HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1896-06-17, Page 3� ,.�:- -`­' , , " & I �:,i,'��p,,��,, . � " , , . li,4,11`� i" a 44W ".... , � -�4 ., ��;��.A, _W R I -, , - , `,"i , � I I _,�'gl ��'� -, '',�:q7, �01061490 050. 'i rr�eod 0 � 'y A#tot � .,...� 000 040 111411-l" 1, I � ,�'P­­, , � " . $2, - I � ,11j.-;".,- - " 401TAU , t, �%-!� 1�­ . , I , Z. I . WT. . , il,375,0.00 �4oit�,,�, 1, , , , 40, 0M qq# . 1�XONTURAL. ( 101 . 4'' I. 11 IL UOLSON Pt"IdePt. , A. — 110, Mr. I W. WORKMAN tROMM, dou-'s, )�% � _ Drafts �. ., �'. 'Notes discounted, ;'011ectious made. Drafts � - tp,��,f,:It , ' '' Issued, Starling and Amerloati ex �,,,, �p.�:,�, , cha a bought and sold at � ng 4, " - x,,,,��. , lowest current rates. tb , .e 101"k,111-111 Istaxan ALLOWND ON DaroeirtL b 8( 0' .....­ �, , �!'Iill' I � 7! 0,�a', Money advanced to farmers on their own notes . . it',W:,� f we. r_ X V. ' I with one or qkory endorsers. No mortgage P4- , . , , , � X, qqw as security. "'; , 1 I -, I H. O. BUBWEA, ( " � Mautfer, l'u"TON. .. . �;. Doomber, 105. rte 0 a 4 _, 1, �l, I,-,,- %A 0 Do NeTaggart I-,...". � I , -'i!,.,. i. L . BANKER 11 V.1, , � � .. . � i�� ,,,�,, STREET, CLINTON. :xt. ALBERT STR " I.. �- h� � ( � �­ I - I" �111 I �,, ­ B USINESS 1 1"I" " " QN.YRRAL BANKIYG I ', itie - 4 I .,�. I - I 4 . , 3,�t,­,' , TRAAWAOFED. " 12.�,,,,��, , I'll , 1`� � :" , PAW,' I Discounted. . . Drafts Issued. i , �711_ 01 - k�,;-t','te ; � Interest Allowed on Deposits. I �':%; � . &,'1, ­� � - � I 65BY , 'P.-, - ". . Clinton, Junogth. 1891 .. 11 �1'1. � - - ..,.:M� .,,:. __ ----- , , ". � � V �" t . 4 ;1 DR. W.GUNNs y1.' . IC. p. and L. U. C. S., .Edinbargh. Office - � %,��,'- 0 ,� , . . out door of 11�11., � i Ontario strett Clinton. Night C.018 at frost A X., Itaidence on u,ttaubary street, opposite Presbyter- I 'ir"l- I.. batch. , " ,�� IR, �..z- , a — 8 _ t� ;� IZZIPt ,�, I " I - � - ,� , , DR. TURNBULL. '. i� � i :skit — V"i ��14 4 J. L, Turnbull, M. B. Toronto Univ. ; M. D. ; I r1111�' �111 , U., Victoria Univ. U. C. P. & 8- Out, ; " 'low � iig'-,,�,, - 5 the obstetrical eocl,lo,,t,y,,o,tg,IZ,d,i,npb,ut,r,,gh. Late 'A , , , " L."', London, Etij., and E a Office 7- 11:,'F,-, Dr. Dowsle3 . a stand, RatteRl-ury fit. Night calls ?'A�1, answered at Office. -_ — 11��-,:,.., DR. SHAW. 1mil"', _#� it �il!�,", — , . once in H,lTau,s Block, R W,eabury St., Clinton, ., _� .11 Int. Night calls at HATUO Plficc- .. Jas. S. Freabarnbarn ii -D, K. & Q. C. El., I.. X. I [1, & S. O., &O., Sta. V� 1 0;.dn%to of H lnz"l & qmoouli College of Physician, -, � teral Medical ``,'a ., Licentiate of the Go .��, Publin. (rolart-1, t'. Council, Groat RAtlid. Afv,ubor .f College of . 'rbysiola,is ata Surgeons, OntaT o. l?,NrmeVL7 r6&l- , I I dept 0 the Rotandit Hospital (Lying-in and Gynas , sologlcal), Dubba. SPQutsl attention to diseases of I 1�" I I. women and children. office and reeldonce,Rattenbury � I X . ir�, St., next " t door LO Ontario St. Methodist parsonage. - _ L 829-ly lil ) t ,� r, S X �,,, — - , X 1 1i � � ,.� "I., Z., � ,gleatiotru. '. -----V-- 1, ; 0. . , I , ­_,013rucet SuTgooll.Doutist. '.' 1. — ., ''. . ,�, - 'ZI "j,it, , - OFFICE—Over Taylor's Shoe Store, i. "I . . . . . . ""' AiClinton,Ont. Special attention to pre- , * , i, " �. "Vation of natural teeth. and I, , , i . -Will visit Blyth every Monday, i . i . f��. B,a during the . , . . � Bayfle every Thursday afternoon , ,�, summer. . , , , � ; 1_1 I 1, 11 ,` - , ,�, Be Apewl L. Be Sop D. Do 0 ,,,L, I., z".1 DENTIST. I'l, l �', I �_ ental Sur- -", Graduate of ll�byal .C011e e of D 1 �., one- 91ritiluate of Trinity , �, . I .... 1, ; eons of Ontario. H - aesthetic 1, fl. university, Toronto,. Btst Local An .,z -, "for sinless foextraction. office opposite Town ! '1�,., ual� over Swallow's Store. alb,I Q. 1.i�. - I. Night Bell arilwered. .- ILL ­ - 1 . Will visit Hensall eN 'ry Monday, and 1 X " I Zurich the 2nd Thursday cf each month I " _...� - , I V4111. . , +0,�V "�, G. CAMERON, BARRISTER, BOLI=OR ;s,��� > M. conveyancer, ft office-colnor Hamilton and %!% St. Andrews-sts-o OPPOat* Colborne HOW, Goderich. *'�z, 883411 , ,ig-�," � & ,.,, �', . , . ffice,corner &�>,t� ) C. HATS, Barrister, Solicitor, dto. 0 to " - •- North Street and Square, joew Registry 0 ca. - 67. $,C,i, R 4�4! V. Goderich, Out. 11 '..-,� Money to tend at lowest rsUo of interest. . �­.t,, j Aff ­;',�,'T . >�',f'; ". ,�'. J. SCOTT, 4'1,1411> . ! � ­,�i' " .Barrister, 41C., ELLIOTT'B BLOCK, - - CLINTON , ,�..- Money to Loan, 1�,'� , I E- CAMPIONt Q- 0,- , BARRISTER, - - - SOLICITOR. ' I . � -1 `",.. NOTARY, 4C., e.. , 1odeirich, . Ont G1w - I Office -Over Davis'Drug Store. Money to loan.' � — ­ I I?-,... M. 0. JOHNSTONI ;­ , BARBISTER, - - SOLICITOR ) 1: ...... �-.�,, COMMISSIONER, ETC., ., ,,'��'t � 1 . C3roderlch, - . - Ont I I. - , OjR@e_COr. Hamilton and SE. Andrew'sSte. — V r �, W. BRYDONE., V, 7'. . ^ �� i'. 4t�- ,. BARRISTER - - SOLICITOR .,'. . ­..­ NOTARY PUBLIC, 4C., Orplon BzAvua BLOCK - - CLINTOZ I 811.1f ­ �I --- I ­ , � %w 0'49V to XtUd. t - I I " "MONEY to land in large or small sums or 4 I I or personal security ate carrit1:1.021C.9"U. MALE, Huron at. Clinton, I , , Money. Moval to land, on good aggpity at 5j and 8 I scat: AV OUT, Albert at., Clinton. - ­ �ely to C. aM - 07"; ",J':" . 80-0. . . , , , , ' 4 1 , I I I I I I I I it , , . d , , soleness - - ­If_ft10iitt61Ve - WM.Moore 11- TO--- iOORVS RLOCX, HURON STREET, CLINTON. I AM better them ty6f PrAIPSX04 to SUPPly the P1 - 1- - .a *ith the Latest ftiproi6d. fjjugt!r,,$ejv1U9 ' Xachilubs. _ -j At �J, '. I I , 1'6'0 In � stb4kind:At ti Aug"pid,10 all M. I I 11 , �� bt. W11, "A' tf Music i4t , , wor chi � C on , , .. "I � � 40, rblfibld w0botw'sud VV'rinAers. I I Oet lootillAs eflon4tivired. � , , . , I . I 1. 1� WM. MOORI , , 04do bf 0aftwordisl It eel, %Intent streat, Clin 1 - .Mai', , Z I I , 'L I ., gig W ,V.*_j.r0,,Wt I I I I I �� ' 1*4 t: � _.__3t_ " � , '.... , -_ - I -1 ­ ____ . , . , , " , - . 10 1" x4owl,a 1 , i I . � I, 011111111 � r ,01 , —,, ­_ � r .... I _­ ­­` ` I 11, I - % so , � .. ­ , � 40W.", -, " r , , 11� %d'Wk , * I . 9 ; 14 . ""I i:,.: 11 I I I .1 , JIVNI.07�b I 4 50 ; the t , enizio I I , --l""', ­1*444;710iii, . 1. �, S t Q � I MI 4; , _ t ho - 9r We wt . � 1 4 , " I Oak, i ,:.-. I ­ . , bout � 'E" ,, ,, , - W. I, 9 'sioslp�glull I— , , I'll, I , . .1 , :� I 14= — -_11 - p�� ­ ,� ­ " 11 �i 1'�h .1 ,; ; I I ,a,- * wourg0i"".. . , The, re P, , �� I � Ir ` L UQ*0 ,)Ar*Ad*�$'*l *kye* ' ' "' , � ,V I 1. b 'X -4 X#y j, V4,OU IM � . by -I' I $C-94,10 yo " Pt the Prig, lia th - , - OX I "t r I , I 4 , . , ntg4t - I I ' � .� i. :­­ ­ " � wl'i I I 14 , .., A big paillroy, 6 k4 . _ . " jo ,, , , i. 11 11�) X1 *0 'A # 9 I , ,� . i, � I - ;, �', `&,�,�, is" u ", !" - ""10; PIL! 1$� 0, , *,.� � ,block. " "' " � A too 4114 Alit -g m's, .Mi , , !'"All"', AX dja?get�_o I I � V91titil"brot isP �!W-Y,11 Aftvoff� V1 MOPS fm 11, Gerfle, ­ . - 3 - ON --"--- ,O , I #mdP"".;Vr m 0: .1 X ;P mW04*011 ,, � ), i 001 "004 441, I 111to.adod forl�at woou- youtll, find him serene 4Lnd contented; �f sclpnlqe-� � � 4.01. mradl�l Mi ,� �;,, jU"OBN. W. X., . , 4 , I f t6mv),T-0, PO-4fo ��,!� * 3 t . I " , , , BRAF 0� W him t. DR.' ;- S. ri .�f�i, , I ,go._Mr. Win' I)Clg? Gorrle, has The world, to his notlon,'Wq1R tr 4i ie - , 11 ,090. I. P. $11epi-ARD, D. U, ;i;;64 Iff-iri , r! ht. large quantit" a an I by im-0: - - I J", ri -, CAN- - "k; ", 1149 , , , ", � 1: 11 ... XT -914-P 0� a van.ad'sa , 0'r its roses W40 scented. � "I : . --- I i , UTS ip"r X aoeceedej In formit, 9 I * An, his Way with pFoving et o , , . a i1au ...., �, , I- --- � , " I ,, — a — �t the thriving little Ir ." + - , poajUg- qg,VTjj* ON'r - ,der ot Ft)rcaj erg I I I HARNESS 09 0 yotip aqvires- His lesson all comfortial--ioweet-I t' ' 14400410. , 'wo a." I Vill q of Port WWII, A I'll",' twbaffit a. a kind and torglylia'. sion must be more perrect ILIMON Lodp. $0, 04 A. tr. & A, M. mootb NOTICE. poole6lut inade a mistake iti saying that it, who, when %a sharp tivrons are ptercial than when made in the old, , " itar t4,0 WOOlu- •Visit It, was Mr.- Doing.. of HemTatou.—" his feet F Ovary pride � , � ' all 01114y'lltA and Mrs friends (), �,.� Mrd, (), a. Quupe visited ­�,-i� r4;etl4r#11QQ 111,11 ju thank [be good Lord that he'd )Iylu'? time way with mortar and ", ,�-, � I �1�1,�,` J. HOLL0*jy# W.. H. J. B. RUAWA14 Sao- III Millbank last week,—Mr. C. Wil- ,:, I... t: _ I ;,- " ., . Thorp being memo U1100040101"414 with to' working in Listowel, not sometimes I think when the heart In pestle a'few ounces at, a ��� ,.,K.,�, ulluton, Dec. 6, 1895. 06 to wrookage, let it be 4litillicttY uudO"tOQ,d• li4me who is the breast F 11 I , ,.. - islon of any kind' visited friends in town last week.—N. Is sick with Its sorrow and clevin'. time. This is why Scott a . � 11P " � hat Itany person takes posseJ , ` - . ; at wrockage and fail* to 'report to me I shall at WroxetOr On .. K. 0. T. M. the. McLaughlin was. in If happen at all "Lor the Wei," ' ' ke � thl"s 46ver One pxoqoe4lvgq. Romouiter this to Saturday.—Amos Doan has purcliase.d. We can make the best by bellevill'i Emulsion of cod-liver oil I ,,],.,,,,-it, lasto state I shall Iva. CAPT. WN. RABB. ycle from N. McLau9blin-- —Frank L. Stanton. I I � , ­� "";', " . Kearns Tent No. 66, Knights of the Macosbees a R"oolvec Of , , , Golorlob, a new bic I aever separates, keeps .., " '11? - MT MtS, JaS. Lennox Vicited HarrWon . , ,') �'-.., ` " 0 World. 41.000, 42,0010 and $8 000 Policies• I I rich, Sept. th 1801. . , * WRONG HALF ON TOP- sweet for why :,.�,";, I 0osW;nb prInc%o­uo 4; Gods Ich' Sept. d ,�,�,i� it, romp ovier 100,000. Ads ­_ friends last week.—gies gaggle James years, an yet exceeded 12 assessments In A year. Cheapest — _�,�,'��,, :t�j " I ­�],ik" deste4bittaxistonoo. Mactsio, Orausenall, Ila- wFle, visiting friends In Toeswater last, every spoonful its equal to I !',i.�,'r'. a, Areit. and third Frid*Y Of every mouth. FOR SALE. week. -A load from here attended the A DiffloultY In tU6 Wily Of ComPly'" , Episcopalian Sunday School 0onven- With the Minister's Teraperanve Views- every other spoonful, An 1 .-0,,��,,,�;7�"w,'�,, .i , , "I. , ­ — ; ;'��P,A�-4�', __ - � art at present occupied by the un- sels last week. Dr. and A preacher with views on the temper- . �.. 1�11P%'IIJVII 2 The propi or, the Huron Road, tion In Brus — even product throughout. .e."V4' �z , , " ­�,�N�,l doralgood as a rouldstwo Ong, of Walton were visit- soberly . ly�.,!'; . 10OKI FLOUR Mrs. Armstr( wad walking to got ,,�l 005.,,, I In the Town of GoderlO11,0011111BOO90fOrialid"fof Ing friends In week.—Mrs. ante question In other emulsions you are 11414, I .rZ an &are of land. g ,use -story dada along a dusty road. says, The Boston an uneven berjefft--citpor an over or lvlf.�, 004 frame bc L ?� I Doig is at present On a month visit to under dome. Got SCOWS. 00491611 Is" I ,;E-�;i�­, & FEED STORE half-sevou rooms, Including kitoasn, hard and Budget. A farmer with an emPtv is salmonKolo,"4 wmvof- I 1. 1, �;,.,., , soft water, good stone collar stable, Wood and Tilsonbut-I.-Mrs. T. J. Nicholl's, ac- t contained a gallon - Clinton. carriage houses. There are also dome good fruit couipanie by her two little daughters, N,,Ugon, save that I and asked him if I .'L. ,-"i`,. ,r � in Toronto and Jug, overtook him trees. This yroperty to beautifully situated and are visiting friends not wish to ride, The preacher. - °ty% I . he did 3" ! , 4,5, -_ - ;RAN and SHORTS in Large - or . - Niagara Falls at present.-Robt. and ITUMP133Rr very suitable brauy�porsoa W11111119tOlivOrodred ,',, Fat furthor particulars ply to Miss Jennie Andison visited Tees- aseentling, climbed lnt,.*j. the wagon and been produced to . . . . . :' Small Quantities. irCAMP1014, .-Gorrie is as they jogged along towv.rd the Nothing has ever I — ',�', . water friends last week , , .�. ........ ,w , 11 1, ' , Barrister, God6tich. n Day in village the two fell LAO cOnvemn-tI'Jn- equal or compare with Z=ybX6713! .... ,w .i I' �IL CAKE, LINSEED MEALS 642-tf gbinK to celebrate Dominion . . . . . I.., ,, � , I.. X", Bicycle racing. foot -ball, Now, the preacher had his susPIcAO11s Witch 3JU01 Oil as a CURATIVE and A..' "I'll, , land style. and I�d the talk !,;g . . . . . . , f I'll ", , J. 0. STEVENSC)NO brand and lacrosse games are to be concerning the Jug, a HEALING APPLICATION. It has been 4.11 ....... 11, , 0 Ills. Choice oatmeal for one Bushel indulged in. Fuller particulars later. around to the eubJect Of temperance, *`� , "Ifi . . -1 .... " I I a at great length used 40 years and always affords relief . :.1, i , ,,� it Oats -Mr. Thos. Nash is building tin ad- expounding his view 1� . � 11�piiv 11 Furniture Dealer, &c. James and with approprip,te emphasis. Milch and always gives satisfaction. , ;­ ,011 dition to his house, also Mr. ,,��.��'�',',`0j��', nd Bros. arebuilding to his surprise, his companion gutty It Cures PiLEs qr HEMORRHOIDS, External I*, '. Ij ..'� * 111 I . I COOK. CLINTON- THE LEADING UNDERTAKER AND Elliott. -Halumo �:�- a stable on their property.—Some Of agreed with him. Nevertheless, Lhe or Internal, Blind or Bleeding -Itching and "I , . 752-tt 3 in the ViMige preacher still continued to suspect the Burning; -Cracks or Fissures and Fistulas. ...... ,,, . ILL I , !"I"'! , ______ FUNERAL DIRECTOR. the side -walk! are under- I ;" -e badly needed. j,jg. Relief immediate—cure certain. -'.."?j.,4; q,ng , . t.1. I _ . Z � Editor, airs which i c I i j t i " would It Cures BuRNS, Scalds and Ulceration and , �4, �. ?, Opposite Town Hall, . Clinton, Ont " how did that tug-of"My friend," he saAd presently, . . ,Z,�I'', LL pp FEED STORE, GO TO TIEcome off on May 25tb, in Clinton be- u mind telling me what you have in Contraction from Burns. Relief instant. . 1ween the two townships? (It did Y' 11 It Cures TORi4, Cut alld LaCCMtCd :11�-. I I , , I HURON STREET, CLINTON. ' the Jug here? Wounds and BniLw& . 11� � not take place.] - Win- Stintson 1,T,iquor," said the farmer. Union Sha,fing Parlor 'was in Toronto last week on busi- "I feared so," continued the preacher. It Cures Boms, Hot Tumors, Ulcers, Old Jilo. Rutherford has moyed Sores Itching Eruptions, Scurfy or Scald . - nese.-Mr.„Now, my dear friend, you have quite lj,','!;X. it is Infallible. I The Beat Early Seod Potatoes, and all For first-class Hair -Cutting from above his tin shop to the house arreed with all I have said on this gre4t . . by Mr. W. H. Cl I;g It Cures INFLAMED Or CAKED BREASTS I :inds of first-class Clover, Timothy, Field and Shaving. lately vacated 0 question of tempera.uct-7” and Sore Ni pies. It is invaluable. and Feed Of all and family.-Strawberri�.-s are quite "Yes." it Cures SALT RHEUM, Tetters, Scurfy I ,nd Garden Seeds, Flour a Smith's block, to Post Office, Clinton plentiful around this vicinity at pre- "Can you not giv,e,, a proof that you Eruptions, Cha ped Hands, Fever Blisters, - It opposite Proprietor. . .1. EMERTO sent. -Mr. Joe Ardell, who Iworking juds. Closest living prices for cash. SALT I s ou say and pour out this Sore Lips or ostrils, Corns and Bunions, 0 in Brussels, spent, in town. e mean what y I . — carne over on his wheel. -We have had accursed liquor?" I 1`19 Chafed Feet, Stings of Insects. I n stock and for sale. TEAS of the choicest -_ - Sore an ... ,arietico and blends. Excellent value- WATTS & 60., a few showers of rain lately. No." Three Sizes, 25C., 50c. and $1.00. But I cannot understand-" gold byDruggists,or nt poat-paidon raceiptofvvice. I I W. HILL, Huron St., Clinton CHEMISTS & DRUGGISTS ____ ,.Wall," said the farmer, 'lye see I'd numpintRys, Ago. ",alp ,Ill a Ile Wan.- at., ff.. Y.,,, .. — - Great Northwestern Tolegraph office, do it for Ye, only half the liquor i I 11 WITCH HAZEL OIL Central Butcher Shop. that Jug belongs to my brother." � Albert Street, - Clinton. His Face was a MASS 01 "Then empty your half, my friend." COUCIX & WILSON - Blotches. "But I can't do that, nether. Ye pee, ; � "I -Advertisers will flud "Tht I his half's on top." pROPERTY FOR SALE OF Subtioribers desire to notify the public that they .11 RENT. , - H News -Record" one of the best mediums out now his skin is clear as a year I have bought olt the butaheriugbuaine8a lately con a in the County of Ifilron. AOvertfso in An Honest Effort. i looted by Mr. Jas. A. Ford, ant will continue the old babe's. 1p 1� e der their personal supervision, Orders will 'The News-Record"-Tbe Double circu)atiop Talks same an 0 have prompt and careful atteijtlon. Fresh locale f to Thousands. Ratess, low apary. soottle Sarsaparilla his Salvation. I - . 1. ,--- rai kind. will be kept In season, sold at reasonable — Nothing blights existence like the . � ,_� C. EAT , ,�� - _ rates and delivered anywhere In town. knowledge that our appearance is re � \\ ,. I I ARTHUR COUCH, CHAS N. WILSON. PUMPS! Pulaps! ' COPYRIGHTS. �, I CLINTON. pellant to those with whom we come in V ­ ___1 CAN I OBTAIN A PATENT? Roca �,,, viei If you wants first --f answer and un honest opinion tt" _clas., well -made pump, one that contact, nor is there any relief like that write t 111. I � ? prompt k =o" I SHO p will give you satisfaction, send yohr order to of feeling that the disfiguring causes have AL- CO.. who have had nearIZ10 t, I . I . . BUTCHER CENTRALundersigned. He will dig and clean wells and do it at I in the patent business Ommurticel- - �' ,. beenrcruoved. Says Mr. William Alger: ex , � ti(CrIlet"'ictlyconfldentiat. AHa;dbookofln. _ the closest prices. He also handles a tjrst•olasa one side. . was ,a mass of formation concerning Patents and how to ob. t, � I :, My face on � fain them sent free. A150 a Cat&10914o, Of Mach=- . . FORD & MURP11Yi FORCE Pump' blotches, some of which were ioijistantly If. teal and scientific books sent free. I 11 JAMES PERGUSON full of matter. I run a bake sh4 doing' � Patents taken through Munn & Coo receive a-+- (Successors .A;-- I I a (successors to J. W. Langfora.) . I ­­ . , - I gecial notice in the Scientific American, and — Opposit Queen'duotel - High Street wlaton - my own work, but my face t so bad theo , � as arO brought widely before the public with- hiTe , !L I --- out cost to the inventor. This splendid paper. I 11 lug bought out the above business, we intend 809-tt customers drffted• away, ITien.1 � - Issuedwee elegantly illustrate'dd has blar the o11V k principle, �nd will supply I . mation or an to 11 nduct it on the cast - — man and went to a.doctor. Ife �41' " ;, - I largest 4r 01 5cienti c woScreen.. -] our onstonvers with the best meats at the lowest pay , It.'' I ' I - � � � ____ _, _ _ worn 3 . 6 0091s. seat ­ ­ % , _, =a W blood was in a Horrible k _, . it ,a, ri% E a year. Single ug prides. . . I I k:o, I - B -i -40m it or . . FORD & MURPHY. F.HNG a In B my business and inoved OVW, ;w . .k. I I ; I 0ary, mum or contains beau- � . =,." I =a. Lkatt 1A.0010"k and. th - 'filing U,xiders show a Scott's Sarsaparilla was recomme e t - � . "li rotogrags of new . 6::,,L�-�Wj plana, tuaL h th .. New Butcher Shop. (MEMBER OF ASSN OF F. L. 8 ) me. The first bottle did me much good, _- - . ___<1 . - 1.11 11 dag &am Address w - UNN 0. XWIZOAJ4� — Land Surveyor it and after taking five bottles my skin is as It ____do ____ ris eirawn, can ' ,�Gj BROADWAT. I ' ' � ' ' � - ' � The undersigned desires to intimate to Provincial L clear as possible, and not a sign of my "� .. . .... . - I Engineer, Madam, will you be kin:��__`­_ . the people of Clinton and vicinity that he 11mand Civil previous disfigurement. I say Scott's The Tramp- . ' �­­. _ I W. Sarsaparilla is the best blood oledicine enough to lend me 5 marks? I WIR . .,., , _TE4k,_---- I - - openec! a butcher shos in the store of T_ (D I%T 3 D 0 IT , ON's, a?, going and am speaking from experience, conscientiously return It. -A,_... ... liFF-P-P � --- I Core, Huron Street. 0 has had many years opr,oE-At G. J. Stewart's Grocery Store Clio- Pimples, blotches, boils ulcers and all -But you haven't the least Prospect. -7--- 4� experience, . � 761-1� 6mo* swmes arising .7 exhaustion best satisfaction. He wit sell strictly for and impure blood are radically cured by Day It back?" . Cash, and at the lowest possible prices. Scott's 'gar saparilla, a concentrated com- "Oh, but Indeed, I will beg it for you OpmEns RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED. f4ONS'.00-N a, and feels that hocoogive the ton. ;8ft Oi from vital exh of getting the money. How can you . Cantelon Bros, pound of the finest medicines ever on the installment Flan!"-Fllegende M, W. WRIGHT1 - Clinton. PROVIS� tnown. Your drug4ist has itatti, But Vaetter. I . �JENEPLAL GROCERS & ' get Scott's. The kind that I cures. The Doctor Stuttered. THE I ION MERCHANTS. . There is a to in Cleveland who FINEST TVA A is pretty sure to stutter when under the IN THK WORLD . LIVE HOGS 'WANTED8 Grockery, Gjas.s & Chinaware stress of excitement. some time ago FROM THE TEA PLANT TO THE TEA GUI! . ALBERT ST. CLINTON, ONT. Such m,, Accident. thin be had occasion to professionally ofri- Dainty Delta -You know how IN ITS NATIVE PURITY., Highest Cash Price for Butter ,and Eggs Ethel Perkins is? elate on an Interesting occasion, and - Highest Market Price Paid. I though ? Wa vocal infirmity was. the cause of a "Monsoon" Tea is put up by the Indian Tea . T92 -1y . Sweetest suets -Isn't she, ample of the beat qualities of Indian funny misapprehension. F=Vhcarcrore they use the greatest care in the ELON, Clinton. — I)ainty Delta -Well, sOm6bO1Jy sent , The husband and prospective fatheT, selection of the Tea and its blend, that is why t y D. CANT ortEhin .4 ILL HEADS, NOTE her one of those new ankle bangles put it up themselves and sell it only in the ­nftA I chawlie Wilo, by the way, had set his heart oil "" . 798-tf. Bfle�ds, Letter Hesds,Tsgs, and while she was tatIkIng' to was nervously pacing rckages, thereby securing its purity and excell . packages, and never Statements, circulars, Business Litewute she accidently got her other a son and heir, ut up i 34 lb., i lb. and S lb. packa Cards, Envelopes, r entered. sold in bnulL B. TH INSON, ate-, otcrintel lnPr%0Cmk,mn foot througli it and had one bangle the library when the doctor I like manner and alien rated, at hoop on both ankles. Of course, she "Well, doctor," cries the husband, ALL GOOD GROCERS KEEP IT, I At VETERINERY SURGEON Tad Nnwo-RACOPM office. "t forcing a smile, -Is it twins?" If your grocer does. not keep it, tell him to write W I. , Honorary Graduate 0% in& Ontario Veterinary Col. % - forgot all about It -it wasn't the le "Tr-tr-tr" began the doctor. , HAYTIER & GO- ". I bit tight, you know -and when she � I ege� Toronto. "Triplets! Great Caesar!" , Treats all diseases of Domestic Anim-la on th NOTICE TO NEWS -RECORD READERS. stood up and tried to walk she fe,U "Qu­-qu--Au---? I stammered the doctor. li and 13 Front Gtre4t East. Torontoi. I olost, modern and scientific Principles. right over on to ChawIle and seared "Quadruplets! Holy smoke!" - Day and Night Calls Promptly Answered. The publisher would esteem it a favor it rea,' , him most to death. He is engaged 1. �,,�L�* �, No, no,,, cries the dootor, "Qu-qu- — 4, ,�, .. � Would, when making their purchases aention at ", � Resideuca­Rattenbury Street. West. Cliton Out In 'tat to Pet Plummer, you know. And It, I I they saw the marahant'l dvertiser-ODLis quite the writroxyl Tr-tri-tr-try and .?,A . I � 'If . News-Itsou". everybody thought she had paralys - , __ 01 so they sent for two Lake It philosophically. It's just a girl," . .. J. E_ BLACKALL, Veterinary something, and orm i.` 1 K S'Irgeon, honorary graduate of doct.r. and a trained nurse, and then —Cleveland Plaindealer. dur.8088 8 .. "I 0 tarlo Veterinary College, treats " . disuses of all domestic animals The McKillop Mutual Fire after they had put 14,-e o her head and Guasla's Family. I �127 - 1. ,. . I . on the most modern and scientific put her to bed they found the bangle. principles. Agglis attended to I -Cleveland Plain Dealer. "Yea," said the principal of the young . 1, IV$ .. night or ay. Office on lease, street, next Now Insurance Company — ladies' seminary to the proud parent, . M - " ' ' "you ought to be very happy, my dear . A Era ce Residence-AlbertstTebt,Clint0n- ' i .— — ____ -COMMERCIAL TRAVELLERS s1r, to be the father of so large 0, faro- 11_ , I � � .. 0 ----,-- Farm and Isolated Town Proper- jjv . I I . I I ty only Insured. Wm. Golding, co"Imercial traveller, , , all the members of which seem to I .. 130 Esther St., Toronto, says -For 15 be so devoted to one at;other. 1. I M . 40IM" Eco M'" 1,�,? U01011114 _1085T -_ 1� goo. Trowhffl, bat on O"TcXRs., I suffered untold raise" from "Large family! Devoted! W —_ 1 165 1 4"If . g piles, sonletimes called pin earth do You mean, ma'am?" MIMS ,. ,,;-t". George Watt, President, Harlock P. O.: James = Inci- i ,:�,% Horseshoer and General Black- -Why, yes, Indeed," saild the pr W , .,�� , Seaforth P. O.; W. J. Shan- S. Many and many weeks have , - - Bro&dfoot, Vice -Pres., worm , "No POSITIVELY Smith, non, Sony. Tress. Seatforth P. O.: Michael Murdie, the road from this pal, besinting through her glasses. I ' I bad. to lay Off le oint- less than eleven ot Gussie's brothers r,ost power zqervoug Debility, � Albert Street, North, . Clinton. Ingpectorof oases, SeaforthP. O. trouble. I tried eight other pi 'nbood, 9 . 19 DIRNMOR0. in take her Falling Ma ----' "'- I 1 le'sca. menta and so called remedies with no have been he sensed, causcd by ti,;_e_rrOr6 �, . t� JOBBIZJ-,G A SPECIALTY. James Broad toot, Scaforth; Michael Murd 13 ' d ss fyouth. � 1, forth; George Dale, Scs,forth; George Watt, Harlook permanent relief to the tense itching out sleigh riding, and she tells me he which Irritated by expects the tall one with blue eyes 'su "3�ce mesiddic-aged or old "IRO MAI' �11.1 youn 11 Woodwork Ironed and first Ones material and Thomas E. Hays,seafortb; Alex Gardiner, Leadbur y and Atin6ing, ,$%ring from the effec "! �11' work guarantood ; farm implements and machines Thomas Garbutt, Clinton; John Me bleed rind ulcerate. again to -morrow." -Philadelphia Press. men 9 d to health. man- . 0 Lean, Kippon. scratching would of follies and CxCtsSes, restore . rebuilt and repaired. 40NNTR. One box of Cbase's Ointment cured nie . hood and vigor. Compensation. Price $1.00, 6 boxes for $5.00. Sent byrnall, "q Thomas Noilane, Harlock; Robert McMillan, Sax. completely. 'Mr. Proofte b�aok, " Slartil', I - forth&nd James Cumming o, Egwou d vi Ile. - "Doesn't It annoy you, xt, securely sealed. write for our I Card of Thanks. Parties desirous to effect insurance or trans- people sleep under Your teach- Fatts " for Men Only, tells You how to' get well I act other business will be promptly attend. 19tork Nnnance. , to have peo and stay well. I - . 1 I "I ed to an application to any of the above officers ad- ,,It is my firm conviction," mid the ipg?" reply, "It Is rather Addres . NS : dreaded to their respective post, omeas. "that "Yes," was the a. 94)91LN MEDICINE CO., SOX 947*- TO My MANY PATRONS ftonk a.9 it gulped down a fmg, hum4liating, but then, there Is this t� - 'r -- the gTeenbacks should be retired."— moNTREAL. ..*� I desire to tender my sincere thanks . Advantage -I can preach the same ser- =:__ - - I-Afe. . mon several Sundays in successJon ____ ____ I. for the very liberal patronage accord �VEAKNES�F■aaEN Up With the Boy*. r4thout the fact being re"vilzed by e National CoDference of Charitiesed me in the paet and to inform theyou must have the congregation."-Tid-Bits. T� decided at their meet- n- public that I am still in the Carpet QuIckly, Thorovgkly, Foraer Catod -You look filetePY. and CorrectionsRapids to hold their next 1. t ' - Weaving Basinegg on East Street, been UP wibh the 607`6 I&St DAght-" No Chance Of"It. ing in Grand Etalp � in, It,:, by a nes perfected scientific method " "I was. We have twins 9A Our houa&' �eti. g In Toronto, which will be in � Goderich, next the Bi0yolo Factory. cannot fail unless the cue is MM Hiram Daly -1 have had to dig- , I I I ­ . beyond humAn -Harlem J,Ife. June, 1807. I,_ n charge a great many girls On account L, Personal and mail a0rrn will as usual aid. You feel Improved the first day, feel's I � 11, . , L" It of their cooking. , , ­� It receive prompt attentiO benefit every &y, soon know Jour'scifargiiis SPRUCE TREES IN DEMAND. ONE HONEST MAN. .1 .t-� I !, . among men in body, mind an bmt D Katie Xoh1dsOOp-Y_1m'lI never bayo .;, � - of work a dpocialtY, at the' lowest P06 to discharge me on that &OeOluylt, MUM. Dear 9ditor:-Please inform Your��,, guaran- and losses ended. Every obstade to ha 1,iPff The Important question of how beat Mrs. Hiram D&IY-1 Wn glad to hear readers, that if written to confldenti- .; ,,, I ' ." sible prices, and satisfaction married life removed. Nerve forte , , sealed letter, par- , , "� - L toed. , energy, Wil power, when fift& or 1054 to withstand winter's frosty weather tl,,t_ ally I will mall in 9, O.WI at ­ I Interests everybody. And this ques- Katie Holtildsoop­r-To, mum, I can't titulars of a genuine; honest homer -11 street we reagi-ed bi this treatment, X11 small W. A. Ross, East St tion is now settled by the ,treat possi- ,,OOk. Cure, by which I was permanent) re- ` , , . and *e4ordow of the WY en!2ed And . I t � manly vigor, ", . . W wo 41L 'Victim of sibuses ,6%cew � 1. is the pure fibre from the spruce tree Whore su"r comes; vvom. Ifleritig froth beVVOUS; , . P ' , after years o at GODERIM". W104 bilitles offered by Fibre C sinlois. stored to h1alth and I 1 4 , - � . qpifl� manhood' $tilTcoo"'rs fill'a made as soft as silk or wool by AD in- 1.1" n b f04" **Otz Ith,rogosin ere Jig the Island of Cuba 131tuat- debility, sexual weak ess, n'g t losses' , -yt , - . 'a ifie 1� toresting chemical processo and then ed?" Asked an Austin school teacher of an unken pa -ft I WAS robbed ' Doo Build Withiut A Plano ;:= I i0m. dislArveveniti ,A felted, together just hr - SbW4 IWIt be dkheartewA if ua&A a wrioill, ruthor fOrlorn-100king boy. and thequitckaywhMIT"ci as wool or d - 6, �1! I , disheartened q Cotton to, making a strong, wind- 17 dunn% air", lk Met faith �n w4okind. _1�it' thank y�f r yd�l., Let us show you that �w- I . - ,,Vl� ,," _ proof and cheap fabric, Nearly "Don't you, know where ougw eorn" heaven, It ain now well vigorous and. . ��"4. :P1,11 exist; ' 0 ""';', , , � " ib- ' x , �!` dlcltl =ewi 44 bustnew honor still , '13 , "' . - J. ADES FOWLER & GO., hem g4,'hsnd k Wd. Write (or our book every one knows that sprupe Is one of frp,n?" � strong, and wish to =416 this �ertal x ,,!i.,, ,,,, � the beat non-conductors of beat and "Yet, sit; w* b6"Ows It froM the nelt. means of cure k1l6tv ' ' alIgufferots. I ,, . '4�, . I - Cjvjt-,(,4nXineers with. ' 100'0""atld PT6061. Stmt gftkdt cold to be found --so this in erlin n , ---Nfrror. I . I , Architects and , dooj ileighbor. have nothing sell and want no 4 I f '. ", .. ' � a 0sVtwCn,tnt.!6Moe ! Wo Are a In rt� =, OX sela"'M made entirely frow the wool fiffoM, Money but bernig 9, IfIrm belle In , , , q , I In 611fitan ind, are , st-4 I unlVorSal br6th6+,,d of 16 par.1 t sppply Pismo', Spe8iftallons afid details thorough protection from the rhost cold run of Kim Business. the man, I - - SaWLe tirne , * . any cissa 6 work at most tea "Ths, IlAppj.� 1116 forle !r . I 1�. SIEVENCAL 001 I NOW Nat _1 reasonable rates. I of, OdArchin Winds. at the t fMow fs full of businesm" ate of helping the tinf6rtlint, , If I . , i L, �, � , f1he natural beat Of the body. ate to regain their heitIth and 1�11 , Peit,6ntl)r4i,NfngaptootodAodbio0is obtsln�d- Th hogLe flie'to ht "Why. he's drun)L" recy ajld�,,- , *,', �' �' 111� united WIM Ito list ­rjov I lna,ow; b4 is a wbJ&y druni. nese, I proullSe you perfect sed Valuations and Inspections oarclully made. Mrs. Annie Dyer aged fifty-eight, weight and pliablonature make It, an as I do not Wish t6 eXpose, Iny tea of murdering a vwt.".�-Wfi:*6. I � Self A, *Mply : P, O. nor�, - at , ".�. ea�sgxperiencesnOntario- who was convicted: . . - -1% .. 1. - I either, address, 1, IC t 25 Y invaluable intirlinitiq for outer eloth toll ' , number of Infants, rind throwing their Ing of every deactiption. L 3%, London, ODL Mail address—P. 0, BOlt 210, Clint on. bodies Into the Thames, Was hanged. 11:�, .11, I J., I � - I i I I` �. _� A -1 PAVEATS 'V / Cop ZI I 11� A I �,/l f r— —I",` g, , I 'T 141)04 � S E� � , 1 7�� I , 1 - I , I L I 4 I- 11 I !�% - , , L L :, 1. .1 L I 1 le d! , ��, " , , , , • 1 - , :_ , ,'�, . � , I � :, � I L�, I .1. I �t , ­' I �_ , � I L I ,'�, , , � : "�'L - I t L L 1, I - i 1, , ,I_ :L� i'. I I 1, 11 L'�,:�� - ' ' ' , I I , -:�ea,,d,da' � , '� I S�_,.�' � `­­ � 'L - �� ' "", , -ILI �.-' . I .