HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1896-07-01, Page 6"ice} , ,. ., .WWW. _4 ,'r"I �fltt 6 R "fHAgiM:. 1N�1 GytiLIST.. ,. �HM� WOURQN'T MEDDLI�. 1E , F , , " i+tcrry or the ]liotl ay Who Visited s'1tlr (r!Qf,4TOR 'F h l,atb a Year--ll.00lu A0400e ,l Q A,, T)oar TaoY and GiTrl.rr t . --�--�------- ---- r (� ,�; ,, ENNEQY & RAN ix tom, 'hay had been married two months 1, 'I WAI?WESAA,Y. JULY let, 1890. Ayv1 ` , y ,."�' � triad gone to housekeeping, and were ,i. r,. rw jvst as sweetly happy as a couple of opeciallsts In the Tritatinehl ,q i"° -~4 fllea in a sugar bowl, when her mother Nervous Blood Sexud 0,00 . 11pWS NOfrOS. � A FLORAL CURIO. � . • � •y came to visit ,,her dear boy and girl." r &London eoatern►on er was strap ^� ---" -11 1.'^ _ "1`Tow Harry and Lhtty, my dear chit- ! g g' ,, dren," she sold as e e wap eating her Private QI:s�la,see Y,, ,, ,y' Iet3 b his shirt collar while wales the Toe Astonishing Wundars or ilio Iiesttr- •> y atixer day. p MALARIAL SOIL. rectlpn Plant. rw ` -. first dinner with them, "I want You to r i ' ►try„,, , 1? Years 91 DD1Lt�t 20.01GOAG1 Mr. William McNichol of St. Cath- Investigation Proves Current Tsellaf Be. P7nterprls!ng florists are now attract �, I - � go right on eaactty as if I were not _ tit ince was killed by a car on the Ilam Sposy/ng illwiarta Unfounded. ing the attention of the public by ribs- here. I think that young married Pe UNGM9 you are ivor'lou 1-Itotl Radial Railwa playing new and surprising specimens � pie should not be interfered with In any 1 UU U �A deapo>adeptl�e4� tl Railway. The opinion is BTdireseed by Dr. Hadi- ,�• V: ay by anyone, and I've always said- debilitated; t moraings; ppo anrb flip t of the resurrection plant What is ' lifeless- memory poor; eaS11Y f t,� Tile House of Commons, by a vols man, an accepted allthurit in such - ' vv hy, Harry, dear, three lumps of sugar excitable; sync +;dream red and tlur , Y generally known a� the rose of Jericho ,implea on fees; drsamsanduightlosse 232 to 75 has assed to its third investigations, that the long -current - in your coffee? Isn't that a little ex- ► • _ t>`� , p ls, perhaps, the most widely known of - ,, drains at stool; ouzin8g un escftement; Treading the Diseases of Animal's bill belief that the Source of malaria is In travagant, ,And I've read that coffee bagger to(, ing;aeukbaolttboTi&- ft ,i I these Curiosities in plant life, and oth- t:.,!!<sgh ®p�gcjeQ 4jlp int ortalion of litre the a1; ie erroneous.•- 'fhC germ, h0 BlivoltE. is so much healthier when It 19u't ntuPo nfilfonce-i,enp�oJa•'varicooelcli ei' varletlea have recently been added sweetened. However, 1l you like tt so 1 says, which la of soil origin, la rtrtctly to the list of resurrection oddities, The teaey; lack of energy and euNeI e alittIs from Canada. a protot a, reachin its highest develop I I've no right to object As I was say- stre tb. g rose of Jericho !s said to be ImportedStop PKtTfeaepr l�albrof Vicuna,ann0unaea Inept in law, motet ground, with a big, I don't think that -why, LettY, p ) portant ser 10 from the valley of the river of Jordan, r11 R l AGE ll[e should never ba tItlt the earth will collide with a o�met favorable temperature. Surrounded and Is the resurrection plant mention- Letts, is it possible that you allow your to en until you are poslt[vely cared if V8 der will ;lade The earth by the proper soil condltlQns, this cook to put well done beef on the table oa have been weakened or diaeaeoq ed In the Bible. The ;dant, Is simply 1•c- F - L�-� �lemember "Like ' Ol>�, :NQ R1 r ; protoza passes from one stage of life calved from its nativa home, !,, sImP1Y Q° � when St's so much healthier ;'are? (Ni, jeuer, tike eon.' )?:m1�, `4Caalf will survive the Shook# but every Snto another with conalderable rapidity 'Harry doesn't like it rare? Well, he ions, varicocele, ,permatorncces add a bunch of leathers and seemingly life- s hills endanger hap mess In moats 4 ' `)Living thing will be choked with poi- so that in the prtsent state of expert- i leas sticks or branches clustered to- ought tb learn to like it so. I'll put a ma Our Now Method rri'dcurethem ; no mental knowledge It is Impossible to flea in the cook's ear before she serves atoncela, If you are Mre your consul; n@ • X111009 gess@s, and finally be cremated I gather tightly, When placed In a glass at once, as we can restore soar e�segqgg , P identify it. Farther, this protoza / .. another dinner, and, if you don't mind, vital energy and desires. It y�at wluTo of water, however, the branches ex- 1dr. Laurier's pitper in Quebec, I'Elee_ passes through mo* many foams or I pand, seed buds unfold, and soon the 7 -. children,' I'll tell her es gut leer butter May IuorMadvicemaybaworth;lgrta.1 stages 'of life, that in some of these in the mashed potatoes. They're quite ter1r, made the following announce- green foliage starts out and the lent ' ' „ stages !t Is light enough to float and ' p an good with only a little butter in, Don't hes Yea fo be Drained. Ajay, Went, on the eve of the election : Let really grows, this fact be well remarked: All the Lib- be transported by the Insist air of low The Mexican resurrection plant is the , and yt;ung folks must learn not to `be ;. `" era! candidates have pledged them• grounds, but in this etate is comrpara- fluffy fernlike variety often noticed in , _ extravagant. OL course, if you object, + This ' d tively harmlesr, except under extraor- saucers of water in the Porlat's win- ( �`r� I'll say nothing about It, for I think ThON�{Q�OEhod �ionW tem �tnd ,selves in writing to vote in fti,vor of / g New Method was di erect by usefogb l m•:Riemedial hill, such its is demanded dinary conditions. Not until the sur- dove, This delights the •Ghlldren, as it's- all wrong for elthe'r his or her garsago. It ballds u and air gai;tbons liigour bishops, No C.ouservative Can- face water is used does any real Into• "/ 1V mother to interfere with newly , arrie3 to the ual organs; reale ctT►i .yy the lalant IS .so quickly resurrected to the sexual organa; etopa'al> drams d dldCstehas et tiRlten this fsoletnh en- ,chlef`begln, when by reason of higher couple. 1'11 never do it and I -a I or losses; invigorates and res toresioetmats, 1. front •a dry, hard ball to a gree[! living , , ,ry develo , , en't It has become much more don't I detect the odor of cigar smoke hood. It never fails in poring the reSalta 9aaggement. N•VW, da the peOple Of plant, When It '1s dormant it Is a AFTER r of Self Abuse, Later Ex asses. Blood Offs+ W" tlintarto think of"a party which thus virule 't thin that floating in. the air, dry, shrutTken, rg6nded ball of tightly I L'iE n this roam? What. Harry sometimes eases, or the effectsoLa Misspent 4110. .', '. ` and a very short period of lnculbation I ,,,. , appeals to the Catholics in Quebec folded teaflet3, dry,,,,and daa It is BITS OF,MERRIMENT, smokes before the fireplace here to the i,i., *bile it aroused as it cid , Protestant . 1s oulllclent to develop a severe ease dropped In bowl, of tepid water, and dining room? O, Harry, Harry, you � CURE$�6IUAItAN7'EEII t rs,: feelin in Ontario on directly opposite of mitIvIal fever' ln" the new comer soon one And -like tip curls slowly naughty, naughty boy! The dining UIt NO ]PAY . 4 •h l� short sallies Concerning the Patent Fads _„ r`F gloun-as? It proves, In spite of the' ,of the surface water. From per- outward, then another and another, rcom Is the last place in the house in + sonal observation�il, Dr, Bachman, -.,¢e- and Foliles of the Day. ,,. ;morning ,that have been given in these and ir) a short time there !s floating which you should smoke, for -why, �i g trs {�!t r cg tittTus, thpt band _dd, Of thO,LlS ods ' clares"'that the exeluslve u8e bf pure, In the didh a besutlful, metallic -green "Conductor!" "Yes, sir." "Wouldn't it Letts, you don't use your solid silver What we Treat, L 1l ,�;Qk f. aEe ectora tia've, been &p' ed and done deerpseatedr water affords entire im- plana; a: great loose -expanded rosette be great if these oar -heaters would every day? Oh, Harry wants you to't -3+ #n 'n i Otic 4f their LtcltQs by gaud. munity'agalnst malaria in sections o2', stay as cool In summer as they always But Harry ought not to cultivate such . l.mLesions VarlcoGeigl,$yqq t' country '.herd' nb° white man would ' Of flue, fern -like leaves, od and leu- Its,Nervousl7ebility &tr.1C tl> ' ;., tlfill. are in winter? Chica3o Record, .luxurious tastes. Tou've plenty of (fleet, ImpotenaY' �Jrina . IS CKASE'S KIDNEY -LIVER PILLS. dare to live using the surface water. This experiment can be repeated Bloozin-I see that the election did prated things, and I must hunt them Dfechartaes, ostMan,hoo-d'ECIdi' ? �as�Pil s, 'W-galhed "popubirlty many times, the plant Darling together not result as you predicted. Jazrlg- up and see that you use them. I don't r eyy and131a�derDIQQaB!e9.�'nAli. �, suttatlon Free. Bools&(�111ustratedl tT r, .Ca, � . The EartluRyramida of Tyrol.•,. tightly when dr Lunt to meddle, but then I'm so much r, 16ecausethe-y'arda"sjieeiflcfor the uric y and expanding into Yea, St did. You're not the only one I Free. WrIteforQueatlon MrgQ0" > . One of the moat, parlous effects of the ! new life when soaked !n water. Thr+ redicted to.-Roxbu Gazette, older than you, dears, and -why, Harry, HomeTreatrnent. V gQ4A acid condition,lrrevnt Bra his disease, z7' 18�ti,Is3gny qq eroaNe powdr of yvater is wilivessed' nsteriscus pygmaeus is tit? only reser- p. , you don't drink two cups of coffee !n fidential. Plain envelopp , cure Rheutnatisrn a;nd *u•ll Catarrhal in the so-called earth pyramids near 'Sometimes,' Bald Uncle Eben, "when C, O. D. see testimon.a-,, z,Week cotxiitions of the Kidneys and Bladder. I rection plant that develops blossoms. er man asks yer foh advice, what he I the evening, a sit vein u really must pp Q Q r , they do thi because they possess re• Bozen arsd Moran, !n Tyrol. The eclen- In reality, it !s the blossoiit that is re.3- y g not, You'll feel !t spine day, iP you ailtl. KENNEUX CG','KAIk y tific explanation -of "this phenomenon I reals wants la foh ser ter tress his don't now. .I11 just whisper to the ipaArka,bleWterative, tonic and diuretic urrected from a dry, hard, shell-]itr<e opinion aa' tell it ter '1m,"-Wash;ng- ro properties, exerting a , wonderful! 1s very interesting. During the glacial I cook and tell. her to make only enough 14S Shelby St.. Dflatr 11i MI¢ p p q y substance to a' full-blown flower. The tea Star. { soothing influence on, irritated or in- period the enormous glaclers of the dry sticks 1)olding these buds are leaf- for .one cup for each of us, and I'll tell , � '" flamed mucous membranes of the kid- 'Adige River filled with immense quant!- less, and the whole affair seems lnsig- "I wish Prof. Langley would hurry y g her not to make it pearl so strop neys ombla dirr. Qpe;pi'tlA%dost.- 25 a ties of ice the- canons and valleys of , nificant, lend and worthless, but when and get his flying machine perfected,'? I What? Harry likes, :t strong? I can't -* that part of outhe Tyrol. After the "Why?" "I want to visit some of r.,y r ` ` box, the ':,C . 0agesti `,,�B#icicle ,�.' tide• „ _ y i placed Ih water the ''8teme take on r help It it he does. I ain't see the' deal• Of the fourteen second,, ? TIIg(i world. glacial Porto the 110 -melted gradually nevi life, the dead flower buds show castles in the air."-8ittrburg Chron!- boy ruin his health just to gratify his awarded for oil Paintings by'th kj aka++.anxIw,.>."• e+,u:.c� � "•^•�,. ,'•w•••• m;_n• r,. ,..-'. uAWAYr.IOW ,x ': .:,A,]R4'#VuIA.tA,' ,U roW- ale -Telegraph. I 1 Ing new beds ch lower down than i S+gns of green, and soon the petals px- 1*a ate. I don't know what would be- of the Cha.trips F,lysee S on, twid.. IF, After last election. twee��iTty-$ve Pand and display their fluffy centra. The Inquisitive One --Did you study I come of you two young and foolish to British artists -one t ri Lpr �l7; per cent, of p Libarrile were' Tlilsgated the old ones, but the deposits from the • p` glaciers remained on the sides and These "thlree varfetic►s of resurreotton your art here or abroad? The Poster things if I didn't take you in hand, i for his "Mariage de Couvenan�ei ,;i ' bJ the 'courts. 'The aari�ie tiring may slopes of the valleys in varying thick- plants may be kept :ndeflnitely :and Designer -Art? I wouldn't dare study i can't and won't be meddlesome, bur? the Other to Dir. Gotch, for hiq ,1Xk, ocOnr,agryin, , i their strength does not seem in the it. I might spoil my style.-Indianallo- R'hat is Harry leaving the table far. Jesus." There pro no ,k1,rrT A' nesses. Upon slopes not protected by I _ vegetation the falling .rain and the lest 'exhausted by repeated reaurrec- Ile Journal. I And why did he bang that door? I made among the recipients; .t , t#18ti t", ,10 CTP oURES CONSTIPATION AND LIP- w'aierw flowing into the valley formed tions. -Philadelphia Record. "Did you feel nervous and trembly ;him angry. I. Why I -I -O, well, if my three medals awarded, three, 0 l:' !' h;jt,rrS4fy :.Ag[low's Liver fills are numArouS' furrows and gullies branch- when Blkeleigh proposed?" "No, I didn't own children don't want me in their British artists, OY the for «Qy ,,,Iw,.Bllos perfect -made: and cure like, Ing out In different direction`s'knd unit- The Golden Mayberry. dare to."' ."Didn't dare to?" "No; you house, I can pack up and go home! Bu: artists who recei�ed;i }Auj 011 i•.' , mac, tick ,Headache, Constipation, The olden mayberry' is a respberry see, we were riding a tandem at the I never expected io wee the day when- tion five were AmeriC, tul►dtp!gp �' . Ing Agiitn:fl Wliscever it►" this deposit' , iiIII usness, Indigestion and all Liver large atones weYe 'contained under and the -egrifeat known. 7'he" berries time." -Truth. I Loo hon! hon! I'll go right home, boo! lisp, 1, fila. 10 cents avial-40 doses. lYln '" t:oo! hon!"' g' soft' conglomerate was protectgd ..'.r , ,' °They say tits jewelers are down - Sold by Watts & Co. froth the 'falltY s� II 'falling, rein above, avd tri 'Life ;✓ on. bicycles." "Yea, ft has got so that I •A Cruets Old Lower. A COMFORT&`*] TII11Ei f" course of time pyramids and columns L a fellow Who rides a wheel doesn't care Noone'doubts where tbe.Conserva- were formed, which In their Irregular- '"' , I Where the Valentine house now When health !s argone l,i' g •� whether he owntti a diamond pin or sot.'' stands, says the Richmond Disgateh, sutnptipn, ,then sometime Anl� �e five party stands. Protection and sty Dau ,i that ,bli turesque view now -Chicago Record. and comfort can be secur6A frOl�x patriotism are its watchwords, seen in those valleys. The further down I stood the residence o! Daniel Call, i the "slope such pyramids are eituatr:d, "I'll be awful glad when I am old a distinguished lawyer. Mr. Call vise of Scott's Emulsion W"kat - enough to do as, I please," said Willy. ' vas a very tall, thin man, loosely loli;t- tlitich better is to take this medic -4111 BE S.UI,E YOU ARE RI4;13T the higher they are, and Pyramids r.'ea- r ( 1 "Oh, certatrily;" raid his father, "Arid ed,'iio that'"vviieiimrie vtallted' Life iirnis tittle to sage your health. And then go ahead. If ' your blood suring 100 feet and over are quite fro- °0, 7 . about as soon as you get to that age had a great swan and hip head moved £ is impure, your appetite failing, Your quant. 1- ti; [! 1' nerves weak, you may be sore that 1 you'll get married." -Cincinnati En- from shoulder to shoulder. WhAn h� Mr. Chauncey M. Depew, r!eiis The Yttnego I I Bat his legs.. would be . tw4Eted, round of the New York Central. at ' _ Soud'e Sat'se�krilla,�s- vyhat you- need. irv.. Quirer. tFr , t ;lien take no subistttute. Insist upon Edison's vltascope was exhibited for Teddie Thoughtless cawn't talk each other, and his jaws even seerred Gently made this declarat' n I y" Hood's end only. Hood's 1 This is the the first time at 'Foster & Dial's last when I'm dawncing, don't y' know; I'm to partake of the general relaxation- 1 say that every enterprise, tv T, '. ,; , medicipe which has the largest sales in night, and was tecelved with great ap- so short-winded." Miss Vanderwhack but not so with his mind. Once a client pees, every institution most be i a,., lire world. Hood's Sarsaparilla is the plamoe. It is a development of the -There; the music is beginning! This entered Mr. Call's`oflice and found him used in order to be a success ';I' t writing. He took a west, and told Mr. solei' the opinion of ever thong`alt anetlue blend purifier, kinetoscope, the pictures being colored !b your waltz, Toddle. -Kansas Clty y. , r „ ' and thrown on a' white screen on the Star. Call he wanted his legal advice. sensible business nian. ,. + Client-Myfather died and made a - ]ti00I)S PILL`.! are prompt, effici- stage. Several views were shown, the "Your dad has to work Yur a livfn'," Will — V" ent, always reliable, to take, easy best being the surf, an umbrella dance, said the boy on the coalhause. "That GOOD NEWS TRAVELS ASLOA Z. " , to operate. serpentine dance, and a scene from a Mr, Call (writing steadily) -You say AS BAD, , recent farce comedy. The most nuc- ain't so!" replied the boy 1n the back your father died and made a will? >':4v 1 " yard adjoining. "All be hag to do ,a C)lent-Yea, air; my father died and News spreads quickly, and"Wbgl v`- �IrC 11f itaaRerlmrfromiost Manhood cessful of all was, the surf scene. It , to set on a bench and rend ahcea."- .jlfLVFISAK KEN Narreus-Debility. Lack of. Vigor represents a ion ng out made a will_ good thing is sound its merit Nth r: g pier extend! Chicago Tribune. r . 7srniailpo:. r ip e f featment sent f;ea to anyone I Mr. Call (still writing, and Paying no learned by every one far or near.," �sepdm1 dS126tg�rt.podAgyprampB, Into the Ocean, with the waves beating Till➢ GOLDEN MAYBERRY, 1'- STANDARD W19DIOAL Co., against !t and dashing on the sand. Wife -I don't see why you should a.ttention)-Humphl accounts for the fast growing{ p, �? �,: 248 Ss. James Street, In the distance the breaks object to slgn4ag some checks and Client -I say, Mr, Call, my fathtre its of Fibre (chamois as an lett% rs covered are of a golden straw color, as large with w9lite caps, came rolling !n to- as Cuthbert, and ripen to April or leaving them for me to fill out. Hui- died and made a will. which makes outdoofl r work piiSS ', . , - wards the land; as they nese-.the shore { May, a month before Hansell rasp- band -Not much, I would rather give Mr. Call -Very strange! (writing and any weather. The first .Tuau,f .,THE BiCYCLE. the mass of green water rises hig4i, , berry, before strawberries and before you what money there is In the bankl not noticing the man), realized its wind and Lauf proof wdA ' : combs with a kiln I -New York Herald. I Client (taking out h19 purse and lay+ q yb I par g green and white, the earlfeat of the standard raspberries uickl told his friends 8o th ' and pounds a too mi ht enjoy this inexpen'slVV, ?i�,Yialatlon `to 8ealth and the Danges upon the shingle, the of the past have full set their fruit. Edith-Ethel's husband to positively Ing a fee on the table) -Mr. Call, I say f.. • ° in,Thgt C.,uhection. white foam and spray fly into the air, I The bushes are distinct from all. oth- mean! Grace-Iiow to that? "Why, he a4min, my father made a will and died. fort. tt might seem itnposibl8 _ The greatest danger of 'bicycling, !n the water rushee up the beach to re- I era, growing like trees, 6 to 8 feet high, wants her to use her last ear's wheel, Mr. Call (all attentlon)-Oh, now, we this fabric so light in rnis t d I e g y out bulk should furnish SO''a ; contInow with other aparts,results from cede and meet the next wave, white with spreading tops and all along the while everybody has the new spring understand each other; your father healthful warmth • but when O d one Instinctively listens for the roar I blanches large, white, well -who fed styles."—St. Louts Globe -Democrat, made aw 111 before he died? Why didn't �•"r ;i,, the dtra,ln which active exertion neces- 1 Y I , ize that its merit lies in being d;pl ' wally britt a• upon the iiesrt. That ori- of- the sea beach. It was a remarka4rle blossoms are pendant Which are goon you say so at first. Well, now go on; (1 g' exhibition, i ach. lIt it the great Poe- I followed by the Higgins -Do you think it is possibla let's heat plate non-conductor of beat irk„ , rr'; fmyortant9Jrgan tends, like other mus- great, sweet, glossy, for an educated man to live, so as to _ you understand why a layer`'io r tries, to lose tonicity under the seden- elbiiities of the vitascope. The dances golden, semi-translucent berries. The I throe h our clothing 9 be respected by his neighbors, on a The IIeettrl Cyclist. g y K gives were pretty, and It seemed as if the tsisy condition .ofthe average life, and original plant was secured with many dollar a day? Wiggins -Well, -possibly. I warmth -it not only keep8 out ail c tmdt becomes embarrassed if` ;sued dancers were aotually upon the stege. other strange novelties among collec- but keeps in the natural. lteat'd 1. -New York Post. But his employer can't. -Somerville P•', , >d&'perform tale unusual Wbrk, as any tions sent from Japan by one of the Journal. I body. ), I' ale who '1H not 1n training can assure collectors (,f Luther Burbank of Cali- t The Dellneascope. Calmly -During the hot weather I _ l Tnglse'lf�'by gllm;bing a flight of otairs forme. -Farm and Hume. manage to keep cool simply by the =Vldly, , or attemptng to run a few Lieutenant Colonel P. Neville hag in- - _ (st July at Lacklnew. vented an instrument for military and exercise of my will. Fusses -Oh, I've hundred yards: Under such conditions The Mechanlam of a Flower Clock. 1 S� All that is now required I' th �` Lite heart often doubles the frequency topographical surveying called the de- tried that. It makes me all fired hot Gardenefs should know that !t la of iia beak ft attempting to dispose of lineaseope. This consists of a small por- trying to exert my wtll.-Phll'adelphls table camera having a lens with a fix- quite posalble to • so arrange flowers nigh smile and good will ai,thB. the increased flood of blood that is g North American. �, pr of the weather and a_ gpd'(l a `011$" driven Intoe by muSof b contraction. ed focus. The lens Is ,directed down- I in a garden that all the purposes c.f Miss Buzbrey-How did you enjoy f` ward at an angle of 46 degrees to the a clock will be answered. It Is sa.ld �y is assured at Luck now n°it With a diseased heart the strain thus your trip to Europe, Mr. Googooly? I Ike/1 Good contests in tLil th vE.- ,. axes of the lens. .This throws a picture that in the time of Pliny forty-six I " ball,, senior Lind jun twi. Imposed may be hazardous. Several flowers were known to open and shut Googooly-Splendidly, thank you. Illlaa V of the landscape with right and 1 ft l ball and hand tourrl ent,_It'p" cases are recorded where a person at certain hours of the day, and th19 Buzbrey-Oh, by the way, did your assured and with n floe da�+eVt3_ reversed on the tracing paper a wJth stioli a heart has fallen deed a knowledge of French bother you any? - horizontal abject glass. By tog a number has since been largely In- promises favorably for a lira' �,Cj i._ while riding a bicycle. But then thou- I Roxbury Gazette. focusing glace the main features of the creased. For instance, a bed of nom- da�s sport. The train Band's of other cases are renoeded where I rv, P Tl gilds Bol landscape are traced on the paper, mon dandelions would show ft was Dora (shyly) -I became engaged to _' wi I be held one hoar and t ' -4, 1t persons have similarly fallen dead I g g train north will be held 01IbIEUgz strhlIe riding In cars la ly fa unhfla sit- which is then reversed on a card ruled 5 ' n the morning and 8.30 at night, Mr. Atherton last night. Cora -Oh, you ' i11 ting in eq-chetira at home. I, does In.squares similar to those in the note- •espectively, for these flowers open and lucky girl! You are sure to have a I ,--I' %­ allow passengers to atter tii84pji(i cy book, into which the sketch is to shut at the times named, frequently perfectly lovely time this summer now, . - Such talent as J. Wyatt Tr'. 1 �-Ili;: ` -W When I pfisgllme, than we must copied and recorded. The details can i to the minute. T'he common hawk- You know I was engaed to him mysel[ When Jack came home from college world renounPd clarion. Lith; !1°I gli eschew easy -chairs, carriages, and is did, by request, a little work around + *'" then 'be added by eye and the more rveed opens at eight In the morning and last year! -Somerville Journal. Marks, Canada' fa ori co>Xtp[i bicycles, but: it,• does follow that any the farm for the old man. -Truth, r one who ,has reason to doubt -the nor- exact numerical data entered on the , may be depended upon to close within "Energy," said the professor, "!B and other» have been secured jOC, msWlty of his heart may wisely nonsuit margin of the page. The bearing Of a few minute,, of 2 In the afternoon. never wasted." "I guess," said young I Tae Was Uncle will. Olde Follies' Concert in the L'V"""'; the centre line Of the picture. taken The yellow goat's beard shutes at 12 Fresh, "that the old man never fanned " f a physician before deciding to under- with a prismatic compass furnishes a o'clock noon, Absolute) to the minute, Wtllle and hfa big sister Lizzie didn't 25 cents cures Catarrhal ReAd take any active exertion, •bleycling in- D Y the air so hard that he almost pulled get along together well. Willie was „ „ befit j base line from which the bearing of s,derial time. Our clocks do not follow his spine In two when two men were Incipient Catarttp eluded. only 7 and his slater li, but he resented „ „ Even the perfectly normal heart may other lines can be ac¢iied.-Phlladel- the sun, but are generally a few min- out and the bases full "-Indiana oli» 11 gay Never r ,, , phis Record. tries fast or ,,low, according to the long- p her "bossing." Catarrhal deaf& suffer permanent Injury If subjeoted I Journal. I One day Willie's mamma had some- •• " Cold in the 1>p �. Rude of the place where they are. The to prolonged and excessive strain,. Atmospheric Dust. I goat's beard, however, 1s true time all "But what reason have you to think tl.ing to tell him, a Pie -'e of news from min. ` This fact should be. borne in mind by Leaturin at the InaUtution of Civil that Grateman knows anything about the household of his still older slater, " Foul Breath t h' 1' (, g the world over. The evwthlstle opens- " every novice in bicycling, for It la E tneera on atril—heric Oust Mr at 6 m and closes at 11-12 a m The the coinage question." "The beat in the who had been married a year before. Catarrh - .-„ Irectil[arly easy to overdo under the exhilarating Influence of this pastime. tone and ug a. . . . Irrldlandez said that observattone white illy opens at 7 a.m., and elos49 show that at An elevation of 6700 Leet at 6 p.m, In the towna few people know world. He has never tried to talk about 1 "Willie," said mamma, "God left a it. If he didn't know anything about it, little baby at sister Mary's house last You're boy. 25 con (q secures Chase'ti.c°� ` Cure with perfect blowbr 6 ' " .Presently the heart gains !strength, end 1s able to adapt itself able; there are 950 dust Particles in a cubic about such details as these; nor are 8,400 feet ! he would be saying whtmna."-Indian- n'ght, an uncle now, my apolis Journal. I HOW do you like that?" each hex. old by all deale)?dr v, the new confit but until time centCmeter, while at there %re the flower clocks often Been anywhere, only 518, and at 13,600 Peet only 157. I though.they have been constructed oc- "I thought her father was so enraged "Well," said Willie, after w0ghing , "I'll jury At New York the Lir fi ;�tl been given for this Bt Is the part "train- Over the Indian Ocean the average easionally,-Lampasas Journal, over the elopement that he would never the matter over carefully a minuf2. If 1 Will; " of Mrs. Fleming, charged rt`�!I "GeWiSdom to proceed carefully,' irfsg on" gradually. Furthermore, the number of duet partic1eH to a cubic eentimeker was less than 600 forseven pruning the orchard. forgive them, and now be has given just tell you this. am Uncle them a brand neve bicycle apiece." "Of Lizzie ain't gofn' to boas me no more." poisoned her mother, Mrt1 ( -'yerson who Is wise will 'use rdasonabte 43 tion aN to the amount of e3tertion out of nine days, and on five days was Perhaps no department of the farm ittai,' 400 During thick fog to different makes, mind you. They will I Felt Coming On. returned a verdict of not gut l! . !'t! WJIPunderte-ke even when thorough- lase a 1s receiving more consideration at prey- the Atlantic, the air contained 8,120 ant than the apple orchard. That it be fighting like,,cats and dogs before a ,. g Mary," said the elderly farmer, "I R•Mr " Ilapoilg'Journal, 'epect , &,trfUned. As we have inherent di!- elrl2TC0S b! Strength, each one o! us , in some Measpre a law Putin dust perticlea to a oHbta centimeter, I should be pruned '3ccasionally Boas while to the clear r'egfoti lust beyond I without saying. The time and manner you'd better have the doctor in 9i1>ilf (rep ly)-My de r, a .and have me bled or sumeh'm." Boston was shot at by a .burglar I ' What !s the matter weth you, Silas?" , " ;,i►TTfitlld'be flow- far thb fog there Were only 280"dust part[- of doing the work is worth of careful y .man lrlrl ills iVae saired by a button his i►11ft41e]f a to how fast and "'W6 flan `ilde, krill$ dve'll within, the eles.-Weataithirtet Giar 4th. , . � ,• , •, consideration, With regard to, the and asked spouse, ' which the bullet struck. Mrs, Sprig- I "I think I'm about to buy anotherM I ' _, I :1itJri i<iI flf bis aRvdrt'8}reingth and eridur- EldatrtcaT nlaabegQ,: proper time for pruning, air old adage ' P^rune in winter for wood and g,no ,Welt, 'a hitt of it? Mr, Sprtggins gold brick. I sorter Leel tt comtn' on." t$T. LAWRENCE t� ,�1 , r0membering'that (healthful - - '' l U . jivone thing, agpnplette exhaus- Ortiee of the -newest developments of says: the Practical arrDlicatibfle of ills eleio- In summer for fruit," find probably no I can be gtveit.•-I.4ond.*n 4 (meekly)r,,,.Notlting, only the button-Indlanarolis•Journal, mtfSt peva been on--Eoaton Ttaveter. - ---» IROQUOIS DIVI3Tb h t1tY11 glltte another. T e pereosi w3io �4,$idts foo* pleasure acid health and does trie current le In the production of the better rule eharaoteriStia effects produced ti� ` f'armer's Advocate, yr ,,If you're a good boy, the pent A Marrtl►g Thought. Movin Why do you weep? he thun- b! n Rut the young lean Interrupted: g- - FURYHER POSTPONEMf,I(j 1'1�b I dere AfOr TQC " ` �� s+e A6r1lobM- judgment will not feel ,tnassage. By suitably applying the dif Ch ry;'. pruninss. "Exeuae me but I knovr what ybu are dared. DO you [mai;ine Your weak, _ i •' �'n411W, to cover ten miles in a hal!- iferent forms of electrio current-Anusou- "berries iieed pirtlnfftg• *b0ti d'iing, going to tl!ay. I,h&Ve a new proposition I Womanish' tears Will move anybodyr? NOTICE TO CON'1'itp!f'f �jj' t to" pedal up every lit that t C1VIth a bitter laugh he left hfa wife, 1h6111" lar atimntatiori 1a produced. ed. ;,.lftl" ti' else 'lisle tn'twaged to climb. but It is harmful to do ff►ftdli etlttfng to offer. ?! >ao'ti are rya] kind to me.re d ° 11 a will eschew ,,00h Inane A General ILu1e, "' about them After that' base taken their I'll 16! yr6tt take the CiT tllC ctrttsd In- bearing !n hie bertrilis the bird cage and �pIro Time for noftvlsl ucl11 V zs,.' ,,; rhhpe. '"Tits clTi! trr;� heals slowly i stead of Itncle ltfcitard or Aunt Jane, Six flattroiiit wbi+dh could trot b8 gat LIroquoiBDivisionofthe tS�t)_9 , i�ilinif'�11 performances as "Eon- Che greatest Alement of eritMiSrYl !H into the lour-bifrYb fan.--i�etrolt $'riw h b0enfurther pont onedtbkY yr. °t` '.., 'Af a#d. 1m,11ar attetrulrta to tabic. ThtS might arlxplp to eftlirer art, i find evoii ,'4 lbruiie will ruff tot it, I 1�. the fIerttletn" Who:llvas neat il0odr."— b +. lass, �'Y a�le1� ' 11 I?tri *r" iii ri fif : trlre Mere Hake of Yftaij&tttrU, lir TI1IftOr isles i o �'; a tlrAe.--ri !fin hila 96m& 1 „ - Wairllrfiilt�ll �t8r, 1 • . r , ...... . I + ,t1 e�ni:rte r ' ti 't ' 4• J 0 r,i_1 , - it tjrftlj( 'ltrl at g Bess tt! oonsequeft4%9.1. 1 be mete! 1lafiwaysedall►q,1. :;,. ►� , taws, 22nd June,+t , , u ... , .� l,+„ . ,. . allik :'lf5"' '` ., , , ` r ,y , , . Sw y .,. ;t. , n . ^ r , �.,,. r'`'. r: , .. ., n a a. 1n , . ..✓. C - ., . I ,.- :� d ,. r. :.v. n ,: :: ...: ,, ,, ,. ,. ,. ....,� .,: , . k k 1. J......., ., y i, .r..., r r. ,....:. .I... ,.,, ,, ., ,.. ... ,,. ,:, : : ..,J ,. .: r. S.. r : ,.: 11. r...., .. .: .. ,. , 1 .. ,. , .i f. . , . ,..r , , J a, , .. .l U :. ... n. a +, .� ,. r, .i. .w .... . d , ..r n , :.rn.. f ? r i'I ., .: ,. ,. ,�.. .- .r. .-.::- ..e , .. . :�f Y, _. i ,.c x „ -.,... ., .>._ !",. ,. N .... .....,., a -., .. ..,.b„. ,�, ..,., -. , .., •.-.,.,:, .. „'-: ,..:. t r :. F.. h. ,.., .. ... ... ...- .. S. r , ..I. a ... %},:� LLIr u. ,. ! ;., - ri r ' „a r, j n r 1.