HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1896-07-29, Page 7f 7�c'.�'+�Ar.!' v . . Y �1 4. 6 , ::, y.: ., a '... . , . y . . { r ;us.+ w. i.. .r:>' -.t ... 4, .. {'1 .. « err„+[' '-e'".. 'J:' - a., 'L I ' i I N saw, r, ,t.,, , ... ilq�, 1'. dk,7pf�lA6► r. . 1 ! IC ..(ii l�?t t1M , �N +T`� ' � +i i!r ,:" fl *._ is 1#wcnbld extd tceatgr:Ad, ,, i 4 `',+I#V1, T: ,..1. ngw 11II,, >Et @rdc ante „,t �m'jA .:,jj11 M,r' y}j�1(,i�}rte{���y{p �,{'�fU{[t mild o my.,. a , t £;'ul ' to renews la if qhs Itxo�1uc�e u x ut�r ' ,,, r ,r to' 1?i1v1 ah 8atI1 ";: t b+ae .fit tv >all _ �1., + la . r• lay have �gocl, T"ha palrlllS l► . i#a+9t )Fel Tho t way k� ;t,; <anctta@r 13 a" +x� IIl'txe oNill�i'L'O1±rAi+ LFSUN, (iUGi. 2. Tho! h tA�a. Ibaahetll hlma@lt was to G t evail�dk : d? A11nF' M P'° i'S Wt11�N UNDERSTQOA, 1VIepIltbOsehetll h#laved xnoel p1pPw:u.�Kk ith4>±�t�.? p� IY. fs Itllt 1?6L 0 who 6��I?- "'"'""^� b0 a�gaieat the raYal tab!@, he re- strictly, all8misssl +��t ���. •� "' • ., , MARFe FOR RIQ HTEOUSNESS. shacking[ .and nQw M htbostteth Says ea . eat y r d GPs. '" 14atvAat'a► ,i,Aualtteat.'"' �. (law. 9•I 1s.. 4101• [tired ttt revenue of this estate for a;etftolQa llav+l been t d ;ajsulta 4t� .�1 � q '' `.. , tT$ R FRC h l :I t hit eIIa tlik the X did 4,040 elf �- 'o a at nqw, .. ., Alwa atee��m table. David's pier[ ro- at e, , , 1 .'' ,F aqd :paV t lX9 is' vJIQ1c eqd acus Wf.xt, Patg4 x2.19. t e aupport f hie family,aud household, i' •, Rttlti natal lteataxutlo t 1•roHented lu a ravel lame 4 Is. he gelpg to destroy my 1ltae 4 QLtr tlrAlt®?t reel; gn rib t. Y Y tR�a p$T0 0th Q� . l,r. Tntuuu$o-a'ho nla• Ia he geiq� 'to wreak on me the vea xp'lietkler we tt•.Cp 11049 ox tlx ngi It We God's wondorfil.l promise- filled Dav- vidad far ons uptilted fox aatfv@ �ife, Sion, rI@oQutln o1 atiillllal tlpel& lo?µa .' '' 'I llu,tnatt hr Itev eros' which ha holds toward my' ,Q .a that [tame l% tF►9}l h yaYT tO fds beret[ wfth dot ht aIId gratitude. honored hie friend's eon, and gave as The basis oI, all good . p;rfumpp} , . � . "1'f Ajobleclautl'i,uggteled IFnunautloulI•tabcd Be i bad," alkw' Illi@ center, and God da s: let the lithe chance Ra possible to slit F grandfather Saul ly Its toe t s'. Acfatn. Qo to the palace Mephiboaheth mita ,. pix afoul cauid' in. t7arry gut ug? +iGpkittg his way to'ths tab0rnewls, he . up reUellioti. 7`w0nty servanC9. All paabakaly always wfIl b4, tri@ 9Phti , ` � „ Washington. 3uly 9.-Dr. Talmage'e aiincti tiro king hats Geaxima>aded it. With; tll9 tbrongroom of the lia�ars. 1'ltuu$4I gave th&xlka in a psalm of euUlitnO ut- QY whom would now Uecome the ser- none extraa�t��whish ase produced f1n _t; r b� ibi { nc�p III the -nein[ scene he appears vents of Mephlbosheth• (4 The change a f@w ilow0rs� mostly ro of easaid .( . I ;=, % sermon oP� to-d-,)• is a vivid and e0vvredl s�gt�af f and ruts phf)5asbet�d byg h p ' lto mliq hav0 iiapl in 1x110, thong ew ) ficin u ntiay 'have crippled dim an this side, of fortune light whed c pared swath oia), jasmine, orae a ori oil end vfa- ptntatiom uP the theories of ruin the st@trs of the paw, I hear his and soxxanv zttay hav@ crippled him on �1's -warrior} king. As the first ,waa but Slight when compared with g j 9 ', * ,' re toratiuq. Tlae Bik�le scene described sea') a>X'd• crutahaq „tdttling on the the other side, and tie is lame fn both part of his reign draws to a close hie � that of a ppgqoor sinner who is Suddenly let. la rontantio. Itis text was 1I. Samuel tee, iell,�tetd Y;lfaox at- t tj %#rare room• No his feet, bring him µpp Into the ppalaale, remetIIbera lira divine command to over- Made an he5l oY God. This extravt is produced Uy washing t' aeoYidr %av0 tbasa rsuus con- fqx. I want to show film everlastlaff throw the Can, anitea, and proceeds vig- ` 11. Then said Ziba. Ziba submitted the pomade or grease which has absorb- t'�,J''' ix 1 and 1 : " Is there yet any that iS fit' Y ed the molecules of o dor from thefresh n , , frontfld, Sash: ether i iliaeheth and ktndn@S5 for Janatha a sake• text orously to obey it. Hence hie conflicts to the ro a! command, though doubt- Teff oY the house of Saul, that I may David the kingg t ,1t1lOPhtbuahetll Again Mephihosbat�i t° qty lees with Inward uuwillin�nesa at being y <i ; , show him kiatlneaa fur Jonathan's threes himself 'flat on is face before elands for the dLsa, led hurIIsn soul with the Philistines. Moabites, the King remanded from the poaiLium of a Iiru flowers, the latter process 40ing ]cnowu%; wi:' alio So ss foboeJon dwelt the ktitq s.nd atyl0a himself a dead dog. lifted to the King`s taU10• It eras pp Zobah, and Ills byriaxts narrated in rietor back to that aY a servant, Ligh- enf;eurage. Aloolw! hag a greater _, In the easwhen a ngari"Myles himself a more difficult in those times even than teen ears later durin' Absalom's re affinit for the molecules than the ``'*� ,' in Jerusalem, for he did eat continually o ter B, 1-15. And now that he was y Y dog he ut 0t'e the. uttmost term oP self it ie naw for common men to get into bel[ton, Ziha be�rayed iS master and " itt1: a4t itis king's table and was lagae om abnegation. It ie not a term m strong a royal dining room. The Snail of victorious over his enemies, hie army apparently. falsely) accusing him of grease, and hence quickly robe it of +a;_!,. in this country, where, if a dog has a might have come around the tail of strengthened, his government sec ure,hie reachery to David. The king believed odor. It is evident, of course, that ,� Ll' both his Peat." fair ebance, he sometimes sh.Rws more the palace and might leave seen the aommerae extended, hie capital enlarg- ty, and ya ve it to Ziba. But ater more direct process ciould not be used, i ,c: Was there ever anything more ra- nobility of character than some human lights kindled, and might have heard when he had Mephitxmhet's side of the "' mantao and chivalrous than the love of ed, hip alaoe erected, and eneral ros- er alcohol a sled diem tt the flow- s1>eoimens that we wet of, but the th'a clash oP the knives and the rattle P g P story he restored to him one-Half of pP Y '.� David and Jonathan 8 At one time mangy ours �E the oriental cities, as I of the golden goblets, but not get in. parity attained, David paused to look what bad been taken. AS for Mephi- ars v�ould absorb detrimental organic, r'�`', and Ilavid was down. kncnv by my own obas}vatian, are ut- Stout men without feet could not get after individuals. Remembering how bosbeth. Scholars say this clause should compuundy This extract supplies a, ,Q5. Jonathan wins up terly detestable. liteghibasheth gives in once in all their llve9 tq one Uan- true had been Jonathan's friendsbip-' read, "So Mephibonhetb did eat at mellow Floral body to compounds or' , ", , Now David is up and Jonathan's family the utmost form pP self loathing when quit, yet ycor Mephiboahet goes Ln, David's table." " is dawn, Aa you have often heard of he compares himself to adag, and dead lives there and is every day at the teading him to Sacrifice Soul's regard 12. A oung sun. Through whom the perfumes which is not otherwise obtain-I y cin into battle at that. table. Oh, what. a getti�nng,g up in the and his own interest for love's sake- house of haul was perpetuated down aUle. L+'xcopt the rase, n l of theflaw- ti'a, r` two soldiers before g g Consider the analogy. When thecom- world- it was for $Tephibosheth ( David tried to find some of Iiia house to to the time of the captivity (1 Chron. era mentioned above are distilled for ;vhh make a covenant that if one is ahcit rnand is given Prom the palace of Well, though you and I may be woe- g. 34). psi,;, whom hie might show kindness in re- their essential oil. This product in the �.'.,.�;, the survivor will take charge of the beaver to the human soul. to come, the fully lamed with sin, for our divine 19. Dwelt in Jerusalem. 130 seems to *" " „body, the watch, the mementos and soul begins to tremble. "What is God Jonathan's salty I bone we will all get turn. From Saul's land steward he have remained loyal to David through case of the rose, reduced with Spirits, p has an entirely different odor from r " rhe s aP the bereft family of the one going to do with me now I Is Ile going in- to dine with the King. learned that MPphilicaheth, a son oY all the tem talions of greatly b ied ; ,:,;- _ to p o desire meR Ts He going to area Before dining we must tie introduo- Jaaathan, survived. Now, Mephiboeh- hellion; and, if ao, was greatly belied the enfleuraged product, and the same ,,. x that dies, so David and Jonathan have Hia vBngeanca uuppoon ole y'• There is ed. If you are invited to a company by hie servant, who with oriental nun- be mid oP any flower which it iS z. more than one Meghibwsheth trembling Of persons where there are diatin- 9th, was but five years old at his fath- mng man ed to role him of half hie Y ,: ^ made a covenant, and now that Jona },. _ him uished eople present, ou are in- er's death, and had spent the interven- estate. An was Blanc. See how this possible to treat Both ways. The aim-, i.t than is dead, David is inquiring about ihece lace Ofeungtrraa°What oducedp 1'hia is the senator." "This affected his future career (2 Sam. 10. le addition aY easeutial oils to spirits- M�,, - Ula family, that he may Shaw kindness pa ing years in retirement with one of P 't., are you trembling about Z God has no is the governor." "'lhiii is tU0 presi- tUe great Pantilies beyond Jurdun who 1-4 ; 19, 24-90). David's kinrluess did prbeuces a compound lacking in body. unto � them for their father Jonathan s pleasure in the death of a sinner. He dent." Before we sit down at the not go unrequited. For when .he fled V'''o sake; does riot send for you tp hurt ycu. King's table in heaven I think we will had been deeply attached to the house from Absalom and had reached Mahan- and richness. Cxe' cod. A want to Ue introduced, Oh, what a Saul ; so llavid had never seen him. aim, Menhir of Lo-debar, the friend of With a basis of these floral extraats� t;,• Careful search ie made, and a soca of lie sendis for yon[ to do yyou g, Me Mbosheth, provided him with hods the skillful perfumer undertakes topro- N. Scotch cher had the followwg sir- titre that will lxj when you and I, by A royal invitation brought hint to court, p Jonathan of the direadfully hpmely oumatan brought under his obser- the ,grace of God, +gat into heaven and and utensils and food and tuxurtes, be- duce synthetically any desired odor, i„' name of Maphibo5heth is found. Hie nation: There was a poor woman in are introduced to the mighty apiritsid a place at tUo King's table was cause his people wer0 Uuriry and #,' h a nurse, in hie infancy, Uad tet him fall, the parish who wags about to be turned there, sad same ane will says, T is is assigned him. Saul'e, family estate, thirsty and weary in the wilderness adding, as his experience suggests, var- ii., , out because she could not pay her Joshua," "'Phis is Paul, This is which had fallen to David, was provid- (2 Sam. _17. 27 29). ious essential oils or infusions of roots,. :�,I and the fall had put bath his ankles out react. One night she heard a loud Moses," "This is John 'Knox," "`Phis is ed to enable him to maintain an eskab- leaves, seeda, resins and animal matters. oP place and they had never been set, knocking at the door, and she made John Milton," "Thin is lilartin Luther," the latter usually to insure perman- This decrepit poor man is brought into no answer and'hfd herself. Tlie rap- "This is George Whitefield." Oh, shall tisUmint suitable to hie rank. 'Ciba was QUICK WORK. eney or to bind the somewhat various �`` ti the palace of ging David• David looks lag continued, louder, louder, louder, we have any strength left. after such appointed steward of the property on scents composing the combination. t she. made no answer and continued Converalon of n Troo IoW a NewNpapor/In ;*s around of celestial introductionE Yea, condition of receiving one half the pro- These scents art vary, according to their l`;. upon him with melting tenderness, no to hide herself. She waa almost fright- we shall be potentates ourselves. 'Then one Hundred and Forty-nve n,nutes. molecular arrangement, and have such' 1s. ened to death•. 6he said, ' That's the we shall sit down at the King's table duce in mmuneration of his overnight, y,1 doubt seeing 111 his face a resemblance aid as A very interesting experiment was differing evaporating pointe that an` to his old friend, the deceased Jona- officer of the law coma to throw me with the sons and daughters of God, while the balance was to be P recently made at Messrs. Menzel & expert can analyze a complicated per- ill ' out of m and one will whi er across the table rent to M ihibosheth, the new-found fume by simply pickingg out the separ- than. The whole bearing of ging y home." to tis and say, "Behold what manner Company's paper and wood pulp manu- ate primary odors as flay become auo A few days after a Christian philan- owner of the land. The true friendship David toward Ulm aretrs to say: "How thropist met her iu the atr0et and said: of love tUe Father both bestowed upon factury, at Elsenthal, Germany, in cessively prominent in the evaporation. M hibosheth ; ou the of David fur Jonat.ban was revealed by order to aacer(ain what waa the short- P g u, glad I am to See sou, ep "My pour woman where were y us that wo should tie called the sons The er perfect art bas been brow ht How you remind! me of your father, other night f I came round to ye+ur of Gocll" . And some one at the table his exalting this unfortunate crippl0 to to great perfection in Lhe production ;;t hOUae to a our rent, «h didn't you will ss. "How lour will it lastZ A11 est ensue of Lime in which it was pas es eciall of leasant ."boo nets," and, i my old friend and benefactor 1 I made P y Y Y y g , a place of honor ; and more especially, P' Y P fat me in Y .Were you at borne B" "AVhY+" other lr<unquets at which I sat ended• when we bear in mind that the univer Bible to convert the wood of a stand- ui a minor degree, simple oral scents ,l; a bargain with your father a goat she replied "was that you2" "Yes, that How long will this lasttl" And Paul ing tree into paper, and the latter into are made, which with nice labels and Nc ^ many years ago, and I am going to keep was me. iF came to pay ,your rent," will answer, " Forev,r" and Joshua sal I:ast9rn custom was, and is, to de a journal ready for delivery. This ex- some imagination, are enabled to pass tr.- will say, "Forever," and John Knox stray alt the members of a former roy- aspf a owers. t e odors b e�; it with you. What can Ido for you, '"��'hy," slt0 said, "if I had had any air r {i ions of U idea that it was you, I would have let will, say, "Forever!" and George White- periment ie of extreme importance, be- Pe Mars flowers. A delicate sense of '' i r„r•. Mephitiosheth 4 I am r0aolved what to you in. I thought it waa an officer field will say, "Forevexl” al house, do the king's nobility and gen- co� it shows what rapidity can be odor is a rare gift, and few persons are 0 ' '.' ,,,t. do- I yvill make you a ricU man. I will come to cast me out o.f my home•" O And the wine at that banquet will erosity appear• attained by the coneurrence of prat- familiar with the true scents of tUe ;.-'.- restore to you the confiscated property soul that loud knocking at thy Bate be old wine • it will be very old wine ; PRACTICAL NOTES. most ordinary flowers, and the ordinary F to-do is not the sheriff come w Put it will be the oldest wine in heaven, tical machines and favorable condi- consumer is not critical, requiring only ._' of your.grandfather Saul, and you shall y it will be ,he wine [Sat was trodden Verse 1. And David said. This must tions. that the article be fragrant, pleasing R.,.: be a guest of mine as long as you live, you in ail. It is Che best triend you ` and you shall be seated at' my Gable ever had came to be your security. ,Ou out from t e red clusters on the day have been after he had reigned over all Three trees ware felled in a forest and lasting, Fashions change in per- t' anon �the all bee." H Ie waa! too much shiver with terror Uecause' ou think when Jesus trod the wine rens alone• near the !establishment at thirty-five fumery, and it will be noticed in any gg then, pp Israel for seven yeatN at least• 1>tty minutes past seven in the presence of assembly that the present taste is for s ' for Melihibosheth; and a cried out it is wrath. It is mercy. lvm, Wine already more than 18 centuries y ronounced odors of the most offensive ; against it. basun hand a dead d tremble before the King of heaven and old. All our earthly imperfections thst is left, It might nut have seemed two of the owning of the macalled u Be stilt,' says David, " I don't do th srtU calls you to his palaoe'd Stop completely eovered up and hidden. �fe to make the inquiry sooner• But and a notary whom they had called upype, 1 is earth ca and start right away. "Oh," MephiiwsUeth's feet under the table. noon the kingdom ens unites 'nd Uad on to certify as to the authenticity of The chemist has lately ha*� me rare, ort[ your own account. I do this for ou ss. $"I can't start. 1 have been gin ly the experiment. 'These trees were carried successes in aynt}fet. . wo � and has your father, Jonathan's sake. I can y y, Kingly faze. Kingly vesture. become firmly established, and there to the manufactory, where they were given the perfumer some products never Target hie kindness. I remember so lamed by ain and so lamed by evil companionship. a shall reign or cut into nieces 1'l inches in length, which ,simulate floral odors with fidel- when I was hounded from place to habit I can't start, i am tame t ith ever and ever- I think that banquet was tittle possibility that any member ' feet." M friend, we come out with will mean more to those who had it P dty. Ono of the newest products of the-' place lice kue befriended me. Gan I Y ff the home of Saul could again divide which wem then decorticated and a lit. �stry is ionone, or artificial odor of s ever forget how he stri ed himself of our prayers acid Sympathise, to help hard in this world than to those who it.-For Jonathan's sake. A league of Tbs wood thus ipre red 'was afterward c1:. pp ou u to the Lace. if you want Lo rad :t ii+rs That b:iit.i l% n Da id's friendshi had been made between Dav- raised by an e evator to the five de- viglets, with which in combination the' his courtier apparel and gave it to me yet to the lee you may gat there. palace meant mors to Mephbosheth instead of my shepherds coat, and how B Pa a crit will help id and JPOnaLhan which was to extend fibratpra of the works. The wood perfumer is taw enabled to pro ace ly Start now. The 'Holy p than to any elle else, because he had ( ) 1? p P Y exact extract uE violets which not one .. - in tock off his awn sword and belt to their children. 1. Sam, 18 3; L0. 15 42. ul ru int b these machines was y and ave them to me instead of you. All you have to do is just tko been poor and crippled and despised (1) We should, constantly seek upper- then put into a vat, where it was simulator quite perfectly the odor n- g my throw ourself on your face at the feet and re ted. And that than who in tunities to do good. mixed with the necessary materials. violets, but is of porant, h pcer ai Sling 4 Ob f can never forget him I I Y foal as if I couldn't do enough fox you, of the King' as. Mephibosheth did. this world is blind will better chi- 2, 'Ziba. This slave of Saul seems to .Thi process finished, the liquid pulp eney and, more im which ap has uccesst "" his sen. I don't . do it for your sake; Mephibosheth's can+nal nom�iarison predate the light of heaven than 'we have become a freeman at his mac- was we to the paper machine. At striking qu i3it.op which appeal succeas- tl. seems extravagant to IUs world, but who in this world had good eyesight• tar's death. lie waa now prosperous, shirty,-four minute�g past nine in the fully to the popular taste. Very per- t.-_, ' I do it for your father Jonathan's when a man has seen himself as he And the man who in this world was with fifteen sons and twenty slaves. morning, the first sheet of paper was feet extracts pf violets ars made from ,i'i<;•.-: sake," "So Mephibosheth dwelt in Je ;, ruBalem, for he did eat codwelt in at really is and seen how he has been deaf the better appreciate the ntwas He brd caged for Mephit>osheth in hie finished. The entire manufacture had the flowers, but iE pure ase are verp I . ' the king's table and was lama an bath treatma the Lord-Lbere is no term vehe of heaven than we who in this world nom, and therefore, knowing the facts thug consumed but one hour and fifty- delicate and evanescent. Ionone is an : trent enough to express hie self con- hacl good hear t nd those will have and having some influence, be thought nine minutes. s interesting compou produced by start-: ra,, his feet.' lose- lace them before The Owners of the manufactory, aa- ing from citral (a c:ongtituent of oil ,. damnation. The dead do of Me hi- , There is ao muelr gospel in this g p• a higher appr� tion of the easy he might venture top eOmpanied by the notary, then took a lemon). It is impossible to accurately uaint ineideIIt that T am embarrassed boaheth's comparison fails to describe motion of that land who in this world the ki q the man's utter loathing of hLn,self. were Me hiboshets• 3. Hausa of Saul. The name recalled few sheets to a printing office situzited estimate tUe exact leu e d of the new to know where to begin• Whom do Me hibosUetU's turin does not seem p icent gos- bitter wr s but for his friend's sake at a distance of about two and a half chemical products os used industrially, 4 M bibosiieth and David and Jonathan P Pce i3 O, my soul, what a mngntf paved wa illmg to forget his own miles from the works. At ten o'clock, but as they all seem to depend some- make yyon think oP9 too prostrate. When a soul is con- pal I It takes a man so low down and • M�pyou h in do the first place, victed, first be prays upright. Then raises him so bigb 1 What a gospel I sufferings. The kindness of Gad means a copy of the printed journal was in the what on oxidation Lo develop the fol % • stands for the disabled Unman soul. the muscles of his neck relax, and he Come now, who wants to be banqueted kindness of mercy such as God shows to hands of the party • so that it bad tak- odor, their weak poink would naturally is able to low bis head. After awhile, and im ataced li As when Wilberforce meu-large and free and forgiving• lie en two hours and twenty-five minutes n an eventual degeneration, unlex-� � Lord B ron describes sin as a charm- b an almost su er-human effort Ue p• p spares those he has advents e a ainst, � to convert the wood for de�livermg tree [remail slowu`� abuse oxidation is ea- t c ing recklessness as a gallantry+ as a y' P was trying to Bot the emancipation g 8 Don Juan. George Sand describes sin kneels down to pray. After gwhile, bill ' through the d3ritish Parliament and so must we. Jonathan hath yet a into a journal ready Y• Y cis triumphant r many intricate lots. when he has seen God and seen him- and all the British isles were anxious Ban, He had been saved from the, It meet be add0cl that, during the Another commercially valuable odor G [trop, with his engraver's knife, ts. self, he throws himself flat on his face to hear of the psssage of that emanci- Philistines when Jonathan was slain on course of the manufacture, there oc- is arLifictil rroiso musk Baur e), h ich s.,5 : ways shows sin as a grest jocularity. at the feet oP the Kina, ust tike Me- alien bili, when a vessel was ecrming Motmt Gilboa. He was kept in obscurity 1 curred a few interruptions which might ically, trinitroisohutol toluene), which But the Bible presemta it as Mephi- phiboaheth, The fact as �we could see lute port and •the captain of the nes- afterward 'lost David should regard him he avoided aL another time, anti Lhat, ig succ;essfulcf uses whereaitsorresenee �'�- - But th , lama on both feet. Sin, like ourselves aS God sees us we would per- cel knew that the people were so anxi- as a rival. Lame an his feet, The 1, in the opinion of the twq manufartur- in many pe - tits nurse in the context, attempted to ish at the spectacle. You would have ous to get the tidiings he stepped out nurse in her haste let him fall when i ars, res n g of ave for L Kia, twenty would not bo expected re the layman. �"° the n us. and tet co fall, and we have no time to overhaul other people. Your on tyre prow of the ship and shouted she fled from Jezreel, on hearing of the minutes mi ht have been aired. spi�itnof turpentine,awhichtin combina, 0r: been disabled, and in our whole moral cry would be, "God be merciful to me, to the people 1 before he got up to death of Saul and Jonathan. a waa I --- tion reproduce the odor of lilac btoe- ",,; a sinner I" the dcok ' Free I" acid they cried it, then five years old. Fifteen y0ars pass- sons pee-fectly. `1'he old-fashioned ez- �' nature we are decrepit. Sometimes And again, Mephibosheth in my text and they obouted it, and they sang' ed away before he was brought to Da. I ELECTRIC POWER FOR MONTREAL. �': theolo fans haggle about a technical- stands for the sake of enc+[her. Me- r tract. o[ hali,tru e of the perfumer wee, ity• T�y use the words " total des hilosheth would never Lave got lobo it all t hrough the land, " Free, free l" vid's notice. (2) The tatherlesd are nt the l>Pst., a lief ion, anti usually it t!- ravity, and Some people believe in So to-day L would like to sound the under God's faithful care. rotr The Lachaue Itapida of the St. Lawrence Stable and unsatisfactory also from eta i.a• he alace o❑ his own account. Why 4, Machir. Thea was a ricU man, p 4 M ;1. ' e doctrine, and some reject it. What news of your present and -your star- abl of the tribe oP Manasgeb. Josepbus Aro st Last W be Ittuized. cerin pular, tvhirh stained linen. The ti you mean by total de�rravity9 Do did avid ransack the realm Lo find nal emancipation until the angels of y i pernnnl of heliotropine of the chem- j 4 4T `",y qmt mean that eve man >s ae bad ae that poor man and then bestow upon God hovering in the air and watch- calla him•"the principal man of Gilead," For some time peat' work Uis Veen P- .•• •- y ry him a area[ fortune and command a 1st prtxlucos, with ja,gmin spirit and ' he -sari 'iieG Then Ido rat believe in man on the battlements and bellmen He afterward showed kindness to Da- carried a❑ by the Lachine Rapids By- anitnarin, an extract perfect m odor, it aitlrer� But do you mean that ain farmer of the name of Ziha t.o cultivate in the town cry it, shout it, Bing it, vid when he fled from Absalom of draulic Company upon a larg' w nr dam anal so ooiurloss as to be known as ea- ;, {' the estate and give to this invalid ri it, " Fres, free I" I come Out now Sate, 17, 27), Lo-debar. A town seat of tract of white hrliotropa. hu let tis fall; tbiat; it has sacrificed MP Uitosheth halt the proceeds every � whleb runs out more than a thousand " and disabled and crippled aur entire P h as the messenger of the palace to in- the Jordan not far from Mahariaim, I Cuuma,rin us the odorous principle of,.,., `), moral nature until we cannot walk years Why did ging David make auc vit.e Mephilosheth to come up! I am possibly the same as the Debir of Josh, feet into the St. Lawrence River, A Punka bean, wild vanilla, woodruff and Kl, - a m ht stir about a oor fellow who 18, 26. In this neighborhood Iahbosbeth ' fall of water is Bewared by a ( ) -- straight and are lame in lratlrl feet9 y P here to-day to tell you that God has a means of sweet rase Anthoxanthum odoratum • '? Then I admit your reposition. There would never be of any u e to the [braes wealth Of kindness to bestow upon You held bis court for the seven years Da- this cum snrfficient to develop at the is r t iw Prepara<L synthetically, and' �;: r'.d - _ p of Israel 4 It was for JunatUan's sake. vid reigned at Hebron. Its location t ea not so much difference in an Afri- fol His Souls Bake. The doors of t}ie low season 15,000 horse power. 'ChLs it practural y used as a substitute for , �., can j le, with barking, howling, hiissd It was what Robert Burns calls for alace are open to receive you The remains unknown. the natural prcxiuctA, largely in scent- "auld lana Syne." David could not p ut the chali- water war is to be transformed ewer , �t in f tin uadru and re t le, an cupliearers have already p E 6. Sent and fetched. David did not lit lu tobacco. 2. forget what Jonathan had done for lovin but PIPs tricety. Upon the dam a un i(s anilla is a minor article with file g 'g $ g P� P ° t:� ' paradiaq, wit its animals coming be him is utUOr da, s. 'f'hree times this nes on lite CaU:le and the gree , 8, trerely dispatch a royal command, hoose will tie built which will run icy ;: fare Adam, when he patted them and cba ter Ua9 it that all this kindness tender, aympatJtetic heart of God supplLed the means of travel, as Joseph 0ntire len th and show an unbroken I ppeerfumer, being n>s01 mrst larg0ly fox - stroked teem and ave them naives, bends over you this moment saying, did when he brought Jacob down t.o g flr+vurin but, as it. seems to lie area ,' P of i inl.c•rior of I,00o feet long. The base r' 1;- st oted the panther was as tame as on the part of David to Mephiboaheth „� there anq that is yet left the Egypt. mint of this will be occupied by the cutteci with tG0 trade, it ma wall to "y:=:,s! ik: was for hie father Jonathan's sake. The 6. Fell an hie face. Probabl fear- nota that, vanillin", or artiff�panitla the cave, ata fivers is d�etween the House ref Saal that I may show him y water wheels. The main fluor will Can r daughter of Fehr Martyr, through kindness for Jonathan's sake 9^ i that he had been sus ,ted as an brig proven a commercial a CBs, ana� humaan soul disabled and that soul as the vice oP her husband, came down °g• rand- fain thr• dynamos, of which there will lar e.ly replaces the seed pod of the or- , :- God originally constructed it. Ido not aspirant to the throne of his B tri twPlv9, Pac'h of 1,000 horse power or I lit a.''. cane what the sentimentalists or the to penury, and the senate of ZuricU father Saul, and hAd beers brought in- h chic!. `.! , - took caro of bar fox her father's sake. BIRD SCAVENGERS. 11,1100 borse piwer in all. I e}' will l'herP are varirni-g other synthetical k°;'. ?r% to ss. in re rd to sin; In the name to the king's presence to receive sen- lie of the Canadian General Electro ; .r pt's y Somet' es a person has applied Lo — - p ;ty; of God, I declare to you to-day that qou fa Uelp and you have refused fence of death. The picture tr Dawith t'oin soy's IatPst rnulti +Us. c type, and award which are in a mora or era •'".+, sin is disorganization, disintegration, hdm, but when you found he was the Bea Gall Ix Doubly n Itenefactor To Pco- royal power and glory in contrast with willF eneroto current or transmiss+on forward stxt.e, notably those+ which seek t;r, haatly dieftguration, hobbling deform- the r tri led son of Jonathan, the g to replace neroli rend the rase, Uut they $t son or brother of some one who had pie Near the flea. P� pp �� h1o, i ra, fur use t here in lighting' are scarr,Ply out, of ibe experimental r. ; y Veen your lrpnefactar in farmer days last solar of Soul's fallen Uouse, comae tUe ci'y. .,nor tinpf t.UH street ra+l- G'`�' Your modern theologian tells ou that i The sea gull is doubly the benefactor out in greater splendor the deeper the ro and in any and all other li ht- state. FOr a lon,j g et the maker e- F`, yy and by a Glance you Baw the resew r g sea i has Keen using ethers and aide- ;.k Y,+- man is a little out of sorts. )3e soros- oY mon. It not only follows the plow latter humbled himself lx fore the form- in and wer ur Apart. from times thinhawrong-indeed, bis nature lance oY Your old friend in the face Po P by 0', which are cheap sources of auah is ,- • of thea plicanL you relented and you (on farms near the sea coast), in order er. His crippled eoirdition made ober' thg fact, that this plant will excezd in cors as oil of wintergreen, oil of bitter -o" -.r needs a little moral. surgery, a little Bance more difficult and noticeable. (9) rf Ct, rectification. Religion is a'good thing said, ' O I will do this for your fa- to eat the freshly turned grubs, but tract ft any yet installed, the ni almonds oto. low chemist has now What we dread ae a❑ ill often turns classifi0d most flower odors into a feW "'`'�. �, re have it might some day come, into ther's sake," You know by your ex- it Scotus the surface of the sea near tract for thea electrical instillation is pertence what my text means. Now, out to be a decided good. t UP IargP t. ever placed at nn0 time for t [[final sr ct ions, as t h+ induloid, amm ' +,: rise, iiian IE rtially wrong, not all Y uu1, iar+iffinoiri, I+e:nzoloid and ter•pinold. ,# ;:+' f pa pe frten w it is on that principle Lha, [tie shore sad frequent harbors to 7. David said unto him, Fear not- PIP( t11„til dnamun. yL is also worthy 0, wrong. He is lame in one foot. Bring you and 1 are to get into the King's seize ov floatintg garbage, dead fisb or TUe-viaiUle terror Ue maniYagted would of note that, althorvgU ii waA a,mp'te<1 accnrrlina L, ChP rnolrcular arranger the salve of divine grace, and the clot- imply that the messenger lied not made for b ever rominent. ale,trical manu - palace. other utref i morsels. The services Y Y meat of the odorif5'rous principle. T'bes! 1 went, and the in extractor, and we P y »B known to him the king's ppurpose. Drd p y will have bis one foot cored. Man is The most important part of every of these birds have saved many a sea- David recognize in his features any re- Cacturer in the world, tbP t"Tie order loris rlo nut. includ0 IUs creat cen ;�'"y� ra er is the List three or four words of the apparatus chosen kept tie order ber of flowers with the honey scent , A °`, only half wrong, not altogether wrong. oP �t: "P'ur Chriat'a Belie.” Do not rat- port town and village, round which semblance to the friend he loved so�yvelIP with home manufactumrs. A g': Is. what to man's nature right 4 In ae sweet pea, hon0y suckl0, oto, g ta^ his will, his affections, his judgment 4 tie off those words as though they the�y hover, from plague and pestilence. The land of Saul. Phis family estate I'. a i' his These a ec old book that says, were merely the finishing stroke of the Yet every year they are massacred by which was at Gibeab bad fallen to 4''c ,,'l. prayer. They are the most important thousands for idle and cowardly sport David in right of bis wipe (Num. 27. 8) gTEAM ENGINES Oh' TIIP; W(1(;i,D. LIVING TO ONG'S SELF. t ' 6 s. "1'h hole heart is Biak and the whore Part of the prayer. W hen in earnest- or for the ss�ca of their wings, to be At my table. . a rugal courtier, and ni, ,„*�• hear faint.",, Mepphiboeheth lama in have the privileges of a member of The Bureau of Statigtica in Brrlin TbP man who fives in himself be• r ."' loth feat l O r belief of the [act that nese you go before Gocl and ss.y "for used mi'1liner Their eggs are the royal family. This is a reccgniz- „r ' bot Sas sac dVr and deformed our Chriat'e sake," it rolls in as it were lundered wholesale for museums and th mark of honor 'in the F.aat. recardq the fact that of tbe at0am en- queakhs his Own folly and poverty antY { ,n' 7 u dm God's mind ell the memories of K mPannea' for his monument. He brie ` 1 -. souls increased as we go on in y0ars. p o fill tee 'hop windows oY naturalists. t3 He lobe himself. Whether as th0 dines naw' worirtn in the world four- Bethlehew and Gennesaret and Got- One man boasted a year ago that Ue When ou started life, you thought y y bad killed 4,000 kittiwake galla in a result of misfortunes or through de. fifths have been ronstructPd during li0riefitPd odocly, while he. has dwarfed 44:', Y the. When ou ss. Before God that man was a little marred by sin, fact in the makai up Of ills cUaraoter Ue the last twenty-five ycara France has and warped Uis me n powers, and s9nSe+ y;rl ("' for Christ's sake" you hold before ain le season with his own gua, and r less stone and marble, however lavish+d y and he was atbOut. one tenth wrong. By g lacked strength and shove of manu- 7u 590 stationary and fixornative liail- lhP time air had gone through the ear- God's. mind every groan, every tear. an order was given and exgcuted from Pven a live d r'I, ty experience of your trade or near ever crimson dro of his one tie news• A dead flo8• ag 1 sn +lied to mark his rest' 1 e y P ane London Douse far 10,000 pairs of in the Fast r arced as an ab' t ars• 1.850 ]r°at boilers, rind 7,000 lacamo- y pI p� , v' nation or profession you I>Plieved !hat gotten San. 1P there is aryl int; tmo wings. At Lhis rate soils must soon teC, t1aPR; Germany, 59,000 land toilPrB, cops him no honor. tic has lived m' .r all the univgrse that will move tial dila pear altaget6er. of extrP.me contempt. "A dead dog' t 700 strip boilers, and 10,000 locomotives; ePlf, hP haq rlixl in himself, and aI ''+, mac was about. half wrong. I3 the ex resges tUe deans t depth crf degra- that he leaves in memory of hinnshl ', y a.n act of royal Uenethction, it ie to TQ cerrion crow, the raven and oth- p in the loathsomeness of Atria, 1`L,QOIi l,oilere, and 2,800 luraa�s nu worrl of prais0 io Uis UEhaif ` °, ;'% time you comp. to midlife you believed For Chri is Bake," God is omni- dation• as to ung motives, The workinX Steam an ince of a Nr„_;v. - th+il roan wan three-fourths wrong. I;uf Y era which Follow their example, more a the vileness of a dog• the United States represent 500,000 no word of justifiratinn. This Is np t;` tb hdh 1Ue.'e past few years, since ou potent, Uut ZIe is not strong encash Or less, confer an immens<i kaon on man- t 1 y to resist that cr "For Christ's sake.” kind, S arrows clear the utters and 9, have given. In mss ori- hOIEe power ; of Eaaland, 7,000.000 horse true Life. t is a l; wens[ of all ftXil• i . y,T `" have been so lied about' and swindled y g ental kingdoms the monarch is re- wer ; German , 4,500,000 horse power ; m•e,S• There are g{nrians opportttniw and chratPd, ou have come to LUe con- if a little ebild abould kneel behind ply which they inhabit from a vast rded as su reme owner of all th0 po y HH 4 y„: elusion that man is ells at.Uer wren God's throne and should say, For quantity of scattered fragments, gro xty of b sub este and take' and Franca 8,000,000 horse Friwer ; Austria, tjce in this wcmld {or aervece o wlitlF , Ohriat's sake," th0 gteat Jehovah would ) 1,500,006 horse power. The whole num- wisely uses them enriche [late hie^tans) ,!f rrgg g• Thou h too small to be seers, these un- and now you can ss. witU the prayer g ®l towea estates at wil� ; but 'in Cereal ber of 1nPnmotives in the world is OsLi- and himsel4, and, dying, leaves a abtxl+ w y turn around on His throne to look , - , ho°It sorb with tUe Rible, "'There ie no savory morsels would soon become dan- no even the kin could take on inhere- mated ac I0..5,000, representing a total int which outlast,' (granite titld �lN at her and listen. No prayer ever tons to human life and health. ,,�„ ' bsaltb irf us." Naw you believe witjl Ke Lanae out of a lamtly line. Thy mai- brighter than poliahrxl braes. th> rr�,het, "The heart es deceitful ata to heaven but for Ghrist'a sake. -•-- ter's son. Alephibosheth, Saul's and- st 8,000,000 horse power ; sad the world's „ t • aliov� nil things and desperately wick-o rout is ever comforted but for gr steam anXines aggregate more than 20; f ed." « hatavar you way have believed Chriat'a sake. The world will never be A huge frog, weighing eleven and son ; here named as his soQ. All that 0,000 horse 'power. gnpwledge is seticl kn b0 power.; allld` 1, � . i d." , now you believe that Mepeilxia- redeemed Mrt for Christ's sake• Our three-qquarter ponds was shot by Toney pertained, 'I lie oruginal estate must have it ire power le the acme anise tltht Wtrpo� ,r..,r. name, however 111 hrisous it may be C. HSI at Delaware Lake, Ind. Its been lar e, and was no doubt innreaBed r A. Mtmkb= h.tb is lame On kxith feet. g Rain falls on the esst.�rn aoatit of le fuel. Waal ori fire is iue1. S .: ;: Again, a Ol bothefe in the text amens men, before God standsionly Lags were almost tie long es a man's during Soul's reign amr fire is Powe Stand- for the disabled hu man soul. for inconsistency and sin. But filets arms• 10, Shalt till the land. SugVestim, Ireland about 208 days in the year. ledge 1 -. '., ,. v. :, .., -, .a,. n' L. - :+. '.: „ < ... .w n,.,. .� ... :. :. .. t .. ..:: .1. ,.,....,: 7, r� .: 1 ., r.- .. e S .. f ,. .:. P A . +..: ,.:,:. Z.. .. L.....e^{ . .. G'�... + ...., ... :. i, ..y. i `k a. , .,. .. :.., :.. ., 5: i ,.. .-..ns. .. ..t. .. .. .._ t. 'f: , 1 q,. v.,, 1.. } l�. .W a h. T F: r'i '1