HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1919-09-11, Page 4:ot
Neil ate
Ole elii*inu Abbantt
A. G. SMITH, Editor and Prop,
A, HOodcio Leader
(Toronto Times)
According to present indications the
Dewart party will be (ist.) the smallest in
the next I.egislature and (2nd)the small-
est Ltheral contingent ever sent to Queens
Park. It is very doubtful if Mr Dewart
will he there, as it is estimated that ids
opponent will bezique other than Mayor
* 0
Hearst or Dewart
(me Globe)
It is not too lunch to say that were a
general election in this province a matter
choosiug between Sir William Hearst
and Mr. Dewar t in the light of their per-
sonal attitude toward the liquor traffic.
Liberal prohibitionists would find it dial -
cult to justify opposition to Sir William
Lucknow Labor Day celebration was a
grand suecess, it consisted Of a baseball
tournament, a concert and a dance. The
Arst game of ball was played between
Teeswater. and Lnekuow and resulted in
a win for Luc1itt6W by a scare of
this was rather one.sided as Teeswater.
.wasuot in the sante class. as Lucknow.
The first game- sifter diluter was between
Cargill and Walkerton, these teams are
very evenly Matelied and a good game
was expected but Cargill did not appear
tie be up to theirusual &inn arid lost by a
score of.t3-3.
The final game as then pl tyed. l)e-
teea and Walkerton. This
'WaSa gOod'eitilibitien of ball and neither
teant'szored.uiitil the last of the fifth
when Encicu4succeided in gettiug one
Dirt, Witikerton alien in their half of the
sixth spore three, this ended the scoring
and Walke*Oon, took home the money: .
• At Iright. the 'Liewoc Pierrott Concert
Ce, of Wiuglrinta, put on the concert and
played- to' 5 'crowd ed`house, after wiriph a
dattee'kePt the 'crowd in good humor till
morning... •
Quite a sensation was created here on
SundaY. when it was reported that the
.wild mann whet has been running at large
near Dickie's Hill had been captured,
This did not prove to be the man howev-
this man was noticed by Jas. Webster
just, west of town washing his feet in a
trough belonging to David Stroud. When
Webster approached the man he got -up
and started for Lucknow, Reeve Johns-
ton was nOtified.and he took his car and
went to meet him, oil pretext of giving
. a ride he got him into the car and
took him to.thetown hall, where he gave
his name as David Hyde and his last
place of residence as Goderich Jail, on
learning the facts of the case he was tak-
en back to, Goderich. He was a man of
probably • 50 years of age and clean,
smart, appearance. The man at Dickies
hill is still at large and was seen on Wed-
nesday over on the second concession.
He apparently has no clothing except a
coat and hat as this is all anyone has seen
him wear. He is thought to be a return -
ed soldier sufferiug from shell shock.
On three different days, a posse has been
formed and a search of the swamp round
about Dickies hill has been made but no
sign of the man was seen. As he has
been living for the past two weeks with-
out proper food and no clothiug his con-
dition by this time must be rather serious
With the opening of school several
teachers of town have taken up their
duties at their respective schools. Harry
Alton at Ayton, Steele McKenzie near
Kitchener, Freda Aitcheson at Mafeking,
Laverhe Greer at Langside, Clara Mc-
Quillan at Grey, Kate McDonald at For-
dyce, Dean Geddes at Oil Springs, Mar-
garet MeDiarmid at Paramount.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Carruth celebrated
their silver wedding on Saturday all the
members of their family being home (ex-
cept Fred who was in Detroit) and their
two grand children. A sumptuous sum),
er was served to which ,all present did
juStite. The bride and groom of twenty
five years ago were the recipienta ef
many beautiful and useful presents be-
sides congrathlary telegrams from those
unable to attend.
A monster bell is at the station here to
be ereeted on Calvin Church Si, Helene.
It is a memeriat to soldiers who left St
Helens, and has tht names of all inscribed
On it
24 Years the same
"good" tea
TE Nis good tel*
Sold only in sealed packages
The brass band has, been engaged to
furnish, music for the sehool fair to he
held at SI. Helens MI the 17th inst.
Messrs Jim tlerungeon, and Harold Al-
len idtended Toronto exhibition last week.
A number from here took in the Grey-
hound excersion ninon them liarold
Durnin, Stanley Burns and Wm Mc-
Mr. and Mrs W. j. Davidson are in
London this weir.
Miss Winnie Gordon has returned from
a visit to Owen Sound
Mr. and MrSt. 1N'hitley are in London at
the exhibition.
Win Huston W. MeKendriek, los Me.
Clime, Frank atid Bogette, with Mrs.
Boguee and clutighter Marjory came up
on the 0rt3hottte.1 from Detroit end visit
ed here
Rev. Mr Bell representingili. I) lulu—
ion Alt UI'' preaeleel in t li i yr,,-;;; n
*church, In the teeming and the Nieteed.....1"
Chute -h at eight
The 'pipe' baud ittt e piaying :
ehimsh on Lab ,r 11.-ty fict ored the town
with afew selection, ellen they • retrrned.
The musie wasnuteh uppreeia desp,te.,
the -late:hoer.
priZe lis: of the fall rtit• is out and
anyone may have a copy by applying to
J. It.,'Agnew 'I his will be the filth odd-
bition held by the Lucknow ,ociety and
every effort is being made to u idea it tLe
best year •
. Alec Reg Barrett of, London is visitirg
in town,
Mt , 1) E. MeMoran spent Fast week in
Mr. J. 11 Cerruti) spent a few days 'a
his rime Mere,
Mr. and Mrs. Carmen fleatoo have gone
to the West where they purpose resid-
Only Tabletswith "Bayer Cross'
are Aspirin—No others !
Miss Mac MeQuaig,who has been visit -
big et her home here for the past two
months returned to her duties in Ching°,
She was accompankl by her mother as tar
as London,
Letters 'To The editor
The columns of The AdvAnce; are
open for short letters to the editor upon
the topics of the day, but we assume no
responsibility for the opinions expressed
by the writers in such communcations.
We also reserve the right to withholo any
If you don't see the ..Bai.er Cross" on
Itis tablets, refuse tIttni—Iliey are not
Aspirin at all,
Your druggist gladly evil! give you the
genuine Bayer Tablets of Aspirin lea
cause genuine Aspirin now ie made by
Canadians and owned by a Canadian
There is peg a eent's worth of German
ittterest in Aspii in nil lights being per -
chased from der 1.1 5 Goias mem.
During the war avid imitations were
weld as Aspii in in pill ad various
other coetainers. Ilut now you can get
genuine Asqii itt 1.11:titt!y StatnpOti Whit the
tatiety • Bayer CI oss`"• /spit -in proved
heft,' by millintot for 'lead:wile, Toottrielie
Eirret-he, Ithenternistit Lumbago, Colds,
Neuritis, mid Pain generally,
Handy tin lioNt,.# of Ii tablets also
larger **Boyle" pai kagee
Aepirin is the irn4/.. Dm' k fieeeiteed itt
callatim or' Wive, Ntoee
aetti, aeidester Natty) brag id
; •
MaS N tree are >90
0,The Matind of Ptclme.plla.:'
gategeitrai •
he Teliii3eionece
Referendum Act, 191
, korai. 10 .
Ontario Election Act, 1919
(Referred to in Section 34)
4.1 r
Notice of Sitting8 of Revieing
Electoral Di?trfifcitC:firl!lortit Huron;
to wit:
Take notice that the list of voters for
Polling Sub -divisions numbered 1, 2, 3, 4,
5 and 6 in the municipality of ,the town-
ship of lIowick; numbered 1 in the mum-
apality of the village a Wroxeter; 1, 2, 3,
4 and 5 in the municipality of the town of
Wingham; 1, 2, 3 and 4 in the inunicipal-
ity of the township of Turnberry; 1 and 2
in the municipality of the village of Blyth;
1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 in the municipality of
the township of Morris; 1,2, 3, 4, 5,0 and
7 in the municipality of the township of
Ashfield; It 2, 3, 4 and 3 in the municipal-
ity of the township of East Wawanosh;
and 1, 2, 3, 4, S and 6 in the municipality
of the township of West Wawanosh, have
been prepared by the enumerator and
have been delivered to the Clerk of this
Board by the Returning Officer,
And his honor Judge Lewis H. Dickson
has been appointed Revising Officer ler
the purpose of hearing eoMplaints and ap-
peals as to the said lists for the Town of
Wingham and the township of Turnberry.
His honor Judge EN. Lewis has been
appointed Revising Officer to -hear com-
plaints and appeals as to the said lists for
the township of Howick and the Village of
D. McDonald, Esquire, has been aP•
pointed Revising Officer for the purpose
of hearing compla'nts and ninvals as to
the said lists for the village of Blyth and
Ute township of 111orrie,
R. G. Reynolds Esquire, has been ao-
pima! Revising Officer for the purpose
of hearieg cmplaints and appeal 3 as to
the said lists for the townchip of Aelifield.
C Seeger. Esquite, has b..co appointed
Revising Officcr for the purpose of hearing
complaints and appeals as LO the said vot-
ers lists for the Townihips of East Wawa -
nosh and West Wawanosh.
And FURTHER take notice that the
&things of the said Revising Officers will
be held as follows;
In the Town Hall, Wingham,- on - the
22nd day of September, 1010, to hear
complaints as to the said voters lists for
the Town of Wingham.
In the Township Hall, Bluevale, on the
23rd day of September, 1919, to hear com-
plaints as' ot the said lists for the township
of Turnberry.
In the Township Hall, Gorrie, on the
22nd day of September, 1019, to hear
complaints as to the said lists for the
township of Howlek.
In the Town Hall, Wroxeter, on the 23rd
day of September, 1919, to hear com-
plaints as to the said lists for the village
of Wroxeter.
In the Township Hall, Ashfield, on the
22nd day of September, 1919, to hear
complaints as to the said voters lists for
Polling Sub -divisions Nos, 1, 2 and 3 in
the said township of Ashfield. ,
In the Township Hall, Ashfield, on the
23rd clay of September, 1919, to hear
complaints as to the said voters lists for
polling sub -divisions Nos. 4, 5, 6 and 7 in
the said township of Ashfield.
In the Industrial Hall, Blyth, on the
22nd day of September, 1919. to hear
complaints as to the said voters lists for
the said village of Blyth:
In the Township Hall, Morris, on the
23rd day of September, 1919, tn hear cora-
plaints as to the said voters lists for the
saidtownship of Morris.
In Ferguson's Furniture Store, Aubbrn,
on the 22nd day of September, 1919, to
hear complaints as to the said voters lists
for the township of East Wawanosh.
In the Township Rail, West Wawanosh
on the 23rd day of September, 1910 to
tear complaints as to the said veters list
for the said township of West Wawanosh,
Eaeh sitting to commence at 10 o'clock
in the forencion
And further take notice that any voter
who desires to tomplairt that the names of
any persons entitled to be entered on the
said lists have been omitted from the same
or that the names of persons who are not
entitled to be voters have been entered on
the lists, may not less than 5 clear days
before the dates fixed for the sittings of
the Revising Officers apply, complain or
appeal to have his own name or the name
of any other person corrected in, entered
on or removed from the said lists.
And further take notice that such ap.
peals must be by notice in writing in the
prescribed form, signed by the complain-
ant and given or left far him at his resi-
dence or place of business, to the Clerk of
the Revising Officer, as follows:
J. F. Groves, Wingham, for the Town ot
Wingharn; Paul Powell. R. R. No. 1
Wingham. for the Township of Turnberry;
C. E. Walker, Gorrit, tor the Township of
Howiek; p. M. McTavish. Wroxeter, for !
the Village of Wroxeter; T. G. Allen Dun.
gannon, for the Township of Ashfield; B.
13 McGowan, /Myth, for the Vil age of
Myth; A., McEwan, Bluevale, for the
Township of Morris; A Porterfield, R R.
1, Belgrave, for' the said Township of
East Wawanosh; W. A. Wilson, Lucknow,
for the said Township of West Wawa -
Lewis II, Dickson,
Cbairtium Voters' Registration Board,
Comity of Huron.
Copies of the voters list May be seen
with the Municipal Clerks, PoStilloaters,
Chief Enumerator Dadley Holmes K. Co
Wingham, the local enumerators for the
polling sulAivisions, the 'members of the
vat ions municipal councils, and with the
C.. Stager,
Clerk Voters' Registration Board,
A startling drama of married infelicity.
A scatling indictment of the morals of
New York's 400.
Lyceum Theatre, Friday and Saturday,
and Saturday matinee. Admission 11c
and 16c.
CanuraVeitattS frsaMEEIMasst Vilna tielt riMaitifflaftSCS WertNigniltaill 111116=111100111blit
We plan to have for sale a few bulk Groceries.
sundown, until Saturday, one.quarter hour after sundown Time this Week:
boarders during this time.
Friday, 7 00 p, m to Saturday, 7 30 p. m. Meals will be served to regular
TAKE NOTE—Will close every Friday evening. one half hour before
PAUL E. VAN NESS, Proprietor.
Special Discount To Regular Boarders.
erisnarnstem casitemanunastaaatua isisstammoss eisimakulassae eassamosams
c a Menge
before the war
5c a Package
during the war
5c a Pacitao
'ASS P111tN
Osteopathic Physieian, tithing II
osteopetti in Noeth Huron;
Adjusttneat of the spine is more quititry
secured- and with fewer tried Skins than
by any other method.
Blood pressure and other examinations
All diseases treated.
OFFICE OVER. C 11111s-aws sraa
Corner Dundee and Richmond', Streets.
Up-to-date courets. Day .and night
classes. J. Merritt, Principal; W. Stone.
house, Vice-principal. Phone patio.
.00.meaustokettuk..00m1.4.1..toota,wseatt.t.o. tp*.tit001,0
To represent
The Old Reliable Foothill
The greatest -demand 'for Nursery
Stock in years.
ESritieb and European Mtarkete agairt
open for Qanadian
Largest list of Fruit and. Ornamet:aal
Stock, Seed Potatoes, etc, grown In
Write for particulars
Stone & Wellington
Established 1837
- I
Doesn't hurtl Lift any corn or
dallus off with fingers
Don't suffer! A tury bottle of
Preezone costs but a few cents at any
drug store. Apply a few drops on the
corns, calluses and "hard skin" on bot-
tom of feet, then lift them off, •
Wh 'n Freezone removes corns front the
toes or calluses from the bottom of feet,
the skin beneath is left pink and healthy
and never sore, tender or irritated.
Mitut Naylor end Miss McKinny Tor.
onto, who ewe up to attend the McGee.—
Naylof wedding at St. Helena are visiting
the former's timer, Mrs. Cho. Bell.
lYtils A Claire 51 eKInny
Torsoto ;1 %dolling Mrs. Chas. Dell
Daylight Saving Time
London .... .... 7.30 a. m. 3.20 p. m.
Tozonto and East 6.10 a. in. 3.10 p. m
Kincardine 12.20 p. rn. 9.30p.m
Kincardine 6,15 a in. 3 10 p. m.
London 12.05 p. m. 7.45 p. m.
Toronto and East 12.20 p. m. 9.30 p. m.
W. F. Burgman, station agent, Wingham
H. B. Elliott, Town Agent, Wingham
Toronto and East 6,40 a. m. 3.00 p. m.
Teeswater ........1.04 p. m. 10.32 p.m.
Teeswater 6.40 a. m. 8.00 p m
Toionto and East 1.04 p. m. 10.20 p. m
J. H. Beemer, Agent, Winghatn.
J. W. MeXibbon, Town Ticket Agent.
West Wawatiosli Council
Ittigular ineeting of COttncil
Nil' 22 MO, Members all
Reeve Bailie preeiding.
MineleS Of htst meeting read and ap-
proved on motion by Councillors Portion .
and Young. Reeve Bailie reported that a
satisfactory settInnent had been eleeted
in the matter of the Lakilaw water vourse
also the Campbell and Alteheson proposed
Dissatisfaction as To the price paid for
gravel . by alie Municipatity Itk baying
arisea it was agreed on motion by Messrs.
Young arta Ptirclon that 12ic be paid in
fitture, .
By-Lew:No. 3 1019, was read a third
time and passed, this hy-law provides for
the read justment of polling Sub Divisions
'in East Wawanosh as follows. .,
P. 5 1? No 1 polling place Dungann.
on ' Lot 13 to )0 inelusive Con. 1 Lot 18
to 20 inclusive Con '2 and II Lots 13 to 21
inclosive Con 4 and 5. Lots.13 Con 0 and
p, s. 6, 'No 5. Polling pla.ce Manchest•-
er. Lot 11 to 27 inclueive Con. 1. Lots
21 to 27 inclusive Con 3 and 3. Lots 22
to 27 inelusive Con 4 Lots , 26 and 27
Con 5,
P. S. D. No 3 Polling place Township
Hall. , Lotsl4 to 21 inclusive Con 6 and 7.
Lots 13 to gi inclusive Con 8 and 9,
P 8 0 No 4 Polling place St. Helens
Lots 13 (0 27 inclusive Can 10 anti 'IL
P. S. D. No 5. Polling place 1%1 4 10 Con
33 Lots '13 to 27 inclusive Con. 12
'and 13 Lot e 14 to 27jecitisive Can 14,
P. 5, n. rio a, Polling plaee St, -Augus-
tine Lots 52 to25 ini-lusiiie Con. 5 I,ots
22 to 25 ineltetive Con a 7. 5, 0
It wifi be notired tint there is s'x poll
ing places now instead of five. at farmer -
1.Y. . • .
J 8 Yattng Drain By Law as ametkl-
ed by order of His honor judge 15icktion
was read a second and third 'tim'e and
Motion by M- stret• Purdon and, Johnston
that a rite of two mills on the .$ be levied
and collected for Municipal perposes.
Accts to the amount of $191-30 were
passed ati,id, paid.
COpneilsnelj to meet Sept. 10 et 1 p.,
Special' meeting. of Council held on
July, 4 1919. Members all present Reeve
Bailie preelding.
Thle'm4iing was called for the pur-
pose of the following by-laws. Motion
by CouncillorJohnston and Purclon that
the Kirk Drain By -Law now ammended
as orderedhy His Honor Judge Dickson
be read a third time aod passed—Castile
By -Lew No 4. 1919 .which provides for
the several rates to be levied and collect-
ed for -all purposes of the Municipality on
or before the 14th day of Dec, 1910," was
read three times and passed.,
The above date Sept. 16 is found to
conflict with Goderich Exhibition Coun-
cil will meet Sept. 9 at 1 p it.
UT, A. Wilson, Clerk,
held tilt
Gorrie October 4
Atwood, Sept. 22-23
Blyth... Sept. 22-23
Brussels Sept. 16-17
Dungarinon Oct. 1-3
Exeter Sept. 15-16
Goderich Sept 15-16-17
Harriston.... Sept, 25-26
Kincardine Sept. 18-19
Listowel Sept. 18-19
London Sept. 6 to 13
Lucknow Sept, 25-26
Mildmay Sept. 15-16
Ripley . Sept. 23-24
Seaforth Oct, 18 19
Teeswater Sept, 30 -Oct. 1
Winghani.... (Last and best) .. Oct. 8-9
Chiropractic Drugless ,Ilealing accur-
ately toe -ales and removes the cause of
disease, allowing nature to restore health,
J. A. FOX D.., D.O.
Osteopathy Electricity
Member Drugless Physicians Assoeia-
boo of Canada.
—Phone 101—
For immediate s ale, a
complete small farm, near
Wingham. Good buildings,
well watered, l'UtIti mail,
telephone and a fine grow
lig crop.
Will be sold either with
or without the crop. Best
of reasons for selling. Easy
terms. Apply to
itt,tiranct. and Real Rstate
Successor to Ritchie & Cosenr,
Ingham, • Ontario
CA e tkive.gl
Sprinkle Cane Viola over your
straw, old hay, corn stover, fod-
der, ensilage, softening% etc.
geduces cost of feeding.
is 100% Pure Cant Molasses and
not a Prepared Stock Peed.
Makes more inlik at less cost.
lituttela flesh faster,
iteeps stock healthier.
Sold In strong iron -hooped barrels, 66011,
net eitebk at it very reasonable prite,
vyi aiIlI mot yen atm
&midst CO eixrt
adult. On eeanoinlani
winded eviorywneme.
'-Write aultk
OP CAN/MA.11/01ml
. _
Sept, Mill iiII
Arrivals of New
We have just passed into stock a shipment of
Ladies' Fall and Winter Coats.
Our range comprises coats for Ladies, Misses
and children in all the popular and fashionable ma-
terials and correct styles moderately priced. We
invite your inspection.
ltaineOaltS—That are satisfactory in quality, style
and price. We have the "Duktex Brand made of
pretty tweed effect patterns, guaranteed water-
proof and will give excellent service.
Sweaters—Our fall range comprises an assort-
ment of smart new styles in'Pullovers and Sweat-
er Coats. All the newest shades and. color com-
binations are here at popular prices.
Top Skirts—Another sliipment of silk poplin
skirts to hand, See our special skirt at $5,00.
en's Store
What about your new. fall suit or overcoat.
ShipMents of Me'n's and ,-Uoys' Clothing are
now coming in. Take a look at our FITE-RITE
and BACHELOR SUITS. Our new styleih fancy
English worsted effects will interest you.
E.Isard & Co.
Methodist Church Anniversary mill be
held Sundayand Monday Sept. 14 and 25,
Rev. H B Parnaby, Ph. 13., of Elmville
a fortner pastor, will preach on Sunday at
11 a. in. and 7 p. m. Special music by
the choir in the morning rind by a double
Male Quartette from, Brussels and Wing -
barn in the evening. Z. grand concert
will be held Monday evening. H. B.
Piercy, the talented Elecutionist, of Niag-
raPalls, Prof. Cowell, Frank Hill and
others, of Wingharn, will give vocal and
instrumental numbers, and an A 1 time is
Anniversary services will be held in
'the Methodist church on Sunday Sept,
14th, Services will commence at 11
a. m. and 7p. m. Rev. 'H. /3. P. Par-
naby Ph. B., Elreville will be the preach-
er. Special music will be rendered by the
choir in the morning and by a double
male voice quartette in the evening.
Everybody invited.
On the Monday evening following a
grand concert will be given in the church.
The principal artist will be Herbert
Piercy, Elocutionist, Niagara Palls, Mr,
nervy is a pleasing entertainer and a
rare treat is ensued Program will com-
mence at 8 o'clock sharp
• r.......ken•MVOI••.I•WiaIMM.IMNVMII4
Winnera at Toronto.
• P. Arkell arid Son of Teeswater carried
off the most of the prizes at the Toronto
Exhibition with their flock of Oxford
Downs, against a showing of nearly one
hundred.,entries in the same class. The
entries and prizes are as follows:
Aged' ram 1st and 2nd; Yearling
Ram. lst, 2nd, and 4th; Ram Lamb, lst
and 2nd; Champion Ram: Aged Ewe,
lst and 2nd: Yearling Ewe, 1st, 2nd and
4th; Ewe Lambs, lst 2nd and 3rd; Chem -
pion Ewe; Open flock, lst Can. Bred flock,
1st; Secretary's Prize A. 0. D. R. A.—
Yearling Ram lst and 2nd; Yearling Ewe,
lst and 2nd Pen of four Lambs, 1st: Pen;
of One Ram Lamb and Three Ewes, lst.
'When a wom-an who has been stela
dor years becomes well after taking a
pertain scientific preparation—eau you
:deny that the remedy must be goodi
Read these extracts taken from a.
letter written to us by Mrs. H. Cross,
Of 262 King Street West, Toronto:—
"I suffered fel* several years with.
inflammatory Rheumatism and could
hardly get up or down stairs. My
husband bought me a box of Temple -
ton's Riteuntatie Capsules, and ahnost
immediately I felt relief. The swell-
ings started to go down and the stilr-
ness left my knees. I might say that
previously to using T.R.C.'s I had
tried almost everything under tho sun
without euceess. I ant a happier and
'wiser woman now, and I cannot thank
you enough for the aid T.R,C.'s have
given me./ '
It's the same story f rout hundreds
of other Rheumatic. sufferers. They
tried T.13:0.'s and T.E.C.'s fixed thine
tip. If you suffer, try them.
Asle your Druggist or write us for OW naw
booklet; it is interesting and.toste you nothing
Crempletons, 142 'King West, Teronto. We
mitil attywhere eeeeipt of Om.
Sole Agent for Wingham, .7. Walton McKib-
ben, Druggist and Optician,
Sti2r41atiaherkkar .
b' aadtedliS
WATCH to be of value must be
properly adjusted. We are ex-
perts in watch Mechanism and if
your time piece doesn't tally with the
official chronometer you should have us
take a look at it. If yourclocks are mis-
behaving we vill send a time adjuster to
your home.
We will test your eyes and expertly advice you,
If you am not in need of glasseg
we will tell you ix>.
Jeweler and Optician