HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1919-09-04, Page 8•
I Fall: Goo.
Many exclusive, lines of new styles and eloth
in Fall and Winter Ready-to-wear and Furs now on
.4 display for the coining season.
▪ Ladies' New Suits, Coats, Dresses,
,2kle Class Hudson Seal Coats and Furs.
Headquarters for Society Brand tloths, Twentieth
Capes and Dolmans
We are sole agents for Holt Renfrew's h11 -
Century Clothes, Borsalino Hats,
The Store with the Stock.
NOTE -60 Boys'
Suits on sale for
one week at $8.98, all sizes.
Morris western home. :
Xr. Walter Forrest took in the Exhibi-
.•• tion at Toronto last week.
Mies Etta and Clara. Agar were
• :onto visitors last week.
Dr. Mary Fincllater and Misses Ruby,
and Irene Clegg of Belgrave, are visitors
• at Wm„Eindlater's oil the znd line.
, Mr. and Mrs- James Cassels, Dr. and
Mrs. Robert Cassels of Flint, Michigan !
are iCisiting at Mr. Jae. Golley''s. •
• Mrs., john Robinson and Mr. Harold •
McIntosh of Kincardine speet the week -1
end at Mr, Thomas Abraham's. • I
• • Mr. John Casemore is visit ipg in 'Strat.
ford fore. few days. ' • -•••• - .
" • •
• Mr. and Mrs: George :Coulter and Mr. i
Oliver • Campbell .attended the Toronto;
Exhibition last Weekee •
Mrs, Jn-tes F.dger of Teeswater,is
lug at,Mr. Will Edgersxpe
Aft; aiid Mrs. John'. Hunter Visited at
-Will•Robertson's of Belgrave lest week,
Wroxeter •
Mr. Thomas Thompson and Mr. Wil-
liam Carter, moved their household effects
• to Harrieton last week, where they wit
reside in future
Mrs. Scott Black who has been :spend-
ing a month or more visiting frionde here,
left on Tuesday for Kippeo, • where she
will visit friends before returning to her
The.ladies of Wroxeter intend organiz-
ing a Women's Institute and a meeting
for that purpose will bu held in Mrs Tote's
rooms cio "VVedneeetay, September 10th at
2 30 in the afterpoon; The Province&
Organizer is eepectedto be present and
explain the work MI the ladies of the
communite- are invited,
- •
We are glad io hear .that Mr. Samuel
Philipswhetinderivent an operation in
the hospital at Wirighem is improving as
well as can be expected
Glad to see .Pte. .Cecil Orchard who
arrived back from overseas, one day last
week. He certainly has seen some of the
hardships that they endured over there.
He is at. present visiting at., Edward
Mr, and Mrs. Edward Haines are at
present on a trip to Toronto, Hamilton
and other places,
Mrs Joseph Nixon and see, James, vis-
ited at Fordyce on Sunday last.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nixon and family,
Mr. and Mra. Harry Nixon and his fatn,
ily, visited at M. Willie Nixon's on Sun.
day last.
Mr. James Martin has alerted out
threshing again at present. He is engag.
ed in the ninth concession.
Glad to hear that Mr. George Mexand
er whd had an attack of appendicitis is
able to be around again
. .
. Use only three level tea.
spoonfuls for five cups
TELACis good -tea'
Sold only in sealed packages
ASURERElir Ettlift11011STIIEIACIff
15 suds
A preparation which has won It enviable reputation
solely on its merits. The safe, sure and speedy remedy
for all Rheumatic complaints.
Ask yourtiruggideo wrIte its fi•rnur new bool.let ; It k flarreming•RUdeosts yon nothing
;•Tesuptet..ng,152 Vinanywhfre on rectipt of VAC
See Agent for jWALTON NicKIBBON pLrtr.tn'i
Wiliteoburch .
' Mrs, Sam Leggett and daughter 4
)rayton„ are visitiug re1ative:4 hese it
Mr. and 111re, Alex Illowbrey •
children of Dungannon are speeding
few days with friends here, . • t
Mr. aud 11Irs. D. lVicTavish of Kipley,
visited in the village over the week.end
Mr. MeTavish conducting the service en
the Presbyterinn rhumb. on Sunday
Miss Isobel Vox left this week for On
where site Intends going to High Scheel
for a year.
Miss Lillian Longman left this week
for Windsor where she is -engaged to
teach this term.
Mrs. Kerr of Wingliam visited her
sister, Mrs. Joe Holmes Ws week,
Mr. Milton Rintoul and Miss Ina of
Toronto, visited their father, Mt Chas
Rintoul over Sunday. Milton has just re
tweed from overseas.
We are pleased to welemne Pte. Herb
Laidlaw home from overseas.
Mr, and Mrs. Robert MeCleuagban and
Clarence are visiting friends in Cleveland,
Ohio, for a couple of weeks.
,thiss Ise, Simpson returned to her
szhool in Chicagolast week, Miss Made -
Simpsou, Miss Bina Henry and Mrs.A.
11. Musgeove accompanied her up ilie•
lakes, Reines far as Dulutsh.
Misses Merle Wilsou and Lila Eannere:
son Conducted, the Guild Meeting on
Stuiday evening, The topic for Sept.
7th is "Our relations to -others, neighbors
aud friends" and the leaders are Messrs,
John Gilles and Tames Faleoner.:"
Among those who attended the Toronto
Pair last week were -Mr, and Mx, 17,4m.
Dawson, Miss Olive Terriff, Mrs,
Moore and, Milan, Mr. ArthureMoqre,
Miss Lillian Longmau, Niss 1,* -4 John.
stoic, Mr. and Mrs, Dustin Beeceoft,
Beecroft, ?las. Pnrclon, Sr.
, Messrs, Jas. and Archie Patereon lat•e:
spending a few days in Toronto.; , •
Miss Coiling has resumed heeedettiee ete
teacher at S. S. No, io, Kinloss. • " =
The Labor Day Sports were a greed
Success. The weather being •the -very.
best and a splendid crowd turned' out, to;
enjoy the day, , The kiltie Baud of Luck.'
now supplied the music. The afternoen
sports consisted of races, etc., for -the
children also a football 'match, between'
St. Augustine and Whitechurcb,. with
scoreof t to ,o in favor of the visitore.
Mr Miller -of Winghtun had a booth Oh,
the grounds and was kept quite- busy.
Front 6 to 8 o'clock in the evening sup..
per Was served iu the basement of the,
Presbyterian church, The tables -were,
'laid with,goodthings showing the gen-4
erous way the.,ladies . provide In Ithe'l
evening the chairman, Rev.. Mr. ,Seeleie •
opened the program, with a Jew .retharks
and then We wefe favored by theklefek-
now pipe band with a few selectiir, also
solos by Miss McNeil and Mr.
quartette selections by the IlroWiltBiose
accompanied by their mother did thee
young sort, who also contriiiuted tothe
programme Recitations by Mee, Rev.
Heuderson; and:addresses by Potenheter
Musgrove ,ef Wengham and Mee -',It.' D
Cameron aim:know, also violeh
ty lass re; McGee and Henke. The
main feattue of the program waethe Pre-
seutatien of goltrinedals to teeretue•ned
heroes, ,end shields to the mailer* Of
Our heroes 'who fell. Mr.. Dan4u Ken-
nedy odbehalf ofe, the soldiers thanked
the people.viry kindly and said the) all
felt they had merely done their; duty to
King ano. country. The evening closed
with the singing of the National Anthem,
The proceeds of the day eVere about
The following visitors were here' for
the holiday: -Mr. told I%trs. Gevin Mid-
dleton, geetie, leek awl Coil all- of
Molesworth; Mrs. Rev, Peurose, Thoinas
and Eva of West Lorne; Mrs. -pireGi.tviu
of Wingleam; Mr, and Mrs. Phillips and
family of Auburu; 1Vir, and • Mrs. .Ed.
Garton of Brussels; Miss Maggie Garton
of Brussels; Messts. Geo. and Thee. Alex
ander and Miss Gillie of $t. Helens; Mrs,
W. j. Greer, Misses Eartisclille and Edda
Musgrove of Wingham; Mr? and Mrs.
Geo, ivIewhray i4 kioy f 3blevale;
Pte. Alex C. Xeettedy from
Itratik Vanner of Witiliau IJ •Afr.
Geo. Rintoul of Wingiutin,4
- • ;
In order to provide Western Ontario
with its own university a vigoroot effort
is now being made to develop the West-
erp UniversitY at London into a teee of
learning. The Toronto University at the
center of the province and Queen's Uni-
versity in the east Prof Lewis A Wood
director of the advancement bureatii a the
Western uniTersity was in Wingharn last
week explaining the propos* •the
University to prominent Singeing, '
"Western Ontario is made up '61 ihreP
teen connties" said Prof WOorl, irefaehited
by 800,000 people. The Wed or a Pal-
versity in this eectiort of the proelfiee te
imperative." ,
"Our plan is to develop all 'fatuities at
the Western University in 'Oda-, This
year a large medical builditig INA be
started costing over $300,000. In the
autumn an extensive campaign Will be
launched to secure an Arts buiitliog. A
splendid 200 acre site has been putchased
upon which buildings can be placed in
tuccesieve array."
An endeavor will be made to raise a
scholarship fund in Wingbarn which is
part of the University's endowment 1)len
According to this a tusk] would be gather,
(d the annual interest epon which would
term a echolarship open to (=petition in
the Wieglia fligh School, None of the
money raised would leave the commu9ity
but would be held bens in troseeiteinp."
' Interest in our propOsills 10-
e:casing in Huron county and it is 4he•
coming manifest that the development, of
a high seandard university at Lenillm wIil
mean a great saving to students tame this
di- Viet, ,
We are confident that when ter tangeiti
is made in Wiqgham that we efir Miro
geneimis support for w!,at we mars* '
be a gmet pitbU enterpristo." ' ;
One Pozen- Venttler Vallacies Regard• s
ing flood Values.
• Meat Of us, are wont to accept the
often-etetee as proven truth in
dietetic matters. The common fal-
lacies about food are repeated from
generetion to generation. Scientific
• Analysis disproves many isupposi-
tions, Here are instaneear--
1, It is often said that beef Is
more nourishing than bread ancl
cheese. 'Deere is, however, far more
nutriment in one ehilling's worth of
bread and ebeese than in beef of
ie value of one Relining. Lean beef
• very inferior to cheese as nutri-
2, Skim milk Is oupposed. to be
falueless as feod. Thle Is au error,
%Skim milk taken witIi bread, consti-
tines a sustaining meal,
3. Most persona imagine that but..
ter is considerably more nouriehing
than margarine. The fact is that the
best fresh butter and the best kinds
of margarine contain almost meetly
the same amount of uutriraent per
4, It is believed that costly cheese
Is the most nourishing, The cheaper
cheeses are mostly richer In proteld
than. the expensive sorts.
6. That potatoes are a cheaper
food than bread, is incorrect, If Po-
tatoes are eaten as substitutes for
wheaten bread the quantity must be
'eery large and the cost will not be
less than that of bread,
6, We are often told that oatmeal
le not so nutritive as wheatraeal. On
the contrary, oats contain more fatty
ingredients than wheat and aro the
most nutritious of grain foode. ••
7. Most people thini,t that rice is
indigestible, Experiments prove that
well cooked rlver is easily digested,
8. Maize is thought to be inferior
to wheat as human food. Maize un-
doubtedly contains more fat than
9. A Dover sole Is esteemed as
more valuable food than a dried
herring-. Generally speaking, cured
fish is more nourishing than fresh.
A kippered herring is better food
than a sole of first quality.
10. Nuts are regarded aa dessert
dishes and not as nourishing food.
Brazil nuts, almonds, and walnuts
have 60 per cent. of fat and are very
good foods. Butter made from nuts
is nearly as itourlehing as milk
11. It is thought that fruit is not
a food, This depends on the kind of
fruit. Dates are a staple diet in parts
of the east, and figs and raisins in a
dry state are very 'nutritive. •
12. Tea and coffee aye supposed
to be "sustaining." Neither qf theme
beverages contains nutriment, Milli
and sugar give a small food value to
the ordinary cup of tea or coffee,
Burnishlre• Silver.
„ .
A machine for burnishing silver,
the invention of a Swiss citizen, is
now extensively used in many large
hotels, restaurants and club-roems,
It le so simple that even an Inex-
perienced person • can operate it
The silverware is placed in a.
cylinder immersed in a soap solution
and eontaining- a quantity of small
steel balls end pins. The :cylinder is
slowly rotated by a motor or any
other suitable source ef power. As
the cylinder einus, the minute bells
and pins, each constituting a small
'burnishing tool, Illide,, tumble, or
roll over e the silver, removing all
tarnish and dirt, and imparting to
its surface4hat..bigh gloss and finish
which orily 'w;e11-burnished silver
will show,„ ' , '
•The 'ail bi
emlls and, pins are ef
8v'e'r.01 0,44S. and as 'they foil oyet
Ute averthey:reacn every corner
and event..ernyipe of the most dii-
°ate ornajneptatien, The durface of
the eilverWare is e:leansed as thor-
oughly as , if a; sereech-brush •had
been used-, but there is preetica Y
no abrasion. Ten per cent, of e
silvee is !bit every year in. using.the
seratch-brugh and buffer. - Palmier
Science Monthly.
Red Rag to a BuIL
How many people know the real
meaning of the phrase, "Like .e. red
• rag to a bail?"
Why should a bull, or any other
Creature, be enragecj when a piece
of scarlet cloth is flaunted before
them? For bulls are not alone in
this. Sheep, usually so ineek and
. gentle, will apparently become trans-
, ported with rage if they See anything
of this color. Geese- and turkeys are
sirailarly affected -the former ere)]
having been known to attack a sear -
let -clad child.
The excitement animals display in
such circumstances is similar to that
Caused by the smell of blood, • Here
is the theory: The color reminds the
feelenels of blood, an association
cwonini argil ypanrdia 1414yr tate gsgte) s tts4 ebxo dei lxyp rdeisss-
their terror by the only means they
International Switzerland.
It is the peculiar charaeteristie of
Switzerland that, after crossing its
frontiers, one never appears to have
wholly left the neighboring countries
• behind, The northern "gates" seem
to introduce one to a Mc:Willed Ger-
many; at Geneva one Is still hi a
Preach -speaking country; .while the
inapression ow receives upon' enter-
• Ing from the south of still being up-
on Italian soil 10 at first difficult to
.shake off. The character of the
scenery smes only to heighten the
Ethnographieally, as well
physieally„ the ebil of Switzerland
Beerns to ifivite the varioes peoples
of the earth Pa Make of the country
a place of rendezvous where inter -
Malone' dIffereucee Can be forgotten
Vamily Nereid.
ntISPialf Law.
The Czar' g Governm'erit withheld
; from Russian Workmen the right to
strike by requiring thele to give
their employer two week' hotiee be-
fore quittleg his entploy. On the
, other hand, the lam required the ern-
, ploy..., likewise to give them a two
notice, ar, if he dismissed hitn
• alirttatly, to pay the ditanlosed em-
plsere for two a eelo beYoad the terin
c.f teepltevinent,
Special Taln To London.
The G. T R. will run special trai ns
from Winghant to London on Sept. ilth,
.10h and ilth These trams will leave
Wingham at 0 20 a. rn fast time, and
; prsive at London at 0.15 a in. Return
Fg the apeciat leave LondoiLat 10_150
m. secure your ticket from H. 13. El -
ORIgo--Airrionnaj004,tor0 tigg Courr4 of
largo brigit roOrnSilnimao Nit %Gate
. Iona Moak barn, dristivt
nod goo Or beading*.
13ftrtMe, (b
The Tempe:ma ea
Reteremisim 40, 191
• tip tin Wednesday
Ontario glectims Act, 10iS1
Form 10
e Wheat No. 2 Spring 2 00 to
etegrect noon)
(Referred to here ction 34) Wheat No. Fail
2 11 to
• Notice of Sitting; of Revising- Bran, porton . 40 00 to 42 001
Flour, per cwnetanclard5 55 to e,00
Shorts, per ton. „ . 42 00 to 44 001
Electoral District of North Hurons
Dartey, ..„ ........ 00 to 1 10
Oete.. • ... 88 to 1 00
'1.*.eke notice that the list of votees for Butter, per 50 to 60
to wit:
Hay, ........ • .. 17 00 to 15 00
Polling Subedivisione numbered 1, 2, 3 4s Eggs, per dozen . 48 to 53
5 and 6 in the municipality
Cattle, md., butchers..10 00 to 12 00
of the Vsyne Lard
ship of Ilowlek; numbered 1 in the mune, 38 to 40
cipality of the village a WrOXeterr, 3, 2, 3, Cattle, butchere choice. 11 00 to la 00
4 and 5 in the municipality of the tovvn or Hogs, liveweight... 19 00 to 20 00
Wingham; 1, 2, 3 and 4 in the municipal- Butterfat, ...
ity of the township efiturnberry; I and 2
in the municipality of the villene of Blythi
1, 2, 3, 4, 5 anti 6 in the municipalitY•
the township of IVIorris; 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 at
7 in the municipality of the township
Ashfield; 1, 2, 8, 4 and 5 in the municipa
ity of the tewnShip of East Wawaaos
and 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 in the xnunicipali
of elle township of West Wawanoeh, ha
been prepared by the enumerator an
have been delivered to the Clerk of th
Board by the Returning Officer.
And his honor Judge Lewis H. Dicks°
has been appointed Revising Officer f
the purpose of hearing complaints and a
peals as to the said lists for the Town
Winebeill and the township of Turnberr
Ilis honor Judge E. N. Lewis has bee
appointed Revising Officer to hear coin
plaints and appeals as to the said lists
the township of Hinvick and the Village
D. McDonald, Esquire, has been a
pointed Revising Ofticer for the purpo
of bearing complaints and appeals as t
the said lists for the village of Blyth an
the township of Morris,
Thursday Sept il-th 1919
p -
se r,
0 ° BORN
R. Q, Reynolds Esquire, has been a
pointed Revising Officer foe the purpo
of hearing complaints• and appeal as t
tbe said lists for the townehip of Ashnel
C.. Seeger, Esquire, has been appointe
Revising Officer for the purpose of hearin
complaints and appeals as to the said vo
ers lists for the Townsbips of East Waw
nosh and West Wawanosb. .
And FURTHER take notice that th
sittings of the said Revising Officers wi
be beld ae fang;
In the Town Hell, Wingham, on th
22nd day of September, 1919,,to hea
tomplaints as to the said voters lists to
the Town of Wingham, •
In the Townehip Hall, Bluevale, on th
23rd day of September, 1919, to hear com
plaints as Ot. the said lists for the townsle
of Turnberry.
In the Townsbip Nall, Corrie, on th
22nd day of September, 1919, to hea
complaints as to the said lists for th
township of flowick.
In the Town Hall; Wroxeter, on the 23r
day of September-; '• 1919, to hear cora
plaints as to ehe saialistg for the villag
of Wroxeter, •• ' '
• In the ToWnship Hall, Ashfield, on th
22nd day of September,. 1919, to hea
complaints asto 111i -said voters lief& lo
Polling Sub -divisions Nos. 1, 2 and 3
the said township Of Ailifielei
In the Township Hall, Ashfie id, on th
23rd day of 8eptenabei, NIA to hea
complaints as to the'said voters lists to
polling sub-dfvislotteNos. 4, 5, 6 and 7 i
the said •townsnip of Asheeld,
• In the Industrial:Mall; .Blyth, on th
22nd day of- September, 1919. to hea
complaints as to the seld voters lists fo
the said village of Blyth.
• In the Township Hall, Morris', on th
2Srd day of September, 1919, to hear corn
plaints as to the said voters lists flir th
said toweshila of Morris, ,
In Ferguson's Furniture Store, Aniatirn
on the 22nd day of September, 1019, t
hear complaints as to the Said voters list
for the toWnship of East Wawanosh:
In the Township Hall, West Wawanosh
on the 23rd day of September, 1919 t
hear complaints as to the said voters lis
foe the said township of West Wawanosh
Each sitting to commence at 10 o'clocl
p1 the forenoon
• And further take notice that any vote
who desires to complain that the names o
any persons entitled to be entered on the
saki lists have been omitted frorri the same
or that the names of persons who are no
entitled to be voters have been entered on
the lists, may not less than 6 clear days
before the dates fleet' for the Aging& of
the Revising Officers apply, complain or
appeal to have his own name or the name
f any other person corrected in, entered
on or removed from the said lists.
And further take notice that stiCh ap-
peals must be by notice in writing in the
prescribed form, signed by the coMplain-
ant and given or left for him at his resi-
dence or place of business, to the Clerk of
the 'Revising Officer, as follows:
F: Groves, Wingham, for the Town of
Winghann Paul Powell, R R, No, 1
Wingham. for the Township of Turnberry;
C. E. Walker, Gorrie, for the Township of
Howick; D. M. McTavish, Wrexeter, for
the yillpge of Wroxeter; T. G. Allen Dun.
gannen, for the Township of Ashfield; 13
le. 1VIcGowan, Blyth, for the Vil age oi
Myth; A. IvIcEeeart, Bluevale, for the
Township of Morris; A Porterfield, R. R.
1, 13eigrave, for the saki Township of
East Wawatiosh; W. A. Wilson, Luelmow,
for the taid Township of West Wawa.
Lewis 11. Vast"
Chairman Voters' Registration Board,
County of Huron..
Copies of the voters iist May be seen
with the Municipal Clerks, Postmasters,
Chief Enumerator Dudley Holmes N. C..
Wingham, the local enumerators for the
potting sub -division% the members of the
various municipal councils, and with the
C. Seeger,
Clerk Voters' Registration Board,
Polley Parm Sold,
Mr. G. A. Manning of Bruzgels has
• purchased Mr, W. II. Willis poultry and
will continue the poultry farm which Mr.
Willis has conducted for the peet tottple
of years Mr. Manning San impedenced
poultryman and will no &At make 4
'success of this business. For the present
he le boatel at tha Park Roans
p -
t -
Clocks are useful things you know,
But lonesome if they do not go,
Sc if you want to know the time both
night and day,
Just purchase from KNOX whett you
come this way.
His skill is good andeknowledge great,
Until you see him you lied better wait.
Act -tenth° street from the post cface neat
Both *eke and Watches your eyes will
His silverware is very rare, '
You are sure to purchase by calliegthere,
For eye strain that worries the brain,
With, spectacles hp can fit you, all the
mute. ,
At KNOVS .store as in daye of yore,
You eau buy so eheap, he can't be beat.
Howe:4•In Wroxeter, on Saturday, Aug.
23rd, .1919, to Mr. and Mrs. Merten
Howe, a daughter.
Ctrunea ,eln Fostoria, Ohio, on August
28th; to Mr.- and Mrs, W S Currie, a
son. -Bruce Hamilton. (Mrs. Currie
nee Miss Mabel Shiell.)
Brstutie-In Wingham* on Sept. 2nd 1919
to Mr, and Nits. G. Bisbee, a son.
1 , FOR THE . ea
Our new fall stock of Boots
and Shoes is almost complete
Fortunately.we botight heavily early in ,the season
and although prices have advanced fully one 'quarter
during the. past month wc. are able to offer our NEW
GOODS at almost the sameprices as previous to the
advance, •
Take a look in our windows or bet-
ter still come in and look through
our excellent variety.
.S'er4''' •
• •
Baking Litmax. In Sight
THE clear gless door is only one of the
modern features of this dependable
• range. Its baking qualities you know.
The cooking top will take the boiler either
across or lengthwise, making it easy to took
the regular dinner on waih-day.
Grabs work Smoothly. Rot water reservoir is eitamel,
" and may be removed for cleaning. A dependable ther-
mometer takes all.guess-work out of baking: No other
range will quite satisfy you once you see the Pandora. '
.L13 .Sold by R. R. MOONEY
* 0
0 0
N• we are now showing many new lines in early fall and
winter merchandise, and would advise early buying.
Ladies' Furs
Fur Coats
Cloth Coats
Winter Coatings
New Blouses
New Gloves
Men's Suits
Boys' Suits
Flats and Caps
.New Hosiery Underwear
New Underwear Dress Goods