HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1896-05-27, Page 2_1 Ir - I I ." I'� ... I �� T, $ VVIlipw", W6 �Wl T.W. ''I'll ., I . I I - . , , �, ,;;; � l .. . "11111111 ��� 11 I . , , '!� "'. �;'­'_ 1. ,, . 4 I . . . . . . . 7,WT-,;7 7-, .1 I , '. f,,�., , �-, t � .. � .1 "", . ,2� , . � ,�� " :. "" , ,�'. -A . � '. ": .,4"� " .1� . ... .. ''� , �_� ''�,,,��.��.',,,,'�,''�..�,,,,,�.,�, � . ..... , ..."I.- .1 . .. I '. �­� ­��­;,,-,�.__ . 1. I , ", 1.-, 1. .1 . ,* ,, I '­ I . , �,�. 1 ,, . " I 11 � � , �, . ,, I., _ ­ ­­­ ­':�, � �. - " ,'',-l" �., ", ,�_ ., , ,,,, , . 11 I � �_ � �, 11 ''I", ": I , - �,�, _ .1 _1 " ­� '"i I I �1` "J" ,�f"..�,,�,��""..''if,�""U', , '. ,:,�, " ��� ,�� � . �,. , , ,,,, '. ` , I'� ,.", � 1, �,:.; .11.�, I '11; " A� ", - �� �. � I `_�-,. k",;_�,�q, -, _� ;:,�",�_P�. ".. _'�: ... ��,., "O-, 1. , 1. (I.. � 1:1�'_,, I" , ��­_,�N,-, �,�,l�,,,,,'.,...:"""�,'�.,�,,,�.,;,�,�,���,,�, _, _ .11 �. �. ,� �, - .1 I , . i--_ , , h, ��",. I _� " , ,�, - ". 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I 11 � t,,',:,-� , �, i - ,, lit. ­.. � -I'll, 11 ­ .. . ,l.,',: " �� . - 1' # Aor c 'Ing " I . I . " �� 1�'� - CU ­� "' _ ft�,�,., L , I 1't�, .:,''. I '� . e wheel I ;Ir` " ., �� �,,t _<" �"L,��'�I"" I ___-_ Seekl�g---Tholr Desia'I � , . I � .. I I 1, �_ — , �,,,,-;,i���,,t, � '' y �� l ""­j,�' ��,L`� j% ji , �, 1,��. ,. i Co. MORTGAG.R 1. MS. - in 41am.eter, 11 "'Ji,"A". % TRIP, — , . Are p � am 10 12 or 14 fleet ,,� ,,, .,� r:;,.,�;�,�' . , , , 044, ."', co-rilgodder.'The larg 1. � ., �w R I V, N 0 I, Or A BRUCE , IFTF , Ia,41A$% a, By the. Hundreds, Those Who H��4� .1 � J� J.�:._"�,`,`��jL ' "' nXPE FARM Ell- . Divulged by a Clin, �y e , ". ,,, . " L,, _ - 4 . . 1114 e of, wood, The bub of the big , I . 1. , �;!.. ,, 11 �,;Vll� - * Bow James M. Cline, 0 Wallonol County 'd I t;-, : I "" L � ­ I I "r, , � . , - _ . . � �!, - ::- , ,�,� �`I' f ,� whoiiil Is 4 feet in diameter, made of I .., " 1'� I . p �:!,.�,��' . �SVFFSB. D so SUVII; Farmer, Ifas fWcqaodad. . 0d, Yankee. I f , .-� ,. I ''. * PRIly TOAT RE BE- 1 ' Cured of Dire Disez.se B . "I �.:,. � I " L ,,�q,4�.,?,,�,��. '' inch boards nailed together, with square Been . y , Q .:, �� I'll I. ,."�­­ uss CRIPPI'E.- The front 16 acres of the 1,00 In my . ��� �. � I,: � . ,q � ", ', , AL I � 11� . , , OAMt MOST A RELPI, holle In center to ft post. Tile spokes, : I . �. 1111. fi­V IS AGAIN ABIX TO BE ' . L. �,;�:; " 1'1�',1,11�,' ABOUT U18 farm Is set to'an orchard 24 years I ,;, ., �, ,_ , Cartwright Indiscreetly Makes an Avowal eight In numbeh, are �x4-incb hemlock 11, -1�,�, � . , ,11�";.�'�:,,, I , � I WORK AS WELL &�� EVER, old and nearby is one of ,the nicest South American Nervine. I ,`� , ­� " 1','�, ,�' � , "', `�." j;; . scantling, bolted to hub with two S-8- I ... � � I 1, I I , � ­ � ; ,,,, � .:",� li,,:,�;�.,.l ,':.. .. --- , -rows of black ash sha4e trees, about What Shows the A-uti-Canadlan and Anti- Inch bolts In each, The rim Is made of 1�1' _.­­-�� - , : -I . . I , r , _'� "'­ . . 1: , From the Walkerton Tolesool)e- . 20 y0ars' Old. to DO British Party in Its True Light -As to Sir , �-":;_'�'�" ", 6;(P6 7 L three tiers of inch boards, cut the ��, � "' ... �',­,'�, years tile Teles- found In the coun- 1. 1: �14r­, , � - .-� 4 ast, fe%v . , I I . �,, During the Proper elfole and About seven Inches I 1�1 ., � ' ­ , , j l, �,k,�,,, I I 4 7 �,,,� '', . . -Y toulents try. The farm Charles. na I I I 1�1­ ),�,, ­�,%, " �11 cope has pub ished man sUt � !_ '' I � wide, The two otAtside tiers project (H Hoag wiaosproid no vovefsai iq ito OPP11041100, � 11 ,,,;;,,1,,,�, �, � g- " Ing the Lrt, culiarEk 01 cures from I A , 11 l�:..� T � - L� , 1. ��A­ 4 I fence is of 6 strand, When. nearly five years ago, Sir John over the middle tier one inch, In order . ; 1'. �,�i%,,,,�, li;�_,-.5�,��, ,,I . . '. , 51iv, use of M. villiams, piuk Pill$. wire 4 1-2 feet high. �.­N,,O`,' ,1.*,J,, M 0% Macdorald went over to his f4thors, the to make grove' for chain to run in. . I . � 41 ,v . � . "XIIII, I � . . "Ill � " , " . '�O,:�",�',.. *�,t ( The posts very Grits who had spent their days in The post A in diagram Is 6 inch --!s ­ �i� ,�' ­', .rhey were all so well Authenticated as are 5 8 .. .,�,�,,, , ; , " I ", , ". 11.11 , , � I -1 "i- . to leave no doubt, as to thell complete -2 n of )ff at each 1,�1111 I . 1, 1� . by I'l inch a vilifying him were constrained to no- square, bard wood, rounded ( Y!, �,�',,4;',P�,�, � . �Where Other Medicines Have Failed and Doctors Have '�;,,��,_.,:, �,, truthfulness, but had any doubt re- 4 1-2 feet Above ana � I "�;'� '11,11 :Igo viould have knowludge that he, more than any other end to run in bearings on floor and In -N,��,4 " ,�,. I IL , 2 1-2 below around. " 311� �� � �1.,� I I mailled its last vest l ,11�, � �,�" a, 11 " As k man, had done his best to cement the overlay. The big wheel Is fastened on his . .11 i , 41MIVI. been removed by a I � All corner and gat(, Pronounced the Cases Beyond Cure, T I I �, :1 11101"'', ,� cure which h r " , I .V-1-11_ recently come juldel, out* ii(:�,rsonal ob- provinces of Canada into a great nation. post high enough for horses to w1alk ..... " L . . . . . . . . �; I 1�1 ' ­ I � posts are of I inen It was bir John's intention that Sir underneath. The chain B Is a Size Great Diwovery Has Proven a .1. 11 "I'll, 1, '111. . It is tile case of Mr. John . , " I ��` servati�)n. squaxe, wrouglit . � ,�i,�,,�Z�,,� . Charles Tupper should be his successor. heavier than common plow chain. I ,�,.,� ,: I nillent young fariner of 11.,7 'V.!�,��:., Allen, a prot N " iron and braced Vy Genuine Elixir of Life. I., "i 1. " X IA0. '01, ,�� , �Ir. Allen In 1891 It was impossible for the greot The Jack in illustration is made from hl,f. , ,V,U�­l the township of Greenock. -tot) and the I 84 inch round Iron Nova Scotian to accept the premiership. the gearing of an Old Buckeye mower. I . :�: ". " � �,�,�"".; . C. - , : , ,l , I is'so well known in Walker . ,44 feet long. Glate He was doing noble work for Canada in it is shown fastened to post In barn. C I . , 1 !141 It that, lo, brief a(!- are 12 feet . 11 iN. Mt.', vicinity adjoining I I I . , :4g�,Ji,��` I wuys the office of High Commissioner to Eng- Is a wooden pulley 15 Inches in diame- �, � . . ., , ''t, Ally remarkable rec-overy' 0 - wide, the CateS f �rhe Same Verdict Comes From Old and Young, Male and Female- , _ ��,',­. , ` count of his re , , I 1412, , 11 , ,�� , �f;,,, ;, 'L. froul what. seemed a black ash lumbe 0 land. ter, with groove for clialn nad bolted ' . t, 11 , .n incurable disew-e r. I I 1;;11 k $011Z.D A to ouv readers. THE FARM ais nANx. The Lineal Successor. to rachet wheel, originally on the main Rich and Poor. and From All Corners of the Dominion. ,��.9- "L will be of intere, ether with 3-8 . 04�7'- j,:," "I" by s inches, and put tog Now Canada has for a First Minister , , �,�,�'i"t; � , �,Itk art of the sunaner shaft of the old mower. D Is the bevel ,y ­n '' During the early p n,ch carriagii bolts, nails not L"44", lI�,,,) _ i", ,�*�-V of 1895, while wt)1.1,ing ju the bush, Mr. by 3 1-2 1 the man whom Sir John intended for' gearing and F is a, wooden pulley bolt- .. ,� � � 0 .,71 LLL I I �� 11 &.4'. , being used. The crosspieces on eno the post, He Is the lineal successor of ed to cog wheel for belt or rope to con- is the case that he who makes bottles of Nervtne, and can trutl�-, ,�,�tql'. if it . gfjL K,,,'8�1.11' and bolt:g the greatest statesman that any British nect with cutting box. X Is the - I , �'. I � A.. I 'I , , . ,­— —­,.. and centre are dcruble tight I Bay that I am a new man." �� .... I r�jj;����'� here only , ",fL��" 01 ght two blades of grows grow w I I �, .", �11'., � r through and through, To keep cornet colony has ever seen. The Right Hon. ening putty, hinged at (a) with wet of human TIP1,11117111 " , ,,,,��,.P,1�4"� I I Ising out Oor Jnseph Chamberlain, Secretary of State G attached to ke4bP chain taut. it any- one had grown before is a benefactor has , � , ,�,� . L ... and gate posts from ra a flu- *111: I � ,�'Ily ; said : " The hand that rocks the i, ,f.",i " 0o." I k ;_I by tension of wire, I rivet b for the Colonies, was among the firat to of the race. what to the position to b cradle moves the world." How I j-, iI ... 1, , - ground . f, �� iV44, �. - inclis in ollaimeter. c -t, . healt arid I , , - 11 I , , L �R,--k`;� "', q �.f�i,, - - iron rouna congratulate Sir Charles on his acceaFdon accorded that man who by his know portan't it Is, then., t,b4t " � .. ,114111 1 -91 to the premiership. None knew better - . - - _ ledge o �7,,l ' L � ,. lt��77 f the laws of life and health i " :?��izl_ .. plates, with hole in centre to run P0 strength should be iriade the- lot at , K1. '.I i , 1�,_ .. f J - the mothers of this country. The wo- I L p; � , -, ,, through and rivet on underside. .Whero than Mr. Chamberlain that Sir Charles I gives energy and strength where Ian I r,A, ­, I., I ((J1. ditches Are to be crossed with teams on account of his Intimate acquaintance 9110r, weakness and anticipation of an men of Canada are ready by scores to I �1, il , Ir, 1�1 . ... ,j/(�6(�fli I loads, the ground is graded will' withfiscal andImperial questions, was early death had before prevailed? Js tell oll, the benefits that have come to . e� .� , - , I , �, MQ I I 1 4 12 -inch vitrified sewer Pipe which Is the most eligible man for the post. not he also a public benefactor? Lot them through the use of South Amerl- I � )%KIRR" _____ . - " 0, , r. - I , much better than plank for bridging. What Sir Charles Abandoned. — thcoe who have been down and are van Nervine. Airs. R. Armstrortir, 69 � ;,�_ __ _V - �-.,,,,,, -el My chief and best paying crop is I'laY, Slurs, linmerited and ungenerous have I now up through the use of South Am- 0011W. wife of the colporteur, of the �` , I � . , - - erican Nervine give their OpInloite OR Bible Society at that town, sulteroed � .R 1, 11 i� ,11) I mixture of alsike clover and t1motnY been cast at Sir Charles. He has been RAR�1 i , , *1 , -, a . L . �.XR , � this subject. John Boyer, banker, of for six years train nervous prostration- D­ accused by the Grits of selfishness. In �� "k � , I . li preferred. The land drains well, but what respect has he been sollf-seektrig? ___�_ . .... � � & 81 � " I is flat, black loarn and clay subsoil, __ 33neardine. Ont.. had made himself a Medical assistance did not tlelp. ."To ­ I .�,,,I, I �, Z� . &.�Iq kN , , I My grea,test The salary and allowance foT expenses of hopeless invalid through years of over- ,Lit ,I phe says, , ,I have tRAM54 Aft. bottles ,',, . - . r.", �_g " . About 12 inches of loa,m _45��__ __� �"' �4' ­ farming Is too -110111 wet; the High Commissioner amount to four- I I � V, Z, ., __� work. 4k le"t he felt his came was o# Norville, emd can truthfully BUY this � i trouble In . I li`,��Ii 1, � 1, I - -------. Ina that has' eftectail '4 1-11.14, 1, . .1�� ", _9:�_�___ Forne underdraining done In lowlanas teen thousand dollars o year. The salary hopeless, for the best physicians had Is the -one -irtecue V"'. �& . "' g ,Qo� . I __ I failed to do him good. He tried 11W- & cvwe,in toy caae.11 Mrs. Johin DIA* - � , tile has produced of the Premier of Canada is eight thou- . I �, , #1 I I with S -Inch drain the sand dollars a year. .. . . k4 1; K" � I �_� yine, and theoe are his words : 1� I glad- wwAy has been for (40 years a VillstdOnt I ,`�,;� ig, �, Allen was seized with what tippeared good results. as the land is dry . , " 4 7'�111� .11 The truth Is that Sir Charles aban- ly say it : Nervine cured me and I of plimhertorlo, and h" reached t3w AI- .. -LLL A . ... vl,'.�'. , � to him to be rheumatic paht� in tile , first of any land on the farm In spring. six thousand dollars a year in or- 110ME-MAD13 HORSE 11ONVER. am to -day as strong and well as ever." lotted three;-Soore,yeare and talk. Three I . . . back and shoulders. At first lie re- : Hay now grows so heavy it will hard- doned !, � " , . two der that he might lead the Conservative .4,r" ago her, syste sustained I say- � , , a passinq ar (mck, and , ly cure on the land. often cut Samuel Elya6 of Meaford, was cursoll of y, in 11, r ,� , , ". �� ga,rded it as but , victory against the Liberals, I qne wants more explanation I will be neuralgia of the stomach and bow -ale oft shook through the death'at a I A , I it would disappeav it, it : and three tons per acre; corn yield party to ,_ " tbought that �.... . ., , '. fair cro,p. headed by Mr. Laurier, the friend of happy to give it but do not want to by three bottles of'this medicine- JaB. daughter. Nervifte was recommenfled. . J� N11 day or two. Oil the contrary, how- 100 brushels Per acre as a � �i�','�� ; I allows'ror Honors Mercier, Count of the Holy take too much space at present. -W. C. Sherwood, of Windsor, s6t 70 years of 'She perseveringly took It bottles Of � A.`_ ever, be daily 6ont4iued t6 grow i I no lonker make summer f " W . . . . . �'�t'. worse, and it �vas not 10119 before. he fa,11 wheat. Clear the land by raislng .Roman Empire, and the most corrupt L., in Ohio Farmer. age, suffered from oart attack of paraly- inedicine, with the reall'it that she is to- ;�:, 11 � politician that . .1.1111 ng 'f" " 0 this country has ever via. His life, at that age, vc" despair- day again strong &nd hearty. ITun- . I 11 11 L, had to give up work altogether, FVOW buckwheat, corn and millet, pl ugh, , �� _,, seen. It would be well for Canada If she Getting Around the Middleman, . "I M�, I the back t,be paias shifted to his right � early in June for buckwheat and mll- had ad of. But four battles of Ner'fine dredir of women suffer from impov .rish- i , more "selfish" Politicians like Sir A great deal Is said about the iniqul- , guve him back his,natuors.1 strength. A td blood and weakened nerves. "All � " 11'." ,,,, � �, . . . leg- and hip where they finally settled let and keep the soil well stirred to Charles Tupper. tous middleman; I am going to tell mY .. I . ­ � i and so completely helpless did he be- jabout July 4 And then sow. ,vi6tim of Indilgestion, W. F. Bolger, olt vitality,-, says Mrs. J. Fallis, of , . 11 Our Trade With Sreat Britain. way of getting around him. Two years Renfrew, says : " Nervine cured me grampoton. - seemed to have forsaken I 11 ­-,� come, that, he was unable to do more My most profitable and best feeding . . . I . 1, ., I , than walk across the room and then , crop Is ocyril, drilled in the row, grain In 1879, the Grits said: "If you check ago I was in need of money to pay .of my suffering, Which seemed Incur- my system. I was unable to get re- �� 77 � ,'I 1, I only with the aid of crutches. Of 8 or 10 Inches a.part in the row and imports from Britain in the interest of taxes And other cash Itenys and must &Nto, and had baffled all fernv�lr me- flat from any source untift commexicell �1� � '1'1��.�, . I -se be consulted the doctors, but Canadian industry, you will check our raise It from butter sales. I could sell othads and efforts." Peter Eason. Of taking South American Nervtno. The I I.. I . 0, I coui drills 40 inches apart; qultiva,te and ! I I " none of them seemed able to do- him hoe it, for ordinary corn and cut seven exports to Britain; buying less you must it at the store and "take trade," but Wallsoley, laost flesh and' rarely had R results are most sattsfactory-greater . I �. - I'll I I I any good. People in speaking of his days sooner than for corn to be husk- sell less." This formula, like a good "trade" would not pay taxes. I held a good night's sleep, because at stonilach far than I could have hoped for." It 11 case, always spoke pityingly, it he' t bl . � , ,,, In& , ed; then tie in large stocks In the field, many others, has been knocked on the zouncil with my wife, and the result rou a He says : " Nervine stopped came within the way of Mrs. It. Map- I . ... . lf,-i,� generally thought that he had passed let it cure before hauling to Darn and head by the actual results. In 1873 our was she made the butter into neat ,the agonizing pains In my stomach the laton, of Wingham, to treat under the .U."I'' exports to Britain were $39,000,000. In rolls weighing 2 pounds each, which we 2.1 'L from the world of Activity, And that lie ' to cows without husking, When -first day I used it. I have now taken best physicians, both in Cknaola and � I I I feed . '111 1878-9, after five years ofGritmixingand put into a inarket basket and covered Iwo bottles and I feel entirely re,11eve d, for heart disease and nerv- � � �� , L , ­., wits doomed to live and die a cripple. pastures beconie poor in September ' . . . . . I .- en I 1. � We -are free to confess that this was I knew verr ."and can sleep like a top." A ; 'aid I 'R $36,000,- with a clean white cloth. .P, _1'l� , 1, ". ­ and October, cut land feed to milch muddling, they had dropped to ..! .... ,b lity, but she failed to get any �'.. 000 few people in town, so I soon found ,X , � -wut, own view of the inatter, and our cows. The results in milk and butter . had risen to $62,000.- slente.tive farmer, of Western Ontario, relief. " I was adv1sed," she says, "to I 'i I 000, an increase of 70 per cent. The Na- rnyself peddling from house to houSe. �, jkl'�. Surprise, therefore, can lie readily are surprising; a,t least 10 tons per :is Mr. C. J. Curtis, residing nearlVoind- take South Americom Nervine, and �, tion a , ,�.�., in], , , �X .w weeks ago, al Policy did It, It was not all fun, still night found me por. His health was seemingly corn- must say I do believe that I � , agined when soine fe I acre can be raised Of this feed. Hay I , " , ,�, . we. saw this self -same John Allen driv- Why Mr. Blake Left Them. with a light basket, light heart, and a 1)letely destroyed through Is '11'. " t�4�, , grippe. i not done so I would not be a i I Is the chief crop apd is cut, raked, . I � �_ ing through the town oil tho%op of a For months before the elections of 1891 purse heavier than In the morning. 'The No medicine did him any good. - "To day." '. I � I Ill pitched on arid off the wagon by ma- f the "Sixty -million next week I tried it again and after a T, , �­­ r, large load of grain. Great however, ltbree ,bottles of Nervine," he BEYS, 'I Newspaper space to too valuable to � , ., chinery: All the gra-In is stacked out market, " that ig, the market of L the tew weeks had the satisfaction of find- ' o �� , - 'I 1, " of doors and all straw a- attribute my restoration to health and permit of further additions to these . "i, , .,Wits our surpIrise at ftrat, it 4eca me carried by in United State$. They were prepared, Ing myETelf with a good rou te and a � " , ... 11 , I 11 I � .till greater when 6p arriving at the y a second :strength." Neither man or woman earnest words of testimony from those g.� Ill, I chinery Into the barn and b when they got the power that they cash market not only for butter but t I 1;, L I rist mill, he proceeded to jitmp.nimbly carrier to the middle of the barn. I can enjoy life when troubled with liver whb know just what they are talk'.ng � I I 11 � I I From the load. and then with the sought and that the people withhold also for eggs, potatoes, vinegar and ' complaint. This was the sentim-int about. In the common lanffua$r3 of . � " , ever bed more straw than emuch to from them, to discriminate against Eng- other things which I had to sell. I i, , 1, �. greatest apparent case began to unload n . and feeling of W. J. Hill, the well- the day, they have been there, and are il ,,,, i�"t I- the heavy bags of grain. Curious to keep the stock clean and all surplus land and in favor of. the United States. charged the same for butter and eggs known bailiff of Bracebridge. " I was spftktng from the heart. The dozen , I �; �i,,,'�,, at sold at a�bout $4 per 1400 -lb. load In Their ex -leader, Ron. Edward Blake, &a stores, and customers seemed glad so bad," sa,,s he, " that one of my or raore witnesses that here speak have t", ,_ li�, 1, know whttt it was that ha4 brought, , Cana.da or $6 for a little more at said so In his address to the electors of to get them, for my produce Is always q g , this wonderful change, we took the 11� , ., 'kI', � Buffalo. , medical attendants sat�! that I wasitheir counterparts by the hundreds. .w �, West Durham. It will be romembere good and fresh. I find that a I -pound dying, but, thank God, I am not dead not only in the province of Ontarioi�, I � " first convenient op ortunity to ask . of I N1,11,- . him. "Well," said Ke in reply, "I am Firewood is cut by, circular saw or that Mr. Blake refused to run because is better than a 2 -pound brick, as marI7 yet. From the first few d but In every other section of the Domln�- .. A � . A' l'- two horse drag saw, the latter being I 11 " as well a man as I ever was, and I he considered the Cartwright- Laurier families use only I pound a week. I of Nervine I commenced v) feel bLt- ion- Soutlm .Kmerlean Nervine to based I , Williani�' I the cheape.1 and easiest way of get- cogrobination to be composed of men who I salt the butter 1 1-4 ounces per pound , , 11�1, attribute my cure to Dr. -i "'�� . ting wood ready for the stove. As my bad not the Interests of Canada at, heart. I and color when it needs It Inter or ter, and am to2day restored complLtely an a so.�Ianttllc principle that makes - 1�1. Pink Pills, and to nothing else." Mr. 11, ',­ � m I . w to my i1sual health." A resident of 2L cure a certainty, no matter how des- , . . .� ,��. I Allen then gave us Ill a Very I� fr,tnk farm Is all cleared, my wood Is bought If he had had confidence in the present , aurnmer. I wrap up each pound In a 15, the Maritime Provinces, in the person I perate the case may be. It strikes IM, 1 mianner, the whole story of his sick- from neighbors At a rate per acre Liberal leaders Hon. Edward Blake I sheet of -parchment paper. I go to town I V�V, , ness, and his cure, the chief points of standing. My apple orchard has been would have remained in parliament. I every Thur§oay, rain or shine, for cus- of S. Jones, of Sussex, N.D., says -, "For! At the ncrve centers from which flow "'i I',, 11, ,',I'- twelve years I was a martyr to Indt- I the life bl-od of the whole system. It , , �� ,�. I", I which we have set forth above. After a financial failure, only two partly Said he: "Reciprocity without an agreed i tomers must be able to depend on me g,�stiom constipation and headache. I In not a medicine of patchwork. but '11 Al", isulting two physicians And findiDg paying crops having been harvested assimilation of duties is an unsubstan- or they will go elsewhere. My route , I '' cor 1"l. ': , L�on, IIY22vyears. Greenings doing best of tial dream." takes All my butter, but some weeks I The treatment of several physicians to complete and comprehensive in Its I M;: , ii�) relief, he settled down to t.6 a a few I application. I ) , T�1; . "? e. � 1, a , did not help =a. I have take. ". ��. viction that his case was a bo , " I . .riety, being the beat apple yet And these men, Cartwright & Co., have to hold over two or three pounds. - " i 4�,,'�; , one. He lost confidence in medicines, , known in this section for profit and talk about being loyal I They could not I have a cold spring and I put the but- SODL BY WATTS & CO ­�, � C K �, arid when it was suggested that he productiveness. In my barns I have have secured reciprocity, for James G. ert in a On Call and set that in the _. - ��. 1 N�,,', L'ul " should give Pink Pills a triAl he at 1 six tracks for a car to carry a,way Blaine's idea was to starve Canada Into spring, but this summer I shall have — ., i ""I'' ' -----'- ') 11 ,� " first Absolutely refused. However, his bay from the horse fork. Openings annexation. He would bavq had the in- Ice. it is somewhat bothersome and . ,�� �! "� - i ORK FOR MEN AND WOMEN. We P%Y Se I � - ,�,�� � friends ,persisted and finally he agreed to receive hay axe all 8 fe-et wide and valuable ald of Laurier, Charlton, Cart- -onfining, but still I have got the best W 0 $10 per week for cany home work. Child .1 ,.,A 4, ct was I all openings are made bg onhookinu wright & Partners, if the Liberals had - e, and Big ads. are needed to boom ,A11 jo it. No Scheme, Books orPcddling I a- 'I"r , to give thorn a trial. The effe . [ New York quotations all the tim , , !IYI boards. Hay Is pitched in the barn been victorious. as my neighbors This ia bona fide. Send stamp for work and partIC ' , " t ��, - I beyond his most sangaine expectations, I-ro at ,�nee. , SEYMOUR SUPPLY Co., M16011 , � 111 iven Away - I I N -��", �, as the Pink Pills have di .THF _ "tt�, , from outside off the wa,-on, Or.4a Since 1891 some of the Grits have de who have taken milk to the creamery. ba(l me(licities. Manley's c Temple, C mden, N.J. 911.yly. , 11. fi-X'.9,� , every trace (if his pains And he is Able horse Is used to vtork the single ha.r- nied that they want reciprocity. Some of -Frank Brainerd, Madison County, N. — ' "' . 11 i V�r. to go about his work As usual. As pm3on fork. I raise yellow globe man- the more sensible members of tho party Y.. In Farm and Home. Celery -Nerve Compound has �L� '. j,,,�� � , Property For Sale. ,., � g inight, be expected Mr. Allen is loud in gel wurzels for cattle when the season .-but they are not "good Grits"-rriay - ".1 �-�E�,, 11,11. " I his praise of Pink Pills, and wa,,; quite is fa.vo'rable, but nerver work the land not want it. Their leaders, mad with A Tree Planter. .1 4,A- willing that the facts of his case should when it Is wet. Never apply manure love for the States, do want It, In merit alone to conirnend it. A CHANCE FOR GA-RDENEItS. I ��J�,"" I send sketch of a device I use , �, �, 7�z".V' be giver. publicity, hoping that it on land when wet, but pile It In the At Sarnia, March 6, 1896, Sir Richard planting trees on "North View Farm." In conReoloence of my age and lotook of help, I bave , f,,4, , Dear Sirs: I cannot praise Man- � , ,, ou bet- decided to offer for sale mv splendid gardening fro- I'�� V�1� ,, might catch the eye of souteone who fleld and when the land Is dry spreact Cartwright said: "We must find y it may be useful to your readers. I ley's Celery-111ti-ve Compoland too perty coneiRting of fire and a nalf a,,rem In Clin 0 , . ­ "'?, ( , �"4�, � was similarly afflicted. man-ure from wagon and let It lie un -til ter markets, and we don't propose to look Invented It last fall and used It in ILighly, and I tbink Its tonic and aome of the beet land In the county I I ,I. � t , �11:11 �11 r. ol ,,nmn, 6 . .; ", "','�,,,.;, for them by preference at the Antipodes. 1� "r',] , ',, 1, the land becomes wet enough to r, , .i".!n - f; Dr. Williams' Pink Pills act directly setting out pear Vd plum trees. restorat4ve qmatiiics cannettlesur- Ing hot beds and other necama y eq no JO'. A'! - I plough. Am af the opinion the sun has We do propose free trade with all the passed. I was �eellng poorly for There is on the premises n. frione honfie with eel ars I , 3 ',,��?` upon the blood and nerveq, building : "') ��.1711 no power to extract more than water world as our ultimate goal, but we will .f..., some time throurit overwork and Rolt and hard water, barn and other outbuildinp ,� them anew and thus driving disease 11fV I � �, ,M.Z�1. �.; before I had taken one bottle of The Dayfield river adjoin" the property. Will oell alt �,1!1 ,t,��411." from the a stem. There is no trouble from manure spread In the field - be very glad to secure for you free trade . , . a reasonable price for half cauh and balance accured ; I I James M. 011ne, Welland Co., Ont., ion with I d- yonr medicine, I felt completely by mortgage. An I desire to Fell, this to a chance � ,�,I,i, �-,I',"� due to eitil"r of these causes which better. Yours truly, . ,,'��,,,�,,'l -in and Home. The Rest of This Continent. fAc� aeldom met with, Apply perloonally or by letter to ll ;?e,.� Pink Pills will not (ure, and in hun- Par 247 Yonre St.. Toronto. K. McNabb. theproprietor, , ��Iil'­ dreds of cases they have restored as an exceedingly comfortable instalment JOSEPH ALLANSON. '� N. ,� ,',,.,,�, reme- I. patients to health Spring Woric. on the way. " . . I Sold in Clinton by J. H. Combe. 884-t.f. rlinton I �,�;4 after all other ., � I had occasion to atop at a farm a Not a word ag to Zwgland, or as to . � . a'l 1�1 ''I �' , dies bad failed. Ask for Dr, Williams' I I — ,� I . �� I - ---------. -_ __ _ -_ _ - '' I . � " '' Pink Pills And take nothing else. The few da,ya ago. where loathing was be- furthering Imperial trade. Not a word 111� � I ,� " "I �1, �! ", . genuine are always enclosed in boxes Ing done to gert ready for spring work. as to the increase of our exports to Great � % ,.:11 IFFIENCII PILLS. ;l1a I f� �V- . Three full-grown, able-bodied men Britain of grain, of timber, and of . ,re & SMALLPDX KILLS Is if � ,, the wrapper around which bears the I Aot In 88 to 4S li.nrn. ,be -1, I . LADIES ,s,. -,re-. ?. ;`-A��.. 'k "Dr. Williams' Pink were Idle. Ploughs, Itarrows, harness, meats. All, all is for the United StabM. malt, regnlao,or in the w"ola 13 . . full trade InAt DOES TOBACCO " 1. I ,,�,, ,le People." May be had machinery arrod tools scattered 'around All Is "looking to Waahington,11 to use . range of mediatnes. BL Mail, Price 08 00. .,��",!4 Pills for Pa I A -, �.,�l , , , �'. from all dealers or sent post paid on promiscuously, and none of them In the favorite expression of Mr. Edward HT N ARD MEDTCAL CO., 41 I � 246 St. James Street, Montrea .-:, I "�', _1!1�� I remipt of 50 cents a box or six boxes shape to -use. The horses at the straw Farrar, the paid writer of Grit literature. I !11 �11� " ''i " Tito Yankees and the Grits. -1 — Resd the atrong endorsement given "'If .'Lk""' .for $2.50 by addressing the Dr. Wil- rick on fodder feed, are too thin land ;,.11 ')&V 41 . . ,;, i�', � liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. weak for the heavy lirvaking soon at What do the Americans think of their .11'.", er and Ca.t%v, ght? Every- ,-� The London Times has it despatch ,�,d."' � � ­ , �, .1 hand, and the long stage Of hard Mends Lauri '�4 I' I ,'-�r, ; . hich says that the sen - �, �, �.vl,,!� , body has heard of the New York Sun, from Pretoria w . I!A '. work that will last all summer. The I ­. The next meeting of the Royal tenceofoleath on the four Johannes- -.,�:�, � , 3 !". ,��,', , the most rabidly Anti-British daily news- ,.% � t� �,!!� � , Society of Canada will be held in Hali. wood -pile equal only to precent neces- berg lenders lins been comwuted Into I !f�� P;`�­,,, . paper In the world. The other day,tbo , �-�'4,�;'� fax. I attles, a.nd the fences as left by the fifteen year's imprisonment. . I "I" 11, Sun ciontalned an eulogy of the Liberals, U1 I S IM, , I November winds. ,.��' I if onfraring from JAst Manhood Min fa,rmer and his song are sob", Thl Iril �! , ,, - � . I , " �� � , �!�;� and a denunciation of the Conservatives. I --- , 1, 41�� a In what It said,- . . ' �). '. 1, , W E4AK MENNe"oote Debility, Lsok of Vigor Intelligent fellows, "up-to-date," on - �,�, !4- "'The Tory. party Is the party of Brit- . � . . A NEW SUNDAY DRESS I ""; , , 10 days treattaent so,,nt fr6a to &nyone local, state, national and International 4 �,�, "', . ,� . Emissions. . . . � t 11'� 1�­�r sanding us 12ots. in Postage so amps. fall connection and the 'Old Flag. I Its - - " � .�v� t affairs, take fairly good care of their .8 . 1. ­�'. i'4 ,i, - . HTANrAftl) MEDICAL CO., sentiments are always vociferously pro- . . . , . n I em !, 11:1 . Pal are well thought of in their - 1�'_"�- !M�� , , 246 8'. James ste.et.montroosl clatmeol. Hatred of Yankees is its boast I � �,,,,i , community, and, I scarcely need Add, . .t �"f, I ",� .,�..'�'. � . and Its watchwordA The Liberal party Is CA j ,��r T lit Corl I J�.�,� ""i"I", lack financia,l thrift. They are not do- " �,,�,.l :C.o,t4, In Its fundamental tendericy continental, , ��.411. ' I , *A10 _. _ __, 1. ,.,�F, , � I ,�,,, The Duke and Duchess of Connaught, Ing as well aA they, know. They lack C COST ONLY TEN CENTS. .11 Ili- And Inclined to American Cons -tion. - � ''I" , ."I"!1. - representing the Queen at the Corona- not brain nor brawn, but lack the Will 1 1,1�71 1 -,� ��, I . " ­,9�7 tion ceremonies, arrived at Moscow But the Liberals, or rather the Liberal In the Interest of the manoes, for whom these re- 1,"`,;�','�,' �, to use the brawn. I wish It could be I �Ii­ - , .,,�.� ,,�; :', � ittolails, are afraid to show their feet- ports are compiled, Moo UNITED BTATIS 13SALTR RZ � ,'��,',,','�.-��, ,. 1,4 ­. and were received with military said that these faxtirere &re rare and POI I - I M, .� � , ,.11� 1��r, . boners. exceptional cases. I hope they are. Ing8, And perhaps diagulm thorn from AA are boles to stake planter do,Ai;. PORTS have exanined and investigated woolly PrOP11,111, ,g " v,�,�i ,,:,;� I I themselves. They even allow themselves 13 B hinges; of latch. Pimce C around I 'j,", .,� . 1: - ,I:, - � ."'U'. - � The visit to this farin suggested that t1Sp&bAyIuR for their object tho cure of the tobscole "!.' . � r�,Y'11` .. to be morally owroold Into uniting their stake and stake down at A A. Turn A lady who understands the use and _ . .:, �, " �, A '. It might be ffeasona,ble, and profitable, Abit, buf antong thein all we have no) beeltanov lit , �11 �";;,--, "I " �; , 1��,',, TO 0ONSUMPTIVES. quavering voices to the roaring dernon- proof C back over stakes A A. Dig the value of Diamond Dyes writes as fol- I" I I ��, ; X. -141111, too, to call attention to things we giving the coiltorial and official stoolevitement of these .. - �. ,,`� �� " I I been rafored tn hailth , strattofis of Tory loyalty. This 10 their 'hole, place the tree In hole, turn latch I , j: , ", I I ��,,,,,�, . '.'�,��,r_ 1, The anderstKned havIN - ough.t. now be doing on the fa,rrn, to ably In the as dotted line Indicates; get tree Ritroults to the remedy known am 111CM01830 ,,�,,!&, ", � i by simple nobans. 'otter eufferina fnr severoo.1 years weakness, and It will prdb set Iowa-* I 11'6"�t, r.,�­�,., , dy for spring work. I gay-, ad a light blue dress, made of SA,918 TOIDA000 MUE," noftiollsetuf4a � 1: ,l�l ,,,,, I., �, ,, Witb a advere lung afteoltios, and that dread dlooens6 ' be fully ree coming struggle tell against them once straight amd All In dirt. -S. G. Omgdon. -I h 1-1 V I ." , 1, ,j�!.. � � �1111i , Illovt tlibrefore, see to getting the horsei., by bbe Keystone 16tetaelly Company, at 918 rA - 8511 I ,�., I;_ , �_, .� Ofteuthpilon, in at*totis to inakd known to his h . �.,". ­ � " deldra it, I more. The struggle, howeveri will be at in Ohio Faxiner. expensive material, but so light In I � �,,V ,, .�.� ,� StIffet6to th6 01041111 of bare. To thoss who harness, ftriplements, tools, oto In I treat, ollicago. We have dootionstrated by, V13tolloris 11: ",.�, , � I", 1, he vollf cheartally gaud (free 6f charge) a copy of tha t6m one between the ,shade that it faded quickly. It was to . , I , ­�,.,�,�, 't;"'; 1, *hfolt f ty will Anti a sure cure for order at once.­F�armoer. in Parin ji,,wili. hot ,M� 'p��1'0 v6roftriotlotl 11111h Annexation And the Anti-Antlexation Bloody Milk. tents th%� this jontl4bile positively destroyirthe fast 4�'Ai,i: � ,� ­�� � �, 4ft8Ui!npdbn, AsthfAaj Varth, Brownchiti too good to be cast aside, so one even- d dbqir� for tolosdoo'lot ion dayso looslingthe 970011 ,�� �"�,,��L" � 11 li��,!,,� � . I I 11 Idea.' If the Ubernlo win the Government Blocift Tnilk is a deraftement OLMed an 1, ,l ". �-;, "'I'' I I &I] thiolol sod Laag Hdiddiet. Be h. Stfak to Go(A Rol -pies. :�.19l,�'. -71, _-,,,,, . � �'L,. all ganalool!oi 1*111 try his vatnede, as It to I.R.- I . ing I took It to a dying establishment, In a perfectly hesithy atindition, Anti the V01`110111`0 , ' , "L �'V�N� I 1� L '�"` All farmers Will not conipletely sb&n.c of Catiada Will be friendly to the United either by, a spongy cabdUlon 49 the tho solome foreverfrole fir6m the lotiolt. L " - �;�"?"., ,�, . " - , '-'L,-- I . toblos, Thilood 4estring the Isroloorlptibmt. whichwill cost but if there 11, to Stattis. If 8tr*10bliltles Tupper and, the or U L 2ft the and was surprised when L�ey told me . I rp';, .. ` I . �,, � , ng, I I ,1,1'�jL�� I L, ftn 14o,me M181 glaq4 of the u6Aer 1ftt - . � ` L , , ,1--L ' ' , our filltiationt a tailts of , ,�� �� ". L" . thoonio nothitilt, arod may liid%ld & blessing, will Omits e da"rk color tor in A a it t of _�i , . ;".,� 8, be any Profit In the business it will Tort6a Win It Will be host1lill to us. ducts Of the tOdtL ', V6i Akftfliftent, they would dye it som 'IV � 1,111 st jog I "�`­ ,,, , , soldfas N�tll 91111111T 6 W " �,,;�i­ , "'L - sti,*i, 'L ­­"�." I " ., � an ,�,� ", ­ii�'l a*, VIDWAIIIIJ A. WAU011logrotoklyn, New I come front the Droduction of hotgo" CaniLdthug, bewhro of the friends of b,athot the udder tWidd A 667 *" CO)d two dollArs. I did! not care, for dark but joeffttfifilig it didt'l i. __ __ ___ .- i Woo., �, � 0 �, �.�., IM11011111 �1�411 ,�-.',�.k'r, I , Itor%t. L I tb6 punUtlot Sow York Sun I Thwart WbAer anA givol xWobs" of hoon t rik6b*16 bi,atioloots(apitowtheordwhill ��,NO!t,,,? . ,!, ; ..;, :, I I , . "I With good action and ootrivact bull& . colors, so took It home again. Ad do I , In 1tId.,W4y 0 114 L t116 ,�14i. � I � ,", I bell folly not the dmigns of the molift I I who are Inclined grMlid fit 4L d0fle In 00, 266MInt Md a Pa. Z l� " ";. ,,�',,,, ,,� I C $6 (If filt, 1146116 of M I) tkaissth o6nitl2yi I � ',,, 11'� '­L� I it to wome t to 11" t" nftt, d(ty I bo bt ka . I L' , %bI% -Wooe,loollitillig as 5 11 I " 1. " I � ". �,W . Judgo Mil , best br,�adiri# dtock� The ZhiftWe inuft WAoiftidaiii connection." Sho* them tit f6dJ44b of otalliftiril I dkmn in thin " , , ��,.I. . Li , r 71 of �' " �*�,� I , "A'�; L L s8on Virio presen t6d" in 0 wen world D e, St 12, C lored it tu bdAtitifol ON] I iitoft *6 60%6WINU c ., .,":,�:, �, L #lft a silvdr Wit a0vice Illy tkI13 ' ba,ve 1114rit, "d that kind can be rfiU- the polls that thla ta a *Itlsh C ofivelitlic ki bran mash. 66flotinue UW ft. V I 11 � I., : �!,�,I� , ,,, , Sound i i I .. . O"W 0 rdintffnect, Ani It now 164kO jtl�t "010ttholtlit'lit fall V* l" ol� ' . .. L' �. I 11:1� .,�� ". � Kild that the party that 1001*'a to Britain t en't for thkofe Or tfttL*eeJrfi if I I �, Wa prly� . �., �"J F"', �.� lk� �., Atizeb4 iiti &b,4Adtq,,19 Mldallfe-81ZO e,a almost iis obt-goly aB sdiv6s, vter obaim I I U new, so that I now litive a n6* I .. � , 1, � ,,: . , 'L I . I . ­ ", "' �:, bg flrj4rd'of and not to Washington Is the Caundlati ' I . . ­-, * ,�X­111�'4 " ��­ , I OR ;Utgoltlt .of hilifisel bV1 t totindatloti i0took [* itedured.-AineTcan afteosam. , , _, _; I t .., ... � . �60S for SUIldo,ya, and it otil5r cost telft * Ill �`Lj'L� , "� 1, " I ., " ,�­ "L�L_ - I . , N1 � ALLF. - J I I . ,�, Z"f,,.,�,�� ��, 4. , h6 Od, I .1, . ., ",,L� : I. �', " 64 - t V611 Of hit leaving 1 Aarldulturf& - ', 1. I . I I l . - .1 party. doto. ft , 11 . I 4 , I I 1. I I- . ',L.. � �t ,, I .. � � ,� L� �"�' ;,!,�� ) '' . ' , tIVOW11 �0111111d for, , 40t0h .. , � , I I . I , ­ �' L ­ .,� L L () IN .11 .1 �'il I i 8 rC4 . I I . , . .1 I I ,,, , �, I , , . I 11 , -1 ,. L I I I ­ � L I L ;� , '' , " 1. ,L , , , - "' ­,; -'L, '. � I , L � , , '' ' . 1. " I I , � L �,' ;� , � , , . ., '. L I . I " I . . I I I I , � ,� . . . . �1'11� 1, I I �, '­', Jj,�::',�f, _ - � . - " - , �,:�,,. , I � � I L .1 1, � � . I ,�, .1 I ', '­ .1 I �%, I � '% ,,-,� . , I � ,,, "., % "I I . . �, I " . I o I ,,, � ,� �,� I I I I 11 -4 � � . " . i ,,,,, , ,,,,� , , - 11., ';: 'L, I. � 1 . , � , .i, �, I . . " IV - �,�, � ,�, . 1 I.. I., - I I � .1 I �;,, �Z�, :'L; " . I 1�11 111�., I I I I � : 1'.� L�!""::, I" � L� 1, .4 . I 11 I I AL � . . , I I , I I . , �! , �, ,";,''L , ", , ,!I"��;�L:,",�',�,�,� "' ,4, '4, �, � I . I I I "' � ;�11'�,' , V ­� .",., I 1. i�i 1�1 �� "I'll" .1 _;1 , I L., ,! , I ­ . "I . I , , " ,­,; , .. , I ,., �, � 1, �, A", . "� ,_ � ';­� , ­ , ­ , "" , . , , � 1, I - �11 " , � , �l �� 11 , . - , ­ " - , ,,, , .� :6, "" , 11.1 � �` �* r P 1. ; � , ,A _�r., , ",I�,,"",�,,� `,'L. 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