HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1896-07-29, Page 1• , Tifint3119—$I.915 per Annum. 1.190 In Advance. VOL. XVIII Fatigue and Weakness Yield to the persuasive powers —of— Er MALT STOUT The best Tonic and Strength comes with the first few bottles. You can sleep sound- ly after taking it, and lift the sys- tem into q condition to resist the enervating heat of summer. It gives mental power to those who use it properly. The Clinton Liquor Store. Lack Kennedy. Town Topics. THE NEWS -RECORD extends congrat- ulations to Mr. Wm. Clawson, of Min. neapolis, (formerly of Hensel!), and Miss Agatha, daughter of Mr. R. Rey- nolds, on their happy union, which was consummated at the residence of the bride's parents, last Thursday. RIFLE PRACTICE.—Four members of the Huron Rifle Association had a practice over the Atholcott Ranges last Theirsday, when some good scores were made. John Johnston made 87 out of a possible 100, and on a second trial at 6C0 yards brought this up to 91, -Messrs. J. F. Spooner and D. Macpher- son also made a good average. UNDER GRIT jittLE.—A correspond- ent under Oitte July 27, gives the followiug report from Clinton :— Hay light, not more than half a crop. Fall wheat nearly all harvested, not much more than half a crop. but good .sample. Peas and oats a good aver age. Barley good. Roots fair. Ap- ples. d plums very plentiful. WEDNESDAY Dr. D. McCallum and Mies Carrie, daughter of the late Wm. Coats, were united in marriage by Rev. Mr. McMillan at the residence of the bride's sister, Mrs. A. H. Man- ning, and left the following day for Petrolea. Both are well-knqwn and highly -respected citizens and have the sincere congratulations of asvery large tacquainta,nces. kr • (14.. -•/6s;• CRICKET.—The Clinton Cricket Club will go to Forest on Friday and also cross willows with the Asylum team at London on Saturday, when we ex- pect.of course to learn of results favor- able to Clinton. Our team will be made up as follows:—L. Kennedy, Jas. McMurchie, M. D. McTaggart, Geo. Barge, James Howson, F. Hodgens, T. T. Coleman, R. J. Macdonald, 1 B. Hoover, J. W. Chidley and John • Miller. • STATUTE lanoa.—This' time of the year ons hears a great deal about, and experiences to no slight degree, the ef- fects of our piesent system of stat- ute labor. As it exists now, our roads are just spoilt for the rest of the summer, by the application of gravel. The question has often been asked why not ap- ply the gravel in the fall, not too early, but in time to allow the snow to do the packing and levelling. But when we do make achange for the better' why not take a proper good step, andadd the cost to onr taxes,and have it all in the hands of the council. This, we think, would be much more satisfactory, and instead of doing 1, 2 or 3 days'work at 'this busy season, farmers could have the much needed time at their - weeds or roots. Why continue an old custom that apparently is in such dis- favor? THE COMING CONVENTION.—August 27th and 28th will be busy days in Goderich as the annual Convention of thet9E4n County Christian Endeavor Un* s to be held there on those dates; Rev. Wm. Johnson, who is rector of the Episcopal church in Wardsville, will give two addresses, one on "Christian Citizenship," the other on "The Spirituality of Christian Endeavor." Mr. Johnson is an enthus- iastic Christian Endeavorer and holds the position of Vice -President in the Provincial C. E. Union, and Superin- tendent of London District. Miss May (Dr.) Irwin, of Clinton, will give a re- port of the International Convention •held in Washington a few Weeks ago. ,The balance of the programme will be very interesting and every Endeavorer should plan their vacation so as to be in Goderich Thursday and Friday, Aug. 27th and 28th. • Brief Town Topics. Duncan Stevenson is a guest at Camp Ridout. Bliss Mart Claik is visiting friends in Bar rie. Don't forget the lacrosse match on _Friday. Mack. -of Saturday Night, is visiting Mende in town. Mr. W. R. Lough has joined his fam- ily at Hayfield. Jock Greig, of Seaforth, was in i• town on Friday. Mr. Wm. Youngef Goderich, was in town Sunday. Mr. &eines Fair arrived home from Scotlandlast Friday. Miffs IrWiri, of Belgrave, is the guest of Miss Lillie Johnston. Wei members of S. Paul's choir Pio:11040 Hayfield lain Monday. Atte. Riscok and three children, of LOndon, are guests of Mrs. S. Rance. ••, ISIIRPSSWINT IN ALL TSINGS—SHOTRAL IS 1.1401S9 CLINTON. HURON COUNTY, ONT. WEDNESDAY JULY 29, 1896 Brief Town Topics. Mrs. Robt. Stephenson, of Stanley, was in town last Friday, calling on old "friends. Mr. and Mrs. John Scarlett, of Lead - bury were in town Sunday calling on friends. Mr. 11. Ransford of the Dominion Bank, Seaforth, was in town over Sunday. Rev. Mr. Roy preached two excell- ent sermons in St. Paul's church lastr Sunday. A sad death was that of Win. James Houlden, aged 22, last Thursday. He succumbed to typhoid. Mrs. A. M. Todd and children will sper4 the holidays on the banks of Lake Huroh at Goderich. Friday last Mr. Ed. Cantelon en- rtained a carriage load of his lady friends at Bayfield, by the water. We learn that Tab Craig, who was in Goderich jail on a charge of for gained his liberty on Sunday after- noon. noon. Mr. John Williams, of Zurich, miller and grain merchant, was calling on Oliver Johnston and other Clinton friends yesterday. Jay P. Doherty went to Hayfield on Saturday last for a couple of weeks' visit. Jay is in great demand among the lady visitors there. Competent judges speak in high terms of the ability of Rev, Mr. Mill- yard,the new pastor of the aattenbury street Methodist Church. Mr. W. H. Walbourne urns in town„ a couple of days representing the On- tario Permanent Building and Loan Association of Woodstock. Peter McEwron, Jr., of Saltford, de- serves Government recognition for jumping into the water and rescuing a woman and child a few days ago, The recent narrow escape from drowning at Goderich reminds one that such rescue work should be a part of the teaching of our public schools. -Mrs. Muir has aft Early Crawford peach tree well loaded with fruit. A sample measures 84 by 8i inches in cir- curnference, something very unusual in this section. Clinton Camp No. 76, W. C. W. is making good progress. Initiations take place at almost every meeting. Grand Sovereign Hawthorne was present Monday evening. Miss Anna Jenkins has gone on a visit to friends in Manitoba, and Miss Grace Tedford to Dundalk ; both ladies purchased tickets from A. T. Cooper,. C. P. R. agent, Clinton. J. A. Giffin, M. A. and wife, of St. Catharines, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Beesley and are camping with them on the lake shore. Mr. Giffin formerly taught in the Collegiate In- stitute here. Mrs. (Rev,) Parke and daughter are holidaying at Hayfield. Mr. Parke will holiday at Parkdale. Rev. M. Goldberg, of the latter place, will offi- ciate in St. Paul's church here and re- side at the rectory. Mr. John Joslin, of Virden,Man.,is in town renewing old acquainnces. He is an old time resident of Clinton and will meet many friends during his stay. He looks as fresh and happy and is as jovial as ever. Miss Jean Macdermott, who was on a visit to Mrs. L. Kennedy, has returned to Detroit. The lady has passed the first year exam. at Harper's Hospital. Miss Macdermott, her sister, is also on a visit to Mrs. Kennedy. Salesman Connolly shipped on Thursday the output of Holinesville cheese factory to Ballantyne of Strat- ford. The price per pound was 6 611/16 c. The first half of July make was sold to Mr. Cook of Ingerosoll for 6 13/16 c and will be shipped to -day. Messrs. W. H. Beesley, Joe. Holmes and Frank Boles, who are camping on the Lake Shore, rowed out after a blind ox which lost its way, lassoed the animal and towed it to shore. It had been in the water all night and its life was saved by the timely discovery and rescue. Messrs. A. Morrison and A. Morrell have entered into partenship as thresh. ers and will riilre the welkin ringduring the approaching season. Mr. Morri- son's new Clinton separator will he propelled by Mr. Morrell's excellent engine, and the firm being experienced will doutbless have all they can do. The G6derich Council is so penurious that they refuse to spend *3000 a walk to the bathing house for the accommo- dation and pleasure of visitors and their own people. Such an unworthy example may loose the town many times thirty, unless the Citizen's Com- mittee of the county town look after some of the pound -penny representa- tives. "A stitch in tone." —A dose of Ayer's Pills has saved many a fit of sickness; but when a remedy does not happen to be at hand, slight ailments are liable to be neglected, and the result, fre- quently, is serious illness; therefore always be supplied with Ayer's Pills. 10 Cts. cures Constipation and Liver Ms.—Dr. Agnew's Liver Pills are the most perfect made, and cure like magic, Sick Headache, Constipation, Biliousness, Indigestion and all Liver Ills. 10 cents a vial -40 doses.—Sold by Watts & Co. SNATCHED FROM BEAM Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart Saves the Life of a Lady Resident of the Northwest. HieWenderful Catarrhal Powder Cures a Nava Scotia Resident of Catarrhal Deafness. When heart failure overtakes a per- sou,unless the action of the heart can be immediately accelerated, the very Worst results may follow. This is where we hear of so many eases of sudden death from heart disease. The elements that constitute Dr. Agnew's Oure for the Heart, are such as to give relief in this particular immediately, without producing any hurtful effects. Then continued with a little patience the disease becomes banished from the system. Mrs. J. L. Hillier, of White- wood, N. W. T., says very plainly that this remedy saved her life. She had been much affected with heart failure, finding it almost impossible to sleep or lie down for fear of euffocation. The beat doctor's skill in these Northwest • Territorieg was of no avail. She says —"A local druggist recommended a bottle of Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart. I tried it ad with the result that I immediately secured ease, and after taking furthur doses of the medicine the trouble left me. The fact is, knowiug how serious was my condition, this remedy saved my life." It would be a mistake to suppose that Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal. Powder will eoly cure the milder forms of catarrh. It will certainly do this, and with wonderful expedition. But, as in the case of Mr. John Mein n is,of Watha- buck Bridge, N. S., it will cure the worst cases of catarrh. This gentleman suffered from Ca- tarrhal deafness, but after using one bottle of this remedy he was able to hear as good as ever. Painless and delightful to use, it relieves in ten minutes, and in a little time perman- ently cures catarrh of all kinds. DIRTIES. PIIRDEN. —In East Wawanosh, on July 14, the wife of Mr. Wm. Purden, of a son. BEEMER—In Wingham, on the 18th, the wife of J. H. Beemer, of a daughter. MoKENzoc.—In Clinton. on July 26th, the wife of Coun. Thos, McKenzie, of a daUghter. VALLENTYNE.—In Wingham, on the 20th inst., the wife of the late George Vallentyne, of a daughter, SFIERIDAN.—In Wingham, on July 16th, the wife of Wm. Sheridan, of a daughter. Cover/413.—In Hullett, on July 14th, the wife of Mr. Thomas cousins, of a daughter. JONES.—In the village of Clearville, Elgin Co., Ont., on the Ilth insL, J. E. E. and Annie Jones (nee LeTouzel) of a daughter. WEISMILLER.—In Hensall, on July 18th, the wife of Mr. John Welemiller, of a daughter. BLAIR.—At Fairgrove, Michigan, on July 20th, the wife of Mr. Wm. Blair, of a daughter. BerrroN.—In Clinton, onJuly2Oth, the wife of Mr. Thomas Britton, of a son. G LAZIER. —In Clinton, on July 12th, the wife of Mr. T. Glazier, of a son, Hicus.—In Goderich township, on July 21st, the wife of Mr. Hart. Hicks, of a daughter. MARRIAGES. , C LAWSON—REYNOLDS . —In Clinton, July 23rd by Rev. J. F. Parke, Mr, W. Clawson, of Min- neapolis, formerly of Hensel], to Agatha, second youngest daughter of Mr. R. Reynolds. McCAttum—COAT8.—At the residence of Mrs. A. H. Manning, Clinton, July 22nd, by Rev. A. McMillan, Dr. Duncan McCallutn, to Carrie, youngest daughter of Mrs. S. Coats, all of Clin- ton A NDERSON —WHITER EA D.—In Goderich. on Tuesday, July 21st, at the residence of Mr. Frank Smith. by Rev. Jos. Edge, Walter Stir- ling Anderson, of Kincardine, to Mise Alice Baird -Whitehead, of Clinton. DEATHS. CA NTELON. —In Holmesville, on July 21, Wm Cantelon, aged 90 years. LAWSON.—In Hullett, on July 21, Sarah, wife of Mr. Anthony Lawson, aged 65 years. STEW ART. —In Benmiller, on Thursday. July 23, William Stewart, fifth son of Mr. John Ste- wart, aged 28 years and three months. SHARPIN.—In Gerrie, on July 16th,. Christena Sharpin, relict of the late Jas. Shai p.n, aged el years and 6 months. High School Entrance Exams. WEST HURON. The following is the list of candidates admitted by the Board of Examiners for the Inspectorate of West Huron, together with the total number of marks obtained by each. No candidate was passed who had not obtained one half of the total value of papers, or 422 rnarkae but in accord- ance with this year's regulation, a number who had considerably over the total, but had failed in some -subjects, chiefly in history or geography, were, in consideration of their age or other circumstances allowed to pass. The list of successful candidates for the publip school leaving examination and particulars in regard to the schools of the entrance candidates will be given in next week's issue. The marks of all candidates will be sent out as usual on cards. BAYFIELD. Markt; Name. Obtained Armstrong, Hessie 0 484 Campbell, George 440 Campbell, Maggie E Cook, Charlotte Stirling, Josephine. Keys,Artetims P LairdJohn N McConnell, Robert Peck, Jonathan D Parker, Percy DUNGANNON. Boyle, Oswald Craig, James. Durnin, Brown Sznylie, Joseph. Stothers, Milton Stothers, Ellis Smythe, David Stewart, Willie Wilson, Eben Whyard, Charles Wilson, Andrew, Armstrong, Maggie Duff, Ethel Douglas. Minnie Grafin, Mary Harris, Hattie Henderson, Etta Matthews, Lizzie Milligan, Jessie Reid, Maggie.... EXETER. Anderson, Lily Andrews, Flossie Armstrong, Mary Butt, Laura Clements, Sarah.. Cottle, Maggie Doupe, Lucy E Essery, Retta Fletcher, Maud Gillespie, Etta Morton, Rose Horney, Ada Keddy, Nettie Lawson, Lizzie Lowe, Edith Madge, Ethel Merrill, Annie Northcott, Flora Petty, Nora Quance, Lida Robinson, Lily Russell, Maggie E Slavin, Kate Stewart, Gertrude Thomas, May Weir, Susan S Windsor, Cora Wood, Emily Hagshaw, George Brown, William Borland, Charles Carlisle, Percy Clark, Edwin. Coates, Alfred Campbell, Wilfred Delbridge, Franklin Dow, Gilbert Down, Edgar Duncan, Alexander Horn, Wilbert Huxtable, Russell Lawson, George Moncr'Coleman McArthur, Louis McLaughlin, Willie. Passtnore, Arthur Pickard, Herbert Rollins, Czar. . Southcott, Russell . Spackinan, John Todd, John Treble, Frank Upshall, Charles ...... ...... Weir, James White, Ernest Wood, Vincent, GODERICH. boson, Edits]heson, heson, Stella idges, Laura aigie, Evelyn liott, Greta rrow, Ethel od, Etta aham, Edna ahem, Florence hnston, Myrtlehnston, hnston, Frances ox, SybilI lian, Edith. Lean, Elizabeth. , Donald, Mary wton, May ley, Annie ce, Mary Gri n, Jenie Ac Ac Br Cr El Fa Ho Gr Gr Jo Jo Kn Malloy, innie Mil Mc Mc Ne Pol Pri Sharman, 1thel Stoddart, Maggie Sutherland, Lexie Tom, Mabel E Tighe, May ,Tye? Elias Vivian, Coral Belt, Wilfred. Blackstone, Charles Blackstone, Harold Carrie, Arthur Chisholm, William Courtice, Oliver Courtice, Willie Currie, John W Dickson, Albert Elliott, William Edward, Lincoln Feagan, Everett Fisher, Eddie Gordon, Bert Humber, Maitland Harrison, Reginald Knights, Jethro Linfleld, Alfred McLean, William Masson, Harold Miller, Howard Morris, James Munroe, Fred Newton, Endo Newton, Charles Salkeld, George Varcoe, Charles Varcoe, Bert Wiggins, Harry GRAND BEND. Wallis, Stanley., Whitmore, Samtrel Bullock, Mary Eagleson, Marie Haytee, Sarah A Alice M M9 • • EINTAIL. 423 Cowan, Arnold 487 435 McKay, Alexander 424 Lane, Thomas 479 532 455 529 Baldwin,klcott, FB ranekrtha. 509 537 45455 millpltoeacmLeutinrne,bliyMt:ninah 4 Lenaie172 486 90 Shiells, Portie 469 s ST. HELENS. Borland, Fred... 487 Irwin, William James 519 McMillan, Philip , 549 Miller, William Isaac 425 O'Loughlin, Thomas 451 Smith, Alfred 507 Tennant, John F 540 ZURICH. Caldwell, Benjamin 495 Ellett, Rudolph 447 Kibler, Wesley 435 Torrance, Melvin 503 Bonthron, Annie 572 Buchanan, Clara 533 Ballantine, Gertie 444 Ellis, Mattie 501 Nicholson, Pearl 423 Steinbach, Beatrice 492 Swann, Katie 619 Sparks, Isabella 422 Swaze, Susie 475 Suaillie, Emma 462 Thompson, Clare 479 Turner, Annie 4E0 Thonipson, Louise 416 Witvver, Sarah 527 487 447 530 463 470 513 573 464 423 400 462 437 494 497 531 422 433 523 516 462 507 444 504 403 464 499 448 567 461- 405 4.81 465 496 524 431 467 450 576 472 461. 524 501 427 476 521 517 651 452 477 519 474 475 491 421 431 4136, 5f18 482 550 514 503 530 508 585 501 493 443 520 458 4 534 444 517 5..°3 553 504 430 493 524 470 507 535 497 439 433 450 527 430 433 504 489 452 424 578 435 480 423 408 521 451 465 5.57 423 459 502 503 4 14 442 546 503 536 474 585 451 504 467 493 422 484 440 578 507 503 459 475 572 442 502 488 489 489 432 Kenneth Beaton M. McLena?han Nellie Beckett Ada Mainprize 459 Cora .Brandon Dustan McOlymont 510 Norman Brandon Tena McGillivray 478 Euphemia Deacon Frank McGuire 487 Agnie Endes Mabel Naylor 423 Clara Garbutt J Wesley Pearen 440 David Graham AnnieRitchie EAST HURON. We give below the names of the suc- cessful eandidates at -the recent public school leaving and entrance exami- nations. In deference to the opinion of the teachers of East Huron, as ex- pressed at the last Teacher's Conven- tim held at Seaforth, the marks are not published. The marks have, how- ever, been sent to every pupil who wrote. A higher percentage of candidates passed this year than usual, owing to the fact that the papers were very reasonable, and that teachers have made a deter.nined and succhsful effort to keep back pupils who were not sufficiently advanced to write suc- cessfully. Good penmanship -and neatness of putting down answers on paper were the most pleasiug characteristics of this year's entrance and leaving exami- nations.—These remarks do not apply to some outside candadates. - The Inspector wishes us to.convey.to . the teachers his thanks for so r ordially falling in with his wishes as regards penmanship, neatness tsf work and the keeping back of the weaker candidates. Tne almost universal use of the verti- cal system has done much to improve the penmanship of the pupils;_care shoivd, however, he taken to prevent the vertical from degenerating into back hand. The post cards containing the marks of candidates at public school leaving and entrance examinations, and the certificates of the successful entrance candidates were mailed on the 22nd of July. The certificates of those who passed the leaving will he sent as soon as furnished by the Education Depart- ment, sometime in November. CL1NroN. PUBLIC SCHOOL LEAVING. A. E, Aikenhead Robert Anderson Alfred Atkinson W. S. Baird D. S. Bell M. E. Britton Geo Campbell Sand. Carnochan Harriet Dale E. M. Erratt Cora Ferguson Aletha Foster T.W.Fotheringham Hilda A.Fowler L. E. Graham L. P. Grant Addison John J. A. McCloy Lizzie McEwan P. P. McKenzie Maggie McLennan A. f. McNevin Kezia Mills 0. W. O'Neil Richard Proctor S. L. R. Riley Hugh Taylor Wm Thorn'son Maggie Wi.lison ENTRANCE RTANDING ON P. 8. L. J. D Aitchison Edith Fair R. J. Blake H. M. R. Riggin W. S. Broadfoot Nellie McGonigl Annie May Butt Gilbert Sinclair Grant Caldwell ENTRANCE. Mira Brown Ilobt Ora% ;re d Olvettie Brigham Robt Cole Annie Baer ' H. G. Evans Lucy,Brewer Henry Ebel hardt Dollie Canlelon N Fitzsimons Charlotte Carttr •J. F. Gibbins Clara Cousins Arthur Huck Edith Huller John Innes Katie Hart Harry Irwin Maggie Hunter Robert King Edith Hodgens Harry Latta, Mamie Houston George P,IcLennan Clara Holmes 0 McMordie Ethel Herman Robin Macpherson Mabel H. Huck J. R. Middleton Mary McEwan 51 Millyard Jeanie McGregor T. Mustard Mabel McLean A. C. Mustard Mina Middleton C. Mogridge Alice Render Calvin Newell Mary R Ross George Porter Maud Scott • Geo i'ybus Francis Sturdy N. D. Ross Herbert Alexander Louis Smith Eldred Archibald Harold Steep Jerome Badour W. Tebutt John 0 Bell George Twitchell Alex. D. Baird Rabt. Watson El W Cook Archie Weir H. Mcl... Chesney Willie Whitely WINGHAM. PUBLIC SCHOOL LEAVING. m.• 4.JITODD, Meter *"d Ourpor WHOLE NO. 924 - Gladys Memoirs Bert Ross Milton Elocnuth Minnie Ross James W Kerr Alex Stewart ENTRANCE STANDING ON P.O. L. Mamie Livingstone ENTRANCE. Maggie Allison Maggie Tibbs Ethel Bray Jessie Gannett Mary Cowden Maude Higgins Emily Davidson Walter El Burgess Jennie Dey Herbert, Campbell Alice Duff Bert Chapman Annie Ellis John Uungingham Maude Forbes Charles Deans Vida Hiscocks Peter Fisher Annabelle, Jobb Percy Gifford Birdie Kent .Andrew Gray Etta Kerr - Scott Gordon Lena Livingstone Donald Halliday Nellie Murray John Isbister Jessie McDonald Win. J. Knox Minnie McLaren George Lawrence Almeda McLean Edgar McGuire Annie Oliver Hartley Patterson Alice Park John Reading Lizzie Robertson Thos. E. Robinson Nellie Rosa Fred Rush Maggie Smith Jos Stewart Mabel Thomas Herman Wightman BLYTH. PUBLIC SCHOOL LEAVING. Amy Elder Isaac Quinn Wm. King Lillie Scandrett Ella Metcalf Dora Stewart Rachael Quinn ENTRANCE. J. C. Armstrong Kate McLean Franklin Carr Bernice Moore Peter Douglas Lizzie Nevins May Gardhouse Aggie Robertson Edna Hamilton Edith Rogerson SEAFORTH. PUBLIC SCHOOL LEAVING. M. Beattie Fanny McClure Violet Simpson Lizzie Murdie ENTRANCE STANDING ON P. S. L. Eva C. Anderson Wm. Anderson Clemtnie Case Wm. Collins Henrietta Cash Wilkie Collins Jennie Flannigan Wm. Gillespie • Nellie Tagney Arthur McLean Tessie Lamb Thos. Ryan Tessie Latimer Melvin Scott Dottie Wright Frank Sills Bertha Witt Joseph Stevens ENTRANOE. David Hannah Mary Finlayson Seymour Hill Elsie Fowler R. Johnston Lenna Govenlock L. J. Kyle Violet Hill George Lynch N. A, Holland E. Molyneaux Lizzie Lawrence John Mcllroy Maud Laidlaw J. McKenzie A N Martin Geo McKenzie Mary McDougall Fred Neelin Teresa O'Mahony D. Rannie Katie Prendergast Peter Rannie A C Routledge F. Storey Lena Sproat Minnie Best 0 Townsend A. E. Broadfoot A. W. Walker Maud Carlin Addie McTavish BRUSSELS. PUBLIC SCHOOL LEAVING. Ida Bosman Maud Paul May Deadman Willie Ainley Edna Dennis Herbert Dennis Bella Laidlaw Duncan McLaughlin Lizzie Leatherda.Ie ENTRANCE STANDING ON P. S. L. Louise Bielby Jess Burkholder Tilde, McRae Frank Cloakey Helen Pomeroy R Maunders ohn Blake David McNair ENTRANCE ena Baeker Edward Bryans inie Cardiff Wm Cameron Maggie Cantelon Ivan Crooks aggie Davies Willie Grieve Samuel Lamont S. H. Mitchell Lorne McKelvy Alex McKelvy Thos McRae Alex McTaggart Garfield Vanatone Lyon Pipe Tommy Welsh Herbert Wheeler Robert Wright WROXETER. PUBLIC SCHOOL LEAVING, . M. Akins Wm. P. Moore Bremner Ella Mulvey . N. Campbell J. M. McKee lin Darling Adella M. Nay . C. Harris Sanol. Richardson . 0, Mitchell H. G. Simmons ENTRANCE STANDING ON P. S. L. T. Dustow Jessie R. Rae an Inglis L V J M Lilian Dobson Hattie Downing Lizzie Downing Ethel Kendall Alfie Kirkby Bessie McDonall Maggie Youill Bella McKinnon Nellie Putman Ella Scott Annie Welsh E F. M Jo W W T. Je ENTRANCE. W M Aylesworth Wm Rae - Cecil Day ,W. Weldon Thos Ferguson E. V. M. Chittick D. M. Fraser E. J. Cummer G. T. Gemmil Irene Eagleson Win. Hestia Alberta Evans H. Hazelwood M. K. Gunne H. A. Hamilton E. M. Mulyery Wm. A. Higgins Ellen McEwan, A. M. McKersie M. E. McLeod A. E, McTavish Mary Scott Herman Morrison Ellen Thynne L. McEwan FORDWICII, . ensue scgoor, LEAVING. Wm. Becker Jane Padfield Louis Mahood Blyth Wilson Martha Millen ENTRANCE STANDING ON P. S. L. Janet Cook Victor Wiggins Frank Donaghy ENTRANCE. Fred. C. Becker Wm, J. Wilson Lewis B. Cook Alma Cooper Wm. F. Downey Amy M. Donaghy Arthur A. Dobson Mabel L. Irwin Herbert Mahood Clara L. Millen George Peel ?diary Walker Robert F. Strong Jennie Wafters Robt. A. Spotton Elizabeth Tonng 1t7 4. .a•