The Huron News-Record, 1896-07-29, Page 3'17 4 Gf. pry n!^J - R ti TT I ,' • ,.- 4 ...: R } $ ♦ , , j �.,. - . ., , .. :. .,.L. ,. .. - .,.., .,, v: .. ':�:.'�� 4 i 1. 4. I 11 ., .,,n :.: r. , , ,': a ..n : ,.,1�1 11 , . , ,;` A • y. S.. K '1XSitity tom. e T 1, �r�, ;, t klri of 1P! ri l .V (�WUHAN,9ot�3t b eve ° I No I I ,ipm 911 I . W ,Itta", x o OY . st +near . r l C :� , I m$ thathe iso a; ielp bbe fit] ilr�a��t�aR_�ar.a�, � �N Aq- � TURA �lt� higj� ,A Tlie FOUR LaclyWootHenry Sozui�rset's latest fan always sympathizetl with the tq a wales >�he 1@lt, &Od I. [Nil T iS QolNa ON uv ` [have 1-„�•t, ”. !ptlip It t p .,,: , t girl, who, u Upoa w�oA pan being told that_ aha �ia� we shall b r, IrORNL3RS OF THE GLOBE. Por the txeatmont and salvation of,fa,_ a itr ifi we ever"yet there." r�;rt1&ll ::' might not go to the photographer, ea;li t truptina t1h�e Plow oP Itis o "' wale inebriates is this. She has obtain- "I gases I'll t y loqueRee. r , ; , _., ifr'{�, and hfdve a tooth m1 e t 11+ orosslt th P ett a hr ed Paaaessiom of 180 sores of land in ttjem." It was mush .the same fe@lilt 1 e came ° e oo )aa % i, ',` ~' Old amts Now World Bventi of Intereft chron. the tckivu of Duxhumt, England, situ- t ob}ted• The boy (disappointed cf lits r leled briefly -Interesting Hlppyninrjo of sled beygnd easy reach of all dr[akable tl?at prompted us (my sister and 1) while a peeled sou, nu doubt)� called out aft ;> a,: ,;` t+r.,t wintering last year - in Switzerland to us in a eering way, 'You 11 see �t.'t s� �. ReuuR Qato. forms of alcohol. Upglt this tract she o r t ;. n sal T he o H me Secretor the he Sooretary �, � visit the salt -mines at Bea. We had miRea a� this time of the .-year I" But t.. Ar- gun the aonetruction of a small long singe exhausted all the possibilities to attend to what little boys Qi► , is idle, * , ' ; '^ for Wtii and the Saoretary for Intlfii y y 4� each receive e, salary of 025,000 per village to consist of scattered cottages, so we plodded -on, glad that the day r b w11.11. 1 11 of life at Montreux, an y@Fe be happened to be so fine, for we evidently ' , year. which the patients tt is occupy. There ping to wonder how on earth a should had along walk before us ' t i , h,•,� Thirty years ago there were only two will be a hospital, a chapel, a children's iBAVF.LLIN( $AT$. t dozen e 1 Po __ be able to get through the remaining The highroad was found, then the �,''� ;,, xp salve compounds known to home office buildings, and laundry for [Wining to the left and [hon lite walla chemists; ; now Chore are over a Chou- six weeks oP our stay. It was at this u n which we sat and awaited further A,st'.'" sand, general use, Six patients will occupy po es':� A. settler at Ha New South Wales, each cottage, and the will be ex- - juncture, that one morning, while list- directions. The scene before us was fit' I. "I II reports that he aid his sons dextro ed Pected to take part iu the industries lessly turning over the pages' oY BaQ, So ie I a Christmas card ; the blue sky, ' Q 90,000 rabbits in four which are bei y y let 'snewe Pe mountains, the little e4, i days, and t at ng organized on the e9- eker, m attention was arrested b t oases clustered round ��t4,.' on one occasion he poisoned 10,000 in a tate. There will be light agricultural 1 , following passage: "The salt -mines a,; the viii �huroh; it only needed a ` night, work, poultry raising, bee-keepin Box should be visited b ever • intelli- tureaque fi' plc- ' , y. y y gore or two to make it per- t The British revenue returns for the dtury work, flower culture, aur -mak rent traveller, and are within easy feet. 'I'm afraid I can't supply the ,!Ilii. T -,L, first Ing, and a small amount ot'1 needle- , _ quarter of the resent Piseal year reach of Montreux b defieiendy," Ada said; but it was sup- ti„1` work, and washing. Lad S show an of 1,698,000, one mil- g•• y Henry So y either, train or plied very effectually in a short time °' b� �1 lion ds of which is derived from the eittet is „f the opinion that n6thin Carrie y an old woman; who same totteri 4 :a a excise duties. has been .,rse for habitual drunkards { ” The very thing I" I said. " For once down the mountain -path, a bundle of ;� thou the sedentary employ men[ usu- we will come under the heading of newly gathered firewood on her back, N " Rev. Dr. Joseph Parker, of Landon, ally assigned to them' in reformatory and at her side a sweet little golden- " , d�vtsril• tha bicycle as "that shoulder- homes. The idea of the new colony is intelligent travellers. And now I come haired ehorltb, who saluted us"rvtth a s. tr, - contrao2!Sn9. mischievous, horrible ma- to put the wogien to work on the land, to think of It, I have always wanted to heavenly smile as he passed. I tn- k�'- i+• china, thatrwill take the manliness out whore they cYin observe and Dike pride 4A sec a salt -mine, I have heard they are gtured of the old woman the nearest ts of any nation." in the results of their labour. She can- y� I : not only instructive but very pretty and bevy bon thenaalt-mine. Pointing with ? K°' . It is reported that Russia intends to not provide for free patients, she ex- . "' interesting." build a railway along the Oxus to Plains, and there will be a minimum YiI g,'• y ger towards the Bath she a,?'+ had just come down, Go aloe "Ill..- Kirki, which will greatly improve her ebarre of- �1.L5 3 there," g y p per week upon the in- We determined to set oPf first thing in she said, ' till you some to some white ' strategic position along the hne of ad- niatss• If, however, a patient has the morning for Box. Our proposal met cottages, and opposite tIlem you will y$ vanes towards Cabal. worked out the cost of her maintenance M find the entrance to the mine, -though "" 1 • while in tb* village the amount is with Home opposition from the kind old I doubt if you'll het into it," she mut- r ' -+ In the mathematical honour list 6f credited. to her, and when she is cured ,: lady who had burdened herself with tared as she hobbled awesy _ �� k Cambridge University appear the names and discharr ed •the amount is handed t the unenviable task of taking care of What provoking people they seem �'1 of W. G. Grace, the sou of Dr. Grace, to her in the form of wagon earned. t. the a us while we were abroad. "Why can't to be here," I said, still determined to 'iw 5- Iand H. Gray, both members of.the ani- Those of the En lish public who believe hope for the best. After all, one must varsity cricket team. in Lady Ht>nry Somerset are being ask- '�•" - you enjoy yourselves iii a rational man- have salt in winter just as much as in ,l`` The oxeye daisy which bothers Cana- ed to furnish money for the develop- %�+; ner," she said when she heard where su,(nmeri so why should not the mines '.._011 r, - dgri farmers is n Cts in A 'E .l many went of this schame. J we wanted to go, " instead of rushing be on view f" - l+ agricultural districts in Australia, ba The walk up the mountain was worth ��` t' - +.. all over the r ountry, keeping me in a all our pains; a regular Swiss walk, or ., ins introduced with hayseed, It esus- perpetual simmer for fear of what you climb, rather, Por the path +' 1, ea datnage to grass lands. A MONKEY SCHOOL. may want to do next d Beaidea," she and steeper ever dot steeper x The French have done a thing the = y ]moment, till we' ± 1 '° like of which has not been lona since BONNET FOR ELDERLY LADY. added with a conciliatory look at the seamed to be making steadily for the i{r�?)``r♦ " 1870. They have allowed the German 011e tit Calcutta, 'Khere the Animals Aro clouds. " I'm sure that old woman must ^' ,k L old maid with whom she had just been have been In Ada said, when ,_. s 'Y naval attache in Paris, Capt. Siegal, to 'r'nueht to ;'pru• discussing our eccentricities, " I don't 111w, , inspect the dockyard at Brest. It appears that Prof. Garner's labor g after an hour's steady climbing weiq think it is quite the thing for two youn seemed no nearer our destination. m i ttr A monstrosity in the .shape of a calf of love in probing the monkey's inter- iris to g However, we determined to ° ., � that had the head, tail and skin of a g go about as you do in strange Push ons , "' feet has borne some fruit. There has B little further, and were soon rewarded dog and the feet and teeth of its own _ places without a chaperon." by catching a glimpse of something °';' kind has been stuffed and is now on Just been founded in Calcutta a school �.. " Do I look as though I required a white, which proved to be the cottages ty° exhibition at Inverca,rgill, Australia. far the education of the strange, hu- ' "' chaperon B" m ei t oP which we were in search Y er asked, pulling b , wretched I, Lifeboats are now being made in some man -lie creatures. little hovels they were, with not a sign f°.'. quarters out of pumice atone. 'Phis is A ypung monkey i9 taken, and before up her shirt -collar with an aggressively of habitation about them, and no vas -;!t5 ° a,. a material of great lightness and him placed a set of blocks, on which masculine air, lige• of a mina in the vicinity. l,f XX strength, and a boat made thereof will are painted in capitula the letters of the y "Very badly," the old lady replied. Most likely these are the miners' ya support a considerable load, oven when alphabet. These blocks, are, in fact, "You are far too pretty fora Naw COttagga,^ Ada said, "and the man will N- .a fu1L of water. exactly similar to those which children of course be at work; at any rate, let ,1 " Ru sia'� conscript system plays an play with in every civilized Gauntry in Woman I However, into salt -mines 1 us go a little further ; it is no use turn - important part in the education of the the world, and the01 y are used in pre cannot be expected to follow you, so Ing back now 1" country, as three-quarters of the men cnsaly the same way as if the monkey I suppose you must go alone ; only do The scenery got wilder and more ' j_ �1' are illiterate when they enter the army w� a Young specimen of Cho human desolate every moment: and I was ust race• be careful, and don't' do anything Pool- thinking what a Propitious lacy ihi.s and are able to read and write, at least, ish P P p le r when they leave. There is one professor for each mon- would be for a murder, when, Doming '.• -a< Accordingly, with all aorta of prom- down the.path ahead of us we saw the ''e�,-,}.",j�;"� key, and the creature is taught by �'� most awful looking � An English woman coasting down the means of the blocks to spell certain roes and a basket of provisions, we set 6 tramp. Dressed ia:' steep Bill above Dover lost control of words. If the word is "fruit," for ex- in tattered clothes, and with, a rough ;.,�,,�i her bicycle and ran into a regiment ample, the monkey, after having learnt off the following day to catch the tra n stick in his hand, he came upon us so ',.0 r'' - of volunteers I'ecently, but a serious to arrange the blocks so as to spell the from Territet. suddenly that we had no time to think accident was avoided by liar colliding word quickly and without error, re "How jolly it is to get away fora °f a retreat. His appearance ,did not ". first with the big drum. ceivea a bit Of fruit as his reward. improve on closer inspection, one Bide A� The same exercise is repeated with whole day from that stupid hotel l" of his face being horribly' disfigured, •�'+ e natives thought he would not other words, and it is hoped that in GIRL'S AND LADIES' COUNTRY HATS. Ada said, crunching the snow under the mouth drawn up and the eye down,- .`�r Mr. A good ' j t , o they allowed Rev, in a manner that was very repulsive. t ' ��'s i�,_ Mr. Auchtenreit�, of the Baal Mission time the simians will master the art of her hobnailed boots, and brandishing to escape after he had been condemned reading and spelling, and understand jj �T�l bar alpenstock in a way that quite " Let us turn and run for our lives i"'- " ' to be eaten. These cannibal gourmets English if they cannot speak it. �O U T BRITISH MINERALS at least, cheaper coal than mines where I said. I'm euro he's an escaped +e the workings are a mile or two from alarmed an old Russian count who lunatic." 5 live back of the Cameroons 1tLountains. gg,LRy PEOPLE OF YESSO. the bottom of the shaft, as in the Casa Pe randmothenl" was Ada'e ,,: f' happened to be going in as we came 11 14C d g u'`` Kings have governed England for 698 The only known race of hairy human in many of the older En lish collier out of the hotel. "Quelle belle sauvage(^ Polite rejoinder ; and to my horror she tt ` districts. The most im walked straight up to the man, and - r' years, queens for 120 years, and pro -beings, reside on the island of Yesao, RETURN SHOWING OUTPUT AND B y r lectors for I1 gears. T'h'e averageJa o m portant devel- I heard him whisper to his compan- with her meal insinuatin ruing pan. They are about 100,- VALUE FOR LAST YEAR. ,p enter have taken Place in Cho coal- ion as we passed ; and glancing at asked him if he ha 3 manner ... reign of the kings has been L2 2-2 years, 0D6 in number, and are known to the field of South Wales where all the new- happened to know the f"A )p>'; of the queens 30 years, the average Japanese as the "Masinos," or "all hairy "'-' er plants have been laid dow�i on a Ada's Newmarket coat, and the wide- way to the salt -mines. reign of all the sovereigns being be- As to Hours of Labour and- Wages Paid to most complete a,nd modern scale with awake hat pressed ruthlessly down With a contortion that would have tween 23 and 24 years. People." The woman as well as the P men have the entire body covered with the Workmen -The Selling Price of Coal electrical plant for hauling, pumping, on her rebellious curls, I would not bein aoneofsmile �it thacominars rL replied that Lizards, it is well known, are at- a profuse and remarkable growth of -The Inspector's Reports on Quarries- lighting, :and other operations, and knewut n wa11 ,, taacted by the notes of music, and the hair, the Only exception being that the Rxtent of Work Doue. where the total coal output now wonder at his mingled admiration and y pretty well and would 1 Onegroes in the Island of Madeira, when amounts to over 30 million tons a year. dismay, be glad to show us the entrance, which ', faces of the women are bare, but us The Imperial Oatrahing them for food, accompany the ally stained iso ase resemble the beards perial Home Office has Issued Almost equally remarkable advances We were only just in time to catch we must have passed on our way ui s; shave by whistling some tone, which of the melee the annusl returns of the output of ;have been made in the great northern I went through a dumb pantomime " _ Iinvesiably has the effect of drawing the train, and were ignomiuousiy with Ada to have nothing pa �r g minerals in the United Kingdom,' CO'alfields-Durham find Northbundledg! Io do with great numbers toward them. land -w r r bundled into a crowded third class car- the terrible creature, but she turned N1, A steel which have a special interest and i blob produced 1895 over 471-2 round and followed him as meek] as �_ plate, said to be the longest PHOTOGRAPHY million tons, and in Scotland, which riage the atmosphere of which was any- y ° ever made, has jug[ been turned out -- significance in view oY the discussions produced in the same year over 32 1-2 thing but etherial. a lamb. " We have come to see the A* that have been in progress in the million tons of minerals under the Coal mines, and I intend to see them," was ;'' I' Ju;""_ by a St6bkton, England, company. It Is an Invaluable Aid In the Detection .of " Do, you think I might venture to her sole answer to my protestations. '"Tf l• ' �;';,;,,„, measures, after shearing, 76 feet 8 ; Mines Acts, includinga y..- s-. Crtmtnats. principal coal -producing districts as to turns do not yhale. The re- open the window f" Ada said, wedging Even sbe was a little bit disturbed, mss% " inches, by 5 foal by B 10 of an inch the wages which should be paid to ' average give any clue to the however, when she heard that the �. " in thickness, weighs five and a hall Dr. Jeserich, the inventor of "erimin- B prices realized ut the pit's herself in between it and an oily -looking mines were not on view in the winter ;1. tons and is without a flaw. al photography," lately gave some re- coal -miners in the immediate future, mouth over the 'Year. For this in- monk, who eat praying and stewing in and that if we really wished to see `1 +i,, Marchionerss Li, wife of Li Hun says an English paper. They are also formation we shn.11 have to look to the contented bliss. them, aur new friend would have to so- 8 markable instances of the detection of Mineral Statistics," which will soon �''= Chang, is very beautiful, and Looks not of special interest in view of the fact "Please do," I gasped, with a despair- company U.S.more than 30, although she is 50. One crime by means of the camera, in a lie issued• But it is probable that, on * P P ; that in the present publication we have 18 average, the selling price of coal in `ng look at my neighbors, a stout party Our fate was however decided for us. lr"a : thousand attendants and servants ave lecture. A woman had been murder- 189. w with a baby, and a soldier smoking the We had nolif returned to the cottages, iy, ;•� ewer her beck and call. Her feet have ed in Upper Silesia; her husband and ft>a the first time the returns of the as nearly sixpence per ton less most villainous tobacco. Very stealth- silent and deserted as before, except been compressed until she is unable to tU,tput of the quarries in the count than in the pprrevious year, and sixpence Y for a wretched little black and white ta` walk more than a few yards at a time. a mate of his were suspected. Each de- �' per ton on alwut 190 million tons means iI and with the air of a criminal, Ada _ r y nounced the other as theperpetratorwAmh include the peSsons employed, a sum o� 4 1-2 millions sterling for a tet down the window inch by inch, kitten, that came running up the path 11 Queen Victoria still wears the style until she was able to et her head right' to meet us, and with a hap of shoes of thirt Y of the deed. The u bath Inside and out, and the quantities single year -,a fact that affords but a r B happy mew of 4'; y years ago. Her chit- q estion woe: Who alight idea of the out ; and in that poli ion she remained welcome rubbed itself affectionate] lien still address her in the way which was the actual murderer? hairs had raised or produced. magnitude of the blissfully ignorant of the dark looks and against the ragged trousers of our was fashionable when they were little been found on the clothes of Loth pri_ The total output of coal appears to interests in involved in our mineral aper- ominous mutterings of our fellow -pas- g d . nide. " That sellas it," Ada said, 0.1 things. No member of the upper class soners. Dr. .ieserich photographed have been higher In 1895 than in any Some time o the sengers. The monk pulled his cowl cuddling to her breast the half-starved ag question nen- further over his bald head, and looked little arbiter. " He must be a nice sort "' ever said "Mother" then, and from the them under a powerful lens, when it Previous year, Including 8,800 tons deSome ti to secure an agreement as igd oldest to the youngest they still call was found that the hair on the from o to selling with an air of holy resignation atm of man or his kitten wouldn't be so fond 4'"t" pen quarries, it amounted, to B Prices among the coal- stout neighbor, who glared at me as of him; we will go into the mine with . f�Z ' the Queen Mamma." husband's clothes came from the pour ewnens was mooted in one or two of One hundred and seventy-five dollars 'woman, while that found on the other not Leet than 189,661,36`2 tons, Zeb rim lea,dinq districts, and in the coup- though I had already murdered the You," she continued, turn i;;: h y turning to the man, SFJ was the sum paid for the Kland oto. prisoner had dropped from his own s by 1,383,897 tans the output ty of Dur am aSalee Association was innocent babe upon her lap. The ad- who stood awaiting our decision. . born by the Seaforth Highland in head• actual] vent of the ticket -collector was hailed It may have been imagination on B of Including highest previous record. y constituted, with the view of with delight; a dhorus of com laints my part, but kitten or no kitten, I the wars against Napoleon, when put photography hes proved highly nuc Includin ironstone and fired la the keeping output abreast of demand g thou ht ^1. # a7ttpp at public auction in London the ful by means of detecting the fal- g y and maintaining a standard price. (in which cos Anglaises figured Pppretty g I saw a horrible leer of satin- ; off r day. At the same time a field aification of documents, by showingg total recorded output of minerals in Since then the idea of further develop freely) were poured forth and thtt re- faction pass over his face, as he took officer's gold medal won at the battle the minutest difference in Lhe color of 1895 under the Coal Minds Act was ins this syndicate scheme has made suit was an authoritative command to his wretched little animal, and diving11 into one of the cottages, emerged with . 60 A Sunoco, brought $500. the ink, the character of the hand- 201,738,3.1 tans, which is an increase no Progress. The Durham Aesocl,a- Ada to shut down the window imine 4,,' writing, and the style of pen used in tion continues to exist, at least in diately. two dirty -looking holland smocks, fur - The General Electrical Association at the fore ery as compared with the ori- of 2,287,000 tons on the output of the name, but the prejudice that the '" But one cannot breathe in such an nisbed, like monks' cloaks, with long j}11 in so announces that it has succeeded gine], fake, for instance, the case of Previous year, The total number of public entertains against organizations atmosphere," she protested, with a pointed cowls. " What are those things �a in so Improving the Roentgen tubes as a forger respectably connected, who mines at work in 1895 was 3,512, as of this kind has tended to check their pact that would have melted any one mr 9" I asked, my idea of a salt -mine to render tt passLble for the internal altered t'he figure of a check from 7,200 but a French railway official. being a huge crystal -like cave lit up '.J%i�. structure of the head,• the lea na, and compared with 3,419' for the previous growth, and consequently we have had "All these people can breathe," he w'it.h electric light. y to 20,200. His first intention was mere a free fighting trade amon coni -own- retorted angrily. " We do not go to "You moat put them an; it is very 1.?, mo especially the action of the re- ly to prefix the figure 2. After he had year, giving an increase of 93, while ars, which has been useful to the pub the expense of beating the trains and rlirY u the mine," the man said; "and ry organs and heart, to be en done so, however, be saw the be had 'the total number of bantLs employed tic, but in not a few cases calamitous 1" served direct on the fluorescent screen. left too lar in the mines under the Coal Mines to the competitors. There ie no in- then let the hot air out again by open- the roof is so low In some parts that large a apace between it and in the windows." With thin parting your hats would be ruined, so Field Marshall Viscount Wolseley, K. the next figures; he therefore made the Act was 700,284, as against 705,240 for dustry that suffers today to a larg- g P< B you had P., commander' -in -chief of the British I into 0, and drew his pen over the two the previous year. .'hese are large er extent from over -production and shot he left us once more bermetically better take them off, and draw the r?, army, completed � 63rd last noughts in order to make them figures and include in a general way ruinous competitions. sealed, and miserable. The monk ami]- cowls over your heads. ttk year on June the vast ma ed, the soldier lac i 4. Born near Dublin, he entered the the soma thickness. All this was lis- finitude of our mineral shed, the baby crow- glanced at the dark, cavernous :; army in. 1850, and was dangerously tinctly shown up on the enlarged pbo- industries up to the present time, de- .ABOUT QUARRIES. ed, and altogether we felt that the place entrance, and it certainly looked as -1�, wounded in the second Burmese war, to, the figure I being plainly visible BPite the prevailing outcry as to the The returns which' have been com_ had become too hot for us in more though we should have to go some little senses than one." way lx4ore arriving at my fairy grotto; `P ' Dugong the Crimea be was twice wound- under the 0. Invasion o our chief industries by the piilled by the Inspectors of Mines under " Let us o and sit outside," Ada .said eo, with a very ill "O ed. His first command was the Red - nticcess of foreign competition. Wben tt Quarries Act shows that quarry- 3g the dubious Braes' I took hold of River expedition in 1870. Y at Hist. " I'd rather be frozen than garment, and w�1ad into .' we have made this statement, hrnv- ins is really one of our largest in- roasted alive a❑ da it. 89 txet 1 could. Pea I, of laughter ever, we have said almost all that dustriPs-a fact of which direct evi- went, to the no small consternation of iQ did not servo to restore m K Baabadoce, where sugar once was NECESSARILY SLOW. fmm Ar Y +j3 B can o alleged with prosatspects ,o as to deuce is now afforded for the first our enPmiea who doubtless thought we equanimity. "You look for all the king, is likely to be converted laoon Ali 8 -year-old bog was bei lectured the condition and prospects oP our ti q world like Brother Pelican," she said, ,r=' into one vast manjak (glace pitch) min- on okiedienoa. coal industry. The year 189. was akwork Tn the United r Kingdom n were either mad or intent on suicide. Ing concern. Since the discovery of the "I told you that successful from the B The Swiss trains are arranged differ arLivLically arranging my cowl, and rN asphalt de Y you could play with point of view of 1895 was 8,062, so that they are con- ently from the English; the carriages tying the rough hempen girdle round , posits Large shipments have the Wilson boys till 5 o'clock," said O71tput alone. Thee fall of the selling aiderably more than twice as numer- run len thwapa, with a door at each mY waist. She did not take long to get -?X, been sent ca the Uuia States, and his mother. Hare it is 7 and you are price of cosl that took ptaoe in all ouv a@ our ooal mines- Tho total end leading on to a platform provided into her mediaeval costume, and was American capital to a considerable just home. by didn't you Dome [hep folding coil -producing districts, quantity of minerals produced by these with steps at eLther aide. Upon these A• extant is about being invested in min- when I told on " coo led wi h the relatively high rate quarries -mostly, 04 course, in the steps we ensconced ourselves, and very more ©rgecitf om Cho the t�goe "ti t kna-ins Operations. Barbadoes expect to "I did[ mamma." of wages paid, and the irregclarity of form of building stone -was 29,813,734 comfortable we found them, the top one In8 this time two flaming torches, with {! Trinidad and obtainable out, as "Don't tell me a falsehood. Why` employment afforded, caused the year tons, and the total number of hands forminga supportwhich he resented us, with a warning `` first-class labor is obtainable for next didn't yOn come home at 6 o'elockf" 1895 to be a conspicuously had one for employed was 104,625, of which 63,915 the loer onserving as a back, old P to nothing. "I started home at 6." both employe= and employed. were am lOyed inside, and 50,710 were " No more stuff tarshouldthat none ur of the dresa8s mg .y "Then You stopped to la carries for me," Ada .'I Samuel Plimsoll, known thkoughout wayf" Y PP play pn the AVERAGE OUTPUT. employed outside [the quarries. Be- sold, thorn hl "Don't' up g you were ug enjoying this novel you teal as thou h the British Empire tug the "Sailor's sides these, there were 89,873 persona wa of seem the countr " Wh cin to a Lunoralf" Ada asked, walk- '`:? No, mamma.; sure, I didn't." The averagle tnttaptit of minerals r 1' Y y. y; it's 1� 811 Friend," lYae3 Y3oanty white hair and a per employed under the Metal tferous as cod as beim on a auntie car with- B oleml after the guide, her torch '` white beard. and he is nearly blind. He �� you a pereson employed for fhb year, includ- d g jaunting in s y y expect hours to believe that Mines Act, so that the total number out the risk of/being thrown out every Ln aIle hand and the trailing smock in .. A.i: line twice been a Liberal .member of it took ,you two hours to walk half a nig all descriptions raiser] under the emplo ed in and about our mines and five minutes," the other. I cortain(q did not feel .r;i Parliament, and after longniilef 1 think I shall havo-'to punish Coal .linea Acte, was only 283 tone, year was 838,282• Wa were a succeeded in havinglaws agitation p t in some c quarries last passed cam you for talltng mo Falsehoods." � cases ft rose to over 849 quite sorry to arrive at our particularly lively. Being the elder, I •"'ft: Honestly, I started home at 6 tone' I>acI ding East B('otland, South -a destination, an important -looking sta- was burdened with a sense of •respon- vG1` vent ships rl be n marked as to pre- o'clock and came straight home." Durham° and South Staffordshire. The A NEW pROFESBION. tion with the inevitable cafe, and the sihilit ; and I could not but think we ,` vent thz r overloading, and also to avoid B aver a still more inevitable strip of omnibuses Were Ding a risky thinngg descending into � �. defective egvipanent Of graft leaving Ile mother led the boy to the kit °$ output per employe in this k Tram ) Say outside, the inevitable st o w y the bowels of the earth with a man of .?' rt, Mr•' Plimsoll haA also promoted °hen and took down a wh' $e tarn- C:u3ntry should not be leas than 310 p (In the etiburbs > which near] ed pale and tears welled u been tens, imd in some ears it has Bill, I ve pt a reg'lar job, and it 'tatn't tore each other in pieces before we whom we knew notbing, except, that he =i h'e improvement of accommodationsfor p tato his bean a doral more. In some die work, nu her. It's just tike a reg'lar could make them underataoffi that we Possessed a kitten. However, I con- <l Sana oRt ateamshi plying between o9� trios Cho avec week'a worst rofesh, and I'm it wanted none of their hotels. soled m if with the thou ht that in I+' Canada and d Nrnv air, will age per p g tin' big fees. See The Balt minel3 I Nobody visits the g❑ the heart ` �nglr- truth[" Yon tell me th'eMan played t O11Ighout the year that tanner t y a few rn' utes we should be L "Ye-ee, mama; Chgrlie Wilson have has not been more than 4 to 41-2 days, Second Tramj,-Jimminy Crickets 1 salt -mines in the winter " they said, of the mine, among all the other work- ',' me a mud turtle -and I was afraid find it goes without saying [flet where W'at dove yer aoi with an air of profound iia st, when Men, and that in this twee, as in many r� MTs` $8 k -'"MY dam' lar will -to Derry it-ao I led it home." colliery loose Ito 11-2 day'a work per I sneaks around at night and thrown at last we were allows& to speak. But others, there would bm safe[ in num_ Z,'4. make a gteat mistaiae taf you In week, it does not ergo a faro• chance people's lawn -mowers out of gear this was merely ill -nature on their part, bites. y +Y, �' Moak & liras no bedrd, aad he of working ander &&Maty favorable But wtw pays er for tbgt 1 • we felt sure • so, nothing daunted, we (To be Continued.) r' Wears a Wig. conditioas. Then, Next door neighbors sqt out in t ie direction of the town, fi LOST THE TRICK. mince -, - had to' contend with fibs sleep• eighbara wet wants tole which could be seen nestling at the foot Daughtdr'-*hat d1datenm does that �,t, mah hl Waftlea-I'v2 bungry enough tb eat CempatitiOn of now pits, of which 99 of the mountain, about three-quarters -Them folks from town didn't stay ~ Huh i You try alt* s' blip- a dry crust, good woman. have been o0mod during the year 1895. peddler -IH fhb ileal d the of�a mite off. much of a spall, Uncle Raub f" "Nawp (tl.. band with t!o hair o! his-cktm, a Gpdd pom>tn-$errs I have none. a getveral rnAe nyav mince lionbe mf Is than the way to the salt -mines?" went back road 'cause' wo didn't hev I'll ;roti'out. GWt the gate when you `o out. titin proeittige for a your Or taro hoe dung Mother -No; ho's out wrfth I asked of a little urchin akttt ;r nurwq in thb 96minbulatolh in front Os Cif. �O� o cycle patbs an ,lee tt&ts in ";. , Cher blackberry patch+ 1' , ,!1; ` �,", .., �,,,, . 1i • f ,, . ...„.4 r, v . i.„",,A,' „� s x ” *4 I'll " F.' ::i' , ��" X,.. 16 ,► - . i l� . .r, . b'4t a t i1i11iWtw.. . Y-�.� 4 i::. s: - •Y v".i1 T ` �.r 4 •Y t� t� 1 3 ,