The Huron News-Record, 1896-05-13, Page 7is
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11 t1.° frar 1,00 is Artvnn40.
i4rigenaY, MAY 13th, 1890.
40$ TRADE L AN 11 1S 1A' ONO-
ti},11t we are told that •`free
'11 e,sneh as it is In England," is the
sal at which the Liberal par ty is aitn-
ig;,andtowards which it will aspire, it
34 the greatest importance to the
eople of Canada that they should
lwke themselves acquainted with the
;Stem and incidence of taxation in
e United Kingdom.
The net receipts of the United King -
0010M from taxation in 1894-5 were as
;Custows .20,115,000 07,8ii3,000
Excise ,26,050,000 126,776,667
tamps (exelud-
,yr7 lug feestaulps)14,440,000 70,274,667
lAnd tax 1,015,000 4,939,666
louse duty... ,1,435,000 6,083,667
rroperty and In-
;conie tax 15,600,000 75,720,000
aocal taxation
Accounts 7,013,642 34,132,571
Total taxaiti n.,B85,668,542 $416,920,238
The c duties on beer and ale,
winesaan its, amounted to $26,938, -
815, and ou tobacco, manufactured and
unmanufactured, including cigars and
snuff, $50,687,010. The other imports
subject to duties are tea, $17,459,809;
raw, roasted or ground,$827,450;
',coffee and °hickory mixed, cocoa and
xtt,husks and shells, cocoa or chocolate
rzs .ground or in any way rnaufactured,
I;chicory, raw, roasted or ground ; dried
'',fruits $1,930,130, including raisins, cur -
* ants, figs and fig cake, plums (French)
?f arid prunelloes, plums dried or preserv-
.: ed and prunes; playing cards, iodide of
1;'ethyl, naphtha purified so as to be pot-
able, chloral hydrate, chloroform,collo-
?dian, ether; soap, transparent. in the
a+E,inanufacture of which spirit has been
used; perfumed spirits and varnish con-
taining alcohol.
The excise ''Ctr ies were chiefly deriv-
ed from beer and spirits, amounting to
$126,947,341. Under this head there
also came $1,208,710 from the railways.
Excise also includes a number of petty
duties -carriage for two horses $10.22
a year, for one horse $5.11, with two
wheels $3.65, playing cards 6 cents, ar-
mortal betarings $5.11 a year, if on car-
riage$10.22, dogs $1.83 a year, sheep
and cattle, dogs and blind men's dogs
,i excepted;.carryiug gun or pistol $2.43 a
year, =--genie. -shooting license $14.60 a
year, male servants $3.65 a year, re-
+tailers of candy $6.08.
The rcge'ipts from stamps came chief-
J,y fro
auccessiuties, in all $42,412,718:
;other sta s on cheques, bills of ex-
change and promissory notes,insurance
r;,; olicies, deeds and receipts for pay -
rents, amounting to 28,578,244. The
,zu,,�,, g $
Y,yltems land tax, house duty, property
and income tax speak for themselves,
'' The local taxation accounts include
'-C' additional customs and excise duties,
'';licenses find:moiety of 'probate duty.
Besides these amounts raised by tax-
•ation, there were the following items
of revenue of the nature of payments
pr services or receipts from property.
�'�11Post Office 10,700,000 52,3$65,333
`' 1 Ceoownlalnds�ice 2'0,000 12,556,000
1,99 ,33333
k.$uez Canal shares interest 3411.995 1,922,309
a Iscellaneous 1,883,767 9,167,666
Total 16,028,762 78,006,641
Total taxation as above. .,.85,668,512 416,920,238
r''otal net revenue A101,697,301 $194,926,879
Having thus considered the system
'of,taxation in the United Kingdonl,the
'different heads under which it is paid
• And the amounts collected under each,
the results in Canada if the Liberals
were given power to carry out their
�.palicy of approximating to that goal,
say be estimated with a close approach
1 aeonc
ng the amount to he raised
q: tax n to he $28,221,415, the aver-
rif the last five years, customs and
i xcise duties on tobacco and intoxicat-
>;`ing liquors would he called upon to
' . ontrihutj9 $14,111,000.
• 'Customs duties on tea, coffee, cocoa
;tid`rl chocolate would have to yield $1,-
;800. This was and still is as favorite
;44x Of Sir )Richard Cartwright, because,
X 49 ive do tot produce these articles, the
'visile duty must be paid by the consn-
;in r, without any recnction of price
through, domestic c, a» and
,)"it 1tthout aiding any Canadian industry.
;ii very family in the hand would have
X10 contribute to this amount, hut not
equally, for it is notorious, that the
r+gest consnuters of these beverages
e a14nnng the poorer people.
'Customs ditties on dried fruit,reisins,
i, taints; &c., would be called upon for
1,4'1.,000. These articles are in much
he game position as tea and coffee,and
he;titx would be similarly oppressive.
Awong excise duties, would he a
*tent by railways, to the amount
• nf: $91,000, which would assuredly he
A' collectd'd by the companies from their
iiiitetxitfrS, in increased fares and
Oxif) its.,
:the ,death duties-prohate, legacy
aantl,_8uccession, would he expected to
irr'iiiince ;,$2,822,000. The widow or
vinii i ter iii whom a thoughtful father
, Ullrl< eft a legacy to afford aid he could
np'Jotlger'give, would have to yield up
* h00 of"it. Every farmer's son suc-
e,eecUn to his fathers farm, would
Alla e i,begin .his career by a consider-
ablti tt ymetit on his acres, probably
ilse by a, mortgage on the farm.
er,stftmp duties would have to
tto tribilte41,881,500 to the revenue.
k'y, 1jiji'eni'lttace policy taken out,
ether re, er fire, every deed given,
ii'M'0heque Or pr6nrissory note
iui, e y receipt signed would re-
t%11O Its'O tllp,aalid the shone for it, a
le iit�.ati oyauCe, ebpeciallyy to husi-
tst7etl, v e would, however, when -
)014410, recoup themselves from
r custOnte .
but i tOtleast , comes direct taxa-
•o*-ellos band
the h , property and in-
ths,,,probate, legacy and
mine .tttxesTte (red to. pr.. 'ace i0,-
926,000. Every farmer would are his
broad acres lying open to the' tax col-
lector; every thrifty rueehnnic having,
as many have, a little home of his own,
would have to pay his quota ; every
business or professional man would be
subject to this inquisitorial and most
odious of all taxes.
There would remain other customs
and excise dirties and miscellaneous
small taxes to yield the required $1,962,
600. A yearly tax upon yonr carriage,
upon your dog (unless you are a shep-
herd or cattle drover or a blind wan)
upon playing cards, for selling candy,
for using a crest of arms, for carrying
a gun or pistol, for employing a roan
servant, for shooting game, such are a
few of these ruultlfarious petty de-
mands from the tax collector.
This is the system of taxation which
Ate. Laurier anus to establish in Cana-
da,and to which he intends to approxi-
mate as readily as possible, if the peo-
ple give him the opportunity.
Put in tabular form, it would be as
follows :-
Customs and excise duties
on tobacco and intoxicat-
ing liquors $1.4,111,00)
Customs duties on tea,, cof-
fee and cocoa 1,282,800
Customs duties on dried
fruits 141,000
Excise duty --railways
Death duties -probate, lega-
cy and succession..... , 2,822,000
Stamp ditties on insurance,
cheques, receipts &c 1,881,501
Direct taxation--land,bouse,
property and income 5,026,500
Miscellaneous duties and
taxes 1,062,600
In this calculation the duties on to-
bacco and intoxicating liquors have
been taken as bearing the same propor-
tion to the total taxation as in the
United Kingdom, hut at present they
yield only $10,000,000. It will hardly
be suggested that the consumption
should be increased, and the duties
could not be raised materially without
inducing a great amount of smuggling.
If under these circumstances the
revenue from this source could not he
augmented and had to be distributed
among the others, the modified table
would. stand a s follows:-
ta �t t
Customs and excise duties
on tobacco and intoxicat-
ing liquors $10,000,000
Customs duties on tea, cof-
fee and cocoa 1,648,400
Customs duties on dried
Excise duty -railways
Death duties -probate, leg-
acy and succession
Stamp duties on insurance,
cheques, receipts, &c
Direct taxation -land, house,
property and income
Miscellaneous duties and
It might be found that some of these
sources of revenue belong to the Pro-
vinces rather than the Dominion, and
some from the different circumstances
might not yield so well as 'in tjr e
old country. The British Chancellor
of the Exchequer when in a difficulty
puts another penny on the income tax,
and no doubt Sir Richard 'Cartwright
would gladly, in a similar manner,
have recourse to increased direct taxa-
Sometimes when at a loss to say how
they will raise the necessary taxation,
the Opposition suggest vaguely that
they may reduce expenditure and so
require less taxes. The Liberal leaders,
under the same financial authority,
were given a trial in the Dominion,
and they did not reduce expenditure
and taxation. Their friends are or
have been in power in every province
except British Columbia -in none of
them have they decreased expenditure
or taxation, in every one of them they
have increased expenditure and tax -
don. Nothing Netter could be expect-
ed from them 0' they were in power at
The fact is the taxation is not exces-
sive nor greater than is required for the
service of the country and its people.
The taxation in the United Kingdom is
$9.78 a head, in France it is $11.92, in
Germany $6.32, in Austria-Hungary
$6.67, in Australasia it is $12.49, while
in Canada it is only $5.01. In the
United States it is $4.26,hut to this has
to be added the States' direct taxation
to take the place of our Federal siib-
sidies, not granted in the neighboring
The revenue must he raised, and the
Liberals propose to raise it as soon ab
they can, in the manner above shown.
Canadian electors, would you like it?
When a member of the medical pro-
fession hedged in as he is by a large
measure of conservatism, expresses an
opinion Of a proprietary medicine it
means a gond deal. Dr. Grath -rut, the
popular member in the horse of com-
mons, of Bernice, Quebec, speaks in
highest terms of Dr. Agnew's catarrh-
al Powder, not alone as a professional
mean, knowing the nature of this rem-
edy, but from personal experience. He
has used the medicine for catarrh, and
freely lets the public know cf the re-
markable, speedy and effective nature
of the medicine in all cases of the kind.
One puff of the powder gives relief in
10 minutes.
Sample Bottle and Blower sent by S.
G. DETUHON, 44 Church st., Toronto,
on receipt of 10 cents in stamps, or
silver. -Sold by Watts & Co.
At Chatham, Robert, McDonald was
sentenced to fourteen years in peni-
tentiary for arson.
We are not to blame for. We cannot
he held responsible for the dispositions
and tendencies which we derive from
our ancestors, nor are we responsible
for the germs of disease which may
manifest themselves in our blood as a
heritage from former generations,
but we are responsible if we allow
these germs to develop into serious
diseases which will impair our useful-
ness and destroy our happiness. We
are responsible if we transmit to our
descendants the disease germs which
it is possible for tie to eradicate by the
use of Hood's Sarsapari11ia1, the one
true blood purifier. This medicine has
power to make rich, red blood and
establish perfect health instead or
Zr. f i ZIRR.R4k PARTY' 4,Y,D ROTOR. U4 NON: r
As some of the mouthpieces of the
Liberal party are loud in 'attacks upon
the superannuation expenditure by
the Conservative administratio7, it is
well to examine the policy and practice
of the Liberals when in powpr, and, the
effect upon the superannuation fund
to the present day.
In their five years of office from Nov-
ember, 1873, to October, 1878, the Lib-
eral Ministry, under Mr. Mackenzie
and Sir R. Cartwright, used the power
of superannuating civil servants to a
greater extent, at larger costs and
more profusely than ever before'°or
Up to June 30th, 1895, the civil ser-
vants superannuated by the Mackenzie
administration had drawn from the
superannuation fund the surd of $950,-
002. As the total expenditure for sup-
erannuation up to that date had been
$4,036,350, the Liberals for their five
years had incurred very nearly a quar-
ter of the outlay, an enormsus over -
proportion from any point of view.
And in the fiscal year 1894-95, 33 civil
servants, superannuated by the Liber-
als, were still on the list and drew
$10,170, so the weight thus placed on
the fund is far from being removed at
To these Rye years of Liberal admin-
istration may be largely attributed the
bnrden on the superannuation fund.
The following are the civil servants
superannuated by the Liberals during
their term' of office, from 1874 to 1878,
still alive in 1894.5: -
ALIVE. IN 1894-95.
+- , Received Total
Depart- `a r' in since
Name. ment, a 1894-'5, Suporannu-
Agnes, W....Customs 59 $588 00 $9,849 00
Bully, Jos..Agriculee 63 166 56 2,789 88
Cameron, Rev. J. Statistical
Office, Hfx- 252 24 4,519 30
elute, J. S...Customs 80 396 81 6,746 68
Condon, Wm. Marino 66 178 56 3,853 92
Cook, CeliaCanals 54 60 84 1,257 40
Eager,J.B. Post Office 42 499 56 9,116 97
Ferland, S. Agricul't'e 36 262 O8 4,939 18
French T.B, Public W 69 617 16 11,055 45
Godln L Canals 62 217 68 4,643 84
Hall, J Customs 63 434 52 7,785 15
Howe, John Post Office 62 1,399 92 26,598 42
Hunter, Jas....Canals 65 97 98 1,990 14
1i;irnbor, R Parli'mcnt 59 1,048 80 21,130 68
Kin , J. W,, ..Justice 46 608 04 12,008 69
La Croix, H. Customs 50 675 10 12,095 66
Le Sueur, P Post Office 63 1,024 32 18,150 25
Lindsay, A. T. H. Que. 42 783 36 15,275 52
Lowden H. 3. Marine 57 285 60 5,474 00
Mereditb,E.Alnterlor 62 2,520 00 42,000 00
McMillan, Rev. H. Statistical
Office Hfx 41 488,88 8,636 88
Nutting, C. M. 10 - 145 56 2,607 9.5
Pewkins, TCustoms 66 360 00 6,076 70
Pdreell, Jas do 60 366 48 6,476 54
Quinn, F Inl. Rev. 4,5 347 76 1,245 00
Ryan, W. AStatistical
Office, Hfx - 75 72 1,356 65
St.Amour,Is.PostOffice37 150 72 3,014 35
Tuck GeoCustonaa 62 114 00 2,280 00
Woo,igato,APostOHice62 1,552 45 31,176 56
DIED IN 1894-5.
Ahern, Wrn....Canals 59 109 53 7,922 67
Kurland, BCustoms 72 210 00 14,140 00
Hill, Thos Marine 62 216 81 3,446 05
Rhodes, J State 49 115 20 2,092 36
Total $16,169 37 $317,731 84
Some tof the civil servants superan-
nuated by the Liberals have drawn the
following amounts to June 30th, 1895:
John Langton ...Auditor General $42,558
E. A. Mcredlth,.Deputy Minister Interior 4'2,000
Geo. Futvoyo... Militia39,139
11. Bernard " Justce.. 33,071
A. Woodgate Inspector Post Offices, N.B. 31,176
This shows how enormously the
superannuation fund was burdened by
the administration of Mr. Mackenzie
and Sir R. Cartwright. To ascettain
how and why the burden was incurred
one or two salient examples may be
Mr. Langton, who stands at the top
of the list., having -drawn the largest
amount, ot superannuation in the his-
tory of Canada, was superannuated a
few months before the Liberals resign-
ed. He lived for sixteen years longer
and for half and that time received a
good salary as one of the financial offi-
cers of a prominent joint stock com-
pany, strong evidence of his recognized
capacity for further work of that
nature. But though he could have
continued to till it his post as Auditor -
General was wanted for a zealous if
somewhat unfortunate friend of the
Liberal Administration, 80 Mr. Lang-
ton was unnecessarily shelved at a cost
to the country of $42,550. Teri years
were added to his term of service to
complete his annuity, a practice
a against which the Liberals now inveigh.
Mr. E. A. Meredith, the next on the
list, was also superannuated on the eve
of the departure of the Liberals from
office. He too has since served and is
still serving at a liberal salary one of
the great financial institutions of the
country, so he also is plainly valued as
being still fitted for work, seventeen
years hater, hut his office was also
wanted for a friend of the administra-
tion. In his case an addition of three
years was made to his terra of service
to complete his allowance.
Further investigation would show
similar practices in other cases of sup-
erannuation by the Liberals.
Mr. McMullen aptly characterised
the practice when he said in the House
"Every possible excuse that can he
used in order to superannuate rnen who
were filling lucrative positions that
were wanted for others," but forgot to
add that the description applied to his
friends. Hansard, June 5th, 1805, p.
Loud complaints have been made by
the Liberals that the Conservatives
have added years to the term of ser-
vice to add to the pension or to make
up the minimum qualifying term of
service. Mr. McMullen M. P., gave in
the House a table, published in Han-
sard, of certain superannuated civil
servants with their length of service
and years added, prefacing the list by
the observation "I will give a few
more names to show how
0 this Act has
been abused." Yet in this list of four-
teen asserted Conservative abuses, five
only were superannuations by the
Conservatives and no less than nine by
the Liberals.
Hansard, June 5th, 1895, p. 2217. In
a subsequent table profetsing to give
amounts paid in and received, Mr.
McMullen includes a number of super-
annuations by the Liberals though ex-
pressly stating that all were super-
annuated by the Conservatives,
But this is not all. In the five years
of Liberal administration they added
years to the time of actual service in 34
cases of superannuation;, the years thus
Sickly Women!
The Old Rellattlel! Opt/Wallets.
88 "Yeartaa Experiences
Out of sorts -easily tired, lag.
gard, pale and hatless, try Indian
Woman s Balm. It makes rich
•new blood, banishes backaches,
headaches, heart palpitation, con--,
stipation and all other ailments
to which women aro so subject. It
is suffering womanhood's greatest
boon, Ras cured thousands -
Why not you?
Sold in Clinton by J. H. Combe.
added totalled 269; the average time
added was 8 years; the percentage of
years added to actual service was 42;
the number of cases under the ten
years limit was 9; the time served in
two cases being only 3 years, and two
others only five years.
As a means of comparison it may be
stated that in the five years under Con-
servative administration, from 1891 to
1895, (the latest given in detail) there
were 15 cases of added years against
the Liberals' 31; the year amounted to
88JI against the Liberals' 269; the aver-
age time added was less than 0 years
against the Liber•rls' 8; the percentage
of years added to actual service was 30
against the Liberals; 42, the number of
cases under the ten years' limit was 2
against the Liberals' 9; and•»4in no case
were the years of actual service less
than five
Nor was the former Conservative
administration of superannuation a
precedent for the reckless management
of the Liberal. In three years and a
half from adoption of the system of the
assumption of office by the Hon. A.
Mackenzie, there were 14 cases of added
time as against the Liberals 34 in five
years; the years added amounted to 96
against the Liberals' 269; the average
time added was seven years against
the Liberals' 8; the percentage of years
added to actual service was 37 against
the Liberals' 42; the number of cases
under the ten years' limit was only
one agtsinst the Liberals' 9, and in that
case only one year was wanting., where
as two of, the Liberal cases were of
three ysars service and two others five
A superannuation system for the
civil service is generally considered
desirable as tending to promote its
efficiency, In the absence of some
such provision there is a very natural
reluctance to discharge old public ser-
vants without strong reason, and a
tendency to show leniency in a case of
failing powers as long as possible, while
a superanuuation allowance removes
this hesitation, as soon as a charge
seems to promise greater effiiciency,
which often means also greater econ-
omy. For this and other reasons not
only governments but also banks, rail-
way companies, &e., having large staffs
have established and maintained super;
annuation funds.
The Dominion of Canada enacted a
superannuation system for its civil ser-
vice in 1870, a rate of abatement on
official salaries being fixed that would
have carried it through with little or
no cost to the country. In 1872, how-
ever, the unfortunate sympathy of
Parliament overcame its discretion and
the abatement was lowered to one find
a quarter per cent. on salaries under
$600, and two per cent. on salaries of
$600 or more.
The abatement thus reduced, was in-
sufficient, especially in view ot the
recklessness of the Mackenzie adminis-
tration in superannuating prematurely
to make vacancies for their friends,
and adding inordinately to the years
of actual service in computing the
allowance, so that not only no reserve
could he formed. but the supperannua-
tior1 fund, from the receipts exceeding
the expenditures as was the case when
they took office, was brought under
their administration to the position of
the expenditures far more than doub-
ling the receipts.
in 1893 the Finance Minister procur-
ed the enactment of a law, establishing
the superannuation fund on a sure
basis, the abatement being made three
per cent, on salaries under $600 and
three and a half per cent, on salaries of
that amount or more, and a fundp_e_s-
tahlished with interest calculated 'fres
maintain a reserve actually sufficient
to meet future demands. Thus the
civil service has secured to it aper-
manent superannuation system while
the country is ensured against exces- I
sive cost.
Such is the actual record of the
Liberal administration as compared
with that of the Conservative in re-
spect to superannuation.
Freeman Blackwell, the Biddulph
farmer, who shot at Albert Hodgins,
of this village, on May 1st, eluded the
officers for three days, but finally went
to Lucan and gave himself up. He
was arraigned before Squire Armitage
and Justice of the Peace O'Neil, and
pleaded not guilty to the charge of
shooting with intent to kill. Three
witnesses for the prosecution swore to
having seen him point the revolver in
the direction in which Hodgins was
running when he tired the shot. He
WAS sent for trial and bailed in the
amount of $1,500.
Could not get Insured.
Selected by Straight Line and
Mutual Companies.
But now Insured In both.
"Should I dle while 1 am in a position
to pay myinsurance premiums, my
family willowetheir support to Scott s
Sarsaparilla. Two years ago I applied
to two companies for insurance, $1000
in each. afy face was a mass of pimply
blotches and my urine did not stand the
test. One doctor. in examining me said
I could not pass, but that my trouble
was curable. He advised an alterative
medicine and I commenced taking
Scott's Sarsaparilla, Both companies
rejected me, but four months later, after
I had takenfive bottles of your remedy
I am thankful to stay both accepted me
as a risk --one being a stock company,
the oer a mutual. The examiner who
fprevi ly examined me, remarked " I
never w such a change in any man."
This indorsed by Mr. 3. Todd, the
popular druggist, coater Queen and
Crawford Streets, Toronto.
Scott's Sarsaparilla builds Up debili-
tated constitutions, imparts strength,
vigor and vitality, clears and purifies the
blood. It cures akin diseases rheu-
matism, gout, tndig:ation and all cenr-
ppiaints arising from poor or poisoned
blood. Of all druggists, et per bottle.
irk the Streattnent of the Throat and Lung
Troubles, Catarrh, Asthma, Bronchitis,
Nervous, Chronic and Special pis,
eases of men and women.
Lost Manhood restored -Kidney and Blad-
der troubies permanently
cased --Gleet, Gonorrhoea, Varicocele and
stricture cured without pain. No cutting.
Syphilis and all Blood Diseases cured
without mercury.
Young Alen Sufieri
youthful ngfolliefrom or tthendiacretlCBectaonsof
or any troubled with Weakness, Nervous
Debility, Loss of Memory, Despondency.
Aversion to Society, Kidney Troubles, or
any disoaso of the Genital -Urinary Or-
gans, can here find safe and speedy cure.
Charges reasonable, especially to the
Middle -Aged Men
There are many troublyd
with too frequent evacu.
tione of the bladder. o>iten ilccompanled by a slight smarting or burning sensation, and
weakening of the system in a manner the patient cannot account for, There are many
men who die of thin difficulty, ignorant of the cause. The doctor will guarantee aper-
fect cure In all such cases, and healthy restoration of the genito-urinary organa. Con-
sultation free,' Those unable to call, can write full particulars of their case and have
medicine Bent by express, with full Instructions for use. Mention this paper when
writing. Office hours: From 9 a. m. to0 p. m. Sundays, 9 to 11 a. in.
. ■ (Side Entrance No. 19 E. Elizabeth St.)
cavy Overcoats
Going on this week at
T. Jackson's, - Huron Street.
General Builder and Contractor.
This factory has been under the personal supervision and one owner for sigh
years. We carry an extensive and reliable stock and prepare plans and give
estimates for and build all classes of buildings on short notice and on the closest
prices. All work is supervised in a mechanical •way and satisfaction
guaranteed. We sell all kinds of interior and exterior material.
Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Lime, Sash, DooMs, Blinds Ere,
Agent for the CELEBRATED GRAYI3ILL SCHOCL DESK, manufactured
at Waterloo. Call and get prices and estimates betcre placing your orders,
A Thing of Beauty ... .
. . . . Is a Joy Forever.
We are showing some of the Prettiest Designs that
are to be seen in town. Have you seen our $2.75
10 piece sets ? They have an extra large basin and
ewer; if you are looking for anything nifty tor
very little money in this line, we have it.
Telephone 23. OGLE COOPER & 00.
The 16th of May
Is the date of the first day of our
Fire Bargain Sale !
We will then have everything in apple ppie
order ; we promised it and we will fnMi
our promise by giving lower prices oh
Hardware, Tinware and House Furnishing •
than has ever been offered in this section of the country.
rat -REMEMBER THE DATE; our Goods are all being marked down and
customers shall have the benefit.
tyd4 Light Weight and
y+� Ki;;idity. EveryMa-
chloci i:llywarranted
King of all
5 Styles
HOW Honors at the Wags Columbian Wxpesliiena
Send'it stamp for our u•page Cstafogue--A work of Art.
Monarch Cycle Company,
Retail Satesreem,.asoy`Wibx ti Ave. Lake and Halsted 3ts., CHICAGO, ILL.
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