HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1896-07-29, Page 4. , , •
tier Rimes are coming when
eveCybody- will ride bicycles.
Inthe wenntiwe you need not
weft ; we are Belling wheels so
Cheap you cannot afford to walk.
Everything in the line of
Bicycle Supplies and Repairs.
See us beforb planing your
, order.
, erson'$ Bicycle and
Music House,
T fp
'Ol n.`ton , - and Bayfield..
The' :Happy
of amusement, interest
and just enough exer-
cise- is achieved in
Croquet. It entertains
any number of persons.
Who would do without
a► Croquet set when we
are selling , them so
cheap ? We have 4, 6
and 8 Ball Sets. Call
and get our prices.
hypocritically - without eiretfllttion, The f1oderlch Signal Weekly leelipa;;
without inlluegce--•.supported the lion- Dr. Freeborn. In doing en that paper
servative party. It has during that steeply follows its French Romain
time been as unprincipled in its denun- Catholic leader and the behests of its
elation of the Reform party as ft is to-
day of the Conservative party, like a
Cooker &Co.
"jack irrthe box," ready to jump when
the string is pulled. To say "that the
yonservatives of Canada have become
heartily sick of the Tupper dynasty,"
to say of our honored and self-sacrific-
ing leaders that "the Tuppers have
lined their pockets well at the expensa
of Canada," that "politics made Tupper
a millionaire years ago," is a base slan-
der on the spotless character of one of
thiseountry's leading and most honor ed
citizens, It is more—the charge is a
foul libel on the great Conservative
party of thio Dominion and a reproach
to every member of that pai ty,
No public man in Canada --we do not
even except the late noble Chieftain,
Sir John A. Macdonald --ever made a
greater sacrifice as regards self,.- than
Sir Charles Tupper, the man whom the
Sun belies and slanders and vilifies.
What is all the reason for chis?
For years the Sucaunot be n nny l
newspaper has been
a drag on'the party and a finabcial foss
to its
t's editor,
uhoul, Iha preyedkupon
everything wiithrn reach. If fair means
fail, foul means would not prevent cap-
turing even a corpse. Under Tory
rule some of the short-sighted Con-
servatives were foolish enough —
through N. Clark Wallace and others
—to create a Port of Entry at Seaforth
—an office not Aquire3—and the Sun
man secured the plum. Of course be
desires to hold it. And in order to do
so he is willing to, and has come out
openly and betrayed his friends. This is
no worse than what people have read of
from time immemorial. Judas betrayed
Christ, hut our Saviour was not igno-
rant of the fact.
THE NEws-REeoRD feels sore at
heart for our wayward confrere, but
his sins have and will continue to find
him out. The Sun cannot serve God
and Mammon without exposure.
The Sun is without a peer.
yaw Atittrtio, tanto.
Sight --Allen & Wilson.
Boys wanted—Jackson Bros.
Shirt Waists—Hodgen Bros.
The framers—The W D. Fair Co.
If you want—Jackson & Jackson.
Civic Holiday Excursions—W. Jack-
The Huron News -Record
1.28 a Year ---$1.00 In Advance
WEDNESDAY. JULY 22nd, 1898.
• Lindsay Warder.
After the duplicity, treachery and in-
trigue which rman laced the arenot surprisedr
party in power, Y
at the strange way Dame Nature is
"taking on" m Canada.
Soon after the 23rd of June, 1890,
Canada became infested with
(1) A plague of grasshoppers.
2 The army worm in great numbers.
(3) The weevil.
(4) The hessian fly and hog cholera.
) Caterpillars in tnyraids.
(6) Dry weather in localities.
(7) Too much rain in other localities.
(8) Decreased prices for farm pro-
duce. However, it is asserted that
pease will be high priced owing to the.
great demand for "pea -soup," that be-
ing a favorite French-Canadian dish,
and will now, of course, rule.
(9) Increased prices for articles pur-
chased by farmers. As an illustration
known to all housekeepers, thread has
doubled in price. Where two spools
were formerly sold at five cents, mer-
chants can now give only one.
(10) Coal is up in price.
(11) Men are out of work, and many
more are following suit.
(12) Canadian cholera is epidemic.
And many other evils have suddenly
afflicted the people, with the advent of
h C nad Carte nadian following their
at Ottawa.
Our readers must depend npon their
awn powers• of reasoning to discover
the relationship existing between
cause and effect in these instances.
In the recent hard times, the relation-
ship was clear. In the United States
the democratic policy won. That policy
there was identical with the reform
policy Here. Hard times and distress
swept and yet sweep the United States.
They reflect upon Canada, just as
measles and whooping -cough do among
neighbors. Hence, hard times in recent
years in Canada are due to the triumph
in the United States of a policy identi-
cal with that of the grits in Canada.
The early effect of the grit victory in
Canada is somewhat startling.
Heaven only knows what it will be
if the infliction is permitted for a few
THE NEWS -RECORD 'will not visit
you next week. To make up to our
readers we will on August 12 issue a
sixteen page paper, so that patrons
not lose custom in manyinportions. It abeens
Dominion to take a short hialiday, and
'or the first time in our newspaper
record of over a quarter of a century
we throw labor aside for a day or two.
The office will he open as usual and job
work attended to in our usual prompt
manner. Subscriptions — arrear or
advance—will be received and receipts
Remember the date of our next issue
—August 12—when two editions will
be issued as one,
masters—French Quebec..
Politicians who profess to have prin.
ciple—Grit, Tory, or Independent• -•do
not count friendship when it conies to
the test. s
THE Ngws=RisCORD would like to
have an explanation how it was. that
Roman Catholic voters travelled all
the way from Montreal to York to
vote for N. Clarke Wallace, their sup-
posed opponent.
The Conservatives never dismiss ser-
vants simply because they are Qo)naer-
vatives or Reformers. The Reform-
ers do, but the Yankee principle will if
they persist come home to them.
Several times we have been asked if
the Laurier policy has made us rich?
According to Mr. Laurier's latest de-
claration we are compelled to defer our
answer for a quarter of a century.
The %Iew Era, Laurier and his allies
have not yet mustered courage to pro-
secute a Returning Officer "not far
from Clinton." Such traducers, like
the miserable foreign flea, "are not
there when you put your finger on
The Seaforth Sun, a professedly Con-
servative paper, is showing the "cloven
hoof." Never in the histol y of Cana-
dian journalism—we mean respectable
zournalism—hail a party or any other
paper stooped to such depth as that
paper in denouucing the great and
honored leader of a great party. To
give an idea of the. Sun's somersar't
we give a few extracts from that rene-
gade publication of last week :
There is no use of pay farther co•iceaa•nent
of the -feet that the Canada
have become heartily sick of ACV ee 7 upper dy-
ynasty:' -
"Tho Tappers have lined their pockets well
at the expense of Canada,"
"Politica made Tuppor a re ll'ionalre year
ago, and if he had served Ca lade PA . aith..,
as he has served hl-ns61 , there nil h. be a d' -
ferent-story to tell to -day."
"The old gent Moppet) knows that 'f a p^rt
convention was called to day he aid his pet,
would be deposed. and a new order of th.."e
wouId.be the result with a splendid set of lea?'d-
ers, which the Conservai : ve pa - 637 19 we" able
to supply.'
'The hope of 'the Conserve' ;re party is in
tleess fcharacterr,,o menowho w f'l not mof mire '17433 ake
their chief study how nsuoh trey 0..n L y aside
• for 'the boy."
"There is no use how" nig about French-Catho-
Ifonfluenee for Sir Charles Tupper went
't Ugh Ontario to the Fiat damage of the -
arty Just before i,be la qq election, predicting
Eboeruse he goods wore delvtwenty
ed t o tcelerity.
e oth r
ldab 1,g Ile reason why he ebonld set, up a
on3'o "Conservativess r• more the Sun has
',dor fifteen y
The other day THE NEWS -RECORD re-
ceived an advertisement from a firm
who said they only desired to advertise
in purely loyal Canadian papers—
papers that stood by our 'native land
against the world.
01 ill health, desp9ailimay stud despair,
gives way to the sunshine of hope,
bappipeas end Pealth, upon taking
Hood's Ssxsaparills, because it gives
renewed lite end vitality to the blood,
and through that imparts
eervo etren gth, vigor
Viand energy to the whole
body. Read this letter:
"IIood'sSar •apartuta
helped m• wonderfully,
changed siokn•sa to health, gloom to sun-
shine. No pen can describe what I ant-
lered. I was deathly sick, had Wok head-
aches every taw day and those terrible
tired, despondent feelings, with heart
troubles so that I could not go up and
When the Winghant Times belied
and slandered the Orangemen, it be-
lied and slandered its best neighbors
and the bone and sinew of Ontario,
the most influential and progressive
and enlightened Province in the whole
Dominion. The Times editor will hi
time face to a right -about or find his
occupation gone.
• The latest political rumor is to the
effect that Judge Masson may be re-
moved from Huron in order that a va-
cancy may becreated for M.C. Cameron,
the present Laurier member for West
Huron. In that case Wm. Coats, of
Clinton, would stand a reasonable
chance for the Registrarship of Huron.
Many of the third party supporters,
who indirectly gave M. C. Cameron
his majority, are now lashed and de-
nounced by the Reform gapers and
Grit -leaders of West Huron. Their
declared enemies previous to the elec-
tion—the Conservatives—are now their
only friends..
These few ext acts are froth the Sun
What's Laurier's policy?
Quebec controls Laurier.
The Conservatives are always honest.
Britishers and Annexationists do not.
agree. How could they?
down stairs without clasping my hand
over my heart and resting. In fact, it
would almost take my breath away. I suf-
fered so 1 did net care to live, yet I had
much to live for. There is no pleasure in
lite if deprived ot health, for life becomes
a burden. Hood's Sarsaparilla does far
more than advertised. Atter taking one
bottle, it is *OM:lent to recommend
itself." MBs. J. E. nMrTn, Beloit, Iowa.
No man or individual has the power to
relegate to himself the thougtr'ts of any
ecclesiastic, whether religious or tem-
poral ; and no ecclesiastic has the pow-
er,•to control any individual. All be-
ings are responsible to one Maker, and
at•the final day will be called upon to
give an account of their stewardship.
Is the One True Blood Purifier. All druggists. $1.
Prepared only by 0. 1. Hood & Co., Lowell, Maes.
cure alt liver nem. 1113, bilfona.
Hood's Pills ne. headache. ascents.
This week we begin to clear out the balance of summer goods, remnants,
&c., at prices less Chao cost for many lines, they must go -before the Fall
goods arrive, come and see what we have, we can save you money.
See our men's coats at $1 26
•' " " pants at 85
suite at ....... 3 50
.5 CO
Sorne of the city and country papers
are advocating the calling at once of a
National Conservative Convention. A
meeting of the kind at this particular
time would be nothing short of a great:
mistake. It would be suicidal both to
the Party and Country to call such a
Convention at this period. There are
a thousand and one reasons why a Con-
vention should not be called Now.
HE NEws-REeoRD approves of a Con-
vention being held, but it should not
take place until the Grits have got
properly into harness—until they have
laid down their policy in, black and
white. The Conservatives are fighters,
and they must have more than a
shadow to grapple with.
The Goderjch Signal does not yet
know ot the professional ability
of Dr. Freeborn of Clinton. Our
cotem. bas yet to learn that the Doctor
i3 one of the most capable and trust-
worthy men in the profession in the
Dominion, and that his snurs were
honorably won long before he carte to
The Laurier party have yet failed to
abolish the Convervative National
Policy. _ — -
Every man has a perfect rigat and
is free to worship God as his consci-
ynce dictates.
We respect an honorable opponent.
but abhor a coward ; acknowledge ot•-'
faults, conde.nn those who do not.
"Pa" and the "boy" are about as
Cred Al though they were after a
Cabinet position.
When the Laurier policy is announ-
, ed ou" long-suffering readers will be
promptly made acquainted of the fact.
Quebec controls the Dominion's
spending departments, a fact which we
recommeud to the serious considera-
tion of the Ontario Wingham Tames.
There seems a possibility that there
will he no annual drill this year.
What the late session has to do with
preventing it is not easily comprehend-
ed. Indeed there is every reason why
the militia should drill in September
tiffs year. Permit the hope that the
new minister of militia, Hon. Mr. Bor-
den, may see his way clear to at once
let it he knoit n there will he annual
drill. The corps coeld easily get in
order in time.
A Globe commissioner might now as-
certain how much the Laurier policy
has done or is likely to do for Clinton.
Silence will be golden.
In Quebec Laurier had in almost
every constituency the solid support
of the Roman Chnrch or its f+, iendly
14 44 46 66 66
44 46 64 64 II
Full lines in boy's suits equally low.
Full stock of Tweed Suiting, and
Worsteds by the yard or made to
oilier, work guaranteed.
We have a lot of odd sizes and ends
of different lines in hoots and shoes that
we will sell at from 00 to 75c on the
d ollar, they • are. wort h iookiug after.
Dress Goods at 10c. worth 20c
" 15c, " 25c,
• 20e, 30c.
• • '' SOc 45c.
Print at
Ladies hats from 10c up, all must go.
Parosols, Gloves, Hosiery, Underwear
at 75c on the dollar.
From 10c up. Several pieces $p'.tssels
carpets worth $1.25 for 75c per ri rd.
PLUIIISTEEL & lIBBIKC><S, - filbert St., Cliitof.
Clinton, July 15, 1896.
Touches the spot""`
MacLeod's System Renovator
Weak and Impure Blood,
Liver and Kidney Diseases,
Female Complaints, etc.
Ask Druggist:or write direct to J. M. MacLeod, GODERICH, Ont.
When the Grits talk about Conser-
vati.ve officials appointed et Ottawa
taking an active part in politics, and
dismiss them by the hundred on the
Yankee principle that " To the victors
belong the spoils," it is high time the
Conservative electorate should turn
their attention to Ontario. For many
years in the County of Huron that
" great Christian " statesman, Sir
Oliver Mowat, has had an army of ser-
vants in this county paid from the
pockets of the electors because
they have ' rendered faithful ser-
vice to their political bosses
without legitimate return to tax-
payers. Some of these Ontario
Government officials are a disgrace to
any moral community. Their only
qualification is the shady work they
can perform for the party. This isnot
legitimate. Our idea of politics is to
purge every party of every repi ehen-
sible and bad element. Politics can
not he too clean or too pure. Every
official, Grit or Tory, should he a good
citizen. If not, chop their political
heads off. The Laurier party are not
following this rule, but when the Tories
are in possession of Ontario a good
many of these immoral thugs will have
The Signal's tirade against every-
thing Orange is on the line of Laurier's
declaration, "Thank God there are no
Orangemen among us, the Liberals."
THE Naws•RECORD IS in a position
to say there are many Cit it Orangemen
in Goderich, gentlemen who read the
Signal, and unless we are sadly mis•
taken, they will not thank that paper
for its lying and treasonable utterances
derogatory to the Order they have at
The object of the annual twelfth Jule
celebration is not to create race hatred.
Itis to enlighten the masses and create a
better feeling among Roman Catholics
and Protestants. Many speakers un-
consciously violate the most sacred
principles of the Order in not following
out its teachings and in sowing seeds
of discord. The 18i6 demonstrations
as a whole have been a credit to the
Order and free from rancour. We are
pleased to note this fact.
The Grit gentlemen who perambu-
lated Q:iehec and particularly Ontario
previous to the late general electiqn
were loud in their talk when here that
this Province of Ontario paid three-
fourthe or r ore taxes of the whole Do-
minion, have yet failed to explain just
how Ontario has been given anytnin
like justice in the formation of Lauri-
er's new Cabinet. One Grit journal,
however, has attempted to explain as
follows :—" Ontario in the recent fight
did not do much for Laurier ; there-
fore, why should Laurier do much for
Ontario' ? Exactly, and one might
also add that the hand then played
"Vie La Republique Oanadienne
Francaise sur le bord du St. Laurent."
Keeps the largest assortment, the new
est Goods, quality fine and prices
low in Groceries, Crockery and
TEAS.—Black, Green and, Japans are unequalled in quality and prices; you will save de. and
10e. pound if you buy from me instead of Tea Peddlers; compare quality and prices.,,, -
SUGARS. --We ire headquarters, we buy direct from Montreal Refineries, keep best quality
and bell at tl'osb prices.
NEW FRUITS; and PEELS.—We have already disposed during Holiday season of over
four tons anl atilt have large stock on hand, different brands selling cheap as to quality.
Rre reduced our prices on Dinner Sets T aot to aSets,ToiletrSets,
Berry Sets;:. Water Sets, Bread and Butter Plates, Cups end Saucers and Lamps, all kinth
Call and see Ooodiraand Prides; no trouble to show goods.
' -Terms Cash or Trade. ----
r. ';uhf^,;,;+4i�xd„W;,,.e5; -, •
"1 have no ambition, vim or energy
these days, I feel all -gone, listless, des-
pondent and miserable, and I often
wish that this weary, weary life was
The above declaration and humble
confession is made at this particular
season by young and old who are out
of gear physically, and as a consequence,
are easily prostrated by the prevaling
hot weather.
It is suicidal for sickly men and
women to attempt to pass through the
terrible heat of summer without
the help of such a health and strength
builder as Paine's Celery Compound.
Weary, weak and used up people,
who cooplain of languor, lassitude,
want orbuoyancy, mental depression
and fatigue by day, require the toning
effects of such a medicine as Paine's
Celery Compound. The use of this
great stimulating and health -building
remedy soon restores mental and
bodily vigor,. and gives that true health
and strength that can combat all the
dangers that beset us in July.
Paine's Celery Compound to -day is
doing a mighty work for thousands of
half dead people. Letters received
daily from every part of Canada show
that the great medicine has rescued
people from the grave, and is giving
them a new life.
Reader, we counsel you to give
Paine's Celery Compound an honest
trial if you would be well, vigor-
ous and happy during the most trying
months of the year.
If You Want . • .
to save money call and see
our selection of Boots and
Shoes which we' believe
cannot he equalled outside
the cities. Our American
shoes have had a great run
and our customers have
been immensely pleased
with the style and finish.
Our increasing business is
good evidence that we are
getting the trade.
W. Jackson. Fred T. Jacks
G orae.
ITEMS. -Mr. George W. Perkins paid
Toronto a visit last week.—Mr. Refit.
Musgrove, of the 6th con., had a valu-
able sheep killed by dogs one night
recently.—Mr. Richard Sperling, of
Boissevain, Manitoba, son of Edwin
Sperling, Esq., who lives near Gorrie,
is home spending his vacation. Dick
was formerly clerk in the Montreal
House in this village, and his many
friends are pleased to see him.—Mr.
Thos. Ellis, who had his leg very badly
jammed in the saw -mill a few weeks
ago, is able to be around again with the
aid of a crutch.—Mr. and Mrs. Burns
Smith, of Florence, near Boston, Mass,
were visiting Mr. Smith's father, Alex.
Smith, Esq., the past few weeks. Bu. -
ney is the same old fellow and his many
friends were pleased to see him.—Miss
Flora James has gone on her hike to
Mitchell and other places, where she
intends spending a few weeks' vacation.
—Three games of base -ball have been
played in Gorrie recently between the
married and single men. In the first
game the single men came out ahead
by 9 runs to 8, and also in the second
game by 16 to 14, but in the third game
the married men surpassed themselves
by coming out on top ay 14 runs to 8.
Many thousands of unsolicited let-
ters have reached themannfacturer's of
Scott's Emulsion from those cured
through its use, of Consumption and
scrofulous diseases! None can speak
So confidently of its merits as those
who have tested it.
The Only One
To Stand the Test.
Rev. William Copp, whose father
was a physician for over fifty years,
in New Jersey, and who himself
spent many years preparing for the
practice of medicine, but subse-
quently entered the ministry of the
M. E. Church, writes: "I am glad
to testify that I have
bad analyzed all the
sarsaparilla prepara-
tions known in the
trade, but
is the only one of
them that I could
recommend as a
blood -purifier. )(have
given away hundreds of bottles of
it., as I consider it the safest as well
as the best to be had."—Wm. Corp'.
Pastor M. E. Church, Jackson, Minn. I
Sarsaparilla •
When In doubt, Sok for Ayer's PIUS.