The Huron News-Record, 1896-07-15, Page 51 • For 2 years every ounce Of Our pure Cream of Tartar Baking Powder has heeu sold on a guar- antee to give satisfaction or we would re- fund the nioney paid for it. Though hun- (1 reds uf pounds have been sold during that time not one com- plaint has reach- ed us but instead many words of praise froth the hent housekeep- ers in the com- munity. VOt'lt good opinion also is wanted. 1 pound tin 25c., pottud tin 15c. This • is the Season for Wilson's or Hire's Root Beer (Singer- Beer, Ideal Root Beer or Lemonade tablets, Lithe Juice or Wild Cherry Bever- age. Allen 86 Wilson, OPTIGIA\ J. B. Rumbal!, The Leading Jeweler. Our Goods are the Best in the Market and our Prices the Lowest. n^11tpal Telephone Exchange. _ Y.94 Pasture to Let. Horses and Cattle taken into pasture. Good fences, plenty of shade, water and salt. No Barbed wire. Apply to C. MASON at Staple- ton or to M. Glew, of Orange Hall, I-iullett. Manitoba Excursions, JUNE 30 JULY 7, JULY 21. `�FARE$28.®oai Through Coupon tickets issued and baggage checked to destination. For all pai titulars apply to Ili! JAG WWit TOWN A AGENT, G. T. R. APPEAL FROM THE COURT OF .REVISION. GODERICH TOWNSHIP. Take notice that a Court to hear the appeals from the Court of Revision for the Township of Doderieh will hold its sitting in the Court House, In the Town of Goderich, before His Honor Judge Masson Senior Judge of the County of Huron, on Wednesday, the 15th day )f July, A. D. 1896, commencing at 1I o'clock A. M., for the purpose of hearing and rectifying all complaints against or errors on the asscss- menl roll of the present year. All parties inter- ested are requested to attend. NIXON STURDY, Clerk of the said municipality. Gotlerich Township, June 30th, 1896. 1NTED--Throe General Agents for a block oCounties; also five canvassers for each. thing, and those who get territor- ial right will bo in luck. Can aleo employ several bright ladles at their own homes. 'firs HIt.tot,ICY-GARRIcTSOV Co., LTD., 49 Richmond St. West, Toronto, Ont. FALL TERM, SEPT. 1st. —BTRAVFOBD, ONT.,— (Inly- ono kind of business education given to onr students and that "the best." Young poo - de must get a business education if they wish succeed. Business men aro constantly in neer) of well trained office assistants. Write for new catalogue. W..I. /ELLIOTT, Principal, WA VTED-Old Eatab11rl1ted wholesale House wants one or two honest and industrious representatives for this section. Can pay a hustler about $12.00 a wook to start with. DItAwl(R 29, Brantford, Ont. Property For Sale. A CHANCE FOR GARDENERS. Io consequence of my age and lack of help, I bate decided to offer for sale my splendid gardening pro- perty conelsting of ave and a ball sere(' in Clinton, some of the bust land In the county of Huron, Includ. ing bot beds and other neceeeara requirements, There is on the premleee a frame house with °ellare edit and hard water, barn and other outbuildings' The Reynold river adjoins the property. Will Bell et a reasonable price for half sash and balance Reamed re mortgage. As I desire to sell, this Is a chance seldom met with, Apply personally or by letter to the proprietor, JOSEPH ALLANSON, 884-t. f. Clinton WORK FOR MEN AND WOMEN. We pay 88 tom per weak for eaey home work. Child Lien do It. No Scheme, Hooka or Peddling Thin le bona Ade. Send stamp for work and particu- lars et once. THE SEYMOUR SUPPLY CO., Manon 10 Temple, Camden, N.J. 911.yly. Rheumatism Cured Ina Day. --South American Rheumatic Cure, for Rheu- matism and Neuralgia, radically cures in 1 to 8 days. Its action upon the 8y8- te.n is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the cause and the dis- ease immediately disappears. The first dose greatly benefits. 75 cents. Sold by Watts & Co. There died at Glendive, Montana, on the 20th of June, Alex. Lewis, in the 61st year of his age. Deceased was a resident. of Exeter some fifteen years ago. Heart failure was the cause of death. DO YOU .DYE COTTON AND 11 0CED GOODS. The only household dyes that make perfect, bright and uufeding colors in dyeing Cottons and Mixed Goods, are the Diamond Dyes. 'Phase popular dyes grye colors that will nut wast mut With soap or fade in sunlight. Many of the "Diatumnd" Cotton dyes rue patented, and cannot possibly be used by other dye manufacturers, so if you want satisfactory dyes for Cotton goods of any kind, or for any descrip- tion of Mixed or Union goods, be sure to ask for the [Jimmied Dyes for Cot- ton and Mixed Goods. Refuse all cheap and worthless imi- tations. W. White of Centralia, on the 30th June, cut a field of fall wheat, and on July 1st, John Gilbert, of McGillivray, cut another field. The yield prouri-,. good. Relief in Six Hours. - Distressing Kidney and Bladder Diseases relieved in six hours by the "SOUTH AMERICAN KIDNEY CURE " This new remedy is a great surprise and delight on account of its exceeding promptness in reliev- ing pain in the bladder, kidneys, hack and every part of the urinary passages in reale or female. 1t relieves reten- tion of wafter and pain in passing it id - most immediately. If you want quick relief and cure this is your reule- ci Sold by Watts & Co. The 14 -year-old grandson of Mr, James Balfour, Thames road, near Kirk - ton, was diking a ride round the field on a mower, when he fell. The horses ran away. The lad was caught on the barb -wire fence and dragged along, being completely disembowelled. He was killed and almost cut in two. THINK IT OVER. Have you ever heard of a medicine with such to record of cures as Hood's Sarsaparilla ? Don't you know that Hood's Sarsaparilla, the One True Blood Purifier, has proved, over and over again, that it has power to cure, even after all oche: remedies fail? If you have impure blood you may take Hood's Sarsaparilla with the utmost confidence that it will do you good. HOOD'S PILLS assist digestion. 25 cents. The Toronto Biscuit & Confectionery Company of Toronto has assigned.; A WOMAN'S MESSAGE. CONVEYING WORDS- OF HPE TO THE AFFLICTED, HAD SUFFERED FROM HEART TROUBLE AND LIVER COMPLAINT, WHICH WRECKED HER NERVOUS SYSTEM -IS NOW AS WELL AS EVER. • From the Carleton Place Herald, Truth, it is raid, is sometimes stran- ger than fiction, and in no way has this phrase been better exemplified than in the plain unvarnished state- ment of Mrs W. H. Edwards, of Carle- ton Place, to a reporter of the Herald a few weeks ago. Mrs. Edwards is well known in this town, having lived here for nearly twenty-five years. The story she related we will give in her own words. She said : "In July of 1894 I was taken ill with fever, caused by blood poisoning, and laid hovering be- tween life and death for eight weeks. After the doctor succeeded in breaking up the fever, my heart began to trouble me, jaundice and liver complaint also set in. 1 could not sleep and my nerves were terribly unstrung. During my illness, after the fever left me, 1 was attended by no less than three doctors, but, their medicine seemed of no avail as I lay for months in a terribly emaci- ated condition and never expected to be around again. This state of affairs lasted until about Christmas, when a friend suggested to me to try I)r. Williams Pink Pills. My husband procured a few boxes and 1 then began their use although with but little con- fidence in them. By the time I had used"three truces i began to feel a little better and began to get an appetite. This encouraged Inc to persevere in the use of the pills, and I still continued to improve. I began to sleep well, my heart ceased to bother me and my nervous system which had received such a fierce shock was again fully re- stored. My liver trouble also disap• peered, in fact I because almost a new creature. i now feel as well as I ever did in my life. i have used in all tight Loxes and still continue to take an oc- casional pill if I feel any way depress- ed. Yes, she said, I am thankful to think that 1 tried Dr. Williams' Pink Pills because 1 believe no other medi- cine could have effected such a cure in me and have so effectually built me up. 1 ant perfectly willing that this supple statement of [nine should he published, and hope some poor suff- ering creatoro may see it and he res- tored.to health as I was." 1)r. Williams' Pink Pills make pure, rich blood, thus reaching the root of disease and driving it out of the system, curing when other medicines fail. Most of the ills afflicting man- kind are due to an impoverished condi- tion of the blood. or weak or shattered nerves, and for all these Pink Pills are a specific which speedily restore the suff- erer to health. These pills are never sold in any form except in the com- pany's boxes, the wrapper round which bears the full name "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People." All others are counterfeits, and should always be refused. Get the genuine and be rnade well. PIONEER\ SHIPBUILDER. axor.i MI O U ij URST. Death at Ileaterd or cttpt. nosh ChlahoIm, ty Aged 711 Tears -The Early Lieke Craft Which Ile Constructed. Meaford, July l -Captain' Hugh Chisholm, an old and highly esteemed citizen of Meaford, passed peacefully away at noon to -day, aged 72 years. He ttas one of the pioneer shipbuilders and navigators of Canada in his earlier Years, and latterly for nearly a quar- ter uf a century carried on a large mercantile grain and forwarding bud: - fees at Meaford. As a shipbuilder, be built at Purt Credit the first centre- board schooner on the north shore uf Lake Ontario, the Credit Chief. In 1850 he built the steamer Wuddrnan at Port Perry, the first- steamer on Lake Scugog and adjacent lakes. He was master of the vessel for three years, plying between Purt Perry, Lindsey and Fenelon Falls. For the ul i Nut ih- eru Railroad Company he built in (854 the steamer J. C. Morrison, named af- ter the late Judge Morrison. She wee a palatial steamer for those days aid oust 560,000. She ran on Lake Slmcoe. The old Lake Simcoe favorite steamer, Emily May, owned by the late Capt. May, was built t'y the deceased at Belle Ewart, Captain Chisholm was part owner and master of the steamer Her Majesty, the first steamer to make direct trips from Toronto to Halifax. A few years ago he built the City or Parry Sound, of the N.S.N. Company. now running between Collirgwood and North Shore ports. Deceased was e brother of Mr. K. Chisholm, ex-M.L.A., Brampton. Interment tikes place at St, Vincent Cemetery, near Meaford, on Wednesday next. NO PLACE FOR OUR GIRLS, Archdeacon Lauder Attacks the Public School System in the Ottawa Synod -Some Strong Language. Ottawa, July .-(Special.)-At the opening of the First Diocesan Synod of Ottawa this evening Archdeacon Lau- der spoke out emphatically in favor of a general agitation for further religi- ous instruction in the Public schools. He condemned the present system as tending towards unbelief, criticlztd the Practice of co-education of the sexes and praised the Church of Rome for her vigilance In the matter of religious education of the young, As to the pre- sent Public school system, he said the provision fora boys is fairly good, but that for girls Is discreditable. Many parents, rather than send their girls there, are sending them to Homan Catholic convents, and, he continued, " I raise my voice against the expos. ure of our children to the craftiness of an alien church. It la denied, I know, that Protestjnt children are Influenced away from the faith of their fathers, but, while this may not be done open- ly, It is certainly done by insinuations of the most beguiling kind." THE KING OF ANTICOSTI. MI1Leaalre llenler lifts No Idea of Defiling the Laws of Canada -Ills Rule. for Governing. Fox Bay, Anticosti, July .-M. Men - ler, the French millionaire wno pur- chased the Island of Anticosti states In the most positive terms that he had not only never pretended to nave au- thority In the matter of the three -tulle limit, forbidding all fishermen to fish within that area, but he had not even thought of do.ng to. He admitted that he had refused t t give certain rough characters, who ars nshermen, permis- sion to land on his island, but justified Ws act by declaring that, as sole owner of the property, he had the right unaer the law to do so. M. Menier, to support his position, xuotes the rules and regulattins he nas established as a piivate citizen rur the management of his property, as fol- lows : The Island of Anticosti is private property, a dependency of the Province of Quebec, and govt rned by the laws of Canada and of this province. The Inhabitants of this island, who can only reside there by regular permission, must agree to submit to um regula- tions for the government of the Island and all other rules of administration which are herein :et forth. The rules then follow. In brief, they provide that no one can live, conduct bus'nees or any lndust:y or profession un;es+, having first obtained the con- sent of the administration of the is- land, such permission being at all times r vo,able. There can ne no 1m- poit)dens or exportations except through the regular channels of the administration and by its vessels. The us( of alcoholic beverages Is prohibited. The p, ssession of firearms, except by permission, Is forbidden. The hunting and killing of game is not permitted, nor is fishing In the rivers, estuaries or lakes of the island. The possession of navigating craft la only permitted by authority. All births, marriages and deaths taking place on the island must be reported to the administration, that these statistics may be properly recorded. 'The dis- covery of minerals must be at once re- ported to the administration. All Interments must be In places spe- r.lally at apart for that purpose. The appearance of contagious diseases must he immediately reported to the admin- istration, and all persons on arriving at the island must be vaccinated. The privilege of sea fleeing Is reserved. Such fishing will be carried on unaer regulations which will give the Inhabi- tants their complete rights, and will at the same time be a source of pro- fit to them. For the purpose of pre- venting forest fires and the needless destruction of timber the burning of trees, grass, etc., Is forbidden. The heads of families are responsible for the public derelictions of their child- ren, minor relatives and employes. All trfractlnna of these regulations will be considered grounds for the revocation of permission to remain on the Island. Cont'nuing, M. Menier said : " I pur- chased the island of Anticosti with (very Int, ntlon of respecting the laws cf Canada In all details. There need not he the slightest fear that I shall not do so. But I have private rights as a property -owner. and I shall in- sist uron Enforcing them." B. H. Stanley Rae a Relapse. London, July .-Henry M. Stanley, the African explorer and member of Parliament for North Lambeth, who has been 111 for several weeks with gastritis, suffered a relapse last night, and is now lying In a critical condition. 4ntlennl F.dneatlonal Convention. Buffalo, N.Y., July '.-The Canadian arrivals at the National Educational Convention headquarters to -day were: 0. H. 5, Robertson of Toronto, U. J. Wray of Lindsay, Maas L. C. Bell of Hamilton. it Was Accompanied by Loss of Llre- Dynmge at dloandevllle *1100,000- 1tatlway Bridges Wrecked. Bellaire, Ohio, July .-A cloudburst occurred Early this morning In this seetlon, doing great damage to pro- perty. Sheep, horses and cattle were drowned ; trestle work and bridges and s• ven houses, with contents, and the large canning and preserving works of MLMlllan Bros. were awef't away by the high water In Wegee Creek. Further Damage Done. Wheeling, W.Va., July ',-Thi storm which passed uver this vicinity last night was particulariy severe. The two Baltimore & Ohio Hallway bridges across Wheeling Creek at this place wt re badly damaged. The creek is out of its banks, and bulldlugs and crops have been washed avi ay. Toru 11. & 0. Railway bridges across (;rove Creek have ben swept away, as has also 400 yards of track at the Narrows. At Moundsville the farm house of James Barry was washed away. Mrs. Barry and daughter were drowned. .An estimate of the damage reported exceeds 1200,000. A later despatch states that just be- fore noon to -day a portion of the Bal- timore & Ohio Railway passenger station at Wheeling was swept away by the flood In 'Wheeling Creek. A. number of cars standing In the depot at the time were lost. A TRIPLE MURDER. Frank 1:ur.•off, '41' re and Daughter Sup. posed to (lave nein Attacked- Rob- bery Not the Object. Palmyra, N.Y., July ',-The little vil- lage of Marion, four miles north of this place, is excited this morning oa er what may prove to be a triple murder or a case of double murder and suicide. This morning the neigh- bors, noticing no stir around the house of Frank O,,Murdoff, broke open the door and found Mr. and Mrs. Mur - doff stretched out upon a bed, with their throats cut. Life was not ex- tinct, but they are both unconscious. Search being made for their daughter, she was found in bed, unconscious from some drug, supposed to be chloro- form. There had bet n nothing stolen, apparentlS, from the house, se the rubbery and murder theory does not seem plausible. Mr. Murdoff seemed to be a happy man and had no finan- cial troubles. If he regains consclous- ntss the mystery can be solved. VIII A BLACK Brl.URR KILL DEB? How a Little Tot In London Died From Blood Poisoning Y London, Out., July ,-Rachel Newell, the 2 -year-old daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Hugh Newell of 525 Ontario -street, died a.t 5 o'clock this morning of blood poisoning. A week ago Friday the little tot came run- ning Into the house, and partly removing the stocking frorn the right foot, called at- tention to a white blister on the ankle, which she said had been caused by a bite. Everything possible was done to save the child's life, but It was of no avail. The bite is supposed to have been made by a black spider. New Government in Prete. New York, July '.-A special to The Herald from Athens says : A meeting of Cretans, deputies and chiefs, was held yesterday for the nomination of members of the revolutionary govern- ment In a village in the Prevlpce of Apokorona. The greatest enthusiasm prevailed. The members of the new Provisional Government, amid the greatest excitement, took oath not to cease the struggle until they had ob- tained either complete autonomy or annexation by Greece. r Run Into by' n Train. Kingston, July .-This afternoon the K. and P. Railway express ran Into a rig on Montreal -street, seriously In- juring William Perrett, a young man. Two others, W. M. Wellbanks and George Walker, were slightly hurt. The horse escaped. The rig was smashed. The parties were driving very smartly when the accident oc- curred. A farmer halted up his horse in time to save himself. Earthquakes in Cyprus. Constantinople, July ',-Advices re- ceived here from the island of Cyprus say that severe shocks of earthquake have occurred throughout the island. and that the inhabitants of the town Of Llmosal and Larnaca have deserted their houses and taken refuge in the open fields, where they are living in tents. Capt. ?Viborg Goes to Prison. Philadelphia, July • .-J. H. S.Wlborg. the late captain of the steamer Horses. whose conviction for engaging In an alleged Cuban filibustering expedition was affirmed by the United States Su- preme Court, surrendered himself In the United States District Court here to -day for the purpose of completing his sentence of one year and four months. This afternoon he was taken to the Eastern Penitentiary. Death of a Woman Philanthropist. Mount Vernon, N.Y., July '.-Mrs. Nancy Howe Lockwood, aged 70 years, one of the beat -known members of the Women's Chrlattan Temperance Union In New York State, died at her residence In this clty last night. Mrs. Lockwood was born In Albany and was one of the founders of the Five Pointe Mission In New York. BLAZE AT UNION, B.C. Fire Destroys the Williams Block and Three Other Honses-Loss 1010,000- Fighting Bnah Fires. Union, B.C., July -.-Fire yesterday destroyed the Williams Block on Third - street, three other houses belonging to Leon Hart and F. W. Williams, end a small cottage, the property of A. D. Willlama, the owner of the block. The loss, which will amount to 110,000, Te partially covered by insurance. Bush fires threaten Grant & Com- pany'.: new sawmill. on Courney-road. Fifteen men were employed all night in fighting the fire, and managed to save the property. Death of a U.S. Minister. Washington, July 1. -The State De- partment received a telegram this morning announcing the death In New York of Pierce M. B. Young of Geor- gia United States Minister to Guate- mala. Drowned In Two Feet of Water. Pembroke, Ont., July (-A young man named Fitton was drowned In the Ottawa River here this evening. He was subject to Ata, and It Is supposed while In one be Nil off the crib he was unloading and was drowned. The water was only two feet leap where the accident occurred. Bicycles and Cyclists' Supplies. We make a specialty cf Sundries of every description, We handl* good wheels and know that they are good, A dry goods clerk can sal dry goods, but it takee'a machinist to ,pair a Bike. All our work is done bypractioal machinists. See our Eclipse, they stand the teat, you can't break em. You can't wear em out. The Onward Bicycle Co., Clinton. OPPOSITE NIAIIKET SQUARE. OOL WANTS a A C. DUFTQN, formerly of the Woollen Mills, Lon- don, has opened a Store and Office on ALBERT STREET, CLINTON (near Fair's grist mill,) and will pay the Ilighest_Cash Price for WOOL or will exchange for WOOLEN GOODS 1 such as Tweeds, Flannels, Blankets, Yarn and Ready -Made Suits. (SPINNING AND MANUFACTURING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. We guarantee the very best value. It will be to your advantage to bring your Wool to Clinton. A. C. DUFTON, HOT WEATHER COM- FORT AND HEALTH. PAINE'S CELERY COMPOUND MAKES LINE HAPPY AND ENJOYABLE. The hurry, worry, bustle and excite- ment of modern life in business circles and society, is producing untold mis- ery in our midst. We see the results in nervousness, prostration, insom- nia, mental depressio$ and dyspepsia. Theile- troubles are developed to an alarming extent during the intolera- ble heat of Eutnmer. It is then that thousands are thrown on beds of sickness and suffering. For the benefit of such as are now suffering, we confidently recommend Paine's Celery Compound as an un- failing and sure health -giver. It strengthens the nervous system, quick- ly purifies the blood, and gives that sweet and regular sleep that, conduces to permanent health. When dyspep- sia is the bane of life, Paine's Celery Compound strengthens the stomach, and acts as a tonic and stimulant to all the organs of digestion. The great medicine gives clearness of brain and intellect; it gives that vita, snap and energy of disposition that is required in the workshop, office, countinghouse, and in the home circle. It makes the weak strong, by bracing up unstrung nerves, building up flesh, bone and muscle. When Paine's Celery Com- pound is used in summer, every trace of disease is Fanished, and every pre- vailing pestilence and plague is (void- ed. Much sympathy is felt. for Mr. and Mrs. Luke Fortune, of the heron road east, Tuckerstnitn, on account of the death of their youngest daughter, Miss Mary Etruria. Tltis sad event took place on Friday week last. She was neer lv 20 years of age, and was, until last fall, a robust, healthy person, hilt she caught a severe cold, which settled ori her lunge and ultimately turned into consunsption. What, you want when you are ailing is a medicine that will cure you. Try Hood's Sarsaparilla and he convinced of its merit. There were registered with the clerk of McRillop, during the last six mohtha, 0 deaths between the ages of ori and 104 years, and (3 deaths between tile. ages of 18 and 3111 years; the averag- es of the 9 were 80 years. THE MODERN KNIGHT. These are certainly not the days of chivalry and romance: of long h)Lired poets and clinging females. The tend- ency is toward the practical and even the inventions nowadays are mostly objects of utility, something which saves time and gives comfort and ease. We are quick to appreciate and use anything whioh increases our comfort, especially if it he in the way of cloth- ing. Let any body once realize the magnificent healthful warmth which Fibre Chamois will add to his clothing and he will certainly he provided with this inexpensive equipment against all freaks of the weather. This interlining is made from pure spruce fibre and is a complete non-conductor of both heat and cold so that the layer of it through clothing, keeps ant the fiercest winds and preserves the natural heat of the body. We Want To reduce our Stock of READY MADE CLOTHING and in order to do this the prices will be mark- ed down to a figure that will be sure to have the desired result. The Goods are all marked in plain figures :- $10 00 Suits for $8 00 9 00FF 7 20 8 50 680 750 600 700 560 6 00 80 Boy's Suits.-�� $4 50 suits for $3 60 3 75 " 300 3 25 " 260 3 00 " 2 40 2 00 " 160 These prices are genuine Bargains Our Stock of Spring and Summer Suit- ings is complete and are going out fast. A full line of Furnishings, Hats, Caps, &c. A. J. HOLLOWAY, CLINTON. Wanted—An Idea Who can thirst of some Maple thing to patev ai Protect gyon Wrte JOHN WED1ERBURNh COPatent Attor- neys, Washington, D. C., for their $1,800 prise offer and list of two hundred Inventions ,ranted, WEAK MEN If enOoring from Lost Manhood Nervous Debility, Lack of Vigor Emissicnn. 10 days treatment sent free to anyone 'sending ns (Sets, in Postage stamps. STANDARD MEDICAL CO., 246 St. James Street,Montreal AMERIC'A'S GREATEST RAILROAD. Information concerning travel by Rail or Boat to any part of the world can he given you at the C. P. R. Office, Clinton, Excursion to Manitoba, Tues— day, truly 21st, Fare $28. A. T. COOPER, C. P. R. Ticket, Telegraph and Steam- ship agent, Clinton, Ont. LADIES FRIINCH PiLLS. SA fe& Sure. Act in 86 to 48 hours . only female regulator in the abo enge of medicines. By Mail, Price SS 00. STANDARD MEDICAL CO., 246 8t. James Street, Montreal Mrs, Allen McLean, of Lake range, Ashfield, after a lingering illness of a year, succunibed on Wednesday week Inst. from Tung trouble. She lefty es to mourn her loss, a husband and f amily of small children. THEY 1)0 NOT DESPAIR. An utter loss of hope is not c harao- teristtc of consumptives, thou gb no other form of disease is so fatal, unless Re progress is arrested by use of Scott's Emulsion, which is Cod Liver Oil made as palatable as cream. The Wingham Driving Park Asao- eiation will hold their annual rare meet on the 5th and 6th of Au ust. They offer $1800 in prizes. A largae number of the best horses in the coun- try are expected there for the event. Rev. G. W. Andrews, 13. A., of Holrnesville, and Rev. J. W. Andrews of Londeshoro, were the goes is of their brother, (1. W. Andrews of the C. 1'. R., Wroxeter, lest week.