HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1896-07-29, Page 64
A moustaz THAT Maim Tug LINES
The life of a dyspeptic la beyo
doubt one of the most unhappylots th
can befall humanity. There s alwa
a feellug of over-tullness and distre
after eating, no matter how careful
the food may be prepared, and ev
when the patient uses food sparing,
there is frequently no ceroratien of th
distressing paius. How thankful on
who has undergone this misery an
has been restored to health feels ca
perhaps be better imagined than desert
ed. One such sufferer, Mrs. Thos. E
Worrell, of Dunbarton, N. B., relate
her experience in the hope that it ma
prove beneficial to some other simile
sufferer. Mrs. Worrell says that to
wore than two years her life was on
of constant misery. She took only th
plainest foods, and yet her conditio
kept getting worse, and was at las
seriously aggravated by palpitation o
the heart brought on by the stomac
troubles. She lost all relish for foo
and wetly so weak that it was with dif
ficulty she could go ',about the house
and to do her share of the necessai
housework made life a burden. A.
times it was simply impossible for he
to take food as every mouthful pro-
duced a feeling of nausea, and some-
times brought on violent tits of vomit
ing which left her weaker than before
She had taken a great deal of ruedicin
hut did not find any improvement. A
last she read in a newspaper of a cure
in a similar case through the use of Dr.
William' Pink Pills and decided to give
them a trial. After usingthree or four
boxes there was a great mprovement
in her condition and after the use of
eight boxes Mrs. Worrell says, "I can
assure you I am now a well woman, as
strong as ever 1 was in nay life, and I
owe my present londition entirely to
the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills,
which have proved to me a wonderful
medicine. Mrs. Worrell further says
that Pink Pills were also of the greatest
benefit to her husband, who suffered
greatly with heumatisna in his hands
and arms. At times these would swell
up and the pains were so great that he
could not sleep and would sit the whole
night beside a fire in order to get a
little relief from the pain he was endur-
ing. Seeing how much benefit his wife
had derived from the use of Pink Pills
he began their use, and soon drove the
rheumatism from his system and he
has since been free from the terrible
pains which had formerly madehis life
=tremble. Both Mr. and Mrs. Worrell
say they will always strongly recom-
mend Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to ail-
ing friends.
These pills are a blood builder and
nerve restorer, and there is no trouble
whose origin is due to either, of these
causes that they will not cure If given
a fair trial. The genuine Pink Pills
are sold only in boxes, the wrapper
around which bears the full trademark,
"Dr. Williams' Pink Pills . for Pale
People." There are treat:A:M.44. this
great medicine, also colored pink, wh ich
re offered by the dozenx,h4eidted or
ounce, or in boxes, without the direc-
tions and trade alark--Alvebays,aeluse
hese imitations, no matter what the
interested dealer who tries to sell them'
ey. say.
is the greatest of all bleasings.
You are doing yourself an in-
justice and running great risk
if you fail to have any defect of
vision I CO mediately corrected.
It coats no more to have a pro-
per col rection and perfect fitting
glasses than it does for a guess-
work correction made by glasses
chosen haphazard from among a
stock of readywade spectacles.
WE'are practical opticians. We
examine the eyes carefully free
of charge. We v fit glasses pro-
perly. e guarantee our work
to satiy or we refund your
. • .
that never fairs, that is always
strong and pure and healthful, a
powder that will beat conapari-
son with the highest of high-
grade powders on the market,
THAT is the kind of powder ones
is. A pure Cream of Tartar
powder in 1 and 1 lb. tins, 25
and 15c.
Allen 86 Wilson, DRUGGISTS
J. B. Rumball,
The Leading Jeweler.
Our Goods are the Best in the
Market and our Prices
the Lowest.
Genteallfelephohe Exchange.
Civic Holiday Excursions.
0 -q...0 -:3........4..q..
Friday, July 31
1 - ,
Tickets will be issued to all points west
of Toronto at :Single Fare, good to go
p. m. trains Thursday July 30, ail
• trains Friday, July 31 and return up
to Aug. 1st.
Niagara Falls and return $1.75,
good for two days.
Aug. Q, Sarnia and return, $1.20. 1
For reliable information apply to c
U111 AGENT, i
G. T. R. •
Pasture to Let.
Horses and Cattle taken into pasture. Good
fences, plenty of shade, -water and salt. No
Barbed wire. Apply to C. MASON, at Staple..
ton or to M. Glew, of Orange Hall, Hullett.
WANTED—Three General Agents for a block
of Counties; also five canvassers /or
each. A big thing, and those who get territor- r
tat rights will be In luck. Oan also employ A
several bright Ladies at their own homes. THE
BRADLEY-GTON CO., LTD., 49 Richmond
St. West, Toronto. Ont,
FALL TERM, SEPT. 1st. tl
sd Asp //' ir
.••/' • #
Only one d of business education given to 8
our stud nd that "the best." Young peo-
ple must: t a business education if they wish
to succe . Business men are constantly in a
need of .well trained office assistants. Write w
for now catalogue.
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. d4
WANTED—Old Established wholesale House
wants one or two honest and industrious,
representatives for this section. Can pay a
hustler about 112,00 a week to start with.
DRAW,R 29. Brantford, Ont.
Man Wanted.
Wanted, yonng mai Sod man, v, :thou t family
or w.th stool fam'ly, to work on farm by the
year. ,Most be good with team and board him-
self, House convenient. Apply at TUE NEWS -
RECORD Office for particulars.
To work aronria home, salary 124, monthly.
Applicants desiring attention must send refer.
ences and three cent stamp to
Household Publishing Co.
McKinnon Bldg. Toronto.
Voters' List 1896.
Notice is hereby given tiat I have transmit-
ted or delivered to the persons mentioned in sec -
Oboe 6 and 6, of the Voters' Lists Acte, the cop-
ies required by said sections to be so trans-
mitted orlelivered of the list made pursuant
to said Act of all persons appearing by
the last revised Assessment R011 of the said
Municipality, to be entitled to vote th the said
Municipalty, at elections for members of the
Legislative Assembly and at Municipal Elec-
tions, and that said list was first posted np in
W7 office at Varna. en the 25th day of July,
1896, and remains there for inspection.
Electors are called upon to examine the said
List and if any omissions or any other errors
are found therein, to take immediate proceed.
Ingo to have said errors corrected according to
J. T. CMGS, Clerk of Stanley Tp'
July 29th, 1
Goderich Township: .:.
COUNCIL MEETING — The regula r
eeting of the Council will beheld in
'ickard's hall at Holmesville, on Mon -
ay, August 3rd, at 11 a.m. .
hree Conquering Iferoes
idney Disease, Rheumatism
and Stomach Troubtki Con-
quered by the Three Great
South American Remedies.
rompt Relief for Every Sufferer.
Safety to the sufferer from kidney
isease is in driving the poison from
he system. Pills and powders whilst
hey give apparent relief, and thus
eceive the patient,do not eradicate the
isease. The hard sand -like particles
at gather in the blood must be dis-
lved if the system is to be cleared of
e poison, and it is only a remedy like
outb American Kidney Cure that
ill do this. Mr. Micheal McMullen,
well known resident of Chesley, Ont.,
as a victim of kidney disease, so
ivere that at times be could not lie
wn, or remain in any one
sition for a length of time.
Where other medicines accom-
plished nothing, he secured immed-
iate relief from South American Kid-
ney Cure. The soreness and weariness,
after using the medicine, soon lefthim,
and to -day there is not a sign of the
trouble in his system.
There is no question of the magical
character of South American Rheu-
matic Cure. This remedy will drive
the worst forms of rheumatism from
the system. Mr. Robert E. Gibson, of
Pembroke, Ont., suffered untold
misery. Doctors blistered him, and
applied every known remedy, but did
no good. "The first dose of South
American Rheumatic Cure," says Mr.
Gibson, "gave me instant relief, and
hal a bottle cured." s,
The nervous prostration that comes
to many women can be quickly over-
come by the use of South American
Nervine. This .nedicine attacks the
nerve centres, which are the fountains
of all health and the disease banished
from these the system can soon be built
up. Mrs.M.Williams,ofFordwich, Ont.,
wife of the well known manufacturer
of that town, suffered intensley from
nervous prostration for years, and
seemed beyond relief of the best medi-
cal skill. "I was under medical treat-
ment," says this lady, "for two or
three years, but my condition only got
worse. I read of the wonders performed
by. South American Nervine, andtried
a bottle. One bottle gave tne suffici-
ent relief to encourage me to Oontinne
the medicine, with the result that it
was not long before I was Completely
0 SOIlielf•
letencled for last week.
Cairne, of Varna,
has been seriqualy ill for some time
with inflammation of the howels,-111re.1
Dr. Mo4.sh, of Belgravoi is visiting at
che ps.fental residence, Bronson Line.
—Mr. and Mrs. Simpson of Ethel,
have recently been visiting friends in
this neighborhood.—Mr. F. Daintry,
of 'Bronson Line, who has been attend-
ing Clinton Collegiate Institute, wrote
last week on the Primary Exana.—Mr.
R. Blair has returned to the Sault
after spending. a couple of weeks
visiting friends an this neighborhood.
A constant 'user of the world -famed
Diamond Dyes write as follows about
his success with them:
"I have been using your Diamond
Dyes for seven years. I can only say
they are the best on the market. I
have made as high as twenty-four
dollars a week in dyeing, and could not
give satisfaction unless I used the Dia-
mond Dyes. I would not he without
them, for when I am I consider I am
without money."
Mortal,: Diamond Dyes are the best
andmost profitable. Carefully avoid
what some dealers call jade as good.
Beier's,- -On Monday evening the
members of the Home Circle held
their regular meeting in Watson's hall.
—Holy Communion in Trinity Church
on Sunday morning.—Sacrament of
the Lord's Supper is to be administered
in the Methodist church on Sunday
morning.—Regular meeting of the
members of the C. 0. F. was held in
Watson's hall on Tuesday evening.—
On Monday our people welcomed a
beautiful shower of rain which was
much needed. --Mr. Wm. Kelly, of
Detroit, is visiting under the parental
roof for a few days.—The garden party
held at councillor T. Ashbury's resi-
dence on Wednesday evening last
under the auspices of the Ladies Aid
of the Methodist church, was a good
success both financially and otherwise.
—Miss Susie Milloy, of K ingston, for-
merly of Clinton, was visiting friends
in town last week.—Mrs. J. »B. Kelly
returned from her visit; to friends in
Stratford on Saturday.—Mies Mary
McLean left here on Monday to visit,
friends in Kingston.—Mr. Joseph La-
mont is lying seriously ill at present,
little hope being entertained for his re-
covery.—Messrs. Fraser & Logan are
turning out some first class brick and
tile at their yard south of the villiage.
Surely there is compensation or an
antidote for every pain and sting
which nature imposes on us. The
sharp bitter weather. of our climate
might seem unbearable could we not
find means of enjoying it without dis-
comfort. It was•long after wood was
known to be a perfect nonconductor of
heat and cold before any one thought
of -its possible uses in clothing, but now
we take advantage of this fact. Wood
is reduced to its strong silken flbres
and then made into the fabric known
as Fibre Chainois which offers a
perfect protection from wind, cold or
sleet that makes healthful warmth
possible in all weathers to everybody—
and a durable protection that never
fails till the garment is worn out.
The championship lacrosse match of
the Huron district at Bright July 15th,
between Seaforth and Bright, resulted
in favor of Bright, by 7 to 1.
Women who are weak and nervous,.
who have no appetite and cannot sleep,
find strength and vigor in Hood's Sar-
The roof of the Presbyterian church
in course of erection at Palmerston
fell, killing a workman named John
Whitely, and injuring several others.
All the titne ? This condition is a sure
indication that your blood is not rich
and nourishing as it ought to be and'
as it may he if you will take a few
bottles of the great blood purifier, Hood's
Sarsaparilla. Thousands write that
Hood's Sarsaparilla has cueed them of
that tired feeling by giving them rich,
red blood.
HOOD'S PILLS act easily and
promptly on the liver and bowels.
Cure sick headache.
Mr. Quintin McBlain, an old resi-
dent of the. township of Grey, died at
his residence, in the 80th year of his
Piles Cured in 3 to 6 nights.—Dr.
Agnew's Ointment will cure all cases
of Itching Piles in from 3 to 6 nights.
One application brims
it is peerless.
Also Cures Tetter, Salt Rheum,
Eczetna., Barber's Itch, and all erup-
tions of the skin. 35 cents. --.Sold by
Watts & Co.
On July 27th Judge Bell, of Chat-
ham, and Judge Doyle of Goderich,
will sit in London for the purpose ot
dividing the county of Middlese-: into
elector al divisions in accordance with
the act passed by the Ontario Legis-
lature at its last session,- reducing the
minaret of councillors.
Voters' List, 1896.
Notice Is hereby given that I have transmit.
ted or delivered to the persons me tioned In
sections 5 and 6, of the Voters' Li ,t7 Acts, the
copies required by said sections to :,e so trr
witted or delivered of the Het made pursuant
to said Aot of all persons apnearhg the last
revised Assessment Roll of the said Munici-
pality. to be entitled to vot-, in the said Muni.
chntyaat elections for members of the Legis-
lative Assembly and et Municipal Elections,
and that said List was first popted no in my
office at %yield, on- the 80th dc.y of July, I823,
and remains there for inspection.
Electors aro called upon to examine the said
List and If any otnIssions or any other errors
are found therein, to take immediate proceed -
Inge to have said errors corrected according to
July 30th, 18116. Clerk o? Bayfield.
. 4
Well with
Ayer's Hair Vigor.
"Nearly forty years ago, after
some weeks of sickness, my hair
turned gray. I began using Ayer's
Hair Vigor, and was so well Baths.
fled -with the results that I have
never tried any other kind of dress-
ing. It requiresonly
an occasional appli-
cation of
Hair Vigor to keep
my hair of good
color, to remove
„ ldandruff, to heal
itching "urciors, and prevent the
hair frQrn falling out. I never hesi-
tate tJeoommend Ayer's medicines
to m lends." —Mrs. H. M. HAIGHT,
Avoca, Nebr. •
Bicycles and
Ws make a specialty of Sundries of every description. We ba
good wheels and know that they ate good, A. dry goods clerk can ,s
dry goods, but it takee:a machinist to.repair a Bike, All our work' is
done byprsotioal maohinisto. See our Eclipse, they stand the test, yen
can't break em. You can't wee' r OM out.
The Onward Bicycle Co., Clinton.
Phipared by DLO'. 0. Ayer St Co., Lowelt, 1lmm.
Tab Ayer's Sarsaparilla for ths Complain.
A, C. DUFTON, formerly of the Woollen Mills, Lon-
don, has opened a Store and Office on ALBERT
STREET, CLINTON (near Fair's grist mill,) and will
pay the Highest_Cash Price for
ENTRANCE EXAM.—In the list of elle-
cessful candidates tor the Entrance
Examination, we see the following
names from our school :—Edith Huller,
Francis Sturdy, Will Tebhutt, S. '..Jook,
J. Badour, H. Evans. This is very
good; out of eight that tried, six
passed; this speaks well for Mr. Fisher.
NOTES.—MISS Susie Acheson return.
ed from a pleasant visit in Goderich.—
Mrs. Stanley and daughter are visiting
her mother, Mrs. Elcoat in Tucker-
sunith.—Mr. W. McRoberts ie in our
village to spend his bolidays.—Mrs.
Baker, of Mitchell, attended t he
funeral of the late Mr. Cantelon.
ACCIDENT.—A very sad accident oc-
curred here last Tuesday, which cost
Mr. Wm. Cantelon his life. He died
just ascended the path and was walk-
ing along the track, when the 4 p.m.
train was coming along. His dog was
walking on the track and the engineer
whistled to scare it off. The old gentle-
man looking up, saw the train, and
w6nt to cross the track. He was
struck and instantly killed. He was
taken to his home at T. C. Pickards,
from where the funeral took place
Tuesday afternoon to the Clinton
cemetery. He was in his 80th year and
leaves one child, Mrs. Pickard, with
whom he has been living. Deceased
was one of the pioneers of this section,
and esteemed by all, as was shown by
the number that attended his funearL
CONCERT. -..A grand concert will be
given in the Town Hall, on Aug. 3rd,
under the auspices of the Methodist
church. They are sparing no pains to
wake this one of the grandest concerts
of the -aeason. The programme will
be furnished by :eading Goderich tal-
ent. Among those who are to take
part are : Mies Eva Acheson, Miss Gra-
ham, Miss Ella Fisher, graduate of
Whitby College; *Miss Laura Acheson,
graduate of Toronto 'Conservatory;
Goderich Ladies' Quartette; Mr. Bel-
cher. Mr. Smith and others.
BRI EPS. — M i8S FannyWild, of St.
Louis, is home on a visit.—Mrs. W.
Caldwell, daughter of Mr. T. J. Moore -
house, of Bay City, is home on a visit.
—Mrs. Parks and family, of Toledo, is
visiting her mother; Mrs. Walwin.—
Mrs. J ohn E. Johnston and daughter,
of Chatham, are guests of her brother,
Mr. David McNaughton.—Mrs. Sproat,
M hie Reid, and Master Roy Sproat have
taken rooms at Mrs. Walwin's for the
surnmer.—D. Dickey, Inspector of Div-
ision Courts, Toronto, was in town last
week.—Mrs. B. *Rumball, of London,
and Miss S. Wilson, of Clinton, are
guest.s of Mrs. Patterson.—Miss Muir,
of Clinton, is visiting her friend, Miss
Olive Thoinson.--Mrs. A. Grainger, of
Clinton, is the guest of Mrs. Jatneb
Burns. —W. Struthers, of Toronto M ed-
ical College, is home for his vacation.
of the Directors of the Stanley Branch
Agricultural Society was held at E.
Swarts' hotel, on Friday, the 24th of
July, at 8 o'clock p. ni. Members pres-
ent: Wm. Townsend, president; R.
Penhale, vice-president; D. McNaugh-
ton, John Sparrow, R. Snow on, John
Parke, Wm. Elliott, E. Swar a 88
Burns, directors. Moved by E. Swarts,
seconded by John Sparrow, that the
show be held on Tuesday and Wednes-
day, Sept. 29th and 30th—carried.
Moved by John Parke, seconded by E.
Swarts, that, the Secretary notify all
persons owing money to the Society to
pay the same on or before next meet-
ing—carried. Moved by John Spar-
row, seconded by R. Snowdon, that
this meeting adjourn to meet again on
Friday, the 21st day of August, at 2
o'clock p. m.—carried. H. W. ERWIN,
COUNCIL. —The Council met July 24th
in the Town Hall. pursuant to a.djourn-
cri en t. Mein hers presen t„ --Reeve Burns,
Councillors Bailey, Erwin and Stan -
bury. The Reeve in the chair. Min-
utes of last meeting read and signed.
Moved byR. Bailey, seconded by
Geo. Erwin, that the following rates
upon the dollar of assessment he levied
upon all the rateable property of the
Village of Bayfield for the year 1896
for the following purposes, viz: 71
mills for school purposes, 11 mills for
county purposes, and 4 mills for
village purposes, and that a by-law
be passed to that effect — carried.
By-law fixing rates to be levied read
and passed. Moved by Geo. Erwin,
sec. by R. Stanbury, that this Council
grant the sum of ten dollars to the
Stanley Branch Agricultural Society
—cart ied. Moved by R. Bailey,
seconded by Geo. Erwin, that -this
Council pass a ny-law prohibiting any
person or persons taking sods off any
of the streets without permission from
the Council, and that by-law he passed
to that effect—carried. :After passing
a number of gravel and other accoents•
the Council adjourned to Friday, Aug.
28th, at 7.80 p.m.
or will exchange for
0 L
Tweeds, Flannels, Blankets, Yarn
and Ready -Made Suits.
We guarantee the very best value. It will be to your
advantage fo bring your Wool to Clinton.
The tonic of business life
supremacy and success. If
petitors take advantage of
sion. We are in the race
poll if High Claes Goods at
keeps us all hustling for
we lag in the race corn -
our hestitancy and indeci-
and are bound to head the right price con
n t f
{Chicken, Duck, Turkey, Beef, Lunch Tongue, Deviled Tongue, Deviled
Canned Ham, Chipped Beef, Noble's Lobsters, Kippered Herring, Herring in
Tomato Sauce.
All of which are new and seasonable goods.
Telephone 23. OGLE COOPER & CO.
Amber brand, Blue Star and Composts.
Church's Potato Finish
and Fertilizer.
Pure -English
Paris Green.
Hardware Merchants, Clinton.
Bargains ! Bargains ! At the Cheap Cash Store.
$1,500 WORTH OF GROCERIES and CROCKERY must be sold to make
room for Stook to arrive. Don't miss this chance to buy Goode chear,
0, J. STEWART. Agent for Monsoon and Kurma Tea.
Information concerning travel by
Rail or Boat to any part of the world
can be given yon at the C. P. R. Office,
Excursion to Manitoba, Tues-
day, July 21st, Fare $28
C. P. R. Ticket, Telegraph and Steam-
ship agent, Clinton, Ont.
gore- Act in 88 to 48 boors. Th
only female regulator In the who
ange or medicines. By Mail, Price 88 00. 0
246 Si. James Street, :Ventres
Veterinary Surgeon
Veterinary Inspector.
Office on Isaac street, next New Era office—
Residence, Albert St., Clinton.
Remember -- only such medicines
were admitted for exhibition at the
World's Fair as are accepted for use
by physicians. in the practice of medi-
cine, Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral, and Ayer's Pills be-
ing included in the list. They are
standard medicines.
We Want
To reduce our Stock of READY
MADE CLOTHING and in order
to do this the prices will be mark-
ed down to a figure that will be
sure to have the desired result.
The Goods are all marked in plain
figures :—
$10 00 Suits for 00
900 " 720
850 680
750 " 600
700 t 560
600 80
50 suits for $3 60
875 " 300
825 260
300 240
200 t. 160
These prices are genuine Bargain' sr
Our Stock bf Spring and Summer Suite
ings is complete and are going out fast.
A full line of Furnishings, Hate, Caps,
Wanted—An Idea Ulla
co" Was DO.,
Write Jo WiliDimanuft& & 00., twin=
Protect your ItIousi_ther may Willem
,fbf their $1, prOstollie
and list o two tomarea Inventions wantso.
eir.r.inigetiliTy, ilk of a'rd
EmIssions. 10 days treatmenteent tree to Myelin
sending us 12e1s. In Postagiv:smps.
ST AN2401.5.DaMmEDai 180tAreeLt0AtOocinsa,
,•; •; ' '