HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1896-05-20, Page 5•
With glassed that will suit you.
l yo,s with erases that will
*Or lit oaata you nothing. We
ri+o: ahekrde but a moderate price
irises elld' allow you to run no
� i, !ITTldse these oiroumetauoes why
Odd you pay exorbitant prices to
atAulo pedlars who are here to -day
;away to•nlorrow, and who make
9 take all riskel We aro here every
y . ready at all three to test your
0e .properly, ready at all times to
melte any changes that may occasion•
a UI be neoeaeary in the glasses you
• ' it r and 'ready at alt times to refund
4 o1it money if we don't do as we say
we can -_Fit 'Your Eyes Prcperly.
. Tooth Brushes
We have a lot of a few doze
we are selling for 15o each.
of these brushes are worth 20o
250 but we simply want to cle
the out before receiving a ne
awe have ordered; that is why
u have one NOW for 15e.
• •
n that
kin & Wilson, DRUOPTC IANS
B. Rumball,
The Leading Jeweler.
Our Goods are the test in the
Market and our Prices
the Lowest.
Central Telephone Exchanges
One ,of the beet Commercial Schools in Canada—
atone better • In Canada. Enter now and be
eitdy ler the situations in the Tall. 'Catalogues free.
81JAW & ELLIOTT,. Principas.
Should see that they start
with proper Coupon Tick-
ets and that their baggage
is checked through to
destination. It costs no
more to startrigh t than
For full information in refer-
ence to travel, consult
G. T. R.
Good Stable for Sale.
Frame Stable, aegood asnew,18x30 with tim-
bersills, for sale cheap, to be moved of( premises.
Apply at THE NEWS -RECORD office, Clinton.
WANTED.—Young men and women to hal
in the Armenian pause. Good pay, wi
send copy of my little book, "Your Place in
Life," free, to any who write, Rev. T. S. Lin-
sootl, Brantford, Ont.
Estray Colts.
Strayed from the premises of the undersigned
Lot No. 27, 6th concession, Hullott, on the 3rd oil
May, inst., two three year old mare colts, ono
dark bay, the other light bay, ono with halter
' without shank. Both have white on face and
its on feet. Any person or persons giving
motion that will lead to their recovery
be suitably rewarded.
Hullott, May d. Clinton P. O.
.!^.!llS a pr zt . a^,,
XfOW 4. PTITAMir Ar,41 D Cola 2 . 0., M .l1'
tl>a'>!4U Ta 1Z.
From the Amherst, N, S., Sentinel.
Mr. Chas. Tucker who lives about ,
two miles from Lockport, is one of the
best known men in that section. He is
engaged in business as a lobster packer,
and dealer in flour and salt, and in ad-
dition has a fine faun. During the
past three years Me': Tucker has been
an almost constant invalid, being the
victim of a complication of troubles
following a severe attack of la grippe.
Recently he has been restored to his
old time health and having learned
that he gave the entire credit to Dr.
Williams Pink Pills, concerning which
so much has been said through the
press, a reporter interviewed him in
the matter, and was cheerfully given
his story for publication. Mr. Tucker
said :-"About four years ago I had a
severe attack of la grippe, which left
Take notice that a Court of Revision for the
Town of Clintowill hold its first sitting in the
Town Hall on Tuesday, the 20th day of May,
A. D. 1868, commencing at 8 o'clock P. M., for
the purpose of hearing and rectifying all com-
plaints against or errors on the assessment roll
' of the present year. All parties interested are
reghested to attend.
W. COATS, Clerk of the said municipally.
Clinton, May, 4th, 1896. 91231
Take notice that a Court of Revision for the
Villagge of Bayfield will hold its first sitting in
the Town Hall on Tuesday,the 28th day of
MA. D. 1896, commencig at 10 o'clock A.
M,i for' the )inrpose of hearing and rectifying all
complaints against or errors on the assessment
roll of the present year. All parties interested
Aare t'egliosted to attend.
R. W.IRWIN, Clerk of the said municipally.
Bayfield, May, 12th, 1896.
me in a fearful condition. 1 bad for a
number of years before this attack
been a sufferer from dyspepsia, but
following the la grippe it took a more
acute form, and to add to my distress
my liver appeared not to perforin its
usual functions, and my heart troub-
led me greatly, and there were as well
other complications which baffled
the skill offonr doctors whom I succes-
sively called in in the hope of regaining
my health. From the knees down my
legs were as cold as ice ; my bowels
would bloat and I suffered great pain.
My case went from bad to worse de-
spite the medical treatment I was
undergoing and at last I got so bad
that I was forced to give up business.
I could hardly eat anything, got but
little sleep at night, and as Tou will
readily understand niy condition be-
came one of despair. My father urged
me several times to give Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills a trial, but I was so discour-
aged that I had no further faith left, in
any medicine. However, more to
please him than from any hope of
beneficial results, I began the use of
Pink Pills. The first beneficial effects
I found was that the warmth and nat-
ural feeling began to return to my
limbs, my bowels ceased to bloat, and
with the continue3 use of the pills
my appetite returned. I slept soundly
at night, and the action of my heart
again became normal. I continued
taking the Pink Pills until I had 'used
in all fifteen boxes, and I have nobs -felt
better in years than I do now. I did
some particularly hard wark last fall,
and was able to stand it with a
strength and vigor which surprised me.
1; consider Dr. Williams' Pink Pills,
not only a wonderful medicine, but
also in the light of what my other
treatment cost, the least expensive
medicine in the world, and I strongly
recommend Pink Pills to all in need of
a medicine.
''enders for Addition to Huron
House of Refuge.
Dr. Williams's Pink Pills act direct-
ly upon the blood and nerves, building
them anew and thus driving disease
from the system. There is no
trouble due to either of these causes
which Pink Pills will not cure, and in
hundreds of cases they have restored
patients to health after all other reme-
dies had failed. Ask for Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills and take nothing else. The
genuine are always enclosed in boxes,
the wrapper around which bears the
full trade mark, "Dr, Williams' Pink
Pills for Pale People." May be bad
from all dealers, or sent post paid on
receit of 50 cents a box, or six boxes
for $2.50, by addressing the Dr, Wil-
liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
•BALED TEND12Rs will be received by tho
`hruleiSigried (marked tender for House of
fir el upi to the tad day of June,A, :, for
sling ran addition to the Housellof Refuge at
lafa�is atr4 spo'clfCations can be seen at the
;406,0 Wm. cleats, Clinton, or at the offle•
4uf•,fliq,;>ittobittttrt., II. C. Merida London.
1411W, °West or any tender not noeessarily no-
toNlt'Y 11t,BRIt,
f'lhaltanan of Committee,
MAY 1'1th,1$1i0. Crcditen
0h4Nor l touo4 .
dile International T3rOthe0440d of
Laaorpolia rectiveptip i on gangl4geerettQttevlLwr ,er aceolyded a
puRn w.o4sQmept, olinaltea dwJinaider ro
the court of appeal, Montreal.
rof wasearlBr
ced to death. There was a motion for
a new trial,
Sir Donald Smith left Montreal for
England, where he will undertake the
duties of his new position of High
Dr, J. G. Nepherson's suspicions
that an Eglinton Cow wits afflicted
with tuberculosis were verified when
the remains of the animal were ex-
am ined.
Experiments made with live guinea
pigs show that the Rontgen rays de-
stroy the germs of diphtheria.
It is learned that Archbishop Lange -
vin intends remaining in the Province
of Quebec until the 27th inst.
The Sultan's fear of assassination has
led to wholesale arrests of Armenians,
who are being barbarously tortured to
snake them confess.
A farmer named David Barrick, of
township of Wainfleet, Ont., committed
suicide by hanging hiinself to a rafter
in his barn,
Tho Prohibition and Social Reform
Association of Hamilton have nomin-
ated Mr. W. W. Buchanan for Par-
The will of the late Col. F. C. Deni-
son shows an estate valued at $86,412,
of which $61,515 is in real estate and
$12,000 in life insurance.
Edward and Arthur Leber, two
brothers, received heavy sentences in
the Toronto Police Court for swindl-
ing their employer, Mr. Simmers, the
well-known seedsman.
Jacob Hill, Indian, WAS committed
for trial at Burford for manslaughter,
having stabbed his stepson, Abraham
Claus, in a family quarrel.
Hon. T. M. Daly has been presented
with a solid silver claret cup by Dr.
McEachran, on behalf of the stock -rais-
ers of Alberta, in appreciation of the
many favors granted them.
At Sarnia the four-year-old daughter
of Mr. H. Graham was burned to
death while starting a bonfire.
Montreal shipping men have petition-
ed the Government to allow the ship-
ment of United States cattle froni
the port of Montreal.
J. Leslie Hopwood, twenty-six years
of age, was found dead in the Araiour-
les, Toronto, with a rifle bullet through
his heart.
At meeting held in Toronto a United
Empire Loyalist Association for On-
tario was formed with Mr. John BeV-
Policeman Michael Sammon, of Buf-
falo, who killed Sergeant Oantlin, his
superior officer last January, was sen-
tenced to imprisonment for life.
The quintuples born in 3,1a,yfield,
Ky. April 29th, are all dead. The
doceors think their death may be the
esult of worry, caused by the enor-
mous visiting crowds.
The United States House of Repre-
sentatives has passed a bill for the con-
struction of a bridge across the Nia-
gara iver from Levviston, N. Y., to
Qneenston Ont.
Mr. Washington Hesing, postmaster
of Chico a, who enjoys the confidence
of Presi ent Cleveland, says that it
can be accepted as a fact that under
no circum tances will Mr. Cleveland
accept a no Attrition for a fourth term.
Two lads, one eighteen and the other
twenty years f age, who were arrested
in Cambridge, Mass., ha,ve confessed to
starting fifty fir s during the past six
Mr. Thomas Johnston, of Varna, left
on the 18th inst., for Manitoba.—A
sacred concert will he given in the
Methodist Church, Brucefield, Friday,
29th inst; beginning at 8 p. rn.by the
male quartette and others of Hensel!.
A rare musical treat is expected. All
invited to come. Proceeds to help
church funds.
Why do judges of good Chewing Tobacco in-
sist on getting genuine BEAVER Plug. It has
no equal. Refuse cheap imitations.
News Notes.
Work -on the new electric railway at
Sarnia has commenced.
Mr. Jacob A. Bingay was nominated
by the Conservatiyes of Yarmouth,
N. S.
Rain is still hindering the seeding
operations in the eastern part of Mani-
Mr. George E. Hillis was killed. at
Courtland by a stick of timber falling
on him.
Hon. Geo. E. Foster, Minister of
Finance, is announced to speak at
Mitchell on May 21 and at Dundas on
May 23.
A nine-year-old son of Mrs. Wm.
Bradley, Merriton, fell into the old
canal and was drowned before assist-
ance arrived.
Mr. Rudyard Kipling, owing to the
threats of his brother in law, Beatty
S. Ballestier, to kill him, announces
his intention of leaving the United
Bishop William Lawrence of the
Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts,has
suspended the Rev. R. Fuller, of Mal-
den, for remarrying after obtaining a
The United States Government has
issued a permit to the North American
Commerical Company to take thirty
thousand male seals this season. They
were allowed to take only fifteen thous -
At the rneetin
Council of Women
solution was passed
to the great want of
the North-West, and
suffering, particularly
It is rumored that Pr
land will involve the Um
war with Spain as soon as
journs, that Cuba will b
and Mr. Cleveland will flo
wave of popular approval to
house for another term.
Poterborough, Out., was visi
most disastrous fire destroying
mill belonging to the Auburn
Co., the old Hillyard store -h
some offices and dwelling -houses.
total damage is estimated at $160,
with an insurance of about $65,000.
Rev Canon Durnoulin, rector of S
Jaynes Cathedral, Toronto, was electe
Lord Bishop of the Diocese of Niagara
by an almost unanimous vote of both
the clergy and laity. The Rev. Can-
on's present position is worth over
$6,000, while his stipend as Bishop will
be but $2,500, a genuine case of self-
sacrifice for the good of the church.
The sixty-third annual meeting of
the Upper CanadaTract Society was held
in Toronto. The Rev, George J. Bishop,
of that city, was elected president for
1896-7. The reports presented showed
that the year 1895-6 was the most suc-
cessful in the society's history.
In the House of Commons the Home
Secretary annonced a principle of pro-
cedure in his office. While an accused
person is assumed to be innocent until
founduilty, a convicted person is
assume to he guilty until proved to be
innocent. This, applied to Mrs. May -
brick's case, dpes not contain much
comfort for the convicted husband
In speaking of the death of the late
Raleigh councillor, James L. Doyle,
Rea. Fr. Paul, 0. S. F., of Chatham,
stated that some weeks ago when Mr
Doyle had called at the parsonage on
business he incidentally mentioned the
fact that be feared a sudden death.
He gave no reason for the• present!
ment, but simply stated that some
thing seem&d to tell him that he was
not long for this world, and that his
demise would be sudden.
g of the National
in Montreal a re-
calling attention
medical men in
the consequeno
to women and
sident Cleve -
ted States in
Congress ad -
at on the
he white
and last year.
, lie f;'.44
WhS {ole,140e1af 9ld, soith the' adllitlalii
of ooe gill of boiled flaaiseed, la, creasing
the Cation graduallyto a pont. a sins
,fared folic weeks ai, a* d then adding
floe. T?atdditngs or coda and nate ground.
tQ. ether, or a pint to axle quart of
pate uegf'ound.. p'iaxeeed grnel,'vrxtlf
plenty or slrialmed rrtilk, will produce -
a very flue growth, leaving the•calf ae
mellow to the touch ae if sucking the
cow. A calf awn months old will ixala
three pound8 per day on this ration.
The oil taken off. fp the cream cap
be replaced for oat -fifth of the money
value of the cream. Butter dairymen
may raise a calf to each cow upon skim-
med milk and a little additional food.
such as indicated, and get one-fourth
to one-third as ranch profit out of
the refuse milk as out of the butter,
Belling butter robs the land of noth-
ing valuable—only carbon, which has
no manurial value.—Andrew H. Ward.
Good Water and Pasture Needed.
To raise hogs successfully prepare
plerltY of good water and pasture.
Grass makes muscle and bone and
keeps them healthy and growing, but
at the same time it is necessary to
freed them a little every day' It is
important to have good stack to begin
with and the male should be a thor-
Ladies clean your kid gloves with
ted by a
a flour
Change Will Come Sometime.
It's just too bad, the condition in
which many a road la permitted to re-
main -
(Corrected every Tuesday afternoon.)
0 70 to 0 71
9 00 to13 00
3 00 to 3 50
0 18 to 0 18
Fall Wheat.
Potatoes, per bush
Eggs per doz
Oats are being offered freely. Five
loads sold at 25c to 26c, and a couple of
loads of peas went at 55c. A few dress-
ed bogs changed hands at $4.75. About
fifteen loads of hay came in and sold at
$12 to $14. A small load of bundled
straw offered at $11,
do red
do goose
Straw, bundled
do loose
Eggs, new laid
Butter, lb. rolls
do Tubs, dairy
12 00
11 00
7 00
Geese 5
Dressed hogs 4 75
Beef, hindquarters
do forequarters
do spring. 4 00
5 00
2 50
4 00
to $ 80
to 78
to 00
to 00
to 00
to 35
to 00
to 26
to 14 00
to00 00
to 00
to 10
to 12
to 12i
to 50
to 70
to 11
to 6
to 25
to 00
to 7 00
to 3 75
to 6 75
to 7 50
to 5 00
CNN tires ereo what we say, fire facto ; lett tutu bultuvult,
OUR BIOYCIA1 .11g1),44., $11.0P, *puoiany +Tripped with the Week tli*Chilfr
;natio Western Ontario. '
'We guarantee all our work and cau compote with. any, in price. 9us
of Supplies, we net Only caul soyeit,418 but oleo ueceesitiee 0110b AO
Milch cows, each $20 00 to $35 00
Export Cattle, per cwt 3 75 to .4 00
Butchers' choice cattle,cwt 2 90 to 3 00
Butchers' good cattle, cwt 2 25 to 2 75
Bulls, per cwt 2 25 to 3 00
Feeders, per cwt 3 25 to 3 50
Sheep. per cwt. 3 00 to 3 50
Yearlings, per cwt 4 50 to 5 00
Spring lambs, per head3 00 to 4 00
Calves, per head 2 00 to 4 50
Choice BaCOn hogs, per cwta 00 to 4 12
Store hogs, cwt 3 70 to 3 75
Thick fat and light hogs, cwt3 45 to 3 50
Sows per cwt 3 00 to 3 10
Stags, per cwt 2 00 to 2 25
Inspect Pin Bioyolee stock before buyiog.
The Onward Bicycle Co., Clinton.
Grain -There is some export demand
for oats, 25ic being bid for 10,000 bush-
els No. 2 mixed, hut holders ask 26c, at
which figures business has been &Me.
Business is said to have been worked
both for the continent and England.
A Glasgow firm is reported to have bid
15c for ;30,000 bushels of heavy oats 1. n.
b. at Manitoba points. Peas, per 60
lbs afloat, 58c to 59c; oats, No. 2 white,
store, 29ic • rye, No. 2, nominal ; bar-
ley, feed, 3.5c to 38c; barley, 43 to 51c;
buckwheat, per bush, 39c to 40c.
Cheese -The demand is slow at 7c
for colored and 7ic for white.
Butter -The market shows no im-
provement. Sales have been made in
a jobbing way at 15c and laic seems to
be about the range. Townships is
quiet at 13c to 14c.
Eggs -The market still displays a
ther easy tendency, but prices do
t show any material change. Sales
resh at, clic to Ole and culls at 7ic
Sir Charles Tupper, to his honor be
it said, accepted Mr. Laurier's chal-
lenge and bpoke in Sohmer Park
Montreal, last Friday night, and re
peated his Winnipeg speech. There
*as an organized effort on the part of
the Grits to prevent free speech, but
the ten thousand Conserved yes pt esent
cheered the Premier to the echo
Severid of the Grit obstructionists
were arrested and the meeting was
most successful. On Saturday night
Sir Charles again spoke in the Canoe
city in Windsor Hall to an immense
A. C. DUFTON, formerly of the Woollen Mills, Lon-
don, has opened a Store and Office on ALBERT
STREET, CLINTON (near Fair's grist milld and will
pay the Highest Cash Price for
of f
Rev. Mr. Gundy of Windsor had a
joke on some leading members of his
congregation recently. In speak-
ing of ihe liquor traffic he said that
when he examined a petition asking
the commissioners to grant a license
to Col. Ley for the premises next the
Record offic , he found the names of
some of his ost prominent. members
staring him in the face, and now they
will be kept busy explaining their
One hundred s ns of Ontario rose to
their feet at the anquet held in the
Auditorium hotel. Chicoga, on Wed-
nesday night, and wildly cheered Hon.
T. M. Daly, when in his adress
Canada the speaker s id that America
and England would never go to war.
Cries of "never, no no," greeted the ut-
terance, and it was apparent tbe speak-
er had struck a sympathetic chord. It
was the inaugural banquet given by
the sons of Ontario, who formed a club
a few weeks ago. One of the amusing
features was a lion placed in a position
of honor. The dote was surrounded
by palms and the British ag. At
the mention of Africa or o other
countries the lion world let out a
when one of the dusky svaitera sted
its flail.
or will exchange for WOOLEN GOODS
such as
Tweeds, Flannels, Blankets, Yarn
and Ready -Made Suits.
We guarantee the very best value. It will be to your
advantage to bring your Wool to Clinton.
Cheap Hardware
Ana Tinware
We are now back in our old Store, and will from
now, give Low Prices on all kinds of Hardware -
and Tinware.
HARLAN' D BROS., Clinton.
'Pasture to Let.
Horses and Cattle taken into pasture. Good
fences, plenty of shade, water and salt. No
Barbed wire. Apply to C. MASON, at Staple.
ton or to M. Glow, of Orange Hall, Hullett.
Meeting of Huron County Counoil.
The Council of the corporation of the County
of Huron will meet in the Court Room, in the
Town of Goderich, on Tuesday, the 2nd day of
W. LANE, Clerk.
Dated May 19th, 1896. 914-2t
At Exeter,
May 25th, 1896.
Keokuk, ) Gate City. Aprfi
1894,, .• "The wales in Fairyland,' cap
turvid Keokuk last night. Out of a big
balloon they dropped, creiser-little
gate that sprawled and tumbled, about,
and talked and sang in MHO dim Voices(
glittering with spangies and rebedt
and disported With POUF 'times,
filmy gowns ef late. No prettier Orniere
dainty entertainment heweverteba giv-
en hare, Tbe *WO play Walt delightfild and
fromithe first song_ to the Jilosing tableau.
Town Hall, Clinton, May 220d.
Following is the Programme and
Prize List :-
lst. 2nd. 3rd.
2 Amateur Bicycle Race 15 " 10 5
8 Tandem Bicycle Race 16 " 10
8 Foot -ball Match (open) 15 " 10
9 Lacrosse Match (open) 15 " 10
10 Dog in single harness and cart $1 60 1.00 50
11 Dog team in harness and cart 1 50 LOO 50
12 Dog race (open) single or double 1 00
and cup 50
HAROI.D. - In Hensel], on the 10th inst., the
wife of Louis Harold, or a Ron.
(1nroo.—In Hensel', on May 10th, the wife of
Alfred Grigg, of a son.
L LAW, —In West WawanoRh, on May 14th,
the wife of Jos. Laidlaw, of a son.
AIN.—In Seaforth, on May 9th, the wife of
Mr. Peter Spain, of a son.
KERR. —In McKillop, on the 12th inst., the
wife of James Kerr, of a Ron .
Sourr.—In Blyth, on 16th inst., the wife of T.
W, Scott, merchant, of a daughter.
O'Naft.—In Clinton, on the 17th inst., the wife
Goderich, Sunday, 10th May,
William. infant son, aged 6 months, of Cap-
tain and Margaret Mahan Wiley, Lighthonae
Goderieh, on 12th May, Marg. aret
13ichan, beloved wife of Captain Peter Wiley,
aged 35 years and 7 months,
Govaartoax.—In Orinia, on May 10th, Robert,
son of Mr. Robert Govereock, McKillop, aged 17
yeara and 7 months.
Miller, aged 27 years, 16 days.
Cow -Tam -In Morris, on Monday, May 11,
Sarah, wife of Hubbard Cornell, aged 63 years.
Warrs.—In St. Lonis,Missouri, on the 13th
inst., Mr. William Reed watts, formerly of Clin-
ton, in his 86th year.
RoGrE118,—In NeW Westminster, B. C., on May
4111, Lydia Ann, beloved wife of Wm. Rogera.
aged 23 years,
11097VT.—At the House of Refuge, Clinton,
on May 100 .lonathan Hewitt, of Grey, aged 63
Emterrr,—In Hayfield, on May Ilth, Edward
,Elliott, aged 67 years.
Fox. --At Monica, Man., May Mt, Mrs. John
ox formerly of Clinton, aged 05 year&
1806 Walter McGuire, Ben of Thomas McGuire,
11 yOU Want a Cool, sweet end lasting smoke
try a 10 emit package of TONNA Smoking Mix-
ture. Se sure you get genuine,
We Want
To redrice our Stock of READY
MADE CLOTHING and i n order
to do this the prices will be mark-
ed down to a figure that will be
sure to have the desired result.
The Goods are all marked i n plain
figures :-
$10 00 Suits for $8 00
7 00 5 60
6 00 I 480
$4 50 suits for $3 60
2 60
2 40
1 60
These prices are genuine Bar gains
Our Stock of Spring and Summer Suit-
ings is complete and are going out fast.
A full line of Furnishings, Hats, Cap%
Will ply this season between Sandusk , Wind,
sor, Detroit and Courtright, Sarnia,
Kincardine, Port Elgin, Southampton, Kfilitr-
ney, Manitowaning, 'Little Current., Gore Bits,
Spanish River, Cutler. Algoma Mina, TheeztIon,
Bruce Mines, Hilton, Port Findlay, Mahar&
'Dock, Sault Ste. Marfa.
First Steamer leaves Windsor, May 12111. Enr
Freight, Passenger Rates; or folder, call o•
C P. R. Ticket, Telegraph and
Steamship Agent,
Court of Revision.
A. Court of Re -vision will be held in tho Town
Hall, Varna, on the 26th day °May at 160'614r9c
a. m., to hear complaints against the Affeeso-
ment Roll of the township of Stanley for lbo
year 1896.
918-11 Clerk of Stanley.
in Canada, started with_ns. About "etntt
week to begain with. THE 13RA,DI,
RETSON CO., LTD., Toronto). Ont:
Wanted -An Idea oftlitIte4Ato"ipattool=
rite umi wniumauenn is CO. ra Meats