HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1896-05-20, Page 6I
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1-1 %,' ., VUR WRING 4190MUS AT QQDZgxojl, I th '111,; .,' oved, t . . I -.I Me 144(sa, 'of Tea i
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I �, cel of a lettev. J31*4p A .1 1. q, 11
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ang that In yl theovi 4, 11 � ,, c9,40117004 W-01 bay direct from
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The sprin session of the Hi V-1010.24ence - f , tll, "' Montreal Refineries, keep beat qualiq
, � . olimpe, two'1900,pr Q001 I -
, 5b' Coul'� called on the - �. op , .I, :,bg did Ubt 600 I "itf
of W,04,100"Inj t 0 CQUaty 0 ,Huron M,0 0
. : opens. on k - 1410YO QO 04.1, 04pi on. That go F.4E(1T4:and,P,R j.-Wehe,vo alread
nday afternoon by il ftsposod during 1f,liday, season of over ,
" I10; '" I a liter ustice -ingo, I four I-OPP and still Nave lbirgo stock on ban oll or t brultole Selling 9hQqp
the Tuesftv eyonl9K he was 0 fit . or,
. . 1. . ... Ineredith. and gotup. There vrAs a noise
e � . an 'of to quality.
:r " botst 8 e4s w to 0 at the PROPKIMY, CRINk QLASSOAAH AND LAMPS. -We he,, J
". ; "., I & call the roll of bock doqrWUd foUlid 00toe pen, . .
. . . t 'e an � arors, the following jurors kitchen. , e. and
in the Imported Goods 0.0 we 4va, reduced our? Ot to make room for out
I s ering ,their names : fired a Herry8ots, Water lireadiuld Butter Plates, 11
. . .8 .riceq on Dinner eta, Tea Sets, Toilet sets, I
I shot from a plet6h, and other shot Cups 81114 Saucers and Lamps, all kinolk
I Jae. Railer, 10 Call and ties Goode and Prices; no trouble to show goods.
, Exeter' win Gould, ere fired. Then the p cane in- . . I
Goderich township; John Ford, Staph- .eople
side, and of the -prisoners, whore,
11 I en; J, Wriobt, Colborne; Jas. John- he recognized as Ro�ip
, . Alton, kest Wawanosh; Peter Moir, though ,to farq Wa. . it Harrison, .%I- - - -zZww-,Terms. Cash or Trade. --ssmslg�,
p . .
Vaborne; Win. Roeder Hay,Gavin , blAckened, ointed . - .
eEc a pistol at him and said if he Id not '
I Davidson, Turnberry; bant, Nj ---
kbei- produce his father he would blow his " - -
. mer, Grey; Wm, Vanstone,, Colborne; bKaina out. He then went upstairs Bargains I 'Bar ' ins I At the Cheap Cash Store.
Jacob Ryan, Ashfield; Goo. Cadra and ga
%borne. e, saw five or six persons there, among $1,600 WORTH OF .
. . them being R, Harrison, 0. Manser, GROOERIES and CROMERY must be sold fo make
The petty ury comprised the refti. Geo. PhiplJon and Geo. Morrison, the room for Stock to arrive.
0 , Don't Miss this chance to buy Goods cheap.
lar peiriel of A and a special panel 48 latter of whom was' not among the -CASH PAID FOR GOOD BUTTED AND EGGS. -
summoned on account of the Wing- ppilloners.\ He recollected Robb.
harn manslaughter cases. ,,,on telling him that he Harrison(r- G. J- STEWART.
I The grand jury, having selected J. J. was the leader. He then left theMonsoon and Kurma Tea
Wright as foreman, the Chief Justice house, and on entering he found his
addressed theoi on the criminal cases father with only two woollen shirts on ' -
on the calender, two in number, one of and hold by Montgomery, with Harri-
which be s*id was of a most serions son standing by, holding a pistol. Leslie's CGt!rriage Factory
character, the taking away of life. In Continuing, witness said : "They . 0
Wis country His Lordship said such l then took fatb6i, out by the back door, BUGGIES, PHAETONS, CARTS AND WAGONS -all of the best work,
cases as the one before the court were and told me to stay in. I then put on manship and material. 'All the latest styles and most modern improve.
not frequent, and Were could be no my boots, and afterwards went out
rove -
excuse lor any class of,poople taking and found them bringing back father, Ments. All work warranted. Repairin* and repainting promptly attended
the law into their own hands. In some Then they started fighting anions to. Prices to suit the times.
Sections of country where there were therpiselves and father getting loose I SO -FACTORY -corner Huron and Orange Stre Cliaton.
no settled laws there might he some took him away and placed him in the - 657
I excuse for such action, but in Canada cellar. The people having then left, in
there was no reason for such action as about ten minutes I got father out of Lord and Lady -Aberdeen gave an
the laws were properly enforced. In the cellar and out him in bed. Some At -Home to the railway men of the 0.
the particular case before the court six of the pris-mem again came back, but A. R.. O., A. & P. S. and C. P. R. on
I persons are charged with serious thev were all away in about an hour. Saturday afternoon. Over three him- "L"t� awU4
'offence, manslaughter, through their Father was then out of bed, sitting in dred invitations had been issued
taking the law into their own hands a chair and being attended to by my - The
besaUse the man was supposed to havesisters. Ottawa Journal says Lord Aberdeen Cook's Cotto t Compound
My father was complaining takes a deep interest in railway men.
committed some offence. They went about his feet. -Next morning,I met He is a shareholder in several En lish
10 the man's house in the middle of Harrison at it drug store, Manufactured by The
re, and going lines, and at one time possessed Cook Co., Windsor, out.,
winter, tookhim out only scantily out he told me that he was sorry for distinction of being the only member and Detroit, Mich., is the
clothed, with the weather below zero, what he had done, ,and that it would .
thereby, it is charged, of the Haase of Lords who could run a only known safe, reliable
causing his be better if father away for a locomotive From London to Aberdeen. monthly medicine on which ladies
death. in conclusion, His Lordshipweek or two, until thq matter blew Lord Aberdeen has several times gov- can depend in "the hour and time
told the grand jury that if they found over, and my father agreed to this. I erned the throttle of a locomotive of need." Every lady who reads
that any of the prisoners charged took drove him to Belgrave, where he took between these two places. During this is requested to inclose two post-
. the man away from his house, and his the train. their Excellencies' trip to British Col- age stamps, with her address, for
death was brought about or hastened The cross-examination was then corn- urnbia last tall, Lord Aberdeen ran the
by the consequent exposure, then it menced by Mr. Garrow, who went locomotive of the Pacific express for
.. I
against those proved to have taken examination disclosed the fact that ----
part in the act. The Judge also said Field had been in the habit of and fu ?Ivar,ti�l
was their duty to bring in true bills fully into the life of the deceased. The several Miles West of Blandondrink- RHEUMATISM IS STILL BEING (,�h Vch e,v. will
goodthat there was a deal of excite- by return mail in plain. scaled
- ing considerably at times, and had a CURED IN FROM ONE TO THREE I envelope.
ment in the locality where the offence couple of times had rheumatism in the DAYS BY SOUTH AMERI. I
occurred, but that the grand jury must feet. Here. it discussionA. old physician, 31 years con -
took place be- CAN RHEUMATIC CURE -MORE tinned practice treating diseases of
pass on the CpLse without- fear, favor tween the opposing counsel as to cer- TESTIMONY, ti
or affection arid without regard to any- tain qtwstions being asked, the result - . women, has charge of the office, and
thing they may have heard or read I being that the witness being asked as Mr. Z can be consulted by letter or in
outside the Courthouse, Having in- to Z. A. Van Luven, Governor, of person. Address our main office
the prisoners, said the Bounty_ Gan], of Napanee, Ont.,
formed the grand jurors that they had they were generally respectable, and writes: --My. wife tins been a great THE COOK COMPANY,
to report on jail, His Lordship said with one exception married and fath. sufferer from rheumatism fot Some Boom 3 -No, 253 Woodwaxalve.,
they were also entitled to visit and ers of families. time past. The disease attacked the Detroit, Mich.
report on the House of Refuge, but A number of witnesseswereexaujined limbs and was drawing them out of W Cook's Cotton Root Compound
that there were at present no funds after the deceased's Son, qnd when the �fiape The pain was most excruciat is sold b7 all responsible wholesale
provided for the:purpose. . -
court adjourned for luncheon there ing. �he Could not get anything to .
The petty jurors were then informed was a rumor that on re assembling the cureher. Mr. Huffman,olt-uggist 0fthis and retail druggists in the Dominion
that by a recent Act of the Ontario prisoners would plead guilty to the town, recommended South A of Canada and United States for One
gislature jury American
retu'n a jury on a civil case minor charge of assault with intent Rheumatic Cure.. The first few doses Dollar per b4px.
Haightr a verdict when ten were to do grevious bodily harm. gave � To -day
agreed, but that as the Act was only % On assembling just before 2 o'clock, after ing four bottles of the remedy,
wife Perfect relief.
just in force it would be well not to be such a plea was entered and accepted she is certain that the disease is entire -
too hasty in the matter. I Crown and the Chief Justice. His ly eradicated from her system and
The first case called was 9rdship before passing sentence, said, blbsses the da she first heard of this FOR TWENTY-SIX YEARS
Fleming vs. Cantelon.-A case of that offences of the nature of that with remedy. -Sold by Watts and Co.
seduction, the damages being placed at which the five men were charged, must
$1,000. After the plaintiff's counsel be stamped out, and that the law must If newspaper men had opportunities DUNN"S
. deal with such cases with a firm band. for discovering .
had opened the case witnesses were He then sentenced Robt. Hardson and also have oppmen
called, and the case was soon given to George Phippen to three _ortunities for disco erin
the jury who assessed the damages at e years eac4 in the good. The men fled
$Off. E. Campion, Q. C., for plaintiffthe penitentiary; C. Manser and Thos. newspaper meBAKINC
there was no def6rice. ; Montgomery to 2 years each in the out a great many things that they
penitentiary, and Albert Martin to six ,never print. They have knowledge of
- Scott vs. Yeo. -An action on a prom- months ir. the Central Prison. J. T. , absolute rottenness of many citizens POW DER
=ry note was next tried, but did not Garrow, Q. C,, P. Holt and R. Van- who pose as high, moral and very lim
long, a verdict fur plaintiff and stone,aconduct,ed the. defence. portant inerribers of society, but they THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND
$947.47 being soon rendered. E. When the men had been sentenced often keep that knowledge to them- LARGEST SALE IN CANADA.
311olmestead for plaintiff; Garrow and selves. They also have knowledge of
. there was quite a scene in court, the the good deeds performed by scores
Proadfoot for defendant. wives of four of the sentenced men be- who never allow their left hand to Wor rold)wbosuffer
SECOND DAY. ing present. There were but few in know what their right band has been 0 Vervous Debility
Jno. Gavin was brought up to plead court who saw the sorrowful tear -be- doing in efforts to benefit mankind. Sexual Weakness and
to a charge of larceny, and admItt i n dewed women paeg by to have a last the results of Self-
his guilt was allowed to go on suspend -
word with their husbands, but felt a F MENAbuse, etc., will write
ed sentence, his father being hound pang of sorrow at their fate. For over Fifty I(ears, us confidentially a plain
statement of their cam, and promise to use our
I over in the sum of $200, to bring hint The court then closed. - - MRA- WINPLOW'S SOOTHINO SYRrP has been used by Re=edy according . =to directions, we will send
millions of mothers for thi Ir children while wething. pr d by or express, a carefully
. up when called on so to do. The --- -- --------.411- -_- -- disturbed atninhtand broken of yourrestbyssick pared course of Two Moxmis, tvIestonent,
offence was Stealing some candy and KIND WORDS FROM THE FRED .1111d suff Bring and crying with pain of cutting Teeth which we will maize no ch&MO if it falls
Ben" at once and get a bottle of "Mrs. Win,low,, to cure . Avoid Yankee frauds and Canadian
tobacco front a store in Stephen, VICTOR MISSION BIBLE CLASS, Kre
Jas. Netterfleldthe soothing Syrup', forChildren Teething. itmill relleve quacks. Write US at once for a Remedy which is
, youth charged On behalf of the Fred Victor Mission the poor littlo sufferer Immediately. Depauduponit, guaranteed to cure or cost nothing.
with manslaughter of the man Field, Bible Class I wish to express our grati- mothera, there is no mistake about It. It cures Diar. Address N. S. 114- COWPANY, Lock Box 38y,
was brought up• by crown prosecutortude to you for the box of Ch I rhma, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, oures Wind Pletont 00ta,rlos Canada.
Saunders for discharge, the )earne"eg Colio, softens the Gums, reduces Inflammation, and
Ointment which you supplied in aid of gives tone and enera)r to the whole system. ..Mrs. -
counsel stating that there was no evi- our charitable work to the infant Winslow's Soothing Syrup" tor children teet:Ling is
pleopant to the ta,st. and in the prepaription of
dente against him. His Lordship, child of Mrs. Btownrig 162 River the oldest and best female PhyRic!ans and n u
after bearing the argument, , ago
t� hG Unit6d States. Price twenty five cents a i ,- 0, COURT OF REVISION.
ordered street. Ten days . e child was t ,:xr
ott e.
his discharge. awfully afflicted w scald head, the Sold by all druggists throughout the world. Be sure
About 4 p. ni., the grand jury ap- face being literally one scab from fore- and ask for "Utts. WIN&Low- 800TIFING SVnUp."
. peared in court and presented true head to chin, and in that brief time a - GODERICH TOWNSHIP.
bills for manslaughter against Chits, con, e cure has been effected. Sure- - H- H, H111mes was hange Take notice that a Court of Revision for the
d in Moya- TOWM3114) of 00der1rh will hold its flank mitting
Manser, Robert Harrison, Albert Mar- ly yo`11�e�gift •was worth more than its messing Prison Thursday morning. at Holmesville on the 28th day Of May, A, 1).
tin, Thos. Montgomery and Geo. Phi p- weight in Gold.The drop fell at 10.12i o'clock. it Was 1896,comnienclngatl0o'clock A. M., for the,
pen. The five prisoners were then EDmVND YING11, not until a half hour later that he was ap",zose of hearing and ratifying all compifLint,4
was ga net or errors on the amesmment roll of the.
placed in the dock, and being called on 264 Sherbourne $t., Toronto. ronounced dead. His neck pregent year. All parties intcroked are re -
notplead, severally entered a plea of F)roken by the fall. The marvellous quested to attend.
not guilty, and their trial was ordered Patrick Taylor, of Hamilton, was ar- I
for Wednesday. reqt.ed on the charge of shootinwith nerve if the man never deserted him NIXON STURDY. .
intent to'kill. to the very end. Even on the scaffold -Clorkofthe Rald munlelpality.
CIVIL SIDE. It is claimed he ,,hot he was probably the coolest person in Goderich Township, May 4th, 1896. 912-3t
. at Tbornas and James McKelvey' who the assemblage. Ina few well-chosen ------------- --'-
McLarty vs. Smith. -In this case were creating a disturbance in Mrs. words he proclaimed his innocence of
McLarty stied for a perpetual injunc- Taylor's liquor store. any murder, including that for which
tion to restrain defendant from pro- ---..- Don't Build Withoul A Plan,
ceeding tel sell under power contained he wasconvicted and hanged. I
clared that the only wrong -doing, in . -
in a mortgage, and to have it declared of all the people need to take a course the taking of hurnan life, for which he
that two payments of interest made on of Hood's Sarsaparilla at this 'season could be, leld resp6risible, consisted in
said- mortgage were valid payments to prevent that rundown find debilitant- the death',Of two -omen, who had died J. ADES FOWLER & CO.,At the conclusion of the case the learn: ed condition which invites disease. as
ed judge gave jud�•meet the result of criminal Operations at Architects and Civil Engineers
gment for plaintiff on The nioney invested in half a dozen his hands. He did not name these Are opening ,permanent ncioo in Clinton and are
all the counts. E. Champion, Q, C., bottles of Hood's Sarsaparilla will victims.
for plaintfif; P. Holt and L. H. Dick- come back with large returns in the -prepared to supply Plana, Rpecifleationa and deta.11.
son for defendant, health and yigor of body and strength ----- ,-,----- for any alias of work at mo,t reasonable rato..
McKay vs. Simpson. -An action for of nerves. I Patent Drawings prepared and patent@ obtained.
slander. The suit arose out of a Com- He will take no Risks. valuations and i-Pectlone carefully made.
munication to a newspaper, in which HOOD'S PILLS are easy to buy,
it was hinted that plaintiff had com- easy to take, easy to operate. Cure all 1 25 Years Experiencein Ontario.
milted some offence. The action was liver ills. Me. Shrewdness Of er wellknown City
tried with a jury. A considerable ----,-,.-- -- I Mau &ddrex %-P. 0. Box 210,Clinton-
number of witnesses were examined, When returning to his hoarding Merchant. I -- -- ---- - -- ----
and in the end the jury after a deliber- house on the evening of the 28th tilt., -
ation of several hours, rettirned ,t ver-' Mr. Percy P. Davis, of Chicago, son of
dict for plaintiff and damages $5(). t lie proprietor of theMitchell Advocate, HE KNEW WHAT WAS GOOD FOR HIM, ..
Garrow and R. S. Hays for plaintiff, was held up 1)
three highway men -,
Mabee and Holmsted for defendant. and slugged. The first blow only par- I I In winter when Canadians spend a GRIINVILLE CANAL ENLARGEMENT,
, W-
Petch vs. Belden and Petch vs Ball tially stunned him, but the second left large portion of their time indoors and
an action abogta bill of sale was de-' him unconscious. He was badly out ,
tided in favq�'of the plaintiff- on the head and below the right eye, cannot# have the same variety of fresh . Sections A nod H.
. and had one of his teeth broken. He food as in summer and fall, indigestion
TWILD DAY. will be laid lip for some time. The and dyspepsia afflict a majority. "If
. I
The cqurt opened at 9.30 with a full . oun%mAn is city traveller fora lead- anybo y wi tellme that dyspepsia in its NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS.
attendance and after the names of the K., Have
house, and w Advanced stages is perfectly curable,"
to its supposed
Jift Ilad'bAen called the selecting of it a,ve erried considerable money. said a Toronto merchant, ' I will take -
Jury, to try the five prisoners charged We have not heard, however, whether `advanced
word, Personally I run no risks. As for reeelving Tenders for Grenville
with manslaughter was begun, And the robbers succeeded in getting any ,soon as I feel a sense of weight in the THCE&tnfrM,leHnl Moment haa been extended nn-'
lasted just half an hour, the crown ex. boo(y. stomach, after a meal, I know that my til noon on Satuarday, 23rd, May, ISM.
1 erelsh the right of challenge 13 times, blood is sluggish in circulation. In my
( lousiness I caAot take much exercise, 13Y order,
the defence -6, and There was one joint To 0ONS'UMPTIVPS, isifid I fight the, 'first sign of stomach JNO. R. BALDERSON,
challengd for deafness. The •andBroignod halVln�%bein re#(414d to health troubles with Sc45tt's Sarsaparilla. Ithas
The following- were the Lurors sworn by himP110 mesad, attar I attink f,)v1#Ava)tsl years ( Secretary,
to,trytbt prisoners: David ffolmLas,Grey; with a movore lunf; never failed me
affletloo,and thet'dreAd disease f ,, and has saved he many -
Geo. McGonni e,� Tackersmith; Jas. 00"SUMP&II, Is Anilbue to make kno%V1J 6b big fellow & doctor's bill.'f Dqparttnent of Rail a and Canals,
. safferdn the means of iburd. Tp tboas,VM desire It, k Ottawa, Pith May, i .
:4(lalder, Oreg qhos; Stiles, Ashfield; he will dh"rfnny send (free of charge) n, copy of tha I Scott's Sarsaparilla possesses medicinal 190 �
ftlYert lien Prson. WaAranosh ; Rob- P'"OrlPtion used, whieh't-boy will a oureoure for , properties superior to all tither so-called
fftJ ward4'1110b, Win. Glen, Stan- Consumption, Asthmas, 0dftrrh,firrownohit1,i an sarsiiparillas made. Asa rernedyfor in. A young girl named LRmoupjc, about I
all throat and Lung Maladiti. He hopes
I '1� � ,ill 0 remody Id Invalu- I
e % - Alton, Asbfleld - Benjamin sufferers will try if, 'a �t !digestion, rheumatism, pimples, scrofula seventeen years of age, (if 1bP
. Keys, i3tatilekt D. Ilickle, 6ungannon; abib. Thosio4edittoltlthe 1prosaript6ii v ,A tl all blood diseases ,jille, I
them n6thillgo &.pd may prove & t)less fGhwill coot �,tLt 't. diseases, state Quebec, stopped on her Way home
Al, Curtin cKillop - John -c-de In will .- , - I
I 91 r . -, address, 8, pieces L equalas never Icno*n. 001a at from work on a id e, Wok off her
en-,�, ,,, � I I New
$t per bottle) of all dealers, shoes and hat an T1 deliberately' , 1119011 brifth O,WJIM, Mr�Stiunders, of YoAk. into the Rielle let, Re _ Jumped
T Rev. 90wAnD A. W1LSor4,Rrookkft, I . . r1i River. Sfie WAS
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PONLUXOPISTAXoT, , , -11 I , 11 � ��':�%�`!1.11'�,
Q. . L' I
. -1, ,,",I �"t,tL.,��,,.,�L""t',�::"',,L.
.1 I ; , 1,�4 v; � , ,
1! � �,�,,�,,�,,i�";"".,.,;,;�',,�,��'.�,,�,,
I Martin's Bamber Sho . ,�,,,.j�"'�:,,,
'p, Dungaj)llo L 0'' 0, , , L
I ''o, ),J `,;�i,
the Ist; 2nd, 3rd, 4 h. and ottji 001) li; .� ,,, ,� . -
L" ,
Township Of Ashileld, B.
D, , . 7. 4 r. .P,T"::J1;�, �',, "
:�. " � , .1,
ei',� .L., y'. "
I . I , 11 +oX.,o,1�,,4,
L V 'or `1
2 School House, S. S. No. 9, co , rr, j'.4 �' �.,
. concerion from Lot 0 W. 1), to Nor " Jii �` , �`% '�, -7.1,:�
�', _Jtff:J�,7','L
� L - L L , ,,.. 0 L 4
4 I prop , - 1, _ -4 �,
Z - - J� , , I 11 j, �
and t 11 (Jtb, 7th and 8th Concession , A, 1, I D. to .0 from )II, ,
Northern Gravel Road, all of ffi �� "I I.... .,j",�i',P�
Ashfield. e, ", .. 9 mp",
, C I
..� � � - ,.!,
I �
. ., lt�,.,�, -
q School House, S, S. No. r, aprio'l ''Ll "I , .113
I f I I
loth, Iltb, 12th, 13th and 14th Co, on fro L -
E. V. to the Northern Gravel neesslo,fa fro 1'r ,,,,`�.;, "..
, .
Road, at - .I ,��,,
ship of Ashfield. Of t .'Tox'11"," �
"I "111,,.-.�,��,�,'.
I ' ,
L ''? - I
4 School House S. S. No. 2) compris ,�L , , ,",� ,,, , ,,�
" 41 . k;
6, S. T. P., to Lot 20 N. T. R, inclusive, the villa , 1��::.,,r��
Port Albert, the il.t to the 5th 0 . 0 1',-
. Concessions N - 1 lf,,;
Inclusive, and the 6th, 7th and 8th . 01, "
con . I�Ikk, l��
Cos Jones W�D., 7,,,S,�
excepting Lots I and 2, all of the 8 . ,;,
Towushipol'Ashfield, .3'
.;" , p4
- i
.. I
5 School House, S. S. No. 12, comprising the, ",6i,�
1, 1E
21. � I
,ssiops, 4;
Road, 12th, 13th and 14th Conep a "
. 10th and 11th Concessions, from Lot 0, W. D., to Lake "�
D., to Lake Road arid the Lots north from Lot 8, W, L -" ,
tween 21 and 45 inclusive Town Plot . . . . .
,, all of the Township of
Held. Ash,-. I I?fig'
,�x-- -
I. .
J "".
6 James Rose's House, Lot 0 Concession 1
D., comprising . 3, W
Prom Lot 5, W, 1), '.. I
' ) '
(M rising the 9th Concession I ?.
A ,
to Lake t0ftd, the 10th and 11th Concessions, between. �A,,,11�
Lots 9, IV. D. and 3 E. D., inclusive, 12th. 13th ' s'11?'�
[ 11
, I
and 14th Concessions between Lots 8, w,, nd 3, E. 11". ,
D., inclusive, all of the Township of Ash I I "I
� comprising Mait-. .. �, '". 1
7 . Phraftner's Hall, Beurniller, compri W, 4 I
land Concession, Berimiller village, the Falli�-Reserve -L 11�, I I
. . � I
Concessions 1, 2, 3 and 4, in the �.. . :
Vistern Division, and
the following 10te,, viz., 5, 6, 7 and 8, on the lot ,i
3rd and 4th Concessions, in the Western Divison, , I
with Lot 9, on the 3rd Concession, W. D., all ofthe ,
I Township of Colborne. 11
8 Temperance H,1.11, SaItford, comprising Blocks-, . I
I A B C D E and G, also Lots 11 2, 3 and 4, on Che 1st, -
2nd, 3rd and 4th Concessions, in the Western Division, - .�I
all of the Township of Colborne, '. ,
.9 Town Hall, Carlow comprising Block F, the
5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9' 11,
9th and 10th Concessions (save and ' I
except lots 9, 10, It on the 9th and 10th Concessions, "
-) also lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, on the Ilth Concession, . I
arid lots 2, 3 and 4,
on the 12th Concession, in the East-
ern and Western Divisions, all of the Township of , �
Colborne. I
10 Temperance Hall, Leeburn, Comprising the �
Lake Road East and West and Lake Shore from lot
1, to Boundary Line, also the 11th, 12th, 13th Pool 14th I
Corleessions, in the Wesbern Division, (save and ex- ,
apt lots 1, 3, 3 and 4, on the 11th Concession, and lots
2, 3 and 4, on the 12th Concession, also lots 9, 10 and
11, on the 9th and loth Concessions, W. D.,) all of the .�
Township of Colborne. .
11 Town Hall, Clinton, comprising St. Andrew's -
Ward in the Town of Clinton. '
12 J. Cilidley's Warehouse, Victoria Street, Com- .
prising St. James' Ward, in the Town of Clinton. 11
13 Wm. Moore's Sewing Machine Wareroom, . 1�
Huron Street, comprising St. John's Ward, in the �
. 1�
Tcwn Of Clinton, "
L .---
14 D. Cook's Flour and Feed Store, comprising %
. St. George's Ward in the Town of Clinton. �
15 Isaac Curwin's House, S Pt. Lot 6,t1and
! I
I 11
concession, comprising all Lots North of the , nurn- `
bered 17 in Concessions I to 8 inclusive and orth of �
lots 27 and 92, Maitland Concessiorl, all of the Town- .
ship of Goderich. :
16 Robt. Marshall's House, Lot 25, concession 4, 1
comprising lots 17 to :3:3, inclusive in Concessions I to .
8 inclusive, all of the Township of Goderith.
17 Robert Hanley's'House, Lot 40, eon. 8, corn -
prising all lots in Concessions 1 to 8 inclusive, south of
the lots numbered 33, also .111 lots in the Bayfield Con-
dession excepting lots 34 to 58, inclusive, all of the
Township of Goderich. I
18 Hart U. Hicks' House,Lot 32, con. 12, compris-
ing all Lots in Concessions 9 to 16, inclusive, south of I 11
the Cut Line and Huron Road ; lots 34 to 58, inclusive. S
in the Bayfleld Concession, and the lots on the south ".
side of the Huron Road, all of the Township Gode-
rich. `
19 Richard Baker',', House I ..
Sion, , Lot 2* 16th conces- "'k
comprising all lots north of the Huron Road and .-,I
the Cut bine from Holinesville to concession 8 ex- `
. cePtIng t hose lots north of 27 and 92, Maitland 'Con., s�
all of the Township of Goderich.
20 R,obert Thom son's Waaon Shop, comprising 1�
all that part south of tife Market Square, rinq8ton, �
Elgin and Toronto Streets and Huron Road, in St. 11
David's Ward, in the town of Goderich. I'�
21 Thos. Videan's Feed Store, comprising all that A
prtnf"`1hofKingstoni HiffinandTorontoStreetsand . r,
Heron Road,
in St. Kingston,
Ward, in the town of ,�
Goderich, " '/
22 Council Chamber, Goderich, cornprisiug,)g1J .j .
that part south of Nelson street in St. PILtrick's Waid, �/,
in the town of Goderich. I V�',
23 Mrs. Spence's Grain Warehouse,Goderich,c(im- `,i?
prising all that part north of Nelson Street, in St.
Patrick's Ward, in the town of Goderich.
24 Mrs. Walton's Shop, West Street, rising
comP 1': I �
St. George's Ward, in the town of Goderich. 1�,,�
25 John Brophey's Shop, West Street, compri6ing 1''
all that Part north of Brittania Road, in St. Andrew's 11,
Ward, in the town of Goderich.-",
26 Jas. Hays' Residence, Reed's Stirvey, compris-
ing all that, part south of Brittania Road, in St.`1`11i
Andrew a Ward in the town of Goderich. ,, i,!+
7, L"
27 The Village Hall, Dungannon; comprising, the °-
Lots between the West Boundary and the centre of 714
"flsins Lot20 in Cone .
ns I to 7, Inclusive, in the Township "
of Wawanosh
28 John Bruce's if use, Lot 23, con. 1�71u8f.-
L t
3 'compris- , t,:,,
ing Lots cast half of 20 to 27, inclusive, inCoilicessions. -1-1;
I to 7, inclusive, in the towhship of Wawanosh West. { -,, ,:
I ! 1.,,
. . , .
29 Township Hall,W.Wawanosh, comprising cons. - '�`.�
8, 9 and 10, and Lots 13 to 16, inclusive, and Lots 21) to, . , "v�t "
* "I
27, inclusive, in Concession 11, in the Township of '!'r
Wavanosh West. I , :;�,, ?,
30 School House, S. S. No. 4, comprising cons. 12, %
� ,,�� �
t 1,
13 and 14, and Lots 17, 18 and 10 in Concession 11, in " . '�,"'.1"
the Township of Wawanosh West. !,
,IL L" "
:31 J. Edmeston's House, Lot 35, con. 3 C �7'.�' 0
- ,
ing cons. 1 to 4, inclusive, in the Townsh I ria
P'0017 , : : ,,.,f;,
nosh East. i f Wawa 11'-
- "I
'32 ng ,,,
H. Edwards' House. Lot 36, Con. 6, comprising . ''j�',�,�
'� ,',t�i
con. 5 and cons. 6' to 9, inclusive, east of the River , L:o $"':
Rover !,�,
Maitland, in the Township of Wawanosh E , "%':�`L
. ill
, "
.., ,
33 John Elliott's House, Lot 40, COD. 13, CoMpriS- ., "" f'L,L
.. . ... L
" ,
Ing lots 34 tel 42, inclusive, in Concessions 10,11 a; 14,
and Concessions 12 and 13, east of the River Mal 0d .
in the township Of Wawanosh Past. tland, ��,,.', ", .
�';: "'�-,Lj,:�'
I . 14.., . "
. ,
Coto , ��'!�'I' ;
34 Richard lrwin'l3 11onse, Lot 31, con, ,I, eta,-
prJ8113 " 0 28 to 34, Inclusive, In 0013ceSaloinS 101. JL1,", ""j,,,,V" -�
, ' L
"" "", L�, I """,
" 1�,
and W 414,00 Coticeselons 0, 7 8 9, 12 and % ;A ;��L,,� � , " -
it ,�,,�I",
Vo � . ,
the River MAIdaridi in the %;vgsfilp Of %� 11, ,,,�, " ,
But. , L , �,�:�,,,�%�, , I
tiho'ph'�,L -
LL 1, 1 � " .L
, ,I
,'' k,
� I
. � I
I . . %
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..!�..'�!�", l1!� , �- 1 . ,:,� 11 ,,�,.�,.:,�I,
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