HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1896-07-08, Page 6�> ��, I IIf pp��,W y,� `, y lav ! 18 -u Mry f��M14' IAM" 16R,11 i{tl►it9cl^�i rk ter s.. 5 EWK g + tk' Rd lt i►1tm "qy (� dl+ !�j ce"1"='�., ;!' ' w°E't `'" .'nuFl`"�T11, I V-1Ft" t. A nlwny?;FIFO 'I, V 01A ,1t 0'•: ti t . n:;. ';.RII ill HRt ek' i1tilJlt;i.,. t�ln!s ..-a :' t' ; aid,. fits �l . !1!M I W a F t .,#, .lel . . } @ 4t n t?..,4 t IlW, e . r l) . ,o . � ii 'a r- a �. T11 MVA, fiw' l t41�i1f„I.ri�'t?Xt Q M. r I r�, A. , A1� fir, �ii. .fir � y4 N X % r,�, � ti►; � .1 :,� °.' ,,. r t ,,,,, it r11h. �A,Y ad'it �'i?; W a (iii 4. ate” ���lA,eit :l��t� iJiti;.,t&.��l��Al , . tRiQ RI~4. #�k4 is . e�r.fk ,� kaJi �' d t � ��. ,* „ , :•_ !)t of 'n;l `'tt •, ti r r 4 •,,; a1 a,t.+ i" p Rd,,. >A r han 0 11 a bran tlt4, .:, is 3 *M 9t1i, ie Qp4t ti tai' d i Milts !t fJ:S� v y .._. '•f K' �tn , a. ":. � :,r t>, t �' .�, Listed Iltonoy .� ...,, �� ..k . e�, ll, anq; ,t�� : , e+>1,; nla. ��II ��i,.it c ) ifitACRr.", . , a,:t 7111�ttllttlsae slwvrtski's VVQrid' t til 4 n r ha 01 tt yl .. d.' d lie ttt� � pa +� • .. , f1►91lt vf1fQ wa t Aensd - a r m ..q , iii ,the Aid@S► i ' i altrr� ll Q" Rwtslt-T9 r�tot`url In CA'a"dat ,y Dari, AN po.,##w m#, fill• h�?#eT �! - w':<t��ohlr aafl bYi is Yor, re 19 i c� ..`; 1 ' ; f l?t;taiMbVQ >1 #ti q amoothpan�'tvld �Otrmte� waqh?�@lp et', , the noted i is a h6 also Col alders ft,A tiles' I !�allt fpr` 4;94't t4eY q+��Ver otter dented a tlteoaophict�i }l�i?t�ti>t p by o a>frived hese a life iJr d011Rob1slr; silty !#ar pidCR `,'+ w ..:';.• t; ,'14'110 opo 0! ) . 4tt,fsvolutlen; tha,l#li4n a ,t , Yesterday, 'seta 4ha' iaA' Franclaco 49M .1Pr.tli& 19wr_R,1 eR;_TPJ IyA, Aw ar 1t'a!t ttitld 011iltl load tlptid ma►d, ' C444 is styli ;V ' 4i'ltitlltititltart for what r. B1r'i# Aoary sire and mgkron staid she .eats ere the . ►#FaAle results of l32 lSa. m&� ,l>tfll Ars sled tip, a tt►gi �, r ,`c ,�wlllisig victims quick are caught' grantlas the ballot t4' women !n New al#d the building o! a ttostnoti. ' fihese llt':tiea;lir. the modern iullffernaut, legtllrea are attragting' a great: dehl of a'i'ls" plAere bruised and battered they lie prone Zealand. ,. ,f'u&a p melte sally an his way, speeds oneAtton. Mrs, assent is a Yet!yt. able I have Just been spending a year f t" ei'"1 The ac,groher. 1elot.uring. to the AaatralllI.n colgalcs, Jnn4, ot.,strORB Int.000tuht ,�gyeq, r.;'. , "- and with an exceptional slit 4f ela- rN,.y4f' , and durlli tli,�6M}p}e ?"vif'1iiallY 11.ravl' >rlt.rtiark 1 as swift 1ts o'er he apart quence. WhetZter one agrees whit her ;, 4109 d4 Retribution o'er his bead, ed a1] over Australia, New Zealand views or not, ash to a s , i4 his path she takes her arena, and Tasmanitt," she said yesterday. Psalter who ak- r" 4,r ,:, V alt dim lsya hoe iron bend; "On all panda in New Zealand I saw, Way's arouses and a woman whose per :'Ir, ; i1rQlteu p.l�ak4 a rtudtlep tura, do ollty always lnte1res�a.; Lillaa wk,q>.,, ,4t war ring oye. Justice 1s douo I Whitin a Tike 14rohes. g London letter in Chicago t 14,�`r� I Tntet-'Ocean. War, an Iron lain oat dashed pep f +isnot g!a•'bike•'fa wrecic,ed; hlA head Ia smashed, i� r'"'t. 1'Ifn�y stiokea ,oro tq,,ifough his liver thrust, tr DEDICATED TO THE QUEEN. q,,pt; Ll, al, ewers through a sirloin roast„ • 4A1,� i;', � lfl'shAjlRlesa 'l►cap `pY ae soless clay, Ocala, rlorlda, fiold/ qp Interesting Colo. ,,r, ilenit „alit! ]firm iii ,d�eat ,there la • ' ' 1 fm �itsYr, The scofcher. y l brKtioA. •art a ``'''' 1 May 26 the City of Ocala, Fla_, cele- zt� . ' We'd met, the coroner's jury said, orated t'he aevontyeeventh birthday o1 �,. The fate .he richly merlte 1 Queen Victoria by dedicating '* '�,,- HUB careaae, while they hkid the.r breath, g to her u�, Tlkeyr scraped•from the polluted earta, with appropriate ceremonies a stately y ,. Tiley throat !t in a coftln cheap, A' a magnolia tree. +1" And 'neath the daisies buried deep ", i, „� ' 9'ho scorcher. r; The ceremonies took place in the 4'1ti' . ,'SI 1. afternoon, and an Interesting program And, In that worlit whq}}��e penalties ' was carried out before a large audl- ��'z. . &ret laid uppon our eneuxlee; ��N sacs. Music was rendered by the Me wl r 'eglteite rubber Ursa would _ficaree hold air, " .* ap' sidewalks are in poor r® alr, '`�. a tropolltaA band and songs were given I ".1. �d woolen sweaters you'll not see, ' ' by the school children. The address lie.1 be thlrougb Cil sterni}y `-t. \ !� V, r Iyo marcher. _r_ RAN / SRA of the day was delivered by Prof. John } -4. A. W1LLA$AN. J. Earle, the principal of the Public 'A. , _ � � School-$ of the city. In its course he ih ., TALK TO YOUR PATS. said it It may be asked why de we, having eI r ->� so many distinguished women of our That Will Help to Make Them Friendly U own ,.dedicate a tree to- one of another and Intelligent. COUNTS �a1.;.., , 13.900N8TAN;)E WACNTDf6;J$TBR,, fag. I; Will sat, that, a,9 a great mind IV!,; '7p!!e 'most Important kinduess we the benefit of women being able to and character to confined bx no Polltl- Cabs do any atilmed that lives with us vote, One adtuirable result is that high- tNr] bounds, but is the common herlt- '` or =that works for us is to talk to age of the world, especially should we �ti • ly respectable men who before held ,i• -lido: It Is. all very well to glop our I aloof irosn.,politice are now coming feel proud of England's great. We are pets• proper, food and cartt,'bpV itis forward and making their power felt the same blood, habits and religion. �, wat enough, If "man doth not live by In public life. The two great English speaking nor �§ [!tread only," the animal friend of man '*The great abjection that people urg- tions should go hand In hand, and they ,R5 also have higher requirements. They art before women were allowed to approaching more than any other `;; . . •need companionship; they need con- Wield the ballot was that they would people the teaching of the divine 1n :' tirersation. A team of bosses that work vote for their fathers their brothers morality, truth and Justice, shall be ,- regularly together have their Way of ,and their lovers, 'but that has not ' the advance guard of cibUization, and � talking with each other, A cat and an Anglo-Saxon, wherever found, will s' pi+oved to be the case in New Zealand 1 (ber kittens, a pair of prairie dogs, or ,Gn the contrary, they are most con- be a king; and "now it becomes my •s• any other home Pete which are for- 'eclentious in making inquiries before' 'pleasant duty to dedicate this mon- $ : lunate enough in the companionship hand as to the character of the per- arch to Victoria,- Queen." t. of their own kind do not really need- oar 1 Response -Was made by G, C9hetwynd +•Intimacy, but, they wilt never team,- tar ''wp .ioJ; whom they are voting, and !L ' . there is any flaw in"'Ate `titan's charao-, f9'tapIn the o Englishman by birth, love us unless we take ,the, trouble to ' 1 ' �ter,� `such as drunkenness or 'kindred who in the course of his remarks spoke be agreeable to them,"'said they ^ney<er a, wilt be half so tntelliger t in 'under- vlces, they resolutely refuse to give standing what we expect them w `do him their votes. This is naturally If we omit to say clearly what we having the effect of sending highly r'e- �/ tt�' want and if we are unwilling to bea•T I s'peotable men Into the pohleal arena." r ' ` / . �• our. part In a friendly conversation- ' The Countess spoke thoughtfully and You talk to your Petri, of Onurse, earnestly, and It was evident from the iso z1- boys and girls we hime not' supPos readiness with which she cited facts to Ate+- �``. y V1' eti•'tbat you do not. Was there over a support her statements by personal ex" � boy who wouldn't talk to-' his dog? perinces gtiined'in New Zealand, that I_, The dog answers you. He wags •his she had observed and cross-question- D111DIOATED TO TIM QUEEN. r`- tall, looks up into your (ace, lidlko:your'' ed closely during her tour, She Is Ssan,da, jumps about you, and when, In not the sort of woman, .m any case, as follows of the Anglo-American's hist opinion, fhe conversation grows too to launch ou't into hasty enthus',asm, pride in his American citizenship : exciting to be carrled oia in an ordin- • but quite thoughtful and sympathetic; "To those who, like myself, are of '� Wry* manner, be barks sa loud as he her ready flow of language Is the elo- British birth, and on whose behalf I J. can to give fuller expresaton, 'to ',his quence of the thinker rather than the speak, need not say that this kindly ",'? 1Ceelings. mere brilliancy of a clever talker. The tribute from the 'People of Ocala to our Now, a boy may have a dog ,tor a Countess is a genial, unaffected little Queen Is very pleasing. , pet;, and some other sne�ber of the woman and her title and honors sit "I feel sure that those of us who V"" family may, have a canary. The boy very lightly upon her. arc true to ourselves are proud that covelders his dog the finest, cleverest) When questioned further about wm we are Britisher& We should despise tetIaw, fn the world. A %canary ha men voters 1n New Zealand, she said: ourselves and be worthy only of your 91 thinks is a stupid little Thing •that "I had the good fortune to be In Chrlet contempt if we were not proud of it. ez.res for nobody and is easily Ilrigh- Church at the time of an election, and For if the British people had no otter #ened. Let hien go up gently to the S+. esttlaty and talk to St for a moment Fade minute 1nqulriea, .as the subject aoh]evement to Justify their pride it to 11.; Interested me much. I dlacovered that vindicated by the American nation, ,' The little bird will cock'its head first the majority of the women took an that brightest star in all the galaxy, on one side, then on the other, and Intelligent interest in politics, but of offshoots of the parent stem." will chirp a delightful mmwer, ending there was a minority utterly indiffer- A leaf from the tree and a notice of 1. leery probably to a burst df happy ent-the vain and frivolous, I suppose, the dedication have been sent to the L. tong. After a while it velli know that "I was fortunate in meeting tete first Queen. The paper !a n Dog's voice, and will show the greatest signed with the lady Mayor, who acted in the capacity 1 names of the committee who prepared whenever he enters the room. Zia of chairman at one of my lectures. I and carried out the ceremonies as folw carr . soon teach the little creature to Her name was Mrs. Yates, She was lows: comsat hised call, and take Its favorifruit Mayor of Onehunga. "To Her Majea£r Queen Victoria t hemp seed or a morsel of fruit ire :) "During her term of office, which The City of Ocala, 1Ma, sends to your its' fingers. If, one pays no attention � at all to an animal, It cannot be other- only lasted a year, she sated the town Majesty its people's hearty greeting aritse than stupid. We know a sad £800, an unprecedented event to that on this seventy-seventh anniversary of ` etotry, of a can= that had scrupulous community. She fulfilled all her duties Your birthday. They beg your accept - care, but was left constantly 'alone. perfeotly and saw that even the ante of this ma 011s, leaf as a souve- Its cage hung where It could not look minutest affairs were looked Into. The nir from one of Florida's native forest ani of the window, and no amusement people had clean streets and good trees, which, spreading wide its )oftly at any sort ,was provided for It_ The sanitary arrangements, and yet the foliage in Ocala, has -f -0 --day been dedi- poor little mite died of nothing tri the town was able to save £800 under Mrs. cated to You with befitting ceremonies, YmAd• but solitary confinement. Yates' administration, and yet the and will be known henceforth an A_ yet sadder, e'tory to told of a chlld. what a woman can do. She was a 'Queen Victoria Tree., Long may it A woulstn who was not her mother clever, agreeable woman and a thou• flourish to commemorate the beneflc- Ei ly fed and clothed A little •girl_ ough lady in every way, not one of enee of your ret n, ' your 'new' women of the period, She g and inspire ti to • �)t7ty tkiter day she let the ethlld crawl strive for comity among all nations wound the room where she took in attended well to her home duties, too, and for continued amity between those Vataliine for a llVing Not only did she. for .-he was a woman who would do who speak the English tongue, sfev Ir Pet her, she never evert sponte to all she undertook to do well." 'CHAS, W. TORRY, ' Iter I Som6 good peop)e noticed that The Countess says it pleased her Lm- "D. S. WILLIAMS, the little girl showed no intelligence mensely to see the success of women "C, L. BITTINGER, ' and could no talk. It was because she in New Zealand, because in the then- S "J. J. EARLF, i' had mover been taught a single wvrd. sophical philosophy women play quite "D. S WOODROW, ' ' The little girl is now bright and happy an equal part with men. "Theosophy ," "G. C. STAPYLTON_" , with kind frlends.--Our Animal was founded by a woman, Mme. Bla- Friends. vatsky," she said. "I wan her friend TY -DES OF WOMEN. and lived with her for six years, and Y!, Hard on the Rumther Girl. I know that in every way she upheld An Australian Abortglnal to Her Up -to. I suppose it was never a question of the perfect equality of women witfi Date Finery. r". respecting or approving of the au,m- men. It Is with great sorrow that I rner girl. The artists, who have main- POW come to America a second time .', !l. W created her, have sometimes made to find that this Theosophical Society. her very chic, very pretty, very fetch- founded by Mme. Blavatsky, has teen - Ing; but there has always been a taint split into two parts. 't` of vulgarity In her charm, and the "On her death -bed Madame Blavat- , people who have joked the artists de- sky entreated me to try to keep the , Signa -that is, Invented some!•bit of soclefy together -to prevent It from /t' ell `,r d1'$fogue to go with them, 'hAve in- disintegrating -and I promised her that stincttvely felt this. As soon as they I would work for the society, which open the poor thtng's lips for her, you I Joined In 1881, until my death- Nova lxcar how shallow and false and corn- the Americans have split off from the rpon,she Ia. She has only wit enough old society and have founded a new a� to White some cruet speech, only sen- one, taking as president a young ;;` • •tbility enough to feel some d)"ppoint- Englislrmun•of 26, and It pains me ex- ''' sent that affects herself. ceedingly to see the division, as it is The conception of the summer girl in express contradletion to the wishes ", Is essentially a cheap one, and so far Of Uadame BJavatsky. I am nerturally i xi, tits' it baa eventuated In fact, it has working here for the old society, which ,` j.been eheap. Undoubtedly the talk has as its president Colonel H. S. Ol- x atbo,4t iter has tended to create a type Cott, an American and the president 11 - _- and the type to not one that we need founder of the w`bote society. , ' sere to have perpetuated. Her excess 71h0er him there are six sections - 11,0 _._ care hebn I 1 abuse of the freedom the Indlan, ,European. Scandinavian, r.�, u1 slit 61�I11.U, W)'' G"I Gi r ° " Y My ' ' ��� M Y ;., ,,,_� � ,�,�,�! J I 4.RR2. t' C Z 4 pl r, 1 )i ♦l '�} l 1. 1�` 3 1 b i alts f `� 1 �P' d• y�j M _ a 9 it�/j � b 'X I p aFyR I ,l4 - . tY3 d r •t �hg,en •. `9 o,. � z & ,� �. wp #t ith bi *,#K447 Y . f[ e t to#lite t !ARI iMk >a. till P e so C i ec! e �!, ,! , > i:tl 1 uu� tiwil>ir:l►►s , •xl� ai+ t ' . ,� x At t cl. 4" fie"' ��'cros,4 :tr t�al� fRw' +1 ?i N li+M" ti tent(. iae.,"Wock °kt R 1lseIYb11 A► ani th�R 41 Ota lilt . q�- ,poss . fl? Jt aJC:i 1110.0111",,. ffltia.'Kt""" ' "�'. " #irlgilr 1DIik>a1t Pia s nu aril . n $: t'l xK>fp� iijd dans the vxetali. tit' 94r tldWS , 3? t> rn oil. -' ite'�'944-taat49A at U1411404itY, ,- Gf4iiJl0 , 4R'l dfis` Zp q►'ha4 dX. -, The a to .. , " t 1. �,t thcl�t' �ifl dl;ilillInIN,. r ts"O' x�ta�. , 1l:po tilt At ag Count Then to 4'ti `,�tlp,1;►imos>ttloh. Of tho tuirrteei►tll In � readlp q� Rt � 1. 1Wf�.F0;Ar ,r9M9, gT,,, ort aonl r r o t t T ]a _ , , . $ Ot 4t gay f 1 e empir EJn8tt4rl, tesC. Ae �t 'hll "', .:4sr f!�1�Fq�tin er, f44,4 uw Itt# 0A Pr. Jobeph Kragiskopt of P4,1lq> 'Every ,man Cann ^, rv,. `6 !r ill al lel fiarlt. I Ali >;tfer hist the ei hi' v ed _ table t _ ,•. v . _1 4 p " deli es a lecture In Ilton a day wit " h 4 Whet 10' AbW fully 'recognized by the real 090olatlon Hall ilpon in, slp.Pltig his' Co 'Amp- � 4 9 P0 4#. r F.£, >am ta,. the A A Y to i Pttl? ,.t11 4 fat ' a g it»alp ai,t41► out in to ace S oA u Ills t �- X1t >G . Mild#rQ#te r A1tlipt ,� tha n�@@ been wltb too of t -beard term of. PRntempt, Carne murderer ty' c jj `a l j , r 1,x &il.l , #drive d ei aY $ err 6's: oklt- "Only a, 4w," he touched oft the in- alleged contessioA, 4'.yli' ti � tea e, Dile aetua 4onsummailoa tit 1t ; , • , ? lI(4 0" til .A as, isa g ea le ltd p4tito ,,nil jleragvutlons heaped on the WIP of murders t a 0 I' ntid ' 2; . a l4 d ' a no fess Q4l-att� o the Is-&efites, alluded t9 ( witted, As his 0 r >.',' , tit oml4ouu o! ;roup e; 1perhapa a1 ruin othschif who was courted and columna he is aertiltT�t 1 ��:"NJ I�x to the most offer IIgushed dynasty on ' In the remotest coyntr , the coAtl4eIIt of ur0 breaded because of his power, and y ,1, bo, 1l(r „iii' Europe SFver since spoke of the fact that Jesus was woe- der on the frontier, no let the. suicide of ,&rchdulte Rudplph at p*Fe 4�, i t shipped the Whole world over for the In any great city, no drunk k* re ' l'i'ly ., Ikleyerlilpg, s@v!en years asp, the utmost grandeur Of his LeachSnga. And yet any small village, no eoolnl4"h tla ' ` anxiety q,Q4AerAAa 6 the auccegslon of each was anty a Jew. Only Jews they anywhere, has escaped the ar , �+!+ the thrar t ha� prevalicd et the Aus- were, !t was true, but where or when reporter. The drag•.net hap )?o , - >?iil court. Tat feeling is now rapid- had lived the people whose lot or Prehenslvely drawn throur£h it l: � ly changing to despair, as well It r { may privilege it was to be, at one and the deep and shallow waters ofvht;irin , ,' same time, the despised and rejected, and every imaginable 109, 0:rgalt I'll Austria-Hungary is not merely a the feared and the courted, the honor- brought to the surf t#s7a£llik dual emplre. It Is many times multi- As a relish for the ed and venerated, as were the Jews ,„', ple- It comprUes five kingdoms, an and as they had been from the first. kind of Informal pn archduchy, anti various other states, They had ever been the simultaneously serlbed as "news,' inn once independent, The people are of despised and dreaded and distinguish- °P People feel obliged Y t ; ;i, three races, and a dozen tribes and ed of mankind, It often happened cause they are under t e>:; zXl t le l#l3 , 13 ; nearly as many religious orae"ds. Malty that it they pass It b ' et that the same hand that thrust them Y they v el i T ;1, ,, 4f these elements are discordant, some out besought their return; that cast norant of that V,hich to J_Kp a ,'x! ;,'i*t} 1' Intensely hostile. They are held tp the world which ever oklev,,C gether mere! by the them down, Wfted them u that sought y It& , r Y personality of p' g know. Men are co st 1t�q the. sovereign. Ftuacls Joseph is one theft destruotton, opened the portals 1 a >} Vit. iat4` ,n ,l ti that led them Into a newer and ha keep in touch with, their t! road s Im aP the wisest of stateatrien, and most p rho newspapers as well a s irinttiX' °siy'a benevolent of monarchs. B virtue of Pier life, This was shown by the fact #1 By that whilst Pharoh was seeking to les. The advice is soup nd vtrjb fig* his las held and conciliatory spit!! g there is a queatlon, howe1 "� ,as to what he has held the realm together for annlh%!late Israel he raised, within his 4 c l Many years. yut he is -old, and his own court, their emancl constitutes "newa." hat crime'rntt$t tl�$, man part` and leafl• er, Moses; Vea seise, whiter be reported because it ought , to be 1,, health is failing. After him, what? p preparing known is undenla .�!” The deluge ? It looks like it. to destroy Iamel's political capital, te; but the miser ,i ." helped to build up their spiritual ca pt- able gossip that epiects about a orlrtie, x,' The suicide, Rudolph, heft no son,and tal at Jamnla; Spain, whilst driving the horribly moribiid spreading out of _',Y, was himself an only son, and the Saito the Jews from its soil, opened for them loathsome details, are not properly 7'%Y�'' taw prevails. So the suocesalon had to news; the have no significance tri re X X: the portals of the New World. Refer- y g ;'' go to a collateral line. It fell upon lati0n to the central Pact. The ,bare a ring to such terms as "Ric)& as a Jew," y ,,� ♦rchdufle Charle3 Louis. He was one "Mean as a Jew," "Tricky as a Jew," mention of a social scandal may, be a r�Ii of the. most kindly of wed, yet the he said it was true that Jews had been Park of the daily record of life in. II t4rtl; molt conservative, reactionary, arbitr- community, but the diagustinf'%r13aTx mean, -they had been vulgar and vile,, ary. Had he lived to come to the of the proceedings In a divorce eaA, ' _!, they had been dirty and tricky, they Fill.y throne, there would surely have been cabled sometimes pearl 000 nit es "r trouble unless his young wife, one of had shunned the country and had in- y"' tested the cities, they had turned thele and at g}eat expense is n9ver a ric es- . , the cleverest women to the world, nary part of the sad story. It mayp)ne backs upon agriculture, and with their ter could have averted 1t by herself ruling wise to publish the Pact thatL a stlicifll4 ;'. as the "power behind the throne." But rapacious talons had seized upon the has taken place, but there to no ex- Charlea Louis died the other da and Profitable commerce and finances of Y, cuse for the long columns of detail the nations; they had been parasites which often accompany such an an � his son, Francis Ferdinand, is heir in a his stead. This is the ignorant and and usurers, they had been Shylo'cks nouncement. 'In short, these matters and Iscariot.». They had been all this, �. dissipated young fellow who visited sometimes repulsive, often trivial, are � ` this country a few years ago, when the were all this, and, for all he knew, in no sense "news" and form no part11 Emperor was sending him around the even worse than this, A portrait of the of the necessary material; .which . a L .. world in the vain hope o^_ making a historic Jew Without these dark sh,• newspaper should otter its readers. The a"' ` decent man of him, It was he who down would be a false picture. I_ vnu w7ahed to paint the Jew as he was, essence of news Iles in the significance <•^ ,Y t- a dead peasant, but his own wife, for p of the fact reported; IP it means any xrti,* while he amused himself with jumping Bever Omit the Fagin trace; it belong- ' his horse beck and forth over the bier; ed there, nor must anyone be su thing as illustrative of life, movement, rprised charge, Progress or retrogreostOri, !t s for which he, happily, got flogged, by to find it there. The wonder is that the fs news: if it does not, it is gossip; anti "" r:' the Fitnperor's own imperial self. What face was not wholly Flavin. Other gcssip Is the food of oma minds. Ivo �'� hope would such a man have of hold- Peoples that had not been half so much 3 ` Person whose eye» haver h'ad an �i Ing the campoefte realm together? persecuted and degraded as the Jews, . any,, ft had been completely demoralized millarity wi,h objects' h•i4�ltA 4✓ But he will probably not ascend the and to their demorallzdem had at will cross a room to I out of S , throne, for he is !ll with as lncurablr. R indaw into a filthy alley; on the coil malady. which threatens to carry him found their end. The Jew, however, trary, such a person will take apeelali 4.v' ? off before his venerable uncle. He tis with the exception oP a few marring care to avoid such a spectacle, No �', unmarried, and so w111 be succeeded by lines' was intellectually end morally ):ore -minded man Or woman at decetlt his brother Otto,. What. then ? Qtr.+ as vigorous and as advanced today as thinking power will read thio h ,, Sa is even worse than Francis Ferdinand. were the most vigorous and the most story of a disgusting scandal R r W li k I 11 He outrageously Insulted in public not advanced of the peoples among whom listen to the telling of it without r c` a dead peasant ,but his own wife, for he .lived. Y3mt far from being a d[s- test. These matters interest, o{ri�..... . ,. which, it 1s pleasant to record, hF, Face to the Jew, these shadowy lines low -minded- There Is nothing iri them ':1 . too, was made to feel, Lila weight of and disfigurfug daubs only bore wit- cf the slightest attractive�power..for M. a stout cane in his imperial uneie'p ness to his martyrdc!m and to .the decent people who give as much atten R hand. For him to succeed to the throne cruelty of his persecutors. And what tion to the cleanliness of their miffs would surely be the signal for revol'u- Was the crime, the lecturer asked, as to the cleanliness of their bodies. ws�,"� W tion --and shOUld be. The people .or that had brought martyrdom and per- It Is certainly true that most news ,' n°P the Two Socllies rose against his in. secution upon the Jew ? He was guilt, papers confuse gossip with news, the °'I;tt Infamous grandfather, ging "Bomb&," of being "only a Jew," of having given trivial and insignificant with the I ' i' ' s i and this latent Baton of the dock to to the world a Clod before whom half portant and significant events; tittd.• worse than "Bomba," by the additional of humanity bent the knee to day, of facts of the day. The columns of the ; '"��, decadence of two more generations, having furnished the first to acknorw- press are filled with an enormous col- . _-s; In such eircumstb.nces the declln(ng ledge that Saviour and to do homage lection of odds and ends oL gossip, ool ski;;, years of the old Kataer's life may to Him, of having produced prophets lected without disdrimination from the .. ��; well be disturbed with gravest ap. and bards and law -givers to whom the four quarters of the globe and jumbled .• .`'tt1i Prehensions for -1he future of his dy- r whole civilized world did homage. He together Into a shapeless mass ",width- prti v.` nasty was guilty of hyving given to the out form and void." Events of the;iil4h s ` The appointment of Count Then Is world a .Bible a Sabbath, the deco- eat importance are scattered through f1` I. significant, also, in another respect. logue, the golden rule, of having been columns of personal rubbish of no pot , ` Count Then was lately Goveror of the first to proclaim the fatherhood of sible interest to anybody but the un . ,; Bohemia. and such a Governor that God and the brotherhood of man, the Happy individual whose miafortil;es or '� men calico him Viceroy. Bohemia was 1 ;,, seething in revolt when he event there. first to enjoin peace and goodwill on crimes have dragged him into kitbiia ''A, �;, i* earth, He was guilty of the crime of view. The publication of a book which' ,.. "I will restore order," he said to Count furnishing proportionately the great- is to change the history of the"world. to , es. number of stars to the galaxies o1 is announced in half a column of small stage of siege In Prague. Next day the world's g page, while the first. .f4` be rose in the Landtag to explain why, greatest lights, and he was type on a back ;, 4 and began to speak in German. An guilty the crime of being among page Is devoted to some corrupt pout- ,«,i all but universal howl arose against Peaceful, most taw -abiding, lest intrigue or to some brutal and .. `: him. "Cniveesky mlhow) they cried. meat Industrious, most loyal and mysterious murder. Intelligent read- .. ' "Speak Czechish!" He smiled -the patriotic and most domestlte o[ pe0. era of the newspapers want more news `' plea. Had the Jews been destined Poi and less gissip. Personal chit -,chat to •� ';. smile of a bulldog -wafting until they •.;�,� 1 paused for breath and began again- annihilation, their destructdln would all very well in its place, but lntelll- psi>r�I have been aecom ished long ago. No I gent readers want to be inform%ed°slJout `�''J�`;'* in German. Por an hour the teat of P g g , task could have been easier, for the ! the really significant things that are :' �,,t"4 physical endurance went on: and In the Y I yj. end he won. "I ordered the state of were physically, one of the weakest of happening In the world. One can count ;;