HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1896-07-29, Page 2. ,, ��' e . �. m ,. I i h., i.-771 „ a ,. .V . G n ( ` .. ,, n '� A.+. ..i o r , , P 11 . 1. I 4,: a r,.n:,,. �. ry.r .., �'i :'.t. ` �. .. „.'f, - ."5> , 11 , - C r . . '.,. [- :. ; lir. dt rt .0 ,r:� ,0 1 'ern. '--• '."-"A" ' 'n' :'' `' 1,' ,/ 'a,l � Q� b" 'QTilil•� � I., 'A Tt� T "� ►!Il;, ' I+ a Ere 4a tr r %f� (�xR1� �i. "::' with ut�IA�' .,I ­-, s 4 Y T , .: D R� lit;! a1t� ib 1fh•R.4" • r . ... � ,. v N . T ' U N� ` /���� ,, b�bdyt+llil'<�t'+vPi1 .X4A ,,., ., ,�s. ". ..� �' eh>rna•L 3aialn!a• th y„. ° ::.._ " T� �%1 Rata 0.04 lb • �, t r t she Larged '' t tt L1. AM/R a 1C �Ma� are f'c off4, ¢ i rl "I George grow atubhora. ;r * p j p �1 (j¢I'TEE ..,-( itii6d.) "pG�eolge;' said Lord Tottl�bury. "1 e}yould Like to Seo the origi,uol," r' ,l" • `� ' �tLItN' "Qi�Te i.ii IAA O , � OeQx, , vemportiona•,, :mel a Pons "Y ttyealdou bGeo explainedaMTQ arenn s, he snid. retar ed Gerald, — -1j.-^" �� r faii Mestir erootan lliohday o[ every AA Q Pr t rhe (meq Then You can't " month. Hs►t !qd q)4), M°8ey <i 1 mp cru"p tie i?tt0. PkPINFr thR tl)iR0. the ftlitlA solei anti the tat can yo sag whetlieT gtu .arid which grtl "' ° ;,`: block. salting braturn slvt(tys ,., Bata( •ol+, At %f0N0�Y( R, >T14 gl eklarl• ""The' feAapla waxier }sad of £he rsauB Print ia'+{y�`�elly Gamel" a4gr Y.e shrugged bis shoulders. tpru- 1111K *4r W a,E4 turned T01111d W Wata.�t the B a' y a14_ t ' made w come. . gtl6 1194 F� d$ G., ,rd r �9 c r ' nE 1866. DR. J. S. FR1alEB0#iN, W. M. by ill p;wp xtt ietP e� 9a V l hied; sad elthwgh there were trial. ed and left the room. IpaQt4pR1!60 kr Aobof Parliame dolAo prisoa official* whose office dated "is the raoR sus ted-su �ioaed to Anti thoY all comforted and cosset- p t P. CANTELON, JR. Boo. J• P. SHEPPARD, D. M J-� ti - j!� ��* pe neo p S=td r } � y 4+� Ja A. •'*"+•r* �" troy before Nelly Game'a- imprison- be Nelly tiaips-in the room P' o. He emdad�Teaera, and abused let Geo e, o.,�' $2,000,000 .."..� '� HARNESS' $MPOMUM. Rblyq*t . i went, George Lelt Ghost, unless his first head expectedtoowith to see a group ort masAde know howthbadly hew as boha mggworW t' .r �1, ST. $1.876,000 . 00si . "It's our duty to society," sato ,id Lord ' ( j�TOTICE. two witnesses were favorable, it would servants. — �1LINTON Lo s, Ne. 8!, A. F. 4i A. M. never .1 N l,yelesa to press the matter, and did "Certainly," said Lord Tottlebury. TottLebury. �" MONTREAL. 4 avory PY1de on or atter the moon• visit `f $f,�t�. .fi�OH. t - tug brethren co "on invited not at present enlist their services. Mr, with a grim smile. Arid MIs. Poole- t a A. . HOLLOW,&if, W, M. THOS. I;IIMBALL, Bao. sere being some misundsretandtng with re: Jeunings, the• Linooln's Ian barrister, lin�;ton chuckled. CHIAPTER VII. r f, ° '' . R• R. X01600 Prosid lit. • S Then I certainly can't," said Mr. I ,�Rulp�WT�t a'ozw,OanoraImam or? pltnton,Dea 0.1896. to wrackage, Ie0 it be distinctly yndwtood Jennings• And there was an end o1 "I should eat humble iris. Georgtl," ;10t na aI _ hob It say parson tR#eeoseaertotz of any Wad' ,bad proved utterly hopeltf )s• George �� 0• tjt� �� of wreckage and tails to report to ma I shall*0 showed him* the photograph. "I that, an egad no other than what said Mt ,his front to toot Isla eye-glassesil �, . ,.,w �es dlsaouiited, Collections made, Drafts ones take proceedings. Remember this 11s Abe h. - "She's one latined, Steirling and American a=' .._-- last warnlo l shall glve. CAPT. W1I. 9ABB. ahouldla't have reooenized it fromrgwe aPaoanohohe fat police- ta�aiy bot,teat( \ „_ ,& change bought and sold at geirns Tent No. fib, Knight" A ttfhe'Nsoosbeas of Receiver of wrecks, Go, orloh, Eve'a;' said Mr. Jennings : and George The fat policeman, or to glue him "Do theyou think I'm wrong P" 1. y':^1.elt that he might, without duplicity, his proper name. Sergeant Stubbs, un- ,,On the whole. I incline to think• lowest current rattl8, the World: $1,000, 92,000 end 18,0 Ponoiee. Glom- Qod4rtoh, Sept.e t. 7th 1881. uld eat , y' " Iranssr ALt owiPD oa DaeoeLve berehip over 100,000• Asaeesm' prtno c e a her C _ y 1,� ^' never exceeded 18 saaeaemeuts in a year. Chaappe,,E FOR R /1LE Ignore gNeaera such la littleness the pro- self. A trip t London gratis iwwith ex- ble pie ifgI were you, all othe same." x and retort in existence. Meets to orange Hall, Olin- e a � t' , of o.eq month. pe Hees on a liberal scale. and an idents- The suggested diet is palatable to n - meets �,gRM&E1RS_ ton, first sod third Friday pasad when it wa,s submitted to her, ficatlon at the end --could the heart of body and the power of consuming ?, , Iltanoy advanced to farmers on their own nota The property at present 000110ed• by the un- but expressed her wLllinguem to con- mortal constable desire moral Know without contortion is rightl put high w+i Hth ons or mors endorsers. No mortgago re C�Ug'8 �' L��R J desslgned a. a resfde>!oe on the Huron Road, 1. } ggllrod as saourlty, of one Road, sent to it. Gerald was almost angry the girl P Of course he would, among in the list of virtues. if vir are be pro- H. 0. BREWER, In the Town of (#oderloh, oousistigg r at the a thousand I It was his business to Irortionate to difficulty. T than o! \'4� ., , � Mans er, �� TORE an twre of land,yood frame house -story and a with her far not being aa►B Y know people and he did not mean to George Neatan's temperamei �ienance o g i 111. J ,'K ' December, 1886. Cwttroe. ! half -seven rooms, Including kitchen, hard and indignity. fail, especially in the service of so con- was hard, even when enforced b the soft water, good stone eetlar, stable, wood and "He goes too Yar, upon my word he siderate an employar: So he walked consciousness of sin ; to bend the knees �� +^ .'. _ allnton, aarrtage hones, Thera are also some $cod trate in confidently, sat himself down, and in abasement when Lhe soul was erect �41' 1�cTaggart BR9N and SHORTS in Lar a or trees. This pproperty is beautifilly situated and does;" he muttered. received his instrtutlons with profes in self-appro�al, came nigh LmPosai- I � Ge Me g veryeultsbleforany;parsonwishingtolivocotlred• "What does it matter, dear P" asked bililtc s eional imperturbability. y h i For further pertionlars s pl to Neaera. "It will be rather fun." The ladies stood and Smiled at Still it was unquestionably necessary 'A a .I BANKER Small Quantities.: $AMrrorl, �`5i �^,. 643-tf 'Barrieter,(}odedah. Lord Tottlebury raised a hand in Stubbs. and, ulieipgtanman�rat heart candle,eorhputupwlmth an alternative }; k=' 1 ALBERT STREET, CLINTON. OIL CAKE, LINSEED MEALS grave protest. thought they were a set of as likely hardly, iP at all, less unpleasant. The y: 1. ,:::1.1 s - . . - "Mq dear Neaera I" said he. guts as he'd ever aeon ; so die told Mra. " Fourth Paragraph' had appeard• Ft'+r J. C. STEVENSN4 ••Not much fun for George," Gerald Stubbs afterwards. But which was It was called a paragraph for the sake ; • d fttENEBAL BANKING BUSINESS 10 lbs. Choice Oatmeal fpr one Bushel remarked in grim triumph. Nelly GameP of uniformity, but it was in reality a , TRdNSdOTED. Oats Furniture Dealer SLC. "It isn't her in the middle," Said narrative, stretching to a ' couple of Y 't 6� "I suppose Mr. Blodwell's chambers Stubbs, ' last. columns, and giving a detailed account T- ..It "we needn't of the attempted identification. For Dra/te leaned, D. COOK., CLINTON. THE LEADING UNDERTAKER AND will da P" asked' Lord Tottlebury• "Then," said George, �r: ,11Totee Diacountcd, seems convenient." trouble Miss Bourne any longer." apse, George implicitly believed the '' ` 1. Interest Allowed on Deposita. 'f62 -M R FUNERA4 DIRECTOR- But here Neaera, rather to his sur- Isabel went and sat down, with a editor's statement that his information : Y i E STORE She wasn't scornful toss of her head, and Laura came to him on unimpeachable author - Clinton, June86h, 1801 e6gy BILLS FED Opposite Town Hall, Clinton, Out prise, had her own views. Pa klington and Neaera\stood side by sty. The story was clearly not only in1. - .���+� i going down to musty chambers to be aide• spired by, but actually written ea the ; `� , RI� � X� v GO TO THE staled at -yes, Gerald, all laveyera "1 feel as i it were the judgment f hand of Gerald himself, and it breathed f 4t of Paris," whispered the latter suds- a bitter hosti)it (o himself that grieved �`r. HURON STREET, (LINTON. ffnipn Shag parlor ^And taken for a beach -of -prom- p y stared, of and Mrs. Pocklington and Gerald George none the less because it was ;, tP ise person, and generally besmirched ,tittered. Stubbs had once been to I ver natural. 'Phis hostility showed it- s ;•,t ! '�.: DR" �. GU N N f J with legal mire. No; nor -she wool t Paris on busiaesa, but he did not see 'eel here and there, in direct attack ; 'rt „ - t C, Pr end L. R. C. e., Edinburgh. Omoe- The Beat Early Seed Potatoes, and all For first-class Hair•Cutting have t,eOT� Naston'a spies finer what it had to do with the present oc- I more aonatantly in irony and ingen- , I . atll. attest Cd L. Night Dalin at front door of casion, unless indeed it were something sous ridicule. George's look, manner, into I .; , house; nor would she put herself out alwut a previous conviction. tones, and walk were all pressed into i IlJenoe on Eettenbnry .treat, opposite Presbyter. kinds of first-class Clover, Timothy, Field and Shaving. the ;ypr, diwohtuoh. and Garden Seeds, Flour and Feed of all Smith's block, oppoeite-Post Office, Clinton the least about it. "It isn't her," he saipd. forefifter ngerer atI certainlyicmadenh sun look anidiot; 4! c, 41 kinds. Closest living prices for cash. SALT J. EMERTON, Proprietor. "Then it must be in flu louse," said pause, pointing a atom Y g rather thou ht it made him look a DR. TURNBULL& in stock and for sale. TEAS of rho choicest �2, (� Lord TattleburY• � Laura Pocklington. I g Iii - WATTS lJ1U /0•t There was a little shiver ae dismal• malignant idiot. ,; , Neaera acquiesced, merely adding George rigidly repressed every indi- I "What can you doP deftandin up J. L. Turnbull,1M. B. Toronto Univ. ; M. D. ; varieties and blends, Excellent value. M t�` o M., Vtotoefa Univ. M. C. P. h e. Ont, ; b Glow _ CHEMISTS &DRUGGISTS that the valuables had better be lock- cation of satisfaction. Neaera stood Blodwell again. "You can't bring up .11 calm and smiling, bendin a look of I any more people from Peakto l You ,'• ,•., of the obstetrical society of Edinburgh. Late 'if J. W. HILL, Huron St., Clinton ed up. ", : _ London, Eng., and Edinburgh hospitals O1Bca:— amused kindliness on Stubbs; nut the chase your witnesses, and they Let you t10" r,: ' ' br. Doweley a stand, Rattenhury St. Night calla Q Great Northwestern Telegraph office, "And when P We had better say tom palm of the white hand on the mantle- in.,, y t 1i ',.. answered at Office. _ Central Butcher Shop • filbert StrOet, - CILIIton• afternoon, I suppose•" prate grew pink as the white fingers GYrgewnnddto edBournemouth, and you .' DR. SHAW. COUCH WILSON "I am engaged every afternoon for pressed against it. r '. Y* pII�ps, a fortnight." "Would you like to see e a little foundame-H Not that Mus What's- , _ P�11� Cl nearer P" she asked, and, stepping for- her -name -Horne -was a myth, as You 'r3'i;E. I 0111a in Hodgen'e Block, Rattenbary 8t., Onnton, Subscribers desire to notify the public that they 1►1 iJ "My dear," said ' Lord Tottlabury, ward to where Stubbs sat, she stood expected, or conveniently -and, mind 1.Dat., Night cans at same place. ence." right t in front of him. you, not unplausibly-dead, as I expected ...a,., have bought out the butchering business lately con- It you want a ilret-olaee, well -made um lnit an actual, existent, highly old 3 ducted by Mr, Jae. A• Ford, and will contluus the pump, one that "business mn9t take pieced g "$rave 1" I1. �t .D same n%Mt. Joe. Aeo or supervision orders will will give you satisfaction, send your order to the Neaera did not see it; but at last she George felt inclined Lo cry spectable, though somewhat doting, old ��i,a Sa Freebornr undersigned, He will dig and clean walla end do it at x15 if he Were at the play. have prompt and careful attention. Fresh menta of PBtiOn• "I am dining With ell kinds will n kept in season, sold at reasonable the closest prises. He also handles o Bret -Disse made a Sugg Stubbs was puzzled. There was a lady She had you badly there, George ,' yy g, .t Q• p. P., L, M.O P. & e. O., do., da you en famine the day after to mor- likeness, but there was so much unlike- my y (}r X. & . Hinge d; Qaeon's College of Physicians, rates and delivered anywhere in town. FORGE PUMP. ionv. Let them Caine then." shish, Ireland, LioaRElateO} tits Genorat Meatort ARTHUR COUCH,, CHAR N. WILSON. JAMESFER.GUSON fess too. It really wasn't fair to dress Yes," admitted George. I I. V. '? �p "That'll do," said George. "Ten min- people up differently. Haw was a man der if shh knew the woman wast be Ooanan, Greet` Britain. Member of College of CLINTON.o know them P 11 She than\ ed it ;wished she stile ' ODpoeit Queen's High Clinton.Utinton• utes after dinner will settle the whole I dead, perha s but chan!ed it. That, t'hyeioisus and Burgeons, Ontario. Formerly rest. 809-tf business," "Might I see the photograph again, I George, is where Mrs, Witt is great." ";.. dent rho Rotunda Hospital (Lying-in add Gynta- (ANTRAL BUTCHER SHOP Lord Tattlebury made no objection. air P`' he asked George. i5 ;ological), Dublin. Special attention to diseases of sated that a COuple Of " IYirs. H:,rne doesn't i emrml eT her #`.�- omen and ohtlAren. Oboe end residence, Rattenbary GPATge had Sugg "Ger talnly not exclaimed Gerald ;g+., Bb, neat door to Ontario Bt. Methodist parsonage. . angrily. George ignored him. bein there in March, or in lead April."11 '.; ^,, 099-1y FORD & MURPHYy F. . F fl B �[ C D jII H other ladies should lie present ci make g the trial fairer ; and it was decided to 1 had rather," he said, "yen told "Perhaps riot ; but ane doesn'C say �, tis what oar think without it. the contrary." ��_ (Buoceaeore to J. W. Ln"gford.) (MEMBER of ASSN QF P. L. B.) invite Isabel Bourne, and Mise Laura y " Ub, no. She said that if the char- RutttxD ' Pocklington, daughter of the great Mr George had sent Lord ToLtlebury the • BeHevtngbought out the above business, we Intend Provincial Land Surve Or Pocklington. Mrs. Pockhnrgton would photograph, and everybody had look- I aeter says March, of course it was 5_ ;- ._.--'.'�' -- t000ndnot it on the cash prinatpte, and will supply ed at it and declared it was not the Nlarcn." t and Civil Engineer, B with her daughter, and it was " The ' of course' betrays a lay mind. 1 our customers with the bee meats at the lowest pay- felt that her presence would add auth- least like Neaera. Bruce, Surgeon Dentist■ ng prices. s FORD & MURPHY. =,ONDON, ONT. ority to the proceedings. Maud Nes­- Stubbs resumed his survey. At last n foratwhat. it's worth.' ill the character does say March d - he said, pressing his hand over his eyes, The copy of it does." I �.;, _- Orrtas-At O. J etewart'e Orooery store, Olin- ton Was away; indeed, her ging tithe "1 know wbat you mean. But think xj �, OFFICE -Over Taylor's Shoe Store, BOGS WANTED. GOD been •thought desiranle, pending "I can't swear to hot, sir." I" �I�nj pettlement of this unpleasant affair. "Very well," said George. "That'll be[oro you saq that, George. It's pretty � r� s; Clinton, Ont. Special attention to pre- art Lord `1'ottlebury always made 'the do." I strong; and you haven't a tittle of evi- ' servation o1 natural teeth. nIt most of his chnc ea of solemnity, and, But Neaera Laughed. :i. I`r•B w visit Blyth Query Monday, and Don't Build Without A Plant if left to his own bent, would have in "Swear to me, Z. S(ubbs!" said ehe.'i dencelLdonptpwaritoLo say a word. I'LL V Bayfield every Thursday afternoon doting the vested the present occasion with an "But do you mean to think I'm like let them alone, if they'll let me alone. t w.:. � summer. Highest Market Price Paid. impressiveness not far short of a death this Nelly Games?" I But that woman's Nelly Game, as sure — 11 sentence. But he was power- "'Game,' not Games,' Mrs. Witt," as I'm - 1;" .y. • Be Agnew, L D S ,S n • CANTELC�N, Clinton. �, ADES FOWLER & CO• less in face of the de t ined frivolity said George, smiling again. " An infernally obstinate chap•" Put r!.,,rn - r Ber • f with which Neaera treated the whole "Well, then 'Game."' in Mr. Blodwell. ,1,, U • a Be 798-tf. Architects and Civil Engineers ter. Mrs• pocklington found her- "Yes, miss, you've a look of her." prok>anly what George meant by be1. - t, arently, invited to assist at a ,,Of course she has," said Mrs. Pock- to " let alone," was the cessation of DENTIST" Are opening a permnnant office in Clinton and are self, app "' y B. THOMLIN$ON, Pi°P p hngtonI "or Mr. George would never Bis ra hs in the Bull's, " If so. his :Mi. Graduate o€ Ro al Collage of Dental Sur area to supply Plane 8 eelacatlOns sod details farce, instead of a melodrama, gond have made the mistake." Mrs. rook- Pa g P W'' sono of Ontario. Honor Graduate of Trinity ERINERY SURGEON for any ethos of wort at moat reaeonsble rates. with her famous tact at once reco His wish was not gratified. " will Mr." g ed the situation ; her elaborate play- lington liked George, and wanted to George NesLun"-George'§ name was s? :µ,,. IIniversity, Toronto. Best Local Anaesthetic VET t Patent Drawings prepared and patents obtained. fulness sanctioned the hair -brained Let him dow y easily. y no glon r "withheld" -"retract 4" ,I; '�t 7;, fqr sinless extraction. Office opposite Town Honorary Graaante of the Ontario Veterinary Cal • Valuations end inspections carefully made. chatter of the girls, and made Gerald's '"That's all you can say P asked Lord t wik, ingthe columns of that publica- '11,„ p lege, Toronto. fierce indignation seem disproportion- Tottlebury. ` yyHal}; over Swallow's Store. Treats all dteeseea of Domestic Animals on the "Yee, air ; I mean, my tion, much the. Posit ion occupied h De Lt', 25 Years Experience in Ontario. ate to the subject- Dinner perused m lord.” lenda est Carthago in the speeches n '•,0, Night Bell answered. ,noetmodern and Scientific Principles. gibes, George af- "It come! to nothing," said Lord Tot- ;;; i Mail eddreee-P. O. Box 21o,Cltnton. a whirl of jokes and g ttenury, decisively. Cato the Elder. It met the reader on I n 2..,' Will visit Hensall er ,ry Monday, and Day and Night Calls PromptlyAnawared. - fording amnia material ; and after- ' the Iniddle page ; it lurked for him in ;., s? Zurich the 2nd Thursday cf each month Residence-Rattenbary Street, West, Clinton, Ont, _ — wards the ladies, flushed with past "Not hili at all," said George, "'Thank ,the IPading art a le ; it appeared, bq,waY .' Wm. Moore Has Removed laughter, said constantly yielding to you, Stub I'll join you and Mr• ' of playful reference, to the city in- f ,, J. E. BLACRALL, Veterinary fresh hilarity at Neaera's sallies, await- Jennings in a moment." ' tell' encs ; one man declared he found , ' Snr on honorary ggraduate of a and his party "Good-bye, Mr. Stubbs," said Neaera. B ,�: ,$D�^ OntariobeterinaryCollege,troate —ro— ed the coming of Georg you if it in an advertisement, but this no „p L - _ diseases of all domestic animals CORE'S BLOCK, flURON STREET, CLINTON. with no diminution of gaiety. "I'm sure I should have known y doubt was an oversight—or perhaps a11 yy?gg�," O" CAMERON, BARRISTER, 80LICITOB oar the most modernan,:icientific A knock was heard at the door. I'd ever seen you before." •' 7'�+`';.` Conveyenoar, 8co, 018ae-coiner HemilEon and -' princtplea. �Catlo attended to "Here are the minions of the law, Stubbs withdrew, llelievinB liimself 1 George was not. more ae,naitive than s` �'�.'t" se. Andrews -ate., opposite Colborne Hotel, Hamilton a h. sight or day. Office on leans street, neat New I am better than ever prepared to "apply the pub• ,a Witt 1" cried Laura PcicklipgtOII. to have received a COmpllment. "Then I must prepare for the dun- "Uf course this ends the matter, other mPn, nut the rinrroyee a was ax- ' "',.:,- - Cndre Erao11foe Residence -Albert street. Clinton, -c with the Latest Improved trerne• The, whole world deemed full OL • _ _ Binger $swing Machines. geon •• as id Neaera, and rearranging George," said Lord 'Tottlenury. f 0:6S_11 :6 P` reeling t lie Bull's 4Ye, some with 1 .;;; O. HAYS, Barrister, Solicitor, &c. Ogee, corner — - - • Needles in stock and parte as 11od for all m+lees perave reprobation, ion, aOtDe with offensive y' r' �'"' [�• North Street and Bgnare, near Re�i�try Olftoe, W pP her hair before a mirror. Ueorgeu look 'ed at Neaera ; and las he g people P i fi ea, Geot Tro 1, r of Machines. Agent for the Cole rated Leader Cham "lt it to reminds tfae," said Mrs- Ch7u kling i'. Qoderich, Ont. an the most rellablo W"bers ant' Wringer,,. Tho Pocklington, "of the dear Queen of looked the conviction grew stronger on - ' A t� Money to lend at lowest rete" of interest. most critical inspection invited• him that she was Nelly (lame. But if Ins Bull's-eye would not leave Scots." g him alone, a large number of people ?;A ' J. SCOTT, $Or808h0er and �eIIOral Black– Lord Tottlebury was, in spite of Hie "Mr. George Heston i5 not convinced." did He, wag nut ,exactly cut ; but his t iv -t. pro -occupation, lie ining to argue about said she, mockingly. invitations diminished, t he greetings he 1a . smith, W K MOORE, _ Y`, Barrister, cjre., the propriety of Mrs. Pocklington's epi- It does not much matter whether reteiv,�l grew le --s Cordial than of yore: !l p H he. ww not, turned out o[ the houses IP+ "iAT.P 1! 11LIOTT'B $LOOK, - - CLiNTON. Albert Street, North, Clinton. past of oommerolel H tai, Hnroni 8treec, Clintonplinton looker when Yeo a, bored,disgust dipAfter "There nokindof evidence to pro © he went to, but. he. w'ae not much prea- �' JOBBING A SPECIALTY. 1 y �t onn orold)whoauffer shaking hands with Lord Tottlebury, the Identit sed to come again. He. was made to feel 111 S Money to Loan. g g generally to the room, and Gerald sprang up (n indignation. "Do that right-m1nded and reasonable neo- Woodwork booed and flraE � Disse material and from Nervous Debility he bowed g Y f you pbean that you Won't retract P" twAy tySOg to describe �� work susranteed; farm implements and machine MEN Sexual Weakness and Said, le—a term aunty. AMPION Cir IF the res of Sett I propose to bring Mr. JetSninga, "You can state all rho flcts; I phern,s,lves-wtere against him, dLl�ihat. yr 4,` ;, E - r Q rebuilt and reDalred Abuse, etc., will write the clerk, in first ; then the policeman• shall say nothing." ooki �i 1 if be wished to re-enter the g tics Kp us confidentially a plata It will tie better they thou d coma ^ You shall apologise, or-- of society, he, must do so by the strait ,,, ; "r;h BARRISTER, - - SOLICITOR., statement of their ossa, and remise to use our y „ "Gerald," Said Lord Tottlebury, "this and narrow gate of penitence and, t" Card of Thanks• Reined7 accordiapq�to directions, we will send separated s no use." # NOTARY, t;!G., prepaid by marl or express, a carefully Lord 1'ottlebury nodded. Gerald had apology' (To be Continued.) };' a's pspared course of Two Menthe treatment, ostentatiously turned his back on his Thera was a feeling that George W'iA for which we will make no charge if it fails cousin. MGs, Pocklington fanned her- ►x having eery badly. A,veryl,ody , s, tr1,; (;I,odex-loh, - Ont. TO MY MANY PATEO�^1S : protest, thought so, and said so; and all ex-' d t to tura Avoid Vankee frauds and Canadian self with an air of amused PT ilg IT EATS GLASS. r ,k,,, Once—Over Davis' Drug Store. Money to loan. quacks. Write us at once for a Remedy which fa CP.pt Neaera Dither exhorted Or Iia - I desire to tender my sincere thanita ranteed to cure or cost nothing which the girls reproduced in a broad- sought him to confasa himself the vie. - t ddresa N. S. M. COMPANY, Lock Bor 529, art form, No one spoke, till Neaera her- tim of an absurd mistake. As the mat- vor Tflr RenaanrtydronnortP Arid sa I(cpt t , M. 0• JOHDTSTON, for the very •liberal patronage accord ploton, ontsrlo, Canada. self said with a laugh, lease, "Arrange your effects as you p ter had 4p,oame public, nothing less let R:otd itottle.. t BdRRISTER ed me iO the past and to inform the could be accepted. , SOLICITOR, FOR TWENTY-SIX YEARS Mr. Heston•" public that I am still in the Carpet George looked at her. She was George wavered. "I .will let you one of tbe most extraordinary liqu ds t,;_ COMMISSIONER, ETC.,g in existence is hydrofluoric acid, well z`, Weaving Business on East Street, dressed with extraordinary richness, knave to -morrow,.' morrow," be said, "Mean ::• Ont. GodariCh, next the Bieyole Factory. considering the Occasion. her neck while let me return this Mrs, otit `Lo known a n glassPtchinR fluid, It is } ,i C,Ioderioh, DUNN"S and arm . disclosed by her evening Mrs. Witt." He tank out Mrs, Horne�s rfectly colurlrg ,and lrx,ks ns harm- Omoe-Cor. Hamilton and et. Andrew's eta. Personal and mail Orders will as neaal goN.p, glittered with diamonds ; a titer letter and laid It on the tante. "( navA Pe ' receive prompt attention. All classes let. of that same atones adorned Her ventured to take a copy," be said. "As le as water; but if you happen to let Fir W, BRYDONE., olden hair, which was arranged in a the original is veluah1e, I thought I a drop fall on your skin you will wish I, of work a specialty, at the lowest nos BAKIN g had stetter give it Hack." lofty erection on her bead" She met Thank you," said Neaera, and moved that you Had t,PPn hit'an by lions and ^ BARRISTER SOLICITOR. sible prices, and eatiefsetion gaaran- his look with derisive defiance, ami(- tigers instead• To inhale it. is aura dearth teed. ins in response t.o the sarcastic smile forward t.o take it. tart, NOTA PUBLIC, cfc , on His Cate. George's smile was called Gerald hastened to fetch it to her.' anP �jetnts� art an coli to more than �jI s, W.A.Ross East Street, P01 ER forth by the recognition of his synch- As he took i( up, his e e fall on the ort(f aced in the thickest Slags not- t6i y; , OFFtan BEAVER BLOCK - - CLINTON. r , ent's tactics. Her choice of time and writingg for George had laid it open ov i GIP it will ea.t, ilg teas Out to a very t lll -- s17•Le son1�R><eflt. - THECOOICSBESTFRIEND plana had enabled her to eau to her the tattle. c'° - _ LARGES', $ALE tl1 CANADA. aid all the arts of millinery and the "Nhy, NPaera," said he, "it's in your short. time. it haq. therefore, to be ,;s;; • _� The McKillop Mutual Fire handwrittn I" kept in hottlPs malls ndia-rubber, r ti,r �--- -- resources of wealt.lY to dazzle and blind gg Litinum or gold )tut the t.wo aulal� to auk. the eyes of those who sought to find George atarl.Pdt and he thought, he lead, platinum rfectl safe in her the Shabby draggle -tailed irl Saw Neaera start just perce,fiblq" I last nam•xt am the only pe Y I -- -- /nguranee Company. g reef tae'Ig" old i Atla great of eight years before. Old Mr. Jon "Of course," she said. "That's only I F P u when in a g B jk/�ONEY to land In large or small same op good niagq Had come under strong protest. a C , ,, �'j, mortgage or personal ooppsy treaUL'Ons mnct In token a keep it zv"! p He was, he said, half mind eight years "My dear, you never told me ao," P es. torrent ratga H. HALE, Huron et. Clinton. ago, and more than Half now ; he had said Lord Tottlenury ; "and I have there. A.a it. is volnAI,Ct a plate Cover- , Farm and Isolated Town Proper- CAVEATSTRADEMaaKS ad with paraffin has to !>t securely , Money. ty only Insured. ` seen hundreds of interesting young never seen your handwriting " clamped over the mr of e the bottle, r s criminals and could no more recognise "Gerald .and Maud have." COPYRIGHTS and the tem eratlire of the roam must a m. Mone to lend on good eecnrity at 68 and a per . one from another than to -day's break- "But they npvP.r saw this." f0 de rete!, or the tRfttle ., "'• sent. y to le O. n goo4 ,Albert8t., nnton. °m06N° CAN I OHTAIN p PATENT ?t For fast egg from yesterday week's; ea "It was Rt.uppid o[ mo," said Neaera, nPvar exceP b 11, `t' 862 Et. George watt, President Herlock P. 0•; James nom t answer and an Honest opinion, write tg for police photographs, everybody knew penitently ; "lint I ❑mer thought, f- would n fart Ptrhing thPr colas on ther- 1'' Broedtoot,vlae•Prea., Sea�orth P.O.; W. J. Bhnn• RIUIrNAtCO.,wh have bad new 11ityyearo the only darkened truth. Still he (.here tieing any mtstnke. LV hat dif- ly used , , mometer•s, and work of that kind. i cos, Saay. Tread., sesforth P. O i Michael Murdto, experience W the patent business. dommrmtoer Y Y George's heart was hardened. ge Curiously, if t. he glass is perfectly drTi ntelon Bras, Ins eotor of Losse, Sestorth P. o. cone rtriotly oon11dentlnl. A Handbook of 1n- came, because George had oonatrained fere or does it make P" p formation eoncernina Patents and bow to ob- him, '- C�, orasoroae, tnfntbemeentfree. wlooamtalogaeofineehaa NPaara, Irab$1, and Laura Poakling- was sure she had, if not tried to peso the acid will Hat act; nut, let there Lost and ecten 1110 books Sent free, James Broadfooe, 8eaforth;Mfohsell2ardie,een- pq�ntS taiCen through Mnnn dt Co. receive too took their places side by aide, Nes off the copy as an original from the the ,andeit ill eat Gra r of mlal t , ENERAT, GROCERS dt PROVIS- forth; George Dole, SaOortb; George Watt, Harlock aFectal notlaefnthe ldclentdflc Amerlaa°t and era on the right, leaning her arm on first, at any rate taken advantage of tauHt(� iatnWfl t �l � h thUt hardest g1Asb �'' t , `jt, - • Thomas E. Heye,Beaforth; Alex Gardiner, tbae are .ought wtdoly before the public . piece, in her favorite pose the error. _ ` 1 ION MERCHANTS. TbomseOarbute, Clintonf JOhe McLean,IIlppen. Issn¢Aweebltaoltnnvtlytliesttretela �oueb aa�rpttie of I nguldy he,u htinesa; Isabel was ,:Have you the original P" he asked. r &Geste. lueeet I _s�aytin of en roten a$e wor�C 1n the li, [Jpe:ai Reub P" Na1d,1 Building13$B31on mon�h►y.°y 8tngto Jennings with cogld ctvuity, and gave somebody ever so long ago, and never much of a spa ►+� _ ; G�r'aekery, •%irla4s l Ch2naz.�arre Thomas Netlane, Harlockl Robert MaMlllan, gas• world. ewear+ Sam,I as floe Beonattfree. next her, T.ord Tottlaburq met Mr. "No," stiid Neaera; "I sent it to "Them folks , (Jn town didn't 61 " forth and James Onmminge, Egmondvill.. co lea, 2ts dente. lCvery number contains beau- Wept back mad 'cause ct didn't hbtg 1; ' At I;AT 8T• CLINTON,NT.tin him a chair. The old man wiped his got it n d ' tlyq an 'leattrta light+s< iIL 11 pol plates, In colors, and Ito ire o! new A ten." • Parties desirous to oIIeot Insurance oT trans- elf h ppaa 4, . ateet dei a dna eecare oonttaate °ddresa Ensued, "When I sent away the original." Cher blackberry Pa ,,, Highest Cash Prise for Butter and Egga ea to thenon business neo will tear promptly Qtly rte d• ro a withCODNaw none Sal Bsoenwe9 Spectacles and out them on. noose When did you Blake this copy f" no ayC a qy P62•ly native act oafaes, 1 '{ dressed to their resp D S i, n. , . . A'„ -..� i 1 h 5 h• hr ` a � 11(..• ,. 1. Sur .i r, r.... , '.,. n r ...rv. 4 ...., 3. .,. ,,,, v 4.., -, o .W . 15 .G'}�'. -, t "} ,':1', r r ,. C 1 r f'.r . . , ,.. .... r e � r . `.: i.. is .c r. . , .., �, ,... .lir;. n �, +. ..: is 'r :, , , .,. ✓ ..k „ 1 _., ., v, .l+ , ':T.., ., ... i' ! h•"• p. J'f.. .,.... . .r.. ... , ...t rC ,✓. 1. .. , ..n' :.: S',�.n:. t Y'A Y J�:�.:.: 4 M, Y u .._.,.,, •.e.✓,. 1. ,y •.f. :...✓ : A . n; y..,a .,.. � _ �...ny,:­1 1- 14 � , ,fs.L >.. _ ;':k`"' b . Hl 'r I -,. Y. a J:,.1. .r, .. ,�, ^,.., . ''FA ,