The Huron News-Record, 1896-07-15, Page 2- Ge D. NoTaggart BANKER ALBERT STREET, aLINTON d GENERAL BANKING BUSINE& TRANSACTED. Notes Discounted, - - Drafts Issued, Interest Allowed on Deposits Clinton, JunaRth, 1891 068y ®,_ - I 44-l" . DR. W. GUNN, rR.I0. P. and L. R. 0. S., lEdinburgh. Office - Qntario street Clinton. Night calls at front door of Csideuce on Rattenbury street, opposite Presbyter- n church. DR. TURNBULIL. r J. L. Turnbull, M, B. Toronto Univ. ; M. D. ; D. M., Victoria Univ. M. C, P. & S. Ont, ; F' flow .f the obstetrical society of Edinburgh. Late of London, Enq., and Edinburgh hospitals Office: - Dr. Doweley, a stand, RattWmry St. Night calls answered at Office, DR. SHAW. Office in Hodgen's Block, Rattenbnry St., Clinton, Jut. Night calla at name piano. Jas. S. Freeborn, N.D., r L. K. & Q. O. P., I., M. 0 P. A S. O., &a., &a. Graduate of King's & Queen's College of Physicians, Dublin, Ireland, Licentiate of the deneral Medical Council, Greai. Britain. Member of College of tlsysfolass and Burgeons, Ontario. Formerly real- floD►.o the Rotunda Hospital (Lying-in and Gyms. )ological), Dublin. Special attention to diseases of 1. iromen and children. Office and reeldence,Rattenbury 9t., next door to Ontario St. Methodist parsonage. 829 4 y f eatiotry. ,Yet ME Bruce, Surgeon Dentist. OFFICE -Over Taylor's Shoe Store, Clinton, Oat. Special attention to pre- servation of natural teeth. N. B. -Will visit Blyth every Monday, and 1. Bayfleld every Thursday afternoon during the i summer. ;i ,... o 0. Agnew L. D. S. DDS• DENTIST. ' Graduate of Royal College of Dental Sur- teons of Ontario. Honor Graduate of Trinity University, Toronto. Brit Local Anaesthetic for painless extraction. Office opposite Town hall, over Swallow's Store. Night Bell arswered. Will visit Hensali ev uy Monday, and Enrich the 2nd Thursday of each month i3Vt�gryryi41e a, CAMERON, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR Conveyancer, &o, Office --corner Hamilton and X.. Andrews -eta., opposite Colborne Hotel, Goderloh. M.0 0. HATS, Barrister, Solicitor, sc. Office, corner North Street and Square, (near Registry Office, Ooderioh, Ont. 67, M' Honey to lend at lowest rates of interest. J. SCOTT, Barrister, etc., ELLIOTT'S BLOCK, - - CLINTON. Morley to Loan. E. CAMPION, Q. C•, BARRISTER, - - - SOLICITOR., NOTARY, ¢c., Gi'oderleh, . Ont. Office -Over Darls' Drng Store. Money to loan. . M- 0 JOHNSTON, BARRISTER, - - SOLICITOR, COMMISSIONER, ETC,, Gioderloh, - - - Ont. Office -Cor. Hamilton and St. Andrew's Ste. W. BRY.DONE,, BARRISTER - - 'SOLICITOR. NOTARY PUBLIC, ¢o., OFFICE BEAVER BLOOK - - CLINTON. 817 -if outy to gond. ONEY to lend In large or small Rama on good Mmortgages or personal security at the lowest .anon, rates. H. HALE, Huron gt. Clinton. Money, Money W lend on good security at B88 and 6 per sent. Apply to 0. RIDOUT, Albert St., dlinton. 862 • tf. . �s 1. Cantelon Bros, GENERAL, GROCERS do PROVIS- I ION MERCHANTS. GrockerJ, Glass & Caina7vare r ALBERT ST.. CLINTON. ONT. Highest Cash Price for Butter and Eggs ►62.10 ( e EL. ®. L. No. 710 vir,kN rClN, Moats 130OMP Monday of eve month. Hall find flat, MoR a block. Visiting brothnn alwa, Wade welcome, DR. J. S. FREPRgORN, W. X. P. CANTELON, JR, Bee. J. P. SHEPPARD, D. I 0 ria_ 030ouir. /J-1�LINTON Lodge, No. 84, A. F. & A, M, 1004 1. V every Friday, oa or after ►bo moon. Vie Ing brnthron cordially invited A. J. HOLLOWAY, W. M. THOS, RUMBA.LL, Bz Clinton, Dec. 0. 1896. s X. 0, T, M. Kearns Toot No. 00, Knights of the Maccabees, the World. $1.000,$9,000 and 88,000 Policies. Bien berehip over 100,000. Assessment principyle-h, never exceeded 19 anoseaments in a year. Ohoupei and safest in existence. lfeete in orange Hall, Clh ton, first and third Friday of every month. e COOK'S FLOUR & FEED STORE f BRAN and SHORTS in Large o. Small Quantities. OIL CAKE. LINSEED MEALS 10 lbs. Choice Oatmeal for one Buehe Oats D. COOK, CLINTON. 762-tf HILL'S FEED STORE, HURON STREET, CLINTON. The Best Early Seed Potatoes, and all kinds of first-class Clover, Timotby, Field and Garden Seeds, Flour and Feed of all kinds. Closest living prices for cash. SALT in stook and for stale. TEAS of the choicest varieties and blends. Excellent value. J. W. HILL, Huron St., Clinton Central Butcher Shop. COUCH & WILSON Subscribers desire to notify the public that they have bought out the butchering business lately 000 - ducted by Mr, Jae. A. Ford, and will continue the same under their personal supervision. Orders will have prompt and careful attention. Fresh meats of all kinds will be kept in season, sold at reasonable rates and delivered Rnywbere in town. ARTHUR COUCH, CHAS N. WILSON. OLINTOT. (CENTRAL BUTCHER SHOP FORD & MURPHY, (Successors to J, W. Langford.) Having bought out the above business, we int -4 bo conduct it on the cash principle, sad will supply our customers with the best meats at the lowest pay - ng prices. FORD & MURPHY. LIVE HOGS WANTED. Highest Market Price Paid. D. CANTELON, Clinton. 798-tf. B. THOMLINSON, VETERINERY SURGEON, Honorary Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary Col. lege, Toronto. Treats all dleeases of Domestic Animals on the moist modern and Scientific Principles. Day and Night Calle Promptly Answered. Residence-Rattenbary Street, West, Clinton, Out, J. E BLACKALL, Veterinary S,trgeon, honorary graduate of Ontario veterinary College, treats diseases of all domestic animals on the most modern aGs scientific to princtplee, ta'Calls attended to night or day. Office on Name street, next New Era office Residence -Albert street, Clinton. Geo. Trowhffl, Horseshoer and General Black- smith, Albert Street, North, - Clinton. JOBBING A SPECIALTY. Woodwork ironed and first class material and work guaranteed ; farm implements and machines rebuilt and repaired. Card of Thanks. TO MY MANY PATRONS: I desire to tender my sincere thanks for the very liberal patronage accord ed me in the past and to Inform the public that I am still in the Carpet Weaving Busineag on Fast Street, Goderich, next the Bicycle Factory. Personal and mail orders will as usual receive prompt attention. All claesee of work a specialty, at the lowest pos iible prices, and satisfaction guaran- yeW. A. Ross, East street GODERIC,H. The Me illo,n Mutual Fire Insurance ' Company. Farm and Isolated Town Proper- ty only Insured. OFFICERS. George Watt, President, Harlock P, O.; James 3roadfoot, Vloo-Pres., Seaf.,rth P. O.; W, J. Man. Ion, $say. Tress., Seaforth P. O.; Michas, Murdie, aspector of losses, Seaforth P. 0. DIRECTORS, James Broadfoot, Seaforth;Mlohael Murals , sea- orthl George Dole, Seafortb; Goorge Watt Harlock rhomas E. Hays,Beeoforth; Alex Gardiner, i,eedbury ' 'bomas Garbutt, Clinton; John McLean, Ripper. AGNNTR. Thomas Neilans, Harlock; Robert McMillan, Baa- I ortb and James Cummings, F.gmonaville. j parties desirous to effect Insurance or trans. of otber bualneaa will be promptly attend. d to on application to may of the above officerix ad - ,reseed to their respective post offices. I oft -1. e A�lSte vlg9i.lrtbr i $tatixxaur civet �q` raito4►A ya wlivr,t r u t you .jlp baokplzlta what you 04 gaa, ayW36 of th8t'. 1 t glytspel whlgh is aliarpt r „ � ' THS RLAtr Q1UAIG TIES 1 EQUI$gA 8Y than a two.edged evYar , teroing I R AIO a THE SPIRITUAIr HUNTSIMAN, the dividing tt,sumder of �c�y and act as d of�-the joints and rAurrow I Woul r I o141110tlatnre none but the Baer pit Sv9Q'i. "'s'° to God, we had more faith in that gq I tp 1 ve shops a4i; sell oltaop, as Elsey i1(ia. be ClArlattan t6erllitures Aima Their bluny pal I The humblest than, H he rut A Ar Call and goo prtges. Orden E'iXsWD104 or AUQhsy lKnutswew Rho eltowgh faith in it, could briny. 100 sou by mail prompl l tended to Giiospel Airrow Thail Has Brought Lowy,, to 640-ugh ¢00. Just in propo] � �' 400.0o0,ti0q Bolls, ti" ata this age �r� to believe lot attd lea in it, 1 k►ed.ieve more and mot HARNESS EXXVRIUM, HLYTIte 03''C Washington, July 5 --All people who in•''Lt. WVhat aro men about that the 6tte trying to do goal, will find this dig- will act accept their own deltversi,nce P �TU!'lCFi. course of Dr. 'fA6age, inapiring as T 1s nothing proposed by men the -1•`t Well as unique, Ria text was Genesis, can do anything Niko this gospel. Tb religion of Ralph Waldo Exteertion ws X, 9, " He was a mighty hunter before the ph'losoph of icicles. The religio There being some misundentandfng with ra• the Lord," of ' hZi1ore Parker was a sirocco c Bard to wreckage, let it be distinctly underrtood the desert covering up the soul wit that If any pereoo taken possession of any kind 1n our day, hunting is a sport, but dry sand. 'rhe religion of kieilan we of wreckage and tails to report to we I shall at in the lands and the times .infested the runuinoe of belit,ving nothing th onto take proceedings. $ a llogn, Remember this is the with wild beaats it were a .platter of life religion of the Huxle s and the eL (est carolsg t shall gIvo. CAPT. WM. BAB13. 8 y Receiver of 7 , 1891. oh, or death with the people. It Was very aeI� merely a pedestal on ewhich huma Goderloh, Sept.Bnpt. 7th 1891, philoRophy sits shivering in Lhe nigh - different from going out on a sunshiny of the soul, looking up to the stars, of afternoon with a patent breecliJoatderfeeing Do help to the naLiuns tha FOR SALE:. to shoot reed. birds on tho flats when orouc3 and groan at the bane. Tell m Pollux and Achilles and Diomedes went where there is one than who has re The property at 'present occupied bytheun- out to clear the laud of lions and tig�w-s I ted that gospel fur another, who i designed as a reedgrtsnnoe on the iiuron Road, oroughey satisfied and helped an in the Town of Gloderich, consisting of one half of and birds. My text nets forth NLzxuod contented in his skepticism, and I wil an acre o1• land, good frame house -story and a as a hero when it presents him with take the ear to -morrow and ride 50 half -seven rooms, including kiWhen, hard and broad shoulders and shaggy a argil miles to see him. The full puwer of th soft water, good stone cellar, stable, wood and ggy Pp 9(&Pel hais not yet been touched. A. carriage houses. There are also some good fruit and sun -browned face and arm bunch- a esportcvman throws up his head ani troae. This pproperty Is beautifully situated and eel with muscle -a " mighty hunter be- (? t('hes the ball flying through the au varysultableforanyperson wishingtolivers tired- fore the Lord." I think he used the Just ao easily will thiel gospel afte. For further partloulare a ply to awhile catch this round wurld flyLul 11� OAMPION, bow and the arrows with great suuoesa from its orbit and bring it back ti b+18_tf Barrister,Qodorloh. practicing archery, the heart of Christ. Give it full swing I have thou,ghk, if it is such a great and it will pardon every siu, heal evel•i thin and such a brave thing to clear wound, cure every trouble, emancip_iti J. �/'. STEVENSON g ng every slave and ransom every nation t wild beasts out of a country, if it is Ye Christian Dien and women who T Furniture Dealer, &C, not a better and braver thing o hunt out ibis afternoon to do ChrisLian wuz'k t down and destroy those great evils of lass You go into the Sunday schools, chi THE LEADING UNDERTAKER AND society that are stalking the land with Entries andi tg ata asylum and the pOnu t( bre asylurTlA 1 want you t( fieroe eye and bloody paw and sharp feel that you. bear in your hand a wee. FUNERAL DIRECTOR. disk and quick spring. I have Won- poll, com'par'ed with which the light. Opposite Town Hall, Clinton, Out dared if there is not such a thin sing has no speed' and avalanche g as have no heft, and the thunderstorms of GO TO THE gospel archery, by which those whu heaven have nu power. It is the arrow have been, flying from the truth may be Of the onipotent gospel. 'fake care - Union Shaving Parlor captured for God and heaven, The Lord mf� ate' Pull the arrow clear back net til the head strikes elle bow, Then let Jeestis in his sernron used the art of it fly. And may the shun of the Lurd For first-class Hair -Cutting angling for an illustration when he be mte.ny. and Shaving. said, " I will make you fishers of men," Again, if you want to be skillful in And so I tbink I have authority for spiritual archery, you must hunt in un - Smith's block, opposite Post Office, Clinton rials hunti frequented and secluded plac,>s, Why J. EMERTON, Proprietor. g n8 as an illuBtration of gos- dotes the hunter go three or four days vel truth, and I pray God that there in the Pennsylvania ifureSL8 or over WATTS may be many a man today who will be- ltaquette lake into the wilds of the CSO. gin to study gospel archery of whom Adiroudacks? It is the only way to 7 do. The deer are shy and one "baug" CHEMISTS &DRUGGISTS it may after awhile be said, " He was of the gun clears the forest. From the a mighty hunter before the Lord." California stage you see as you go Great Northwestern Telegraph office, How much awkward Christian work over Lhe plains here and there a Coy - them is done in the world) How man Ote trotting along, almusL within ran(fe Albert Street, - Clinton. y of the guu-6ometitnui`9 quite within good people there are who drive souls range of U. No one cared fur that; it pIIMps PUMPS j away from Christ instead of bringing is � Orthless. The gaud game is hidden them to Him I All their fingers are secluded. Every hunLer known thttmba-religioera blunderers who u set that. So many of the suuls that will If you want a first-class, well -made pump, one that pW of most worth for CrisL and of will, give you satisfaction, send your order to the more than they right. Their gun has a most value to the church are secluded. undersigned. is will deg and clean wells and do it at crooked barrel and kicks as it oes off. 'They do not come in our way. You will the Closest prises. He also handles • first-class g bave to go where they are. Yunde.r FORCE PUMP. They are like a clumsy oomra le who they are, dowri in that cellar; yonder JAMES PERGUSON goes along with skillful hunters. At from the door of any church, thu god- Opposb Queen's Hotel - High Street Clinton, the very moment when be should be tel arrow has not been pointed at them. 809 -ti most quiet he is crackling an adder or The tract distributer and coy mission - falling over a lug and frightening away arY sometimes catch a glimpse of them, tis a hunter through the trees .gets a W i the game. How few Christian people momentary night Of a partridge, or a Fe "rj e F R A N C d IF B have ever learned the lesson of which roebuck. The trouble is we are watt - (MEMBER OF AS8'N OF P. L. e.) I read at the beginning of this service, Ing for the. game to come to us. We are how that the Lord JeeusChrist at the not good hunters. We are standing in Provincial Land Surveyor some street or highway expo ting Lhat well went from talking about a cup the timid antelope will come up and eat and Civil Engineer, of water to the most practical religious out of our handy. We are expecting truths, which eros the woman's soul Lhat the prairie fowl will light, oil our �.OWDOW, OW'2', church steeple. It is nut d.ueir habit. Orx+roz-At G. J. Stewart's Grocery Store, Clio, for God 1 Jesus in the wilderness was if the church should wait lU,000,UUU of ten• breaking bread to the people. 1 think years for the world to curve in and ire it was good bread. it was very light saved, it Wil( wail, in vairr- The world bread and the yeast had done its work will not come. What the church wanLs Don't Build Without A Pl thoroughly. Christ, after be had broken nuw is to lift its feet from damask ut- aol the bread, said to the people, "Beware tomans and put them in the bLirrups. of the yeast or of the kaven of the We want p pulpit on wheels, Tile Pbarisees." So natural a transition it church wants not so much cushions as it J. ADES FOWLER & CO, was, and how easily they all under- wants saddlebags anti. arrows. We bave stood him 1 But bow few Christian o I gown and kid , got to tut aside the people there are who understand how glue" and put on the hunting shirt. Architects and Civil Engineers to fasten the truths of Gori and religion NV` have been fishing set lung Ln the Are opening a permanent office [o Clinton and are to the souls of men. Truman Osborne, l,rwks that run under the sbaduw of prepared to supply Plane, SpeciOcatlooe and details one of the evangelists who,,vent through Lhe cburcb that the fish know tis, that for any class of work at most reasonable rates. this country years ago, had a wonder- they avoid the hook and escape as soon Patent Drawings prepared and patents obtained. fol art In the right direction. He came as we come to the bank, wbile nudger to my father's house one clay, and while es Upper Saranac and Big Tupper's Valuations and inspections carefully made. we were all seatedin the room he said, lake, where the first swing of the gos- 25 YearSL'z" Mr. Talmage, are all your children pel net wuuld break it for Lhe multitude 12'ie'r'ienreinOntario. CbrisLia,n92" lather said, "Yes, all but of the fi-9hes. 'There is outside work to Mail address -P. O. Box 210, Clint on. De Witt." ''hen Truman Osborne look- be done. NN bat is that 1 see in Lhe back- ^_ ed down into the fireplace and began woods? it is a tent. The hunters have to tell a story of a storm that came ,Wade a cle firing and camped out. What W1t1. Moore Has Removed on the mountains, and all the sheep do they care it they hive wet feet, or were in the fold, but there was one if they have nothing but a pine branch -To- Iamb outside that perLshed in the for a pillow, 'or for Lhe northeast starch CORE'S BLOCK, HURON eTREET, CLINTON. storm, Ha(t he looped me in the eyye If a wuoae in the darkuess steps into I should have tw.n angered when he the lake to drink, they hear it right I son better than ever prepared to supply the pub told the story, but he looked into the away, if a loon Cry in the niounli,ght .c with the Latest Improved fireplace, and it was so pathetically they hear it. Slinaer Sewing illaehines. and beautifully done that I never found so in the service of C;oci we have ex - any p6ace until I was sure 1 was inside posed work. b1'e have got to cam out Needlesin xtock end parte auppiled torah mkeR the fold where Lhe other ex - beep were. Of Machines. Agent for the Celebrated Leader Churn The arches of olden times studied and rough it. We are. putting al! our and the most speedoellable Wa inViLerx aur' wrlDgers. The their art. 'i'hey were very precise in care on the people wbo come to our most critical laapectioniovltea. the matter. The old books gave spe- churclies. What are we doing for the cial directions as to how an archer thousands upon thousands that donot WM. MOORE should ggo and as to what an archer crmie? Have they nu a0uls? Are they should do. -He. muststand erect and sinless that they need no pardon? Are Cwt of Commercial H tel, HnronS Street, Clinton firm, his left foot a little in advance of there no dead in their houses that they the right foot. With bia left band be need no roinfort? Are they cut off from ons` orold)whosnffer must take hold of the bow in the mid- Got to go into eternity -no wings to irom Nervous Debility die, and then with the three fingers loser them, no light to chtx;r them, no IF sexual weakness and and tho thumb of his righL hand he welcome to greet them? I hear to -day MENAlonse,the results of self- should lay hold of the arrow anti affix surging up fr(m1 the. lower depths, a eta., will write it to the strizlg�9O prtxisA was the di- groan that comes through our ChrL9- usconfidentiallyaPlain rection given. L3uL how .,lum-9y we are twin a,%pinhlages and tbrough our beau - statement of their case, and promise to use our tiful c'hurclles, and it blots out all this Remed7 according to directions, we will send ulwUt rPllgioUB work ! HUw little skill prepaid by mail or exprew, a careful) and care we exereL9e I How often our ,scene from my eyes to -day, as by the , prepared course of Two Months' treatment arrowA miss the. mark] Uh, that there aii-9L9 of a great Niagara, for the dasb for which we will make no charge If it fails were more institution9 e9tablished in and the plunge, of these greattorrents i qv cure. rite Yankee frauds and Canadian all the townA and cities of our land, of life dropping down inl.o the fathoin- "I'". Write ns at once for a Remedy which !a goon+steed to Dore or coat nothing. a'herP men might iea,rn the art of do- le. -.s and thunilpring al,ys9 of 9uffr.rmg ( Address N. S. M. COMPANY, Lock Box 329, ing good�tudying .spiritual archery, and woo. I sonlPLImm Think that just i Platoon. Ontario, Canada. and known as 'mighty hunters before sus God blotted out the churches of f the Lord." fhytatira and Corinth and Laue dtra be- i FOR TWENTY-SiX YEARS veIn Lhe first place, if you want to ise cau,ie of their sloth and stolidity hP ry suree of your weapon. There was will Llot out American anis Engh&h t Aometbing very faes•inating about the Christianity and raise on the ruins a I eff(wDUNN7S archery in doing gaud, Pyer Ar be churnstalwart, coin awake missionary i archery of olden timers. i'erbaps you rhureh that can fake the full siren- i do not know what they could du with ing of that cornntand, "l;n into all the i thA Itcrw and arrow. Why, the chief world and preach the gospei to every They ht tsattfought by the English Y1ncreature." 1 enet9 were wish the long bow.T'1•ey I remark further, if you •.t -ant to c BAINC would take tho arrow of poltslmd wo(td 9uec-0 its spire(mal archery yon roust i POW,D and fthen i it with the plume Ufa bird, he rv,uraii If the liould stand and Ihpn it wrnild fly iron the bow- with irrrnbltng hand or shuul,ler that ( string of plaited silk ThA broad fields ffinvlws with tear, in9learl of his tak- I THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND N ille'sur(, and Smtway Mo9t and Ing ca What %r, the cat(if til n NPyiIIA'A C'rr+es.9 hoard the loud thrum I;dY;,v bin What rcnul,l berume of the+ p LAfiGgSi SALE IM CANADA. of the archer'A Wwsiring. Now, my Grf,enlander if, when out, hunf ing fpr I ('bri9tian friends, we hate a mightier the boar hr. should stand AhiverinKq a weapon than that.. If i.9 (he arrow of with terror on an ireher,,33: What w•omld the gospel; it. is a sharp arrow' it. is a liar iov,mie of Die C'ha.illu A.nd hiving- R straight, arrow; it, igfealhprpd from the 9fone tr. the African thirkpt. `with a i wing of the dove of God',9 spiril ; it fai 1t hearl and a weak kneed When it k VCAVEAT flips from a bow matte Out of the w(xNt plinth„r mine's wilhin 20 pare9 of you, Uof the cruse. AA far a9 I can esfirwoo an (tit ha sits eye On fou, and it has S,TR��EM�RKS or ca.lvulato it has brought down 40O �gliaflpd for the fparlul Apring, 'Stead•y Rji LIYf 000,0(10 eou Ls. Paul knew how In brin Iheri,V 7 OPYRIGH'T'S. the notch of that seine nn if) Ituf( f',nrnlr f) Ye Apiritual nrrherAl CAN I OBTAIN A PATENT? For a tx,wstring. and its whir was hrar(I 1 h, r,` lire .treat mnn�IPro in !nignit•y through I ( c( o pDrompptt answee�r and w honest opinion, write to h e slit. courtroom. u n t i l i he k n e I„ „(, i(„r all a inn n l n hnn l I h„ rnm- 11IUNN3cCO.,w hohavehadneartyyaftyyeunl Of FPlix kn(x•kecl Together. it wa_9 Ihnl ui,ity. Shall We, not, of fhA vtrentilh r experience strictly the onfide enttie bnetnees. Commnnlca. arrow that. stuck in Lutlipr'9 ltenrt J 'i , I ,-i fm t h an`I cnmt�;it t hem ? \Ve ) none tionocooufldonual. A Handbook of in- when he cited out: "Oh, my Allis I Uh, not nnI n,*if mare heart, blit more t formation ooncernlo� Patents and bow to ob- tatnthemsentfree.A[so a catalogue ofineahan, my sine l" If it. strike a man in the havi:t,ono What is the. church of God S 10%And scientlffobookssent free. head, it ki1L9 his ;kept.iciArtt; tf it. strike fhat it should fear to look in t.hp eye. i' Patents taken tLrough Munn & Co. receive Tectal noticei the Belo all Oo A merles n,and a man in the bee], if will turn 1)i.s At vp� any trnns,rr(:9sion? 'there is the (lril- a. Tectal broughht widely beturethe pubnewlth- if it. strike. him in the heart, he t.hrrm, vai tt ei of rlrunkenneso 1h,91 pr„" Is h 110E Dont to the inventor. This eDleudtd paper up 1149 hands, as did the Emperor Ju nroufrff,, Ind in.lead Of afln(k line St t Issuodweekl etegant1,,Ittllnetratod,baeb far the largedt eiroa3atton of an scientific work ]n the lian of old whpn wounded in the brat- how mint of us hHe miller 11te ( hns, h I r►orld, ll�a g,ear, Samso oopfeesentfree• tie, crying, "U Galilean, thou hast eon- Pew lir fl)P corrlrrsunOot InLle 'I -Is �, r1 Bufldln8g Edltlon man(1tly, 82.608 y8ar- 8ingle A p �p}ee, 2b oeuts- kTer? num er now the beau- qua evil l" vo m mr h i n veNtpd in i l , ccs ,, n, i t ;, i t p ffuu1 plates, in colors, and Dphotogmgpis of new In tb,- armory of thA En.rl of Pem. to na9niih 11 ; mihiona Of doll's. • ., , it h hones with violin, enabling bmlders to above Cher at,,eet�eel a pndeecureeontraote. Address broke there am Old corselets whirh rfls, in vnt9, in spigots, in cnrk� rr((y, C McIINN �CU. NEW YORK, 361 B9nADWAY. show that the arrow of the English in gin palaces with marble fl,,( S at), f � a! `v VUa er Ad eyes on the ""HQ14i111;tI,� •. d Guerruan t, whit �e to sold is `hu d �QVpxgth p .da 10 ds 0yearn it baes teen only three But elm E 1134,00J and looked at it, I said to ria� Y.* s self; •'That 14 notwug; 800 ho No` e Why, our Arnericaa vat boLds 2x(W'J.9w Y barrels of stron,f drinks, and 1V ke0-j t see' that i it is I filled.lo not" h to oo attalA e hila great monster of intemperance s and the kindred monsters of fraud ant a unclOallness. requires you to rally 6111 f yoir Christian courage. Through the I prbss, through the pulpit, brough the spplatfurin yuu must aasault� it. Would d o God that all our American Chris- tians would band together, not for I onack-brained farzatici»m but for hol,Y t Chr(stian reforrzr. 1 think It waif in 1783 that there went out from Lucknow, t India, tender the sovereign. the great- • est hlultif'4 party that was ever pro - 3 i et -1 There were 10,000 armed men La hunting 1 d party. 'There were cam - I eke and horses and elephants. On toms princes rode and royal ladies under( ) e$clutsite 'housiuga, and 600 cWlie warted upon Che train, and the deco- I late places of India were invaded by ! tbis excursion, and t)10 hinoeerous. the doer and the Olelth der the strOL-e of saber and I�ul ter, awhile th• ��rtrty ,,,(,, Jt ba hs` 'worth b0,U01) rupees, haling lel q/'t' arneas of India ghastly with th bodies of wild beasts. Wuuld to od that in - steal of here said there a straggler going Out to fight Lilese great mon- tstera Of iniquity in our country, the nlLllion membership of our churches would band together and how in twatq these ggreat cr(riees tbaL make the land te1Q, tful with their roar and are fat - 19 upon the bodies and souls of tmcortaI men I Who is ready for such a pa('ty as that? Wbo will be a mighty hunter for the Lord ? 1 rernIrk again if you wanted to b@ successful in spiritual urcbery, you nperal not only to bt'Ln down Lbe game, but L" ing it L11 I bink one of the mo$t beautiful pictr#res of Thurwaldsen ie his "Autumn." It represents a 9purtsman coving home and stuudind under fa grapevine, He Las a staff over hie shr)ulder, and on the usher end of that staff are, hung a rabbit and a brace Of birds. .Every hunter brings homQQ the gatue, No one would tbink of bringing down a reindeer of- whipptng up a stream for truut and letting them lie in the woods., At eventide the camp is adorned wit b tho treasures of the forest -beak and fin and antler.. If YOU go out to hunt for immortal souls, not only bring then down under the arrow of the gosF)el, but bring theme into the church of God, the encamp- ment we have pitched this side of the skies. Fetch theui in, Do not let them lie out in the open field., They need our prayers and sympathies and help. ''hat is the meaning of the rhuz,h of God -help. 0 ye hunters for the Lord, flat only bring down the game, but bring iL in I It Mithridates liked hunting so well that for seven years he never went in- (1-irs, what enthusiasin ought we to have who are hunting for souls! if Domilianus practi ery until be could stand awn in the Roman amphithealre, with a hand out, the fingers like that, and then the king ruuld sboot an arrow between the fingers without wounding them, toy what drill and what practice ought not WO to subject ourselves in order tO beu,me Spiritual archers and "migh- ty bunters before the Lordl" But, let me say you will never look any better than you pray. The old archers took lbs bow, put ane end of it down be- side' the foot, elevated Lhe other end and it was the rule that the bow should be just the size of the archer., If it were just his size, then he would go into the baLtle with confidence. Let me soy that. your power to protect good In t hA world will correspond exactly to your own spiritual stature. In other words, the first thing en preparation for Christian work is personal conse- cration. Oh, for a closer walk with God, A caim and heavenly frame, A light to shine upon the road That leads me to the Lamb 1 I am sure that there are some bete who at some lime have been hit by the gospel arrow .� You felt the wound of that conviction, and you plunged into tbi. world deeper, just las the stag, "ben the hounds are after it, plusgee into Srhroon hake, exited ing in ,that wl'Y to escape, Jesus Christ is onyour (rack to -day, imperdlent, man -not in wrath, but inmerry. Dye ebased and panting souls, here is the stream of .rod's Morey and salvation, where you may cool your thirst! Stop that chase )f sin to -(lay. By the red fountain bat le.appii from the heart of my Lord I bid you stop. is there in all this crouse anyone who can refuse the offer hat cornea from the heart of the dying ion of God? Why, do you know that here are in the. h(ini,9hed world souls hat for that. offer you get to day vould flung the crown of the universe Lt your feet if they pj)SN+.9sed It 4 But hey went out. on the rnnuntains; the itorru look (hem, and Hwy died. Thpre is in a fore.st in Germany a tl:ice lboy vall ihp "d"rlea two rags about is f,ret apart, n hem a fearful chasm ThLs is t '- led he "dppr leap" he, ,use once a hunter vats un t he trai•k of a deer, It came to me of these crags There wa.9 no es - ape for if from i 1w pur,uit of the ban - Pr, •Erni, in tiller despair, it gathered tv(+If up and in t M` deai h agony at, erupted to jurnp arrrtsA. Of course it ell and was da.9hot.l un the rcx:ks far nnoat h. Isere is a paf h io heaven. It + plain, H is safe, Jr9u9 marks it out lir every swan to walk In Put here a a man Echo sat•.9, "i i%4,W1 wa)k in hal path. i wilf take niy oc,n way." fe, ciiine9 ort until he eunfrunts the ha9rn thr11 dividi-A his snui from eaven: Now his last hour has cam nil he nemlves flint hP will leap tha� hlAun, fiom th„ hei-,h s of ,arthtotbe eighl9 of heaven., St in,1 hack now nd give hire hill swing$ for no soul u ver did thnf s(cesefully. Tom hint ry. Jump( Jumpf ifn misses f ho mark nil ho goP,,4 down, depth bolmv depth, rleslr'o)ed without reinFldv," Men. an- P1A, devil.9, whit 4h:tll w'P call that lace of awful rata,t r, l,hPf f,nt It be nown forever as 1114" sill1lor'9 death a p. , ELEPIIONES iN NVIND14011 CASTLE, QuPen Victoria has had several tele- honpa installpd In \Vivid -)r Castle. hey arp pla,,P-d on her Mrijesty's study Ellin and communo•ntp svtth Lord alishilry at the If(ane Ortl,p, Ma.rl- ,rouRh house, anis iii kinghara Pal- e. in a few days nn Plertrn[Erhone will • int rolurpd at NVimltv,r ('astie and to Queen will 1,+3 Pnn1Jed to hear all re latest Pnlertainim-04 in the Lon - u) t heat res anis voneprt halls. It will .en ho poc.:ihlo for the rascal ears nr The, lotPaf nutsir hall qnp'z� an 1ni. too, wilhnut rnrnpromlctng in the ightp-9t degree queenly dignity. , ", •, .7.111 ,..;, 111. ':,i DIREOTOff fraK'F► l Au# ue. , fi B L 1 S B} NY l s "Incorporated by Aotof Parliament 1866. 11 UPITAL, -. $2,000,00 REST. . $1,876,000 - Read Ofaoe. - MONTR.FIAI J. H. R. MOLSON President, t . V WOLFER$TAN HOMAIi, General Man& am, Notes discounted Collections made Draft ^°. issued, Sterling and American ex- change bought and sold at lowest current rates. INTSaaeT ALLOYaD OA D1r0&lTL F'-A,R3NeT3EDJR 1_ Money advanced to farmers on their own note with ono or morn endorsers. No mortgage to or Qulrad as H. 0. BREWER, Masagga0r, December, 1896. Cn'wal. - Ge D. NoTaggart BANKER ALBERT STREET, aLINTON d GENERAL BANKING BUSINE& TRANSACTED. Notes Discounted, - - Drafts Issued, Interest Allowed on Deposits Clinton, JunaRth, 1891 068y ®,_ - I 44-l" . DR. W. GUNN, rR.I0. P. and L. R. 0. S., lEdinburgh. Office - Qntario street Clinton. Night calls at front door of Csideuce on Rattenbury street, opposite Presbyter- n church. DR. TURNBULIL. r J. L. Turnbull, M, B. Toronto Univ. ; M. D. ; D. M., Victoria Univ. M. C, P. & S. Ont, ; F' flow .f the obstetrical society of Edinburgh. Late of London, Enq., and Edinburgh hospitals Office: - Dr. Doweley, a stand, RattWmry St. Night calls answered at Office, DR. SHAW. Office in Hodgen's Block, Rattenbnry St., Clinton, Jut. Night calla at name piano. Jas. S. Freeborn, N.D., r L. K. & Q. O. P., I., M. 0 P. A S. O., &a., &a. Graduate of King's & Queen's College of Physicians, Dublin, Ireland, Licentiate of the deneral Medical Council, Greai. Britain. Member of College of tlsysfolass and Burgeons, Ontario. Formerly real- floD►.o the Rotunda Hospital (Lying-in and Gyms. )ological), Dublin. Special attention to diseases of 1. iromen and children. Office and reeldence,Rattenbury 9t., next door to Ontario St. Methodist parsonage. 829 4 y f eatiotry. ,Yet ME Bruce, Surgeon Dentist. OFFICE -Over Taylor's Shoe Store, Clinton, Oat. Special attention to pre- servation of natural teeth. N. B. -Will visit Blyth every Monday, and 1. Bayfleld every Thursday afternoon during the i summer. ;i ,... o 0. Agnew L. D. S. DDS• DENTIST. ' Graduate of Royal College of Dental Sur- teons of Ontario. Honor Graduate of Trinity University, Toronto. Brit Local Anaesthetic for painless extraction. Office opposite Town hall, over Swallow's Store. Night Bell arswered. Will visit Hensali ev uy Monday, and Enrich the 2nd Thursday of each month i3Vt�gryryi41e a, CAMERON, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR Conveyancer, &o, Office --corner Hamilton and X.. Andrews -eta., opposite Colborne Hotel, Goderloh. M.0 0. HATS, Barrister, Solicitor, sc. Office, corner North Street and Square, (near Registry Office, Ooderioh, Ont. 67, M' Honey to lend at lowest rates of interest. J. SCOTT, Barrister, etc., ELLIOTT'S BLOCK, - - CLINTON. Morley to Loan. E. CAMPION, Q. C•, BARRISTER, - - - SOLICITOR., NOTARY, ¢c., Gi'oderleh, . Ont. Office -Over Darls' Drng Store. Money to loan. . M- 0 JOHNSTON, BARRISTER, - - SOLICITOR, COMMISSIONER, ETC,, Gioderloh, - - - Ont. Office -Cor. Hamilton and St. Andrew's Ste. W. BRY.DONE,, BARRISTER - - 'SOLICITOR. NOTARY PUBLIC, ¢o., OFFICE BEAVER BLOOK - - CLINTON. 817 -if outy to gond. ONEY to lend In large or small Rama on good Mmortgages or personal security at the lowest .anon, rates. H. HALE, Huron gt. Clinton. Money, Money W lend on good security at B88 and 6 per sent. Apply to 0. RIDOUT, Albert St., dlinton. 862 • tf. . �s 1. Cantelon Bros, GENERAL, GROCERS do PROVIS- I ION MERCHANTS. GrockerJ, Glass & Caina7vare r ALBERT ST.. CLINTON. ONT. Highest Cash Price for Butter and Eggs ►62.10 ( e EL. ®. L. No. 710 vir,kN rClN, Moats 130OMP Monday of eve month. Hall find flat, MoR a block. Visiting brothnn alwa, Wade welcome, DR. J. S. FREPRgORN, W. X. P. CANTELON, JR, Bee. J. P. SHEPPARD, D. I 0 ria_ 030ouir. /J-1�LINTON Lodge, No. 84, A. F. & A, M, 1004 1. V every Friday, oa or after ►bo moon. Vie Ing brnthron cordially invited A. J. HOLLOWAY, W. M. THOS, RUMBA.LL, Bz Clinton, Dec. 0. 1896. s X. 0, T, M. Kearns Toot No. 00, Knights of the Maccabees, the World. $1.000,$9,000 and 88,000 Policies. Bien berehip over 100,000. Assessment principyle-h, never exceeded 19 anoseaments in a year. Ohoupei and safest in existence. lfeete in orange Hall, Clh ton, first and third Friday of every month. e COOK'S FLOUR & FEED STORE f BRAN and SHORTS in Large o. Small Quantities. OIL CAKE. LINSEED MEALS 10 lbs. Choice Oatmeal for one Buehe Oats D. COOK, CLINTON. 762-tf HILL'S FEED STORE, HURON STREET, CLINTON. The Best Early Seed Potatoes, and all kinds of first-class Clover, Timotby, Field and Garden Seeds, Flour and Feed of all kinds. Closest living prices for cash. SALT in stook and for stale. TEAS of the choicest varieties and blends. Excellent value. J. W. HILL, Huron St., Clinton Central Butcher Shop. COUCH & WILSON Subscribers desire to notify the public that they have bought out the butchering business lately 000 - ducted by Mr, Jae. A. Ford, and will continue the same under their personal supervision. Orders will have prompt and careful attention. Fresh meats of all kinds will be kept in season, sold at reasonable rates and delivered Rnywbere in town. ARTHUR COUCH, CHAS N. WILSON. OLINTOT. (CENTRAL BUTCHER SHOP FORD & MURPHY, (Successors to J, W. Langford.) Having bought out the above business, we int -4 bo conduct it on the cash principle, sad will supply our customers with the best meats at the lowest pay - ng prices. FORD & MURPHY. LIVE HOGS WANTED. Highest Market Price Paid. D. CANTELON, Clinton. 798-tf. B. THOMLINSON, VETERINERY SURGEON, Honorary Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary Col. lege, Toronto. Treats all dleeases of Domestic Animals on the moist modern and Scientific Principles. Day and Night Calle Promptly Answered. Residence-Rattenbary Street, West, Clinton, Out, J. E BLACKALL, Veterinary S,trgeon, honorary graduate of Ontario veterinary College, treats diseases of all domestic animals on the most modern aGs scientific to princtplee, ta'Calls attended to night or day. Office on Name street, next New Era office Residence -Albert street, Clinton. Geo. Trowhffl, Horseshoer and General Black- smith, Albert Street, North, - Clinton. JOBBING A SPECIALTY. Woodwork ironed and first class material and work guaranteed ; farm implements and machines rebuilt and repaired. Card of Thanks. TO MY MANY PATRONS: I desire to tender my sincere thanks for the very liberal patronage accord ed me in the past and to Inform the public that I am still in the Carpet Weaving Busineag on Fast Street, Goderich, next the Bicycle Factory. Personal and mail orders will as usual receive prompt attention. All claesee of work a specialty, at the lowest pos iible prices, and satisfaction guaran- yeW. A. Ross, East street GODERIC,H. The Me illo,n Mutual Fire Insurance ' Company. Farm and Isolated Town Proper- ty only Insured. OFFICERS. George Watt, President, Harlock P, O.; James 3roadfoot, Vloo-Pres., Seaf.,rth P. O.; W, J. Man. Ion, $say. Tress., Seaforth P. O.; Michas, Murdie, aspector of losses, Seaforth P. 0. DIRECTORS, James Broadfoot, Seaforth;Mlohael Murals , sea- orthl George Dole, Seafortb; Goorge Watt Harlock rhomas E. Hays,Beeoforth; Alex Gardiner, i,eedbury ' 'bomas Garbutt, Clinton; John McLean, Ripper. AGNNTR. Thomas Neilans, Harlock; Robert McMillan, Baa- I ortb and James Cummings, F.gmonaville. j parties desirous to effect Insurance or trans. of otber bualneaa will be promptly attend. d to on application to may of the above officerix ad - ,reseed to their respective post offices. I oft -1. e A�lSte vlg9i.lrtbr i $tatixxaur civet �q` raito4►A ya wlivr,t r u t you .jlp baokplzlta what you 04 gaa, ayW36 of th8t'. 1 t glytspel whlgh is aliarpt r „ � ' THS RLAtr Q1UAIG TIES 1 EQUI$gA 8Y than a two.edged evYar , teroing I R AIO a THE SPIRITUAIr HUNTSIMAN, the dividing tt,sumder of �c�y and act as d of�-the joints and rAurrow I Woul r I o141110tlatnre none but the Baer pit Sv9Q'i. "'s'° to God, we had more faith in that gq I tp 1 ve shops a4i; sell oltaop, as Elsey i1(ia. be ClArlattan t6erllitures Aima Their bluny pal I The humblest than, H he rut A Ar Call and goo prtges. Orden E'iXsWD104 or AUQhsy lKnutswew Rho eltowgh faith in it, could briny. 100 sou by mail prompl l tended to Giiospel Airrow Thail Has Brought Lowy,, to 640-ugh ¢00. Just in propo] � �' 400.0o0,ti0q Bolls, ti" ata this age �r� to believe lot attd lea in it, 1 k►ed.ieve more and mot HARNESS EXXVRIUM, HLYTIte 03''C Washington, July 5 --All people who in•''Lt. WVhat aro men about that the 6tte trying to do goal, will find this dig- will act accept their own deltversi,nce P �TU!'lCFi. course of Dr. 'fA6age, inapiring as T 1s nothing proposed by men the -1•`t Well as unique, Ria text was Genesis, can do anything Niko this gospel. Tb religion of Ralph Waldo Exteertion ws X, 9, " He was a mighty hunter before the ph'losoph of icicles. The religio There being some misundentandfng with ra• the Lord," of ' hZi1ore Parker was a sirocco c Bard to wreckage, let it be distinctly underrtood the desert covering up the soul wit that If any pereoo taken possession of any kind 1n our day, hunting is a sport, but dry sand. 'rhe religion of kieilan we of wreckage and tails to report to we I shall at in the lands and the times .infested the runuinoe of belit,ving nothing th onto take proceedings. $ a llogn, Remember this is the with wild beaats it were a .platter of life religion of the Huxle s and the eL (est carolsg t shall gIvo. CAPT. WM. BAB13. 8 y Receiver of 7 , 1891. oh, or death with the people. It Was very aeI� merely a pedestal on ewhich huma Goderloh, Sept.Bnpt. 7th 1891, philoRophy sits shivering in Lhe nigh - different from going out on a sunshiny of the soul, looking up to the stars, of afternoon with a patent breecliJoatderfeeing Do help to the naLiuns tha FOR SALE:. to shoot reed. birds on tho flats when orouc3 and groan at the bane. Tell m Pollux and Achilles and Diomedes went where there is one than who has re The property at 'present occupied bytheun- out to clear the laud of lions and tig�w-s I ted that gospel fur another, who i designed as a reedgrtsnnoe on the iiuron Road, oroughey satisfied and helped an in the Town of Gloderich, consisting of one half of and birds. My text nets forth NLzxuod contented in his skepticism, and I wil an acre o1• land, good frame house -story and a as a hero when it presents him with take the ear to -morrow and ride 50 half -seven rooms, including kiWhen, hard and broad shoulders and shaggy a argil miles to see him. The full puwer of th soft water, good stone cellar, stable, wood and ggy Pp 9(&Pel hais not yet been touched. A. carriage houses. There are also some good fruit and sun -browned face and arm bunch- a esportcvman throws up his head ani troae. This pproperty Is beautifully situated and eel with muscle -a " mighty hunter be- (? t('hes the ball flying through the au varysultableforanyperson wishingtolivers tired- fore the Lord." I think he used the Just ao easily will thiel gospel afte. For further partloulare a ply to awhile catch this round wurld flyLul 11� OAMPION, bow and the arrows with great suuoesa from its orbit and bring it back ti b+18_tf Barrister,Qodorloh. practicing archery, the heart of Christ. Give it full swing I have thou,ghk, if it is such a great and it will pardon every siu, heal evel•i thin and such a brave thing to clear wound, cure every trouble, emancip_iti J. �/'. STEVENSON g ng every slave and ransom every nation t wild beasts out of a country, if it is Ye Christian Dien and women who T Furniture Dealer, &C, not a better and braver thing o hunt out ibis afternoon to do ChrisLian wuz'k t down and destroy those great evils of lass You go into the Sunday schools, chi THE LEADING UNDERTAKER AND society that are stalking the land with Entries andi tg ata asylum and the pOnu t( bre asylurTlA 1 want you t( fieroe eye and bloody paw and sharp feel that you. bear in your hand a wee. FUNERAL DIRECTOR. disk and quick spring. I have Won- poll, com'par'ed with which the light. Opposite Town Hall, Clinton, Out dared if there is not such a thin sing has no speed' and avalanche g as have no heft, and the thunderstorms of GO TO THE gospel archery, by which those whu heaven have nu power. It is the arrow have been, flying from the truth may be Of the onipotent gospel. 'fake care - Union Shaving Parlor captured for God and heaven, The Lord mf� ate' Pull the arrow clear back net til the head strikes elle bow, Then let Jeestis in his sernron used the art of it fly. And may the shun of the Lurd For first-class Hair -Cutting angling for an illustration when he be mte.ny. and Shaving. said, " I will make you fishers of men," Again, if you want to be skillful in And so I tbink I have authority for spiritual archery, you must hunt in un - Smith's block, opposite Post Office, Clinton rials hunti frequented and secluded plac,>s, Why J. EMERTON, Proprietor. g n8 as an illuBtration of gos- dotes the hunter go three or four days vel truth, and I pray God that there in the Pennsylvania ifureSL8 or over WATTS may be many a man today who will be- ltaquette lake into the wilds of the CSO. gin to study gospel archery of whom Adiroudacks? It is the only way to 7 do. The deer are shy and one "baug" CHEMISTS &DRUGGISTS it may after awhile be said, " He was of the gun clears the forest. From the a mighty hunter before the Lord." California stage you see as you go Great Northwestern Telegraph office, How much awkward Christian work over Lhe plains here and there a Coy - them is done in the world) How man Ote trotting along, almusL within ran(fe Albert Street, - Clinton. y of the guu-6ometitnui`9 quite within good people there are who drive souls range of U. No one cared fur that; it pIIMps PUMPS j away from Christ instead of bringing is � Orthless. The gaud game is hidden them to Him I All their fingers are secluded. Every hunLer known thttmba-religioera blunderers who u set that. So many of the suuls that will If you want a first-class, well -made pump, one that pW of most worth for CrisL and of will, give you satisfaction, send your order to the more than they right. Their gun has a most value to the church are secluded. undersigned. is will deg and clean wells and do it at crooked barrel and kicks as it oes off. 'They do not come in our way. You will the Closest prises. He also handles • first-class g bave to go where they are. Yunde.r FORCE PUMP. They are like a clumsy oomra le who they are, dowri in that cellar; yonder JAMES PERGUSON goes along with skillful hunters. At from the door of any church, thu god- Opposb Queen's Hotel - High Street Clinton, the very moment when be should be tel arrow has not been pointed at them. 809 -ti most quiet he is crackling an adder or The tract distributer and coy mission - falling over a lug and frightening away arY sometimes catch a glimpse of them, tis a hunter through the trees .gets a W i the game. How few Christian people momentary night Of a partridge, or a Fe "rj e F R A N C d IF B have ever learned the lesson of which roebuck. The trouble is we are watt - (MEMBER OF AS8'N OF P. L. e.) I read at the beginning of this service, Ing for the. game to come to us. We are how that the Lord JeeusChrist at the not good hunters. We are standing in Provincial Land Surveyor some street or highway expo ting Lhat well went from talking about a cup the timid antelope will come up and eat and Civil Engineer, of water to the most practical religious out of our handy. We are expecting truths, which eros the woman's soul Lhat the prairie fowl will light, oil our �.OWDOW, OW'2', church steeple. It is nut d.ueir habit. Orx+roz-At G. J. Stewart's Grocery Store, Clio, for God 1 Jesus in the wilderness was if the church should wait lU,000,UUU of ten• breaking bread to the people. 1 think years for the world to curve in and ire it was good bread. it was very light saved, it Wil( wail, in vairr- The world bread and the yeast had done its work will not come. What the church wanLs Don't Build Without A Pl thoroughly. Christ, after be had broken nuw is to lift its feet from damask ut- aol the bread, said to the people, "Beware tomans and put them in the bLirrups. of the yeast or of the kaven of the We want p pulpit on wheels, Tile Pbarisees." So natural a transition it church wants not so much cushions as it J. ADES FOWLER & CO, was, and how easily they all under- wants saddlebags anti. arrows. We bave stood him 1 But bow few Christian o I gown and kid , got to tut aside the people there are who understand how glue" and put on the hunting shirt. Architects and Civil Engineers to fasten the truths of Gori and religion NV` have been fishing set lung Ln the Are opening a permanent office [o Clinton and are to the souls of men. Truman Osborne, l,rwks that run under the sbaduw of prepared to supply Plane, SpeciOcatlooe and details one of the evangelists who,,vent through Lhe cburcb that the fish know tis, that for any class of work at most reasonable rates. this country years ago, had a wonder- they avoid the hook and escape as soon Patent Drawings prepared and patents obtained. fol art In the right direction. He came as we come to the bank, wbile nudger to my father's house one clay, and while es Upper Saranac and Big Tupper's Valuations and inspections carefully made. we were all seatedin the room he said, lake, where the first swing of the gos- 25 YearSL'z" Mr. Talmage, are all your children pel net wuuld break it for Lhe multitude 12'ie'r'ienreinOntario. CbrisLia,n92" lather said, "Yes, all but of the fi-9hes. 'There is outside work to Mail address -P. O. Box 210, Clint on. De Witt." ''hen Truman Osborne look- be done. NN bat is that 1 see in Lhe back- ^_ ed down into the fireplace and began woods? it is a tent. The hunters have to tell a story of a storm that came ,Wade a cle firing and camped out. What W1t1. Moore Has Removed on the mountains, and all the sheep do they care it they hive wet feet, or were in the fold, but there was one if they have nothing but a pine branch -To- Iamb outside that perLshed in the for a pillow, 'or for Lhe northeast starch CORE'S BLOCK, HURON eTREET, CLINTON. storm, Ha(t he looped me in the eyye If a wuoae in the darkuess steps into I should have tw.n angered when he the lake to drink, they hear it right I son better than ever prepared to supply the pub told the story, but he looked into the away, if a loon Cry in the niounli,ght .c with the Latest Improved fireplace, and it was so pathetically they hear it. Slinaer Sewing illaehines. and beautifully done that I never found so in the service of C;oci we have ex - any p6ace until I was sure 1 was inside posed work. b1'e have got to cam out Needlesin xtock end parte auppiled torah mkeR the fold where Lhe other ex - beep were. Of Machines. Agent for the Celebrated Leader Churn The arches of olden times studied and rough it. We are. putting al! our and the most speedoellable Wa inViLerx aur' wrlDgers. The their art. 'i'hey were very precise in care on the people wbo come to our most critical laapectioniovltea. the matter. The old books gave spe- churclies. What are we doing for the cial directions as to how an archer thousands upon thousands that donot WM. MOORE should ggo and as to what an archer crmie? Have they nu a0uls? Are they should do. -He. muststand erect and sinless that they need no pardon? Are Cwt of Commercial H tel, HnronS Street, Clinton firm, his left foot a little in advance of there no dead in their houses that they the right foot. With bia left band be need no roinfort? Are they cut off from ons` orold)whosnffer must take hold of the bow in the mid- Got to go into eternity -no wings to irom Nervous Debility die, and then with the three fingers loser them, no light to chtx;r them, no IF sexual weakness and and tho thumb of his righL hand he welcome to greet them? I hear to -day MENAlonse,the results of self- should lay hold of the arrow anti affix surging up fr(m1 the. lower depths, a eta., will write it to the strizlg�9O prtxisA was the di- groan that comes through our ChrL9- usconfidentiallyaPlain rection given. L3uL how .,lum-9y we are twin a,%pinhlages and tbrough our beau - statement of their case, and promise to use our tiful c'hurclles, and it blots out all this Remed7 according to directions, we will send ulwUt rPllgioUB work ! HUw little skill prepaid by mail or exprew, a careful) and care we exereL9e I How often our ,scene from my eyes to -day, as by the , prepared course of Two Months' treatment arrowA miss the. mark] Uh, that there aii-9L9 of a great Niagara, for the dasb for which we will make no charge If it fails were more institution9 e9tablished in and the plunge, of these greattorrents i qv cure. rite Yankee frauds and Canadian all the townA and cities of our land, of life dropping down inl.o the fathoin- "I'". Write ns at once for a Remedy which !a goon+steed to Dore or coat nothing. a'herP men might iea,rn the art of do- le. -.s and thunilpring al,ys9 of 9uffr.rmg ( Address N. S. M. COMPANY, Lock Box 329, ing good�tudying .spiritual archery, and woo. I sonlPLImm Think that just i Platoon. Ontario, Canada. and known as 'mighty hunters before sus God blotted out the churches of f the Lord." fhytatira and Corinth and Laue dtra be- i FOR TWENTY-SiX YEARS veIn Lhe first place, if you want to ise cau,ie of their sloth and stolidity hP ry suree of your weapon. There was will Llot out American anis Engh&h t Aometbing very faes•inating about the Christianity and raise on the ruins a I eff(wDUNN7S archery in doing gaud, Pyer Ar be churnstalwart, coin awake missionary i archery of olden timers. i'erbaps you rhureh that can fake the full siren- i do not know what they could du with ing of that cornntand, "l;n into all the i thA Itcrw and arrow. Why, the chief world and preach the gospei to every They ht tsattfought by the English Y1ncreature." 1 enet9 were wish the long bow.T'1•ey I remark further, if you •.t -ant to c BAINC would take tho arrow of poltslmd wo(td 9uec-0 its spire(mal archery yon roust i POW,D and fthen i it with the plume Ufa bird, he rv,uraii If the liould stand and Ihpn it wrnild fly iron the bow- with irrrnbltng hand or shuul,ler that ( string of plaited silk ThA broad fields ffinvlws with tear, in9learl of his tak- I THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND N ille'sur(, and Smtway Mo9t and Ing ca What %r, the cat(if til n NPyiIIA'A C'rr+es.9 hoard the loud thrum I;dY;,v bin What rcnul,l berume of the+ p LAfiGgSi SALE IM CANADA. of the archer'A Wwsiring. Now, my Grf,enlander if, when out, hunf ing fpr I ('bri9tian friends, we hate a mightier the boar hr. should stand AhiverinKq a weapon than that.. If i.9 (he arrow of with terror on an ireher,,33: What w•omld the gospel; it. is a sharp arrow' it. is a liar iov,mie of Die C'ha.illu A.nd hiving- R straight, arrow; it, igfealhprpd from the 9fone tr. the African thirkpt. `with a i wing of the dove of God',9 spiril ; it fai 1t hearl and a weak kneed When it k VCAVEAT flips from a bow matte Out of the w(xNt plinth„r mine's wilhin 20 pare9 of you, Uof the cruse. AA far a9 I can esfirwoo an (tit ha sits eye On fou, and it has S,TR��EM�RKS or ca.lvulato it has brought down 40O �gliaflpd for the fparlul Apring, 'Stead•y Rji LIYf 000,0(10 eou Ls. Paul knew how In brin Iheri,V 7 OPYRIGH'T'S. the notch of that seine nn if) Ituf( f',nrnlr f) Ye Apiritual nrrherAl CAN I OBTAIN A PATENT? For a tx,wstring. and its whir was hrar(I 1 h, r,` lire .treat mnn�IPro in !nignit•y through I ( c( o pDrompptt answee�r and w honest opinion, write to h e slit. courtroom. u n t i l i he k n e I„ „(, i(„r all a inn n l n hnn l I h„ rnm- 11IUNN3cCO.,w hohavehadneartyyaftyyeunl Of FPlix kn(x•kecl Together. it wa_9 Ihnl ui,ity. Shall We, not, of fhA vtrentilh r experience strictly the onfide enttie bnetnees. Commnnlca. arrow that. stuck in Lutlipr'9 ltenrt J 'i , I ,-i fm t h an`I cnmt�;it t hem ? \Ve ) none tionocooufldonual. A Handbook of in- when he cited out: "Oh, my Allis I Uh, not nnI n,*if mare heart, blit more t formation ooncernlo� Patents and bow to ob- tatnthemsentfree.A[so a catalogue ofineahan, my sine l" If it. strike a man in the havi:t,ono What is the. church of God S 10%And scientlffobookssent free. head, it ki1L9 his ;kept.iciArtt; tf it. strike fhat it should fear to look in t.hp eye. i' Patents taken tLrough Munn & Co. receive Tectal noticei the Belo all Oo A merles n,and a man in the bee], if will turn 1)i.s At vp� any trnns,rr(:9sion? 'there is the (lril- a. Tectal broughht widely beturethe pubnewlth- if it. strike. him in the heart, he t.hrrm, vai tt ei of rlrunkenneso 1h,91 pr„" Is h 110E Dont to the inventor. This eDleudtd paper up 1149 hands, as did the Emperor Ju nroufrff,, Ind in.lead Of afln(k line St t Issuodweekl etegant1,,Ittllnetratod,baeb far the largedt eiroa3atton of an scientific work ]n the lian of old whpn wounded in the brat- how mint of us hHe miller 11te ( hns, h I r►orld, ll�a g,ear, Samso oopfeesentfree• tie, crying, "U Galilean, thou hast eon- Pew lir fl)P corrlrrsunOot InLle 'I -Is �, r1 Bufldln8g Edltlon man(1tly, 82.608 y8ar- 8ingle A p �p}ee, 2b oeuts- kTer? num er now the beau- qua evil l" vo m mr h i n veNtpd in i l , ccs ,, n, i t ;, i t p ffuu1 plates, in colors, and Dphotogmgpis of new In tb,- armory of thA En.rl of Pem. to na9niih 11 ; mihiona Of doll's. • ., , it h hones with violin, enabling bmlders to above Cher at,,eet�eel a pndeecureeontraote. Address broke there am Old corselets whirh rfls, in vnt9, in spigots, in cnrk� rr((y, C McIINN �CU. NEW YORK, 361 B9nADWAY. show that the arrow of the English in gin palaces with marble fl,,( S at), f � a! `v VUa er Ad eyes on the ""HQ14i111;tI,� •. d Guerruan t, whit �e to sold is `hu d �QVpxgth p .da 10 ds 0yearn it baes teen only three But elm E 1134,00J and looked at it, I said to ria� Y.* s self; •'That 14 notwug; 800 ho No` e Why, our Arnericaa vat boLds 2x(W'J.9w Y barrels of stron,f drinks, and 1V ke0-j t see' that i it is I filled.lo not" h to oo attalA e hila great monster of intemperance s and the kindred monsters of fraud ant a unclOallness. requires you to rally 6111 f yoir Christian courage. Through the I prbss, through the pulpit, brough the spplatfurin yuu must aasault� it. Would d o God that all our American Chris- tians would band together, not for I onack-brained farzatici»m but for hol,Y t Chr(stian reforrzr. 1 think It waif in 1783 that there went out from Lucknow, t India, tender the sovereign. the great- • est hlultif'4 party that was ever pro - 3 i et -1 There were 10,000 armed men La hunting 1 d party. 'There were cam - I eke and horses and elephants. On toms princes rode and royal ladies under( ) e$clutsite 'housiuga, and 600 cWlie warted upon Che train, and the deco- I late places of India were invaded by ! tbis excursion, and t)10 hinoeerous. the doer and the Olelth der the strOL-e of saber and I�ul ter, awhile th• ��rtrty ,,,(,, Jt ba hs` 'worth b0,U01) rupees, haling lel q/'t' arneas of India ghastly with th bodies of wild beasts. Wuuld to od that in - steal of here said there a straggler going Out to fight Lilese great mon- tstera Of iniquity in our country, the nlLllion membership of our churches would band together and how in twatq these ggreat cr(riees tbaL make the land te1Q, tful with their roar and are fat - 19 upon the bodies and souls of tmcortaI men I Who is ready for such a pa('ty as that? Wbo will be a mighty hunter for the Lord ? 1 rernIrk again if you wanted to b@ successful in spiritual urcbery, you nperal not only to bt'Ln down Lbe game, but L" ing it L11 I bink one of the mo$t beautiful pictr#res of Thurwaldsen ie his "Autumn." It represents a 9purtsman coving home and stuudind under fa grapevine, He Las a staff over hie shr)ulder, and on the usher end of that staff are, hung a rabbit and a brace Of birds. .Every hunter brings homQQ the gatue, No one would tbink of bringing down a reindeer of- whipptng up a stream for truut and letting them lie in the woods., At eventide the camp is adorned wit b tho treasures of the forest -beak and fin and antler.. If YOU go out to hunt for immortal souls, not only bring then down under the arrow of the gosF)el, but bring theme into the church of God, the encamp- ment we have pitched this side of the skies. Fetch theui in, Do not let them lie out in the open field., They need our prayers and sympathies and help. ''hat is the meaning of the rhuz,h of God -help. 0 ye hunters for the Lord, flat only bring down the game, but bring iL in I It Mithridates liked hunting so well that for seven years he never went in- (1-irs, what enthusiasin ought we to have who are hunting for souls! if Domilianus practi ery until be could stand awn in the Roman amphithealre, with a hand out, the fingers like that, and then the king ruuld sboot an arrow between the fingers without wounding them, toy what drill and what practice ought not WO to subject ourselves in order tO beu,me Spiritual archers and "migh- ty bunters before the Lordl" But, let me say you will never look any better than you pray. The old archers took lbs bow, put ane end of it down be- side' the foot, elevated Lhe other end and it was the rule that the bow should be just the size of the archer., If it were just his size, then he would go into the baLtle with confidence. Let me soy that. your power to protect good In t hA world will correspond exactly to your own spiritual stature. In other words, the first thing en preparation for Christian work is personal conse- cration. Oh, for a closer walk with God, A caim and heavenly frame, A light to shine upon the road That leads me to the Lamb 1 I am sure that there are some bete who at some lime have been hit by the gospel arrow .� You felt the wound of that conviction, and you plunged into tbi. world deeper, just las the stag, "ben the hounds are after it, plusgee into Srhroon hake, exited ing in ,that wl'Y to escape, Jesus Christ is onyour (rack to -day, imperdlent, man -not in wrath, but inmerry. Dye ebased and panting souls, here is the stream of .rod's Morey and salvation, where you may cool your thirst! Stop that chase )f sin to -(lay. By the red fountain bat le.appii from the heart of my Lord I bid you stop. is there in all this crouse anyone who can refuse the offer hat cornea from the heart of the dying ion of God? Why, do you know that here are in the. h(ini,9hed world souls hat for that. offer you get to day vould flung the crown of the universe Lt your feet if they pj)SN+.9sed It 4 But hey went out. on the rnnuntains; the itorru look (hem, and Hwy died. Thpre is in a fore.st in Germany a tl:ice lboy vall ihp "d"rlea two rags about is f,ret apart, n hem a fearful chasm ThLs is t '- led he "dppr leap" he, ,use once a hunter vats un t he trai•k of a deer, It came to me of these crags There wa.9 no es - ape for if from i 1w pur,uit of the ban - Pr, •Erni, in tiller despair, it gathered tv(+If up and in t M` deai h agony at, erupted to jurnp arrrtsA. Of course it ell and was da.9hot.l un the rcx:ks far nnoat h. Isere is a paf h io heaven. It + plain, H is safe, Jr9u9 marks it out lir every swan to walk In Put here a a man Echo sat•.9, "i i%4,W1 wa)k in hal path. i wilf take niy oc,n way." fe, ciiine9 ort until he eunfrunts the ha9rn thr11 dividi-A his snui from eaven: Now his last hour has cam nil he nemlves flint hP will leap tha� hlAun, fiom th„ hei-,h s of ,arthtotbe eighl9 of heaven., St in,1 hack now nd give hire hill swing$ for no soul u ver did thnf s(cesefully. Tom hint ry. Jump( Jumpf ifn misses f ho mark nil ho goP,,4 down, depth bolmv depth, rleslr'o)ed without reinFldv," Men. an- P1A, devil.9, whit 4h:tll w'P call that lace of awful rata,t r, l,hPf f,nt It be nown forever as 1114" sill1lor'9 death a p. , ELEPIIONES iN NVIND14011 CASTLE, QuPen Victoria has had several tele- honpa installpd In \Vivid -)r Castle. hey arp pla,,P-d on her Mrijesty's study Ellin and communo•ntp svtth Lord alishilry at the If(ane Ortl,p, Ma.rl- ,rouRh house, anis iii kinghara Pal- e. in a few days nn Plertrn[Erhone will • int rolurpd at NVimltv,r ('astie and to Queen will 1,+3 Pnn1Jed to hear all re latest Pnlertainim-04 in the Lon - u) t heat res anis voneprt halls. It will .en ho poc.:ihlo for the rascal ears nr The, lotPaf nutsir hall qnp'z� an 1ni. too, wilhnut rnrnpromlctng in the ightp-9t degree queenly dignity. , ", •, .7.111