HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1919-09-11, Page 3CLARK'S
Women Who
provide, -- Men
who work hard;
Who play hard;
—all profit from a meal
'!4plark's" Pork and
peans, and enjoy thetas-
ty, well cooked, strength
giying food.
*,Thd Purity of "CLARK'S"
lot,ORIC. AND BEANS and,
guaranteed by the Government
Igend on every can.
Ite•400. 41 Hata •••• 414e***
• In 41te of impepvement in the lay-
ing capacity of the hen the average
for "biddy" is below 80 eggs in the
year, and the great bulk of tiles output
of henfreit is produced in the ei,rli
and eunener. The summer produc-
tion cOUld be larger if extra care was
given the layers during the hot days
and* nights of the three summer
Fowle that were fairly well cared for
during the winter when eggs command
the highest price are in a measure neg-
lected during the trying days of Buda -
mer: The essentiale to summer care
are not many but should be faithfully
follOWed out. On the farm or poultry
plant, it requires mpre labor than
feecAnge and even of keeping the poul-
try quarters clean. Very few faring
Ot plants have a running 'Water eye -
teen and the foWls must obtain their
water `from drinkbag vessels, either
earthenware or galvanized iron buck-
ets. In winter water ie given the
poultry one or twice a day. But dur-
ing the simmer this is not enough and
the -water most be changed accenting
to the weather.
,The warmer the day the more Often
water should be supplied, and when
the flocks have a good supply of clean
freeh water they will do rauch better
work, go through the moulting time in
better condition ant produte more
egg e Up to theeeme they commence to
put ..oh their new plumage.
Ta the growIng pullets that are be -
big, groomed to become 'winter layers.
the' well -watered flock will consume
marc, feed Which aneans a rapid growth
and Will mature into layers in a short-
er Mine than those pullets 'which have
been neglected in Ole respect. Water
Means so little to the beginner
Ind even to those who have had Bev.-
eral. yeare of experience, yet it Is one
ot the big factors, small as it inaY
seem, In the welfare of the flock and
the poultry keeper who neglectthis
essential Is not making the most out
of the chickens, young or old.
Vliniinate the heavy feeding of coi:la,
adding more wheat, barley and oats.
Most .pOtiltrykeepers feed to much
eerie Which, While a good poultry feed,
has been abused bOth in feeding it in
large euantities and in thinking it has
greater feed velem than it actually
hate Corti is heatening and fattening.
1t. is harmful in summer, when used
alone, unlese the flock has free range
Over grass toed cloVer fielde, in which,
ease the fowls have a chance to hal-
bac° hp their ration. Cranforteble
poultry et:tatters Is perhaps the .eecond
emientiel. Without a good home the
flock ealiteet do their beet in Winter or
surtuiter. The poultry building should
be Well ventilated so that during the
sunimer nights the fowls will not be
eel:Ape/led to suffer from heat. Shade
in the poultry rens Ilhould be etteplied
in some forni. 'Natural shade is the
beet, in the form of treee, Peach.
Pear, apple, plum, cherry, all Make
good shade, with peach and plum mak-
ing the most rapid growth, Until
treehave) made a good growth stakes
can be driven in the'ground ahd raue-
nte a the Arta course Ines' be covered by
Mining, Chemical, 0,11,
Mechanical and Eleottioal
Stillait'N SCHOOL 11010ATION 011011
pay toed August. December to April
ea (GED. Y4:111OWN, Registrase.
lin nailed to the stake* two Not front
the grOued, which. will give shede and
a =relit Of Or laeneath the !ranee and
Ward relief to the fowlin the hot
dant that corner each Wilmer, It le
thetie small Minot that make tbe pouttrYkeeper auccesefIll witn the flock.
ine etock and well put up buildings
tied yarde cannot Make a ettecese if
the little ceniforte are neglected. It
is the small detells, carefully looked
after, that count in the long run, and
they aeemingly arnall, are often over-
looked to the cleriment of the flock.—
J. Harry Woleieffer.
so It will not get hot. lie wittehee It
Meetly, and deee not tette any ehancee
on the 'wheels miming hot. If they did
the wheels would etick, and It the tanner
peraletect in driving ahead, he would moon
laa,ve a bad epirelle and a bad wheel.
However, the results would be so met.
Mutt mi they would be in the case of a
train of care procesellni( at a *Peed of 15
or 20 relies an hour. It le no wonder that
trainmen Mee patience when they find
a "het box" in their treen. They know
that someone has been ca.releas and
shirkine In his work, and that is to
In order to obtaim an abundance of
egge it Is neceiniary to have 'vanity.
vigorous etock, properly fed. e Lie fol-
lewing are good grain mixtures for
the laying stock, the proportions being
by weight; Ration 1—Equal parts of
cracked corn, wheat and oats. Ra-
tion 2e -Three parts cracked cern, two
parts oats and one part wheat. !Ra-
tion 3—Two parts cracked corn and
one part oats, A choice of any one
of these rations should be ecattered
in the litter twice daily, morning and
Chiggers, harvest mites, or "red
bugs," which so frequently annoy
canipers by the intense itching they
produce, may also attack fowls. Young
chickens having a free range, especial-
ly if it includes low lying land, are the
melet liable to suffer from these pare-
, sites. The mites penetrate the skin,
causing an intense itching, and ab-
scesses may be found where clusters
of tunes are feeding. Theee absceesee
are sometimes a third of an inch in
diameter, surrounded by an area of in-
flammation. The birds become droopy,
refuse to eat, and may die from hun-
ger and exhaustion.
If an abscess has not yet formed the
inflamed area may be treated with'
sulphur ointment, Peruvian balsam, or
a mixture of one part of kerosene oil
with three parts of lard. If suppura-
tion has occurred the scab should be
removed and the area washed with 4
per cent. carbolic acid solution. Fre-
gttent light dusting with flowers of
sulphur will keep the chickens from
becoming infeated.
;There are people who have the right
variety of fowls, who house and teed
them properly, and yet who cannot ob-
tain eggs early in the winter beeeuse
their fowls are too old. It is seldom
that it pays to keep hens for laying
after they are two and a half Years
old1 not that they will not give a pro-
fit, but that younger fowls will give a
greater profit.
Either of the following suggested
dry mash mixtures should be fed in -a.
I dry mash hopper, allowing the fowl
-to have access to it at all times, Mash
No. 1—Two parts corn meal, one part
beef scrap. Mash No, 2—Three parts
corn meal and one part beef scrap.
Surplus cockerels caponized now will
weigh ten or eleven pounds by Christ-
mas when they will bring 50 to 75
cents a pound. This applies only to
rooks. Caponizing dots not pay With
Worms in Children work havoc.
These pests attack the tender lining
of the intestines, and, if left to pur-
sue their ravages undisturbed, will
ultimately perforate the wall, because
these worms are of the hook variety
that cling to and feed upon interior
surfaces. Miller's Worm Powders
will not only exterminate thesevorms,
of whatever variety, but Will serve to
repair the injury they have done.
• —•:•-e—
lieight of Ignoranoe.
A fond parent noticed his youngest,
a boy, in a very animated conference
with a number of other boys and a
young woman and that evening in-
quired of the boy what all the excite-
ment was about. "That Was ray
teather," said the boy,. 'and we were
trying to explain the ball game to her.
She couldn't understand a durned
thing. I don't just unerstand how
she ever got to be a school teacher."
Every Girl Who
Earns Her Living,
Read This!
Very complex In her ephYsical re-
lations to life, disease ' early seizes
upon the woman who • veorks, and
ehe mud therefore guard jealously
anything that would tendto destroy.
her vitality or health. --
Probably nothing, is of i more ser -
Vice than Dr, Hamilton's qeills, and
every girl and woman can employ
this grand rep:My with gratifying re-
As a system tonic and blood reno-
vator, no treatment gives such re-
For maintaining good digestion -and
healthy appetite, it is impossible to
equal Dr. Hamilton's Pills.
Dusky, sallow complexion is chang-
ed to a healthy, ruddy glow, which
proves that Dr.. Hamilton's Pills cir-
culate bleed that is rich and nourish-
Weak organs are filled with new
life and vitality; weakness, irregu-
'aril-lee and the common ills are pre-
What you feel poorly, when the
head Mlles, back feels lame, and a
drowsy, tired, feeling creeps through
you—that tells of the need of Dr.
Harailton's Pills; trY them.
Sold in yellow boxes, 25c.
4 I • '
China,/ Invented gunpowder and pop-
ularized firetrackers. The cheapest
kind of firecracker is made of gun
Powder rolled up in coarse bamboo
paper with a coverihg of red paper,
red being regarded by the Chinese an
bringing good luck. Alum is used to
neutralize the stnoke. The Canton
district is the centre of this industry.
The Chineee seem to uee firecratkers
up o never yoecasion---to speed a part
leg vett, in wedding telebrations, On
festivals and birthdars and to dispel
evil and bring good omens. China ec.
ports about $3,000,000 Worth a year.
" • • •
Toronto Fat Stook Show
iiIntriee for fatenerie carload cattle
does close Sept. Mil.
The fat etoek show will be held on
Me. 11th and 12th at the 'Union Stock
yards, Teronto.
Illntriet for other elseleee dote NOV,
24t ,b
Write the aeoratary Union atOCk
Tar& for prod= liet.
lee •
When you,get. up' late
A rapid brushing up of
the soap, a few turns on
the strop while the
lather is getting in its
work; followed by a
once-over with your
AutoStrop Razor and
the job's done. Three
minutes altogether. by your
watch. You can't beat thatl
And you have a cool slick
shave into the bergain.
To clean; you simply pet the
blade under the tap, wipe it
off, then it's ready for the
next shave. No precious
minutes lost fumbling with
parts. That means more
time for breakfast, and
smile for the day's work."
Razor — Strop •-•-• 12 blades SS
- in a neat, compact case.
AutoStrop Building,•Tororito, Canada
* • .44....4 -.44 -4 -44•44 -.4 -e -e4-44-..
Clothes of a light color are noVfavor-
ed in factories where work Is done on
•gold. In fact, in many such factories a
dark euit of clothes is absolutely de-
manded, and even a light waistcoat maY
lose a man a job. The reason for this
'is that any stray gietine of gold that maY
get on the clothing can easily be caueht
on a dark suit, while they •might get
away from the establishment if light
• clothes were worn.
That such a rule was enforced among
gold workefs one Irian learned recently'
when a Bohemian gold beater applied
to him for a helping% hand. The Bohem-
ian 'said that he had not been in this,
country long, that he hadhad a chance
to obtain a good job at his trade, but
that the place had been refused him be-
cause he turned up with a light coat
and waistcoat on, and they were the onle
clothes he had. .
The man whom he approached was
struck by the story and offered to help
him out if it proved true. He went to
a factory with him and found out that
the man could have the job if he present-
ed himself within an hour clad in •the
proper clothes. So a suit 'of the desired
kind was obtained for hirn and sure en-
ough he got the job.
"You may think this is strange," said
the foreman vf the factoty, "but it
_means quite a lot to us. Every man's
clothing is carefully examined when he
leaves the place at night and the gold
Is brushed off whenever we see any
on his clothing. It is impossible to hide
even tiny grains on a dark background,
but in the case of a mixed or a light
suit we might easily lose quite an amount
cif gold, and gold ien't anything you
want to lose even in small quantities.',
Honey, which Is now a luxury, was in
old times a. necessary, for it was then
the principal sweetener of food. Sugar
was not introduced u,ntll the latter days
of the Roman Empire, and was tirst
oddly described as an Indian salt that
was as sweet as honey. The numerous
references to honey in the Bible are due
to its being the common sweetener used
by the people.
Honey from the comb Is considered to
be the most luxurious form of this delect-
able sweet, and many persons eat the
wax with the honey. That is a foolish
thing to do, however -as foolish as It
would be to eat the paper that butter
Is wrapped up in, or the bag that con-
tains sugar. The wax in the honeycomb
Is in no way nutritious, and is decidedly
The proper way to eat honey in the
comb is to place a piece of the comb
on one's plate, with the cells in a ver.
tical position, and press one's knife- firm-
ly upon it, so that all the honey runs
out. Eat the honey and leave the wax.
The bees do not, care for blossoming
.flowers, as the poets imagine. They are
practical, utilitarian creatures, and pre.
ter the period just before fructification.
They dearly love clover, but most kinds
of fruit blossoms and seine kindof
forest trees are very useful to them. The
flavor and the quality of honey vary
with the plants upon Which the bee feeds.
Heather honey is naturally popular in
Scotland, . and the famous Narbonne
honey owes its flavor te rosemary. Oc-
casionally the bee Is irijudicious, how.
ever, and choose Injurious herbs. The
soldiers of Xenophon, after eating the
honey of Trebizond, became either mad
or drunk. The °Heat was owing to the
bees having 'eaten a.polsonous azalea,
Serious delays and accidents to trains
are often dee to overheated bearings, or,
as they are known in railroad parlance,
"het boxes."
A "hot box" is the result of rank care-
lessness on the part of employees in not
keeping a good vigil for the condition
of the car wheels; or rather the care of
the Journals ot the trucks under the car
where the "hot box" Is found. A "hot
box" is a sign thee the aafetY first rule
Is not practiced by some are department
There is no excuse for a "hot box"
after a car Is sent out if the train Is
carefully looked over at each terminal.
Primarily, a "hot box" Is calmed by poor
waste and an Insuffielent "greasing" at
the time it should have been done, and
there Is no excuse for one. A "hot box"
le liable to cause a wreck. And a wreck
on most railroada le a -serious thing In-
deed from all standpoints.
• The farmer who buys a nevv buggy has
e pretty good idea of what a "hot bOx"
metals, and the ways to prevent it. He
eees to It that the apindle is well greased
Dr. Mortals Female Pills
For Werner:a Ailments
smmnirrek E IXTI-1 SENSE,
ecientiate in Denmark are puzzled by
a Norwegian, one Emil Knudsen, who,
although blindfolded and carefully watch.
ed, steered a ateamer through tho Intriee
ate channelof the harbor of Copen-
hagen, keeping a true couree and adroitly
dodging other yeasele. Re explains this
by claiming the poseeesion of a "teeth
Knudeen Is a man of middle age. When
he canto to Denmark trorn Cerlstiania, he
beeame at once an object of interest to
both scientist and laymen. HO was put
through many experiments by one of the
leading nerve specialists. ot Europe, and
as a result the apeciallet suggested the
trip Into the harbor, Knudsen said that
he could guide himself anywhere without
using his eyes, and a ateamer was char-
tered to put him to a surpreme test.
Knudsen bad no knowledge of the harbor,
He requeated that a pereen knowing the
channels should hold two finger-tipe
against the aide of his head, Profesaor
Fridenreich consented to thie, and him-
self pressed two finger-tips against Ienud-
Ben's temples.
The man handled the wheel without a
sign of nervousness or Uncertainty. It
was Impossible for him to see, yet he
took more than a dozen sharp corners
and followed a zigzag emirs° throughout.
All the scientiets who wItneased the de-
monstration saki that Knudsen possess -
,es a mysterious power that actually may
be a aixth sena°. •
During the war the transportation of
supplies through the snow in the Vosges
was of urgent importance, and the
French military authorities conceived tho
idea of using dog -drawn sleighs, and
several hundred trained animals from
Alaska, Northwestern Canada and
Labrador were obtained. With the ending
of winter the dogs continued to be use-
ful in another way. They were ham.
essed to two -foot gauge light railways,
which ran everywhereebehind the front,
and they proved themselves capable of
'elrawing the heaviest load up the steepest
'gradient. It was found that eleven
;dogs, with a couple of men, could haul
load that weighed -one ton up the
most precipitous elope.of the mountains,
end, it is related that, two teams of
/seven dogs each could' do the work of
'five horses In thee, difficult country,
lelth a very great economy of men.
Of the three breeds in service, the
best was the Alaskin although he was
perhaps the weakest Of them all. His
courage never failed; and he would work
until ho dropped,
, The Foe of Indigestion.—Indigestion
Is a common aliment,'and few are free
from it. It Is a most distressing
complaint, and often the suffering at-
' tending it is most. severe. The very
hest remedy is Parmelee's Vegetable
pills taken according- to directions.
,They rectifyethe irregular' action of
the stomach and restore healthy ac-
tion. For many years theyahave been
-a standard remedy for dyspepsia and
Indigestion and are highly esteemed
•tor their qualities.
The Walk -in -the -Water.
The first steamer, we believe, that
was ever operated on Lake Erie was
named the Walk:in-the-Water, and
was built just one hundred years ago,
near Black Rock and Buffalo. On her
first tris to Detroit the Welk -in -the -
Water sloped at Cleveland, where a
grand re,ceptton was givento her offi-
cers and crew and a series of tents
was held to commemorate the awe-in-
spiring event.
• • a
A Condition Due Entirely to
Poor, Watery Blood.
The girl who return, home from
school or from work thoroughly tired
out will be fortunate if she escapes a
physical breakdown, because this get-
ting tired so easily is probably the
first warning symptom of a thinning
blood that must not be disregarded if
her health is to be preserved.
When the blood becomes thin and
impure the patient becomes thin, pale,
haggard and angular. She not only
tires out easily, but suffers from head-
aches, palpitation of the heart, dizzy
spells and a loss of appetite. This
condition will go from bad to worse,
until perhaps fatal consumption sets
In, if prompt steps are not taken to
increase and enrich the blood supply.
To make the rich, red blood that
brings the glow of health, no medicine
Yet discovered can equal Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills. If given a fair trial their
use brings rosy cheeks, bright eyes, a
good appetite and good spirits, Dr.
Williams' Pink Pins have made thou-
sands of pale, lenguid girls active and
strong. On the first sign of poor, thin
blood mothers should insist upon their
daughters taking a fair course of
these pills. They will not only restore
health, but will save further doctor
- Dr. Williams' Pink Pills can be ob-
tained from any dealer in medicine or
by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes
for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
Gassed Tommy Gave, Blanket to
a Yank.
"Yank, I'm only twenty-eight, but
I'm an old man," said an English
Tommy just before we turned into
our sleeping "rolls or. the coldest night
thet I had experienced. And his aw-
ful cough, the result of being gassed
early lit the war, when they had no
masks, added fatal testimony to his
All night long he coughed. About
midnight I awoke shivering. From
his Coughing I knew that he Was
awake. I said; "Tozunly, I never
Was so eold in my life," and then in
a few minutee I was asleep again.
An hour later I was again wakened
by his violent coughing. To my sur-
prise I seemed to be Warm and won-
dered if the wind had suddenly
()hanged, but frail its constant
whietling I knew it had not. I reach-
ed out and felt two extra blankets
on me. I muspeeted whente they had
eome by that 'Went eoughing.
I got up and carried them back to
where he iay, saying: "Tommy, did
you pet thee blankets on rne ?" He
replied: "Yes, Yank, You taid you
Were eold,"
"Dut what about you?"
"Oh, me? I'M used to it."
"Well, all I get to say le, thank you;
but if you ever do That trick again I'll
throe yott mit of the window in the
now end let you freeze to death."
And then 1 put thein batit on his
militaries, gassed body.—William L.
Stidger hi mieciated Men,
Barnyard manure is the oldest and
one of the most important fertilizers.
It Is a composition of both animal
and..vegetable substances, and when
properly wired and applied is of great
benefit to the soil in producing crepe.
A portion of the feed eaten by ani-
mals restste the digestive juices and
although gronee finer in mastication
passes out of .the digestive tract, of-
ten carrying cast-off tissue from the
linings • of the intestines. This is
known as drug, or the solid manure.
Sciencetette us that the larger por-
tion 0! the nitrogen and potreeium 'of
elle feed is carried into the circulation
of the -animal to be excreted later as
urine. :Hence we find that the drug
Cs relatively- poor in these vertillzhig
elements as ,00mpared to the total ex-
tremeit. The portion of these ele-
ments"the drtig does contain is in a
tompaiatively insoluble form and
!hence 3:less aehilable to plants. The
urine es relatively rich in nitrogen,
but milt* to 'inadequate facilities for
%eying: it; Meech is allowed to waste
on the average farm.
When reference is made to coarse
manure, it means that there is present
considerable hay, straw or other coarse
materials ordinarily used as bedding
for the animals. By "stable manure"
is meant manure accumulated In th,e
iatable and contains the solids and
eiquid 'from the animals excreta.
'Barnyard manure" is the term ap-
plied to Manure which is subject to
exposure of rain and sun and is often
leoraposed of -excrement alone, or ex-
erement and bedding.
• Manure is very variable in its cam -
'position and value as a fertilizer for
'land. Some of the conditions affect -
ling the value of manure are: The age
Of the animal; the use of the animal;
he kind 'of animal; the nature and
'kind of feed used; the kind and
'amount of the bedidng used; the care
'taken of the manure from the time it
Is voided till applied to the soil.
The use of the animal has much to
do with the amount and value of the
'manure. Mitch cows return less of
the fertility coastituents than other
'domestic animals. Pigs (fattening)
'afford less than fattening sheep, and
!fattening sheep less than oxen. Horses,
investigators tell us, return the same
:amount relatively from the feed wile-
ther at work or at rest.
Feeds rich in feeding nutrients may
'be expectedeueder ordinary conditions
to produce manure rich in fertility
'constituents. Elute as well be ex-
plained, different kinds of animels
have different adaptability as to util-
izing feeds, and or course as to the
amount of plant food left in the
The kind and amount of feeding
used in the stalls and stables influ-
ences the manure. Bedding not only
affords comfort to the animals, bet
it absorbs .the liquid manure, thus
preventing Much of it from being
lost; it dilutes the mass and makes
it easter to save and spread; it may
enhance the value of the manure not
only in the urine, the richest in nit-
rogen, but in potassium, when nay,
straw or leaves are used as bedding.,
The, horse has but one compartment
"Just can't
work any
more." Tho
faded, laded,
over - worked
woman, with
pains here or
should * k
her neighbor
for advice.
Ten - to -one
she was
down by the
pains and ag-
ments of her
oex, and W.¢13 completely cured by
that temperance tonic made from
wild barks and roots, and known for 60
year as Dr. Pierce's Favorite Preserip-
tion. When a woman complains of back
ache, dizziness or pain—whett everything
looka black before her eyes—a dragging
feeling, or bearing -down, with nervous-
ness, she should turn to this "temperance"
herbal tonic, known as Dr. Pierce's Beene,
rite Preacription. It can be obtained in
almost every drug store in the land and
the ingredients are printed in plain Eng-
lish on tho wrapper. Put up in tableta or
liquid. Dr. Pierce, of Invalids' Hotel, Buf-
falo, N.Y., will eond a trial size for1O-eents.
TOrtOn're, Onr.-"Dr. Pierce' s Medicine has
been a wonder:Mt help to me and I recommend
It in hope that others may be benefited tre its
O. When I Was a girl I was always delloete.
MY mother thought she could never raise me.
Ae I got older 1 grew worse; doctors said I would
have to Mee an operation. I suffered 11.1 VIM
uebold agony. My mother started siting Me
'Favorite Prescription,' and It finally cured me
of ail my trouble. After I merried I used it
Aoki. My ehildren ere all !meaty and swam.
This reelkine did wonder* tor nit, saved trie intieh
suffering. ate I as hlthly retommeed it to weak
%tenure et them rafting, a fsuar."-liss.
Seta, eetetuniab etrett.
in the stomach mad hence ouch feed as
bay is lees broken up and lege compact
than when eaten by It COW, Home
manure is comparatively dry and not
very easy to incorporate with bedding.
Decause of Ito coarse nature awl chant -
teal composition, fermentation is likely
to begin and numlt of the nitrogen in
the mass may be lost 'tutees care is
taken. Fermentation produces consid-
erable heat and it is by thie process
that a warm soil is had from a hot-
Cow manure is cold compared to that
voided by horses. A good plan is to
mix cow and horfie manures. This
checks fermentation of the horse
manure and makes a 'mixture that is
easier saved and applied that if both
kinds are saved separately.
Sheep drorpings are more valuable
as a manure than the excre.a of other
animals. It ferments rapidly, however,
because it is dry and rich in nitrogen,
but lees subject to fermentation than
horse manure. Both the solids and the
liquid trent sheep excreta are rich in
nitrogen. The phosphoric acid content,
especially in the Solid, is also high.
The ina.nure from hogs varies quite
widely, depending very largely upon
the feed* Such feeds as grain, tank-
age, cottonseed meal, shortie' bran, etc.,
and other nitrogenous feeds, produce
rich manure. Hog manure contains
considerable manure and is rather
slow to' recompose. The liquid portion
of the manure as a rule contains more
phosphoric acid, and the 'solid more
Potash, than home 'or cow manure,
The nitrogen content is often high.
Poultry droppings are rich in nitro-
gen, but it is trasy to deteriorate by
fertnentation. The amount that may
be saved from an average flock of
fowls is surprisingly large. Hens are
said to produce about 35 pounds of
manure in a year to 1,000 pounds live
weight, or aboig a bushel of manure
per hen, Its value is close to that of
sheep manure.
-- • • 4
Like a Grip at the Throat. For a
diseaee thatees not classed as fatal
there is probably none which eauses
more terrible suffering than asthma.
Sleep is impossible, the sufferer' be-
comes exhausted,' and finally, though
the attack passes, is left in unceasing
dread of its return. Dr. J. D. Kel-
logg's Asthma Remedy is a wonderful
curative agent. 8 immediately re-
lieves the restricted air passages as
thousands can testify. It is field by
dealers everywhere.
limit Punch.
These are thedays for fruit punches,
An unusually good fruit punth is
concocted as fellows:
Mix and sweeten the juice of one
dozen lemons and one dozen oranges,
using about one-half a pound of sugar.
Put orie•half a pineapple, fresh or
canned,, through the meat chopper,
slice two bananas, and add to the
lemon and orange juice, with a half
pound of cherries if desired.
This mixture may be set in a cool
place until the punch is wanted. When
ready to serve the beverage, add ten
pounds of ice and the contents of four
bottles of ginger ale.
Murphy: "Do yez believe, Callaghan,
that marriage is a lottery?"
Callaghan: "01 do not, because in a
lottery a man is supposed to get a
Kill the Germs of
By Acting To -Day You Can
Quickly Cure Catarrh and
Avoid Bronchitis, Per-
haps Consumption.
Most Agreeable and Surest Cure IS
Catarrhozone, Which Cures Eveey
Curable' Case
Catarrhozone proves especially good
in those chronic cases where mucous
drops down the throat, sickens the
stomach, and pollutes the breath.
When the nostrils are stuffed, Only a
few breathe through the inhaler are
needed to clear the passages, and
where there is coughing and sore
bronchial tubes, the soothing, healing
properties of Catarrhozone get almost
as tingle:
Once you stop taking medicine into
the stomach and get the healing oils
and, pure balsams of Catarrhozone at
work you can be sure of quick and
lasting cure for nose colds, catarrh,
weak lungs, bronchitis, and speaker's
sore throat.
The complete $1.00 Outfit of Ca-
tarrhozone is sufficient for two
months' treatment, and is guaranteed.
Smaller size, 50c, at all dealers, or the
Catarrhozone Co., Kingston, Ont.
.• • •
They Will Save the Life of Many
a Plower,
Don't fail to have a garden this
' Don't think it is not worth while
because you cannot epeied lavishly.
Thoughtful plannthg and regular care
accomplish \venders.
' Don't buy cheap seeds, bulbs or
reete from unreliable sources. Phila-
delphia and Jersey nurserymen are
' Don't buy your plants before thor-
oughly digging, turning and fertiliz-
ing the soil.
' Don't set cannas, geraniums, iris,
roses and other sun -lovers in wet.
shady corners. e
Don't set ferns, lilies, pansies, bego-
nitte, fuchsias, rhododendrons and
Easter spireaS in the blazing sun,
They like wet feet.
' Doeet neglect to buy a long handled
spading -fork for cultivation of soil.
It possesses the magic of a fairy god-
mother's hand.
Don't have the kind of a garden
best describe& as "a little of every-
thing." Grow fewer varieties and
have separate colors in masses.
' Don't forget that IMMO of white
between Masses of vivid colors bring
harmony and also charm to the gar-
den at night.
• Don't cut down yellewittg foliage of
primroses, bleeding-hearts, peonies,
lupines and gladiolus after flowering.
Yoa would seriously affect the next
year's bloOna.
Don't anew faded flowers to rob
your Plante et vitality, nor weed e to
rob the Solt,
Delft allow every meniber of your
family to meddle with your garden.
Judicious help is one thing, but too
many cooks, you know! Finally.
don't throw every ottnee of pep and
ambitiOtt bite the first few weeks, but
apread it Over the entire mem%
Ladies 100
A Word With You
About Your Skin
lifIllt not make Ceti-
cunt Soap year
every • day tenet
soap, misted by
Cutteura Ointment
and CutIcura Tol•
cum, now and then
in meat cases 4
clear fret& eomplexion, a clean scalp
(resin= dandruff and irritation, good
hair, soft white hands and awholesome
skirifree from blemish, without resort -
Ing to tiresome, expensive "beauty"
fads? Cuticura costa little end dew
much. Sample each free by mail a
"Cadmus', Dept, N. Boston, D. S. A."
Sold by deakm throughout the world,
Oar Cuticera Tama Powder 'woo
Do not fail to test the fascinating fra-
grance of this excedsitely scented face,
baby, dusting and skin perfuming pow.
der, delicate, delightful, distingue. It
imparts to the person a charm inceni-
parable and peculiar to itself.
Sauce for
the Meats
It makes all the difference in the
world whether or not the right sauce
Is served with the, meat. Certain
sauces just seem to belong with cer-
tain meats, and to know which they
are and how to make them properly
should be in the repertory of every
good cook.
Horeeradiet sauce adde such zest to
boiled beef that not to serve them to-
gether seems to some peeple a culin-
ary crime. To make this piquant
accompaniment, whip few tablespoon-
fuls of heavy cream, te, a stiff froth
and add to it three talflespoonfuls of
good, freshly -grated horseradish, one
tablespoonfue of vinegar, salt and 'a
dash of oayenne. A little dry mus-
tard may be added if lilted.
To make mint sauce, .the natural
accompaniment to tenet lamb, dissolVe
a teaspoonful of sugar in hal/ a cup
of vinegar, stir into it a !quarter of a
cup of mint leaves, chopped as finely
as possible, and set it on the back
of the stove for 20 Or •30 minutes to
steep. Don't let it get too hot. •
Roast pork calls 'for ;apple sauce
always. Everyone has her favorite
recipe for this, It is especially good,
cooked well, put through a sieve, fla-
vored with nutmeg and served ice
cold. One old cook always makes it
this way: She pares her apples, cuts
them into eighths, sweetens to taste,
pours some water over them, punt
them into a casserole and bakes them
very slowly until they are a rich red-
dish brown.
Of course, there is nothing better
with roast chicken than a good brown
giblet sauce, but withebroilers a bread
sauce is delicious, the sortehe English
always serve with their "grouse." An
English recipe for this sauce says:
Put a pint of milk into the double
boiler and heat, then add a half -cup
ot fine breaderumbs and an onion into
which you have stuck a half-dozen
cloves, and cook it for half an hour.
Then remove the onion, season with
salt and pepper, and add two table-
spoonfuls of butter. Have ready
another 'half -cup of breadcrumbs.
These must be coarser and nicely
browned in a tablespoonful of butter.
Peer the sauce over the chicken and
sprinkle the browned crumbs over it.
To make tomato sauce for veal cut-
lets cook half a can of tomatoes with
a tablespoonful of minced onion and
a blade of mace. Blend two table-
spoonfuls of cooking fat with two of
flour, and add bhe tomato, strained, to
this. •Season to taste with paprika.
If a little more elaborate sauce is
wanted, add a tiny pinch of soda to
it, and then four tablespoonfuls of
thick cream.
4 • 0 -
The Oil for the Athlete.—In rubbing
down, the athlete can find nothing
finer than Dr. Thomas' Eclectris Oil.
It renders the muscles and sinews pli-
able, takes the soreness out of them,
abd strengthens them for strains that
may be' put upon them. It stands
pre-eminent for this purpose, and ath-
letes who for years have been using
it can testify to its value as a lubri-
"A sailor has a wife in every port, they
say," s aid Miss Simper.
"That's the reason he spends most of
his life at sea," growled the bachelor.
After Being Relieved of Or.
ganic Trouble by Lydia E.
rinkham's Vegetable
Oregon, Ill.—" I took Lydia E. Pink.
ham's 'Vegetable Compound for an ore
, game trouble which
pulled me down un-
til I could not put my
foot to the floor and
could scarcely do my
work, and as I live
on a small farm and
for mo.
raise hundred
it made it very hard
news every
the CoYernar-
pound advertised in
• , • our paper, and tried
' it. It has restored
my health so / can do all my work and
I am so grateful that I am recommend-
ing it to my friends,"—Mrs'. D. M.
Amsas, R. R. 4, Oregon, 111.
)0nlywomen who have suffered the tor.
tures of such troubles and have dragged
along from day to day can realize the
relief which this famous root and herb
remedy, Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound, brought to Mrs. Alters.
Women everywhere in Mrs. Alters'
condition should profit by her recom.
Mendatien, and if there are any dom.
pliettions write Lydia E. Pinkham's
Medicine Co,, Lynn, Mass., for advice.
The result of their 40 you's Oltpatientte
to at your ow:* ;
ONE Brorrza.
leather: "Listen, Harold': The eimael
Can go eight days without water. Witt
that wenderful?"
Harold (sceptical: "Not very. You
ought to bear Cliarlie Brown tell One!"
• *
"What another &ems?"
"Yes, ;by husband shot a good game of
golf yesterday and 1 believe in .getting
things while the Itting la easy."
NOT G 011 L,TV,
etheeter-elny dear yotIng lady, 1 hope
I am mistaken, but I thought 1 maw yeti
talking during the sermon yesterdaY.
Stray Lamb -Yon certainly are nela.
taken.' Why, I never talk in my eleep.
Vrofeigior (in geology); "The geologist
thinks nothing ot a toousand years."
Stinient: "Great guns! And I lent a
geologist five dollars yeeterdayl"
She -I suppose you are a lover of
He -Oh, yes, but you cen go on play-
ing Just the sante:
Nan -Did you notice how dreadfully
that piano, needed tuning?
]en -Why, no, dear; I thought it bar.
monizecl pertectlx with your voice,
(Windsor Magazine)
"This paper rays the world'll only last
another five million years."
'By Jove! An' I ain't had my demobil.
ization papers yet!'
The Bore: "You know I had a rotten
headache before i met you to -night; but
I've quite lost. it now."
Fair One: "Oh, it's not lost-I'ye got
"This is an up-to-date city."
"Yes, indeed. Weelien have
car strike every se:. often."
She (after hig proposal) -Ind you ever
say anything like this tb a girl. before?
Ho: :Heavens!' 'Y'ou 'don't, suppose it
could be done like that the first time, do
a street
(Peareores WeeklY)
•Hostess (at paVb)-Dees your niother
allow you to hate twk pieces of cake,
when you are a .thomes1Willie?
Willie (who lirs. asked, for a second
piece) -Na ma'am,;.
"Well, do yottAhink she'd like you to
have two pieces here?"4
"Oh," confidently, "she wouldn't care.
This Isn't eller cake." -
First Femme -06w de you find your
new hired man, ,Ezry're
Second Farmer -4 look in the shade of
the tree neareet his wofee.
4 •
"Does your wifo take in washing,
No sah." ;
But I understand she did take in
washing, Sam?",
'No ,sah, you's wrong. I takes in de,
washin', sah, and I takes de washin' out.
All m' wife does t' stay at home, and do
it, sah.-Yonkers ,Statesman.
"I see you hale a ne4 lady to drum up
business for your photographic studio."
"How is she getting along?"
"All right. She says it's easy to josh
the average man into •thinking he ought
to have his picture taken." -Pittsburg
• 1,*
"Do you mean to Say," said Griggs.
"that you have never recovered a re-
deeming feature in a habitual crim-
"Yes, I did one," admitted Briggs,
the prison warden.
"Ah, I knew it!" cried Griggs
triumphantly. "No one is all bad.
What was it?: Love of home? Kind-
ness to animals foVe of children?"
"No," came the uncompromising
reply: it was a Awn ticket."
"Whatever did you, see in me to in-
duce you to marry me?" she asked.
‘"Nothing," lie replied.
-"What?" she cried Indignantly.
"Oh, it wasn't your fault, my dear, I
evidently had visions and I ought to have
consulted an occullst -et the thne."
(Cincinnati Inquirer.)
"You are suffering from brain fag and
ennui," announced the specialist. "You
should take more interest in your bus-
iness," ''I would like to," replied the
patient. "Then why don't you?" de-
manded the spetialist. "The law won't
let me," replied the patient. "I'm a
The old housekeeper met the master
sir, the cat has had
"Nonsense," he laughed. "You mean
kittens, Mary., Cats don't have chick -
tens or was them chickens that you
brought home last night?"
011;':ell," inquired nary, "was them kit.
"Why, they were chickens, of course."
'Sus' so, sir. Well, the cat's had 'cm."
lIewItt-"He wolildn't rent you the flat,
°1,117e'Wett-"No; he said I was so bow-
legged that L would be _continually rub-
bing the paper off the walls,"
010 Nowrich—If mlf, daughter marries
you I'll disown her.
Swell Suitor -That's jolly good of YOU,
old chap. Introducing you to my aet
would be frightfully humiliating.
- HE GETS 11Y.
(Louisville Courier -Journal.)
01't'ilcsoushplerleisteitrhis, applicant wrote hie ref -
"I rather suspect so MySelf."
"Then why did yen give him the job?"
"On Ida merits, vo to speak. The refer-
ence was welt worded and written neat-
] y,11
Evening gowns in London and Parte Mt -
pose it voting woman's back to a remark-
able degree.
"Why don't you eover up your back?"
an oldetaahioned fellow said to one of
these young womee.
"If I did," si.e answered, with a de-
triUre smile, "I'd be considered a beet(
Under Vire.
A war correspondent was dining in
a Paris restaurant With a novelist
Who had been to the front. "I went
to the front," the novellst said, "to
Write, while under fire, It fell Jute
graphic deeeription of a battle." "Did
you succeed in your task?" the Or -
respondent asked. "Well," said the
novelist, "the fire got very hot and
dangerous, and I. bad to dig out be-
fore I --before I quite " "I ate,"
Faild the eorrespondent. "'netted of
fell deseriptioe of the battle Yott
Made a few running remarks."
i ie nut alwaye to the i;Wifle
Some 'wee live en feet that they noon
outlive their tteefulnete.