhtEn end
hills endanger ha hese In married
never so high as now in tfiis country,
They are alrnnst impossible to 'Phis
simple means, atter suffering for several years su erintendent.s and a >Idin the ca
,+'Itn a socora lung nffeaNan, end that dread discuss p g
debility, sexual weakness, night losses
Our New Method enree them per-
manently. Il you are Married consult us
is because the folks who havu Money
Cnnmrnzptinn, 1A anxinue to make known to his fellow latus.
sufferers the means of ogre. To those who desire it Thus the Pul)lic srhool system, an
and weakshrunken parts. was robbed
and swindled by the quacks until I near -
at once, as we can restore your strength,
vital energy and desires. It you with to
to spend title horses now just as much
as they ever did. The may have their
lie -ill cheorfully send (doe of cbArge) acopy of the off -shoot of family and church, is not ly
prraerlptton used, wnieb they will and a Ruroovre for its full
lost faith to mankind, but thank
Marry, OW advioemaybeworthatortnne
wheel' ail right for fun, but. the want.
worked at capacity for good.
Consumption, Asthma, Catarrh, Brownchitis an Schools he in
heaven, I am now well, vigorous and
to you.
their bursas anti carriages for show all
should action all da in
y, strop
"11 throat and Lung Maladies. Be hnpoe th S 1
and wish to make this erUun
g' �
Dont Lot you Life boDrainod suit
1�, ��d L ,) I�h 1t{ TLIe Bye-
iYINowlethol i1'Bat�eyln tom and
the same, and they want bel ler ones
than the y ever wanted before. Wh
there are plenty of beliefs going ahroacl
now to haul Lra.rn cars that, would have
all Rufferers will try h a remedy, an it IR Invaln•
able. Thoao daeiring the prescription, whiahwm cont
them nothing, spa may prove a 91enRing, will please
¢v. ICDWARD A. WIL80N,Srooklyn, New
a evening, on un e ay, dur,ng the sum-
Hier, all the year. Clay modeling, fnan-
ual training tool praDtice, drawing
physical drill, music, pictures, rues bo
fads' for the children of nice neigLfiuur-
means of cure known toallsufferers. I
buss nothing to sell, and want no
mono g
y• but nein a firm believer in
the univPrenl brotherhood of man, I
weakly, sickly,
ailingg woman and girl, and
been thought carriage horses ten years
Loads, but they are necessaries life
am delirious of helping thcc unfortnn-
?eareago. Itbnt)ds es and sciongthesis
thonervoneeyetdm; restores tvlttility
Good roach horses range from
--__-.-_ i-�
anion children who are tem
g plod to
ate to regain their health and hit , i
R 1 P -
totheeeanalorgane; etopAalldrninsand
r g now
#A00 to $1,.,00 the pair. 'Those that can
crime. As soon as a boy is sent to a
nese, I promise you perfect secrecy tins
hood. It never fails In caring the results
Later Excesses, Blood Ols•
bn hougbL for 1 he lowel of these fig-
Adorer (nervously)—Isn't that your
reformatory' he is sot to work with
his hands, the world over. This is more either,
as I do not wish to expose myself
address, simply • P. O. Box
of Self Abuse,
are not constdered o much account,
either, and there is no lark of bu era
step on the stairs 7
Sweet Girl—Yes, but don't mind that;
effective than reachin Lim to read.
g 388,
London, Ont.
for an that inn. tri offered at more
th rl y
it's only a scare. H0 won't come down,
Most prisoners can read and write, but
they are without skill and without bab
, in hlghelst. rate named. Hn always starops around that way iL,9 of industry. Regeneration and du -
OR NO PAY TEAMS 11:1VE THE CALL, when 1 sit up with young men after Dation, church suet school -these are�he
%' "Five -thousand dollar carriage teams Eleven o'clock. old-fashioned, never obsolete methods
Khat we Treat and Cure! are snapped up without delay wh@never of preventing crime. There are other
they are offered; the trouhkl is that Por over Fifty veare pointe, but these are central and vital."
I' there are so few that are really of this
Mae• WINSLOVS soorarNa IIYRUP has been Used by English `Women.
QM1aslone V rl0000le,8yyphi- grade to be offered. No; there are not nito6a o! mortars t y
11s.Narvousbe�illty.8trloture+ many solea of blah -grade horsitq in Eng- Imo[ dLtarbad at nlahts rc�tEmkedlotr� nrree0tb7s io�C One of these energetic beings, a
i loot, ,IMpOterloyy'' uUnnatursttt land. The are worth more hags than Nb 101 suffertn and o n with Sia of cattfn fiootL
CIJdh2irtArIPs,LoetManhood,Kld- secs et once End e p g young English woman of independent
ihtntJ'Freia rDlsm 1tee.LLott- they are hero; and in my "opinion, s�thtngsgrnpntoYohtlflreaTeetbio aitwwiliroille.o fortune and charmin ra nalit w o
Hookaglillnett that aatloh;FYeO ( steel) nd the fact that they a>renot , g Pe o y, hBB p the poor title sufferer-lwmedistely. Depeed upon It,
,,: 6r 4luesIt On n k for liah tiPul here aro the reaaolts ivhq 'p) mat ere, there ie no mistake about 16. It cured Dtar- lig a musician of no ordinary ability,la
b, rttylerit S g na' coach horses erg+"- 'of 'so d
11dAii el, lath eirrelopee; Nothlnrr ee t here. rhtan, rawstes the Stomaoh And $owols, curse wind UP and dressed at six o'clock in the
i":. CA Q. . �AA'te�t[mobialeGoatvt � Oolts,softensthe Gums redueoll InAAmmAtion and morning in atlmmelt• and 7 in the. win-
, "In agile of the high prices GSmi�tnd• Ilei tope And anerg7 fon the whole sgeteln. 'fors. ter ;Ponds an hour 3n Ler music room
e prQ Y ed by ISDtg3liah coach hpr�ldrlff I can 11a>f - ��elow r Soothing 8jruyp rot children tooWUnr .ie t '
-r s •• •' �� K KEIAGAI1 ly say tluut it is a aur6lyy;pr pleassnitothe tests and lstha re#m tion of one of
dna gees otic On Ler-Iw}leel and TOturIIa
+ IilA4 ' iii if ir'St, DetrOlt, M10h, business as et. it often ofitab ty tb•oldeatana best female physicians and nnrieeln list at the time when the rest of the
„"? fit, a9 )tuuenrY t•Lat tLa UaiteA Iltat•E, Prioa'twantq ttda petite A taotEle, xamll ate about irasdq for what they
a colt Is bre and reared with ihb kreat- Void b oil drni�gtNts throtighbnt, the worlde ,Re stirs consider a fairly early morning break-
� ., est care, only to turn out practically an4 sefor" Tss. Wreetow• sooranro scam," fp,gt, .
1i t�l
" Monsoon •' Tea ie put up by the Indian Tea
rowers as a sample of the best qualities of Indian
Peas, Thorofore they use the greatest care in the
,:lection of the Tea and its blend, that is why they
,ut it up themselves and sell it only in the original
packagoA, thereby securing its purity and excellence.
Put up in X Ib., r Ib. and 5 lb. packages, and never
sold in bulk.
If your grocer does not keep it, tell him to write td
11 and 19 Front 8tre4t East TorontPR
_ i'
M t ' n.
" ,
t '... , ,.. .r ,.,
,e.. ,f.uw, , t -v rv. ., ,A.
F. ;r '4• , , - , ,...: ....,:. . ,.. y, u.y; .:, ";1.. -.a a., 3 -„u' M 4H. lr ":.h J-;+',
r;: a.'. r ,. „...r' „'•.•.: ,. . .•.,, ..,,,, .,• ..,.:.t :,. f'9, roti ^.7 ,n.'- ,t.
y A.: a, . , ” f,: V 5 y ax 3w ir. Yt I y .v _ z y : At ,, qtF f�:
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.tea ����10
-11 - _11111011i4iid,t ��
RUNa G That's our it
DOWNadvice to every
weakly, sickly,
ailingg woman and girl, and
nothing equal to Jt
for purifying the blood, it
toning up the nerves and
building up the health.
" Monsoon •' Tea ie put up by the Indian Tea
rowers as a sample of the best qualities of Indian
Peas, Thorofore they use the greatest care in the
,:lection of the Tea and its blend, that is why they
,ut it up themselves and sell it only in the original
packagoA, thereby securing its purity and excellence.
Put up in X Ib., r Ib. and 5 lb. packages, and never
sold in bulk.
If your grocer does not keep it, tell him to write td
11 and 19 Front 8tre4t East TorontPR
_ i'
M t ' n.
" ,
t '... , ,.. .r ,.,
,e.. ,f.uw, , t -v rv. ., ,A.
F. ;r '4• , , - , ,...: ....,:. . ,.. y, u.y; .:, ";1.. -.a a., 3 -„u' M 4H. lr ":.h J-;+',
r;: a.'. r ,. „...r' „'•.•.: ,. . .•.,, ..,,,, .,• ..,.:.t :,. f'9, roti ^.7 ,n.'- ,t.
y A.: a, . , ” f,: V 5 y ax 3w ir. Yt I y .v _ z y : At ,, qtF f�:
n .. s.�. w sJ3� ,,-: - ..,.:: e.., ,c. -„ •. .r , o- "iA ' V,. a.•. st '+., T 7. ` t e1
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