HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1896-07-08, Page 3t lluoarpaleiRfl,byl�O(tt;!lltwfpoyQis4q, �A,PITAL s - - ftoo0,000 f r:. $t i. ,4.1,71St0oQ ` mead! Oil�io0r 11t;1I'Ix'$ii21L. ?' `Idenb. a7A R. ll a a :a.,R OLS.R P < , „r, WOLFORSTAN �#IOxo.dantlrwl liana at. i �!Qtes d;ecounted, CQUeotione blade, Drafts issued, Sterling and American ex• ch7ge bou}tbt and Bold at 1" lbwest current rates• v lanselwt' Ar+aaWao Pt1 Daroarta 1 Money advanced to farmers on their own notes with ono or mptw endorsers. No mortgage re' r quirad`as eCourlty. H. o. BREWER, Man or December, 1886. Ct tazorr• r ,CTS► art 4 G. 11. `9 r KE9 ALBERT REST, CLINTON. d GblVERAL BAkVKI�VO BUSINESS TRA NSAO r!s D, t Notes Diectuntetl, Dra,t Ia8ued. fl lnterest Allowed on Deposita, Clinton, June"th, 1801 863y �,nr , �tt#iCiXl. I` DFS. W. GUNN, R.'C. P. ,and L; R. C. $.,'Edinburgh. Ofaoo- ?' Ontario etretb Clinton. Night calla at front door of is residence on U4teirbary street, opposite Presbyter- y',' ina church. - �^ DR. TURNBULL.. �z> .1, L. Turnbull, U. B. Toronto Univ. ; M. D. ; w. 11., Victoria Uuiv. At. C. P. em 8. Ont, ; t Dow a of the obvtatrical eoetaty of Edinburgh. Late if London, Eng., and Edinburgh hospitals office: - Dr. Dawala)''a stand, Rattmitiury dt. Night calls answered at Odlee. DR. SHAW. Odloe in H rd,on'a Bloelt. R atenbury fit., Clinton, ?'- 'Jut. Night calls at same place. jis. S. F'reeb rn, TTD e. & 9.o•, &0.'40, :'. Grad(' Ito of sings Qnoon'a 'lolleg9 of PhyaicianeI Dabiln, Ireland. L'.omtirte of the General Medical Council, Granb Rcittta. Member of College of council, suet surgeons, Outaro. Formerly red - dept o the Rotunda Hosp'tal (Lying -In and Gynas- al), Dahlin. Special attention to diseases of IUvrea. Guice and residence, Ract enbury to Ontario St. Methodist pnr.onage, Dr. Bruce, surgeon Dentist. OFFICE -Over. Taylor's Shoe Store, Clinton, Ont. Specialattention to pre- servation of natural teeth. V. B. -drill visit Blyth every DIonday, and Bayfield every Thursday afternoon during the summer. R. Agnew, L. D. S., D. D. So DENTIST, Graduate of Royal Collage of Dental Sur - eons of Ontario. Honor Graduate of Trinity university, Toronto. Best Local Anaesthetic for painless extraction. Office opposite Town Rall, over Swallow's Stora. Night Bell at swered. Will visit Hensall et u'y Monday, and Zurich the 2nd Thursday of each month Al0. CAMERON, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR Conveyancer, &c. office --coiner Hamilton aur] fit. Andrews -area, opposite Colborne Hotel, Goderich. s88-tt a"EbOlt 'B tlf.li. I:w",N LAO,, lge. 84 A. F. di A. H. meats (''i s visit U avefy 1?'fiiGly�. otk olr a[Eor oho :moan. ag iirathren ovr 11 ky molted t, d.;#lOtiL01V1Yr FP,. ,ii. J. B. RUu B ALLBaa. Clinton, Dec.6,,IPP. Kt 0, T. M. $earns Teat No.6a, Apt is Pf the Maccabees of i An world. 81,000, 2,OQ9 and 19.900 Policies. Mem roregip over 10040", Q4seaemeat prinoiple-has icvor exoeeted 12 ag$e4luents in a your, Oheapest tad safeA In, exletenoe. Meets In Orange Hall, ()"u - ;on, first and third Friday of every moutb. - COWS FlIsoult & FEED STORE, CZitnto sIl. BRAN and SHORTS in Large or Shall Quantities. OIL CARE, LINSEED MEALS 10 lbs. Choice Oatmeal for ono Bushel Oats D. COOK, CLINTON. 7611.t! --- HILL'S . FEED STORE, HURON STREET, CLINTON. The Best Early Seed Potatoes, and al: kinds of first-class Clover, Timothy, Fieri. and Garden Seeds, , Fleur and Feed of aI kinds. Closest living prices for cash. SALT in stock and for sale. TEAS of the choicosl varieties and blends. Excellent value, J W. HILL, Huron St., Clintor Central Butcher Shop COUCIT & WILSON 8nbeeribers desire to nntify the public that the; have bonght ont the bntcheriog business lately con dented by Mr. Jag. A. Ford, and will condone th' game tinder their porsonal mupervialon. Orlers wil have prompt and careful attegtlou. Fresh meats o all kinds will be kept in season, gold at reasonably rates and delivered anywhere in town. ARTHUR COUCH, CHAS N. WILSON CLINTON. CENTRAL BUTCHER SHO P FORD & MURPIiY, (Successors to J. W. Langford.) -Having bought out the above business, we inten to oouduct it on the cash principle, and will eippl our customers with the best meats at the 1 -west paJ Dg prices. FORD &MURPHY x.> «N'7a47' Thera, ppttl>; „ 4ame wlsand rotandl9k with f'e• gga 'tdwregk�gtt, lot It. be 0 AtROV understood 5b i[;l►ny ppfagd ta}tas' iiogae0llmla �f say kluA OP wroakwg$ 004 falls to .report to mo I shall a dUati.'tlikei xOpeddPgo. Uoulember this.. to the lssft iwodlu 1'041 o�qq!#ve. 0,&M WM. BARB. RUOederich, Septi 10189014* FOR SAt,4F.• The property at pprey t oot+pplttd by the an- dersigued as a residence on 'the Huron Road In the Tgwu of goderleh, coustating of one Wf of an aero of land, good frame holloo -story and a half -seven rooms, Inoludingkitohenr hard and soft water, good atone collar, stable. wood and carriage houdes, There are also some good fruit trees. This pproperty is beautifully situated and varysuttable forauy'person wishing to itveretired- For further particularsapply to FS. OAMPION, 642.tf Barrister.11oderioli. J. C. STEVENSONi Furniture Dealer, &c. THE LEADING UNDERTAKER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Opposite Town 'Hall, - Clinton, Out GO TO THE Urian Shaving Parlor For first-class Hair -Cutting and Shaving. Smith's block, opposite Post Of6co, Clinton j .l. EMERTON, Proprietor. New Butcher Shop. The undersigned desires to intimate to the people of Clinton and vulnity ttlat lie has opened a butcher shop in the store'of W. Core, Huron Street. Fie has had many yea:a experience, and feels. that he can give -the hest satisfaction. He wil sell strictly for Cash, and at the lowest possible prices. ORDEits RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED. M,_W W. WRIGHT, - Clinton. LIVE HOGS WANTDDa Highest Market Price Paid. D. CANTELON, Clinton. 1798-tf. B. THOMLIN50N, YETERiNERY SURGEON, Honorary Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary Col. toga, Toronto. Treats all diseases of Domestic Animals on th most modern and Scientific Principles. Day an I Night Calle Promptly Answered. Reeldence-Rattenbury Street. West, Cllton Ont J. E. BLACHALL, Veterinary Surgeon, honorary graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, treats dls.,aaes of all domestic animals on t g most modern and sclenttfle PPrinciples. AffCalle attended to night or day. Otllce on Isaac street, next New Era office Residence -Albert street, Clinton. Geo, Trowl0, Horseshoer and General Black- smith, Albert Street, North, - Clinton JOBBING A SPECIALTY. Woodwork Ironed and first clmsR material an work guaranteed ; farm implements and machine rebuilt and repaired. Card of Thanks TO MY INIANY PATRO"TS : I desire to tender my sincere thank a r r the ver liberal patronage ecce d for Y P R ed me in the past and to inform th public that I am atilt in the Carpe Weaving Business on East Street Gloderioh, noxi the Bicycle Factory ! Personal and mail orders Will as ueua reoeive prompt attention. All clause of work a specialty, at the lowest pos Bible prices, and satisfactioh guaran teed. W. A. Ross, East Street GODiE:RIC11.- don't Build Without A Plan J. ADES FOWLER & CO., Architects and Civil Engineers d Are opening a permanent office in Clinton and e i prepared to supply Plane, Specidcatibna and detail e for any class o work at most reasonable rates• Patent DrARings prepared'atla pat_euts obtained• Val nstlpnband'inepedticntlddrbtntiyhlade: n Yerci s E per encein Ontdr Hatfadd%!e!� k4.0. Itoi 210. Out o WATTS &' CO., CHEMISTS & DRUGGISTS Great Northwestern Telegraph office, Albert Street, - Clinton. PROPERTY FOR SALE OP IllRENT. -Advertisers will find "The News -Record" one of the beet mediums in the County of Huron. Aevertlae in 'The Newg•Record"-Thc Double Circulation Talks toThousands,.Rs,tesa low asavv, PUMPS! PUMPS! It you want a flyd cle,aP, well -made pump, one that will give you satisfaction, send your order to the nuderaigned. He will dig and Clean wells and do it at the closest prices. He also handles a first-class FORCE PUMP. JAMES FERGUSON Opposit Queen'd Hotel ;High Street Uanton. 809•tf F. W. F R R N G G IH B (MEMBER OF ASSN OF P. L. S•) Provincial Land Surveyor and Civil Engineer, LONDON, ON''I'., orricE:-tit G. J. Stewart's Grocery Store, Clin- ton, 70l•ly 6mo" 8ft Cantelon Bros, %JENERAL GROCERS dz PROVIS- ION btERCHANTS.. Grocicery, Glass & Chinaware ALBERT ST. CLINTON. ONT. Highest Cash Price for Butter ;and Eggs r62 -1y BE, IL=. HEADS, NOT He-do, Letter Beads, Tags, Statements, Circulars, 4WBusiness Cards, Envelopes, Programmes, etc„ etc.,printei in a workman. like manner and at low rates, at Tus Nawa•RaconD office. NOTICE TO NEWS -RECORD READERS. The publisher would esteem It a favor It rear t would, when making their purchases uention at they saw the' merchant's dvertisee.ent in ' fur News-RseuRD. - The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Company. Farm and Isolated Town Proper- ty only Insured. orvtcxRs. George Watt. President, Harlock P. O.; Jame Broadfoot, Vlce-Pres.., 8eaforth P, O.; W. J. 8han non, gory. Tread., 8cafortb P. 0: Michael Murdic inspector of losses, Seatorth P. O. DIRR.CTORP, James Broadfoot, Seaforth; Michael Mardie, get forth; George Dale, Seafortb; George Watt, Harloc d Thomas E, lfayR,Seatorth; Alex Gardiner,Leadbur, a Thomas Garbutt, Clinton; John McLean, Hippen. AGENTS. Thomas Neilar,n, Harlock; Robert McMillan, Sea forth and Jameg Cummingp, Egmondville. • Parties desirous to effect Insurance or tram act other buelnoss will be promptly attend ed to on application to any of the above officers ne dressed to their respective poor oaieen,l - OF e AGE EN ALL fa t ' may be cared. Wo jtreat all sexual disorr g dens of mew Four out of five who suffer nerv- nsness, mental worry, attacks of " the blues," are but paying the pen- t altyof early excesses. The dread alarm of Impotency, the exhaus- tion of Spermatorrhoea, i >= may be CURED is strict confidence at maarerate expmrf. Send fel' our llk" ,sealed book, " PERFECT I.iANIHOOD," e ERIE MEDICAL 0061 Buffalo, Nay. ORK FOR MEN AND WOMEN. We pay ll t'r Ile per week for easy home work- chit. can .do It. No Scholars, hooka or Peddling �� This la bane fids. Send stamp tot work and partfcu tare at nnce, THE SEYMOUR SUPPLY CO. Ut or n, le Templi, Camden, 144. g11-yly. '"It Y Onikopno I1lpiti'k& ' �Rheumatisril is a Y proNencp of ur Vptem,.4nd It a _ �W pale-prodt �� Cutrt�l,r it# t�� �>it�d► �'#jRl4�?11�f M Id diseaetl, dtafa.;tq wid--a pc►lsaia-ill( ly, til ethalfhoval k . s.. • ' r noiabn. t a that young o'hiWrOn ai6'4ften victims to thi's torture. The use of liniments, em- bro4tion4 and outward applications, may give temporary ralief, but can never cure, for the Polson is in the blood, and until it is expelled, rheumatism, sciatica and neurallgle pains will continue. Scotts' Sarsaparilla cures rheumatism by removing the cause -by neutralizing and etcptiling this poisonous acid. In chronic cases, mhls medicine reaches the source of the disease as no other medicine can. It gives renewed energy to the organs that sustain life, the forces that make the blood. For the nervous troubles of youth, for the debility that precedes old age, for ladies in their severe ordeals, it is without a coml:eer. Scott's Sarsaparilla is a concentrated compound of the finest medicines known to modern medical science -The dose is front one half to ore teaspoonful and during its use the ordinary vocations are not Interfered with. FUNNY THINGS COML TO PASS. Perhaps the idem of wearing wooden socks alight Seoul ridiculous, but it's just what some people in Germany are doing, and very nice socks they are too. The wood is reduced to ri long silky fibre and made into it yarn out of which fhe socks are knit rnrking a warmer, more durable and just as soft pprotection as woollen ones, In a simi- latr way the pure spruce fibre is made into the interlining called Fibre Cha- mois, which provides for clothing an absolute protection against raw air and cold winds because It is a complete nun -conductor of heat and cold, keep- ing in the natural heat and keeping out every breath of cold. This fabric has also been made waterproof so that the train never penetrates it, and is so light in weight and inexpensive that a layer of it provides the acme of com- fort for all outdoor clothing, Canadian and i:uropean Oysters. The Canadian oyster has 1. Sexes separate. 2. Unfertilized eggs shed by parent. 3. Eggs and sperm met in the open sea and fertilization is aecompllshe-a. 4. The swimming embryo is naked and has for a time no shell 5. Number of eggs enormous, prob- ably 50 to 150 millions produced by each female oyster. The European oyster has 1. Sexes combined in the same n►- divldual. 2. Eggs never shed before fertiilza- tion. 3.Eggs fertilized and retained wit41- in the mther-oyster's shell, 4. Embryos Protected by a thin shell and emitted as "blaclt spat." 5. Eggs do not exceed one to +wo millions, i.e., one egg for ever one hundred eggs produced by the (�ana- dlan oyster. ONE HONEST MAN. Dear Editor: -Please inform your readers, that if written to confidenti- ally I will mail in a sealed letter par- ticulars of a genuine, honest {come Curr, by which I was permanently re- stored to health and manly vigor, after years of suffering from nervous debility, sexual weakness, night losses and weak shrunken parts. I was robbed and swindled by the quacks until I near- ly lost faith in mankind, but thank heaven, I am now well, vigorous and Strong, and wish to make this certain means of eure known to all Sufferers. I have nothing to sell, and want no money, but being a firm believer in the universal brotherhood of man, I am delirious of helping the unfortun- ateto regain their health and happi nese, 1 promise you perfect secrecy and as I do not wish to expose myself either, address, Simply : P. 0. Boy 388, London, Ont. Undergarments. The up-to-date woman, whether fal or lean, has reduced her undergar meats to the smallest possible num ber; over a pair of 1 --ole Fullers a sill vest and a silk petticoat she wears I light -weight corset, and as the bcdict is put on directly ov?r the stays there is no danger of marring wrinkles ti spoil the fit of the N aWst, Tho Plettire Hat ARaln. The picture haat, once again se-4--ri it our midst, can be worn only by a for c tunate few. Nothing more lncongru ous can be imagined than a prim looking woman in a Gain-eborough while on the other hand, such head - gear• gives to a dashing woman Jus the needed touch of ploturesquenetsa. TO CONSUMPTIVES. The undersigned having been restored to heals by simple moans, after muttering fnr several yew wish s severe lung site tion and that dread digest Cmisamption, to anxious to make known to his Cello sufferers the means of enre. To those who desire I he will cheerfully send (free of charge) a copy of it prescription used. which they will find a surecure f. Coneurnption, Asthota, Catarrh, Brownchitis an ell throat and Lung Afaladics. He hope all sufferers will try big remedy, se It in Invah able. Thoac desiring the preseription, which will col them nothing, and may prove a olegsing, will pleat addrend, ev, EDWARD A. WILSOX,Brooklya, Ne, York. -_ ALL THE PEOPLE Should keep themselves healthy ant especial care Should be given to thi matter at this time. Health depend upon pure, rich blood, for when th blood is impure and impoverished die edges of various kindle are almost cot tain to result, The one true blooi purifier is Hood's Sarsaparilla. B; its power to purify and vitalize th, blood it has proved itself to be th, safeguard of health, and the record o remarkable cures effected proves tba 1 it has wonderful power over disease It actually and permanontly puree whet all other preparatiotla fail to do all; good whatever. s�lltfcl tr;it"s I•b�p� I1. app I tai` f W*11 Om"ration. I The fashion of treating walla in other ways tban by papering them lir it growing one. The biglier LwHatlo sense which now exlRts even In emaall _ and remake communities has given a rqa4l*1v;;sense of, the- value of the background, and walls recetve the first 'and most careful attention of Intending furnlehers. A most aesthe- tic hanging is plain burlaps of the usual cream -brown hue. IT SAVED OUR CHILD. "Aly little daughter, three and it half years old, aaudered three years with 4czema. Her little body was covered with the itching rash, and doctors did no good. Four boxes of Chase's Ointment have entirely cured and saved our child. Her skin is clear and not a sign of rash is to he seen." Andrew Aium, HHrtland,: N. B. Mr. Alton is one of thousands benefitted by this unfailing cure for piles and skin diseases-- - ------.__. _� The Moon's Attraction. The attraction of the moon is the main factor in producing the tides which play an Important part In the economy of the world, and are direct- ly and idirectly beneficial to mankind. The ceaseless movement of the ocean counteracts the corrupting tendencies of oceanic stagnation, which would otherwise generate and give off pois- onous and foul exhalatlons, pollute the atmosphere, and make the earth uninhabitable. Twice a day the tide, with an unstinting hand, and never failig regularity, brings Ili fresh sup- plies of food, to be gathered as the waters again recede. Harbors other- wise inaccessible to shipF, are made the gates of commerce, the trans '1 --'sl ,n of ocean freights is facilitated, ur:d i,r.rne on the seashore have a natural ,vi tary agent always at hand and dcir„- ly at work which may Ile tat - effectually- remove irni ur;ttes, FEED THE NERVES Upon purr, tick blood and you need not fear nervous proebation. Nerves are weak when thoy are improperly and insufficiently nourished. Pure blood is their proper food, and pure blood comes by taking Rood's Sarsi parille, which is thus the greatest and best nerve tonic. It also b;iilda up the whole system, HOOD'S PILLS are the favorite family cathartic, easy to take, easy to operate, TORE HIS FLESH IN AGONY. "I was troubled with blind itching piles for 20 years ; was unable to work and tore my flesh in agony. United States and Canadian doctors failed to relieve, Chase's Ointment was it God - solid. I am a better main than in 20 years, and am able to work every day," Philip Wallace, blacksmith, Iroquois, Ont. Chases 111ntlneDt cures piles, eczema and irritant diseases. A druggists, ISOs per box. -- Sir Donald Smith, the Canadian High Commissioner in London, gave n Dominion Day reception in the 1, - perial Institute, which wits attended by between five and six hundred persons. In the evening he gave a dinner in the Westminster 'Palace hotel. THEY DO NOT DESPAIR. An utter loss of hope is not charnc- teristte of consumptives, though no other form of disease is so fatal, unless its progress is arrested by use of Scott's Emulsion, which is Ood Liver Oil made as palatable as cream. A daughter of James Mullin, o Miami, Saline county, Mo., died froir eating inulberries that had been stunt by locusts. HAY FEVER AND CATARRH IIELIF.V ED IN 10 TO 80 MINUTES. -One shor' puff of the breath through the blower supplied with each bottle of Dr Aq new's Catarrhal Powder, diffuses thl powder over the Surface of the nada passages. Painless and delightful to use. It relieves instantly, and per manently cures Catarrh, flay Fever Colds, Headache, Sore Throat, Ton silitis and Deafuess. Sold by Watts 8c Co. Platinum Wire. Platinum has been drawn Into smootl wire so fine that it would not be dis tli gulshed by the naked eye, suet when stretched across a piece of whit cardboard. i t what u on I sial on having ue h G n 8J Y for when you go to buy Hood's gars, parilla, the One True Blood Purine and nerve tonic. ST. LAWRENCE CA-NALS. IROQUOIS DIVISION FURTHER POS[PQNEME,�F QF DATE FOR REC I ING T�r�n1DtRS• NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. THE Time for receiving tenders for th iroquois Division of the fit. Lawrence Cana has been further gnoRtponed to Friday, 3rd Jul; 1 By order JNO. Ir. BALDER,SO., Sterethrl Departmontof Rail ways and Canals, t Ottawa, 22nd June, 1890, f If snSerinx from Lost Man000e WEAK MEN Nervone Debilify Lack of . Ilse Emfaseone, 10 days UtAttnent sent Free to dnsot sending as !tote. in Po6tage Stampe. STANDARD M1 DICAL CO., No St. Jatabg Stxeot,Moabrce A It t '­ ­'. - 1-N iLIW4XV:.e" 1 1 71,- �, ­� f I t 1 1.10 1 1 1� Has beets endarsod b tho, a professfv� Ctar,tvl+'ettl xea�s;*' 1 . r T r R is V �.p � y s a)) t bt -.- I . always la a e a a' ., is a Y P _ �►!. �' on scocs's l-mulsion with trade=mark pf man wind rash. � Put, up in 5o cent and $i.00 sizes. Tho, small size may bo enough to cure ybur cough or i+I, help your baby. cAVEATS,TII�E MIiR�s COPYRIG�lT3. A t=t= R LC:T TEA F am THE FINEST TEA tN THE WORLD TEA FROM THE TEA PLANT TO THE TEA CUP IN ITS NATIVE PURITY. "Monsoon" Tea in put up by the Indian Tea growers as a sample of the best qualities of Indian •Peas. Therefore they use the greatest care in ilia selection of the Tea and its blend, that is why they put it up themselves and sell it only in the original. packages, thereby.eeuring its purity and excellitnee,, Put up in lb., i Ib. and 5 Ib. packages, and never sold in bulk. ALL GOOD GROCERS KEEP IT. ;f your greeer, docs.noi keep `it tell him to write to A STEIEL,• HAVVER & OO. . it and -73 Frdpt ittre%t East. Toronfft for an NON CURES R -- POSITIVELY r.ost Power, ATrn-ous Debi1 i tv, Failing Manhood, Secret 15i- seasce, caused by the errors and excesses of youth. Young, widdle-aged c old THIRD (iagTH mcn,suf erin-fromthref Ccts of foi,ics an•.1}c::ccw.o.;, restored to health, wan' bood and viz sr. price $L.CO, 6 frr S�.OJ. Fcnt by unit, pecurclysealed. write for cur Loo::, " �'.r+•�l77>.? T.,rcls," f,,r bten oaiy, teas yca Lu,./ t.7 L -t well cud atay well. Addreaa, QUEER VEGICINE CO., Dox 9,411, ltl Q R T F: ,;.L. I 11 n R 311 I= NERVOUS, DESPONDEiiT, WEAK, DISEASED MEN Cures Guaranteed or No Pay YOUNG or MIDDLE-AGED MEi-You may have boon the victim of Self Abuse when young. Later ExcePaee or exposure to blood dtsea•es may have completed the work. You feel the symptoms stealing over you. You d-ewl the future results. You know you are not a man mentally and sexualIyy N by not lie cure I in I itne and avoid Ure pad e2perienr•o of other wrecks of these diseases. Our NEW MEIHOD fliKATMENT WILL CURE YOU AF'IEK ALL GLUE .FA". Emissions, Varicoceia and Syphilis Cured w. M. MZLCa w H. MWAX11 C - I , R �` / Lis r. i r BoforoTr<,nt:rr•nt GttcrT•:!.':ncnt "At thn nice of i:S I oo-om:,rr.,1 to r �Ia myy hr+rt'lh. L^ter on ns. "ONr nV T!'!' BCtX13" 1Cont racte I a serina•t blood d it _`" -B1 PHILI4. 1 wag creak r.nd nervosa despondent,pimples, snnken Olen, b,me pains, facers, hair locee. Porn t ng o and mouth drat :e iu C_`':.,r. i^7' 'e'-1 w_= a wreeir, *ens in tie 1-. i; afda s er`_en e friend recommended pre. K-nne''.y & Kergan. A dozen other doefors hart +rdled in oaring me. Ar•. Konno ly d: Keruan cared me In a few wceke by their New Method' Treatment. 1 would warn sin'llar diseased men to bewaro of Medical Fraud-. They are reliable honent and Akillfal Dhysiciamd." W. M. MILLER, CON8uLT noN FREE. We treat and cure Vorrco- aele, hyphillet. 1Esn11ee10119, [rllee,tsptrf%Cilre:.1Yervoua Il)e. tltlity,lTOts tigrnt 111154 larep, Sidssey and Bladder I 'L0eve. . Iy YEARS IN MICHIGAN 266,000 ICUR'ED No CttiCi 1�r 3rr V4'WPfte flor 1,< 1�t >sfiauk for "owe tttIlltst. D o o k H IN r e e. �glti11U11fatti0ifi 1Nt'eCa ,, RO. HAYS, Barrister, Solicitor, Cmc. Office, corner • North Street and Square,;near Registry office, Goderich, Ont- e7• AW Money to lend at lowest rates of Interest. J. SCOTT? Barrister, e1c., ELLIOTT'S BLOCS, - - CLINTON. Money to Loan. F.- CAMPION, Q . C, BARRISTER, - - - SOLICITOR., a NOTARY, 4c., Goderich, _ Ont. :n „ . i ... , �. 1. Wn) )-Over David' Drug Store. Maley to loaD. t.. . M• 0. JOHNSTON,- r ' BARRISTER, - - SOLICITOR, COMMISSIONER, ETC., Goderich, - - - Ont. X' olilee-Cot. Hamilton and St. Andrew'a Sig, W. BRYDONE., BARRISTER - - SOLICITOR. NOTARY PUBLIC, tjfc , -- OFFICE -BEAVER BLOCK - CLINTON 817 -if q ��XX�� to �leuid. Nijj���{OItEY joland in targe or small duals or goo' m 'rtgtiges or personal security at the lows$ current rates. H. HALE, Huron st. Clinton. Molloy, Money to lend on good poourity at "A' and a pe Applyto 0. RWOTJT, Albert St.,inton. aent. 862•tf. , Win. Moore Has Removed TO - CORE'S 11LOOTf,1"URON STREET, CLiNTON. I am better thin eder'preparod to snpp'y the pnt e with the Latest Improved Singer Sewing Machines. f 'y Neodleain stookaud parte epppiled for all m.ke for the Celebrated Leadoz Char s' of Maohl fob. •Allbtit and titelnobt re able Wa+here ant) Wringers. Tb most drltleal inspentfon Invited. WIC, MOORE<. Caat of 170mmetblsl 11 tai, f#nnni•�treret, C]lnto. ti11t!•0 } i1 t l 1ti y. . a"EbOlt 'B tlf.li. I:w",N LAO,, lge. 84 A. F. di A. H. meats (''i s visit U avefy 1?'fiiGly�. otk olr a[Eor oho :moan. ag iirathren ovr 11 ky molted t, d.;#lOtiL01V1Yr FP,. ,ii. J. B. RUu B ALLBaa. Clinton, Dec.6,,IPP. Kt 0, T. M. $earns Teat No.6a, Apt is Pf the Maccabees of i An world. 81,000, 2,OQ9 and 19.900 Policies. Mem roregip over 10040", Q4seaemeat prinoiple-has icvor exoeeted 12 ag$e4luents in a your, Oheapest tad safeA In, exletenoe. Meets In Orange Hall, ()"u - ;on, first and third Friday of every moutb. - COWS FlIsoult & FEED STORE, CZitnto sIl. BRAN and SHORTS in Large or Shall Quantities. OIL CARE, LINSEED MEALS 10 lbs. Choice Oatmeal for ono Bushel Oats D. COOK, CLINTON. 7611.t! --- HILL'S . FEED STORE, HURON STREET, CLINTON. The Best Early Seed Potatoes, and al: kinds of first-class Clover, Timothy, Fieri. and Garden Seeds, , Fleur and Feed of aI kinds. Closest living prices for cash. SALT in stock and for sale. TEAS of the choicosl varieties and blends. Excellent value, J W. HILL, Huron St., Clintor Central Butcher Shop COUCIT & WILSON 8nbeeribers desire to nntify the public that the; have bonght ont the bntcheriog business lately con dented by Mr. Jag. A. Ford, and will condone th' game tinder their porsonal mupervialon. Orlers wil have prompt and careful attegtlou. Fresh meats o all kinds will be kept in season, gold at reasonably rates and delivered anywhere in town. ARTHUR COUCH, CHAS N. WILSON CLINTON. CENTRAL BUTCHER SHO P FORD & MURPIiY, (Successors to J. W. Langford.) -Having bought out the above business, we inten to oouduct it on the cash principle, and will eippl our customers with the best meats at the 1 -west paJ Dg prices. FORD &MURPHY x.> «N'7a47' Thera, ppttl>; „ 4ame wlsand rotandl9k with f'e• gga 'tdwregk�gtt, lot It. be 0 AtROV understood 5b i[;l►ny ppfagd ta}tas' iiogae0llmla �f say kluA OP wroakwg$ 004 falls to .report to mo I shall a dUati.'tlikei xOpeddPgo. Uoulember this.. to the lssft iwodlu 1'041 o�qq!#ve. 0,&M WM. BARB. RUOederich, Septi 10189014* FOR SAt,4F.• The property at pprey t oot+pplttd by the an- dersigued as a residence on 'the Huron Road In the Tgwu of goderleh, coustating of one Wf of an aero of land, good frame holloo -story and a half -seven rooms, Inoludingkitohenr hard and soft water, good atone collar, stable. wood and carriage houdes, There are also some good fruit trees. This pproperty is beautifully situated and varysuttable forauy'person wishing to itveretired- For further particularsapply to FS. OAMPION, 642.tf Barrister.11oderioli. J. C. STEVENSONi Furniture Dealer, &c. THE LEADING UNDERTAKER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Opposite Town 'Hall, - Clinton, Out GO TO THE Urian Shaving Parlor For first-class Hair -Cutting and Shaving. Smith's block, opposite Post Of6co, Clinton j .l. EMERTON, Proprietor. New Butcher Shop. The undersigned desires to intimate to the people of Clinton and vulnity ttlat lie has opened a butcher shop in the store'of W. Core, Huron Street. Fie has had many yea:a experience, and feels. that he can give -the hest satisfaction. He wil sell strictly for Cash, and at the lowest possible prices. ORDEits RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED. M,_W W. WRIGHT, - Clinton. LIVE HOGS WANTDDa Highest Market Price Paid. D. CANTELON, Clinton. 1798-tf. B. THOMLIN50N, YETERiNERY SURGEON, Honorary Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary Col. toga, Toronto. Treats all diseases of Domestic Animals on th most modern and Scientific Principles. Day an I Night Calle Promptly Answered. Reeldence-Rattenbury Street. West, Cllton Ont J. E. BLACHALL, Veterinary Surgeon, honorary graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, treats dls.,aaes of all domestic animals on t g most modern and sclenttfle PPrinciples. AffCalle attended to night or day. Otllce on Isaac street, next New Era office Residence -Albert street, Clinton. Geo, Trowl0, Horseshoer and General Black- smith, Albert Street, North, - Clinton JOBBING A SPECIALTY. Woodwork Ironed and first clmsR material an work guaranteed ; farm implements and machine rebuilt and repaired. Card of Thanks TO MY INIANY PATRO"TS : I desire to tender my sincere thank a r r the ver liberal patronage ecce d for Y P R ed me in the past and to inform th public that I am atilt in the Carpe Weaving Business on East Street Gloderioh, noxi the Bicycle Factory ! Personal and mail orders Will as ueua reoeive prompt attention. All clause of work a specialty, at the lowest pos Bible prices, and satisfactioh guaran teed. W. A. Ross, East Street GODiE:RIC11.- don't Build Without A Plan J. ADES FOWLER & CO., Architects and Civil Engineers d Are opening a permanent office in Clinton and e i prepared to supply Plane, Specidcatibna and detail e for any class o work at most reasonable rates• Patent DrARings prepared'atla pat_euts obtained• Val nstlpnband'inepedticntlddrbtntiyhlade: n Yerci s E per encein Ontdr Hatfadd%!e!� k4.0. Itoi 210. Out o WATTS &' CO., CHEMISTS & DRUGGISTS Great Northwestern Telegraph office, Albert Street, - Clinton. PROPERTY FOR SALE OP IllRENT. -Advertisers will find "The News -Record" one of the beet mediums in the County of Huron. Aevertlae in 'The Newg•Record"-Thc Double Circulation Talks toThousands,.Rs,tesa low asavv, PUMPS! PUMPS! It you want a flyd cle,aP, well -made pump, one that will give you satisfaction, send your order to the nuderaigned. He will dig and Clean wells and do it at the closest prices. He also handles a first-class FORCE PUMP. JAMES FERGUSON Opposit Queen'd Hotel ;High Street Uanton. 809•tf F. W. F R R N G G IH B (MEMBER OF ASSN OF P. L. S•) Provincial Land Surveyor and Civil Engineer, LONDON, ON''I'., orricE:-tit G. J. Stewart's Grocery Store, Clin- ton, 70l•ly 6mo" 8ft Cantelon Bros, %JENERAL GROCERS dz PROVIS- ION btERCHANTS.. Grocicery, Glass & Chinaware ALBERT ST. CLINTON. ONT. Highest Cash Price for Butter ;and Eggs r62 -1y BE, IL=. HEADS, NOT He-do, Letter Beads, Tags, Statements, Circulars, 4WBusiness Cards, Envelopes, Programmes, etc„ etc.,printei in a workman. like manner and at low rates, at Tus Nawa•RaconD office. NOTICE TO NEWS -RECORD READERS. The publisher would esteem It a favor It rear t would, when making their purchases uention at they saw the' merchant's dvertisee.ent in ' fur News-RseuRD. - The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Company. Farm and Isolated Town Proper- ty only Insured. orvtcxRs. George Watt. President, Harlock P. O.; Jame Broadfoot, Vlce-Pres.., 8eaforth P, O.; W. J. 8han non, gory. Tread., 8cafortb P. 0: Michael Murdic inspector of losses, Seatorth P. O. DIRR.CTORP, James Broadfoot, Seaforth; Michael Mardie, get forth; George Dale, Seafortb; George Watt, Harloc d Thomas E, lfayR,Seatorth; Alex Gardiner,Leadbur, a Thomas Garbutt, Clinton; John McLean, Hippen. AGENTS. Thomas Neilar,n, Harlock; Robert McMillan, Sea forth and Jameg Cummingp, Egmondville. • Parties desirous to effect Insurance or tram act other buelnoss will be promptly attend ed to on application to any of the above officers ne dressed to their respective poor oaieen,l - OF e AGE EN ALL fa t ' may be cared. Wo jtreat all sexual disorr g dens of mew Four out of five who suffer nerv- nsness, mental worry, attacks of " the blues," are but paying the pen- t altyof early excesses. The dread alarm of Impotency, the exhaus- tion of Spermatorrhoea, i >= may be CURED is strict confidence at maarerate expmrf. Send fel' our llk" ,sealed book, " PERFECT I.iANIHOOD," e ERIE MEDICAL 0061 Buffalo, Nay. ORK FOR MEN AND WOMEN. We pay ll t'r Ile per week for easy home work- chit. can .do It. No Scholars, hooka or Peddling �� This la bane fids. Send stamp tot work and partfcu tare at nnce, THE SEYMOUR SUPPLY CO. Ut or n, le Templi, Camden, 144. g11-yly. '"It Y Onikopno I1lpiti'k& ' �Rheumatisril is a Y proNencp of ur Vptem,.4nd It a _ �W pale-prodt �� Cutrt�l,r it# t�� �>it�d► �'#jRl4�?11�f M Id diseaetl, dtafa.;tq wid--a pc►lsaia-ill( ly, til ethalfhoval k . s.. • ' r noiabn. t a that young o'hiWrOn ai6'4ften victims to thi's torture. The use of liniments, em- bro4tion4 and outward applications, may give temporary ralief, but can never cure, for the Polson is in the blood, and until it is expelled, rheumatism, sciatica and neurallgle pains will continue. Scotts' Sarsaparilla cures rheumatism by removing the cause -by neutralizing and etcptiling this poisonous acid. In chronic cases, mhls medicine reaches the source of the disease as no other medicine can. It gives renewed energy to the organs that sustain life, the forces that make the blood. For the nervous troubles of youth, for the debility that precedes old age, for ladies in their severe ordeals, it is without a coml:eer. Scott's Sarsaparilla is a concentrated compound of the finest medicines known to modern medical science -The dose is front one half to ore teaspoonful and during its use the ordinary vocations are not Interfered with. FUNNY THINGS COML TO PASS. Perhaps the idem of wearing wooden socks alight Seoul ridiculous, but it's just what some people in Germany are doing, and very nice socks they are too. The wood is reduced to ri long silky fibre and made into it yarn out of which fhe socks are knit rnrking a warmer, more durable and just as soft pprotection as woollen ones, In a simi- latr way the pure spruce fibre is made into the interlining called Fibre Cha- mois, which provides for clothing an absolute protection against raw air and cold winds because It is a complete nun -conductor of heat and cold, keep- ing in the natural heat and keeping out every breath of cold. This fabric has also been made waterproof so that the train never penetrates it, and is so light in weight and inexpensive that a layer of it provides the acme of com- fort for all outdoor clothing, Canadian and i:uropean Oysters. The Canadian oyster has 1. Sexes separate. 2. Unfertilized eggs shed by parent. 3. Eggs and sperm met in the open sea and fertilization is aecompllshe-a. 4. The swimming embryo is naked and has for a time no shell 5. Number of eggs enormous, prob- ably 50 to 150 millions produced by each female oyster. The European oyster has 1. Sexes combined in the same n►- divldual. 2. Eggs never shed before fertiilza- tion. 3.Eggs fertilized and retained wit41- in the mther-oyster's shell, 4. Embryos Protected by a thin shell and emitted as "blaclt spat." 5. Eggs do not exceed one to +wo millions, i.e., one egg for ever one hundred eggs produced by the (�ana- dlan oyster. ONE HONEST MAN. Dear Editor: -Please inform your readers, that if written to confidenti- ally I will mail in a sealed letter par- ticulars of a genuine, honest {come Curr, by which I was permanently re- stored to health and manly vigor, after years of suffering from nervous debility, sexual weakness, night losses and weak shrunken parts. I was robbed and swindled by the quacks until I near- ly lost faith in mankind, but thank heaven, I am now well, vigorous and Strong, and wish to make this certain means of eure known to all Sufferers. I have nothing to sell, and want no money, but being a firm believer in the universal brotherhood of man, I am delirious of helping the unfortun- ateto regain their health and happi nese, 1 promise you perfect secrecy and as I do not wish to expose myself either, address, Simply : P. 0. Boy 388, London, Ont. Undergarments. The up-to-date woman, whether fal or lean, has reduced her undergar meats to the smallest possible num ber; over a pair of 1 --ole Fullers a sill vest and a silk petticoat she wears I light -weight corset, and as the bcdict is put on directly ov?r the stays there is no danger of marring wrinkles ti spoil the fit of the N aWst, Tho Plettire Hat ARaln. The picture haat, once again se-4--ri it our midst, can be worn only by a for c tunate few. Nothing more lncongru ous can be imagined than a prim looking woman in a Gain-eborough while on the other hand, such head - gear• gives to a dashing woman Jus the needed touch of ploturesquenetsa. TO CONSUMPTIVES. The undersigned having been restored to heals by simple moans, after muttering fnr several yew wish s severe lung site tion and that dread digest Cmisamption, to anxious to make known to his Cello sufferers the means of enre. To those who desire I he will cheerfully send (free of charge) a copy of it prescription used. which they will find a surecure f. Coneurnption, Asthota, Catarrh, Brownchitis an ell throat and Lung Afaladics. He hope all sufferers will try big remedy, se It in Invah able. Thoac desiring the preseription, which will col them nothing, and may prove a olegsing, will pleat addrend, ev, EDWARD A. WILSOX,Brooklya, Ne, York. -_ ALL THE PEOPLE Should keep themselves healthy ant especial care Should be given to thi matter at this time. Health depend upon pure, rich blood, for when th blood is impure and impoverished die edges of various kindle are almost cot tain to result, The one true blooi purifier is Hood's Sarsaparilla. B; its power to purify and vitalize th, blood it has proved itself to be th, safeguard of health, and the record o remarkable cures effected proves tba 1 it has wonderful power over disease It actually and permanontly puree whet all other preparatiotla fail to do all; good whatever. s�lltfcl tr;it"s I•b�p� I1. app I tai` f W*11 Om"ration. I The fashion of treating walla in other ways tban by papering them lir it growing one. The biglier LwHatlo sense which now exlRts even In emaall _ and remake communities has given a rqa4l*1v;;sense of, the- value of the background, and walls recetve the first 'and most careful attention of Intending furnlehers. A most aesthe- tic hanging is plain burlaps of the usual cream -brown hue. IT SAVED OUR CHILD. "Aly little daughter, three and it half years old, aaudered three years with 4czema. Her little body was covered with the itching rash, and doctors did no good. Four boxes of Chase's Ointment have entirely cured and saved our child. Her skin is clear and not a sign of rash is to he seen." Andrew Aium, HHrtland,: N. B. Mr. Alton is one of thousands benefitted by this unfailing cure for piles and skin diseases-- - ------.__. _� The Moon's Attraction. The attraction of the moon is the main factor in producing the tides which play an Important part In the economy of the world, and are direct- ly and idirectly beneficial to mankind. The ceaseless movement of the ocean counteracts the corrupting tendencies of oceanic stagnation, which would otherwise generate and give off pois- onous and foul exhalatlons, pollute the atmosphere, and make the earth uninhabitable. Twice a day the tide, with an unstinting hand, and never failig regularity, brings Ili fresh sup- plies of food, to be gathered as the waters again recede. Harbors other- wise inaccessible to shipF, are made the gates of commerce, the trans '1 --'sl ,n of ocean freights is facilitated, ur:d i,r.rne on the seashore have a natural ,vi tary agent always at hand and dcir„- ly at work which may Ile tat - effectually- remove irni ur;ttes, FEED THE NERVES Upon purr, tick blood and you need not fear nervous proebation. Nerves are weak when thoy are improperly and insufficiently nourished. Pure blood is their proper food, and pure blood comes by taking Rood's Sarsi parille, which is thus the greatest and best nerve tonic. It also b;iilda up the whole system, HOOD'S PILLS are the favorite family cathartic, easy to take, easy to operate, TORE HIS FLESH IN AGONY. "I was troubled with blind itching piles for 20 years ; was unable to work and tore my flesh in agony. United States and Canadian doctors failed to relieve, Chase's Ointment was it God - solid. I am a better main than in 20 years, and am able to work every day," Philip Wallace, blacksmith, Iroquois, Ont. Chases 111ntlneDt cures piles, eczema and irritant diseases. A druggists, ISOs per box. -- Sir Donald Smith, the Canadian High Commissioner in London, gave n Dominion Day reception in the 1, - perial Institute, which wits attended by between five and six hundred persons. In the evening he gave a dinner in the Westminster 'Palace hotel. THEY DO NOT DESPAIR. An utter loss of hope is not charnc- teristte of consumptives, though no other form of disease is so fatal, unless its progress is arrested by use of Scott's Emulsion, which is Ood Liver Oil made as palatable as cream. A daughter of James Mullin, o Miami, Saline county, Mo., died froir eating inulberries that had been stunt by locusts. HAY FEVER AND CATARRH IIELIF.V ED IN 10 TO 80 MINUTES. -One shor' puff of the breath through the blower supplied with each bottle of Dr Aq new's Catarrhal Powder, diffuses thl powder over the Surface of the nada passages. Painless and delightful to use. It relieves instantly, and per manently cures Catarrh, flay Fever Colds, Headache, Sore Throat, Ton silitis and Deafuess. Sold by Watts 8c Co. Platinum Wire. Platinum has been drawn Into smootl wire so fine that it would not be dis tli gulshed by the naked eye, suet when stretched across a piece of whit cardboard. i t what u on I sial on having ue h G n 8J Y for when you go to buy Hood's gars, parilla, the One True Blood Purine and nerve tonic. ST. LAWRENCE CA-NALS. IROQUOIS DIVISION FURTHER POS[PQNEME,�F QF DATE FOR REC I ING T�r�n1DtRS• NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. THE Time for receiving tenders for th iroquois Division of the fit. Lawrence Cana has been further gnoRtponed to Friday, 3rd Jul; 1 By order JNO. Ir. BALDER,SO., Sterethrl Departmontof Rail ways and Canals, t Ottawa, 22nd June, 1890, f If snSerinx from Lost Man000e WEAK MEN Nervone Debilify Lack of . Ilse Emfaseone, 10 days UtAttnent sent Free to dnsot sending as !tote. in Po6tage Stampe. STANDARD M1 DICAL CO., No St. Jatabg Stxeot,Moabrce A It t '­ ­'. - 1-N iLIW4XV:.e" 1 1 71,- �, ­� f I t 1 1.10 1 1 1� Has beets endarsod b tho, a professfv� Ctar,tvl+'ettl xea�s;*' 1 . r T r R is V �.p � y s a)) t bt -.- I . always la a e a a' ., is a Y P _ �►!. �' on scocs's l-mulsion with trade=mark pf man wind rash. � Put, up in 5o cent and $i.00 sizes. Tho, small size may bo enough to cure ybur cough or i+I, help your baby. cAVEATS,TII�E MIiR�s COPYRIG�lT3. A t=t= R LC:T TEA F am THE FINEST TEA tN THE WORLD TEA FROM THE TEA PLANT TO THE TEA CUP IN ITS NATIVE PURITY. "Monsoon" Tea in put up by the Indian Tea growers as a sample of the best qualities of Indian •Peas. Therefore they use the greatest care in ilia selection of the Tea and its blend, that is why they put it up themselves and sell it only in the original. packages, thereby.eeuring its purity and excellitnee,, Put up in lb., i Ib. and 5 Ib. packages, and never sold in bulk. ALL GOOD GROCERS KEEP IT. ;f your greeer, docs.noi keep `it tell him to write to A STEIEL,• HAVVER & OO. . it and -73 Frdpt ittre%t East. Toronfft for an NON CURES R -- POSITIVELY r.ost Power, ATrn-ous Debi1 i tv, Failing Manhood, Secret 15i- seasce, caused by the errors and excesses of youth. Young, widdle-aged c old THIRD (iagTH mcn,suf erin-fromthref Ccts of foi,ics an•.1}c::ccw.o.;, restored to health, wan' bood and viz sr. price $L.CO, 6 frr S�.OJ. Fcnt by unit, pecurclysealed. write for cur Loo::, " �'.r+•�l77>.? T.,rcls," f,,r bten oaiy, teas yca Lu,./ t.7 L -t well cud atay well. Addreaa, QUEER VEGICINE CO., Dox 9,411, ltl Q R T F: ,;.L. I 11 n R 311 I= NERVOUS, DESPONDEiiT, WEAK, DISEASED MEN Cures Guaranteed or No Pay YOUNG or MIDDLE-AGED MEi-You may have boon the victim of Self Abuse when young. Later ExcePaee or exposure to blood dtsea•es may have completed the work. You feel the symptoms stealing over you. You d-ewl the future results. You know you are not a man mentally and sexualIyy N by not lie cure I in I itne and avoid Ure pad e2perienr•o of other wrecks of these diseases. Our NEW MEIHOD fliKATMENT WILL CURE YOU AF'IEK ALL GLUE .FA". Emissions, Varicoceia and Syphilis Cured w. M. MZLCa w H. MWAX11 C - I , R �` / Lis r. i r BoforoTr<,nt:rr•nt GttcrT•:!.':ncnt "At thn nice of i:S I oo-om:,rr.,1 to r �Ia myy hr+rt'lh. L^ter on ns. "ONr nV T!'!' BCtX13" 1Cont racte I a serina•t blood d it _`" -B1 PHILI4. 1 wag creak r.nd nervosa despondent,pimples, snnken Olen, b,me pains, facers, hair locee. Porn t ng o and mouth drat :e iu C_`':.,r. i^7' 'e'-1 w_= a wreeir, *ens in tie 1-. i; afda s er`_en e friend recommended pre. K-nne''.y & Kergan. A dozen other doefors hart +rdled in oaring me. Ar•. Konno ly d: Keruan cared me In a few wceke by their New Method' Treatment. 1 would warn sin'llar diseased men to bewaro of Medical Fraud-. They are reliable honent and Akillfal Dhysiciamd." W. M. MILLER, CON8uLT noN FREE. We treat and cure Vorrco- aele, hyphillet. 1Esn11ee10119, [rllee,tsptrf%Cilre:.1Yervoua Il)e. tltlity,lTOts tigrnt 111154 larep, Sidssey and Bladder I 'L0eve. . Iy YEARS IN MICHIGAN 266,000 ICUR'ED No CttiCi 1�r 3rr V4'WPfte flor 1,< 1�t >sfiauk for "owe tttIlltst. D o o k H IN r e e. �glti11U11fatti0ifi 1Nt'eCa ,, a .. .. .... .,.. :n „ . i ... , �. 1. ...., ... a •. is .. .,. t.. . ,.. .. :,. :.. r�. r ' X' --