HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1896-05-20, Page 311 � pro 'T 7r11r�"11WrfflA Tr '` ?. - �', • I • t �,.I.I. ,� xx , I., y i- I T .t 'i•. t ..Il' A , 1-11.11-1-1-1111 11.11, ., .. .. - P+frM n , ,...r i.,' f, " .'. 1 .f .tWIDI..,. - ,.a, t Z .a ''�S �mr % i:` - I 4 , „,r:` R Sl i L►roq li W � 11 B,nk 4�1a A. ti 311 � ,f91,J:' y� d "� i "�� s� ,e a�'el, '�X�,@ s1.�yr���.dR.e1`iidKaAga' 'r '.:a '' Q Y i A','," Lf V4. AI 4Ia A'*F �d ��'' '1 � -. , ' , r ,4 1> ,, C11� 1T' �Jt 0088 Y W,RPsUSrkA . MAY 20th, Y1 �1 t(1� �--� --- BIR RICHARD GARWRIQIiT AND .' :.`, teet�I IiIMID Monday Oi, Very 7YAr .. ^I'� onpb 4#all fad tla4,Pay I .prapUtttoEgpre pone }tut bb4 BxsT Of stege, r' i, .,'"-,ii l •VIONZIg "brethren alw4ya Bsugre o,r,o pp 04f sou 04Fa , as they Aavo Iia' St )11�11['Alk jr4mclters. HIS FRIEND$ THE GRITS ' ' ,, t madq welgottt0. Lrs1 to ltus: Oa+l aqd at rices. Prders ^f,� 1 s t r"�,q�slrppini{4,11 py'40j of"PorilatnenE 1866. . DR. J. 6. FREEBORN, w. at. bI mat proaoptyn�Eedaed to The regular ttntttlttl nleAtin of HAVE A BUPRBM� GON- j P. CANTELON, J$. Sao. J, P. SIJEPPARD, D. Y $ E,, the }, E 91 v] (�� j L Fast .Duron Teacheta' Association -*as TEMPT FOR THEM.: =,t� l Plx�i�, - $2,000,000 ° held in the Collegiate Institute, Sea- ---- - -. 11'1 1,8%6,000 $AB11E88 F.btPORIU>1t nLYTI;, ONT 140d�llt. forth, on Thprad;ty' and Friday, 7th A Few Facts and Fffi mise Thac will Cop. , hi OTICE. wf . 091cep . MONTREAL- There being soma misunderstanding with re- gard to wreckage, lot it be distinctly understood tbat It any person takes poesessioo of any kind of wreckage and falls to report to me I shall 0 ogco take proceedings. Remember this !s the last warning Iallali give, CAPT. WK. BAB,B. Receiver of %'rocks, Qodorleh, Goderich, Sept, 7th 1891. FOR SALE. Tito property at present occupied by tho un- dersig.ied as a residence uyy the Huron Road, in the Town of Qoderioh, comilstipg of one half of an %ore of land, good frame house ---story and a half—seven rooms, including kitchen, hard and soft wgtor, good stone cellar, stable, wood and carriage pouses, There are also some good fruit trees. This property is beautifully situated and very suitable fora ty person wishiug toll ve retired - For further particulars appply to 14. CAMPION, 642-tf Barrister, 0 oderloh. J. C. STEVENSON, Furniture Dealer, &c. THE LEADING UNDERTAKER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Opposite Town Hall, Clinton, Out GO TO THE Union Shaving Parlor For first -clans Hair -Cutting and Shavin;;. Smith's block, oppposite Post Office, Clinton J. EMERTON, Proprietor. WATTS & CO.) CHEMISTS & DRUCCISTS Great Northwestern Telegraph office, Albert Street, - Clinton. PROPERTY FOR SALE OF 11 RENS'.—Advertisers will flnd "The 11 News -Record" one of the best mediums in the County of Ifuron. APvertise in 'The News-Record"—Tho Double Circulation Talks to Thousanda. Rates a low as aur. PUMPS! Ply1MPs ! If you want a first -alas?, well made pump, one that will give you satisfaction, send your order to the undersigned. He will dig and clean wells and do it at the closest prices. He also handles a first'olase FORCE Pump, JAMES FERGUSON Upposit Queen's Hotel - High Street Clinton- 809•tf F. W. F R D N C o tII (MEMBER OF ASSN OF P. L. S.) Provincial Land Surveyor and Civil Engineer, LONDON, ON'S, OFFICE—At G. J. Stewart's Grocery Store, Clin- ton. 701-1y 6mo" 8ft Cantelon Bros, GENERAL GROCERS & PROVIS- ION MERCHANTS. Grockery, Glass & Chinaware ALBERT ST. CLINTON, ONT. Highest Cash Price for Butter and Eggs 762-1y BILL HEADS, NGTR He d., Letter Heade, Tags, statements, Circulars, Business WSW Card., Envelopes, Programmes, etc., etc.,printei in a workman- like manner and at low rates, at sm THE NEws-Racono office. Mrs. Whitt, Teacher of Musio, Pupil of M.. Charles W. Landon, of Philadelphia. The Mason Method used exclusively. It to considered by theleading M»sical Artistes that no method develops the tochnio so rapidly as Dr. Mason's "Toch and Technic." Piano, Organ and Teohntoon for nee of p»pils Apartments in Beaver Block, over W. Beealey's,Albart street, Clinton. NOTICE TO NEWS -RECORD READERS. Tho publisher would esteem it a favor if rear' 1 would, when making their purchases aention at they saw the merchant's dvertleen.ent in 'fila The�McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Company, Farm and Isolated Town Proper- ty only Insured, a o"'clinT George Watt, President, Ifarlock P. O.; James Broad foot, Vice -Pros., Senforth P. O.; W. J. Shan- non, Secy. Treas., Seaforth P. O.: Michael Murdle, an yLINTON Lodge, No. 84, A. F. & A. M. meets every Fri da , on or otter the utooa. Visit 1. eethrene g falh invited x t 'a�1. !, Q �e X31 `.X MOLSON Proaldrut. r 1,412 4IlL",WJ)W,8RSTAN` HOMAS, OBDaral Mona Of- A. J, HOLLOWAY, W. M. J. B. RUNBALL, Bac. Clinton, 1805, ' { trade with Canada And they reported Dec. 6, y,w i,hiote1 'discounted, Collections made, Drafts K. 0. T. M. V issued, Sterling and American ex - "w'," ' a change bought and sold at Hearne Tent -No. 0e, Knights of the Usocabeea of *' 1; lowest Oturent rates. the World. ®:,000, $2,000 and g8,00p Pollolee. Mem- n a41 71 " INS/aAST ALLOWAO on DarosiTIL I , berahip over 100;000. Qsaessment priaol ,lo—has never exceeded 12 asaeesments in a year. �beapest It � "^ and eafeat In existence. Meets in Orange RAII, Clln. G `�-Ir'i;•«, F-A.RMHIR)$- ton, first and tblyd Friday of every month. .' Money advanced to farators on their own notes And it is the dream of Laurier's life to +tf , 'iwl ff" .• , with one or more endorsors. No mortgage re- duired as security. COOK' FLOUR I F4, ,. H. C. BREWER, „ t Iy a,1R1. Mauaggar, D 4aembar, 1806. CLlaTOE. & FEED STORE, . mend the worthless goods. Itshould g CJlfntola, w draggart ae remembered that the Imitation dyes made up of poisonous and danger'- rAZf'., : . BRAN and SHORTS in Large or �''` , ' BANKER Small Quantities, �. �f,BRT STREET CLINTON. and not an authors on business matters, �' 11 " ' OIL CAFE, LINSEED MEALS >' ,ir,: disease is seizing the ablest men of the x>.' 17:1',; Fria`,`.. ll?;'4 Vi.l A:�E. �aL BANKING BF7SINESS , r' T'RANSA0TED. 10 lbs. Choice Oatmeal for one Bushe] Oita ,'�, a dot s • zsrountad. Drape reeltett, D. COOK. CLINTON. � ' Ifateireat Allowed on Deposita. 7b2•tt _— .< a. Clinton, JuneRth, 1891 __ __ -_— HILL'S FEED STOPID - — --- At a convention of the Libeeal-Con- party, needed a cry. Anything would do, so long as it was a campaign cry. Theydisease. ] ,,2a ' r p.yy,rtr have it, and they are welcome to i The one salvation Is to r;;-' -i HURON STREET, OLINTON, �'-r DR. W. GUNN, ;iy elected as the candidate for the House f C t vu Tr 1 L. R. W. P. and L. R. C, S.,;Edinbargb. Office— The Best Early Seed Potatoes, and all S'. - ' i a"''."' . Ontario street Clinton, Night calls at front door of residence on R.ttenbary street, oppoa:te Presbyter- kinds of first-class Clover, Timothy, Field n Ian church. and Garden Seeds, Flour and Feed of all r> . DR. TURNBULL, kinds. Closest living prices for cash. SALT ' ' '", , J. L. Turnbull, M, B. Toronto Univ. ; M. D. ; in stock and for sale, TEAS of the choicest .c; , 3., M., Victoria Univ: M. O. P. & S. Ont, ; E Row varieties and blends. Excellent value. �•-" ti; , of ,the obstetrical society of Edinburgh. La. �f London, EuK., and Edinburgh hospitals Office:— J W. HILL Huron St., Clinton ' i I Dr. Dowsloy a stand, Rattenhury dt. Night calls w ' ,� answered at Office. Central Butcher Shop. i.} DR. SHAW. cul ` `' � ':"I .__ COUCH & WILSON J ` 17" Office In Hodgea's Block, ftAtenbury St., Clinton, ,,}�'r ( � _, .f155 Oat. Night calls at same plaao. Subscribers desire to notify the Y public that they `l.>'.' 9,,� _ �] �f (� T Jas. S. Freeborn, X.D , have bought out the bntobering business lately con- ducted by Mr, Jae. A. Ford, and will continne the , - (; ,'L. ,;.Si' i ,_ L. K. a Q. 0. P., I., M. C .P, & S. O., &a., &e. same under their personal supervision. Orders will have prompt and careful attention. Fresh meats of u. , Oradnate of King's & Queen's College of Physicians, Dublin, Ireland. Licentiate General all kinds will be kept In season, sold at reasonable f - of the Medical rates and delivered anywhere in town. l,{W "1.. a.ii 9,r; Counei, Great Rrittln. Member of College of ehysloiaSa and Surgeons, Ontario, Formerly rest - ARTHUR COUCH, CHAS N. WILSON, �.;tryV� !I { Fl1•h <' , demo '"o Rot•inda Hospital(Lying-in and O nie- P Y :ological), Dubl'n. Special attention to disaases of CLINTON. f_ •. women andohfl,tea. Office and residence,Rattenbury 1 CENTRAL BUTCHER SHOP � ,t.) �_� . St., next door io Ontario 811. Methodist parsonage. 829-1y FORD & MURPHY — il 'IA ; - LB+ LVeat.EA try. (Successors to J. W. Langford,) y �a......,. •--- 8"svingbonght out the above business, we intend to conduct it on the cash principle, and will supply - ---"- -' - ,k ,'fir} Dr. Bruce, Surgeon Dentist. our oastomers with the best meats at the lowest pay- �.� I ng prises. "`'i/ -- FORD &MURPHY', t"t FICE—Over Taylor's Shoe Store, -- III:i` fir Cli u, Ont. Special attention to pre- New Butcher Shop. ! ';, se ,, bion of natural teeth. . NY Will visit Blyth- every Monday, and _— The undersigned desires to intimate to r•' , f? Ba eld every Thursday afternoon during the this people of Clinton and vicinity that he has P P Y •. fisM:1.- summer. _ o suet a hatcher Shapp in the store of W. Coro, Huron 1..r: -4 alAil ew, Le Da Sa' Da Da S. i! it it Be Street. He has had many years experienco, and feels that he can give the host ,t�" $$�"�U satisfaction. He will sell strictly for DENTIST. Cash, and at the lowest possible prices. ",A , icy 'Seons Graduate of Royal College of Dental Sur- Honor Trinity ORDFILS RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED. l, of Ontario. Graduate of University, Toronto. Best Local Anaesthetic M. W WRIGHT, - Clinton. I'' '. for painless extraction. Office opposite Town 1[{ ,,1 Mall, over Swallow's Stora. Night Bell LIED BOGS WANTED, �` ;:, ar swered. F44� Vi;" Will visit Hensall ec,ry Monday, and Mlq� ' - r,,i,r, Zurich the 2nd Thursday of each month -- @,. ,s, , - Highest Market Price Paid. closed, to meet, at the call of _,,, i5 �; ,want. D. CANTELC�N, Clinton. 0% O. CAMERON, BARRISTER, SOLICITOB M. Conveyancer, &o- Hamilton '198-tf. .., .. , ,�',., Oifloe—coiner end St. Andrews-sts., opposite Colborne Hotel, Goderich. 883-tf B. THOMLINSON, ".,;tj( ,` `, (� O. HAYS, Barrister, Solicitor, arc. Office, corner R- North Street and Square, inear Registry Office, VETERINERY SURGEON, , poderlch, Ont. 67. Honorary Graduate of tae Ontario VeterinaryCol. lege, Toronto. ,.�,C J.. ;":a,i ; %. Aff Money to lend at lowest rates of interest. Treats all diseases of Domestic Animals on th j-,`;•"�'-• Most modern and Scientific Principles. 411. '`I ',,hI'�+'' J. SCOTT, Day and Night Calle Promptly Answered. ;(i "• .a a" Barrister, eje., Regidenee—Rattenbury Street, West, Cliton Ont _ lea ",•.' ELLIOTT'S BLOCK - - CLINTON. ' J. E BLACKALL, Veterinary "t • tis+�„ ; Burgeon, honorary graduate of lei' "i. ob;r^: "1 Money 110 Loan. 0is 'I. aterinaryCollege,treat. disaaeae of ell domaetlo antmala a,.NA _ _ on two most modern and scientific ,,r�" E- CAMPION Q- C , ' principles. A2rCalls attended to night or day. Otlllce on roses street, next Now ,'-�sgf"' , ISTER, - - - SOLICITOR., Era ofHae Residence—Albert street, Clinton. k,..A. 't�'• r;,.,<. NOTARY, tire., Teacher of Piano ,A ..: I4 . 4"'Ir•I: ` G•oderfch, - ol�t. Miss Hallie E. Combe . , , ,V'' 14" Office—Over D avis' Ding Store. Money to loan. f Toronto Conservatory of Music, car ;,&- . M, 0• JOHNSTON, tificates in Piano, Harmony and Intro- ductory ,,$f4r Theory. a;':r . ` BARRISTER, - - SOLICITOR, CLINTON, ONT_ Iwi' v #;I., COMMISSIONER, ETC., — ---- — _ - - <' io' Goderich, - - - Ont. Geo, Trowbill ;���` ^p („. °� Office—Cor. Hamilton and St, Andrew's Ste. i I -:F, : ,,r Horseshoer and General Black- , : rY: �; : W. BRYDONE., smith, i peek, BARRISTER - - SOLICITOR. Albert Street, North; Clinton. .,'1��.1 NOTARY PUBLIC, cfc., JOBBING A SPECIALTY. 1!1'ib, OFFICE BEAVER BLOCK - - CLINTON. Woodwork Ironed and first etasm material and .i,, ;f ",i;A. I 817 -If work guaranteed ; farm implements and machines rebuilt and repaired, y11; . ,apt Card of Thanks. --- -- 00ty to %a ld. :af'�;ir y,,V. ____ ____.___ T+ ONEY to lend in large or small gums or good TO MY MANY PATRONS: 4 . mOrtgage8 or personal security at the lowest ?i” current ales, H. HALE, Huron at. Clinton. ;i , I desire to tender my samosas thanks t-fl�i.a Money, for the very liberal patronage accord' 1?YI.t .11. . . Moser Ln tend on gond edourity at 6} and 0 per ed me in the past and to inform the c, ,'' `l1 cent. Apply to C. RIDOUT, Albert St., Clinton, public that I am still in the Carpet . . 1 j,w'11 8112• f. t Weaving Business on East Street, �,i . Goderich, next the Bicycle Factory. 17. Win. Moore Has Removed Personal and mail orders will as usual 114 �Iwt.,.. ' rooeive prompt attention, All classes �I , � t , 7 ': —~To-�-�-•� CORK'S DWOR. HVItOX STREET, CLINTON. of work n specialty, p y, at the lowest pee• Bible lc,tlr, _.____ prices, and satisfaction guaran- sF °r ' - f,1a, I rein .better than ever prepared to supply the pub- .tl with the Iwtast Improved teed. - a lI1, �f, I'�i., ; ,Afti er issuing Machines. '�f, D W. A. rf7m, East Street, - l L7 161a atodk and arts an lied t r k of losses, Seaforth P. O, nutHoTims. Jamos Broadfoot, Seaforth; Michael Murdre,Sea. orth; George Dale, Seaforth • George Watt Harlook Thomas E. Hays,Seatortb; Alex Gardiner, ioadbur y Thomas Garbutt, Clinton; John McLean, Klppen. AGUNTa, Thomas Nellar,., Harlock; Robert McMillan, Soa- orth and James Onmminge, Egmondville. Parties desirous to effect Insurance or trans- act other business will be promptly attend- ed to on application to any of the above officers ad• dressed to their respective post oatoes, VIGORO MEN Lily, Quiemy, Permanently Restored. t Weakness Nerv- ousness Debility, and all The train of evils from early errors o ,or later excesses, the resuIts of overwork, f r F'till strength,w 1 etc, develop. went and thrid given to evegorgan andtaition 8 df the body. - 51enpp]e, natural tnethods. Tin- s midi to tray: and 8th inat., there being an attendance vine Thinkers That of about 120. After the opening exer- cises b Mr. Lough and the Calling of Would be unsafe In this Bands of Lou - the roll, the regular business of the alai's Inaompetenta. meeting was proceeded with. The fist order of business was the appoint, A French Liberal editor, who was ment of'committees, after which the seized with an unusual fit of frankness, subject of mensuration, "How to teach told us last march how Tarte and the the circle," was very ably presented by hungry orew of .French Grit boodlero Mr. Wynn, of Cianbrook, the method stood "with their ladles ready to got at being to show the relations of different the soup tbat Laurier will give them parts of the circle by the object. In when he shall have attained power, " this manner the rule for tinding the The truth was in that sentence. But area, circumference and diameter of Mr. Laurier won't be handing out soup .the circle was found by actual exarnin- when the elections are over, He'll be in ation by pupils themselves, thus avoid- it himself. Nitre out of ten of the French ing'the use of rules, which the Pupil Liberals hate the Conservatives because did not understand or would soon for- they are the Loyalist party. . Listen to get. This was discussed at some what the French Canadian editor of La length by Messrs. Cheswright and Patric. Laurier's organ in Montreal says: Hogg. Hatred of England and everything Brit - The next subject taken up was "Ele- ish sticks out in it; in this Good Grit mentary rules in arithmetic," by W. editorial:— H. Stewart, of No. 1, Grey, showing "Everybody has noticed that Joseph bow he would introduce the study of Chamberlain, who pretends to be the arithmetic to the , child. He laid great entire English Government, has sent a stress on mechanical operations in the cablegram to Sir Charles Tupper con - early stages, recommending the mas- gratnlating him upon becoming Prime tering of all its coubinations belonging Minister. to each number before taking up an_ "Mr. Chamberlain has reason to be otber. It was farther discussed by satisfied, because Sir Charles is his area - Messrs. Lough, Baker, Cameron, Robb ture, and his factotum, and it is he who and Cheswrlght. The next paper tak- has bought for our llovernment amillion en was the report of Mr. Cameron , and a half of rifles that Chamberlain has of Brussels, delegate to the Provincial on hand. Sir Charles is here to represent Associatiod, held at Toronto in April. and protect the interests of England, He gave'a somewhat lengthy report of not those of Canada, bear in mind. the business of the Association, and "Sir Charles' mission is to lead Can - was listened to throughout with the ada to Imperialism, the policy of fortifl- most undivided attention. Mr. Me- cations and guns, simply on account of Faul, of the Seaforth public school, England. then concluded the day's pro- "Now you know why Chamberlain is ceedings with his subject of satisfied that Sir Charles is Prime Min "English literature," taking as his aster." selection "The Return of theswallow," It is pleasing to be able to say that He clearly showed his method of pre- half a dozen prominent French Conserva- senting the subject to a class, empha_ tive newspapers have resented Bitterly Sizing the importance of drawing as this attack on Britain. much front the child as possible, and Once upon a time Sir Richard Cart - of leading hire to think fur himself. wright paid his compliments to the The lesson was an interesting one, and farmers of Canada. was much appreciated by the teachers. "The best way to treat the farmers," Miss Robertson Of the Wingharn puh- said he, "is to let them compete with the lic school, gave. a"number of Iuethods, world. If they can't (to that successfully, Illustrative of het• methods in teaching they deserve nothing at our hands." Several ' subjects of the public school What (lid that mean? Itmcant, Lot the course. She dwelt on the importance Canadian market be flooded with Yankee of the use of a snap in tenching history produce. and literature. Her presentation of At the present moment these aro siM the methods exhibited were creditable ruling prices:— to herself, as well as instructive and 'Toronto. Chicago. suggestive to all present. Wheat, red, from On resuming business on Friday farmers' wagon, morning, the financial statement for Rper bush . . ,-b80c 6 cash 18cJb was presented by the secretary- Oats - - - - - 27c 18fe treasurer, showing a balance on hand Barley . - - - -Me 30-337Jc Of $110.63. On motion of Mr. Lough, Butter, per lb - 13-15c 9-13C sec•ondeO by Mr. Robb, the report was Eggs, per doz - 10-11c 7 9�}c adopted. The next order of business Potatoes, per bush,17-20c 1�ilt was the election of officers, which re- Sheep, per head - $4.75—$5,25 $2.50--$3.80 stilted as follows: President, Mr. J. H. Lam bs - - - - $4.50—$5.00 $1,75—$5.00 Cameron; first. vice president, Mr. J. T. Fat cattle, per lb.4c 3,}-4fe Dodds; second vice president, Miss Hogs, per cwt _ $3.95-�i.00 $3.05—$3.60 Robertson; secretary -treasurer, A. H. Veal, per lb - t> —8c b� 6c Plummer; 'executive committee — What does the Liberal financial critic Messrs. Dobshn, Forsyth, McDonald, say in answer to this? Probably he holds and Misses Reynolds and Wilson . the same opinion as he did an 1893 when The newly elected president then he made the speech above referred to. took his position in the chair, and The great farming class of Canadaknows called tot- the address of Mr. Scott, the better. In North Waterloo, Out., the retiring president, who dealt with the Grits have put up as their candidate E. subject of "Written examinations." W. B. Snider. Only a few short months His remarks were concise and to the ago Mr. Laurier, who had sat an the point, and in his address suggested House of Commons and had applauded some changes, particularly with regard , Sar Richard. Cartwright's remarks, sat on to uniform promotion exatminations, the same platform with Candidate Sni- claiming that the examination would der, and beard him say that the be more uniform if no teacher exam- Protective tariff, otherwise the Nation- ined the papers of his own pupils. He al Policy, could not be daRpensed with. also thought it better to have the There are too many hard-headed Can - drawing books and book-keeping books adians living in Waterloo to allow Mr. discarded on entrance and public Snider's giving them any such rot as school leaving examinations. This Cartwright inflicted upon the House of provoked a ltvelyy discussion. Mr. Commons. The trouhle is that Snider is Schrnidt, of the Seatforth Collegiate a Protectionist. He can no more be a Institnte, next took up the sub ject Of Protectionist and a Liberal than he can grammar, which he handled in a verX be walking and gtaudang still at the same able manner, showing the mistakes time, roost frequently rnet xvlth in teaching Probably Str Richard and Mr. Laurier the subject. and how to correct them. would like to read Snider out of the Grit Next Mr. Forsyth, of School Section ranks. He preached what they consider a No. 2, Tuckersmrth, read a very in- damnable heresy— Protection for the structive paper on "How to keep Country, and the C•)untry for Canadians. pupils employed in school." He pre- "The Yankee producer is glnd to get sented the subject in a manner that fifteen cents a bushel for his pota- no one listening could fail to receive toes," the patriotic Liberals cry. "Why henefit. Mr. Inerarn, of No. 1, should our farmer get, as be '� does Tuckersmith, took up the sub)ect, get, five cents more'? Down with; the "Voice culture in reading," which he tar•iffl What's good enough for theAmer- dealt with very exhaustively,throwing icans is good enough for our people." out many valuable hints regarding the Yes, the policy of- the Government is teaching of reading. responsible for it all. The Liberals are After the usual vote of thanks, the going to change the state of things—they I ing enquire Into the probable effect of free h,, died of heart disease. - world affirm without hesitation that trade with Canada And they reported e Into Mrs. Buchanan, widow of the irate Diamond Dyes are the purest and best as above. They saw, as the farmers of Hon. Isaac Buchanan, died at for home dying. All the New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, and ton, Ise 70 years. are fast to light and washing, Michigan, see, that there is a market will color more goods, package for ready for them in Canada whenever our _ _ GROWING PREVAT,ENCE OF than any other dye in the tariff walls shall have been thrown down. BRIGIIT'�l UiHF,A�iE, worId. And it is the dream of Laurier's life to As there are many imitations of the Diamond Dyes, Indies should row them T em down. 'We want Free Trade," he said at Winnipeg, and has ---' Bright's Disease shows itself ustlal- of dealtirs who attemp t to re- said a hundred times. He has said thing that is true. It "I it in depression of spirts. Life loses its zest- Efforts bring an early fatigue. ., 9.. mend the worthless goods. Itshould g another quite In There is loss of appetite le9t}essness ae remembered that the Imitation dyes made up of poisonous and danger'- am not a business man." The Liberal leader never said a truer word. And so, ; ; sloop fails to refresh. There may, or y be adulterations, and the hands are by his own admission, being a lawyor may not. pain it the regions the kidneys, It is not only astonishing, �. ruined by their use. Diamond and not an authors on business matters, �' but alarming the extent to which this ,i es are so easy to use that even a with bow comes it that he should attempt to disease is seizing the ablest men of the x>.' 17:1',; hild can work them successfully. that the advise the farmers on their affairs? The answer is easy. Lander and Cartwright country. The deceptive nature of this �. you et and r - g i trouble is almost akin to that of eon - use all others. and the rest of the aggregation of incom- patents that head the so-called Liberal sumption. Our dearest friends ate car- ;'' ":. - — --- At a convention of the Libeeal-Con- party, needed a cry. Anything would do, so long as it was a campaign cry. Theydisease. ried off with it before we are aware of the nature of their ,,2a ' r ervatives of South Leeds, , held at have it, and they are welcome to i The one salvation Is to r;;-' -i Mr. (leo. Taylor was when they find their own candidates re- rid the system of the trouble Pt its inception. This is Latus mostsuecess- ;iy elected as the candidate for the House f C t vu Tr 1 pudlating it they will decide that it fully accompl ished by South American closed, to meet, at the call of say But the farmers of Canada are going the executive committee. It may lm to take care that Laurier, Cartwright, here mentioned that the Association Tarte, Pacaud and the Quebec Mercierites will henceforth meet during the mid- won't got a chance to ruin the country, summer holidays, so as to avoid break- The Liberals ask the farmer to vote for the teaching term. them, to abandon his pre-emption on the Canadian market, and to receive the sheriff with joy while the Yankee farmer THE BEST OPINIONS! fattens on the spoil. Tho sheriff P" says somebody. Yes. So the United States consular agents say. _ In their reports to the Washington au- thorities the American Consular agents stationed in Canada united in Raying Scientific Men Say Diamond Dyes that Inc trade would render Itimpossible Are the BBSt- for the Canadian farmer to conte down to the American scale of prices. Now, these Consular agents ought to know whereof they speak. They are salaried experts. They had no fish to fry. They were instructed by their Government to ti v. , F P ,.a - ' y �f you ' �x t �1 �r1�7r t, �x'ave, ; ^ ",1, ,, �, s•1,• 4J.'.R�•fA, �PplesA don\i�T.�-:y7 �y. M' 1„r R',Ml�ec � V+t''/�I b��s: Y;1 The er S1JIr i `.,.: dQG�y' thrive >r -o lid y therip. aiN So Me ajn { , tion find good Soil. for Work, �' ;" when the lining of the throat ti "`:tf'''' and luxlgs is bruised ;rrllade', raw, or injured by cods and ;let coughs. &ott's Emulsion, 'R., with hypophosp rtes, wI Rrak heal inflamed mucus mezxu- �_� 'i I branes. The tiru,e to take ,� �'`, it is before serious damage ..1 " has been done. A So -cent ,, t 1; bottle is enough for an or- n111,0 , dinary cold. , g, 50 cents and $1.00 1"r' $Coir & BowNs, Chemists, Belleville, Cut. i'�l. HUMPHREYB' Nothing has ever been produced to equal or compare with $wmllhreyg' , .; fy i 'Witch Hazel Oil as a CURATIVE and ., L HEALING APPLICATION. It has been ,,""IWC. used 4o years and always affords relief 14. I and always gives satisfaction. It Cures PILES or HEMORRHOIDS, External or Internal. Blind or Bleeding—Itching and ,� Burning; Cracks or Fissures and Fistulas. : yr3 Relief immediate—cure certain. �"; It Cures BURNS, Scalds and Ulceration and Contraction from Burns. Relief instant. It Cures TORN, Cut and Lacerated , y? Wounds and Bruises. '„ It Cures Bo(Ls, Hot Tumors, Ulcers, Old t , Sores, Itching Eruptions, Scurfy or Scald Head. It is Infallible. It Cures INFLAMED or CAKED BREASTS . and Sore Nipples. It is invaluable. - It Cures SALT RHEUM, Tetters, Scurfy Eruptions, Chapped Hands, Fever Blisters, �i Sore Lips or Nostrils, Corns and Bunions, Sore and Chafed Feet, Stings of Insects.or Three Sizes, 25c., Hoc. and $i.00. Irl, Sold by Drugglats,or sent post-pald on roceiptof price. HU11P11R11Y8'!♦ED. 00., Ill A 1111HIIBam 8t-, New T -L "11 WITCH HAZEL OIL- '` j., O h, CAvEATSJ JADE MARKS COPYRIGHTS. CAN I OBTAIN A PATENT? For a .1 pprampt answer ane an honest opinion write to LrI U NN dtz CO-, who have had nearlyy Billy years' experience In the patent busipass. Communtca. ttonsetrletly oonedent191. A Hnndhook oP In- formation eoncernin ate"tS and how to ob- .1 tain them sent free. A]so a catalogue of mechau. teal and scientific books sent free. Patents takopL through Munn �& Co. receive ' epectal notice inthe,Sale(tt�i11c AmericaD, and thus are brought 4rldely before the public with- �I out cost to the inventor. This ovlendld aper, iseuedweekl=elegaut)yillnatrated hasty fFarthe largest cir tion of an a rienttgo wor ,in the .. - -..."" world. 83 a-ycear..� sam le -co les aunt free +, Bu1llag-111 tton•.rpon hl9 �Ip.60ayenr. Slagle ;4 co lea, 2I� i cents. ltvary number contains beau- tiful p1al8,, in colore;,rand pphotograpDhs of new houses, w°Itb plans, enatlftng builders to show the "` latest dealrrne and sebure`bontrSata- Address r MUNN & CO. NNW YORK. 361 BROADWAY. A PERFECT Tr_A mu,gm q SOL OR& 0 N ,� YHc FINEST TEA 11 IN THE WORLD TEA 'ii", FROM THE TEA PLANT TO THE TEA CVP IN ITS NATIVE PURITY. " Monsoon " Tea is put up by the Indian Tea growers as a sample of the best qualities of Indian ; Teas. Therefore they use the greatest care in the .:g selection of the Tea and its blend, that is why they 11 put it up themaelves and sell it only in the original Packages. thereby securing its purity and excellhnce. Put up in % Ib., i lb. and 5 !b. packages, and nbver sold in bulk. ALL GOOD GROCERS KEEP IT. H your Ctcmr does not keep it, tell him to write to STEEL, HAYTER & 00. „ and 13 Front Street East. Toronto• 01d 0 Gordon's 8emed for Men r 1127 134 14] lbs IF ,ft v- I BEGINNING FIRSTMONTH SIGONOMONTH CURES 165 POSITIVELY ' Lost Power, Nervous Debility, Failing manhood, Secret Di- seases, caused by the errors . and excesses of youth. • Youngg,, middle-aged or old THIRD MONTH men,sufrerin fromtheeffects of follies and excesses, restored to health, man- hood and vigor. Price $1.00, 6 boxes for $5.00. Sent by mail. securely aealed. tVrile fnr our book, "Slarfl,n,e• Facts," for Men only, tells you Lu,/ to yet well . and stay well. Addreaa, QUEEN MEDICINE CO., BOX 047.. -- ------ ___ -___ 0 -CEA-----__._ _—_�. Tne coroner's inquest held on the hod of l'ol North rr veals the fact that The best analytical chemists in the Cmil- dyestuffs and I Epopular corn are ous often D See Delta, omf ,,,, enquire Into the probable effect of free h,, died of heart disease. - world affirm without hesitation that trade with Canada And they reported e Into Mrs. Buchanan, widow of the irate Diamond Dyes are the purest and best as above. They saw, as the farmers of Hon. Isaac Buchanan, died at for home dying. All the New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, and ton, Ise 70 years. are fast to light and washing, Michigan, see, that there is a market will color more goods, package for ready for them in Canada whenever our _ _ GROWING PREVAT,ENCE OF than any other dye in the tariff walls shall have been thrown down. BRIGIIT'�l UiHF,A�iE, worId. And it is the dream of Laurier's life to As there are many imitations of the Diamond Dyes, Indies should row them T em down. 'We want Free Trade," he said at Winnipeg, and has ---' Bright's Disease shows itself ustlal- of dealtirs who attemp t to re- said a hundred times. He has said thing that is true. It "I it in depression of spirts. Life loses its zest- Efforts bring an early fatigue. ., 9.. mend the worthless goods. Itshould g another quite In There is loss of appetite le9t}essness ae remembered that the Imitation dyes made up of poisonous and danger'- am not a business man." The Liberal leader never said a truer word. And so, ; ; sloop fails to refresh. There may, or y be adulterations, and the hands are by his own admission, being a lawyor may not. pain it the regions the kidneys, It is not only astonishing, �. ruined by their use. Diamond and not an authors on business matters, �' but alarming the extent to which this ,i es are so easy to use that even a with bow comes it that he should attempt to disease is seizing the ablest men of the x>.' 17:1',; hild can work them successfully. that the advise the farmers on their affairs? The answer is easy. Lander and Cartwright country. The deceptive nature of this �. you et and r - g i trouble is almost akin to that of eon - use all others. and the rest of the aggregation of incom- patents that head the so-called Liberal sumption. Our dearest friends ate car- ;'' ":. - — --- At a convention of the Libeeal-Con- party, needed a cry. Anything would do, so long as it was a campaign cry. Theydisease. ried off with it before we are aware of the nature of their ,,2a ' r ervatives of South Leeds, , held at have it, and they are welcome to i The one salvation Is to r;;-' -i Mr. (leo. Taylor was when they find their own candidates re- rid the system of the trouble Pt its inception. This is Latus mostsuecess- ;iy elected as the candidate for the House f C t vu Tr 1 pudlating it they will decide that it fully accompl ished by South American s ;, r p r" o m% as GO 10111101. s provemitht o ommons a e c ng ge era would have been better had they elungto Kidney Cure, a medii-ine that will cure11 E,z7ss tit agbhne. A' entioY t110Ooic Celebrated _ 1Sdflk 1H'ai111reimposSi- elections. their old policy of: 'No Policy Except any'rase of Bright's disease that lies gg 1 . `tl,1' a>zu the r1ypat i'"Itable Wits Mta and Wrings". The fps,+ s idoBb6 kitCaltilftjisetlbn laiatud. We Must HaVO Help. �� ble. 2,000 references, gin Humbert has donated four to Get at "the Trcasury." ,;; 1 t ,,, Book,eytplenlltlan and g not n.lrendy signed the deAth warratnt t 1.. °.'* wd pay man and a�dmeii lbta IBR ex .wee ,'tor undyed thousand francs to the farm- of its victim. It is a medicine that �t gg roofs mailed sealed To drefSfu of eating beans is a fore- �y ea�y bort" trotk. No boaktl d1 D' $dl, std�d ein• j 11 r ` rtt� tt�n 1* 119 • ' les of the.eoldi�rs killed and Wtattnded , trnaoa° of trqubles and y most completely rids the system Of 4Y ,i ar WM MOORE, plcygmtnbut guaranteed, 's0M a aln}r, alt work Ana / �• quarrels wit] your �r;; artieutato at 011de, ItERMA N ,.gffiYMUVR $1'A In the African Gaalflpaign, ,aticl 8tl! 1111n� kcquaantanoe$- those elerrrenfA that go to eOr►stitnte 'I�!. tifrfif=dmnrirdtalai }I tot, $Bron street Clinton ' died thollgand francs to the Red dross this disease, working disttnet.inAly,on 11 , ;► t185•t k 1"nth strth sir"et, t'fitfadal�, a, .a: a ,�, . fi . _ ER�� AAL coli atti�o'I N11Y�. Society for the benefit of the WOufrded. the kidneys. Sold by Watts & Co, r,, t. ,i,, r ;.II, , - � - , .. , „ill . L' 1 �i n ,ip 4. .. f , +, •t �, 1 ii dd � f ,. A 22 1f. � A- �.ii, / i', 4:. ,,,, par.. t. .,..., d..,, .� ,u' _r-.:, -^. .. 1 ,.:. .: :,' .' t-. 1. :.1� d r. T J .} ,7�( f '4 Ai, �1 . , , »t, , . Y..,. a f ,,f.. 4 a. J•4 n 4 '' , -.� r•. X4....1. n. d'. ,,. .,rr,'. .0 2,' r r "It ♦..,, , 1 •. nt , Y ... Y. ,iV 1 ,.. lYf , ,2� .. _ a. , I $. .. , 1 .. .. 7 4 . , n , r. ... -.. d.1 ,.. _ . , o a ..„ „ , .. v-... ,. -f. 1 ... , . r, , ,, .x , , . ,. M. r ,. ,, t.. t ,r. ,.., ., „ ..r ,. , r .. : ,.. ......� •,... V. e , , .: .n . �, r ,.. .: 1, e... r ".: \ ,'... .. '... .., :. �� I� . ( r:.. r 1 .1. 4' a n:'..' 113` r ,,,.,,,/r��� '.h R, 1iy. YaiYra „cry. _ _ �v>Ls.l>.•'''Y,or,mmi!!'.r.,Jwa I "A- -. + �, % .;_..9hiisaiedsts..a6 t, �...Y - .�•4r .�