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The Huron News-Record, 1896-05-27, Page 5
F-1 ,"`• ro,. ,,,R1 .; I r , , ,h 1... ... .. . ` ..., .. i ,.. , . t. ,, r, ,...,..,;, a .- - a . ..off ._ ,i ' 3 .. l „. 5 i. Y. t,- , , f iy-. ,. t : r n .@'-.: -�.) ,..y: , .A' '1�..: , '.I .t .� r.... : 1' ✓ T ��y'r,;`,�J�,nti ,. T� r„ �' .>. .%. r... ! R , ', ': x; ,. 1'.Y. L , e .yf. f. ! . b.. 1 I•,iTT.. I�"al*• rl ,. +�:'•F' e i y hl 1 A :., •µ, ,. 'y A rr, r , ,.. ,, :Ct. 1 l ,-. a .Y. ,. :.6, q.0 4. k +./ t ' tt "i 1 y i. ,' •'�sF.. tw '+ .; , , ",x' ,', .x f, - , f t" /y + {.`�' ,dJ Wj, y� .�y ` yi ,y` p jj A', +,r 1.5 •f:, ,�. 5 "4Cup, Ill'lidi (ii I:114I Y16 ,. �� li" .id i,1 1 '�'jl 1•A. ��' ' y: ,. , u- J h , HA , * �;.. i .`, ,.,,c�N'1"�r,li,t:4&lli•`l r• Stili•"A 'N' ?a?, '• . Q'.s ►.#;CE+' 1111?', ppao �llp' 1 wl ill. 14�:,ak ]po tsb% 1r , l' ANN 1 Xr,,FH ,r;PS LANO, l": I ecru. l)Illi!l a 1 e ' ' ` ,, �l( ,. x f, kz ; " elf i�ud lit chart) a # pra4tioat e 1 ,flti6pcit � m4.iilllloi;, `is,' Lti1a 'pt s , JC �� _. * .a l�eeti' W�a'terli litatlQ s � 3'I f k,ltr.;l "} a rrR;A,tAq'�4V to oho 144th '}'d$ib3igJFy CI. 4 .. ��r11 r r, tt trial villi eult you, acs .I! fyl ei RileSl 71Te>wea>a, i> '� gliorl►�Ak@� ltkl�.04 Work and eau e-orapggtac With Sia -, in price. .In Quin UP ,N i i�j �, a�1; "� .wit%? glaasaa tilut will ll�tt' ft>r c>p&aao,elve aq�r-altpt, of0.45'1}Q, We n9G Qnl aexryve1i'aa bu.G ciao geGeeati�a ,(�uoh os ' notbl' We tu111>e:atP1,,y, ,A_', , Oil$, 0'�'Ok, , ; lr',A.TORI1�, RUS'l3LR; OIC, CAN$, WREDl'CI�E�; Ii i1. 44x1 ;..you > . ;fl,lfe pltirge iiUt a >nodarate price i boutQtya cli;n, Irl xllingis, 1iaw$, TIRES, tNIEIZLT$Ei AND QQTEII COVER, RIb1@. VALVES, l PA tltltl 'allav� you to ran D:o ghfot >tyi�)# �ai3d twenty other $tet; s, OCL HOZE COVERS, ETC< liti t1d@t lahese Q1rQQin.etaAtlea why1. s m,Zt ttltfCerin from �xcet3slve � ' p�u ply exorbitant prises to , heart bu " i4;'IFed w:itb the }e' Itlgpeot our Bit/yo#ee in stook before buying. J1�;pl� 5s, �'0cci,14rs who are here io-bay Gent ut ospl* canciftd9 t a� ,Aug+- �1 '��r Co.,�''`� 7�r1+� �f ' *A-, "R 41+.,.` fq l»gt'towi .arid who Dobe 0 -so i those lne{nglies rode }nto harm, he Onward dBicycle v4I�.1„4i y +iu+lfrs J leas imagiL.tn s, `�,T ��, ta,C' all x064 We are here every • The coionlal Qecxetary, X2r. J. N< Gi.,P*- , P , ut ul:l times"'to teat your Rruuh,ar, has received a "memorand;=A OPPOSITE MARKET SQUARE. � V Q .eXly, ready at all times tq anY'oklaages Ghat mus occasion A11000000from Gundabooka, on the IZarlttt$ klf ler, giving the eaciiaa of tietlSer* m et. proper shade at stnmm a 0,., be, aaaaasary 1n the glasses youTtion bomestead (which is within thirtyW L . yw� E,��tt►d ready at all times to refund , yards of the river) from the 1st to the t11>r lXipuey i� we don't do as we say FH 26th of January, 1886• The following is W, " I. ,IRST G " - the extraordinary record of each Lsuc- fan-, Fit Your Eyes, Prcperly. T: pyE. L. t� ` �cesafve day's temperature from the OOL , {r 4r' • Ist to the 26th inclusive at this station: ,t' 112, 107, 112 114, 16, 118,. J 21 X23, 118, 1. ' o , Brushes .. . On Thursday, 115, 114, 13x, '117 1, 120, 12s, 124, 1z9, A C. DUFTON, Formerly of the Woollen Mills; LoI�- y__ 120, 120,' 126, 129, 119, 88: This Gunda- don, has opened a Store and Office on ALBERT , . pyo y� • books, is about 600 miles west of Syd- W�"'ltave,a lot of a fete dozen that ,J:�V'enlYlg" we age selling for 150 each. Most ney, Australia STREET, CLINTON (near. Fair's grist mill,) and will of tlbe6e brushes are worth 200 and A gentleman from that hot locality pay the Highest Cash Price for 2fit1 but we simply want to clear The West Huron Campaiall will be opened -in X1 28 the remarked that "when it cooled down +� p to 88 In the shade we felt that the , _! tbq `, before receiving a new t /y heated spell had broken." Boo have ordered; that is why TOWN HALL 4,/L�N + �N� Even these readings,, awtul as they - 'xt you'q� have one NOW for 15x. may seem, convey but an imperfect I OOL r Idea of the terrors of .the heat in the ill the interests of interior of Australia. The death roll 101 Tom- has been frightful, and the steadiness of the heat aggravates the mortality, DRUGGISTS as even the night gives no relief. IC Or will exehan a £or WOOLEN. GOODS, such as ry +� Wilson, - D_ 101, � is quite probable that Cully 600 deaths g.iAi�4 OPTICIANS�� have resulted from this January heat �,, wave in this colony alone. Sidney, V' !!'VE�GOODS WE SELL ARE THF, with her 420,000 people, with her poll- Tweeds, Flannels, Blankets, Yarn ', MOODS YOU WANT.) The Conservative Standard Bearer. derous plies s heated masonry, her and Ready Made Suits. `z': ^, narrow streets and her "108.6" day in ,II.' the shade at the Qbeervatory, and 116 W * , ADDRESSES will be delivered by the Candidate, also in the shade at other places, has really SPINNING AND MANUFACTURING (ilea,- A been a refuge for the people at the r .;; Rsl/jl seething, boiling interior. To furnish �°° S UMb � Sir James Grant, Ottawa, ei relief for the people over the range, S ��1a, • influential delegations have besought 3wi"aPROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. ,., u • .� AND Ministers of the Crown to run eDe � ,, trains at reduced rates, so as to allow �;i;; , The :Leading Jeweler. J. Pe1. r✓, an escape from this widespread misery. We guarantee the very best value. It will be to your l Whitney,! % Imagine a country so level that for advantage to brie our Wool to Clinton. , , hundreds of miles there is no percept- b g y K, ,0:qP Goods are the Best in the Leader of the Ontario Opposition. ible vegetationtlon or so ecarceethatsion. wlth is every breeze A. C. i.� V FTONa 1%14 °?,,:. Market and our Prices All are invited. fills the air with clouds of dust w;ut � j 1. ,, ,, Chair taken at 8 P. M. no rain for months, and never a dew. file Lowest. with a wind sweeping over a scorching ' - ` GOD SAVE T H E QUEEN ! desert, filling the clothing, .the butld- Yf to Ing, the eyes and lunge with One dust, BIRT11113. We Want y with water cgnstantly tepid, and a tem f,. eepp J,p,,,, - perature for days ranging from 93 to Ma A16th, the n Sc of L., Walper, of a daughon ter entpal Tele hone Egehane. ` MARKET REPORTS. 123 in the day tithe and from 90 to 110 y To reduce our Stock of READY Q A Mullett. MCARTnoR,-In Hensallon Saturday, May degrees In the night, and afaint - 16th, the wife of John,MoArthur, of a eon. MADE 'CLOTHING and in order 4 T1aEY COULDN'T FOOL THE OLD MAN. laarreeted ovary Tuesday afternoon.) �,pgon Ot the 'domestic comforts'' of GARRETT: In Hullett, on May 17th, the wife to d0 this the prices well be merle „: 1`' " 'TR 4 -One day last week, a sleek dapper, CLINTON. the home to the interior of Australia of Mr. George Garrett, of a son, ed down to a figure that will be ;;� Fall Wheat .............••.••• 088 to U 70 for moat of the month of January, 1816, VANCAMP.-In Morris, on May 19tb, the wife sure to have the desired result. s'',..; well-dressed, glib tongued young man „<,, 0 80 to 0 40 may be approximated, of Mr, John VanCamp, or a son. The Goods are all marked in plain called at the residence of Mr. Christo. 13°.ler"''' """""" If people could have a fresh bath, a figures :- Uate ............................. 021 to 029: -' � STRATFORD,ONT. her Dt„le, sr., Huron Road, west of cool glass of water, or the luxury of a orifi or the best tlor„meroial Schools in oaaada- P Peas .............................. 0 48 to 0 50 block of ice, there would be some signs MARRIAGES. $10 00 Suits for $8 00 s11 ii 6nit'r, tar fn Oauada. Eater now and be Seaforth, and asked for the proprietor. potatoes, per bush.......... U lb to 0 20 of relief, but to shelter under the 900 7 so 20 ' 1.teed or the situations is the tall, oataloKnee free. Hg was driving quite a, -stylish rig. B1Ttt8C••••...... «<.,•. Q lO t0 O lI SHANNON-CALEMAN-By the Rev. Jag. 8 60 „ B r _ • --• --- • • . scorching rays o1 this terrible angry walker, at the residence of the Bride's brother, 1 ,lji �Mr g' .$LLIU't'T, 1'rinclp tats. Mr. Dale was on hand, and enquired Eggs per don .................. 0 7;to 0 8 sun, that pours .down so fiercely from on the 12th of May, Mr. J. M. Shannon of Bay 750 800 Rpt ,, his business. He said he wanted to nap......•.•.•..«.......•......•• 9 00 t013 00 the northern heavens, with little hope City, Michigan, to Miss Catharine Jane Colo- 700 '( 600 lot buy a good farm, and had heard that ..... 3 00 to '3 50 man, of Stanley. 000 80 ;r4 o�++� RO Mr. Dale desired to dispose of his. Mr. Cordwood.. of relief, until March or April gave NT Y_ AM sL-Attharesl n e < , •,,,, $def ......, .... 3 75 to 5 00 notice of approaching winter, brings ride's parents Glen Farrow, on Mag 13th, ' but he thought that his neighBor, a TORONTO MARKET. A feeling weeks ago I visited some Of �ely depressingRov. A. Y. Ztartlsy of B Jennie, o, Mr, au D. suits d see that the start William Fowler, eeilrhwo r, alt wOolT ................>........... 0 18 t0 0� thea -few sheep runs visited sof the Bentley, of Blyth, to 111Sas Jonuio, only daught• Su1tS.� P^ Mr Vi�,, and Mre. Peter Campbell. } i y young man asked him if he g WhOat, white..........$ 78 to $ NEssiTT-ACnESON.-At the residence, of the 50 suits for 3 00 m interior. One contained 600,000 acres bride's father, on MeY� 13th, by the Rev, G. W. `$ with proper Coupon Tick- into the buggy, and ,drive over and do red ................ 77 to 78 and had 300,000 sheep on St, Mine host Andrews, Mr. W. Nesbitt, to bliss Emma 3 75 300 ;, '_ see Mr. Fowler. This Mr. Dale consent- da goose + . + .... , , . • . , 5411 to 00 32 40 0 . els and that their baggage ed to do. lie qct into the buggy and g lived In the centre of the great abase yyoungest daughter of Mr. Robt. Acheson, all o g �( 280 Peas .................... 52 to s,1 country, and several "squatters" were (Soderich township. It I 00 :.,i" i8 checked through to they drove off, presumabty to see Mr- Buckwheat ............. 39 to at the mansion, They "represented" a KEMP-POTTER.-At the residence of Mr. 2 „ 1,•; :, , Fowler, but, instead of driving straight Barley .... • + ... • .. • , , • 36 to few miillon sheep. The country was the bra George Huller Holmes, by brother-in-law of destination. It costs no there, when they got to the side road Rye • • , • • , • • • , , , • • • , , , „ 401 to 0() the bride, on i<lay 13th, by Rev. G. W. An- These prices are genuine Bar saltie '"w,k' 0 leading south, the man turned down like the vast, scantily covered plain I draws, Mr. Kemp, of bullArto❑ to Mian W. InOI'8 to startrigh t than g Oats• • • • • • • • • • • • • • •' • • • •' Z W 00 have described. It had not rained over Emma Pqtter, daughter of the late Thomas Our Stock of Sprin and Summer Suit- ,,, , towards the railway track. This some Hay . • , , , • , , , , ,11 W to 15 50 Potter. {,,;;.r. Wi'pX1g, what xmuaed Mr. Dale's suspicions, straw, bundled. - .......10 00 toll 50 an inch or two for eight months. There JAMZE90v-CARTER-On May 20th, by Rev. Inge is complete an are going out fast 4, but be said nuthin , thinkin he would was no appearance o[ mofature. The A. D, McDonald, D. D. Mr. John Young A full line of Furnishings, Hata, Caps, s .� g g do loose .............. 7 OU to pen of the shrubbery wa faded 1DW Jamieson, Hallett to miss Harriet Ellza, or full information in refer- await developments. After going a Eggs, new laid .... , 9 to 9. gr Phomas Carter, of Tucker• &C. x rd, short distance they met another strap- Butter, lb. rolls......... 10 to 1 a dull, feeble gray and stock was thin smig. or of Mrs. 8I1c8:t0 travel Consult and dying by thousands, One man with smith• A J', HOLLOWAY v s ger, a somewhat burly, course -looking do Tubs, dairy.. 10 to 12 do0000 acres and one-fourth of a mil- GOY-STEPUEN80N.-At the Manse, Wing- ri individual. This man stopped them, Chickens 30 to 5U ham, on May 20th, by Rev. D. Ycrrie, DIr. �, TOWN and entered into conversation with lion sheep had 100 men constantly ,em- John Goy to liiiaa Jennie Stephenson, both of CLINTON. (,, .t, � �����ON AGENT, Ducks, ................ . . b0 to 70 �4' 1 Mr. Dale's Campanion. After talking Turkeys ................ 8 to 11 Ployed in cutting down the boughs of Turnberry. '" 5 to 0 the apple and the Oak -a scrubby, HAvs-TERBUTT.-At the residence of the :� % awhile, this second ratan said to the Geese . ` °i , G. T. R. other that he, Could show him a nice thick -foliaged tree unknown in America bride's mother Maitland con., Goderich town- G - r potatoes........ 2s, to `l.5 ship, on May 26th, by Rev: E. A. Andrews, Mr. 1, ,,,, ' good Stable for Sale• little game by whicli he could make Dressed hogs. , . * ........ 400 to 4 75 -.for his sheep to browse on They Hays, of Bluevale, to Mary, eldoet daughter of , could live on this for a few weeks Mra, W, Tobbutt. ."Frame Stable, asgood aenew,l8x30, with tlm• some money, and which he had learn- Beef, hindquarters..... , 500 to 700 0,`-, a ellla,torsaleaheap,tobemovedoffpremiaea. ed in Buffalo when he was -over there do forequarters...... 200 to 350 only. The water holes on the "squat" BEATON-CALLANOHAM-By the Rov. It H. - s"�,bA ply at TSE NEwe-RECORD office, Clinton. with horses, and producing a pack of Veal . ..... ... ......... 350 to 4 50 tages" were nearly dry, and it took a $all, at the residence inst. David Agnew Eaq., 907-tf Ashfield, on the 19th fust., Mr. Malcolm 13Caton, ( cards he offered to bet the man to the oodly force oP men to rescue or akin jr`Y;: _ Lamb, yearlings....... 700 to 8 00 g to Miss Annie Callanham, all of Ashfield. i :,',;T; p buggy $ ........... 2 00 to 4 W y; 4 tIITANTED.-Young men and women to help by b that he could not pick out a do spring. the sheep that were constantly perish - in the Armenian cause. Good pay, will certain card. The bet was taken and TORONTO LIVE STOCK MARKS tug In their efforts to struggle through DEATIf13. n1X send copy of my little book, "Your Place in the money put up, boil] men seeming the mire to the fast disappearing water. !'i;?,,,' jfe"free, to any who write. Rev. T. S. Lin- to have plenty of cash. The man readi- Milch cows, each ...... $20 00 to $35 00 Since that time there has been very gC inst., k Cash, 9s, Scotnilact, countY,I of G on the �r cbti Brantford, Ont, Export Cattle, per cwt.. , , . 3 75 to 400 little rain In that part of the country. 4th inst., Adam Scott, fo. orly of Godorlch ly picked out the desired card, and township, and father of Mr. Loslio Scott, Clin- THE ELECTRIC -LIGHTED xit.s. pocketed the money. It all seetned Butchers' choice cnttle,cwt 290 to 300 Think what devastation and auttering t ton, aged 80 years, SIDEWHEELSTIOAMERS ' as easy as rolling off a log. The Buff- Butchers' good cattle, cwt 226 to 2 75 n prolonged spell of weather from 100 WALTEBs.--In Lower Wingham, on May 11 J.l':';. alo man then asked Mr. Dale if he would Bulls, per cwt ............. 2 25 to 3 00 to 120 degrees in the shade would cause 16th; Richard Walters, aged 85 yearn, Cambria and Carmona " not dike to take a risk. Mr, Dale's stockers per cwt....... , , .2 25 to 2 50 under such conditions. JOHNeTON.-ln Kinloss, on May 18th, Adam P'cr,t-, °, §ft Feeders, per Cwt ...........2 75 W 3 50 Not only do people succumb to this Johnston, aged 3l Years and 2 months. Will ply this season between Sa Dia, y, wlad- 1i%, r: companion kept nudging him, and sor, Detroit and Courtrlght, Sarnia, (Soaeriah. ,.; ,. s," urging him to go in and he would be Sheep. per cwt. ...........300 to 3 26 overpowering weather, and stock die COLEMAN. -In Seaforth, on Ma 20th Hannah Kincardine, Port E1 n, Southampton, Kdilar- '� Ticlid rs for Addition to Huron sure to win. Mr. Dale who was evi- yearlings, per cwt......... 4 75 to 500 by the thousands, but the dead bodies Matiild2 Chalkil months and 7 d e ' °l°man, nay, Manitowaningg �lttle Current, Gore Bali. .dC "i , House Of l3,tj£UgO. dently enjoying the fun as well as spring lambs, per head... 300 to 400 lie scattered around everywhere, and Spanish River, Cutler, Algoma Mills, Theealan. t BRECir.-In Chicago, on May 15th, Minnie Bruce Mlnes Hilton, Port Findlay, Richards �r,�,• .;: either of his companies, was Calves, per head.......... 3 00 to 5 W brilliant plumed birds, parrots annum- Balman, wife of Edward Beech and youngest Dock, Sault Ste. Marie. *1�0 Salman, of Us- A2,13fp'TE27DERS will be received by the quite willing to try And fled Choice Bacon hogs, per cwt4 15 to 426 arable, and other noted songster's, drop daughter of the late Thomas First Steamer leaves Windsor Map 12th. Pbr .ext. ptltlersigned (marked tender for House of the charmed Card, but Very posi- stare hogs, cwt.......... , 3 75 to 400 dead from the trees by this ipeat, more borne township, aged 37 years. Freight, Passenger Rates, or folder, call on (.. " fitge) up to the 2nd day of June, 1896, for 'lively declined to put up any Thick fat and light hogs,cwt3 45 to 350 fatal than a sportsman's shot. MANNiNO. -In Exeter, on the 19th inat., A T. COO�E�i z�,atilldmg an oddition W the Houeo4oi Refuge at Notwithstanding the semi -tropical Richard Manning aged 71 years, 8 months. 1]. 1 ,,,airs} n. money. This the Buffalo man at flows per cwt ............ ..3 00 to 325the ' a. -= {"; ' "sand speeiflcatione can be seen at the length consented to. Mr. Dale picked Stags, per cwt......... • ... 2 00 to 225 character of the country, the people onMaY 16thMary5th nnBhlnen aged nkyloaprn C. P R Ticket, Telegraph and 0 r" ' p t Wm. Coats, Clinton, or at the oflico Out the desired card, and the than in MONTREAL MARKETS. do not Sive or dress In a manner Butt- and fl mont�a and on D1ay 19th, Catharine )1 p sisted on his taking the $5. After able to the climate, Aa a rule, the Emily May Shine, aged 5 years and 2 months. Steamship Agent, r ref thIs Architect, H. C. DQcBride, London. "^' 'd'he lowest or any tender not'necessarily ac- considerable coaxing, Mr. Dale took Grain -There ie no improvement in „west' heavy black ur blue woollen •+BoBrnTaON,-In Clinton, on May 2.5. David " r!,� ted. and heavy hale, many allk Robertson, aged 86 Yearn. - ULINTON, ONT.- x . - the money and quietly placed it in the market. Corn, Canadian, 37c to clothing, . HENRY EILI3ER, his pocket. He was then strongly 37ic ;ppeas, per 60 lbs, afloat, 58c to 59c ; ones. They eat more meat than any jy f;x C airman of Committee, urged by both men to take another oats, No 2 white, in store, 28c to 28Ic other people on earth, besides they PolltlCal Etetntg• 'WANTED f YOUNG . MIDDLE AG10D ^ Crediton MEN of character. Hundreds foremoeh :c,,(phied 1(2ay 12th, 18 risk for a larger amount, but he ref oats No. 1, in store, 201je ; rye, No. � take a good amount of fluid which in Canada, startdd with us. About ,$14,00 a ,,;�,g .t ed, and, thinking the fun had gone faa nominal ; barley, feed 36c to 38c ; bar- differs very much from fee water, As The Toronto Globe has raked t0 wook to beuatn with. THE BRADLEY GAR 4' enough, he very peremptorily orderer ley, 43c to 51c; buckwheat, per bu, 39c RETSON Co., LTD., Toronto, Ont, �� a fact the people of this country have gather the names of 21 men who are ?., ,,,. , Pasture to Let. his, companion to turn around and to 40c. almost superstitious dread of cold supporters, of LwurSer. We didn't %',:sr- b; e4 and Cattle taken Into pasture. Good drive him home. The man evidentld Cheese -100 boxes sold to -day at 7Jc; drinks, and strange as it may seem, by think the.© were quite so many ;but wtio caa� tj plenty ,of shade water and salt. No geeing that Mr. Dale had seen througy Butter -The market ie quite steady . a majority of them the luxury of ice Wanted -An Idea °meq° u°D,�tr ;rrl►ett wire, App, to b MASON at staple. yhe little ams, and that he was troth we suppos© the Glahe wouldn't lie me '�;; "p. 4i tb M. Glow, o>�Orange Hall, Z'tullett, B fodder creamery is quoted at about llljc water is tabooed. about a little thing like that. W te dHX ED tW RN it QOng on SAlLm . man who could be fooled with, com- to 15c and 16c and over is about the It seems funny to an American whe nays waatungton, D. C., `eI their �i3ODDp ,4 .. HUroll a0U11ty CoUnoil. plied, and drove back as far as the cor- , idea for grass stock. was never sick a day in his life, but and fist or cvo hundred laventloas wanted �::,, q•. Der at the E,uron road, when in no Eggs --The markt shows little or no who through this dreadful January h� Goderich Townshtlp• very mild terms he ordered illy. Dale to worked twelve hours a day, seven days 11 4 h'e" tltrtidfl of the co rporation of the County change: `:i11,d ;. tpnvVill meet in O%Court Room, In the dismount and get straight home. This a week, and drunk iced tea for luittch, Mr. and Mrs. David Beacom were A section of the Seneca street tont ,,,; yp td;of Qoderla on Tueaday, the 2nd day of Mr. Dale very politely refused to da, �" p "Illgxt, atsn'oSbck p. m Mr. Thomas Fred. S. Kirkpatrick, and teed tea for dinner, and who dor- vi> Sheppard, at the residence . Mr. Geo. lA Brown'syytibuilding, e Of Buffalo, co m. LANE, Clerk stating that the fellow had taken him brother of the Lieutenant -Governor of Ing his evening work, with the then Sheppard, Nile, last week. thesruins.ttrThee deaths are repolrted. '� 'gfaMaylttth,1896 914-2t away, promising to return hila, and he Ontario, who was in the Civil 5erviee urometer at an even loo degrees. keep Mr Pearson, of Grey, is visiting 1. `P was bound that he should do bo, or for the past 'twenty-three years, died a pitcher of ice cold lemonade handy, friends in Goderich township. A verdict of manslaughter was ra- ^ there would be trouble. The scamp? in Ottawa Thursday mornin to hear people attribute the high death turned last week by a Coroner's jury ^" Flblrnesvilfe. geeing that he was thoroughly colt ht y g' "-- against Mrs. Costello, of Toronto in a rate in Sydney to the "reckless use of ,ir�g i .-11ir. ;and Mrs. Cousins, of at his own game, and that he hada Lieutenant Governor Chagleau has iced drinks•" _Australian Letter in Chi- A very important decision was connection with the death of an infant! �!,, �9hi0. did`, Ivere visitln there son, Mr. man of determination and courage to received officitil notification from the sago Inter -Ocean. recently given in the Appeal Court at on her "babq farm." eld', W Mt'1 W. Mulholland spent deal with, took ilia; Dlile home and de- Governor-General of the honor con- Toronto, connected with promissory A peculiar and possiblyfatal AC& I 1, �r d h ib M'itcllall, renewing old posited him in his own yard without ferred upon him by her Majesty. His now to Grow Sweet p"se• notes. The case was between Post- - dent occurred in the Township a>i >v,C d' ItrtiOnces,w Rias Ferguerin spept any further ado, and left in nu very fir Adol he phacjeavth be known as pew shouts, be aoian very mfr Elford, of Esaox, and S. Gallie- Downie, nearStratford. Will[aml�elia early Ua the spring --ft April, �° was shooting at a mark with a double- ,�li,itii •triend� in the village.-- amiable frame o4 mind. Mr, Dale was p P if poeei� , an banker, Leaman n. The ut r �,,j}( ]7!igltelc!,, otic popular teacher, : none the worse for hie adventurb, was The Macdonald Club of $ingston cid a nota 'far $7,000 endorsed by lh the ,ieacher's, tnnventloti, In $ti in pocket for his trouble, while the will hold a memorial service in honor b1e. They eltottid be kept moist and barrelled gun, which, being averthat d cool at the root. In order Ea sertorelford, and Callison did not notify him ed, kicked Violently and was thrown / 10 , it a; ` t, , . R. RpIn10S left for sharpers were out that much, but gale- of the dead chieftain on June 6th< theme t esuttk, sow in trenehes, at least of its ,maturity %r six years and eleven over KeIly's shoulder. Inthe act the " bt ,'r and eiilewh�t'e.--taisa Rosa,, ea the knowledge' that there to one Mr. Onimet, ex-Mtnieter of Plublie six Inches deep. covering lightlp M months, but renewed negotationQ with second barrel was discharged, ahtlotin(t , ", tri ll,, ,ls visitln her Friend, iltltunCh falnler that they crtnnot f Works,, was sworn.tti as a ju o o£ the Bret i}ratlt •earth about the plants the giver. Had the note run for his, brother, Michael Belly, land ;3oltn sbtV , We'httA�p eased to see The count is full oP rttscaliy adveu- , another month 'it would have been q ty+ Court of Queens Bench in oiltreal. xis ttt13! iettah anal, tate gtottaid 1s, Welsh whb •were behind hir11: Over btiVil.;" l�,, int', a�tolierts in the tureri3 of this class, tt the present time, level aKatn• : L yew Iiotne 3oi&"L . outlawed. Tha Assize Court ruled a hundred jabot etxtered Kelly's breattb 6. 1. ' ; ilo - ' 6 vW 1: Caine book the and it would be well far all on whom Mr. John Rosa I#oberts t; prot%th Ir coca of Elford, but the def iaton has and abdotli@n, while Welsh received d ' ` ail rMritt Patina, of t4iey may eau to giye thetiti' a cool rep of the Evenitig Telegr in, has accepted coat he 9074 ls`N'tteabtn. been reversed by the higher dourt with some in the face, file mtlat serious be- ll aid>a a,,. in one in qts eye. 'the ultimate yam'. t. �ltiXpilB S ,IIx t ie Vllinge this week. COption; ar tf they have dealings with the me sb off t 6,MaC t yltestta iri Resatan emaaaelve iy .of fife criers on thi�t l eVetnen ondotm a notal gg a,,i • +tui.;; vV ,�:rl&4*8 and family them the�y meq ,r}at gget oil, ae , farttln• , .thein rs h y too palwe in JUL 'At that time 1'$0.00 * ddelares soli of their in juries is problematicril, � Mx'. Dal d ul� kid. t h v been rem ' ¢; t ezitllilleri-••$. mthly a 0 di '. fillo are dan• "- non© of the oho a ins at+t3d u; }tlttkniein Lacilee clean yo laves ,with gemmas heett filo and Cha glvdr' rif, the nota fa s toi pay yet. %' : - U 4olpd dulf y3iiltezl th"ir rous'ahfiTlldters °to clmai lgttil: --Sea- Sass hive Glave Cleatige. fol! sale o ly, of 103,Ooo +� n,`'ti'eta �11r'e�ti thafi• it: tit en a bh2sun have beenlrenew- �� ' llo;Riii win ftp Weida . - Qu to ortii li`xpoairar, ° b Hod e s I3ra . Sal ff egtili for filo !t'e dirnI "Y fiat of ate of It �1. g' tertitllns oy , y t3 why da judges of tloa,l L'itowing rObao hi- 1 "' ibVol+0,i,)lt 00 took in theAporttt Perrin �Fhere�'s$tiild 1�z�ndl�itz ll;:id �� tip ,t�'w�' �•��y W :'a8eft. tit rho dge. raer's kttowled e c til c o r °Al (� y4 ty 'I i*rlgx Ire ir0ag�u���p next , xt Pau+ ansa etch, awngt Aytc l fir amdk� Cloves la till fho'nteltlt isirsblb shads ' • Ii2tweeq, the holder. and file giver of no eaua� in On heraa UniAtvLtEiO iaplug. it hall bftid i 'alt ' SltlS hdb "�Vhei We , try a,10 coat packagio o IYl d $tiYa I lktitt� , Ato ndto, �yt#bY'dtt+s ,lfy T, i, i7oari iae. ttirb. Be arfre yau'et 8enuili: dressedaCld undresatid, lace ttind bilttan, , ;, ;,J IR ,, . t , Y t ,111, +Y ,.. 'x; . :.PI. , f ... ,. s. .,, Y v w d' , J.. f'.. .'- ... ,.,, .,. ...s,•1..,,,. `i I "I ...n.:. n; ,: .,. o.^ ,, ., . , ., ,, e r 5 .1 f, ,. , ,. . . ,+ ..... �, ,. I. ,' ., I , .r. , :5 -,. e. -, r .: ,.. ^ ., ,_ ..,.-. .,, ... .... ... is .. ... ,. .,, ,._vt cc r,.. -,.� 7... r. .. . h. x n,. ... f �. r , ,,,. ., -,a ,..;a. t. .w, . r I. . .:. cy fr; .,. -n , t . ,. -, , 9 �,,. .,.. 11:,I .r 1. M1 .... a., t.. ... ., 45..,,,: 1 ..et ,. ... :..a. i. , 7 t ,.i. a �. + ,, .. r. , ,r .. R , Y fi ... ,. .. :,. ,,.,, .. ..,•,.. .: :v .. i.n ' .. , t i I raMMWVPV,RW. JWE•I. f f + It 11 I 2 1 ( 1 lt�;. r N' t t , y' r 4 r I5r .., -4-11111. :.. - . 1' is .. '.. .,.. ,,, .i a , - f .:.,. .. '...5 , ., ... i, } 1' ., .,�. s,1 .. ,f, , F s , , ,(' ,1 v' � .,.. �T' .. .. (,., •.i ;. - '.:'V, , F-1 ,"`• ro,. ,,,R1 .; I r , , ,h 1... ... .. . ` ..., .. i ,.. , . t. ,, r, ,...,..,;, a .- - a . ..off ._ ,i ' 3 .. l „. 5 i. Y. t,- , , f iy-. ,. t : r n .@'-.: -�.) ,..y: , .A' '1�..: , '.I .t .� r.... : 1' ✓ T ��y'r,;`,�J�,nti ,. T� r„ �' .>. .%. r... ! R , ', ': x; ,. 1'.Y. L , e .yf. f. ! . b.. 1 I•,iTT.. I�"al*• rl ,. +�:'•F' e i y hl 1 A :., •µ, ,. 'y A rr, r , ,.. ,, :Ct. 1 l ,-. a .Y. ,. :.6, q.0 4. k +./ t ' tt "i 1 y i. ,' •'�sF.. tw '+ .; , , ",x' ,', .x f, - , f t" /y + {.`�' ,dJ Wj, y� .�y ` yi ,y` p jj A', +,r 1.5 •f:, ,�. 5 "4Cup, Ill'lidi (ii I:114I Y16 ,. �� li" .id i,1 1 '�'jl 1•A. ��' ' y: ,. , u- J h , HA , * �;.. i .`, ,.,,c�N'1"�r,li,t:4&lli•`l r• Stili•"A 'N' ?a?, '• . Q'.s ►.#;CE+' 1111?', ppao �llp' 1 wl ill. 14�:,ak ]po tsb% 1r , l' ANN 1 Xr,,FH ,r;PS LANO, l": I ecru. l)Illi!l a 1 e ' ' ` ,, �l( ,. x f, kz ; " elf i�ud lit chart) a # pra4tioat e 1 ,flti6pcit � m4.iilllloi;, `is,' Lti1a 'pt s , JC �� _. * .a l�eeti' W�a'terli litatlQ s � 3'I f k,ltr.;l "} a rrR;A,tAq'�4V to oho 144th '}'d$ib3igJFy CI. 4 .. ��r11 r r, tt trial villi eult you, acs .I! fyl ei RileSl 71Te>wea>a, i> '� gliorl►�Ak@� ltkl�.04 Work and eau e-orapggtac With Sia -, in price. .In Quin UP ,N i i�j �, a�1; "� .wit%? glaasaa tilut will ll�tt' ft>r c>p&aao,elve aq�r-altpt, of0.45'1}Q, We n9G Qnl aexryve1i'aa bu.G ciao geGeeati�a ,(�uoh os ' notbl' We tu111>e:atP1,,y, ,A_', , Oil$, 0'�'Ok, , ; lr',A.TORI1�, RUS'l3LR; OIC, CAN$, WREDl'CI�E�; Ii i1. 44x1 ;..you > . ;fl,lfe pltirge iiUt a >nodarate price i boutQtya cli;n, Irl xllingis, 1iaw$, TIRES, tNIEIZLT$Ei AND QQTEII COVER, RIb1@. VALVES, l PA tltltl 'allav� you to ran D:o ghfot >tyi�)# �ai3d twenty other $tet; s, OCL HOZE COVERS, ETC< liti t1d@t lahese Q1rQQin.etaAtlea why1. s m,Zt ttltfCerin from �xcet3slve � ' p�u ply exorbitant prises to , heart bu " i4;'IFed w:itb the }e' Itlgpeot our Bit/yo#ee in stook before buying. J1�;pl� 5s, �'0cci,14rs who are here io-bay Gent ut ospl* canciftd9 t a� ,Aug+- �1 '��r Co.,�''`� 7�r1+� �f ' *A-, "R 41+.,.` fq l»gt'towi .arid who Dobe 0 -so i those lne{nglies rode }nto harm, he Onward dBicycle v4I�.1„4i y +iu+lfrs J leas imagiL.tn s, `�,T ��, ta,C' all x064 We are here every • The coionlal Qecxetary, X2r. J. N< Gi.,P*- , P , ut ul:l times"'to teat your Rruuh,ar, has received a "memorand;=A OPPOSITE MARKET SQUARE. � V Q .eXly, ready at all times tq anY'oklaages Ghat mus occasion A11000000from Gundabooka, on the IZarlttt$ klf ler, giving the eaciiaa of tietlSer* m et. proper shade at stnmm a 0,., be, aaaaasary 1n the glasses youTtion bomestead (which is within thirtyW L . yw� E,��tt►d ready at all times to refund , yards of the river) from the 1st to the t11>r lXipuey i� we don't do as we say FH 26th of January, 1886• The following is W, " I. ,IRST G " - the extraordinary record of each Lsuc- fan-, Fit Your Eyes, Prcperly. T: pyE. L. t� ` �cesafve day's temperature from the OOL , {r 4r' • Ist to the 26th inclusive at this station: ,t' 112, 107, 112 114, 16, 118,. J 21 X23, 118, 1. ' o , Brushes .. . On Thursday, 115, 114, 13x, '117 1, 120, 12s, 124, 1z9, A C. DUFTON, Formerly of the Woollen Mills; LoI�- y__ 120, 120,' 126, 129, 119, 88: This Gunda- don, has opened a Store and Office on ALBERT , . pyo y� • books, is about 600 miles west of Syd- W�"'ltave,a lot of a fete dozen that ,J:�V'enlYlg" we age selling for 150 each. Most ney, Australia STREET, CLINTON (near. Fair's grist mill,) and will of tlbe6e brushes are worth 200 and A gentleman from that hot locality pay the Highest Cash Price for 2fit1 but we simply want to clear The West Huron Campaiall will be opened -in X1 28 the remarked that "when it cooled down +� p to 88 In the shade we felt that the , _! tbq `, before receiving a new t /y heated spell had broken." Boo have ordered; that is why TOWN HALL 4,/L�N + �N� Even these readings,, awtul as they - 'xt you'q� have one NOW for 15x. may seem, convey but an imperfect I OOL r Idea of the terrors of .the heat in the ill the interests of interior of Australia. The death roll 101 Tom- has been frightful, and the steadiness of the heat aggravates the mortality, DRUGGISTS as even the night gives no relief. IC Or will exehan a £or WOOLEN. GOODS, such as ry +� Wilson, - D_ 101, � is quite probable that Cully 600 deaths g.iAi�4 OPTICIANS�� have resulted from this January heat �,, wave in this colony alone. Sidney, V' !!'VE�GOODS WE SELL ARE THF, with her 420,000 people, with her poll- Tweeds, Flannels, Blankets, Yarn ', MOODS YOU WANT.) The Conservative Standard Bearer. derous plies s heated masonry, her and Ready Made Suits. `z': ^, narrow streets and her "108.6" day in ,II.' the shade at the Qbeervatory, and 116 W * , ADDRESSES will be delivered by the Candidate, also in the shade at other places, has really SPINNING AND MANUFACTURING (ilea,- A been a refuge for the people at the r .;; Rsl/jl seething, boiling interior. To furnish �°° S UMb � Sir James Grant, Ottawa, ei relief for the people over the range, S ��1a, • influential delegations have besought 3wi"aPROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. ,., u • .� AND Ministers of the Crown to run eDe � ,, trains at reduced rates, so as to allow �;i;; , The :Leading Jeweler. J. Pe1. r✓, an escape from this widespread misery. We guarantee the very best value. It will be to your l Whitney,! % Imagine a country so level that for advantage to brie our Wool to Clinton. , , hundreds of miles there is no percept- b g y K, ,0:qP Goods are the Best in the Leader of the Ontario Opposition. ible vegetationtlon or so ecarceethatsion. wlth is every breeze A. C. i.� V FTONa 1%14 °?,,:. Market and our Prices All are invited. fills the air with clouds of dust w;ut � j 1. ,, ,, Chair taken at 8 P. M. no rain for months, and never a dew. file Lowest. with a wind sweeping over a scorching ' - ` GOD SAVE T H E QUEEN ! desert, filling the clothing, .the butld- Yf to Ing, the eyes and lunge with One dust, BIRT11113. We Want y with water cgnstantly tepid, and a tem f,. eepp J,p,,,, - perature for days ranging from 93 to Ma A16th, the n Sc of L., Walper, of a daughon ter entpal Tele hone Egehane. ` MARKET REPORTS. 123 in the day tithe and from 90 to 110 y To reduce our Stock of READY Q A Mullett. MCARTnoR,-In Hensallon Saturday, May degrees In the night, and afaint - 16th, the wife of John,MoArthur, of a eon. MADE 'CLOTHING and in order 4 T1aEY COULDN'T FOOL THE OLD MAN. laarreeted ovary Tuesday afternoon.) �,pgon Ot the 'domestic comforts'' of GARRETT: In Hullett, on May 17th, the wife to d0 this the prices well be merle „: 1`' " 'TR 4 -One day last week, a sleek dapper, CLINTON. the home to the interior of Australia of Mr. George Garrett, of a son, ed down to a figure that will be ;;� Fall Wheat .............••.••• 088 to U 70 for moat of the month of January, 1816, VANCAMP.-In Morris, on May 19tb, the wife sure to have the desired result. s'',..; well-dressed, glib tongued young man „<,, 0 80 to 0 40 may be approximated, of Mr, John VanCamp, or a son. The Goods are all marked in plain called at the residence of Mr. Christo. 13°.ler"''' """""" If people could have a fresh bath, a figures :- Uate ............................. 021 to 029: -' � STRATFORD,ONT. her Dt„le, sr., Huron Road, west of cool glass of water, or the luxury of a orifi or the best tlor„meroial Schools in oaaada- P Peas .............................. 0 48 to 0 50 block of ice, there would be some signs MARRIAGES. $10 00 Suits for $8 00 s11 ii 6nit'r, tar fn Oauada. Eater now and be Seaforth, and asked for the proprietor. potatoes, per bush.......... U lb to 0 20 of relief, but to shelter under the 900 7 so 20 ' 1.teed or the situations is the tall, oataloKnee free. Hg was driving quite a, -stylish rig. B1Ttt8C••••...... «<.,•. Q lO t0 O lI SHANNON-CALEMAN-By the Rev. Jag. 8 60 „ B r _ • --• --- • • . scorching rays o1 this terrible angry walker, at the residence of the Bride's brother, 1 ,lji �Mr g' .$LLIU't'T, 1'rinclp tats. Mr. Dale was on hand, and enquired Eggs per don .................. 0 7;to 0 8 sun, that pours .down so fiercely from on the 12th of May, Mr. J. M. Shannon of Bay 750 800 Rpt ,, his business. He said he wanted to nap......•.•.•..«.......•......•• 9 00 t013 00 the northern heavens, with little hope City, Michigan, to Miss Catharine Jane Colo- 700 '( 600 lot buy a good farm, and had heard that ..... 3 00 to '3 50 man, of Stanley. 000 80 ;r4 o�++� RO Mr. Dale desired to dispose of his. Mr. Cordwood.. of relief, until March or April gave NT Y_ AM sL-Attharesl n e < , •,,,, $def ......, .... 3 75 to 5 00 notice of approaching winter, brings ride's parents Glen Farrow, on Mag 13th, ' but he thought that his neighBor, a TORONTO MARKET. A feeling weeks ago I visited some Of �ely depressingRov. A. Y. Ztartlsy of B Jennie, o, Mr, au D. suits d see that the start William Fowler, eeilrhwo r, alt wOolT ................>........... 0 18 t0 0� thea -few sheep runs visited sof the Bentley, of Blyth, to 111Sas Jonuio, only daught• Su1tS.� P^ Mr Vi�,, and Mre. Peter Campbell. } i y young man asked him if he g WhOat, white..........$ 78 to $ NEssiTT-ACnESON.-At the residence, of the 50 suits for 3 00 m interior. One contained 600,000 acres bride's father, on MeY� 13th, by the Rev, G. W. `$ with proper Coupon Tick- into the buggy, and ,drive over and do red ................ 77 to 78 and had 300,000 sheep on St, Mine host Andrews, Mr. W. Nesbitt, to bliss Emma 3 75 300 ;, '_ see Mr. Fowler. This Mr. Dale consent- da goose + . + .... , , . • . , 5411 to 00 32 40 0 . els and that their baggage ed to do. lie qct into the buggy and g lived In the centre of the great abase yyoungest daughter of Mr. Robt. Acheson, all o g �( 280 Peas .................... 52 to s,1 country, and several "squatters" were (Soderich township. It I 00 :.,i" i8 checked through to they drove off, presumabty to see Mr- Buckwheat ............. 39 to at the mansion, They "represented" a KEMP-POTTER.-At the residence of Mr. 2 „ 1,•; :, , Fowler, but, instead of driving straight Barley .... • + ... • .. • , , • 36 to few miillon sheep. The country was the bra George Huller Holmes, by brother-in-law of destination. It costs no there, when they got to the side road Rye • • , • • , • • • , , , • • • , , , „ 401 to 0() the bride, on i<lay 13th, by Rev. G. W. An- These prices are genuine Bar saltie '"w,k' 0 leading south, the man turned down like the vast, scantily covered plain I draws, Mr. Kemp, of bullArto❑ to Mian W. InOI'8 to startrigh t than g Oats• • • • • • • • • • • • • • •' • • • •' Z W 00 have described. It had not rained over Emma Pqtter, daughter of the late Thomas Our Stock of Sprin and Summer Suit- ,,, , towards the railway track. This some Hay . • , , , • , , , , ,11 W to 15 50 Potter. {,,;;.r. Wi'pX1g, what xmuaed Mr. Dale's suspicions, straw, bundled. - .......10 00 toll 50 an inch or two for eight months. There JAMZE90v-CARTER-On May 20th, by Rev. Inge is complete an are going out fast 4, but be said nuthin , thinkin he would was no appearance o[ mofature. The A. D, McDonald, D. D. Mr. John Young A full line of Furnishings, Hata, Caps, s .� g g do loose .............. 7 OU to pen of the shrubbery wa faded 1DW Jamieson, Hallett to miss Harriet Ellza, or full information in refer- await developments. After going a Eggs, new laid .... , 9 to 9. gr Phomas Carter, of Tucker• &C. x rd, short distance they met another strap- Butter, lb. rolls......... 10 to 1 a dull, feeble gray and stock was thin smig. or of Mrs. 8I1c8:t0 travel Consult and dying by thousands, One man with smith• A J', HOLLOWAY v s ger, a somewhat burly, course -looking do Tubs, dairy.. 10 to 12 do0000 acres and one-fourth of a mil- GOY-STEPUEN80N.-At the Manse, Wing- ri individual. This man stopped them, Chickens 30 to 5U ham, on May 20th, by Rev. D. Ycrrie, DIr. �, TOWN and entered into conversation with lion sheep had 100 men constantly ,em- John Goy to liiiaa Jennie Stephenson, both of CLINTON. (,, .t, � �����ON AGENT, Ducks, ................ . . b0 to 70 �4' 1 Mr. Dale's Campanion. After talking Turkeys ................ 8 to 11 Ployed in cutting down the boughs of Turnberry. '" 5 to 0 the apple and the Oak -a scrubby, HAvs-TERBUTT.-At the residence of the :� % awhile, this second ratan said to the Geese . ` °i , G. T. R. other that he, Could show him a nice thick -foliaged tree unknown in America bride's mother Maitland con., Goderich town- G - r potatoes........ 2s, to `l.5 ship, on May 26th, by Rev: E. A. Andrews, Mr. 1, ,,,, ' good Stable for Sale• little game by whicli he could make Dressed hogs. , . * ........ 400 to 4 75 -.for his sheep to browse on They Hays, of Bluevale, to Mary, eldoet daughter of , could live on this for a few weeks Mra, W, Tobbutt. ."Frame Stable, asgood aenew,l8x30, with tlm• some money, and which he had learn- Beef, hindquarters..... , 500 to 700 0,`-, a ellla,torsaleaheap,tobemovedoffpremiaea. ed in Buffalo when he was -over there do forequarters...... 200 to 350 only. The water holes on the "squat" BEATON-CALLANOHAM-By the Rov. It H. - s"�,bA ply at TSE NEwe-RECORD office, Clinton. with horses, and producing a pack of Veal . ..... ... ......... 350 to 4 50 tages" were nearly dry, and it took a $all, at the residence inst. David Agnew Eaq., 907-tf Ashfield, on the 19th fust., Mr. Malcolm 13Caton, ( cards he offered to bet the man to the oodly force oP men to rescue or akin jr`Y;: _ Lamb, yearlings....... 700 to 8 00 g to Miss Annie Callanham, all of Ashfield. i :,',;T; p buggy $ ........... 2 00 to 4 W y; 4 tIITANTED.-Young men and women to help by b that he could not pick out a do spring. the sheep that were constantly perish - in the Armenian cause. Good pay, will certain card. The bet was taken and TORONTO LIVE STOCK MARKS tug In their efforts to struggle through DEATIf13. n1X send copy of my little book, "Your Place in the money put up, boil] men seeming the mire to the fast disappearing water. !'i;?,,,' jfe"free, to any who write. Rev. T. S. Lin- to have plenty of cash. The man readi- Milch cows, each ...... $20 00 to $35 00 Since that time there has been very gC inst., k Cash, 9s, Scotnilact, countY,I of G on the �r cbti Brantford, Ont, Export Cattle, per cwt.. , , . 3 75 to 400 little rain In that part of the country. 4th inst., Adam Scott, fo. orly of Godorlch ly picked out the desired card, and township, and father of Mr. Loslio Scott, Clin- THE ELECTRIC -LIGHTED xit.s. pocketed the money. It all seetned Butchers' choice cnttle,cwt 290 to 300 Think what devastation and auttering t ton, aged 80 years, SIDEWHEELSTIOAMERS ' as easy as rolling off a log. The Buff- Butchers' good cattle, cwt 226 to 2 75 n prolonged spell of weather from 100 WALTEBs.--In Lower Wingham, on May 11 J.l':';. alo man then asked Mr. Dale if he would Bulls, per cwt ............. 2 25 to 3 00 to 120 degrees in the shade would cause 16th; Richard Walters, aged 85 yearn, Cambria and Carmona " not dike to take a risk. Mr, Dale's stockers per cwt....... , , .2 25 to 2 50 under such conditions. JOHNeTON.-ln Kinloss, on May 18th, Adam P'cr,t-, °, §ft Feeders, per Cwt ...........2 75 W 3 50 Not only do people succumb to this Johnston, aged 3l Years and 2 months. Will ply this season between Sa Dia, y, wlad- 1i%, r: companion kept nudging him, and sor, Detroit and Courtrlght, Sarnia, (Soaeriah. ,.; ,. s," urging him to go in and he would be Sheep. per cwt. ...........300 to 3 26 overpowering weather, and stock die COLEMAN. -In Seaforth, on Ma 20th Hannah Kincardine, Port E1 n, Southampton, Kdilar- '� Ticlid rs for Addition to Huron sure to win. Mr. Dale who was evi- yearlings, per cwt......... 4 75 to 500 by the thousands, but the dead bodies Matiild2 Chalkil months and 7 d e ' °l°man, nay, Manitowaningg �lttle Current, Gore Bali. .dC "i , House Of l3,tj£UgO. dently enjoying the fun as well as spring lambs, per head... 300 to 400 lie scattered around everywhere, and Spanish River, Cutler, Algoma Mills, Theealan. t BRECir.-In Chicago, on May 15th, Minnie Bruce Mlnes Hilton, Port Findlay, Richards �r,�,• .;: either of his companies, was Calves, per head.......... 3 00 to 5 W brilliant plumed birds, parrots annum- Balman, wife of Edward Beech and youngest Dock, Sault Ste. Marie. *1�0 Salman, of Us- A2,13fp'TE27DERS will be received by the quite willing to try And fled Choice Bacon hogs, per cwt4 15 to 426 arable, and other noted songster's, drop daughter of the late Thomas First Steamer leaves Windsor Map 12th. Pbr .ext. ptltlersigned (marked tender for House of the charmed Card, but Very posi- stare hogs, cwt.......... , 3 75 to 400 dead from the trees by this ipeat, more borne township, aged 37 years. Freight, Passenger Rates, or folder, call on (.. " fitge) up to the 2nd day of June, 1896, for 'lively declined to put up any Thick fat and light hogs,cwt3 45 to 350 fatal than a sportsman's shot. MANNiNO. -In Exeter, on the 19th inat., A T. COO�E�i z�,atilldmg an oddition W the Houeo4oi Refuge at Notwithstanding the semi -tropical Richard Manning aged 71 years, 8 months. 1]. 1 ,,,airs} n. money. This the Buffalo man at flows per cwt ............ ..3 00 to 325the ' a. -= {"; ' "sand speeiflcatione can be seen at the length consented to. Mr. Dale picked Stags, per cwt......... • ... 2 00 to 225 character of the country, the people onMaY 16thMary5th nnBhlnen aged nkyloaprn C. P R Ticket, Telegraph and 0 r" ' p t Wm. Coats, Clinton, or at the oflico Out the desired card, and the than in MONTREAL MARKETS. do not Sive or dress In a manner Butt- and fl mont�a and on D1ay 19th, Catharine )1 p sisted on his taking the $5. After able to the climate, Aa a rule, the Emily May Shine, aged 5 years and 2 months. Steamship Agent, r ref thIs Architect, H. C. DQcBride, London. "^' 'd'he lowest or any tender not'necessarily ac- considerable coaxing, Mr. Dale took Grain -There ie no improvement in „west' heavy black ur blue woollen •+BoBrnTaON,-In Clinton, on May 2.5. David " r!,� ted. and heavy hale, many allk Robertson, aged 86 Yearn. - ULINTON, ONT.- x . - the money and quietly placed it in the market. Corn, Canadian, 37c to clothing, . HENRY EILI3ER, his pocket. He was then strongly 37ic ;ppeas, per 60 lbs, afloat, 58c to 59c ; ones. They eat more meat than any jy f;x C airman of Committee, urged by both men to take another oats, No 2 white, in store, 28c to 28Ic other people on earth, besides they PolltlCal Etetntg• 'WANTED f YOUNG . MIDDLE AG10D ^ Crediton MEN of character. Hundreds foremoeh :c,,(phied 1(2ay 12th, 18 risk for a larger amount, but he ref oats No. 1, in store, 201je ; rye, No. � take a good amount of fluid which in Canada, startdd with us. About ,$14,00 a ,,;�,g .t ed, and, thinking the fun had gone faa nominal ; barley, feed 36c to 38c ; bar- differs very much from fee water, As The Toronto Globe has raked t0 wook to beuatn with. THE BRADLEY GAR 4' enough, he very peremptorily orderer ley, 43c to 51c; buckwheat, per bu, 39c RETSON Co., LTD., Toronto, Ont, �� a fact the people of this country have gather the names of 21 men who are ?., ,,,. , Pasture to Let. his, companion to turn around and to 40c. almost superstitious dread of cold supporters, of LwurSer. We didn't %',:sr- b; e4 and Cattle taken Into pasture. Good drive him home. The man evidentld Cheese -100 boxes sold to -day at 7Jc; drinks, and strange as it may seem, by think the.© were quite so many ;but wtio caa� tj plenty ,of shade water and salt. No geeing that Mr. Dale had seen througy Butter -The market ie quite steady . a majority of them the luxury of ice Wanted -An Idea °meq° u°D,�tr ;rrl►ett wire, App, to b MASON at staple. yhe little ams, and that he was troth we suppos© the Glahe wouldn't lie me '�;; "p. 4i tb M. Glow, o>�Orange Hall, Z'tullett, B fodder creamery is quoted at about llljc water is tabooed. about a little thing like that. W te dHX ED tW RN it QOng on SAlLm . man who could be fooled with, com- to 15c and 16c and over is about the It seems funny to an American whe nays waatungton, D. C., `eI their �i3ODDp ,4 .. HUroll a0U11ty CoUnoil. plied, and drove back as far as the cor- , idea for grass stock. was never sick a day in his life, but and fist or cvo hundred laventloas wanted �::,, q•. Der at the E,uron road, when in no Eggs --The markt shows little or no who through this dreadful January h� Goderich Townshtlp• very mild terms he ordered illy. Dale to worked twelve hours a day, seven days 11 4 h'e" tltrtidfl of the co rporation of the County change: `:i11,d ;. tpnvVill meet in O%Court Room, In the dismount and get straight home. This a week, and drunk iced tea for luittch, Mr. and Mrs. David Beacom were A section of the Seneca street tont ,,,; yp td;of Qoderla on Tueaday, the 2nd day of Mr. Dale very politely refused to da, �" p "Illgxt, atsn'oSbck p. m Mr. Thomas Fred. S. Kirkpatrick, and teed tea for dinner, and who dor- vi> Sheppard, at the residence . Mr. Geo. lA Brown'syytibuilding, e Of Buffalo, co m. LANE, Clerk stating that the fellow had taken him brother of the Lieutenant -Governor of Ing his evening work, with the then Sheppard, Nile, last week. thesruins.ttrThee deaths are repolrted. '� 'gfaMaylttth,1896 914-2t away, promising to return hila, and he Ontario, who was in the Civil 5erviee urometer at an even loo degrees. keep Mr Pearson, of Grey, is visiting 1. `P was bound that he should do bo, or for the past 'twenty-three years, died a pitcher of ice cold lemonade handy, friends in Goderich township. A verdict of manslaughter was ra- ^ there would be trouble. The scamp? in Ottawa Thursday mornin to hear people attribute the high death turned last week by a Coroner's jury ^" Flblrnesvilfe. geeing that he was thoroughly colt ht y g' "-- against Mrs. Costello, of Toronto in a rate in Sydney to the "reckless use of ,ir�g i .-11ir. ;and Mrs. Cousins, of at his own game, and that he hada Lieutenant Governor Chagleau has iced drinks•" _Australian Letter in Chi- A very important decision was connection with the death of an infant! �!,, �9hi0. did`, Ivere visitln there son, Mr. man of determination and courage to received officitil notification from the sago Inter -Ocean. recently given in the Appeal Court at on her "babq farm." eld', W Mt'1 W. Mulholland spent deal with, took ilia; Dlile home and de- Governor-General of the honor con- Toronto, connected with promissory A peculiar and possiblyfatal AC& I 1, �r d h ib M'itcllall, renewing old posited him in his own yard without ferred upon him by her Majesty. His now to Grow Sweet p"se• notes. The case was between Post- - dent occurred in the Township a>i >v,C d' ItrtiOnces,w Rias Ferguerin spept any further ado, and left in nu very fir Adol he phacjeavth be known as pew shouts, be aoian very mfr Elford, of Esaox, and S. Gallie- Downie, nearStratford. Will[aml�elia early Ua the spring --ft April, �° was shooting at a mark with a double- ,�li,itii •triend� in the village.-- amiable frame o4 mind. Mr, Dale was p P if poeei� , an banker, Leaman n. The ut r �,,j}( ]7!igltelc!,, otic popular teacher, : none the worse for hie adventurb, was The Macdonald Club of $ingston cid a nota 'far $7,000 endorsed by lh the ,ieacher's, tnnventloti, In $ti in pocket for his trouble, while the will hold a memorial service in honor b1e. They eltottid be kept moist and barrelled gun, which, being averthat d cool at the root. In order Ea sertorelford, and Callison did not notify him ed, kicked Violently and was thrown / 10 , it a; ` t, , . R. RpIn10S left for sharpers were out that much, but gale- of the dead chieftain on June 6th< theme t esuttk, sow in trenehes, at least of its ,maturity %r six years and eleven over KeIly's shoulder. Inthe act the " bt ,'r and eiilewh�t'e.--taisa Rosa,, ea the knowledge' that there to one Mr. Onimet, ex-Mtnieter of Plublie six Inches deep. covering lightlp M months, but renewed negotationQ with second barrel was discharged, ahtlotin(t , ", tri ll,, ,ls visitln her Friend, iltltunCh falnler that they crtnnot f Works,, was sworn.tti as a ju o o£ the Bret i}ratlt •earth about the plants the giver. Had the note run for his, brother, Michael Belly, land ;3oltn sbtV , We'httA�p eased to see The count is full oP rttscaliy adveu- , another month 'it would have been q ty+ Court of Queens Bench in oiltreal. xis ttt13! iettah anal, tate gtottaid 1s, Welsh whb •were behind hir11: Over btiVil.;" l�,, int', a�tolierts in the tureri3 of this class, tt the present time, level aKatn• : L yew Iiotne 3oi&"L . outlawed. Tha Assize Court ruled a hundred jabot etxtered Kelly's breattb 6. 1. ' ; ilo - ' 6 vW 1: Caine book the and it would be well far all on whom Mr. John Rosa I#oberts t; prot%th Ir coca of Elford, but the def iaton has and abdotli@n, while Welsh received d ' ` ail rMritt Patina, of t4iey may eau to giye thetiti' a cool rep of the Evenitig Telegr in, has accepted coat he 9074 ls`N'tteabtn. been reversed by the higher dourt with some in the face, file mtlat serious be- ll aid>a a,,. in one in qts eye. 'the ultimate yam'. t. �ltiXpilB S ,IIx t ie Vllinge this week. COption; ar tf they have dealings with the me sb off t 6,MaC t yltestta iri Resatan emaaaelve iy .of fife criers on thi�t l eVetnen ondotm a notal gg a,,i • +tui.;; vV ,�:rl&4*8 and family them the�y meq ,r}at gget oil, ae , farttln• , .thein rs h y too palwe in JUL 'At that time 1'$0.00 * ddelares soli of their in juries is problematicril, � Mx'. Dal d ul� kid. t h v been rem ' ¢; t ezitllilleri-••$. mthly a 0 di '. fillo are dan• "- non© of the oho a ins at+t3d u; }tlttkniein Lacilee clean yo laves ,with gemmas heett filo and Cha glvdr' rif, the nota fa s toi pay yet. %' : - U 4olpd dulf y3iiltezl th"ir rous'ahfiTlldters °to clmai lgttil: --Sea- Sass hive Glave Cleatige. fol! sale o ly, of 103,Ooo +� n,`'ti'eta �11r'e�ti thafi• it: tit en a bh2sun have beenlrenew- �� ' llo;Riii win ftp Weida . - Qu to ortii li`xpoairar, ° b Hod e s I3ra . Sal ff egtili for filo !t'e dirnI "Y fiat of ate of It �1. g' tertitllns oy , y t3 why da judges of tloa,l L'itowing rObao hi- 1 "' ibVol+0,i,)lt 00 took in theAporttt Perrin �Fhere�'s$tiild 1�z�ndl�itz ll;:id �� tip ,t�'w�' �•��y W :'a8eft. tit rho dge. raer's kttowled e c til c o r °Al (� y4 ty 'I i*rlgx Ire ir0ag�u���p next , xt Pau+ ansa etch, awngt Aytc l fir amdk� Cloves la till fho'nteltlt isirsblb shads ' • Ii2tweeq, the holder. and file giver of no eaua� in On heraa UniAtvLtEiO iaplug. it hall bftid i 'alt ' SltlS hdb "�Vhei We , try a,10 coat packagio o IYl d $tiYa I lktitt� , Ato ndto, �yt#bY'dtt+s ,lfy T, i, i7oari iae. ttirb. Be arfre yau'et 8enuili: dressedaCld undresatid, lace ttind bilttan, , ;, ;,J IR ,, . t , Y t ,111, +Y ,.. 'x; . :.PI. , f ... ,. s. .,, Y v w d' , J.. f'.. .'- ... ,.,, .,. ...s,•1..,,,. `i I "I ...n.:. n; ,: .,. o.^ ,, ., . , ., ,, e r 5 .1 f, ,. , ,. . . ,+ ..... �, ,. I. ,' ., I , .r. , :5 -,. e. -, r .: ,.. ^ ., ,_ ..,.-. .,, ... .... ... is .. ... ,. .,, ,._vt cc r,.. -,.� 7... r. .. . h. x n,. ... f �. r , ,,,. ., -,a ,..;a. t. .w, . r I. . .:. cy fr; .,. -n , t . ,. -, , 9 �,,. .,.. 11:,I .r 1. M1 .... a., t.. ... ., 45..,,,: 1 ..et ,. ... :..a. i. , 7 t ,.i. a �. + ,, .. r. , ,r .. R , Y fi ... ,. .. :,. ,,.,, .. ..,•,.. .: :v .. i.n ' .. , t i I