HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1896-07-08, Page 5•
alrgtild be a h lth-
11,1 beverage, a bev-
erageleON'S ROBOT B R
has proved to be.
IT is a deliolone,
d. rkling, jnvlsore
a awl healthful
dquolou8 and espcpi-
el1y liealtbful dur-
ingtbis hot weather.
Easily made in a
few' minutes and
ready for use in
24 hours. Each loo
bottle makes you 5
as good for those
who prefer it to the
Root Bear. 25c a
bottle Hie, each
tablet makes 1
a bottle 10c.
25 and 50c.
Allen 86 Wilson, ME:
J. B. Rumball,
The Leading Jeweler.
Our Goods are the Best in the
Market and our Prices
the Lowest.
women and'w
9t., next ,d
elephone Exchange.
Pasture to Let.
Horses and Cattle taken into pasture. Good
fences, plenty of shade, water and salt. No
Barbed wire. Apply to C. MASON at Staple.
• ton or to M. Glow, of Orange Hall, Mallett.
Graduates Always Sueeessful I
is not "a school of the past" nor is it one of the
'going to be""business colleges. IT I8 A LIVE
eICHOOL OF TO -DAY. Its methods are modern
end up-to-date, its courses of study are thor-
:.ughly practical, it is the largest and beat
quipped commercial school in Western On-
i.ario. Write for circulars.
W.J. ELLIOTT, Principal
Ianitoba Excursions,
JULY 21.
•'•FARE$ 28.00a-__
Through Coupon tickets issued and
baggage checked to destination. For
all particulars apply to
G. T. R.
Take ice that a Court to hear
the o appeals
from the Court of Revision for the Township of
Goderich will hold its sitting in the Court
House, in the Town of Goderich, before His
Honor Judge Masson Senior Judge of the
County of Huron on Wednesday, the lfith day
of July, A. D. 1896, commencing at 11 o'clock A.
M., for the purpose of hearing and rectifying
all complaints against or errors on the assess-
ment roll of the present year. All parties inter-
nterested aro requested to attend.
Clerk of the said municipality.
Oodorich Township, June 30th, 1896.
WANTED -Three General Agents for a block
of Counties; also live canvassers for
each. A big thing, and those who get territor-
ial rights will be in luck. Can also employ
several bright ladies at their own homes. THE
St. West, Toronto, Ont.
rl 1M941 4 1iTt `t 40§4.1 `.s11{ $,4 t
n� y �yxr1, �ltJ1 tvo*! p
qll [i igottR. tj,,mot.t„; to. 0
00 to, iso• 00 02
111111;' 0 HOP ar..ac A:4•w,. rtt.,, tA nnY 801 t o/ ( 40
t ettt., eft�at•.tt•J„d *tl r,f Ae„t tt rr to t/O 50
P�ij .v.a.v“.., tme-t. .rlr.• . id 0
t'O htees, per bush. ., ti I to 0 20
Butter ►..r....: 0 9 to 0 10
Egp per doss ......... .... 0 'Tito 0 8
• .... 900to1300
1olydrrood. 3 00 to 3 50
Beef ...... 3 75 to 5 00
Wool 0 17 to 0 17
Wheat, white.... .....$ 70
do red 68
do goose 50
Peas 48
Barley 31
Rye 49i
Oats 224
Hay 11 00
Straw, bundled 10 00
do loose 0 00
Eggs, new laid 9
Butter, ib. rolls 12
do Tubs, dairy .. ... 11
Chickens 30
Ducks 50
Turkeys 8
Potatoes ....... ... 20
Dressed hogs 5 50
Beef, hindquarters 4 50
do forequarters 2 00
Veal 300
Lawb, yearlings 500
do spring, per lb .. 0
to $ 00
to 00
to 00
to 00
to 00
to 00
to 00
to15 00
tol0 50
to 0 00
to 9i
to 13
to 12
to 40
to 70
to 11
to 00
to 0 00
to 750
to 4 50
to 450
to 7 00
to 11
Milch cows, each $20 00 to $30 00
Export Cattle, per cwt 3 50 to 3 80
Butchers' choice cattle,cwt 2 00 to 3 25
Butchers' good cattle, cwt 225 to 2 75
Bulls, per cwt 2 75 to 3 00
Shipping Sheep, per cwt..,.2 75 to 3 00
Sheep, yearlings, per cwt. ..3 00 to 3 50
Sheep, bucks, per cwt 220 to 2 25
Spring lambs, per head... 2 50 to 3 25
Calves, per head 2 00 to 4 00
Choice Bacon hogs, per cwt4 00 to 4 13
Store hogs, cwt 3 70 to 3 75
Thick fat hogs, cwt 3 45 to 3 50
Light fat hogs, cwt 3 80 to 385
Sows per cwt 2 7fr to 300
Stags, per cwt 2 00 to 225
Boars, per cwt 1 00 to 150
At five o'clock Thursday morning a
ten -year-old boy named David Mc-
Carthy, of North Buxton, Out., was
struck and instantly killed by a pas-
senger train on the Michigan Central
rail way.
Saturday evening, Chief Vannor-
man, of Wingham, met the late train
and arrested a young man by the name
of Stafford, of St. Marys. The arrest
was made on the strength of a mes-
sage from the young man's father who
come to town on Monday and took the
lad homer There was no criminal
charge against the prisoner but evi-
dently the father had not consented to
the young man's holiday trip and
so took this means of bringing it to a
sudden dole.
James Anderson, a highly re-
spected resident of Onondaga Val-
ley, N. ' Y. committed suicide
last wedit by shooting himself
in the head while lying on his wife's
grave a the Or ondave, Valley ceme-
tery. r A.nderooti died two years
ago, aijd A nd nihil had grieved much
Over it: Anderson made- careful pre.
para done•'bt' Aro ,coniniltting suicide.
He. loid',h s • blee' teeth on the grave
arid ,,stood,;;hot umbrella against the
•hoi alttone, 'and Shot •hinicelf in the
lilr3Yt't . Th idtliX "wife fo n'id In hit
lett hand. a wk8 12 y44410 r of` age.
Grain -The market is very quiet.
Sales of peas for export are reported at
54-1c; peas, per 60 lhs, afloat, 54c to 54ic;
oats, No. 2 white, in store, 20c to 26ic ;
rye, No. 2, nominal; barley, feed, 33ic
to 34c; barley, 44c to 46c.
Cheese -The market is weak. In the
way of actual transactions on spot
there is little to report. The outside
for westerns, that is, for actual busi-
ness, is about 7c, and a • good line of
white might be obtainable at a little
under. Finest Ontario, 6ic to 7c;
medium Ontario, 6c to Clic; finest Que-
bec, 61c to 6$c; medium Quebec, tic to
Butter -The market is quiet. Job -
hers aro paying 162c to 17c but export-
ers refuse to pay more than 16ic.
Eggs -The demand is slow but prices
are steady at Sic to 10c for choice.
LiEht Out of Darkness.
Mrs. Margaret Patterson, 91 Vine
street, Hamilton, Ont.
Thomas Emil Sterling, 96 John -street
north, Hamilton.
Mrs. Ann Caffery, 227 Ferrie-street
James A. Campbell, 109 King -street
east, Hamilton.
Jacob Fisher, Niagara Falls, N. Y.
John Langley, 175 Hunter -street
west, Hamilton.
Madame Dery, 227 Church -street, Ot-
Emerson Hannon, Glanford Town-
ship, Wentworth County, Ont.
James Dilworth, 374 Bay -street
Thomas Moffat, 176 Murray -street,
George C. Armstrong, 184 Besserer-
street, Ottawa.
wilt 'otilY :Op `beta ra
t D ►tall. PAT:
Tba$ 1i (Me reel(grect Now-Plirliament
UAW be Fur Il'•rro><eliueo * Poe! t4
Give the New Premier * Mame to Ker
elect I,IN Mlnleters, Who are Believed
tq. thee Meed, 4irealdr Selected. - 6}euerel'
News From Ottawa.
Ottawa, JUIy 6. -(Special) --11e day
of Mr. Laurier'e advent to power is
rapidly approaching: I asked the Pre-
mier to -night when the Ministry were
likely to resign, and his reply was,
"The day is not very remote." Sir
Charles is naturally somewhat uncom-
municative on the subject, as otiicial
etiquette requires that the Governor-
General should be the first to receive
the Premier's intimation of his desire to
step out. The resignations may take
place to -morrow, but it Is more likely
to be on Wednesday.
The Ministers were in session this
morning and again Ulla afternoon until
8 o'clock; the Cabinet is again sum-
moned for 11 o'clock to -morrow.
When the Premier has handed in his
resignation to the Governor-General,
Lord Aberdeen will send for Mr. Lau-
rier, who Is anxiously waiting for the
summons In Montreal. As soon as the
Liberal leader gets the invitation to
call upon His Excellency he will do so,
and will immediately assume the task
of forming a Ministry. One of Mr.
Laurier's first acts as an adviser of
Lard Aberdeen will be to obtain a
proclamation further proroging Par-
liament, as stated yesterday. A delay
of two or three weeks will be neces-
sary so that Mr. Laurier may have
time to form his Cabinet and have the
members thereof re-elected. It is gen-
erally.understood that he has already
as good as selected his Ministers.
The secretary of the royal military
tournament has written a very appre-
ciative letter to the Acting Adjutant-
General,expressing thanks for the loan
of uniforms and equipment of Cana-
dian regiments, in order to adequately
represent the Canadian force at the
recent tournament.
Mr. Samuel Wilmot, formerly Su-
perintendent of Firth Culture, is in the
city. Although enjoying his well-earn-
ed retirement. Mr. Wilmot has not lost
interest in fish culture, and it is an-
nounced that he has just invented an
improved method of fish hatching. It
may be stated that the standard hatch-
ing jar, used in fish breeding establish-
ments ,all over the world, is Mr. Wil -
mot's Invention, but unfortunately he
neglected to patent it, and what might
have been a source of revenue pos-
sesses now no other Interest to him
than perpetuation of his name.
A valuable thistorical record has just
come into the possession of Mr. H. J.
Morgan,the well-known Ottawa biblio-
phile.It is a narrative of the rebellion of
Lower 'Canada, and consists of a scrap
boolt containing hundreds of clippings
from newspapers of 1837-8, an invalu-
able collection.
With reference to the reported dis-
missals in Toronto Custom House, it
may be stated that no exception has
been made in the case of temporary
clerks in the Queen City. The appro-
priation has expired, and the tempo-
rary clerks in the service all over the
country are affected in a similar man-
Hon. Peter White is In town to -day
clearing up matters in connection with
the House of Commons anticipatory
of his successor taking possession in a
few weeks. Asked with regard to the
re-count In North Renfrew, he said
that 109 ballots marked for himself
and 111 for his Liberal opponent were
rejected. A few of these were thrown
out because the crosses were not plac-
ed in the white disc,but these would not
have affected the general result.
Simon Holmes ex -Attorney -General
of Nova Scotia, is here on department-
al business.
As stated yesterday Sir H. Langevin
Is to get one of the two vacant Sena-
torshlps in the Province of Quebec.
Mr. Angers, it is understood, is going
to surrender his claim in favor of Sir
Mr. Desjardine will go batt to the
Justice Burbidge's award to Connol-
ly Bros, of their claim for extras on
the Kingston Graving Dock amounts
to $45,296.
The local W.C.T.U. have forwarded
a petition to the Cty Council urging
the adoption of the Curfew law In Ot-
Mr. Metcalfe, Warden of Kingston
Penitentiary; George Gulllet De.P.;
Robert Henry, M.P.,; George Taylor,
M.P., and W. B. Northrup, ex-M.P.,
were In the city to -day.
It is currently reported that R. R.
Dobell, Independent, elected In Que-
bec West, has been offered a seat to
Mr. Laurier's Cabinet. without port-
folio. Mr. Dobell is a son-in-law of
Sir bavld Macpherson.
The report that Mr. George Gooder-
ham has been appointed Senator is
discredited here. Only one Senate va-
cancy for Ontario exists -that caused
by the death of Senator Read of Belle-
ville, which the Government will riot
fl11, as it was created since the general
elections of June 23.
Martin Watson, 112 Cathcart -street,
Thos. Warren, 135 Strachan -street,
Charles Sayer, 119 Hannah -street,
Nest Hamilton.
Mrs. Elizabeth Cummings, 28 Gore -
street Hamilton.
Mrs. Nelly Guy, Bran t-ayentie,
Geo Ball. Sanford -avenue, near
Huron -street, Hamilton.
Michael H. ,Dwyer, 52 Leenling-
street, Hamilton.
John McCauley, Beemsville, Ont.
E. Rice, Beemsville, Ont.
J. D. Parsonage, 369 John -Street,
north. Hamilton.
Patrick Curran, 41 Wood -street,
As the belief has been widespread
that Rheumatism was incurable, we
publish the above facts as evidence
that a sure cure has at last been found.
Thousands testify to the merits of
Ryckman's Kootenay Cure. Write
for particulars, Ryck man Medicine
Co., Hamilton, Ont.
The bodies of Peter McRae, wife
and son, aged 11 years, were found in
about 10 feet of water near to where
the sloop was upset on Lake Des-
cheres near Ottawa last Thursday.
Peter Wheeler, who Was on Tuesday
at Digby, N. S., convicted of the mur-
der of 14 -year-old Annie Kempton at
Bear River, and sentenced to death on
Friday confessed that he comtnitted
the crime. It was one of the most
horrible murders ever perpetrated in
Nova Scotia. Wheeler says he killed
the girl between eleven and one
o'clock at night, after she made a des-
perate attempt to save her life from
D --O d Established ANTE I wh I
0 Deals Muse
wants. one bi' two bonegt and Induetriotrs
represents Ives fol hi8 pay section, Can a
hustler abaft $12.00 a. week to start with.Drawers*, Brltnf fora, Olt,,
The Rei'ault St111 In Doubt, a
to Hamilton.
Mr. Satellite 14 Out la North lilddlesex
-McCormick's Majority lit 1Muskoke
rind Perry Sound la 971-11r. McNeill**
DWorl$y increased-1leelLUlvrny Uolde
1115 Seat by One Vote-A.lr. LIvinestou's
1lajority Reduced 1n South Waterloo
-Beattie Also Cut Down In Loudon.
Hesn11ton, July 6. -(Special:) -'Pile re-
count was not finished to -night, as
expected, but it will likely be over to-
morrow morning. At 6 o'clock to -night
50 divisions had been gone through,
and the result was Macpherson 2867,
Bovine 2802, giving Macpherson a ma-
jority of 65 In these 60 divisions. Ac-
cording to the returning officer's
figures the majority for Macpherson
was 161, so that there is a gain of 96
for Bovine. There are 65 divisions Ire
the city. But in addition to the figures
given above, there are 200 or more bal-
lots which in the re-count were laid
aside. The crosses were to some cases
placed In the oblong space before or
after the candidates' names; In other
cases they were placed in the disc, but
in such a manner as to make their
validity doubtful. All suoh doubtful
ballots are being placed aside, and
when the counting is over they will
be submitted to Judge Snider. The
lawyers will argue as to whether they
should be accepted or not, and the
Judge will give his decision, either tak-
ing the voter's motive into considera-
tion when he put a cross in the ob-
long space, instead of in the disc, as
Judge McDougall did in the East York
case, or throwing these ballots out.
When the counting is over the number
of the ballots reserved for the Judge's
decision will be several hundred, and
thus at this stage it is impossible to
form any idea of how the re-count will
go, but the lawyers acting for Mr.
Macpherson, the Liberal candidate, ap-
peared rather depressed this evening,
while the Conservative organizer, Mr.
Nesbitt, was more jubilant than usual.
Ratz bets the Seat.
Goderich, July 6. -The re-count of
ballots In the North Middlesex case
was decided before Judge Masson to-
day, the judge taking the same grounds
as Judge McDougall did In the East
York case, viz., that any ballot that
was marked on the white margin
alongside the candidate's name showed
the intention of the voter to vote for
that candidate, although not marked In
the disc. Judge Masson declared Mr.
Ratz duly elected by a majority of 62.
Muskoka and Parry Sound.
The latest figures in this riding give :
McCromick. 2228
Pratt.... .. .. .. .. 1967
O'Brien 1085
McCormick's majority over Pratt 271.
Col. O'Brien will lose his depositTbe
final count on the 19th may change
these figures by two or three votes, not
Does Up the People of Halifax on a Very
01d Game, But the Pollee Get
Bold of H1m.
Halifax, N.S., July 6.-A "flim -flame
artist has struck Halifax and fallen
into the hands of the police. He visited
three or four retail stores and made
small purchasea and always tendered
a bank note of large denomination In
making payment, when he muddled
up the salesman or saleswoman so
successfully that he always succeeded
in getting four or five dollars more
change than be was entitled to. One
of the victims had Edward Berney,
who halls from Montreal and boarded
at the Albion Hotel, arrested to -day on
the charge of stealing money from
him. The prisoner will be arraigned
to -morrow.
llsssrr*nee Companies Making Money.
New York, July 8. -/Phe Journal of
Connrnerge and Clammerolal Bulletin
tis-morrodi' will say: The fire lose of
the limited States and Canada for the
month, of June amounts to 85,721,280, a
remarkably light sum even fer a sum-
mer month. This manes the total far
the halt year $63,959,550, which exhibits
a gratifying decreage in co Inn
with the record er $e8,497,C00 f the
shine period of 1996.
McNelil's Majority Increased.
Walkerton, July 6.-A re-count in the
North Bruce election was held here
to day, before Judge Barrett, and re-
sulted in increasing Mr. MaNelil's ma-
jority to 31.
McGillivray Bangs on to One.
Beaverton, July 6. -Northern Onta-
rio returning officer gives his official
declaration here today, the vote be-
ing John A. McGillivray (Con.) 2328,
D. Graham (Ind.) 2327; majority for
McGillivray 1.
la South Waterloo.
Berlin,July 8.--erhe re-count In South
Waterloo resulted only in reducing
Llnvingston's majority to 89. Judge La -
course took the ground that if the
cross appeared either in the oblong or
(Dec it showed the intention of the
voter, and allowed such to count.
At Work In Balton.
Milton. Ont., July 6.-A re-count was
begun here before His Honor Judge
Hamilton to -day and adjourned until
to -morrow.
The Be -Count In Loudon.
London, July 6. -The re-count held
here to day before Judge Elliott re-
duced Major Beattle's (Con.) majority
from 118 to 41. The judge did not
count ballots marked outside the disc.
Joseph Martin Acting as Connie' for the
Defeated Liberal Candidate, Mr. Mc-
Innes -That School Compromise.
Winnipeg, Man., July 6.-(Spectal,)-
The following Item Is taken from to.
night's Free Press: Many rumors re-
garding a reported eettlement of the
school question are In circulation in
the city. The chief report was to the
effect that the question would be set-
tled by the Manitoba Government be-
fore action oould be taken at Ottawa.
Another rumor was that the Nova
Scotia school system would be adopted
by the Manitoba Legislature, the same
being satisfactory to the minority. ,
H. R. Foulkes, wholesale liquor mer-
chant of Moosomin, committed sutclde
Saturday afternoon by taking stryor.-
nine. No cause Is known.
Joseph Martin's friends say they are
now raising a fund to contest Hugh
John Macdonald's election. Mr, Martin
left for Regina yesterday to act as
counsel for the Liberal candidate, Mr.
McInnis, who Is protesting the election
of Nicholas Flood Davin.
Archbishop Langevin left Winnipeg
yesterday for Ottawa, whence he will
proceed direct to Ronne to consult the
Pope. It is said his trip Is made In
connection with Northweet missions.
The New Papal Delegate to the P.R.
Washington, July 8. -No Importance
is attached at the Papal Legation to
the report from Rome that Bishop Fal -
conk) will replace Cardinal Satolll as
the Papal Delegate at Washington. No
information, official or otherwise, has
been received to that effect, and the
report Is thought to have no better
foundation than is to be found in the
ctrou.mstance that Bishop Faloonto
has lived In the United States and
speaks the English language. Cardinal
Satblll will not return to home until
his sumestsor has been appointed and
confirmed In his new dignity, It 1s re-
garded ad unlikely that the Pope will
make the appointment before
her next. , - ...... ...
e ,
�0j(z 1
• '
We make a specialty of Sundries
of every description. We balga},A
good wheels and know that they are good, A dry goods clerk qpq sgla
dry goods, but it tskes'a machinist to repair a Bike. All our work 11
done bypraotical machinists. See our Eclipse, they etand the teet,yoa
can't break em. You can't wear ern out.
The Onward Bicycle Co., Clinton.
A C. DUFTON, formerly of the Woollen Mills, Lon-
don, has opened a Store and Office on ALBERT
STREET, CLINTON (near Fair's grist mill,) and will
pay the Highest Cash Price for
or will exchange for WOOLEN GOODS,
Tweeds, Flannels, Blankets, Yarn.
and Ready -Made Suits.
such as
We guarantee the very best value. It will be to your
advantage to bring your Wcol to Clinton. t;
111n;1loas of Dollars Lost and Financial
Ruin Brought to Thousands of Breed.
ers - A New Diving Bell.
Vancouv: r, B.C., Ju1'y 6. -'The steam-
er Mloweta arrived from Sydney yes-
terday, several days late, owing to
fogs. Latest man advices, dated June
10, state that the tick plague is still
raging in every part of Australia,
causing destruction of entire nerds of
cattle. The tick fastens itself in salt
meat and has been exported to Sydney
In this way. Though the tick ue re-
moved the egg remains, and the insect
cannot be exterminated. Pastoral sec-
tions of country are intensely excited
over the unexpected plague, which has
taken the, place of the rabbit plague,
and is costing the country minions of
dollars and bringing financial ruin to
hundreds of homes. The tick sticks to
the cattle and eats its way Into vital
Dr. Salmon, an eminent American
specialist, has been cabled for advice,
and Mr. Terhunt, Australia's famous
scientist, Is on his way to the United
States to consult with Dr. Salmon.
A new deep sea diving bell has been
invented in Australia. In Sydney har-
bor the owners sail in their metal bell,
50 fathoms from the surface, smoking
cigars and sending jocular messages to
a distingulahed company of scientists
Who Tried to Sleep In a Neweaatle, N.B.,
Hotel and Noisy Inmates Attacked
Bim -One Man May Dle.
Chatham. N.B., July 6. -Dr. Benyon,
a tourist from New Orleans, at 4
o'clock this morning shot Norman Mc-
Kenzie and John McKane in the Wav-
erly Hotel at Newcastle. The shoot -
Ing was done in self-defence, McKen-
zie's recovery 1s doubtful ; but Mc -
Kane was only slightly wounded.
These two, with a traveler named Hall,
were intoxicated and broke into Ben-
yon's room and beat him unmercifully,
because he protested against their sing-
ing and said It prevented him from
sleeping. All the parties are in jail,
except McKenzie and McKane. The
latter is missing. He Is manager of
the Merchants' Bank of Halifax at
Later Particulars.
A despatch from Newcastle says :
The shooting occurred early this morn-
ing. The men, George A. Hall of Tru-
ro, and N. R. McKenzie, druggist, and
John McKane, manager of the Mer-
chants' Bank of Halifax at Newcastle,
were carousing In a room of the hotel
all night and up to early this morning,
when Dr. John H. Benyon of New
York, who was in the next room, got
up and asked them to atop the noise,
as he could not sleep. MoKane and
the others got angry and made a unit-
ed assault on the doctor,who retreat-
ed to his room. They followed him,
ar'd made another attack upon him.
McKane and his friends finally forced
the doctor on his back on his bed, and
were beating him when he reached for
a revolver from a table close by and
fired three shots In suocesston at his
assallanta. McKenzie received two
bullets, one In the breast and one in
the wafer McKane reoelved one,mak-
ing a flesh wound on the top of his
head. McKenzie 19 In a very precari-
ous condition. The doctor was badly
beaten. Information was laid against
the doctor by McKenzie's brother. The
examination takes place on Wednes-
day before Police Magistrate Nevin.
McKane is likely to be arrested. There
is a strong feelfpg against him.
Mekase L a scotching'''.
Halifax, July 8. -John McKane join-
ed the Merchants' Bauk staff In 1883.
He 1s a native of Scotland. Five years
ago be Wag transferred from Truro
to Newcastle, where he has since re-
sided. He has never been employed
for any length of time in the I•fallrax
office, But ,had made several trips here.
The drat report of the shooting receiv-
ed In Halifax stated that McKane was
missing. A telegram was sent to NeW-
oastle by Cashier Duncan of the Mer-
ohante Bath, 241qulring 11 his agent
there had disappeared, and the reply.
"Pure xonsense " reel veas t .
W d frdlnl
McKane himself. No information re-
garding the shooting he been ree.elved
at the bigik hate.
We Want
To reduce our Stock of READY
MADE CLOTHING and in order
to do this the prices will be mark-
ed down to a figure that will Ise
sure to have the desired result.
The Goods are all marked in .plain
figures :-
$10 00 Suits for $8 00
900 720
850 680
750 000
7 00 560
8 00 80
Suits. �-
$4 50 suits for $3 60
3 75 " 300
325 " 260
301) " 240
2 00 " 160
T hese prices are genuine Bargains
Our Stock of Spring and Summer Suit-
ings is complete and are going out fast.
A full line of Furnishings, Hats, Caps,
Wanted-Aniueathing to patent?
Protect your they may bring
0ne1OhlDDoNe0tent �ysV7gtn, D. 0,ftheiCO.r prise nod
list of two hundred Inventions wanted.
and Carmontt ai'e now running twice a
week fro Ti Windsor to the Soo, calling
at Goderich Wednesdays and Satur-
days. Stentner Alberta leaves Wind-
sor every Saturday for Soo land Fort
William. Get the excursion rates by
boat or rail from
C. P. R. Ticket, Telegraph and Steam-
ship agent, Clinton, Ont.
Flour -Trade is quiet, with no cbanges 1e
prices. Straight rollers are quoted at $3.15
to $3.20, Toronto freights.
Brun -l'80 'darker is dna, with tars
unchanged at $8.50 to $9 west and aborts
89:50 to 510.
Wheat -Trade Is quiet and prices easy.
The first car of new white Ontario wheat
sold at 60e, July shipment. Old sold at
62c G.T.R. west, and red Is quoted at Oto
west and at (32c on Northern. No. 1 Mani-
toba hard sold at 57yec to 5sc rrort Wllilaa
and at 61e to 62c Midland.
Barley -Trade dull, there -being no de.
wand. No. 2 Is quoted at 30c to 39q,
and Ne. extra at 29e to 30e.
Oats -The market is heavy, with demmr3
moderate and offerings liberal. Wblte soli
at 180 outside, and mixed are quoted at
Peas -The market is quiet and prices us -
changed, with sales at 45c north and west
Buckwheat -The market Is quiet, with us
business reported, and quotations nominal:
Oatmeal -Business quiet, with prices nom
Wel at $2.00 on track.
Corn -The market Is dull and prices tame
Yellow quoted at 260 to 27c outside.
Liverpool, July 6. -Wheat, spring, 4s1
to 5s OWI • red winter, 5s Wad to 59
No. 1 Cal. (is 2'4d to 5s 82ed ; corn, 8a:
peas, 4s Cal.,
' pork, 45a Od ; tare 21st i s
tallow, 17s dd ; bacon, heavy, heavy,
28s Otte
cheese, light,
and colVs ored, 84a o., a8d., 28e �#
London--Opeeing-Wheat off coast �s�
and steady. English corsetry markets dsiB,
Maize oft coast and on passage quiet.
Paril-Olose-Wheat weak at 18t Sall
for Aug., flour, 89f 25e for Aug.
London- 4 lose --Wheat oft coast notklile
doing. Maize off coabt nothing doing.
Liverpool -Wheat futures dull at 411
for ,July, Attg., Sept. (Intl (;et.. sled 4e
for Nov. Melee utet at 2s,1J%d fat J
1l� for fiePt1
2e 1 tl
and A' d p M $d
u fi
fdr Oi£t:. piourK.�(i„Ml.:;;
Nt ,,
l.dlr,u.�f�tllilt.G�lu,.J reii.