HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1896-06-10, Page 34 tug, a 1at1QrporPied 4y Act of Parliament 1856, WITAL, $ KIM REST. j EkMONTREAL. F. It. R. MOLSON President, V. "DRERSTAN THOMAS, General Mau% at- Noteo discounted, Collections made, Drafts issued, Sterling and American ex- change bought and sold at lowest current rates. Ifarnaser A rowauON DsrOaIT& �'8R3a2lilRB_ Money advanced to farmers on their own notes with one or mon endorsers. No mortgage re- quired as socurity. H. 0. BREWER, • Manager, December, 1895. L1NT0n. G. A �Ciaggart . 131ANKER &LBERT STREET, CLINTON. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED, Voles1110:1 ed. - Drafts Issued. Allowed on Deposits. Clinton, JuncBth, 1301 658Y �edierYz��� OR. W. GUNN, 1 . R. 1C. P, rod L. R. C. S., ,Edinburgh. Office - Ontario streck Clinton. Night call" at front door of residence on lUttonbury street, opposite Presbyter. j Ian church, DR. TURNBULL. i J. L. Turnbull, M„ B. Toronto Univ. ; M. 1) It]., Victoria Univ. M. C. P. k S. Oct, ; t flow 01 the obstetrical society' of Edinburgh. Lab f London, Eng., and Edinburgh hospitals Office: - Dr. DoWey's stand, Ratten''ury St. Night calls .newered at OHice. DR. SHAW. Office in Hodgen's Blook, Rtttenbury St., Oliaton, Jut. Night calls at same plscc. Jas. S. Freeborn, X -D , i L. K. a Q. 0. P., I., M. 0 .P, & S. 0., &c., Seo. Graduate of King's & Queon's College of Physicls.ris, Dublin, Ireland, Licentiate of the General Medical Council, Groat Britain. Member of College of ehyeiai%va aid surgeons, Ontario. Formerly rest. dent o the Rotunda Hospital (Lying-in and Gynw. jological), Dublla. Special attention to dieossos of women and ohiMron. Onlae and reaidence,Rattenbury St., next door to Ontario St. Methodist parsonage. ,829-1y jay �Deati�try Dr. Bruce, Surgeon Dentist. OFFICE -Over Taylor's Shoe Store, Clinton, Ont. Special attention to pre- fservat on of natural teeth. N. ill visit Blyth every Monday, and Hayfle every Thursday afternoon during the sumih Ra Agnew, L. D. S., D. D. S. DENTIST. Graduate of Royal College of Dental Sur- geons of Ontario. Hono' (Traduate of Trinity University, Toronto, Best Local Anaesthetic for painless extraction. Office opposite Town Hall, ovor swallow's Stor.i. Night Bell at ewered. Will visit Hensall ev ry Monday, and Zurich the 2nd Thursday of trach month MG. CAMERON, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR . Conveyancer, &o. Office -corner Hamilton and St. Andrews -eta., opposite Colborne Hotel, Goderich. 888-tf RC. HAYS, Barrister, Solicitor, to. Office, corner • North Street and Square, [near Registry Office, Goderich, Ont. e7. X• Money to tend at lowest rates of Interest. J. scomT, Barrister, t c., ELLIOTT'S BLOCK, - - CLINTON. Money to Loan. -- E • CAMPION, Q • C, ty, RISTER, SOLICITOR., r NOTARY, tl C. , tGloderlieh, - Ont. offioe-Over Davla' Drag Store. Money to loan_ M • 0 • JOHNSTON, BARRISTER, - - SOLICITOR, COMMISSIONER, ETC., Gloderich, - . - ant. orrioe---Cor. Hamilton and St. Andrew's Sts. W. BRYDONE., BARRISTER - - SOLICITOR. NOTARY PUBLIC, t�c,, OFFICE BEAVER BLOCK CLINTON. 817-0 -Money to Xtud. jl CONEY to lend in large or small sums ov good l4� mortgages or personal security at the lowest surrent rates. H. HALE, Huron at. Clinton. Money. Money to lend on good seourity at 61 and 6 per cent. Apply to 0. RIDOUT, Albert St., Clinton. 862.tt. Wm. Moore Has Removed CORE'S BLOCK, HURON STREET, CLINTON. I am better then ever prepared to supply the pnb. .c with the Latost Improved Singer Sewing Machines. 'Needles in stook and parts supplied for all makes ,61 Machines. Agent for the Calls rated Leader Churn and the most r9ltable Washers and Wringers. The most critical inspection Invited. WM. MOORE, Vast of Commorolal H tel, Hneon( Street, Clinton 8w.t ,.gats 0• Lr NV. f rir1A�� QLTN'�1?Q x3, " Meets $woo1r[lna Monday of every alai». Hwi1 And fiat. Maxty block, Visiting brethren elwaye mode welcome. DR, J. 8. FRICEBOBN, W, M. P. CANT N, JR, Sea J. P. SBSPPAttD., D. M A. M- 0106ts I,j a esy Fri dagg8o�ga orealto; the &moon, Visit "I'll ng l thren oordla110mvltad A. J. OLLOWAY, W. M. J, B. RUMBALL, Sac. Clinton, Dec. 6, 1898. - g. 0. T. M. Hearns Tent No. 60, Knights of the Maoosbeee of Ebe World. x11.000, 62,000 and $9,000 Policies. Mem- bership over 100,000. Assessment principle -has no or exceoded 12 aseossments in a year. Choupest and safo,t In oxiatenee. Meets in Orange Hall, ra., ton, Arst and third Friday of every mouth. COOK'S FLOUR & FEED STORE, Clinton, BRAN and SHORTS in Large or Small Quantities. OIL CAKE, LINSEED MEALS 10 lbe. Choioe Oatmeal for ono Buahel Oats D. COOK, CLINTON. ,'$ Hurmn IN ,ups iteG>W study Yourown.NA� tial fftlllld Qo cttrer� ' you opts Net �l���bl� � �afrn��sfl I alanutboture ;lone but the Dior or STootc. Bejeart of shops that 4011 oheag, err they hsps g Ar.06 to lice. iF 0%11 an gget dues. gkdorP by mail promp1%!teadtd to J'oI1TV $�iL�7 HARNESS Expoitrum, 13LYT11, ONT , WZDNESDA'Y, JUNE 10t4, 1W6. " � , f • ,f�U�E You nate the difference in , ' children. Some have nearly witnoutwarningievery ailment, evert with w the best of care. Others far - THe HOMESTEAD. more ex osed ass throw h t' ' NOTICE. men There being some misunderstanding with rt - Bard to wreckage, lot It be distinctly undorstood that It any person takes possession of avy kind of wreckage and fails to report to me I shall at once take proceedings. Remember this Is the last warning I shall gqive. CAPT. WK. BABB. Receiver of Wrecks Goderieh, Goderich, Bapt. 891. FOR SALE. The property at present occupied by the on- derelgued as a residence on the Huron Road, in the Town of Qoderiob, consisting of one half of au acre of land, good frame house -story and a half-eeven rooms, including kitchen, hard and soft water, good stone collar, stable, wood and carriage houses, There are also some good fruit trees. This property is beautifully situated and vary suitahle for any;peraon wishing to li ve retired• For further particularss ply to ll. CAMPION, 642-tf r Barrister.Goderloh. J. C. STEVENSON, Furniture Dealer, &c. TNF LEADING UNDERTAKER AND 762-tf FUNERAL DIRECTOR. ]ILL'S FEED STOREY ally I will mail in a sealed letter, par- Opposite Town Hall, Clinton, Ont r GO TO THE HURON STREET, CLINTON. U� u1 on Shaving Pallory� Parlor The Best Early Seed Potatoes, and all For first -clava Hair -Cutting iada of first-class Clover, Timothy, Field and ShaviDg. nd Garden Seeds, Flour and Feed of all smith's block, opposite Post Office, Clinton inds. Closest living prices for cash. SALT lig0ERTON, Proprietor. a stock and for sale. TEAS of the choicest arieties and blends. Excellent value. �. WATS & CO•, r W. HILL, Huron St., Clinton CyEMISTS & DRUGGISTS central Butcher Shop. Great Northwestern Telegraph office, Albert Street, Clinton COUCH & WILSON �- PROPERTY FOR SALE OP "The Subsoribors desire to notify the public that they ave bought out the butchering bnsin1 lately con- 1IIt RENT.-Advertisere will find 01 News -Record" one of the best itlediums acted by Mr- Jae. A. Ford, and will continue the ame tinder their personal "up -vision, Orders will In the County of Iluron. A,'vertise 1n 'The News- Reco rd" -Th a Double Circulatio0 Talks ,ave prompt and careful attentloa. Fresh meats of to Thousands. Rates a low as any. dl kinds will be kept In season, Hold at reasonable ate to regain their health and happi- ate* and and delivered anywhere in town,p PUMPS! PUMPS! PUMPS ±RTHUR COUCH, CHAS N. WILSON. as I do not wish to expose myself CLINTON. It you want a first -char, well -made pnmp, one that �t1 E N T RA L BUTCHER SHOP l win give you satisfaction,a Hand your order to the nnderaigned. He will digg and clean wells and do it at d .'► the closest prices. fie also handles a drat-olass _ FORD & MURPHY, FORCE PUMP. JAMES FERGUSON (Successors to J. W. Langford.) Oppoait Queen's Hotel - High street Clinton, Having bought out the above business, we intend 809-tt ,o conduct it 01) the caeh principle, sod will supply ay >ur customers with the beat menta at the lowest Pay- ng prices. ng F. W. F g A .� � U In B FORD& MURPHY. New Butcher Shop. - ,MEMBER OF ASSN OF P. L. B.) Provincial Land Surveyor The undersigned desires to intimate to and Civil Engineer, the people of Clinton and vicinity that he has ypeuec a butcher shop in the store of W. LONDON, ONT, Dore, Huron Street. He has had many years Orriez-At G. J. Stewart's Grocery store,1 y Clio" Ixperience, and feels that he can ],rive the tan' Btt beat satisfaction. He wil sell strictly for ,,ash, and at the lowest possible prices. ORDEus RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED. M. W. WRIGHT, - Clinton. LIVE HOGS WANTED. Highest Market Price Paid, D. CANTELON, Clinton. 1193-tf. B. THOMLINSON, VETERINERY SURGEON, Honorary Graduate of tae Ontario Veterinary Col. !ego, Toronto. Treats all diseases of Domestic Animals on th most modern and Sotenti0e Principles. Da, and Night Calle Promptly Answered. Residence-Rattenbury Street, West, Cllton Ont J, E BLACHALL, VoterinarY surgeon, honorary graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, treats 'diseases of all domestic animals on the most modern and scientific pprl nciplee, 'Calla attended to night or day. .91rl on rsasa street, next Now Era otRoe Residence -Albert street. Clinton. Goo, Trowhill, Horseshoer and General Black- smith, Albert Street, North, Clinton. JOBBING A SPECIALTY. Woodwork Ironed and flrst clava material and work guaranteed; farm implements and machines rebuilt and repaired. Card of Thanks. TO MY MANY PATRONS: I desire to tender my sincere thanke for the very liberal patronage aecord ed me in the past and to inform the public that I am still in the Carpet Wo?iving Business on East Street, Goderich, next the Bicycle Factory. Personal and mail orders will ae uenal receive, prompt attention. All elapses of work a specialty, at the lowest poe- sible prices, and satisfaction guaran- teed, W. A, Ross, East Street, GODERI C til. Don't Build Without A Plan, Cantelon Bros, GENERAI, GROCERS dt PROVIS- ION MERCHANTS. Grockery, Glass & Cainan are i ALBERT ST. CLINTON, ONT. Highest Cash Price for Butter and Eggs', 752-ly BILI HEADS, NOTA J,printel da, Letter Houde, Tags, Statets, Circulars, Business Cardsnvelopes, Programmes, etc., 1n a workman. like manner and atlow ratee,at Tun NEWS-RECORDofllco, NOTICE TO NEWS -RECORD READERS. The publisher would esteem it a favor if roto' would, when making their purchases aention At they saw the merchant's 4vortlBeL.ent in Sur N awa- Rises, Ro, The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Company. Farm and Isolated Town Proper- ty only Insured. OFFICARH, Oeorge Watt, President, llar)ock P. O.; James Broadfoot, Vice -Prep., Seaforth P. 0.; W. J, Shan- non, Secy. Troop., Seaforth P. 0 : Afichael Murdle, lnspectar of lossee, 9ealorth P. 0. D1aaCTOR8, Jnmoe Broadfoot, Heaforth; Michael Murdle, R•ea- forth; George Dole, Heafortb; George Wntt, tlarlo ok Thomas F., Ilaya,Seaforth; Alex Oardlner, Leadbu ry Thomas Garbutt, Clinton; John McLean, Iii ppen. aORNTB. Thomas Nellar,e, Il arlock; Robert McMillan, Son. forth and James Cnmminge, Egmondvllle. Parties deslroue to effect Insurance or trans- act other hu"inees will be promptly attend- ed to on applanation to any of the above nalcera ad• dressed to their respective poet oficea, PERFECT MANHOOD! How attained -how re- stored -how p1'eserved, OrdinaryworksonPhy- Your Biology will not tell lou t the doctors can t or on but all the atone y you wish to know' SEXUAL POWERS toe the Key to Life • and its reproduction. Our book lays bare the 1 truth. Every man wbo would regain sexual vi- gor lost through folly, funs eM or develop members weak by nature or wasted by diseane, should write for our sealed book, "Perfect Man. J. ADES FOWLER &CO.," Nocharga nrldre t;n-nfirlence)s Architects and Civil Engineers ERIE MOICAL CO.. BdWo. N,y, Are opening a permanent office in Clinton and are prepared to supply Plans, Specifications and details for any class of work at most reasonable rates. Patent Drawings prepared and patents obtained. Valuations and inspections earefolly made. 26 Years Experience in Ontal'io- Hall address -P- O. Bort 210, Chat On. 0 and Women Drop Every Day From Heapt Disease, Paine's Celery Conpound Cures This Prevalent and Terrible Disease. Testimony of a Lady who Suffered for Long Years. Day after day the newspapers give accounts of very sudden deaths from heart difease. The trouble is it cony mon and a prevalent one in this busy and rushing age, but too often lightly regarded by those who (:xpetience the symptoms daily. Symptoms may be surnlned up as follows; the nervous system is usu1111y out of condition; there are sharp pains in the heart; it is impossible to take it long and deep breath; the pulse is irregular; there is palpitation; very often a dry irritable cough, and the sufferer is full of gloomy thoughts. In order to cure heart disease, every one of the symptorns must be forever, banished. The medicineshed. The medicine to pure tnust possess the virtues and powers to strengthen the entire nervous system Paine's Celery Compound is the only Medicine that can build up and tone the nerves, and give to the life -stream -the blood -that purity and richness that guarantees freedom from all disease. Hundreds of physicians are prescribing Paine's Celery Compound every clay for all forms of heart trouble, and their success is marvellous and encouraging. Those who Experience all the awful symptoms of heart disease, those who are brought to the verge of the grave by nervous debility, mentaldepreSSIOD, sleeplessness, dyspepsia, liver and kidney affections, find in Paine's Celery Compound a true friend and life-giving agency. Mrs. E. Rankin, of Courtright, Ont., writes: "With great pleasure I beg to inform you of the good I have re- ceived from the use of Paine's Celery Compond. For a number of years I have been in very poor health owing to various caugcs, and lately I was advised to try your medicine. I used three bottles, and have received a world of good. My severe headaches are completely banished, and the heart disease from which I suffered for thirty years, has almost disappeared, and altogether Iain vastly improved. I am fully convinced that Paine's Celery Compound is all that it is recommended t0 be." England is suffering from the most severe drought in years. In six weeks in London the rainfall has been only two-tenths of an inch. A New Hamburg Citizen Released from Four Months' Imprisonment. Mr. John Kock, hotel keeper, New Hninhurg, Ont.: "I have been a great sufferer from rheumatism. The hast attack commenced last October, and kept me in the house four nionths, when two hottles of South American Rheumatic Cure cornpletely cured me. Had I secured the r•ernedy when I first contracted rheumatism it would have saved me months of pain and sufferings." If you suffer from rhea noatisnl or neuralgia do not delay, but try South American Rheumatic Oure now. It, will relieve in it few hours and care radically in a few days. ---Sold by Watts & Co. Weak, Nervous Women. One to whom a night's rest was unknown. Strength and good health restored, I was subject to frequent attacks of nervousness that seemed to sap all my vitality and left me in a state of weak- ness and misery. I could not relish food and such a thing A9 a good night's rest was unknown. Incapable of any exer. tion and with an ever present tired and despondent feeling. Medicines that I took did not do any good ; it was a case of gradually becoming weaker and weak. er. Hearing of Scott's Sarsaparilla and its success with similar cases to mine, I used it, and from the first few doses began to get better, appetite returned, got natural and refreshing sleep. I grew stronger, in fact life seemed to be fanned into activity. -Lottie Graham, 174 Craw- ford Street, Toronto. For any weakness of the nerves, pale and sallow complexion, loss of appetite The alleged revival of Fenianism is use the best blood and nerve reme y ex- The sotne excitement in London. tint, Scot''- Sarsaparilla. Insist e, get - creating ting Scott fs-imitations do net cuss. The Scotland Yard detectives say they are only waiting for the opportune rnomebt to proceed against, certain men for conspiracy. j , r r :n +, ..6• na- Y da,�Y.. -_ n �te �- "' L�1( ♦ M' titl�.ur',.�1. WL.Yt.�1 E�./li.�',d♦aY)9E'Sl.,�i: - - - . h.�'{li _ ' P P g One of the Most Important Things is unharmed. Weak children Pure Well water, will have continuous colds The Lomln.on Experimental Farru in winter, poor digestion in ohemiat glves In his yearly report the analytical data of 6b samples of well summer. They are with - waters from Canadian fnsm% examin- out power to resist disease, ed during the past year. The question they have n0 reserve Is one of supreme importance and should be taken Into consrderatlon in strength. Scott's Emulsion planning and building the new house. Tyre remarks of the chemlat are timely Of cod -five -roil, -,w- it,1 llypi - and pertinent. He Saye : In many phosphites, is cod-liver Oil oesea we have been obliged to advise tht Immediate dlswritinuance of the partly digested and adapted use of the water for household pur- to the weaker digestions Of poses, for a large proportion of the eanlples proved on analysis to be serl- children. o sly polluted. I 5WTT & BOWNA, Bellevillo, Ont. sec, and 41.00 The importance of pure and unpollut- ed water to the health of nban and -- - - - animals, and the danger that drainage HUMPt?QEYIS7- in water contaminated with drainage rAih j, we have emphasized In previous re- Dr. Humphreys' SpeclBcs am scientifically and Ports and at the chief agricultural con- carefully prepared Remedies, used for years In Venb]ons. It is now well known that private practice and for over thirty years by the many Infectious diseases are conveyed people with entire succesa. Every single 8peclao through an Impure watter supply, and, a epOolal cure for the disease named. further, that thrift In the farm cattle NO. SPUCIFao rots rarcca and first-class, wholesome dairy pro- 1-Feversr Congest Ous, Inn -in atlona.. .25 ducts are largely dependent upon a 3%--Teethi , Worn' Fever, worm Wakefulness .2b p 3�Peethingt Ooll0. Crying. Wakefulness .25 plentiful supply of good water. The 4 -Diarrhea, of Children or Adults...... .25 value ofth•la branch o ':- f our work, Coaahs, Colds, Bronchitis .............. .25 therefore, is obvious, slues without an 8 -Neuralgia, Toothache, Faceache..... 25 analysis it Is usually very difficult to 9-DyovePha. Sick Headache, Vertigo.. .25 10-Dyapepeia, II111ousntosr Conatlpatlou. .25 judge of the purity of water. I1 -Suppressed or Painful Periods... .25 A word of eautlon may be given to 111 -Whites, Too Profuse Periods........... .25 those about to sink vvells. Information 13 --Croup, Laryogitla, Hoarseness...... .25 received from those forwarding 14 -Salt Itheum, Erystpelas,Eruptions.. .25 samples shoats that man farmers wells 15-12heamatlen., Rheumatic Pains...... .25 3 10 -Malaria, Chills, Fever and Ague...... 25 are In the stable or barn -yard or at 19 -Catarrh, influenza, Cold In the Read. .25 best dangerously near the privy or 20 -Whooping Cough ...................... .25 other polluting sources. The result of 27 -Kidney Df8e1ftee8 ..................... .25 this convenient (?) method is that too 28 -Nervous Debility .....................1.00 often an lrrflltratlon of drainage into 30 -Urinary Weakness .................. .25 34 -Sore Throat, Quincy, Ulcerated Throat,25 tht, well has taken pierce; indeed, in ss n DR. HUMPHREYS' �f ry 2rye5 many Instances the well has been 77 SPECIFIC FOR GRIP, c. found to be a veritable cess -pit con- Put up!Rmn&U bottles of pleasant pellets, just at taming a fluid much better for water- your antvespre .its Hold by lrruggtate, orsent prvpald on receipt of price. Ing a hot -bed than for use as a bevel- Da.Doaraasre'MhxoAL(Enl.rgeda RevUee,)xAa&D ►LLaa. age. We would, therefore, strongly a,d- 11"I'lla6rs'NED.00.,111 A119w11fiemat.,XEWYORE. vise sinking the well at a safe distanceZIP from V I s such sources of contamination, V I and, further, a careful examination from time to time of the well and its environment. It must be remembered that in light sandy sails, daainWe Ab wil: travel long distances and If oppor- tunity presents itself will fled its way 0c0AVFATS,TRADEEMARKs It Into the well, which naturally offers a lower level in its passage througli' theeO" YRIGHTS. Farmers desiring to avail themselves of the privileges of water examrination v CAN I OBTAIN A PATENT? iror a at the laboratories of the Central Fwm DI U1 Na8u.-. CO., wh have End nearlZfiitwrite rs are asked to write for Instructions for experteaceInthepatent business. t�ommunim- tlons strtetly confldentlal. A handbook of la- the collection and shipment of samples. tfaoimatiothem sone corninAlso Pan Patents bow too oonb- In many instances, owing to the small teal and sotentiflo books sent free. - quantity sent, or the water being con- s eatIntscia notice taken through ScientificMunq & Cl Receive tainCad In dirty bottles it has been 1m- thus are brought widely before the public with - Possible to make an analysis upon out cost to the Inventor. Tnls splendid paper, issued weelrlyy elesantly tllnstratad, hall by Taper, which a report as to the quality of the largest Irl= loon of any scientific wort to the samples could be based. world. 3 a yOar. Sample ooptes sent tree. Bulldin8g Edltlon monthly, f12.60 a year. Single Copies, 2b cents. 'Every number contains beau - A Horne to Be Proud of. f h This pretty modern house can be built for bl?AO to i15W according to the interior finish. The plans are etspeci- ally deslrable for a farm dwelldng There is a cellar under tate whol4 A HANDSOME HOME*. house with JwMde and outside err tranoes. The oommendable features of this house are the spacious, well-llgh.t- ed and arranged rooms, the hall and the roof -covered porch, without which tl ul plates, in CO ON, and p otograpbe W new houses, with plans, enabling Dutiders o show the latest designs and secure contracts. Address MUNN do CO. NM Ymrx, 301 BROADWAY. �w A PERFECT TEA MONSOON Ttte FINCOT TCA IN THE WORLn TEA FROM THE TEA PLANT TO THE TEA GOP IN ITB NATIVE PURITY. " Monsoon '• Ten is put up by the Indian Tea growers as a sample of the best qualities of Indian Tsar• Therefore they use the greatest care in the selection of the Tea and its blend, that is why they put it up themselves and sell it only in the onmull packages, thereby decuring its purity and exeell1nCc. Put up m j ib., i lb. and S Ib. packages, and never odd in bulk. ALL GOOD GROCERS KEEP iT. If your `rec.-er does not keep it, tell him to write W •TEEL, HAYTER & 00. 11 and 1a Front Wrest East Toronto GROUND FLOOR PLAN AND UPSrAIRS ARRANGEMENT. a house is not complete. The closets, lar".. and numerous,the pantry and the bay window, in whdoh the housewife eepeolally delights, are not to be over- looked, says Farm and Home, from which the article and cuts are repro- duced. Houses In Trees. Not many years ago the custom of bulldring houses in the branches of trees was a common one among many of the savage peoples of the Paclflc lslands, but latterly the custom has become less general. Tree houses have also been seen by travelers in three districts of Africa -by Naehtlgal, near the 9harl river In the Soudan; by Greenfell, on the Mobangf, and by Wolf, on the Lomamd. The natives whom Nachtlgal and Greenfell saw In their little houses, perched high up among the branches, appear to use these elevated struc- tures only as places of refuge In time of danger, but Dr. Wolf on the I.o- mamd dllncovered tree-dweilers wino prefer to live always among the branches, out of the easy reach of their enemies and of the freshets that frequently Inundate their laude. We have heard more of the tree - dwellers In Borneo than of those in tiny other part of the world. But these buildings are also found in con- siderable numbers In New GiAnea and the Solomon Island& Some tribes thew have long been In the habit of buillbing houses fifty or allty feet from the ground. When their lookouts report the approach of the enemy in t'helr rowiboats the danger stgnal is wnununicated by a peoultar cry, 7%eh the women amA ehildren climb into the tree -houses by means of rough Madders, and w&tch, safe from harm, the oonfilet w'hfeb en- Bue& FIrearma are re"Onsible for take abandonment of these tree -houses for ground d%*Uings. The poor er*atui- prefer to utile their ehanXW Of b&" Blot aft the xtngttnd.--[Golden Dt►I,rat. J CURES � -- POSITIVELY Lost Power, Ncrvous Debility, Fulling Manhood, Secret Di- seases, caused by the errors and excesses of youth. Youngg middle-aged or old Tfi1RD MAMrM men,sufferingfrnrolhceffccts of follieq and excesses, restored to health, man- hood and vigor. Price $1.00, 6 boxes for $5.00. Sent by mail, securely Rented. Write P,r our book, "Slarlling Facia," for Men only, tells you how to get well and stay well. Address, QUEEN MEDICINE CO., Bos 94T.. MONTREAL. In the committee debate in the Irn- perial House of Commons on the second reading of The cattle, Exclusion hill, the amendment to provide that the oFF�eration of the Act might hesuspend- ed byy the Privy Council was rejected by 2()2 to W votes. ONE HONEST MAN, a. Dear Editor; -Please infoekii goer ,- readers, that if written to confidenti- ally I will mail in a sealed letter, par- ticulars of a genuine, honest home r Cure, by which I was permanent] y re- stored to health and manly vigor, after years of suffering from nervous f:,• debility, sexual weakness, night losses and weak shrunken parts. I was robbed and swindled by the quacks until I near- ly lost 'faith in mankind, but thank heaven, I am now well, vigorous and 1 strong, and wish to make this certain means of cure known to all sufferers. I have nothing to sell, and want no money, but being a Hrm believer in ;{pl the universal brotherhood of man, I am desirious of helping the unfortun- ate to regain their health and happi- ness, I promise you perfect secrecy and c . as I do not wish to expose myself either, address, simply t P. O. Box 888, London, Ont. r is